Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 13, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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II,' I n..
(he will
tell you-
that she always uses Cres
cent, and never hao a failure
with cake, biscuit, muffins,
or. breads.
But can she tellyou why?
Scientific experimenters
can. They know that a
baking powder combining
TWO leavening agents, in
sures the housewife the
best results.
Crescent Baking Powder has
stood every test of the scientist
and of thousands of housewives
in the West.
' At all grocers '
No Bitter Taste With
Seattle, Wash.
jj Tub WbluKnown MrniciNHfl oFTiii
1 Famovm liBCKirr Uookavthob 1.
K-L Pills 1
For Kidney and Liver
Troubles, Constipation, In
testinnl Indigestion and
Kindred Ailments
Liver trouble leads to serious Ills.
And a aura sign ofllver trouble fa
biliousness. If you have attacks
of headache, if you have a coated
tongue, if you have a fickle appe
tite, you probably are bilious
which may lend to derangement
of the liver and to eerloua and
quite often fatal results. Read
thlt strong endorsement of Dr. A
W. Chase's K-L Pills. Mra. . It
Stone, Route Ns. J. Uailey, Ga,
writes i
For a nnmber of years I have
been troubled with tnr kidneys,
liver ami also my hrart. I llnd
Dr. A. W. Chase's K L fills a won
derful remedy. They rertninlynre
the finest I ever used. 1 mould
not he without them In my homo
and take grant pleasure In recoui
mending them to my Irieuds."
You ean buy Dr. Chase's K-L
Pills at all dtug stores. Tobesura
of getting the genuine, see thst
portrait and signature of A. W.
Chase,M.D.,are onenchbox your
protection agalust Imitation,
117 Washington 8t.,Uuffelo, N. V.
Tho heavy winter clothing
should be Dry Cleaned before,
putting , away call us now.
REMEMBER : ' ' We are not
satisfied unless you are."
City Cleaning
and Dyeing Co.
624 N. Riversido Phone 474
SEATTLE, April 13. As Ernest
Seaborg, Washington state supervisor
of fisheries seeks It, the stage is set
today for a three-cornered fight over
fish trap locations on the northern
side of the Columbia river.
The contenders would be Miss Ida
Foss of Seattle, school tcachpr, who
Monday won a prime trap location in
a government drawing at Portland;
1'. J. McGowan, who a fortnight ago
took out a state fishing license for the
site won by Miss Foss and for eight
others awarded by Uncle Sam; and
glllnettcrs, who don't want Miss Foss,
Mr. McGowan or anybody else putting
in any more traps. -Miss Foss paid
$15 for a license Just like Mr. lie
Uowan's. Nineteen years ago, Mr. Seaborg re
called, tho gill and trap men fought so
lustily along the Columbia that the
Washington National Guard was sent
down Into that country to provent
Mr. McGowan, who lives at Ilwaco,
on tho north side of the river Just
inside its mouth, took out hlB licenses,
it is surmised here, to protect two
traps which he is operating. The sites
allottod by tho government, being in
mid-channel, would take all the fish
before they got to McGowan's traps,
it is explained.- .
the bible by a man well known
throughout the west through his
many years of ministerial work on
the const.
.Miss Nell Straus, one of Rams vnl
ley's popular teachers, accompanied
by Miss Francis Wilson were pleas
ant callers here one evening last week
as alHo was Miss Fay Heche, who Is
head Instructor at tho Debenger Gap
Reduce These Danger
ous Swollen Veins
Doctor's ltoiviit Discovery Also
IlcuM llollh. Carbuui'kK, Alwcsses,
nod UH'u Sores I nn Few Days.
Physicluns are prescribing and hos
pitals using a now and harmless, yet
very powerful germicide that not
only causes enlarged or varicose
veins and bunches to become normal,
but also reduces goitre, enlarged
glands and wens.
Ask any first class druggist for an
original two-ounce bottle of Moonc's
Emerald Oil (full strength) and re
fuse to accept any thing in its place.
It is such a highly concentrated prep
aration that two ounces lasts a long
time and furthermore If this wonder
ful discovery does not produce the
results anticipated, you can have the
price refunded.
