Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 21, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    -t'PAGE fWO
ocal and
The dairymen of Med ford and vicln-
lty Issued a notice this mornlns to
the effect that the price of milk at the
dairies will be raised four cents per
gallon on the first of May, or to 26
cents. This will cause a rUe of about
1 hi cents per quart to the consumer in
Medford and vicinity,, making milk
12ft cents per quart. The -dairymen
glve as their reason for the increase
In price the scarcity and high cost of
first class farm and dairy labor.
For Sale 10.000 acres of land con
sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock
ranches, orchards and - timberland.
some Irrigated; also mining property.
AH property must and will be sold at
some price. 6ome as low as 11.40 per
acre, 6 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles.
Attorney. Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., or
Cold Ray Realty Co., owners, 15 No.
Grape, next Farmers & Fruitgrowers
Bank. Phone 465-J. 26
How Is this? Best quality baby
chick scratch $3.10 per hundred. But
termilk egg mash 13 00 per hundred
while they last. Watkins Feed Store.
Phone 269. 41
American Legion dance season ends
' Sat. Oriental Ballroom! Big time. 26
The Southern Oregon Stanford club
will meet this evening at 7 o'clock at
the Oxford hotel at Grants Pais.
Delegations of former students and
graduates from Medford and Ashland
. are expected to be present. A banquet
will be senred.
All Masons,, Eastern Stars and
friends of both organizations whether
a member or not are most cordially
Invited to participate In this party. 26
" Take your kodak films to Palmer's
. studio. First class work and prompt
service. tf
You will go again, Pavilion danee,
Saturday night Admission $1.10.
Ladles free. 26
Fair weather for Sunday and a frost
for tomorrow morning constitute the
prediction which arrived this morning
from the San Francisco weather bu
reau, but local conditions may change
by late afternoon which may give a
different outlook. Up to this morning
.06 of an inch of rain had fallen here
during the previous 24 hours, .03 of
which came during the night. The
, ' weather was quite chilly this morning
with a minimum temperature of 37.6
Have your ruga washed on your own
- floors most convenient, sanitary
method, kills germs, no dust raised.
Get your order in early. E. L. Davis.
Phone 644. 211 Btark St. 30
Do not buy an elect rio washer until
'we have demonstrated the new .May
tag to ynq. Crater Lake Hardware
Co. tf
For Bale New Columbia phono
I graph 'record' at half price. Victor,
BrunBWlck, Columbia, Pathe & Sonora
" phonographs and records at reduced
prices. Music Shop, 15 N. Grape street,
next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank.
Phone 465-J. 26
Jesus and Every-Day Life is the sub
ject of a very practical .sermon an
nounced by Rev. J. Randolph Sasnett
for the morning service at the First
Methodist church tomorrow. In the
evening the subject will me, In she
Market for Truth.
Auto Insurance.' Brown ft White.
Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co.
.", .'..: , tf
The birthday party given in honor
of Reames chapter Is going to be an
unusual party. You can't afford to
miss this social event, Tuesday, April
24th. 26
The city council has electod J. L.
Roe, the real estate and Insurance
man, as city recorder, which position
was made vacant by the resignation of
Judge Bagahaw. Mr. Roe, who will
continue to use the same office lust
vacated by Judge Bagshaw, has taken
over the Judge's Insurance business
also. Jacksonville Post.
See our window display of pistons,
and list of many of those who have
had DeLuxe pistons Installed at River
side Oarage. 26
' Our prices are right on fluff rugs.
Photie B10.M. SO
- You ean get it at DeVoe's. It
; . tub .; .
Is rapidly Hearing com
j pletion. '
John A. Fluhrer
known throughout Ore
gon and Washington as
a baker of exceptional
Bakery Goods, will he in
personal charge.
Mrs. Arthur Kleinbammer of Ster
ling spent Friday afternoon in the city
shopping. .
After the fire It is too late to Insure.
See Redden ft Canaday now.
Early Rose and Early Sunrise seed
potatoes 2c per lb. Hutchison ft
Lumsden. 26
Dance, I O. O. F. hall. Rogue River,
Friday, April 27th, music by Grants
Pass orchestra, supper at 12 o'clock,
by Rebekah ledge. Tickets $1.10.
