WEDFORB MKFD TRIBUNE, ftlEDFORP, - ORmO?T, THTOSTOT, fiPRTTl W. 1923 FLY 2541 MILES "Perfected lubrication adds 1-3 to your engine's life" 5.3 yean this if the actual life of the average automobile, at shown by na tional figures. Seven years and more this is the potential life as estimated by authorities. The difference of 1 710 years (or 13 the car's life) is the difference between faulty lubrication and perfected lubrication. C. OF C. BOOSTER BANQUET DAYTON. Ohio, April 18. (By As sociated Press). Victors in their gruelling test to establish a ' new world's record lor sustained flyinff, Lieutenants John A. MacReady and Oukley Kelly, army aviators, today wore recovering from exhaustion re sulting from alternately piloting the Fokker monoplane over a fifty kilo meter course, for 36 hours, 5 minutes and 20 seconds. The former record, held by French men, Pilots Bossoutrot and Brounin, was 84 hours, 19 minutes and 64 sec onds. Slipping out of the night Into the glare of searchlights on Wilbur Wright field, Lioutenant MacReady landed the ship at 9:43 o'clock last night arter having covered 2541.2 miles, setting a new distance record. The former record of 2.0GO miles, held by MacReady and Kelly, was made on their cross-country flight from San Diego to Indianapolis last fall. Four other records were established during the flight. They were: 2500 kilometers, 21 hours, 37 min utes, 3 seconds. 3.000 kilometers, 30 hours, 28 mln titeB, 61.4 seconds. 4000 kilometers, 35 hours, C min utes, 38.4 soconds. The respective mllos per hour aver age are: 71.8G, 71.60; 71.20 and 71. Major Goueral Mason Patrick, chief of the army air service, plans for Mac Ready and Kelly to make a non-stop flight from New York to San Diego, Cul. IBRAT WASHINGTON, April 18. A vigor ous defense of the -restrictive immi gration law was made today by Chair man Johnson of the house immigra tion commission, who, in replying to an attack by E. H. Gary of the United States Steel corporation, said the cor porations were seeking cheap labor. "Most appeals, these days for more liberal immigration laws are based on the idea of selection," Mr. Johnson snld. "Selection for what? From Mr. Gury's standpoint, the answer Is for work In the steel mills. In spite of restricted immigration the United Btatos Stool corporation seems to have clone vory well with a not earn' ing of $410,000,000 in 1922, in spite of a twenty per cent incroase In wages. SAN DIEQO, Col.," April 18. Dla ngreomont of the jury last night end ed the trial of Dr. Louis L. Jacobs, charged with the murder of Fritzi Mann, a dancer, and today prepara' Hons were under wny for a second trial soon, probably within a month The body of Miss Mann was found last January on a beach near here. Dr. Jacobs, publlo health sorvlco phy slclan at Camp Kearney, was said to have known Miss Muun intimately. The state attomptod to show that he had registered under an assumed name with Miss Mann at a cottage at La Jolla, the night boforo her body was found. The jury deliberated about 30 hours. Ill 1H Tnv WkmKwww Mrpiciroa or tub VAMOtr KBCEirr hook avtho Tonic Pills The Old Reliable Famllr Remedy for Huildlng Up the System, Nervous Die order. Insomnia, eta Neglect of tlctplttinMt, deprtt loo and ncrvoui disorders of any kind, I titranuly dnrout. All too fnsDjr man and woman, com ptlltd to go out Into tha world and battla for a living, necltct their htalth toeuch an eitent that nervoua breakdown la the In vltabla remit It la beet to ba warned In time, eo that theea nervous allmenta mar ba cheeked. Read what Frank Spreneel ol 491 W.Jefferaon it., Valparlaeo, la dJio, aay ii "Dr. A. W. Chate'a Tnnl PMti era hatnlna me In irri iwu. Ibleael wai In vrry hail ehapt when f bf-an the me of them. I am frellnff letter ererr day. Tha treatment It work in wonder In my cm ae my raee le about Uilrty-elfht yean aUudluf." Ton oan bue Dr. Cfc' TnU Pilla at all drug etoree. To be euro of rettlnc the aenulna. at that portrait and alf nature of A. W Cheer, MD.. are on each boi fdui protect I un acalnei Imitation. Dr. A