It Is not wise for anyone to nllow
swollen veins to keep on enlarging.
Often they burst and cause weeks of
pain, suffering and loss of employ
ment. Start the Emerald Oil treat
ment ns directions advise and im
provement will begin at once.
Heath's Drug Store and West Side
Pharmacy can supply you. Adv.
Notice of Sale of Government Timber
General Land Office, Washington,
D. C, March 30, 1923.
Notice Is hereby given that subject
to the conditions and limitations of
the acts of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat., 218),
February 26, 1919 (40 Stat, 1179), and
June 4, 1920 (41 Stat, 758), and De
partmental regulations of September
15. 1917 (46 L. D., 447), and June 22,
1920 (47 L. D., 411), the timber on the
Z , .nit of th T farmer's protest 1 !?wlnS lands will be sold May 11,
we've had fully sufficient for a I
More rain!" calls Mr.
MMoro rain!
that Wfi'vo hnd fully
whilo nt leant. The rain of Wednet
day checked the work of grading our
road which had commenced this
Talk about large eggB. We beliove
Kama Valley deserves honorable
mention among the country's largo
Kff producers. Mrs. M. A. Schulz
report an egg laid by a white leg
horn hn that is of unusual propor
tions. The egg measures 8 1-8 in.
by tho long circumference, 0 1-4 in.
by tho Bhort nnd weights 4 ounces.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Itaymond from south
ern California are visiting Mrs. Itay
mond'H parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Tresham this week.
A basket dinner will bo given by
tho Sundny school at the school
grounds Hunday. Everyone Is In
vited to bring a basket and attend.
Mrs. llorthn, Wyatt and" young son
arc how homo, having left tho Dow
hospital last week.
Joss McKonney of Missouri and his
nephew, Ruhhl'1 McKenney of AV'ash
InKton, who have arrived In tho val
ley for an lndeflnito slay, are now
employed at tho Modoc orchord.
The teachers instituto held here
Saturday proved very beneficial, ns
well as interesting. A short play
entitled "Sleeping lioauty," given by
the primary room under tho direction
of Miss Holmes was well applauded
nnd reflected tho usual credit on tho
Mr. 11. O. Tolton left this week for
a two weeltH visit In Portland
U. K. Nealon accompanied by Miss
ICaliierlno and Kva Nealon visited
relatives here Hunday. Tho young
ladles who are nttending tho univer
sity aro homo for their caster vacation.
(Continued from pRo seven.)
China Herb Store
This it to oorMt-j thst film Chun of
Mtvttord, Oro., 1ms cured me ut Rn1tr
ana atmnnch troullt 0, Jd. Leonard.
609 J Ht., Grnnts I'hm.
This Is to certify that (Jim Chumr n(
Medford, Ore., linn cured mo ot rupture
of four yearn' MiimlliiK- K O, Is tin in,
413 H St., (IruntB 1'hwm, Ore.
Medfonl, or.'Kuii, .Inn. IS, 1017.
This la to rtlfy that , the under.
Igned, hnd very srvero ntoinich trouble
and hnd been bothered fur seventl yeara
and last Auk tint wh tint exported to
live, and hear Inn of Olm Chung (whom
Herb store la nt 914 (South Front street,
Meilfnrd,, I decided t'i ret herba for my
stomach trouble, and I aisrted to feeling,
better aa aomi as 1 uned thotn and today
am a well man and run heartily recom
mend anyone nfflicttM na 1 nai to ae
Otm Chun and try Ma llcrhe.
fllgiied, W. H. JuiiNSuN.
Wm. Lewis, Ragle Point.
W. L. Children,, la;io Point
Jtf. A Anderaon, !-. ford.
S, I. Holmes, Kitgle I'otnt,
C, IS. Moore, Kaulu Point.
, V. Molntyre, Kagle Point
Oeo. Von der 1 111 en. !Cle Point.
IbOB, K Mchula, fcM,i I'olnL
moto tho dairy Industry, strikes a
death blow to tho small man, tho fol
low who only keeps a cow or two and
has no convenient way of taking his
cream to town.
