, V ... I ' UNGING CEE.: IT'S TEN OCLOCK- I'VE OT'TO'BE OTTIN" HOME OR. ME OLD LAOV WILL BE . irrlage Licenses T.,!Bloonifield and Lida M. I lalen and Mildred Persons. Circuit Court Die f.Bruennlng vs. Ernest D. niBBtft divorce. lent mercantile Co. vs. Agnes For money. Williamson vs. Henry nson. Default, findings bus, decree. i ford vb. H. S. Stlne et decree. jford vs. E. J. Bashford It, decree. vs. T. K. Magruder et , order. Chester C. Kubli. Order. lilt Larkin. Motion, order nal Bank of Ashland vs. ' Bartlett Summons. fi. Butlar vs. Jean H. Bakeman. fi. Bramwell, supt. vs. M. L. Bald-i etui. Default, judgment.' ; ,0, Bramwell vs. Fred L. Colvig. ult; Judgment. C.; Bramwell, supt. vs. O. M. Ros- ! Ctefault, judgment. ,C. Bramwell, Bupt. vs. Bert Arm-, t et ux. Default, judgment. C. Bramwell, supt. vs. Jas. Eaton. . nit, judgment. ,C. Sramwell, supt vs. Geo. Mar eV.' 'Default, judgment. Cameron vs. Frank Schnei- SiM. Schneider. Cert, of levy. Adjusting Bureau, Inc. vs. H. nthobyetal. Motion, default and f of tale. ntral Point Lodge 135 A. F. & A. it Central Point Y. M. C. A. Fore-(re.--? trI' Point State Bank vs. 0. B. ip et 'lJ. For money. lie Butcher vs. V. L. Stevens et Answer. jnes 'Bowling vs. J. S. Antle et al. auras..' pie X 'Allen vs. Charles L. Allen, ilation. cific Savings & Loan Assn. vs. St Land & Livestock Co. et al, r appointing receiver. ID. Hmmett vs. Mrs. M. M. Sauls i Chattel lien. de Hall vs. Grant Land & Live f Co. : Lien. '? Probate Court t Afbert Clifton Tayler. Affidavit. i. J.;."W. Gray. Admitted to pro- tuntjr Treasurer's Sixth Call for f Current Expense Warrants tte ftf Oregon, County of Jackson. fcnr TWannrtmntit .TnnlfannvUIn fcn.Apfil 20, 1923. v Kice is hereby given that there r4NTED SITTJATIONS tTiOr-Team work. Mr. (one 925-x. Stuart 31 yMTTEl lT5fJELLAJrEOU8 ItTKi To teut piano, four to six leks. Phone G90-M, or call 103 iktty St.; 26 iTED A saxophone. Phone 641-X. 25 ITED To buy about 1Q0 feet of r 2 inch galvanized pipe. Also toe and inch pipe. Paul's fectric Store. 25 SITED Airedale pup; must be hsonable for cash. Orbln Cooksey, 9 W. Twelfth St., end Of Jay St. 25 STEP Day old turkeys. 6. rU Phone 26 MTBD Having just completed a rin arrangement with one of the rgeat wool and Mohair buyers in state we expect to pay more an anyone In Medford for these mmodities. Johnson Produce Co. lone 97. MTBD 250 lawn mowers to shar m. Liberty Repair Shop. . tf KTED Rone moving and repair S Phone 4f.8-M or 488-X. nut, FUJfKltAli ctrjBCI it war Serrlc Imy or Night tmC tui ad on Cordially Oivea Oor. fltta sod Oakdale J If til jndn l i WUlki jerauit : -Detail in 'Alb iftldav Ue Vs. ite r. (I lsstng. 1 t Natfcli --i-i- UP FATHER I CiOTTX Be OTTIN' HOME. TOO- aw: tjTiCK AROUND "WITH ME are funds on hand for the redemption of Current Expense Warrants regis tered April 6th and 7th, 1923. Interest on the above called War rants ceases on this the 20th day of April, 1923. A. C. WALKER, 26 Treasurer of Jackson County. FOR HEX? HOUSES FOR RENT Five room furnished house. Inquire 435 N. Bartlett 25 FOR RENT Modern four room bun galow or will sell on easy payments. Room 4, College Bldg. tt FOR RENT Modern House. R13-R. Phone 25 FOR RENT Unfurnished house five rooms, bath and screen porch, newly painted and papered. C. A. DeVoe. tt FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty So., No. IS N. Grape St, Phone 465-J. . tf FOR RENT Houses r-ivwn White. Buy a General Jumbo 30x3i Cbrd Goes a long way to make friends We also have the best $12.50 CORD in Medford Crank Cases Drained Free 1 Jones & Kirkpatrick - Friendly Service EXCELLENT FORD , DELIVERY WITH CANOPY TOP $175. oo BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. MEDFPRTV MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OftTCOOy, FRTDAY. APKTL 20, 1923 - 1 f NO ?jAJE-HGW lo IT' TOO KIN VTAV OUT iO LATE? lt 0 HELP WANTED J MALE WANTED Men for box factory and logging camp. Fruit Growers Sup ply Co., Hilt, Calif. 