Medford Mail Tribune The Weather Prediction Rain Maximum yesterday.. .......72 Minimum today.. 44 .Precipitation - -....06 Weather Year Ago Maximum - 58 Minimum 29 Precipitation . Trace Dally Eighteenth Year. Wtxikly Fifty-Third Year. . MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 3923 NO. 22 .8. Insurance Policy Puts U. S. Worker in Soviet 'Jail As Spy Poison Gas Mask HOT I BY Wealthy Speeder Sent to Penitentiary Perfected by U. S. A. For War and Peace MEADS ' LONG FIGHT 1 ! Oldest Active Anglican Bishop l t in , World Finally Succumbs After Marvellous Struggle ! i Against the Inevitable At; Death's Weeks. Door for Seven ST. LOUIS, April 17. (By Associat ed PreBs). The R:ght Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, presiding bishop of the Episcopal church In the United f States and oldest Anglican bishop In point of service In tho world, died at his home hero this afternoon. He was 80 years old. Death came at 2:03 o'clock. He had been ill since February 28 with grippe. With tho aged prelate's death passed the office of presiding bishop of the United States, which Bishop ! Tuttle held by seniority since 1903. Under an arrangement voted at the Episcopal general convention of 1919, however, direction of the church's af fairs has been placed in the hands of a national council with an elected bishop as head. Bishop T. F. Gailor of Memphis heads this council at pres ent. , During his illness, the venerable churchman was at times unconscious for long periods while at others he sat up, took nourishment and read from his prayer book. "Now I lay me down to sleep," "was the prayer he would mumble. It was his favorite ejaculatory ' prayer. "I have never given up the habit of re peating this prayer," he would say. , Sketch of Career Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, presiding bishop of the Protestant Episcopal church, a bishop since 1867 and head of the diocese of Missouri since 18S6, was born in Windham, N. Y.. Jan. 26, 1837. His father was a blacksmith. For years Bishop Tuttle was a famil iar figure in the streets of St Louis, and a popular preacher there, so well liked that his Easter sermon in the Christ Church Cathedral was a feature of the church-life of the city and the announcement that he would occupy a pulpit was sure to draw a large con gregation. Bishop Tuttle was educated In rural schools near his father's home, at Columbia tinlvorsity and at the Theo logical Seminary in Now York from which he was graduated in 18611. Although his father was a Methodist, Daniel Tuttlo entered the Episcopal ministry and was made missionary bishop of Montana, Utah and Idaho in 1867, and in 1880 was olocted bishop of Missouri. Bishop Tuttlo had groat physical activity and his habitual gnlt would have taxed the powers of many young er men. In his seventy-sixth year ho found pleasure in chopping down trees and cutting firewood. Ho was vlgor- ous In opposing a plan to make the post or presiding bishop elective In stead of Its going by seniority. The "clectivo plan, ho argued, would tend to make the presiding bishop of the church a superior prelate, and would give tho church what he termed "a Hlldebrandian touch and tone." A coadjutor bishop to asslsf "Bishop Tuttle in the diocese of Missouri was olected in 1905. Bishop Tuttlo was married to Miss Harriot M. Footo of Morris, N. Y In 1865. Another Wnr Theatcnwl. TRENTON, N. J April 17. Threatening to break off friendly re lations with the New York state ath letic commission unless It endorses his action, Newton A. K. Bugboe, New Jersoy. boxing commissioner, to day indefinitely suspended Floyd Johnson, Iowa heavyweight and his canager. Charley Cook,' for ' failure to fulfill a signed contract to box Fred Fulton, at Jersey City last night. HIGH RENTS FORCE LONG BEACH ECCENTRIC TO LIVE IN CHURCH LONG BEACH, Cal.. April 1. James M. King who said he was a draftsman of Salt Lake City, explained to policemen who found him living In a church' here that his action was caused by "high rents." The police saw a light In a Metho dist church at a time of night when no light should have been there. They found King frying ham nnd eggs over n small ga stove. LONDON, April 17. A Con stantinople dispatch to tho Daily Mall says that Elgin E. Groseclose, an American relief worker, has arrived In that city from Tiflts, where he said he spent 16 days in solitary con- finement In a soviet prison on a charge of spying. The charge was based on the discovery among his papers of an Insurance policy which the Bovlet police mistook for an In- criminating document, Grosoclose said that while he was in jail 92 political prisoners were shot in reprisal for the as sassination of a bolshevik com- missar. E FIENDS E LAW BY A Barred in New York and New Jersey, Gotham Dancers Charter Truck and Dance Into Connecticut Anti Dance Move