PAGE-POUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOIID,. OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1923 jHEPFORD Mail Tribune an inokhkndknt nkwhpafbr PL'ui.ishi:ii evi:kv aktbhnoon KXCr.VT HI'N'KAV. 1)Y TUB JIKUFOI1D I'lU.NTI.NO CO. 'The Mtiifur.t Sim4ny Vornlnn Aim t Curmhi-i iiuh?cnt-iii ueftiriiijf a hovcu day iluily nwnaiM:r. Ufflca Slnl! Tribune BulldlnB, 25-27-2S Nortb rir fctrvpl. i'lum 7,r'. A coiiaolldutlun of tho Jjmucrullo Tliniifc, tlw Mt-dfurd Mall, thi- Mrdford Tilbuue. tJic Mouthcrii OrtKorilnn. The Aiilniid TrilMiiu. BliUKKT W. KUHL, Editor. 8. HI -M l'TKK HK1TK. MauaKer. 8Y MAIL, In Advance: UhIIv, Willi Sunday Sun, year ..7.60 Dally, with Sunday Hum, month... .7o Iially, without Sunday Sun, year.. 6.60 Daily, without Sunday Sun, month Wwklv Mail Tribune, one year 2.00 Sunday Sun, one year . . BY i'aKHIEK In Medford, Ashland, Jacksonville. Central Point, Phoenix, Talent and on IllBhwiiya: bally, wllh Sunday Sun, month .76 . Pnily, mlthuut Sunday Sun, month .6 , . Dally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 7.60 Ually, ,'ith Bundny Sun. one year 8.50 . I I... Adah In nrivanM. Ofrlcl'il piiper of the City of Medford. Tin- only paniT bi-twi-en Rugone, Ore., and rkcruoiento, Calif., a distance of o;,r 600 mllcB. having Uuaed wire abho- I Sworn dally average ciroiiiauon six months finding- April 1. 1922, 8528, morn than doublo the circulation of any other paper publisher! or circulated In JaoKaon County. Rntered as second class matter at Medfm-d, Orefron, under act ,or March 8, l7H. HEMBHH8 OF TIIK , ASSOCIATED PHEW. . . , Tliev-'ABHOClaloil Prean la enlualvely entitled to the "so fr n -publication or all newH dlMpiilrhnfi credited to It or not thrwlie cv-dlti-d In thin fiaiHttV and oIko to the Uk-iiI iw we pnbllBhed herein. All rluhlH of rapubllcntmu of .jtiwclal giHjHUuni ....... . . Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. ' There are a number ot unconscious humorists In town, who ought to be more so. , i Another thing that causes Oregon to forge ahead by leaps and bounds, and have eight people to the square mile, all loaning up against something, is their co-operative fishing. The Portland Telegram tells of a "seml-mllllonaire," but does not state the percentage of semi. EXPERIENCE NOT NEEDED '''' ' (Roeeburg Newt-Review) Wanted Young woman for hang ing out, shaking out and folding. .Wages 12 dollars weekly, with bonus, to start. Apply Tabor Laundry Works. (Sub. ASQ.) Friday the 13th, and Saturday the ' 14th. :. . ;'".. IT AIN'T WORTH IT " (Portland Journal) Lower River City Takes Holiday to - Permit 250 Business Men to Come to Portland for Handshake; Are . Lunoheon Guests. It's all wrong about the "hostile press" maligning the evangelists of purity and patriotism, for what there Is In It ."The bloodsucking Interests" are doing the dirty work. t Here lies the body of A. J. Proctor. . Who ran into a train, and couldn't find a doctor. (Klamath Falls Herald) The menfolks bave gone to pitching horseshoes, and there will be a foot race on Sixth street Sunday afternoon . at 3 o'clock. Governor Pierce will visit southern Oregon In May. Let's have a banquot. ' Painting pictures of Crater Lake on 1919 Fords Is the height ot something. The old fashioned $5 goldpioce 1b coining back on watch chains. The monotony was varied on the J2th Instant at El Paso, TexaB, by a homely lady shooting a section hand. The case of the Portland school ma'am who feloniously paddled a boy ot nine until he knew It, has boon postponed, owing to the victim being so mal-treated that he over-played himself. Sparrows are growing so thick it takes a daredevil to risk a yawn on the Main Stem. Now is the time to get a silk shirt and start cheering, as tho next war Is due la 1D27. HE DON'T LIKE US (Scott Valley Advocate) Due to the support of such Ill tempered, llly-advlsod fanatics as Arthur Perry, whose only argument consists in calling "bad namos." lien Olcott, Incumbent and republican nominee for Oovornor of Oregon, was defeated by a large majority. This