30' WANTED Two men for spraying; experienced and responsible; 4 dol lars, a day; can furnish a house. Phone 407-X, evenings. 25 WANTED A carpenter; must be mechanic. R. Hollopeter, draftsman and builder, City Hall. 25 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished four rooms and bath, screen porch, on ground floor. 219 S. Central. 29 FOR RENT Modern rurnlshed three room apartment, electric range, light, hot and cold water, bath, etc., with or without garage; fine lawn and flowers. Adults only. 124 King St., cor. of Tenth. This apartment is clean and new. tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment at 143 N. Grape. 26 FOR RENT Two furnished apart ments. Call 113 E. Eleventh. Phone 963. 40 FOR RENT Small modern apart ment,' combination living and bed room, kitchenetto and bath. See O. A. Abbott Liberty Building, tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth Phone 82. tf FOR . RENT Rogue River bottom1 ranch. Prefer cash rent Immedi ate possession. Walter H. Jones, Grants Pass, Oregon, care Oxford Hotel. 26 FOR RENT One-half Btore room on Main St Inquire 116 W. Main, tf FOR RENT 80 acres or land nndei water, 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address Bert AnderBon, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE Excellent town pro perty to exchange on good farm. Four-Site Realty Agency. 27 FOR EXCHANGE Have 4,0 acre ranch in Griffin Creek district to trade for unencumbered Medford property. About half the ranch In cultivation. Eight acres bearing orchard. Good buildings. R. H. McCurdy. tf 'BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Dairy and stock ranch, 1647 acres; 400 acres Irrigated land; 400 inches riparian water right; 4 miles from railroad; 340 head stock cattle, 60 head dairy cows, 25 horses and all farming equipment For particulars address Box 66, Edge wood, Siskiyou Co., Calif. 80 FOR SALE Small well furnlBhed, apartment house, close In, a money maker. Terms If desired. If Inter ested address 417 C St, Grants Pass, Oregon. 81 GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 16 N. Grape St, Phone 465-J. tf .-" ( WIFE..OUT " ir-, J- FOR SALE 40 acres in Siskiyou County, California; cuts over 200 tofis alfalfa. 25 milch cows, cream check $250.00 to $300.00 per month, fully equipped, with all farm tools. Modern new home; foam 40xG4, 20 stanchions. Will trade or sell on terms. C. S. BUTTERFIELD A BEAUTIFUL HOME 20 ACRES PEAKS AND APPLES 15 YEARS OLD Ono Mile South of .Medford This is one of the' most desirable blockB of fruit In the Rogue River Valley. .Newtown Apples, ' Bosc, Bartlett and Winter Nollis Pears. With proper care will pay big Interest on price asked. PRICE 8iM,000. ; v This place is being pat In first class .condition. House alone would cost $20,000 to replace. Nothing better In Southern Oregon. Consider Income property, land or timber, or discount for cash. - r . J. C. BARNES REAL ESTATE ' Phono 784-L 411 Medford Center Illdg. . 20 ACRES GOOD LOCATION, NEAR TOWN 'FURNITURE INCLUDED EaRy to grow money-making crops on this well located "20" and lay the foundation for that big farm you expect to own somo day; on Improved highway, only 2 'k miles to town, city water, lights, etc., good neighbors, land nearly all level, deop tree 4lack loam, well tenred, good fruit, comfortable 5 -room bungalow In pleasant location, good chicken houses, barn, garage. Ideal location for chickens and small fnrming; ten acres Irrigated. M ILL HELL ON GOOI TERMS or CONSIDER TOWN PROPERTY, FOUR-MTE RKALTY AGENCY Rooms 400-410 Medford CVntrr Illdg. Real Est- Business Opportanltlns Btchaageii n MY HfM c i WE. ARE PROM HEADOUARTER-b' QUARANTINED I DON'T HANE , TOU TO - TO CO HOME GEE'. VloH TOO CUT 5 coulo vtav: tou are. 1923 av FOR RENT HOUSKKKEPINQ ROOMS FOR RENT FurnlBhed housekeeping rooms. 