Dunlnp and AVebher hnvo leased
I ho forty acres belonging to John
Vincent of .lnekisimv.nn which Joins
tho Dunlnp ranch nnd lias boon Idle
for a number of yenra.
W. K. .Morris bus purchased a now
Ford Hednn.
.loo Col Hub has moved to Mod ford.
where ho Is employed by tho Ends
Transfer Co., na truck driver.
Tood Richmond of Central Point
wiim n Hunday visitor In this district
coming on a horse and wearing a hat
alniOHt as largo.
A party of young people from
Central Point nnd Tablo Hock hiked
to tho top of Tablo Hock one night
lust week building a flro near tlu
edgo the vtuj and returning home
iiimiiil iniuniKiii wen hiiuhiu'u wiui
their novel experience, which was
somewhat out of tho ordinary.
Tho mnplo and eottonwood tree's
are rapidly leafing out and our little
valley is beginning to present a pic
ture of raro beauty. '
Hev, T. J. Simmons, pastor of the
Talent church, will preaah at the
Tablo Hock school hoitso next Sun
dny evening nt 7:30 nnd will be as
sisted with the services by several
singers, who will accompany him
from Talent,
Mr. Simmons promises nn Inter-
estlng sermon preached directly from
Babbitting and Welding
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
Successor to Wroka-Oongcr Co,
Mfxlford. Oro.
For Quick 8emc rhoae 11
a. w.. at public
auction at the United States land
office at Roseburg, Oregon, to the
highest bidder at not less than the
appraised value as shown by this
notice, sale to be subject to the appro
val of the Secretary of the Interior.
The purchase price, with an additional
sum of one-fifth of one per cent,
thereof, being commissions allowed,
must be deposited at time of sale,
money to bo returned If sale Is not
approved, otherwise patent will Issue
for the timber which must be removed
within ten years. Bids will he re
ceived from citizens of the United
States, associations of such citizens
and corporations organized under the
laws of the United States or any
State, Torrltory or District thereof
only. Upon application of a qualified
purchasor, the timber on any legal
subdivision will be offered separately
before bolng included In any offer of a
larger unit.
T. 15 8., R. 2 W., Sec. 35: NW
NEW. yellow fir, 600 M red fir, 800
M., cedar, 150 M., hemlock, EO M.,
none of tho timber on this tract to be
sold for less than $1.75 per M. for the
yellow nnd red fir and $1.00 per M.
for tho cedar and hemlock. T. 19 S.,
R. 1 W., Sec. 33: SB4 SW4. fir 1070
M.; SWH SW4, fir 1000 M. not to
l)e sold for less than $1.75 per M. T.
21 S., R. 2 W, Sea 27; Lot 6. fir 700
M., rod cedar, 250' M., hemlock, 150
M nono of the timber on this tract to
bo sold for' loss than $1.50 per M. for
the fir and $1.25 per M. for tho cedar
and hemlock.
T. 21 S., R. 5 W., Sec. 25: NEW
SWW. fir 375 M., NEW SEW. fir 350
M., NWW SEW, fir 650 M., none of
the fir on these tracts to be sold for
less than $2.00 per M. T. 27 S.. It. 12
W., Sec. 17: NEW NEW. yellow fir,
5f0 M rod fir, 325 M.; NWW NEW.
yellow fir, 1800 M hemlock nnd white
.'ir, 125 M. ; SEW NEW. yollow fir
1150 M red fir, 300 M., white fir, 100
M., hemlock, 60 M.; SYVW NEW. yel
low fir, 1900 M., whlto fir nnd hem
lock, 250 M.i NEW NWW, yellow fir,
1700 M whlto fir and hemlock, 100
M.; NWW NWW. yollow fir. 2700 M.;
SliW NWW, yellow fir, 3200 M., white
fir, 50 M.: SWW NWW. yellow fir,
2500 M.; NEW SEW, yollow fir, 2075
M red fir. 300 M., white fir, 25 M.;
NWW SEW. yellow fir, 1950 M, whlto
fir nnd hemlock, 150 M.; SEW SEW.
yollow fir. 1860 M.; SWW SEW. vol
low fir. 2300 M., white fir. 75 M.;
NEW SWW, yollow fir. 3000 M.;
NWH SWW. yellow fir, 3000 M.i
SEW SWW yellow fir, 1950 M., white
fir. 100 M. : SWW SWW. yellow fir.