Prizes awarded. . 26
There was a big improvement In the
public market of this morning with
home grown, prodnce. such as spinach,
onions and radishes on sale, and an
extra choice lot of reset tomato plants
from 6 to 8 Inches high, which sold for
35 cents a dozen. However, Superin
tendent Rnnyard's bulletin board re
marked that it would be about two
weeks yet until the market becomes
really good, as vegetable stuff is grow
ing slow. There was a scarcity 'or
chickens at the market this morning.
It yon don't need fluff rugs, others
do. Sell us your old carpets. Phone
510-11. 30
Donee SaL Oriental Ballroom!
Close of American Legion season. 26
Don't forget the Past Matrons and
Patrons ball Tuesday evening, April
24th, at the Oriental Ballrom. 26
C. P. Brown will attend a conven
tion of Willard Service Station opera
tors in Portland this week. Mr. Brown
is the proprietor of the Electric Shop,
local Willard sales and service station.
Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co.
Corbln Edgell baa returned homo
from a visit at Seattle.
The Medford Vulcanizing Works
sells 30x3tt tires for $8.50. tf
Mrs. Don 8pringer and children, of
Medford, have arrived to make their
more in this city with Mr. Springer
who recently purchased the Wardrobe
Cleaning Works. Grants Pass Cour
ier. We can still furnish spray hose for
20 cents per foot. Crater Lake Hard
ware Co. tf
Bathe and swum at Jackson Spring.
- - - . 26
Men's Uncle Sam and Big Yank
work shirts, regular $1.25 grade, 980.
Heavy chambray work shirts, $1.00
grade at 79c, Saturday and Monday
only at Hutchison & Lumsden. 26'
, Clarence Pankey who has been
packing oranges in California since
the close of the season there, returned
last week. . ' '
. All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. Ill 1
B. Main. '
Saturday and Monday Hutchison &
Lumsden offer big reduction In Men's
Uncle Sam and Big Yank work shirts,
$1.26 grade, . at 98c Heavy, work
shi its, $1.00 grade, at 7c . . 26'
All Jewelry and watches on sale at
Medford Center Jewelry . Shop, 26
William Rise of Roseburg spent
Thursday and Friday in the city at
tending to business matters. .. . . . .
' Dance! Jackson Hot Spring Sat. 26
Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nursery
Phone 68W-2. ... tr
Rhubarb and asparagns roots. Eden
Valley Nursery. Phone 680J-2. tf
. Assault with intent to kill and theft
Is charged In damage actions brought
against Chief of Police Clow in the
circuit court at Klamath Falls by Lee
Summers and Don Mezker, whose
automobile the police riddled with bul
lets on the night of April 7, after the
driver had failed to obey the command
to halt . Damages of $5000 each .(
demanded, Summers charges tbeft of
a revolver and Motzker theft of his
car, but demanding return of the pro
perty or their value in cash-
After six o'clock tonight Heath Drug
Store will give to each lady a box of
DJer-KIss Face Powder, , vanity case
size, and a package of Wrlgley's Spear
mint Tooth Paste. 26
Don't miss Legion's laBt danoe In
Oriental Ballroom. Admission 10c. 26
Men's work shirts at a big savin?
Saturday and Monday at HutchUon &
LumBden. -Regular $1.25 grade at 98c.
Regular $1.00 grade at 79c. . 26
Much snow fell in the high foothjlls
and on Roxy Anne during the night,
which constituted a rather menacing
sight this morning In view of the fact
that the fruit trees are mostly out In
full blossom.
Crescent orchestra dance, , Engte
Point, Saturday, April 21st. .. 26
Dance! Jackson Hot Spring Bat 26
R. I. Red setting eggs at DeVoe's.
Mrs, Chostor C. Kubll who was
called to Joseph, Ore., by the nines,
of her mother has returned.
Don miss Legion's last danco In
Oriental Ballroom. Admission 10c. 26
Expert car washing and polishing.
Phone 73 and "Little Rip" will coll tor
your car and deliver It when the Job Is
tintRhed. 33
There's a busy Business College
In Medford. OWN.
W. A. Folger who returned Friday
from a three months Btoy In the east
at Now York, Philadelphia, and Akron,
Ohio, reiwrts overybody working, and
business conditions Rood In the east.
He says the general opinion Is that
President Hunting ha made a rihvI
record, will be ro-onmlnated and tb
olcctcd, and that the air Is full of pro
paganda for the candidacy of Henry
Ford. . .