W. CH ASK KMDICINI CX IS7 Waehlaf too it., Buffalo, N.T. . ASHLAND, April 18. As a prelim inary to an expansion campaign, on a baBis, the scope of which has never until the present Reason, been at. tempted, the local -Chamber of Com merce has made on energetic appeal to all publlo spirited citizens. The campaign made years ago, in behalf of the auxiliary water system, was a memorable one, but it had for Its aim a single purpose, whereas the issuo this season contemplates number of projects, the commercial organization defining them briefly as follows: We are now pledged to attaint financially in the industrial do volopment offered through the pros pects In the Shale oil fields and in other directions. Wo "have just given our utmost support to the re-establishment of the canning industry in AHhland, which Is now assured. Wo uro planning un extensive advertising campaign which seems demanded at the present tlmo, with new and at tractive advertising material. We will maintain an efficient Tourist In formation bureau at the Chamber of Commerce rooms. Wo will carry out as many convention, celebration, and trade festival days ns our funds will permit such ns assisting the national guard with the military pageant and review on Juno 13, tho July 4th cele bration, the wlntor fair, etc. Wo are now undertaking the advertising and promotion of the summer normal school. Wo are working for the de velopment of tho mineral waters dis tribution outsldo Ashland. We be lieve that the opening of two thous and acres of land under the new Ir rigation project will give us great op portunity to promote agricultural de velopment and bring in new settlers. We are always keeping in mind tho needs of Ashland for tourist develop ment and will keep this continually to the forefront. There are many things we are doing and can dc-but not without you will you Join us? Tills "publicity questionnaire" is signed Initially by the Chamber of Commerce, and countersigned by F. C. Homes, H. K. fTomlinson, V. O. N. Smith, 11. R. Uotrlck, O. A. Briscoe, W. H. McNnlr, P. F. Whittle, O. F. Carson, W. M. Wright. C. H. Pierce. W. M. Briggs and T. H. Simpson, all constituting an Important boosting unit of the commercial body. At tho expansion campaign banquet, to be given at the Depot hotel, Wednesday evening, April 18, tho foregoing out line of activities will be enlarged upon and emphasized by Bhort, snappy argument, further reinforced by all tho happy potentialities asso elated with a splendid supper and Ideal muslcnl accompaniments. Con scquently there should be a big boost in evldenco at this Important commu nity gathering. Early In tho week tho Tidings' now No. 14 linotype arrived, and this added Important utility to the otfico equipment Is expected to be In run ning order On short notlco, an expert mechanician being Bummoned to in- stull it. Beginning this week, the Ashland Portland stago leaves here dally at 7 a. m. for ltoseburg, Portland and way points, arriving at Portland nbout 11 o'clock at night; or It one profcrs, leave Ashland at 1 p. m stopping over night at Rosoburg, and arrive at Portland at 5:15 tho next day. This latter trip will bo a fine outing tour during tho summertime, enabling ono to view a wldo extont of tho stato from its southern to nor thern limits, by daylight. Locally, patrons of tho Intorurbnn service bo- twocn Ashland and Medford should notice that Instead of leaving hero on ,the even hour, several of the trips ara now scheduled dlfforently. For Instance three of tho morning trips uro now niacin nt 0:16, 10130 and 11:45, Instcnd of the even hour as formerly, and In the afternoon there nro several corresponding changes which It would bo well to make note of. On Tuesday of this week a number of local frultralsors met hero, with Prof. AVelgant, leading ennncry and drying expert of tho stato, from whom general information was avail able, especially to those who are in torestcd in cannery nnd drying opera tions In tho process of development hero, preliminary to tho opening of tho Benson for handling both