man Terry, In the Moilford Mall Trlbuno, him been the most In consistent vllllfior of Woodrow Wil son, and his "Irbttlobrowod" attitude toward questions atfoctlng the welfare , ot the state ot Oregon has greatly ' assisted In the overthrow of the long Intrenched republican forcos in that state, i Likewise, In California, tho election of Friend 'Richardson can In nowlBo ba classified as a republican victory, for the so-called loadors of that party tried repeatodly to knlfo him during the progress of the campaign. Rich rdfon's election Is distinctively a victory tor the so-called "common people." Fair Weather Forecast WA8HINQTON, April 14. Woathor outlook for week boglnnlng Monday. Pacific states Oonornlly fair, mod erate temperature. MUCH ADO THE MARRIAGE of Miss Mathildo McCormick and Max Oscr, the Swiss riding master promises to call for considerably moral, izing. In one newspaper we already note, what a shocking thing it Is for a girl of 18 to marry a mon of 45, and the indignant scribe places most of the blume upon the This sort of talk is stupid and one knows anything about this marriage,' except the principals con corned. It mav be a bad match or it may bo a good one. but the re spective ages of the individuals haVe efeller millions less. All that the Rockefeller millions' have, done,, ;s to give the affair prominence out of all proportion mick had been poor and relatively 'unknown, the marriage would jicver have occassioned comment. Nearly , every day; somewhere in this country, the court house records show marriagcs'.bctwcen parties of fantastic ages, but the local newspapere.-suldom consider the mat ter of public importance. The only proper comment on general relief that it is over. Mr. and Mrs. Oscr can now be allowed to sail tho marital seas, unnoticed and unmolested, and we see no reason why wishes for their happiness should not be as general and sincere, as wishes for the happiness THE CARLE r R. TIIEO. CARLE who gives It J. recognized as one of the best Those who heard him in concert hear him again. For the sako of lar quality, however, and for tho music center, it is to be hoped that a larger audience attends this per formance at the Page Monday night, than attended the previous recital. Quill The first essential to peace in Italy is shaped lkc a bootleg, but bootleggers. A writer says "please" is the language. What about "Blah ?" Science can explain everything except the reason an infant son needs three drinks of water between 1 a. m., and 3 a. m. . We'll never think Burbank a to cross a street with impunity. A brido is a person who thinks darling with a pink ribbon tied on 1 Tho Sphinx may not talk now, bu the flatness of her nose would indicate that she onco talked too much. ! If it is true that more boys ore born after a war, it would seem to prove that they use very good judgment. i Correct this sentence: "Tho new spring hat and did not feel What we can't understand is why statesmen never seem so wise in Congress as they seem on n Chautauqua platform. When we all are crazy, as that murderers can savo the expense of When a labor leader dines with democratic age, royalty hasn't lost Correct this sentence: "You boy of eighteen to his dad, "and Correct this sentence, "The catches," said the salesman, "and ' '. As a means of promoting Anglo-American understanding, noth ing else could servo so well as a common slanguage. . ' . ' ' TliOj theory that women can stand more pain than men became popular long before shaving was in vogue. Tho difference between an immigrant and a lecturer is that the immigrant is content to come across and tho lecturer expects us 1o come aoross. RipplingRhwaos . ' ' Ll LJ AValt LEISURELY TIMES. ONCE I used a horso and buggy as I framed my business deals, and tho horse was old and pluggy, and the cart had squeaking wheels. I was never in a hurry ns I tooled my onc hoss shny, and I didn't fret or worry it old Dobbin loafed all day. Up and down the roads proceeding, weary horses toiled along; no ono then was pinched for speeding or for making