Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 14, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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Much public Interest ia being taken
In' tne volunteer firemen's benefit
ball on next Wednesday night at the
Xatalorlum. This will be no ordin
ary occasion, as it is giren for the
purpose of raising money to equip tbe
auxiliary firemen with fire fighting,
material, such as coats, helmets and
the like.
1 '-An Immense crowd Is expected to'
attend the dance, and In addition
' Going Tonight!
I "The
Oru) of the pictures that lias
tempted nrn tlio hard-boiled
critic to high praise.
Coming Tomorrow!
At lout tli mil
suKrdramu hii infr
action Miner-suspense)
iiKr-lntriguo ami
Jt m T'STk B ITT ,
Oonlnuoiis Shows
Today and Tomorrow
12:nu to 11:00 p. ill.
many public spirited citizens are buy
ing tickets to help tbia worthy and
popular cause aiong. Therefore the
dance Is a community affair really
for tbe benefit of all tbe people.
Tbe volunteer firemen already con
sist of about twenty of tbe city's best
known athletic young men. and have
I'een organized as an auxiliary fire
fighting force to tbe small paid de
partment of tbe city. They will re
spond to all fire calls and work at
fires whenever needed.
Tbe volunteers have been reorgan
ized from the organization of volun
tary firemen that existed some years
ago, at the request of Mayor Gaddls
and tbe city council. It Is hoped to
eventually amalgamate them and the
paid department into the most effi
cient fire force that ever served Med
ford. Launspach's orchestra members
have donated their services free for
the big ball and the Katatorium has
also been practically donated. A big
(feature of tbe ball will be Ruth and
Rose Billings In an original dance.
A Ford car, old, decrepit and dis
abled, being towed by Gates Service
truck' cast on slain street yesterday
afternoon took a sudden notion, due
proltably 'to an attack of second
childhood, to escape the control of
It's captor, Frank Itoberl. The lat
ter was steering the car which head
ed for the curb and hit the rear end
of (ho Mnxwell touring cur, belonging
to Mrs. E. V. Mitddox.
The Maxwell was knocked over the
curb and onto the sidewalk in front
of the Hhuftta. Neither car was darn
aged to any great extent and follow
ing a short pause, the truck took the
Kord In, tow again and arrived at tlio
flivver operating room and rejuve
nating hospital without further mis
hap, where the Ford, will undergo an
operation for the transplanting of
magneto glands and a program of
general recuperution treatment. ,
Tbe bill fixing a 2 cent tax on gaso
line was yesterday passed by the Call
foroia senate without a dissenting
vote. The tax on gasoline will provido
about tlO.uOO.OW in two years. It Is
estimated, and tbe funds are to go
toward the upkeep of the highways.
Wig Ash pole spent Friday In tbe
Rrownsboro district attending to cat
tle business. .
Brown says be bought shoes so he
can sell them. tf
Tbe weather is warming up and
rain Is tbe prediction for Sunday.
Weather indications changed from
tbe time that the official daily pre
diction for a beary to killing frost was
given ont yesterday morning from San
rrancisco that a 7 o'clock last night
Frost Expert Young relieved the orch-
ardists by forecasting a temperature
of 34 in Medford. That meant that
most orcbardists outside the lower
sections of tbe valley could sleep with
out worry. At that a temperature of
28 was reached for a few minutes In
the Central Point district, and one of
30 In the Hear Creek orchard. The
Hear Creek was the only orchard to
smudge and did so so lightly as a precaution.
The automobile Industry Is grow
ing rapidly. The Durant Corporation
shows wonderful growth. Hayes-Hunt
Corporation, the body factory for
Durant is offering shares at a small
payment down, on monthly Install
ments. Be sure and obtain a savings
account n the Durant Planas it pays
to be a partner of a man of Mr.
Durant's type. Phone 915, Dr. E. H.
French. 23
The ex-service men .will have an op
portunity for the next 91 dayB to take
up homesteads in the .Douglas Land
district in Converse county, Wyoming
according to a recent announcement
from the department of 'interior. Any
ex-service men Interested in the pro
position are requested to see Charles
Uoff Thompson, superintendent of
Crater National Park at his office In
the Federal building.
PORTLAND, Ore., April 14 Cat
tle steady; receipts 108.
Aogs and sheep nominally steady;
no receipts.
POHTLAXD, Ore., April 14. But
ter weak; unsettled; decline for Mon
day being discussed. Butter, extra
cubes nominal; undergrades 3840c;
prints in box lots 4 7c, hulf box lota
4 7V4c; cartons 4Sc; dairy buying
price nominal; butlerfat, f. o. b.
Portland 46c.
Portland Wheat
PORTLAND. Ore., April 14.