A vanity case package of Djer-Klss
Face Powder and a sample tube of
Tooth Pasto, Wrlgley's Spearmint, to
tlio ladles after six o'clock tonight at
Heath Drug Store. , 26
Wax paper for kitchen and picnic
use. Large roll with cuttor. Extn
heavy. Medford Book Store. 23
See special prices on standard make
tires before buying. Exchange Tiro Co.
S. M. lltulls. Jack Pnrtrldgo and H.
L., Ttmniley, of the Callfornla-OrcKun
Power company were business visitors
at the new Beaver cement quarry on
Marble Mountain Friday.
Grape vines: Tokay, Muscat, Mal
aga, Rose Peru, Zlnfindell, Thompsons
Seedless. Trellis grapes: Concord.
Brighton, Worden, Agawam, Niagara
and Campbell's Early. Eden Valley
Nursery. Phone 6S0-J 1 tf
Colonial Garage for Ure service. j
At the Presbyterian church on Sun
day evening, the pastor will begin a
seriea of Bible addresses In order that
the hearers may get a better under
standing of the Bible as a whole, its
books, writers and great fundamental
Bible themes. This Sunday night he
will give a blackboard illustration of
the Bible as a whole covering Bible
history from Geneeia to Revelation.
The service begins at 8 p. m. instead
ot 7:30.
Dance! Dance! Jackson Hot Spring.
Sat night' "Let's go!" 26
Several loads ot ashes, good for
filler or walks, for the hauling. In rear
of Mail Tribune, office. tf"
.: Oriental Ballroom! Sat Last dance
Legion maaagetaent .. 26
! George C. Bynder, of Chicago, attor
ney for W. C. Foster Co., one of the
largest investment companies in the
United States, ia in Medford on busi
ness. George Roberts Is the local
attorney for the company.
Gladiola and Canna bulbs. Eden
Valley Nursery. 6S0-J-2. tf
, Bargains in Sheffield silver at
Medford Center Jewelry Shop. 26
Grafted Franquette walnut Eden
Valley Nursery. 6SO-J-2 tf
The application of Oscar Callisson,
center of the O. A. C. football team
and basketball player has been re
ceived by the local high school to fill
the vacancy caused by the retirement
of Eddie Durno. No decision has yet
been reached.
Roses and flowering shrubs. Eden
Valley Nursery, 680-J-2. tf
Spray hose 20 cents per foot Cra
ter Lake Hardware Co. tf
We have good values in used ears.
Patton ft Robinson, Inc. tf
Mrs. Marie Benedick of the Apple
gate spent Friday in the city attend
ing to business matters.
Big discounts on all watches and
Jewelry at Medford Center Jewelry
Shop. ' 26
Oriental Ballroom! Sat Last dance
Legion management 26
Special prices on Standard make
tires. Exchange Tire Co. 27
People are arriving in "Klamath
Falls so fast that they are taxing the
capacity of the hotelB and rooming
houses, according to reports of hotel
men. Saturday night the Hotel Hall
turned away 50 persons, said E. B.
Hall, manager. The Baldwin hotel
and the Arcade also report having
turned away a great many persons.
The White Pelican had every room
taken. It was reported that many of
those who came In Saturday were
unable to find rooms. Klamath Falls
All kinds ot rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711
E. Main. T
See special prices on standard make
tires before buying. Exchange Tire Co.
For sand, gravel, sediment and team
work see Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple
street Phone 912-J.
Robert Strang returned Thursday
from San Francisco where he took
Mrs. Strang and their son by auto.
The latter two will remain in the bay
city for a month or two, visiting rela
tives. Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf
Are you for the Legion? Fine! Then
attend their closing dance in the
Oriental Ballroom Sat 26
Come to the big candy sale at tbe
Medford Center building. A balloon
given to tbe kiddles with every 10c
bag. 26
H. M. Chadwick, chief engineer for
the Rogue , River Valley Canal com
pany, departed last evening for Port
land where he will remain for Beveral
days on business.
Mrs. Corning Kenly went to Phoenix
on Wednesday and brought back the
garments which had been collected
there by the people of Phoenix and
vicinity, for the Jackson County
Thrift Shop in Medford. 26
We will loan yon money to build or
buy Holmes the Insurance Man.
Are you for the Legion? Flno!
Then attend their closing dance in the
Oriental Ballroom Sat ' 26
' Ed T. Staples of Ashland was
among the out of town visitors In the
city Friday afternoon.