sig nals wrong. And I prospered well and fully in tluvso slow old days of yore, when no speeders, wild and wooly, down tho smoking highway tore. I made money, if you ask it, in that calm, old-fashioned way; I took kopecks in a basket to tho bank thrco tiiiicR a day. Now I 'in speeding in my flivver, hero and there, on errands punk; up tho hill, across tho river, to acquire another plunk. I must never loso a minute, I must scorch to reach my goal; and I find there's little in it, when at night I count my roll. When I'vo earned sonio coin I'm needing, through this frantia haste of mine, I am pinched again for speeding, and it goes to pay my fine. I am whirling like a bobbin, I am sprinting like a deer; Biid I sometimes sigh for Dobbin and the gait of yesteryear. ABOUT OSEE. Rockefeller millions. tiresome. As a matter of fact, no flttl e to do with it and the Rock ',''.( . to ifs importance.- . If Miss McCor the McCormick-Oser marriage is of less conspicuous couples. CONCERT. a concert here Monday night is concert singers in America. here a few years ago, will certainly securing future attractions of simi sake of Medford 's reputation as a Points Europe is an inclination. she isn't in as good shape as the most expressive word in our real wizard until ho shows' uj how his pipe would look perfectly it.; man stepped out on the street in a at all conspicuous." professor says we shall be, perhaps hiring a lawyer to prove it. a king, it shows that even in this its social standing. are so much wiser than I," said the I do hope you will advise me." doors of this sedan havo patent they never will rattle." Mason Notice to Sheep Owners in Oregon and Jackson County SALEM, Ore., April 14. Whereas, under provision of chapter 223 of the laws of Oregon, enacted at the legis lative assembly of the stute of Ore gon, held In 1907, .in section 11' of aid laws, It Is eriucted that ull sheep within the stute of Oregon are re quired to be dipped at leuHt once dur ing each year with some alnndurd dip approved as a remedy for acub und ucables or as a preventative of such disease, whether the same are dis eased or not, and in case of diseased sheep, the same shall be dipped as often as required by the- state sheep inspector, and, , . , ' . '-. - That after the year 1907 whenoycr the state Board of Sheep Commis sioners regard the sheep of this Btate as frco from infectious and conta gious diseases, it shall have the power to declare such annua dipping not required and such declaration shall be by proclamation on or before April 1st of any year; und, Whereas, at a meeting of the State Livestock Sanitary board of tho state of Oregon, constituting ex-offlclo the state board of sheep commissioners, duly and regularly held on the date of March 22, 1923, at Pendleton, Ore gon, after full consultation with each member of the board present and re ports from Dr. J. C. Exline, federal inspector in charge of sheep quaran tine work and Dr. W. H. Lytlo, state veterinarian, evidence was offered to the effect that In all of that terri tory, excepting certain parts of Crook. Deschutes, Harney and Lake counties and that part of Jackson county lying north of a line passing east and west through Central Point, Oregon, and, east of the main 'lino of theisouthern I'aeiflc railroad, that therevwere no known cases of sheep scabies and that there were only a limited num ber of 'sninll bands'-that were iiffect ed in tthe above -described5 .territory, but that' there were possibiy a' num ber of exposed sheep: and, Whereas, - after . fully examining Into the condition that exists over the entire state and from tho reports made by the federal officials and the state sheep inspector, the state live stock sanitary board of the state of Oregon, being ex-officio the state COMMUNICATIONS Support Kurlo Concert. To the Editor:. , . . ,' Medford is to have two musical entertainments this spring, which will bo of more than ordinary merit. Tho first, Thco. Karle, who Is to ap pear at the Page tlieatro Monday night, the ICth, and