2300 M.. white fir and hemlock, 100
M.; none of the timber on these tracts
to bo sold for loss than $2.50 per M.
for tho yellow and red fir and $.50 por
M. for tho white fir and hemlock.
T. 29 S., It. 10 W., Soc. 35: Lot 4,
red fir, 430 M., whlto cedar, 750 M ,
whlto fir, 40 M none of the timber
on this tract to bo sold for loss than
$1.60 por M. for the red fir. $5.00 per
M. for the whlto cedar and $.50 per
M. for the white fir. T. 32 S.. It. 6 W.,
Sec. 31: Lot 1, rod fir, 400 M., Ixit 2,
red Tlr, 600 M., SEW NWW. red fir.
325 M., nono of the timber on these
trncts to i.o sold for less than $1.25
por M. T. 29 8., R. 11 W., Soc. 1: Lot
2, yellow and red fir, 9S0 M., cedar.
160 M., RE W NEW, yellow and red
fir, 280 M., cedar 130 M., SWW NEW.
yellow nnd rod fir. 460 M, cedar. 160
M Lot 3, yellow nnd red fir, 180 M.,
cedar, 150 M., NWW SEW. yellow and
red fir, 310 M.. codnr. 40 M., SEW
SEW. yellow nnd rod fir, 360 M.,
cedar, 30 M SWV, SKW. yollow nnd
rod fir, 800 M NEW SWW. vollow fir,
800 M cedar, 300 M., NWW SWW.
yellow and red fir, 3:'0 M cednr, 3S0
M SEW SWW. yollow and red fir,
360 M cedar, 500 M.. hemlock. 40 M.i.
SWW SWii. yellow fir. 400 M.. cedar,
600 M., Seo, 11, Lot 2, red fir, 2300 M
cedar, 300 M.. SWW NEW. red fir.
1650 M cednr 500 M whlto fir, 60
M., Lot 3, riid fir, 2200 M., cedar, 320
M whlto fir, 40 M., lit 4, rod fir,
2000 M., cedar. A00 M., SEW NWW.
red fir. 1250 M.. cednr, 150 M., SWW
NWW. red fir. 1700 M., cedar, 600 M..
white fir, 40 M., NEW SWW. red fir.
1550 M cedar. ISO M., white fir. 60
M.. NWW SWW. red fir. 1700 M..
cedar. 350 M.. white fir, 20 M.. SEW
SWH, red fir, 1100 M.. cedar. 160 M..
SWW SWW. red fir. 1700 M, cedar,
20 M , nono of the timber on these
trncts to be sold for loss tlisn fl.50
per M. for the red and yellow fir,
$5.00 per M. for the cedar and $1.00
per M. (or the whlto fir and hemlock.
T. 40 S.. R. 4 E Sec. 5: NEW SWW.
yellow pine, 600 M, red fir, 65 M.;
NWW SWW. yellow pine. 4S5 M.:
red fir. 45 M.; SEW SWW, yellow
Pine. 610 M., red fir, 65 M ; NEW
SIOW. yellow pine, 405 M., red fir, 20
M.; NWW SEW. yellow pine, 260 M.,
red fir, 75 M.i SWW SEW. yellow
pine, 425 M., red fir, 125 M . sugar
pine, 20 M white fir, 15 M.; SEW
SEW yellow pine. 410 Sf red fir, 45
M sugar pine, 10 M.i Sec. 7: NEW
NEW. yellow pine, 370 M., red fir, 25
M sugar pine, 10 M.i NWW NEW.
yollow pine, 300 M., red fir, 60 M.,
sugar pine, 30 M.; SWW NEW. yel
low pine, 365 M.; SEW NEW. yellow
pine, 635 M.i, NEW NWW, yellow
pine, 260 M., red fir 55 M., sugar pine.