Grows. GREENWICH, Conn., April 17. Vera Sheppard, dancing with Theo dore Gill at 2:30 o'clock had danced 67 hours, setting a new world's rec ord. Gill, who had not been Miss Shep pard's partner from t'ao Btart, had not jet readier the 67 hour mark. tMiss Sheppard expects to keep up the pace until 11 o'clock tonight. NEW YORK, April 17. Vera Sheppard and Theodore Gill, who be gan dancing at 7:30 o'clock Saturday night and toddled through three states this afternoon passed the world's record of 66 hours and six minutes set this morn'.ng by Miss Madelyne Gottschlck of Cleveland and were stil going strong according tu telephone advices from East Port Chester, Conn. NEW YORK, April 17. Barred In New York and New Jorsey by the police the mnratlion dancors who started out Saturday night to smash world's records for endurance, trans ferred their activities to Connecticut early today without missing a step, reports from the Cygnot athletic club at Eastport, Chester, Conn., said that three of the orlginaf four couples were still going strong. The dancerB started in an uptown Broadway hall and moved to Fort Lee, N, J., In a moving van when the pollco Interfered. When the officials there ordered them to move on, they came back to Now Jersey in a van starting in a dingy flat, "Bomewhere in Har lem." Fearing that they would be found, they were transferred In a van again to the Connecticut town. Chicken soup has constituted their main diet Undeterred by reports of hew time records mndo by dancers In the craze elsewhere, the trl-state gliders said they would dance until they dropped to the floor. World's Record Broken CLEVELAND, April 17 The world's continuous dancing championship came back to Cleveland and Into the hands of Madeline Gottshick, at 8:64 a. in. today as she continued dancing at a local club aftor having establish ed the new record at 66 hours 64 min utes, boating by one minute the record set by Miss Madalene Williams of Houston, Texas. Seventeen women and ten men, among the latter being a one-legged (Continued on pan eight) At the police station where King was taken for Investigation, the police said they found a considerable sum of money on him and a bank lmok show ing deposits totaling $1500 In a Utah bank. "Well," King was quoted. "It's this way. Rents are so high I decided to live In the church for a while. I've slept there severnl nlKhls and rooked my menls In tho church." NC EVAD 1 TRUCK - - m TiV AvS V- f Cn iiJ:!- ' - - -, S fS5 4... Hi'-, rv,i7' v' . victm's clothmg was fouajp emtaaGlep 3?rocX , PHILADELPHIA, April 17. II. O. Brwk, wnlltiy Ifcikcr nnrt clubman of this city wn sentenced ycn Urrclay to eight yonin In Ktnte's prison for killing IIhh Mary Murphy several weoks ago when In - nil intoxl rated condition lio inn Ills enr Into xirty just nUghllng from u street car. Tlio pliotognipli nhovo shows Bixh'Ic when arrested, his car nftor the crash nnrt the victim of tho tragedy. 2 Deputy Sheriffs Killed By Moonshine Gang in Louisiana NEW ORLEANS, La., April 17. Two deputy sheriffs of St. Bernard parish were Bhot and i- killed early today in a fight 4 with rum runnors at tho Lake Borgne canal bldge near Violet, La. The dead are Joseph L. Estoplnal, 49, and August Es- teves, 47. Esteves also was a federal prohibition agent. Tho two men were fatally 'wounded while crossing a brldgo and tho rum runners sped to- wards New Orleans in their whisky laden truck and cscapod. Posses were formed and hun- dreds of armed men hunted tho parish along tho Mississippi river. : TEXAS TRYING TO STRUGGLE OUT OF F AUSTIN. Tcxns, April 17. Gov ernor l'nt M. Noff In a message to the Texan legiKlaturo which convened In special session yesterday, proposed enactment of elKht rovcntie-raliilng measures. These includo Increased gross oil production tax. franchise tax, inheritance tux, delinquent tux and Income tax. AUSTIN, Texas, April 16. Tho Texas legislature convened today on special call of Governor Neff to deal with revenue and law enforcement measure. Tho primary object Is to enact laws to bring tho state out of a deficiency which tho government hns estimated would amount to $, 000.000 during tho next two years. Governor Neff has recommended that the special session enact a law "to vest the courts with effective au thority to remove from office any of ficer against whom It enn bo proved In open court and a Jury that such officer' has wilfully and rorruptly failed and refused to enforce the laws." This measure, known ns the quo warranto bill, was the center of a hitter fight In tho regular session In which It failed of passage. PARIS. April 17. (By the Abso- rated Press.) Marchioness Mayeda member of one of the oldest and most distinguished fntnllies of Japan, died at her hotel here today. cwsifftly a. fief trre-$4. BASEBALL SCORES National At Boston. - R. H. E. New York 4 8 4 Boston 14 3 