the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, that comes tho early part of May Mr. Karle Is a- native of tho west and was born and raised In Seattle, but has forged' -his way 'to- recogni tion In ' tho. i musical comers of the east. The writer jheard Mr. Karle in concert at Carnegie Hall, Now York City, ulRo Eolian Hull, of tho samo city, and In both cases ho was most favorably received by the' press and public. Mr. Karle, Mr. McCormack and the late Evan Williams, are probably tho iforemost concert tenors of the present decade. There are usually,, some large at tractions visiting the . , Pacific, const about this time of the year, and Mr. Hunt of tho Page theatre is trying to put Medford on tho map as a city worthy of the attention of the best attractions that come to the Pacific coast. He surely deserves tho en couragement In his endeavor to bring tho best to Medford. Ho is not giving the public more than they can rea sonably support. Mr. Hunt has ar ranged with the Minneapolis Sym phony for a special matinee for mu sic students and school children on which occasion tho progTam will be chosen from some of the lighter music of Mendelshon, Grieg and some of the overtures of Rossini.. Let us get behind Mr. Hunt with our support and patronage and he will give us .something worth while. Don't forget Karle Monday night, the 10th. ED ANDREWS. Relieves Backache 'Have had kidney trouble and back ache for many yeara and I tried sev eral doctors but got only temporary relief. A friends advised me to try Koley Kidney PillB, and before I used two boxes I was entirely well," writes A. C. Perkins, Summer Shade, Ky. Kidney and bladder trouble requires prompt treatment. Foloy Kidney Pills give quick relief. Refuse substitutes. IiiBlst upon Foley's. Sold everywhere. I Adv. Picture Framing at Swem's Studio MACHINE WORK Repairing Babbitting and Welding Crater Lake Automotive Co H. W. OONQEX UNDERTAKER SncceMor to Weeka-Oonger Co, Medford. Orn. WATCH YOUR BATTERY PRKST-O-I.ITK BATTERY STATION For Onlck fix K PTioae 11 0. V. MYERS The Truck Man" MACK TRUCKS REO SPEED WAGONS SO N. Hollj mono CQ0 board of sheep commissioners of the state of Oregon, at a called meeting thereof, regard the sheep of this state as being freo from infectious and contagious diseases outside ot a purt of the five aforementioned counties. of Deschutes, Crook, .Lake, , .Hurney and Jackson.) i.',t.'r . Now therefore," we, ''the hiprribers ot .tho State Livestoak Sanitary, boraff. being ex-offlclo the State-Hoard of Sheep commissioners, ln view !bt the premiss, do. by .-. this- proclamation designate and declare! itha .we regard the state of Oregon, outside of a part of 'Deschutes county, Crook'J'county,' northern Lake county, nortfrcstern Harney, county and northern .Jackson county, as being free from' infectious and contagious . diseases . of,' sheep, especially sheep scabies and exposure thereto,' and do declare thut the an nual dipping for the year 1923, shall be dispensed with" in all that terri tory other than thut above described, unless otherwise ordered; and, It is further ordered that all shear ing crews who shear or handle scabby Sheep must submit their clothing to a boiled washing and their shearing instruments to a disinfect ing wash before they may shear or handle clean sheep. Dipping to be executed ' between tho dates of April 1 and August 1 of the year 1923 and all shorn scabies infected sheep shall be. dipped at least twice If mildly infected and three tinies If extensively, infected, using'the lime and sulphur dip. All exposed and . Infected unshorn sheep to bo dipped from one to three times as necessity . demands, using either the llnio and sulphur dip or tho to--b'acco and sulphur dtp;) such dipping to be under supervision of a federal, stute or deputy state inspector, and in accord with the regulations of the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry and the State Livestock Sanitary Bourd of Oregon. Oregon State Livestock Sanitary Board. W. H. LYTLE, Secretary. WALTER K. TAYLOR. ' President. H. E. ARMSTRONG, Federal