25 M.; NEW SS!i. yellow pine, 325
M.; SWW SEW. yellow P'ne, 335 M.,
red fir, 90 M., sugar pine, 15 M.; SEW
SEW, yollow pine. 2C0 M red fir, 80
M., sugar pine, 10 M.; none of the
timber on these sections to be Bold
for less than $3.00 per M. for the
yellow pine and sugar pine, $1.00 per
M. for the red (ir and $.50 per M.' for
the white fir.
T. 29 S., R. 10 W., Sec. 35: Lot 1,
yellow fir, 1000 M., red fir, 200 M.,
cedar 1,435,750 ft., hemlock, 30 M.,
white fir, 30 M.; Lot 2, yellow fir, 900
M., red fir. 300 M.. cedar. 437 M., white
fir, 90 M.i Lot 6, yellow fir, 800 M.,
red fir, 240 M., cedar, 290 M.i none
of the timber on these lots to be sold
for less than $1.50 per M. for the
yellow fir, $1.00 per M. for the red fir,
$5.00 per M. for the cedar, $.50 per M.
for (ho hemlock and white fir.
T. 30 S., R. 10 W., Seo. 3: Lot 1, red
fir, 290 M., cedar, 110 M.i Lot 2, red
fir. 285 M., cedar, 185 M.i SEW SWW.
red fir, 650 M cedar, 580 M.i NEW
SEW, red fir, 235 M., cedar 260 M.;
SWW 8EW. red fir, 240 M., cedar
794 M., white fir, 20 M.; SEW SEW.
red fir 630 M., cedar, 635 M., white
fir, 70 M. ; none of the timber on these
tracts to be sold for less than $1.50
per M. for the red fir, $5.00 per M. for
the cedar and $.50 per M. for the white
fir. T. 30 S R. 11 W., Seo. 13, SWW
SEW. fir, 144 M white cedar, 225 M.;
SEW SEW, fir, 178 M., white cedar,
240 M., none of the timber on these
tracts to be sold for less than $1.50
per M. for the fir and $5.00 per M.
for the white cedar.
T. 29 S., R. 10 W, Sec. 29, SWW
NWW, red fir, 355 M., cedar 180 M.;
white fir, 30 M., NWW SWW. red fir,
215 M., cedar, 210 M., white fir, 40 M.,
SWW SEW, red fir, 410 M, cedar,
90 M., SWW SWW. red fir, 615 M.,
cedar, 480 M.. SEW SWW. red fir. 390
M . cedar. 220 M.. white fir. 60 M..
none of the timber on these tracts to
be sold for less than $1.50 per M., for i
the red fir, $5.00 per M. for the cedar '
and $.50 per M., for the white fir. i
T. 39 S., R. 5 W., Sec. 15, NWW SEW.
I yellow pine, 60 M., sugar pine, 30 M., i
nr in., none 01 tue timoer on tins
tract to be sold for less than $3.00
per M. for the pine and $1.25 per M. '
for the fir. WILLIAM SPRY. I
Commissioner, General Land Office. I
and answer said complaint or other
wise plead thereto, within said time,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for the relief demand
ed and prayed for In the complaint,
succinctly stated as follows, to-wit:
For a decree of the Court requiring
the defendants, and each of them, to
set forth the nature of their claims In
and to the following described real
property, situated, in the County . of
Jaqkson and State of Oregon, to-wit:
An undivided five-sixths interest In
and to lots numbered One (1) and
Two (2) of Block number Twenty
three (23) of the Original Town (now
City) of Medford, Oregon, as the same
are numbered, designated and de
scribed on the official plat thereof,
now of record:
And that all adverse claims to said
premises may be determined by decree
of this Court:
That by said decree it be declared
and, adjudged that plaintiff is the
owner in fee of said premises: that.
Its title ba quieted, and declared good
and valid; and that the defendants,
and each of them, be adjudged and de
creed to have no estate or interest
whatever in or to said premises, or any
part thereof;
That said defendants, and each ot
them, be forever enjoined and de
barred from asserting any claim what
ever In or to said premises adverse to
the plaintiff;
That plaintiff have an order of the
Court directing the Registrar of Titles
of Jackson County, Oregon, to cancel
the outstanding certificate of title to
said premises, and to transfer said
premises and Issue a certificate of title
thereto to the plaintiff.