Batteries: McQuillan and Snyder; McNamaro, Marqunrd and O'Neill. E IF NEW YORK, April 17. There Is ample basis for a sustained poriod of prosperity, Charles E. Mitchell, pres ident of tho National City bank de clared in a statement today. Tho country has a great many needs to bo satisfied," he said. "We havo not yet mndo up tho deficit in construction caused by tho war. If our prosperity Is short lived. It will bo becauso wo tried to ride it too hard. "Wo want stable business, stable prices, steady production and regu lar employment instead of booms nnd depressions. Just now lnbor Is fully employed. Industries nro producing at tho highest rate. Tho traffic of railroads In tho first quarter has been tho greatest oxer known and trade reports from all quarters are excellent. We oro doing all wo can and additional pressure will bo harm ful rather than beneficial. "The danger In this situation Is not flnnnclal, but Industrial a too rapid Increase of Industrial costs." AUTO, MAN SHOT SPOKANE, April 17. Posses of citizens and officers were combing tho country today In tho vicinity of Rosalia, 31 miles foulh of here for a man known only as Reed, who shot nnd seriously wounded Deputy Sher iff Dick Caahatt yesterdny when the officer Bought to arrest him on com plaint of a young woman of this city. Tho latter, Gladys Homor, 18, a waitress, today was declared to havo a slight chance for recovery from ef fects of a frnctured skull which she said she sustained when she Jumped from Keed'B speeding automobile to escape his unwelcome attentions. Cashatt was suffering from a bullet wound through the lung and was Bald to hnvo a good prospect for recovcrj-. Woman 86, Marries Man 42, Year After Death of Husband WALLA WALLA, Wash.. April 17. Mrs. Rachaol Oliver, agod 86, whose first husband dlod horo over a year ago today married Charles Parker, age 42, Justice of tho Peace Frod Iledgcr performing tho cere- mony. Friends wero present with tho couple. Parker was 4 arrested hero Borne time ago on a charge of operating a still 4 north of Prescott, but tho case has not yet como to trial. 4 SMASHED AGAIN DAYTON, Ohio, April 17. At a few mimttoB after two o'clock this afternoon Lioutonants MacRoady1 and Kelly, who have been ongaged In an endurunco flight since 0:38 a. m Monday, swept around tho towor for a now non-stop distance record of 2020 miles. This bottors their pro- ious record of 1016 miles made November 3 and 4, Inst, on tholr flight from Sun Dlogo, Calif., to In dianapolis. Tho previous rocord, mado by Lieu tenants MacKnady and Kelly, was at tho rato of 73 mllos an hour. The French rocord was 62 miles an hour. Lloutennnt Harris Is continuing tor the 2,000 kllomotor record. Llou ttnnnts MncKcady and Kelly also es tablished rccordB for 2 500 kilometers at 21 hours 37 minutes, 30 0-10 sec onds, and for 3,000 kilometers of 26 hours, 1 m lutes 32 2-10 seconds. Death Toll of -the Automobile HAN ' JOSK, April 17. I'letro Ce tanl. 21, died In tho hospital horo yes terday, his being tho sixth death na a result of a collision between nn auto mohlla In which ho was riding nnd nn clrotrlo car at Los Clntos Hundny night. Mrs. Cctunl was killed. WASHINGTON, April 17. An "all purposo" gas mask, lm- pervious to polBons of every kind and oquipped with an at- tachment that permits ready 4 conversation by telephone or other communicating devices, has been perfected by the army chemical warfare service. An- nouncement of the invention, made today by tho war depart- ment, says the new mask has been porfected by the army chemical warfare sorvlce. An- nouncement of the Invention, made today by tho war depart- ment, Bays tho now musk has boon thoroughly teBted by tho army and navy and has boon found to moot nil conditions. A peace time value of the mask is recognized as an Ira- portant consideration In connec- tlon with the invention and It has been made bo comfortable that men may koep It on for days and oven play baseball, dance or sleep while wearing it without Buffering. Its inven- tors claim It would be very use- ful In mine rescue work. 17 Year Old Youth in Senator Knabb's Camp Tells SECOND VICTIM OF FLOGGING IN FLORIDA FOUND Gross Brutality Inquiry lat f tho empire," which is tho Ber lin government's highest authority In IntO Death Of Dakota YOUth "' Rhlneland, has been abolished by ' Continues TALLAHASSEE, Fla., April 17. Sheriff J. R. Jones of Tallahassoo ZtS P Li , matoly 123 on each prisoner leased by Leon county to tho Putnam Lumbor company, ho testified today before tho legislative committee investigating prison conditions In this state, as the outgrowth of the doath of Martin Ta bort of North Dakota. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., April 17. Alleging that he had been flogged by a heavy belt while in the convict tur pentine camp of Senator T. J. Knabb, until his condition had become so severe that he was removed by a stato prison Inspector, Paul White, 17 years old of Washington, D. C today had placed In the hands of state author ities an affidavit setting forth addi' tlonal details of allogod mistreatment, Among other things In his state ment and affidavit, Whlto said ho bad been forced, while unable because of lack of physical strength, to drag a "Bcrape box through tho swampB, slimy crooks, and through waste water." Ho sets forth that he was beaten tho third day after he had been sen tenced to tho camp on a vagrancy charge, and almost every day there after. TALLAHASSEE, Fla., April 17. Resuming Its Inquiry into tho doath of Martin Talbert, North Dakota youth who, it Is alloged, died as a result ot whipping inflicted while ho was Borv tng a sentence In a convict camp, the Joint committeo of tho Florida legisla ture today was to call witnoBSos of the Putnam Lumbor company to obtain tbolr version of tho affair. It was in a camp of tho Putnam company, in Dlxlo county, where Ta bort died. Waltor Hlgglnbotham, for mer whipping boss of tho camp, 1b undor indictment for first dogreo mur der as a result ot Tabert's doath. Counsel for the lumber company Intimated yesterday that the charges of brutality would be answered, imint ' salors, who testified that 106 mills in by point. In tho form ot a gonoral Oregon and Washington had con denial. 1 splrod to fix prices. ? - S. BOLSHEVIKI DECIDE TO THROUGH LABOR PARTY IN AMERICA NEW YORK, April 17. (By Associ ated Press). Tho communist party of America has dissolved itself and dlvorted Its members to the workers' party ot Amorlca, which It recognizes as the only affiliation of tho third Internationale ot Moscow in the Unit ed States, it was disclosed today by associates of C. E. Ruthenherg, secre tary ot the central executive commit tee ot tho workers' party. El 1 TO ti 1 Belgian Minister Has Narrow Escape When Train Stopped Near Break in Track French Tighten Hold On Ruhr More Mines Taken Over By Troops. DUESSELDOfRF, April 17. (By the Associated Press.) Attempts were made last night to wreck two trains on which members of the French and Belgian cabinets wero supposed to be passengers. Both attempts were unsuccessful. Bombs were placed on the rails in front of a train proceeding from Duesseldorf to Essen, on which Yves le Trcuquer, French minister of public works, was expected to travel. Yves Lo Trocquer, however, was not on board. Only one of the bombs exploded and this did little damage beyond tearing up the track. An attompt upon a train bearing the Belgian minister of national de fense, M. Deveze, came near to hav ing disastrous consequences. A sen try at the Alx la Chapelle station surprised a number of men removing the rails and called out the guard which fired on the wreckers and drove then off. The sentry succeed ed In stopping the train within a few sards ot the gap in the rails.' 1 fjf COBLENZ, April 17. sociated Press.) The (By the As- "comtnlssatr- Uha lnter-aJI(fKl Rhinoland, hhjh! com-; PARIS, April 17. (By the Asso ciated Press.) A Havas dispatch from Essen today reports that two unsuccessful attempts wero made last evening to wreck trans conveying the French and Belgian cabinet minis ters who are Inspecting the Ruhr re gion. No Injury resulted to anyone from these attempts, the mossage adds. . ESSEN, April 17. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The authorities of oc cupation have bedn tightening the hold on tho Ruhr noticeably the last few days and the adoption ot even sharper measures Is expected In Ger man quarters as a result of the Paris conference between the representa tives of France and Belgium. General DeGoutte's recent order for the seizure of coal In transport Inside tho Ruhr has been applied with special force lately, and other' slops have been taken to screw down the clamps on all unauthorized traf fic. ' Tho. occupation of the mines also has boon extended and the Germans expect the prosont wook will see the taking ovor of a numbor of additional pits. PORTLAND, Ore., April 17. Hear Ing ot government charges of conspir acy In restraint of trade against the Douglas Fir Exploitation and Export company was resumed horo today. The hearing began last October in San Francisco was transferred in Novem ber to Portland and has been engaging . tho federal trade commission's atten tlon at Seattle for the past moth. n, The first witness today was C. L. . , Lindner, vice presldont of tho Henry W. Davis Lumber company, , wholo- - The communists dissolved, according to Ruthonbor's associates after voting at a secret convention here April 7 at a socrot convention here April 7 that they believed "tho support which the workers' party of America has already won among the working masses will enable It openly and publicly to carry on the struggle for communism in the United States." .t'