fEDFORP MAIL TRIBUTE, fEDFOTCD", (DT?EOONT. TUESDAY. 17. '1923 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE THE UNFORTUNATE WILSON TEMPERAMENT. PAGE FOUR IN TVDPPP.VTkPVT KEWSPAPER PUBUHHKD EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT BUNDAT, BY THIS MELEORi PKIKTINO CO. Th Medford Sunday Mom in f Bun is furnlchetl subscribers desiring i mtu day daily newspaper. Ottxct Mall Tribune Bull dine t-H- nor to i-ir street, roon . A onsoldaticm of the Democratic ?tmss, Uia Medford Mail, the Medford rtbunc. the touiiiern Oreconlan, The Aahland Tribune. ROBERT W. RUHU Editor, a HUWPTER SMITH. Manager. BY MAIL In Advance: Pally, with Sunday Hun, year-17.0 Daily, with Sunday Sun. month .76 Dally, without Sunday Pud. yar- s.sO 'Daily, without Sunday Sun. month Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 3.00 Sunday Bun. one ax 2.00 BY CARRIER In Medford, Ayhland, , lacKSonviue. trni nu ruiui, rnwu. "alnt and on Highways: )ally, with Sunday Sun. month .75 3ally, without Sunday Sun, numtb .5 ally. without Sunday Sun, year- T.SO aily. with Sunday Sun. one year 8 50 AU terms by carrier, cash In advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackson County. and Sacramento. Calif- a distance of over 100 miles, having leased wire Asso ciated Preaa Service, 8 worn dally average circulation for Us months ending April 1, 1I2. JS2S. vore than double the circulation of any other paper published or circulated In Jaokaon County. Entered as second eiasa matter at dford, Oregon, under act of March t. U. MEMBERS OP THT5 ASSOCIATED Tha Associated Preaa to MeIosiTIy entitled to the use for republication of til new dlspatrhee credited to 1 1 or not otherwise credited in th:s papr. also to the local news pubH&4 beretn- All rights of republication of special At spa tehee herein are also reeerred. Yt Smudge Pot 3y Arthur Pa'rjr The Democratic party Is looking for means whereby to oust Republicanism from the public crib. and. nobody has thought of giving the men something mysterious, and the women something to cry about. Russia cusses our form of govern meat, and belittles the Christian relig Ion, -tut our grab still tastes good. This Is a thorough American com munlty, but has no baseball team. ball team would Interfere with the great basic Industry fishing. TO THE ADMIRERS of ex-President Wilson, his occassional ex hibitions of sinalliH'ss, always come as a distinct shock. It is difficult to believe that a man who eaa be, and has been, so bit; in some nays, can be so small in others. In his refusal to commend President Harding's advocacy of the Tnited States entering the World Cpurt, his insistence on uncondi tional entrance, and his uncompromising preference for the League of Nations, Mr.' Wilson, again demonstrates that peculiar narrowness, that cold unyielding pride of opinion, which during his administra tion was his greatest, and in the final analysis his fatal fault. In taking this stand President Harding is aligning himself with the pro-League forces, and is breaking finally with the Irreeoncilible l!loe. ' Politically he is eertaiu to suffer for this action. Members of his own party are already planning to fight his reuomination be cause of this stand. Under the circumstances a great opportunity was presented to the former Democratic President, to show that he can forget past dif ferences, overlook minor political antagonisms, drop personal con siderations, and join, even with a former political antagonist, when a genuine principle is at stake. Hut in his public announcement, no spirit of this sort is even sug gested. Mr. Wilson gives no commendation whatever. lie flatly op poses the Harding program because it fails to go as far as ho him self would go. With cold irony he suggests that the United States should exhibit what he terms the spirit of honorable action, and in his mind honorable action and unqualified endorsement of the League of Nations are synonymous. It is really too bad. There is in America today, great sympathy for President Wilson, there is, we believe, more faith in his original brand of idealism, than most people suppose, but this persistent re fusal to make any allowances, to be not only more practical but more human, alienates thousands of people, who would otherwise be his supporters and friends. Quill Points Tha regular meeting of the Excuse- For-the-Men-To-Get-A