M?TDAV. 'APTJTTj 20. 102.? - - ' ' P PAGE FOUR BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKtfGOX. r " " . If JflEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED KVKltr Al-TERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. BY TUB MEDKORD PKINTINO CO. ' The Medford Sunday Horning Bun 1s furnished subscriber desiring a seven , day dally newspaper. I Offloe Mall Tribune Building, 16-27-2 , North Fir street. Phone 76. l A consolidation ot the Democratic 1 Times, the Medford Mall, the Medford : Tribune, the Southern Oregonlaa, The ; J Ashland Tribune. r 1 ' ROBERT W. UVUIj, Editor. S. BUMPTER SMITH, Manager. I BY MAIL In Advance: i Dally, with Sunday Sun, year $7.60 . Bally, with Sunday Sun. month. .76 " Dally, without Sunday Hun, year. 6.60 t Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .65 Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 2.00 , Sunday Hun, one year 2.00 C BY CARRIER In Medford, Ashland, i Jacksonville. Central Point. Phoenix, Tilant and AH fllfrhlYllVS: Dally, with Sunduy Sun. month..- .76 Dally, without SundHy Sun, month .06 Dally, without Sunday Hun, year.. 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year 8,60 All terms by carrier, cash In advance. I Official paper of the City of Medford. VilluiHl iairi u .............. J The only paper between E-ugene, Ore., . nd Snornmento, Calif., a distance of over 600 miles, having leased wire Asso ' ' elated Press Service. Sworn dally average circulation for Ix months ending April 1. 1922, 36?8, more than double thocirculation of any other paper published or circulated In Jackson County. Entered as second class matter at Medfurd, Oregon, under aot ot March 8, IS78. MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. , , The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper, and also to the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are alBo reserved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. In the non-move contest a new ' record of 11 houra and 58 minutes was . sot yesterday, by a well known local street corner lizard. 8UCH IS FAME (3. F. Bulletin) EUREKA, April 19. (Special Dispatch to The Bulletin.) W. R Phelps, father of twonty-two chil dren. Is in the county jail for "not to exceed one year." Fashion has decreed that the Gal- sheviklB shall no longer pack vanity boxes. This Is a good idea ae they are nothing but portable second-hand stores. Tho erointv la trnttliin- rnnilv Ln nut what tho turkeys' craws are full of in November, on the roads. .ir Mm Ford nnvn sho will not move into the White House, ovon If Honry Is elected president. Tuore Is . nut much danger of tho Ford family bolng rended asundor. A rain that lacked hut 13 conts of bolng a tx,000,000 shower doscondod on the valley ln the early morn, gently tapering oft into a 6, 10 nnd 16 cent drizzle. The season for bobbing phono polos with autoes has started. IT'8 NICE WEATHER (Malta,. Texas, Press) Tho house was full to Its utmost capacity, tho ologant niKhtdrosuoB and tollots of the ladles making a grand showing. ' ' " '' (Excavatod by T. L.) Financiers are warning the masses to keop cool when "tho wave of pros perity hits." What thoy monn Is for the masBcs not to launch a transconti nental tour on a surplus of $4, All doubt about tho metropolitan atmosphere of this settlement was dls nelled this a. m. whon a ludy invaded the biz. dist. nftor a box of sod i attired In yo oldo fiiahlonod Mother Hubbard. The Portland bull team is not In the cellar. This ouKht to sllenco tho malignant rascals who lire onstlnK aspersions at the administration of Governor l'lorce. Tho Main Stom cavities are bolng filled with a paving concoction, anil In throe lnstunces hnrdoncd bofore a taxpayer could stop ln It. TIiIb is unusual. ; PRY SrEAKHIl TALKS. (Salom ; Statosmnn Ililllno). A apoclulty of j ' dry speakers, ; OREGON POETRY (Roseburg News-Review) ' Toll 'em to cultivate with care ' ' , That Isabella grape-vino rare, j V In twonty years It mny compare ' ft With a Mission grupo-vlno we thluk l fair, ' Our grape-vine's sixty summors old ) And maybe nioro, so we've boen told; ' Kach year It's trlmmod and jot wo hold ;ii The following statements are not bold. , r Ifly-olght Inches It