Twelve Inch slab wood $1.60 per
tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more.
Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley
Fuel Co., Phone 76. tf
Delightful trip from Medford to
Glendale, chicken dinner 75c Served
11 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sundays at Eldon
Hotel, Glendale. 26
Last Legion dance! Oriental Ball
room Sat. Don't miss It! 26
Grants Pass lost to Medford yester
day In a ball game at Grants Pass by
a score of -18-14. The two high school
teams are playing again this after
noon at tho Holly street grounds in
this city.
Grafted Franquette walnut ' Eden
Valloy Nursery. 680-J-2 tf
The Thrift Shop Is serving the
Thrifty all the tlmo. 26
A $3.76 alarm clock on sale for $2.50
at Medford Center Jewelry Shop. 25
' An unusual thing for this time of
year greeted parly rlsors this morning.
The peak of Roxy Ann was covered
with A light sprinkling of Bnow and a
till heavier coating of white sur
mounted Grltily Peak.
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of
Ernest Ludwlg will confer A special
favor on hIB relatives if they will
noVlfy this office. He Is 29 or 30 years
old, was raised In Nana Valley, Calif.,
was working until April, 123. for the
Edison Power Co., at Dig C.-eok, Calif.
Colonial Garage for tire service. 319
American Legion dance season end
Sat Oriental Ballroom! Big time. 26
11. J. Kahler ot Klamath Falls hf.
returned to his home after a three
days stay In the city on bustnpss.
Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co.
Hematltchlng at Deuel's. 3K
Handicraft Shop.
Buttons covered.
3c per yard.
George A. Mansfield., president of
the state farm bureau arrived In the
city this morning from Portland on
one of his periodical visits, and leu
for his home near Prospect for a sev
eral days stay.
Last Legion dance! Oriental Ball
room Sat Don't miss it: 26
You. Yotf.' You tell her. I, I, I, stut
ter, that the Pavilion dances are dif
ferent The crowd blends. Dancing
every Saturday nigbt 26
Twelve-inch slab wood li-SO per tier
delivered by taking' 4 tier or more.
Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley
Fuel Co. Phone 76. t tf
"Not In its long history has the
town in the "same length qf time
received such a "puking" or cleaning
out as it experienced last week," says
the Jacksonville Post "Nearly 10-)
loads of old tin cans and rubbish of all
kinds that had been accumulating and
rotting in back yards for nearly half a
century were hauled to the dump yard.
It -Is to be regretted that many of our
citizens refused to comply with the
order to clean up their premises, and
they-will now have to deal with the
health authorities on the subject It
is a good law that compels people to
clean up If they are too lazy and
"ornry" to do so without being
Deuel's Art Dept 'D. M. C. crochet, wane ioc, cuiureu iau j. ai.
Snedicor. - 31
Hear A 1 ford and his Imperial or
chestra at the Fair Grounds Pavilion
Saturday night Latest dance hits. 26
Blng! Blng! Bing! Blng! Blng! No,
I am not swearing. Just trying to tell
you that you will get a Cory Thornlesa
t.ackberry plant with each Bing
cherry while they last Eden Valley
Nursery, 680-J-2. tf'
J. L. Vann and son arrived from
Aberdeen, Wash., Thursday and wyi
remain here for several days on busi
ness. They made the trip by auto.
Yes, we will serve another Dollar
Dinner on Sunday. Hotel Medford. 26
Put Hartford shock absorbers on
your car. Cold on free trial basis.
Elwood's Auto Shop. South Central. 20
Axmlnster, Brussels and Velvet rugs
cleaned like new. Best of references.
Fluff Rug Works. Phone 610-M. 30
The Crater Lake Rod and Gun club
will stage a shoot tomorrow over the
new trap at the fair grounds and every
one is invited to attend. All the
sportsmen of the valley will be pres
ent making efforts to break the clay
birds. Good shooting was done over
the new trap last Sunday by a number
of local sportsmen. '
Oriental Ballroom! ' Last Legion
dance Sat' Labnspach's orchestra. 26
Before you have your rugs cleaned
get our prices. Fluff Rug Works.
Phoen 510-M. 30
Crescent orchestra dance, Eagle
Point, Saturday, April 21st 26
In order to co-operate with Y. W. C.
A. drive the. home coming of the
Ladles' Aid of the First M. E. church
has been postponed . from Tuesday
until Friday. April 27th.