way-From - Home society was held last evening, tha flight objectives being present. They are still serving coffee in this world, that science would never recog nise as such If it was servod In any thing but a coffee cup. Tha dog that barked at the moon baa nothing on the Portland boosting club that tries to kid California by radio, twice per week. l ' BOTTLE 8CARRED HEROES (Chicago Tribune) And NOW our navy la going to be sent to tight the rum bucca neers. Heavens! will the noble words of Oliver Haiard Perry be changed In the next historic dis patch that comes from a sea tight Into, "We have met the enemy and they at ours seventy-five cases of Scotch, sixty two quarts of Old Crow, thirty-three pints of Gordon Gin, and some cocktails." Ford Sedan, 1921. starter and rims: shakes you up and shakes you down f 175 on delivery; balance monthly 1532 Oxford Avenue. (Want Ad x)s Angeles Times). The last of the hon est men. ' Mary Green was out from behind the steering wheel of an auto the first of the week, owing to the butcher being angry with John Green. Heaving hootwear for horses has taken the elderly males by storm. On a wild pitch one of the contestants was wounded In the hlppocket Mrs. O. P. McNIchol. of Toledo, has returned with hor husband after a two months' trip through Central Europe. (Oregon City Enterprise). It don't happen often. The nation is on the road to pros perity, business Is picking up, and money, is plentiful, but the fool Hard ing Administration refuses either to spout "pleasant sounding phrases about humanity, or stick its official nose Into tha affairs of Europe. SPEECH DELIVERED AT OPENING OF BASEBALL SEASON THIS P. M. IN THE ROSE CITY IF IT DON'T RAIN Tax Burdened Fellow Citizens: We have gathered here this afternoon, and I hold In my horny paw-a thing-a-ma-JIg covered with the bide of Man's best friend the noblo horse. In life she was a sorrel mare. (sobs), and often rlsited with my white-faced steers, on the old home place. She originally cost the well robbed farmer who owned her. nothing. In one year aha devoured $3 worth of oats, and was taxed at the same rate as a sew ing machine. Oregon is a-goner. The spending spree la over. Extravagance jaxf roost go. He tearful, while I re turn to the walling post at Palem. and tear loose a good man to make room for a kleagle. The fast approaching bankruptcy management of this park requests me to announce that an auto matic, electrically driven wringer has been Installed 20 feel we,t of the peanut stand near tt main entrance for the convenience of patrons with oaked.handkehchlefs. and how like a handkerchief are the owners of land in this commonwealth. Find the superfluous word in this sentence: "Ho played jazz music." There are only a few good actors in the world, and you can't tell they are acting. America's point of saturation is almost directly east of the south ern end of Florida. The old-fashioned girl didn't call her sweetie "Papa." He was Reldom old enough to be her papa. 'A common interest would keep the nations at peace, and even common honesty would be a great help. The marvel is that the great men of olden time got that way with out benefit of first-page headlines. It isn't so very difficult to forgive an enemy, unless you have done him some shabby trick vou are ashamed of. ON U. S.TEAMT0 E NEW YORK. April 11 Nine mem bers of the American Walker cup goif team, accompanied bjr several other amateur players and officials; of the l imed Suites Golf association, leave on the Mauretania today seek ing contests on British links. They will compete as individuals In the British amateur championship at Deal, beginning May 7, and a week later nt St. Andrews, Scotland, as a team will defend the international trophy donated by George H. Walker of St. Louis. The last minute loss of Chirk Evans of Chicago, former national cham-( pion, who was forced to withdraw be-( cause of pressure of business was a severe one to the team. His place will be filled by either Jack Neville of San Francisco or .Guy Standiffer of Washington.. J. c, who will accom pany the team, both being entered for the British amateur title. The choice will be made on shipboard. The party Includes Robert A. Gard ner, captain of the team, Jess W. Sweet.ser of Yale, national nniateur title holder: Frances Ouimet of Bos ton, and S. Davison Ht-rron of Chi