measures 'round . Wboro It cmersos from the ground. ' A ono yard fork above Is found (Seven forks In all, and all are sound) j II grows on an arbor ten foot With, 'I .A splendid shade from the summer V sky. Of Sweet purple grapes, my, oh my! Now having a vino llko this why rue It? Or chop It down? why we. wouldn't I do It, It's hsro to stay. If you only knew it And If you doubt us, come nnd view It. lti'spcotlvply yours, Harriet U Moore. THE SUGAR SENSATION. SOU Mcdfora trade la Medford made SOMETIMES panics arc profitable. The recent sugar panic has been profitable for the sufjar pnmblers. It is estimated they have made about a million dollars u week, and of course the American consumers have paid the bill. Nothing more clearly demonstrates the panicky condition of the public mind than this extraordinary sugar ascension.. Last February the U. S. Department of Commerce issued a routine report to the cf foct that sugar production for 1923 was only 123,000 tons above pro duction. -,"'.' ;' That was only a part of the report, but it was the part featured by the newspapers. Three days later Secretary Hoover assured the people that there was no shortage, that on the contrary a surplus of 170,000 tons could be expected. The newspapers and trade journals said the same thing. Tho department of justiccannouneed the rise in prices unjustified and announced nn investigation. But it was,too late. The panic bad started. The people bad read those original heifdlines and thought "Sugar shortage. Better lay in a supply before the price goes up." And they did. Millions of housewives bought sugar, and oil was thereby added to the flumes. The sugar bulls wasted no time in taking advantage of the situation, and sugar consequently increased in price fifty per cent in a few weeks. It develops now that that original report was correct, but that the entire report showed that with accumulated stocks on band, there was. no reason to anticipate a sugar shortage. If tho people had awaited the full report or given heed to the statements issued three days later, sugar today would he no more expensive than it was two months ago, for not actual conditions, but merely a state of mind, caused the flurry. v The drastic action taken by the Department of Justice yesterday promises to accomplish little as far as putting sugar gamblers in jail is concerned, but it promises to accomplish a great deal, in bringing the entire situation clearly before the people. "When, the housewife stops buying more sugar than she absolutely needs, the market will fall, and not until then. The quotations declined yesterday in New York because the sugar brokers anticipated such action. But they will soar again, unless this action is actually taken. Those people who want lower sugar will get it if they refifte to buy sugar at the present high price until the bin is empty and then only buy for their immediate needs. Quill Points A drive to bring down the price of gas seems absurd. What is needed is a walk. When you say a modern has one foot in the grave, you mean that ho' has the other on the accelerator. If you do housework at $6 a week, that's domestic service. If you do it for nothing, that's matrimony. Taxpayers will bo glad to learn that modernizing a battleship doesn't cost any more than building a new one. The growth of eyenicism may be due to the fact that "Follies" never are as naughty as they're advertised to be. A normal wife is one who is surprised when she observes how charmingly polite her husband can be to other women. As a rule the grafting is done before the fruit appears, but in the case of the political plum, the grafting comes later. " RipplingRhumos tf won noun ft IT IS SPRING. AND now tho vernal breezes arrive in many styles, with, germs of new diseases, and scents from flowery isles; we watched old winter going, with all bis futile snowing, and ballyhoo and blowing, we watched him go with smiles. Oh, spring would have a meaning of joy beyond compare, if women weren't cleaning our houses everywhere; but when tho spring has landed, and winter is disbanded, the women, heavy-handed, wave mopstifks in the air. "The house is surely dirty," my frenzied aunts insist; "in seven days or thirty we'll have