Inspector, Medford, Ore. PLANT. NEXT WEEK I. S. Soldel of San Jose is expected to arrive the first of the week from San .Jose, Calif, to take in charge the work of constructing the plant of tho Southern Oregon Clay Pro ducts company. Mr. Siedel will be superintendent of the plant. Ho will bo accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hanks, clay modelers who will w(ork in. co-operation with the , plant in ' making pottery . and ornamental clay, products. ' . . .. The site upon which the plant will be erected has not as yet been de cided upon, but according to Dr. C. Sweeney, president of the company, will soon bo decided from three loca tions that are. at present .being, con sidered. .' Irish Iicndcr Captured. DUBLIN, April 14. (By the As sociated Press.) AuBtln Stack, form er republican caplnet member, has been captured at Clonmel by free state forces, it was officialy stated this afternoon. Stack ranks next to Do Valera. Bishop Tuttlo Dying. ST LOUIS. April 14. Bishop Dan iel S. Tuttlo, of tho Episcopal church, who has been ill since February 28, is not expected .to ltve another 24 hours, it was announced this after noon. . HlghMt Quality Jewelry Repairing wiamona oeiunjf, w sua Repairing .' : - Satisfaction Assured ln quality and price. , Mall us your wants. ' MARTIN J. REDDY For Sale at a Very Reasonabje Price ' One Maxwell Truck, good running condition. One Sampson Tractor, practically new, for just ubout what the mo tor is worth. One 1920 Maxwell Touring, low price for quick sale. - Geo.L. Treichler Motor Co. 16-18 S. Fir ' Phone 304 HoiolM Powell Si at O'Farrell, SAN FRANCISCO end Shopping Dsfrtf. A nwly bfttifitd Hltl Mtmt Await th vim (or le San rrui- ciceet New fvtnuhinft of mutMl I charm and comfort a lobby deatgntd to provtda tho almoaphm of hmnooa homoand a aew Dining RoofOv conatdofod ena of tha moat inter ting ta Amttka oil eentnbota to root w liar I It u tha only hotel with roanine lea Water in overy room y HAItVEY M. TUX Managing owner Think of the convenience of handling your banking from your home or office. The First National's Banking By Mail Department brings this Bank's services as near as your Mail box. Write us stating the kind of an account you desire to open and the proper blanks Will be sent. you. . . me First National Rmjk' MEiaFpRD CP R.i223 Radcy Resorts Pacific Cost 2 eoL x 100 U March 11, i : W Jill WCJ6 If lake "The most perfect bit oftcmery in the : , - y-.i-iw-h,"'' 'i.VM-vV.' hunmorULT'it ; .. " ' i . . , Th ever-changing mood and rare coloring of tha ' , .. lake, reflecting somber forest, iridescent glacier , ; , . . and mighty peaks, fascinates visitors; ' The luxury of Chateau Lake Louisa the gay Hi;1ocial life the opportunities for sport, riding, '. t climbing vrtth Swiss guides, hiking, motoring, . , - fishing, swimming, boating invariably make - , travelera eager to come again. - . , , ' This year visit the Canadian Pacific Rockies. ' Canada welcomes United States Tourists. No passports required. 'For jult information apply ' - . W. H. Deacon, . Gen. Agt. Psgr. . ''1 , "I AN IDEAL PLANT FOR HALF SHADE ! jteLOX' "PANTHENON' IS ! A PERENNIAL PHLOX ' of" deep,' trite pink, with "immense' heads of flowers in mid-' 'summer, junt when you want them most. Phlox gains by modest mass planting, and I do hope ou will take a half dozen at the very least a dozen jf you can for then the effect will delight you. ' '.,..'. .,' 'The price f 3 for $1.00 or $3.50 the dozen, for strong plants' that will bloom g-orgeously THIS summer. Not less than 3 sold. My 'catalog of gladioli and plants will be sent upon request. No time to lose if you want anything tliis'year. . ' W. L. CRISSEY "GLADIOLUS FARM i ' , ,R. F. D. l Boring, Oregon. 13 I S hlil v, 6'! Ik .f! 1" ill m mmmm mmint) mm . III H I In Wmmm ... MM 1 1 ' ' AT ALL WITH MEDFORD TRADE Oregon louise B Dept. Canadian Paclflo Railway, E5 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Multnojnah Bldg. Canada Wtlrnmm Thittitt Stata TmirimtM No pauporurtquirtA GROCERS IS MEDFORD MADE.