Grafted Franquette walnut Eden
Valley Nursery, 680-J-2 ' tf
Last Showings Today
4:55, 7:00 and 9:00 -
Of the World's
Greatest Photoplay
Begins Tomorrow
at 12:30
Tlio Ky of on Angel
The Soul of a Vampire
That describes llpcky Shnrp
tho most famous flirt in
English Uterinum
A rlAssIr tho whole world loves
with MAI1KI, HAI.LIX as llocky
Kluirp, mxirt-l by HUIIAUT
Mrs. Louis Salade was fined $14
this morning on a charge of Medins
after she bad pleaded guiity . before
justice Glenn O. Taylor. The arrest
was made by Denitty State Motor
ehicle Inspector Brea n. " ' '
Dance Sat Oriental Ballroom!
Close of American Legion seuson. 26
Knights of PyUnas. you are expect
ed to be at the Castle hail, Monday
evening, April 23. Business of impor
tance and work in the rank of Knight.
Refreshments. By. order of J. T.
Perry. CO. .-: .-.: St'.
Alford and his - Imperial orchestra
at the Pavilion dances,-every 'Satur
day night : - ; 26
Until last Wcdheiaay nfehf Charles,
Strang held the bowllnlr champlonshto
of the Elks "club "wlfTi an average of
213 for three' games." j Wednesday he
lost the title when Fay "Dta'mohd made
an average1 of 218. ; ' ' .
All kinds ot rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711
East Main.
Gennlne Else Magneto parts and
repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and
Bartlett tf
Jeremiah Cowley, a pioneer resident
of Yreka, Calif., and who is well
known to many of tbe pioneer resi
dents of this section spent Friday in
the city on business and visiting with
Come again for your Dollar Dinner
on Sunday. Hotel Medford. 26
When better automobiles are built.
Buick will build them. tf,
J. J. Skinner, H- Waltermlre. H. F.
Buchter and J. H. Jones have been
spending a few days here on business
for the California-Oregon Power com
pany. Grants Pass Courier.
Oriental Ballroom! Last Legion
dance Sat Launspach's orchestra. 26
Auto Insurance, Brown & White tf
With Medford trade Ir Medford made
F. &E. Theatre
Matinee "Every Saturday 2 P. M.
Every Monday "COUNTRY STORE"
Saturday, April 21
"Across the
Sunday JIao Murray and Rudolph
Vulontino in "Tho Delicious Little
Admission 10c-30c; Matinees 10c-20c
(8:30 Curtain)
" ' Seats Now
Loiver Floor. $2.73: "Balcony,
1st 4 rows, 9-.2U; Xoxt 4 rows,
l.ft-,; Next 3 rows 91.10; Bal
anco 60c , ,
M liMsTsMBsTassTssTsssVsssssTBhsTsssssssft
'i -r, .'i
.i. .:AS .:,
i, its-,;-- ,
of the convenience of handling your banking -from
your home or office.' , - ,
' i The First National's Banking By - Mail
Department, brings this Bank's services as
near as your Mail box.
."Write us stating the kind of an account .
you desire to open and the proper blanks
will be sent vou. " ' . .
Zhe First National Bank
1 s
the reverent service renders honor to
those whose tasks are done and helps .
1 those who yet have work to do., - ; n
Those who have been served by us in time of bereave
ment already know' of the reverent and efficient
funeral management with every detail completely
performed. . .-;.-; ,v- ? . : .
, - Successor to Weeks-Conger Co.
-Reliable ---. .. , ;t y v,, .Reasonable
$9.75 V
30x3 Fabric Tire
; 30x3f Cord Tire
; And we make our own adjustments,; j
31 North Bartlett ' Doc Wright
The Variety of Our Mill Work
is practically unlimited. We mako everything that goes into the
building of a fine hdm'e, from the stately stair case to small corner '
pieces, mouldings, etc., with a thousand things in between. , It
takes a visit to tell you what our millwork comprises.
10th and Grape
the Hiirh School
. i ' . t : " i.l ;: t':
.. BuUtftng Is "centrally located J ti ' l -5
vWc.tsfr.caeh person.' "'
' Class l'ooius for Sunday Sohool. f
Strangers will feel at home. H
- Subjects Sundav . 3
11 a. m. "Signs of Discipleship." ; , .3
7:30 p, m. "Satan's Counterfeit Religions." 3
Baptist Church
Phone 238