ciiko. former champion, George V. I'.ntan of Houston. Texas: Dr. O. F. Willing of Portland, Ore.; Fred Wright of I.ns Angeles; Max Mars ton of Philadelphia and Harrison R Johnston of St. Paul. Reginald M. Lewis of Greenwich. Conn., another Individual entrant for the amuteur title, already is in England. SAN FRANCISCO. April 17. The Pacific Coast Baseball league sched ule for the week of April 17 to 22 follows: ' Los Angeles at Seattle. San Francisco at Portland. Sacramento at Oakland. Salt Lake vs. Vernon at Los Angeles. Great Crowds See Drama Absence made San Francisco's heart grow fonder of Elsie Ferguson, for her engagement at the Columbia theatre, where she is appearing in "The Wheel of Life," has been a suc cession of crowding houses. She comes back even lovelier than ever, if that were possible, and show ing strides in her art that place her among the best of our "younger act resses. Her play has an especial appeal to women. San Francisco Chronicle. At the Rialto Priscllla Dean comes to the Rialto tomorrow in "The Flame of Life." 'Miss Dean's interpretation of the role of Joan Lowric is one of the best of her career. One moment she is a fiery. Independent girl, lighting a fel low worker in defense of a weaker friend. Another, she is a wistful wom an toiling with a reading lesson, dar ing to try "to learn to be a lady." Again one sees her dashing down into the depths of a flaming coal mine, in her attempt to rescue her employer, whom she loves. Picturesque English scenery forms a striking background. Romance, thrills, tragedy and an Intense Inter est hold one throughout the picture. One follows the life and love of Joan with a feeling almost personal. "Good Men and True," adapted from Eugene Manlove Rhodes' stirring novel of the plains is showing at the Rialto theatre for the last time tonight Mrs. S. Yates The critics choose the world-beaters now, but the common folks who compose posterity will pick the immortals. If you wish to know what you shouldn't do, and haven't a Bible just read the front-page headlines. . As a rule, a man loves his wife more and more as the conviction grows that he is too old and dull and bald to interest other ladies. There will always be need of censors while there are authors who would rather be prosperous than decent. The obligation to respect law falls upon all citizens, even those who get a salary for enforcing it. Correct this sentence: "My garden is planted," said the man. ' and I won't let a weed appear in it all summer." The reason national prune week failed was because so many prom inent prunes didn't even know it was being celebrated. Still, there is a lot of good Americanism out in the districts where pajamas still are considered rather effeminate. A-lot of people think they are democratic just because they have a grudge against people who are" rich and people who amount to something. RippIingRhiiR&s I - . 11.11 'W k ft Watt Mason THE GRUMBLER. O AID Thomas Tinhorn Tinner, when he aat down to eat. "This vJ isa cheap-johu dinner you 've over done the meat ; the spuds are burned and smoking, and call for tears not joking; no won der I'm invoking the saered name of Pete." This delegate for ever is saying caustic things; he seems to think it clever to hand out words with stings; no words of praise he'll utter, no compli ments he'll mutter; he knocks the primes and butter, with fierce and ugly flings. His wife, when fche was younger, in cooking well took pride; and he'd assauge hjs hunger, and fill his works inside; he'd face a meal and grab it but he'd acquired the habit of roaring like a rabbit, and scowling, sullen-eyed. If man is always chiding, his wife will lose ht-r teal; she tires of his derid ing, she loathes his grouchy spiel; the anger in her quickens she mutters, "Why the dickens shouM I boil eels and chickens, to give the grouch a meal 1" I say to) my Aunt Alice, who cooks my pone and tea, "No monarch in his palace has got the edge on me; my nerves with rnpture quiver, new pleasures I diskiver, whene'er you fry the liver, and. bake the muffins three." My aunt is always trying to think up something new, modern way of frying a codfish ball or two; she's happy, since I praise her; no scowl of mine dismays her, and with my safety" razor she stirs a fragrant stew. VANCOUVER, H C. April 17. The Vancouver' Specials with 2671. are in first place in the