it cleaned, we wist; so cease com posing failles, and paint those southwest gables, and carry chairs and tables, until you sprain your wrist. Tho rugs need thor ough heating, you must repair the screens, and when you think of eating, you'll find n can of beans; so do not lag or tarry; you must show pep, nyo, marry 1 Nine stoves you'll have to carry, and countless soup toureens." I bailed the spring with ardor, re joiced in balmy days; no bard was singing harder in Gentle An nie's praise; but happiness, is fleeting, and I'm so tired of beat ing old rugs I keep repeating, "Alas, for winter's ways!" Your blood changes in the Spring. Why ? YOUR blood is thli'ker and more sluggish ln Wlntor than In Snmtnnnit lino A to bo to keep you warm, i n e n comes warmer days and lighter clothes. Your blood, still thick and hoavy.ladon. Is slnw trt throw off Its Impurities. What happens? The Impurities crowd out through, the skin bolls and plmplos appear you tool sluggish and tired I Tho remedy for this condition is S. 8. 8. It Is the irloal blood purifier, borauso tho medicinal properties aro purely Togotable, It is a glorious fact that S. S. S. has given now, long-forgotten strength to older people and has mailo many old and young pcoplo look yonrs younger. Wood is Ufa It's your foundation make It rich get blood strength wa all need It, especially rheumatics. S. S. S. will give you greater enorgy, strength and endurance Mr. Harry C. Bachman, 471S Main Ave nue. Norwood. Ohio, writes) "i h4 akin trupfjoaspfatpfes see MariBearff. took sntf wss ftipsiv gutptittd (I Ae results I joe in ha tlao tint wees tint." Try It yourself. 8. 8. 8. Is sold at all good drug stores. The large site Is mora economical. Get bottlo today) SJSL makes you feel like yourself again I. T 1 BY E: CHICAGO, April 20 (By the As sociated Press.) News of the mar riage in San Francisco yesterday of Hubert J. Dunham, former vice pres ident ot Armour and company, and Edith Preston Drown, a Bociety ma tron of that city, marked the culmin ation of a romance which attracted wide attention in both business and social circles In Chicago. Following the meeting of the two here six years ago, Dunham, who waB said to have been slated to succeed J. Ogden Armour as head of the pack ing corporation, resigned and went west. Later Mrs. Drown obtained a divorce. In 1921, Mrs. Dunham, who had re mained ln Chicago with her four children, also was granted a decree on the charge of desertion. . S. nureau of Agricultural Economies) Kggs, extras 3014c; extra pullets 28 He; undersized ilhic SAN FRANCISCO, April 20-But-terfat unchanged. SAN FRANCISCO,' April 20. (State Division of Markets) Poultry unchanged- Liberty Ilonds. ' NEW YORK, April 20.' Liberty bonds closed: ,3 Vs 101.4; flrBt 44's 97.25; sec ond 4's 97.13; third 4V4's 97.81; fourth 44's 97.28';' Victory 4's un called VJl; U. S. treasury 4 14 '8 99.2. COMMUNICATIONS -, Both Mr.' Dunham and Mrs. Drown are well known in Medford, where they have ptten visited. Mrs. Drown is sister of lrank Preston, well known Applegate rancher. . dir., and Mrs. Frank Preston attended the wedding ln San Francisco yesterday, which was an important spclal. event in the Bay City. , . ' Livestock. PORTLAND, Ore., April 20. Cat tle nominally steady; receipts 3. Hogs nominally steady; receipts 62 (con tract). Sheep nominally steady; re ceipts 12. ' ; Butler. PORTLAND, Ore., April 20. But ter unsettled. Extra cubes 36 37c; undcrsrades 34 36c; prints, full box lots, 40cj half box lots 40c; cartons 41c; dairy buying price nominal; buttcrfat f. o. b., Portland 39c. Portland Wheat. PORTLAND, Ore., April Wheat, hard white, bluestem $1.36; soft -white, western J1.26; hard winter, northern western red, $1.19. Today's car receipts Wheat barley 2; flour 9; oats 3; hay 6. 20. baart. white, spring, 24; San Francisco Markets. . SAN FRANCISCO, April 20.