Wheat ,hard white, bluostem, baart
J i.35; soft white, western white
$1.20; hard winter, northern spring,
western red $1.19.
Today's car rece'pts Wheat '10;
flour 3; oats 2; bay 5. -
llufterfiit to Dron
PORTLAND, Ore., April 14. A
decline of threo cents In but tor and
butterfat Monday was announced this
BRATTLE. April 13. Mitmizo
Endo, who on Tuesday morning Bitot
nnd killed his wife nnd 24 hours Inter
killed hlH three children, was declar
ed criminally Insane in a complaint
filed In superior court today by
Prosecuting Attorney Malcolm Doug-
Ibis. '
BERRY James H. Berry. for
fourteen years a resident of Jackson
ville, punned away recently at Wilcox,
Arizona, at tho age of 75 years. Mr.
Berry was born at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
January 11, 1848. He was married
In 1884 at Deadwood 8. Dakota, to
Mrs. Lena Stoll Case, ond In 1905
came to Jacksonville where they
resided until 1819. Mr. Berry went
to Arizona with a view of Improving
his health.
Besides his wife, he leaves four
children, Cora M. Itavenor and C. 11.
Berry of Jacksonville. Esther M.
Wilson of Medford and Edwin Berry
of Wilcox, Arizona. The remains are
expected to arrive In Medford early
Monday morning, and funeral ser
vice in chargo of H. W. Conger, fu
neral director, will be held ut the
Presbyterian church at Jacksonville
at 2:30 Tuesday. Interment In Jack
sonville cemetery.
PALMER Annie M. Palmer died
at Medford Hospital Friday, aprll 13.
Wife of Emmet 8. Palmer of Seattle.
Wash., formerly of Central Point,
Oregon. A short service will be held
nt tho Perl Funeral Homo Wednes
day nt 2:30 p. m., Rev. E. P. Lnw-
rence offlcatlng. Jtemalns will be
forwarded to Seattle, Wash., for in
Mrs. D. V. MacLeod ft Wlnnepcg.
nnd James 11. Hicken of Whiteflsh,
Montana, sister nnd brother of . Mrs.
Palmer arrived In Medford with Mr.
Palmer and will ncconipany the re
mains to Beuttlo.
NEW YORK Mike McTlguo says
ho refused an offer of $75,000 to box
Georges Cnrpentlor In London May 29.
Guaranteed Profits
The Hayes-Hunt Corporation enters the body-building busi
ness with u tremendous market assured a large profit guar
anteed. , -
Operating under contract with Durant Motors, Inc., the firm
will supply nil the enclosed bodies required by Durant, Flint and
Star cars (conservatively estimated at 100,000 in an average year.)
$1,000,000 A YEAR
This contract provides for a specific profit of $0 to $15 per
body, depending on its typo, and nt a minimum average of $10 per
botlv, the earnings figure $1,000,000 a yenr!
It is a similar contract, made by ) 0. Durant as head of
Cieneral Motors, which has made the famous Fisher Body Corpor
ation a $77,000,000 enterprise.
On the basis of the present
issue of $(),000,()00 in shares
(tho total issue for the whole
United States) the nnnual
earnings figure at least 1( !
' The offering secured for the
Coast is small and a large por-
tion has already been sub
scribed by our present part
ners. The remainder is rapidly
being taken bv wise investors
under the popular DUUANT
PLAN of Investment Savings
Hayes-Hunt, no-par . com
mon, fully paid, non-assessable,
nt $20 per share, $11 per share
with application ami $3 per
share per month, not less than
.r nor more than 130 shares to a
pari nor. No preferred stock
or bonds issued. No promo
tion or bonus shares issued.
The Durant Corporation
Phone 366
Phono 915
' y
LOS ANGELES. April H. Charles
W. Paddock, world's champion sprin
ter, of the University of Southern
California, will not run in the interna
tional Intercollegiate track and field
championships at the University of
Paris, May 1 to 6, if the recent ruling
of the American 'branch of the Inter
national Athletic federation is not re
versed, according to Robert S. Weaver
formerly president of tbe Amateur
Athletic union and at president of the
southern Pacific association of the
A. A. U.
Paddock is on the way to New York
where he planned to embark for
SALT LAKE CITY, April 14. Nego
tiations looking forward to a world's
championship match on July 4 next
between Jack Dempsey, heavyweight
champion and Tom Gibbons of St.
Paul at Shelby, Mont., are expected to
be discussed here late today between
representatives of the Montana Amer
ican Legion, sponsors of the proposed
bout and Jack Kearns, the champion's
Mike Collins of St. Paul, who is
working In tbe Interest of the Shelby
bout, is already here for conferences
with Kearns. He is awaiting the arri
val today of Loy J. Molumby from
Great Falls, Mont., who is carrying the
official plans lor the match. Molum
by, who Is traveling by airplane, was
forced to land at Buffalo, Wyo., yester
day on account of snow storms.