fruits nnd vegetables on a scale commonau rato with tho capacity of the ro modoled establishment which Is to be installed In Ashland In tlmo for handling products of tho current year. Aside from tho First National, con densed status of which has horoto foro appeared In those columns inci dent to recent reports published, tho Citizens' Bank exhibits resources nnd liabilities respectively of 653,817.94. nnd the Stato Bunk, as reorganised, 1300,140.00. Mr. T. CI. McWIlllams lins recover ed sufficiently after sovero illness, to be ttblo to bo around again. The Ellison residence at 47 Laurel street Is being advertised for rent furnished. Agreenblo to arrangements' made snnto time ago for a scries of ad dresses, at tho Civic rlub houso, on pertinent topics of general intorest. Attornoy F. M. Calkins of 'Medford gave a very Interestlnar talk on Tues day of this week, his subject dealing wiin tho duties of women in regard to llio Jury servlco problem. Quito a number of Kovnt Arch Masons from this locality visited tho i nner Ijike rlmpter at Medford on Tuosdny evening this week, witness ing tho work nnd enjoying hospitali ties extended by tnelr hosts. In turn, it Is now In order for the Medford companions to return this visitation. an opportunity to bo offered by Sis kiyou chapter Id Jhq near future, I AUTOMOBILE LIFE EXTENSION CHART Life left for average Estimated life left for Age of Car car with ordinary average car with per- lubrication fected lubrication New 5.3 years 7 years i " 1 year old 4.3 years 6 years 2 years old 3.3 years 5 years 3 years old 2.3 years 4 years 4 years old 1.3 years 3 years 5 years old 0.3 years 2 years 5.3 years 1.7 years -- ,i mm M wive iTKe "Automobile Life Extension Chart" shows, as' plain as 3ayligri, $Kat the owner of the average car loses 1 710 years of service because of poor lubrication. ,Your car may be above or below the average, and you may not intend to keep it until it wears out but you pay a relative penalty for faulty lubrication, just the same. Here are three important helps to you ill getting! these extra one and seven-tenths years without extra cost: Y Clean. the crank case I every 500 to 1,000 miles and (when changing from one brand of motor oil to anotSier. , O Flush the crank case only with fresh motor oil never with kerosene or so-called "flushing" oils. 1 O Lubricate with" cop rect grade of Cycol t the perfected motor oil as shown on the Cycol Recommendation Chart, j Cycol meets trie exacting requirements of engineers for an oil of greatei stability and lubricating value. It is perfected by the new Hexeon process jused only by us. ,This process a distinct achievement in oil refining makes Cycol free from destructive "sulpho" compounds. Because of this, Cycol withstands terrific heat, without breaking down or thinning out rapidly, it maintains the; (essential lubricating film between moving parts and prevents early engine (depreciation. ! ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY Executive Offices, 79 New Montgomery St., San Francisco ' k Perfected Motor Oil- i n free from destructive "sulpho" coi mpounds Kodak Finishing for thoso who demand tho lfj-st. Swem's Studio B17 K. Main M'rt'lford O.V.MYERS "The Truck Maa" MACK TRTTCTf :s REO SPEED WVQONS WN.Holl, . rtono so The Variety of Our Mill Work is practically unlimited. Wo make everything that goes into the building of a fine home, from the stately stair case to small corner pieces, mouldings, etc., with a thousand things in between. It takes a visit to tell you what our millwork comprises. TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS 10th and Grape Phone 238 Tires and Tubes, Visible Gas, Accessories Ajax and Coast Tires and Tubes are quality supreme, fulljr guaran teed. Don't wait any longer and meet the big rubber advance. See our Spotlights, Baggage Carriers and various accessories. Drive In and make us prove that we can save you money and you entire satisfaction In every way. ARMORY SERVICE STATION r : raclflc Highway at Jackson Street Medford, Orefoft Armstrong & Wolff 'V