Vancouver bowling tournament, to be continued here this evening., i Second and third places were taken In the opening last nif;ht by the Vancouver Wildcats 2655 and .love's cafe of Vancouver, 2561. A five from Las Angeles, tag ged with the name or Harold Lloyd, film comedian, rolled 2553; Mcln tyre's cafe, Vancouver 2535. and a quintet from alia walla Z4i. SALT LAKE CITY Althousrh no formal contracts have been signed, a championship bout between Jack Dcmpsey and Tom Gibbons of St. Paul at Shelby, Mont., next July 4. is virtually assured, Eddie Kane," Gib bons' manager, said, ST. PAUL Billy 'Wens'. welter weight champion of England, easily outpointed Jock Malone of St. Paul in n tpn round no-decision bout. Says Rheumatism Leaves You Forever James H. Allen, of Congress avenue, Rochester, X. Y. once a rheumatic cripple, who discovered ALLEXKHU and with it banished every trace of uric acid and every sipn of rheumatism from his body, says that every druggist Ruarantees a full pint bottle of ALLEN RHU to show the way to complete recovery or money back. 1 It relieves at once and immediately after you start to. take ALLENRHL the good work begins. It searches out uric acid deposits, dissolves the secretions and drives rheumatic poison out of the body through the kidneys and bowels. Even in cases where suffering has been piteous, and painful all traces of this dread disease disappear Jn a few days. All drucgista can supply you. Adv. FOR RENT ROGUE KIVKK HOTTOM RAXCH Prefer Cii-sh Kent. Immediate possesion. WALTKIl 11. JOXKS, Grants Tass, Or. Care Oxford Hotel. Scholz's Old-Fashioned Home-Made Graham Bread Kat it for health and en joyment. Its delicious and health ful. Ask your Grocer for SCHOLZ'S GRAHAM ; PULLMAN BAKERY j Weak Women Can Find the : Help They Need Portland. Ores "In my early married life, after motherhood, I suf fered a relapse and blood poisoning set in. which left me a nervous wreck. I was thin and weal: and my nerves were in such a bad state that I could not sleep. I went down in weight from 140 to 90 pounds. I doctored and took medicine and had begun to think there was no help for me. when I learned of Dr. Piercers Favor ite Prescription. By using this medi cine according to directions I was completely relieved of all my ner vousness nnd restored to perfect health and since then whenever 1 have felt badly or In the need of a tonic, I take the 'Favorite Prescrip tion' and it builds me right up. I found It especially good during the critical time of life, it kept me in good health. I would advise all women who are weak and ailing to take the Prescription so they may enjoy good health." Mrs. S. Yates. 770 Roosevelt St. All druggists: tablets or liquid: or send 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo. X. T. Adv. F. & E. Theatre CENTRAL rOIXT . Matinee ETery Saturday 2 P. M. Etery Monday "COUNTRY STORE" Today and Wednesday DORIS MAY in "Gay and Devilish" Coming Quincy Adams Sawyer Admission 10c-20c; Matinees 10c-2Oc Instead of Investing in a new cylinder block which Is costly, have us RE BORE the scored block and fit new pistons and not alone save the seasoned cylinders but also have a more POWERFUL MOTOR. PRECISION' service at econ omical cost. Offutt Machine Shop 30 No, Front. Phono 110 in Think y of the convenience of handling your banking from your home or office. The First National's Banking By Mail Department brings this Bank's services as near as your Maii box. Write us stating the kind of an account you desire to open and the proper blanks will be sent ou. Vfw FiRST National Bank: Medford Oregon isr- AT ALL GE0CERS USED CARS 1 1920 Chevrolet, newly painted $200 1 Nash Six, 1921 model $700.00 1 Chevrolet Touring $85.00 1 Maxwell 1920 Touring $275.00 MASON MOTOR CO. 30 North Holly St. B ROADWAY AT STAR K Portland, Ore. - You Are Assured a Personal t Hospitality and Individual Attention through the combined efforts of a staff, who after years of training, understand the needs of the traveling public. MTTSIO, DANCING and the BEST TO EAT AT Arthur li. Meyers m ANACER Kodak Finishing Tor those who demand the best. Swem's Studio 217 E. Main Mrdford 0. V. MYERS "The Truck Man" j MACK TRUCKS ' ; RE0 SPEED WAGONS W X. Uolljr Phone see WATCH YOUR BATTERY PRE8T-0-I.ITK FATTER IT BTATTOJf W Onlek RmM FhoM It H. W. 00NQIK UNDERTAKER Sncexwaor to Weeks-Congo Oa, Medford, Ore.