- U. Amazing How Gets-ir Peels1 Off Corns Stops All Hurting Instantly It's Just wonderful how "Gets-It" ends coma and callouses. Putafcwdfopo(4'Gets-It"on hurting com and Presto! The pain stops at once, forever. Soon the corn loosens from tho true flesh and you just lift the corn off with the Angera root nnd all complete. .Money back fuarantee. Cocta hut a trifle everywhere. -Lawrence & Co., M(r., Chicago. Soldlicreby St nine's Drnjs Store Leon B. JlastUis TliR Wci.t--TCNoVN Mr.mciWM or THE Fan ova Receii't hook authoa Indigestion Unchecked Leads to Poisoning 1 If jom tuffer from Indlgettlon tt la n tire inn that your yitem ! btlng tlowly polond by the fer mentation In tht Inteitlne. Thta condition product! heartburn, choking tenkatlon In xhe cheat, feeling ofheavlneaaor drowalneaa. Irritability, dlacouragemtnt and dfipondtrncy. Thfie aymptoma call for Dr. A. W. Cha.r'a K-L Pill a, which, taken In time, will ortot the polaon In the ayatrm. Rc -Ml what ont former aufferer hat toaayi Mr a. Lottie J. Dewltt, to. 167 Front St.. Port Jtrvla. NawTorlt, writes t "I an glad to r T MadlHaa tt awiaVrrul. Kor orr ihrf jtr I htvl Ki. trior ami Hl.vt Ur trouM id It tti4 worn cut llfi an-t I sjxnt ban f-d. "t tnllartfnr irvausoataand I fill t o g anr mlii-f "Whan I '"r nilnrt In tna i t, IMlia an 1 tod? I rrxI like a m Y.Mt'r mllra la wMvtrrfo1 aM th r- In ttia mld tor Klduor and Bladder tnubla Tou can buy Dr. Chate'a remedlta at all drug ttorea. To be aure of grt lira: the genuine, that portrait and (( nature of A. W. Chaae. M. D.. art on each boa your protection agatnatimitatlooa Dr. A.W.CIUSE MKtMCTNB CO. ICO. Si Kodak Finishing Tor thoso wlio tlcmnnd tho brst. Swem'i Studio 217 E. Main Med foul Col. Hull Is Accused. '; To the Editor: .. , . I wish to state that the name on the business men's ticket appearing as N. B. Hohall should be N. E. Bo- huli. I believe this to have been a deliberate attempt on the part ot Coi. Bull of Durham, or some other in terested parties to conceal the iden tity of one of our strongest candi dates, as Mr. Bohall of the Southern Oregon Gas Co., should be on the board of directors of the C of C. ED. M. WHITE. Medford, April 220. . , SPRAY DOPE j YOU CAN GET ARSENATE OF LEAD BORDEAUX LIME SULPHUR CASEIN, ETC. in small packages Sizes s ! . the. garden. suitable for a few trees, shrubs oie ad Use Tree Tanglefoot 01" in . . . 3 it be bo and Save Your FruU WE HAVE IT Monarch Seed & Feed Coj Phone 2C0-529 Help tho Ixcal V. W. C. A. Ull 317 E. MaiwGi Know In VaklDW. YAKIMA, Wash., April 20. A light fall of snow fell early tlilB morning on the Tieton project, but molted as soon as the sun came well above the horizon. Orchardists say no harm was done to the fruit blos soms;"'' -t ' ( - i 1 , i For lnfantt, invalid & Children The Original Food-Drinlc for All Age. QukkLtmchatHome,OfHceeFountam3. RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract inPow der&Tabletforms. NouriatUnsNocooldna. Avoid IiniUtioni and Substitutes si at 9 ai .more alluring than & evei See the mysterious East in metropoli tan luxury. Travel Canadian Pacific all the way. "Empress" Express service to the Orient 10 days to Japan 14 days to China. Four "Empresses" -the largest, new est, fastest and finest steamships on the Pacific sail fortnightly from Van couver, B. C. Everything Canadian Pacific Standard there is none better. Get particulars from W. H. Deacon, Ofln. Agt. Psgr. Dept. Canadian Pa cific Railway, 65 Third Street, Port- 0! -Jand, O n. re....:'v,t ,r . j t'.-r -... 1 (siMiliaB Pacific' IT SPANS THE WORLD J . -th WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE. m -tin SsVi MANN'S The Best Goods for the Price, No Matter What the Pricfr-rMANlTS NOW IS THE TIME! 1 Put in a supply of underwear for the warm weather that is coming - - -' - EIGHTY-SIX DOZEN I MEN'S UNION SUITS I ATHLETIC UNION SUITS Made of good quality Nainsook, . full - cut. I All sizes, from 34 to 50 t 59c $1.00 $1.50 1 2 i BALBRIGGAN UNION SUITS Globe, , Augusta and other,, makes., , Long n and short sleeves, all sizes f 89c $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 Shirts and Drawers Lightweight Balbriggan 59c garment Mesh Knit Union Suits Sizes 34 to 46 SI. 25 Spring Suits 1 1 STYLEPLUS, VOGUE SOCIETY BRAND Well known makes, Spring Styles, Spring materials and colors, ' $25, $30, $35 to $50 A large assortment of Tweeds $25 and $30 Some with two pair of pants Mann's Department Store . THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Medford, Oregon , d ton i$ ' o s w isf I i ' i to., Knrn It Glvo it It the Y. V. C. A. Have It.