435 S. Fir. 26 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping rooms; 245 N. Grape St men. tf FOR RENT Well lighted front Bleep ing room, with bath privileges; also garage for rent. 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. tf MONEY TO LOAN LOANS Farm loans; city residences, business property; best rato-in Med ford; day or evening. W. Q. Wright, Room 6, Stewart Bldg., Medford. tf MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch Becurlty, 5000 or less, 6 per cent Interest O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board. Jackson County. ' LOOT LOST While shopping in Medford, Saturday, April 14, a two-piece agate lavaller. Finder please return to Tribune office and receive reward. 25 LOST Small white and black female dog about three weeks ago; half cocker spaniel. Phone 1021. 25 FOR SALS, TIOMi"3 FOR SALE Attractive modern bun- galow, party furnished, 132 Vancou ver. Large lot. $1000 cash, balance easy terms. Box C F M, Mall Tri bune. 26 FOR SALE OR RENT Small bunga low, modern. 620, Oak St. 20 FOR SALE $1750, 4-room house, lot 60x200, chicken house, garage, work shop, 18 bearing fruit trees, easy terms. Phone 973-L. 28 FOR SALE OR TRADE Make offer for (1100 equity 7 room house on paving, cIobb in. Price $2100 clear. $1000 balance payable as rent. P. O. Box 659. 26 FOR SALE OR TRADE Good cheap homes, small down payment good terms. See me at 618 Beatty St. 41 FOR SALE OR RENT Seven Toom house, Tenth and Laurel. Call 305 S. Oakdale. Phone 470-J. tf FOR SALE! Houses and hungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also . acreage. Insurance. C. 8. But terfleld, Medford National Bank. Phone 389. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 160 aero mountain ranch with irrigation, four miles up Elk creek; will sacrifice for quick sale. For particulars address W. Wagner, Trail, Ore. 27 FOR SALE Two lots on highway In Phoenix. Mrs. A. W. Short 25 FOR SALE, RENT OR TRADE Alf : alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co., No. 15 N. Grape St, Phone 465-J. tf I -Jrw h mmw .aw jcl I i -VUVJH wiht. U"0 TO TAVCE. HOTEL AN EE THAT h the hat eT t OCLOCK aw: mow LftTF.H int-l. Feature Service. Inc. FOR SASjB POULTRY AND EGOS FOR SALE 210 Mammoth Bronze baby turkeys, $150 for the lot. Ready for delivery. M. J. Foster, R. 4, Grants Pubs, 'Ore. Phone 601-F-42. 26 FOR SALE Hatching eggs and chicks from heavy laying strain. Red Wing Poultry Yard. Phone 865-Y. - 27 FOR SALE O. A. eggs for hatching. C. Barred Rock Phone 201-J. 327 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE A bargain 1n a Maxwell for a few days only. 1918 model, newly painted, new battery, two new tires and tubes. Price $150. 325 S. Riverside. tf FOR SALE Five passenger Chevro let, good condition, will exchange on Vord Coupe. Phone 900. . 27 FOR SALE Hup. touring, A-l condi tion, $300. Chevrolet, panel del., $2.50. Box 301, Talent, Oregon. 30 FOR SALE 1920 Ford coupe, 4 new tires, new battery, good paint Price $325. Ask for Senn, Holland Hotel, Saturday afternoon. FOR SALE Cheap, Oakland Six, new tires, ovcrhaulcr, repalntod. 1004 May St P. O. Box 930. 26 FOR SALE Ford touring cheap; bIbo Ford body and parts. 45 S. Central, evenings. 29 FOR SALE OR TRADE For property fine touring car, perfoct condition. 127 N. Riverside. 28 FOR SALE! Oakland SIX, newly over hauled, good rubber, at a bargain. Dun's Lunch Room. tf FOR SALli 1921 Ford bug, 18 valves, starter, all extra equipment, under slung and 5 disc wheels, at a bar gain. Dan's Lunch Room. tf FOR SALE Dodge touring car. Phone 601-J. 611 W. Eighth. 