EUGENE, Ore., April 14. In view
of the proximity of the opening games
of the 1923 baseball season. Coach
Hohler of the University of Oregon is
letting his pitchers begin to bear
down. Fourteen men are working for
battery positions and another one will
be added this week-end.
Coast League Baseball Yesterday
At Los Angeles 1 ; Vernon 0.
At Salt Lake 3; Portland 6.
At Oakland 1 ; San Francisco 9.
At Sacramento S? Seattle 4.
Baby Swallows 35
Pills, Life Saved,
But Death Follows
4. .-. .. .
Mildred Davis, 29 months old,
swallowed 35 pills containing
poison yesterday. A doctor gave
the child an emetic which acted
and last night the child played
with her parents who believed
she was in no danger. Early
today the child uwoko in con-
vulslons and died a tew minutes
The Jacksonville school board has
tendered a contract to the following
touchers which have been accepted
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cook, Mist.
Mitbel Stevens and Mrs. Nettle Arm-
Mr. nnd Mrs. Miles Contrail of
Huch were trunHuctlng business in
our city nnd Motlford.
Unn Hugshuw of Zlllah, Wash., ar
rived in our city Wedneadny.
Mrs. leo. Armstrong nnd her sister
Mrs. Kuby Fox were business visitors
in Medford Friday.
Mrs. Anna Hchmldt and son, Ed
who have been spending the, winter
In San Frniu-isco. arrived homo the
fore part of the week.
Professor Alfred Schroff of Eugene
head of the art department of the
U. of o., was a recent guest of Dr.
and Mrs. J. v. Hobinson ono day this
Mr. Jim nock of Hilt, Calif., visited
with relatives in our city during the
Word wns received tho first of the
week of the death of Mrs. H. A. Haw
kins at tho home of her daughter,
at Hichmond, Calif. She was, for a
number of years resident of our
city. She leaves a daughter nnd son
Horace, bcshK-a a host of friends.
James II. Berry, who lived In our
city for 14 years, died at Wilcox.
Arizona, April loth. Mr. Berry lost
two sons In the world war, whose re
mains lie in the Jacksonville ccipc
tery. The remains are being accom
panied by widow nnd son to our city
for burial, which will be, announced
Inter. i--
Mr. Lloyd Sparks, the popular jit
ney driver, Hindu a trip to Koseburg
this week.
Mrs. Becker and llttlo daughter
spent Tuesday In, Ashland.
Mrs. Charles Pierce nnd Mrs.
llarrlnon of Ashland were visiting
friends In 01 Ity last Friday.
The 'Jacksonville Chamber of
Commerce held a very enthusiastic
meeting Mondny evening. One of the
main features looked after wns a new
free auto pork. Kpt'tlal plans, are
iicitig arranged for tho next meeting
nnd n big crowd Is expected.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kllpple nnd
daughter, Mrs. Hnrry Scougnll nnd
sinter. Miss Allle Kllpple. nil of
Portland, visited friends In our city
Itev. J. K. Howard of Oakland.
Ore., spent a fvvr days, the guest of
iridium in nur rny.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Kynn nnd young
daughter of Wolf Creek were guests
of their mother. Mil. Laura llyan.
.OP: .
A House May Be Rented
But a Home Must
Be Owned
Thrift is the beginning of home ownership. It will
not thrive long in a rented house.
A start in saving has been the beginning of thrift
and success for millions who have found for the first
time a real object to SAVE for a home. ,
A thrifty man will build a shelter for his family.
It requires only a call at this office to inspect hun
dreds of designs of modern homes and other buildings.
Big Pines Lumber Go.
"""" Z!j
I - :
Motor-driven bmsh that cleans the surface first time over.
Powerful suction that dirt cannot escape! ""The Premier Duplex
is woman's dream realized the cleaner you have been waiting
for to do your cleaning as you would have it done.
Efficient Economical Easy to Handle
Mechanically Right Durable Dependable
It is our purpose to provide for our patrons the best cleaner obtain
able. We have carefully Considered the electric vacuum cleaners
on .tho market and now offer you the cleaner that will fulfill your
eveiy cleaning' requirement. ' v 'r. '.
Call at our store v w " Phone Us 12
:CH'""; ;-l'-v-fVfc",;
i, ? May we have the privilege of demonstrating the
' Premier Duplex to you without obligation!
People's Electric Store
A. B. Cunningham
0. 0. Alenderfer
during tho week, .