25 FOR SALE MVE8TOCK FOR SALE Three fresh cows, good milkers, cheap. Phone 17-F:21. 27 FOR SALE-J-Two burros and saddles, 1218 W. Tenth. ' 30 FOR SALE Two saddle horses, sad dles and bridles. A bargain. Sail evenings, 325 E. Jackson. Phone 211. 27 FOR SALE Two pure bred Duroc male hogs, $15 each. Phone 201-R-2. 26 FOR SALE Weanod pigs. 731-J. Phone 26 FOR SALE Pigs. Phone R-13-R. 25 FOR SALE FreBh cows, big milkers, high testers, officially tested. Walsh's place,, one mile NE of Med ford on Crater Lake road. 28 FOR SALE Work horses, small and large, single and double. Phone 681-R-l. 325 FOR SALE Grade, pure bred and registered Duroc Jersey sows, to farrow In March and April; alBO one prize winning registered Duroc boar Call Bert Anderson, Medford, or Mlravlsta Orchard. tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Germojone cures black hoad in turkeys. Buy It of Monarch Seed Co. tt FOR SALE Having planned to Install large capacity incubators of the Bolf-turnlng type we are now offer ing our 16 Standard Electric Incuba tors at greatly reduced prlcos. A record of hatches with every ma chine, lt'will pay you to buy now. Rogue River Poultry Farm. Phone 201-W. .27 Used Cars i i From $100 to $300 Used Tractors Overhauled and guaranteed $250 Terms if desired Ford and Fordson i . C.L Gates Auto Co. By George C,ET OUR, I (o PRETTY BENUTY tLEEP l TOUCH -J Hct ; k FOR SALK MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Wheat, two cents pound;, bring SHCks. Phono 17-F-21. 27 Fprt SALE One pair 500 lb. Fair banks scales, almoBt new. Will sell at a bargain If taken now. Phone 368-X or 1018-M. 26 OR SALE Traveling case for dog. Bolts on runnlug board. Comfortable for hunting dog or Airedale. Phone 1081.' ' ' - 25 FOR SALE-T-Homo Comfort range with reservoir, $40; 4-lld cook stove $10; Perfection 2-burner oil stove and oven. $12.50; kitchen cabinet, $6.50; dining tables, $8 to $17.50; dining chairs, from $1 up; rockers, from $2.50 to $6.50; sanitary couch, ' $0.60; 6x9 rug, $4.00; 9x12 rugs, from $8 to $15. The Medford Ex change, 211 W. Main. 25 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, extra good quality. Phone 591-R-l. tf FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, $14 ton. Miles Cnntrall, Ruch. 30 FOR SALE Gro-more makes new lawns out of old ones. Sold by Monarch Seed Co. . - tf E"OR SALE 30 gallon range boiler, new, and Delaval separator. Phone 341-R-2. , '.', 26 FOR SALE Two wheel auto trailer. Call E. W. Weller, Medford Hotel. 40 FOR SALE A good garage, 12x18 ft. A well built chicken house 8x12 ft. (would make n- good woodhouse). 618 W. Fourth St. 24 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, first cutting. Call or writo Route 4, Box 87. Adolf Schulz, Medford, Ore. 25 FOR SALE Good second crop alfalfa hay delivered. Phone J. W. Wuke- fiold 17-R. " 20 FOR SALE Dlso harrow, 1 disc plow, Van Brunt seeder, double A harrow, 3 section sprlngtooth, John Deere sulky plow. Phouo 220-R. 27 FOR SALE Sheep dip. Phone 311-R. 26 FOR SALE Chick food, guaranteed good, $3.00 per 100 lbs. Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR SALE Note for $575. Will take 4560. Well secured.- bears interest at 8 por cent. P. O. Box 1037. . 40 FOR SALE One Victor phonograph, cablnot style, and records. Phone 160. tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS, ft GREENE j. AbstractB of Title. Rooms 8 abd 6 ; Nq. 82 i North Central Ave;, up i stairs.- , Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Ti tle System In Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance.. KELLOGG, LINDAS & DE SOUZA Rollablo Jaskson county abstractors of titlos, Gold Hill, Oregon. - Attorneys O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Specialises In Real Estate and Probate Law. 80 North Central Ave. A. E. RE AMES Lawyer, of flea In Liberty Building. . Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORK8 Specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Only one Aised caron the floor. It's a 1 . 'SI I J tt! 1921 Ford at 1250 Medford Auto Co. Bulck Dealer , . , Oor. Main and Hon PAOTC NTTTTI ' McManus I J r : ') BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropractic Physicians DR. HARVE1 P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427 . 2 8 Medford Bldg. Phone 965. tt DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlo i Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDG "3S Naturopathic Chlro- praetor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chlro- practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office. : 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiroprac tic Physician. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 6. Suite 203-04-06-06, Lib- erty Bldg. Office Phone 680, Res. 1027. I Chiropody - CHIROPODY At office of Dr. Hal stead, Electro and Mechano Therapy and the Burdick Deep Therapy Light treatment for acute and chronic diseases. Phipps block, 225 E. Main, Phone E63-J. Dentists ' DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E, Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford. Oregon) Phone 669; Res. 1023-H., Office hours 9 a. m.. 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son, u. P. A. Attention given to i anything In accounting and In-j come rax requirements, jlook into : our simplified accounting method. Liberty ' Bldg., Medford. Phons 157-R Money to Loan J. n. ANDREWS Buys and sells: mortgages and loans money at good security, 31 N. . Grape St Phone 53-M. 24 Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, Baler manager, 103 E. Sixth St, Med ford. ' tf Osteopaths DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAIN! CARLOW Osteopathic Physician! 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phon S04-J-3. Residence 26 8outi( Laurel St. i : Physicians and Surgeons. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician: and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. ' Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 166-J-2. i I DR. A. BURSELL Physician and; 8urgoon, 312 to 814 Medford Bldg.l Entrance 86 N. Central. Special! attontlon to spine. Phone 29. - j Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIQHT Teacher ol - Piano and Harmony.' Composing, Arranging. Studio 818 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. t Public Speaking ' MAY ; LOUISE WILSON Instructor the art of publlo speaking, elocution-, dramatic t art, gesture and poise-! Faulty enunciation corrected. Studio: 214 North Holly. ,81 Printers and Publishers 1 MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the - best equipped printing office ' In m Southern Orogon, . Book binding, is) loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, .r etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. f'j Rag Weaving . i i- :i. mates nun rugs irom uiu ana y worn carpets ana rugs, rauai 610-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer i EADS TRAN8FER & STORAGE CO. Office 43 North Front St. Phons 815. Prices right. Service guar anteed. ' DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, day or night. Service guaranteed., 29 8. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dence 1060 or 206. tf Upholstering J J, WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. - We do all kinds of uphol- , sterlng. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone 101., TnrksnnvlllA. 0 ? Audit Ink (O Accotmttrtfl .YSTENAERVICElO; irvauraivce irvvestmsrvrs M. P. 8CBMTI MedforlBId tad Floor m e. t: a t o: W tJ 4 f JQm Secrtot PlvanT .-.ft '.'1- ' :' '-'