This summons is published in the
Medford Mall Tribune, by order of
Honorable P. M. Calkins, Judge of the
above entitled Court, duly made and
entered on the 4th day of December,
1922. The date of the first publication
of this Bummons is the 2nd day of
March, 1923.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address: Rooms 201-206. First Nat'l
Bank Bldg.. Medford. Oregon.
.Standard Incubators
t CIV . lL- ., ,t ,
n.. ,f. -.jaUro.cja I;; jifl
Standard Incubators nnd Brooders are mode In all sbscs, Electric
or Hot Water heat a patented feature found only in the Standard.
Made in the West for 'Western conditions.
Practically every large poultry plant In Southern Oregon equip
ped with Standard Machines. There's a, Itcason. Let ns show yon
Iiow to make 100 profit per year on - the cost of an Incubator.
What other business can shpw such returns?
Standard Manufacturing Co.
No. J Mitchell Way Tel. 508-11-3 ' Medford, Ore.
Notice of Sale or Government
General Land Otrice, Washington,
D. C, 1923.
Notice is hereby given that subject
to tho conditions and limitations of
the Act of June 9, 1916, (39 Stat. 218),
and the Instructions of the Secretary
of the Interior of September 15, 1917
(46 L. D., 447), the timber on the
following lands will be Bold April 30,
1923, 10 o. c. a. in., at public auction at
tho United States Land Office at
Lakeview, Oregon, to the highest bid
der at not less than the .appraised
value as shown by this notice, sale to
bo subject V the approval or the Sec
retary of tho Interior. The purchase
price, with an additional sum of one
fifth of one per cent cent thereof,
being commissions allowed, must be
deposited at time of sale, money to be
returned If sale is not approved,
otherwise patent will issue for the
timber which must be removed' within
ten years. Bids will be received from
citizens of the United States, associa
tions of such oltlzens and corporations
organized under the Jaws of the Unit
ed States or any State, Territory or
District thereof only. Upon applica
tion of a qualifiod purchaser, the tim
ber on any legal subdivision will be
offered separately before being includ
ed In any offor of a larger unit
T. 40 S., R. 7 E., Soc. St, NEW SWW,
yellow pino, 645 M., red fir 75 M.; frl.
N W W SW W yellow pine 490 M., red fir
0 M.; frl. SW W SWW yellow pine 610
M red Tir 65 M,: SEW SWW yellow
p. no 645 M.: red fir 165 .: NWW
SEW yellow pine 520 M red fir 60
M.i SWW SEW yollow pine 630 M.,
red fir 110 M.; none of the timber on i
thCBe tracts are to be sold for less
thnn $4.00 por !., for the yellow pine
and $1.00 per M. for the red fir.
T. 40 S., R. 6 E., Sec. 1, Lot 3, yellow
pine 610 M., rod fir 40 M. ; Lot 4
yollow pine 500 M., red fir 40 M., sugar
pino 20 M.: NEW SWW yellow pine
800 M., red fir 150 M., white fir 150
M., NWW SWW yellow pine 4S0 M.,
red fir, 60 M., sugnr pine 10 M., white
fir 70 M., SEW SWW yellow pino 640
M white Hr 100 M.i SWW SW W
yellow pine 400 M., red fir 150 M
white fir 20 M.; none ot tho timber on
those trncts to be sold for less than
$1.00 per M., for the yellow pine and
sugar pine and $1.00 per M., for the
rod and white fir.
Commissioner, General Land Office.
Summons for Publication
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Jackson County.
The City of Medford, Oregon, a munic
ipal corporation. Plaintiff, vs. Wm.
Hlttlo Wells and Mnhle Parker
Wells, husband and wife; Scott V.
Davis and Ida II. Davis, husband and
wife; G. M. Wells. Richard Williams.
Florence West; tho unknown heirs
of tho above named defendants if
deceased; also all other persons or
parties unknown claiming any right,
title, estate, lieu or Intorest In the
rcnl estate described In tho com
plaint herein, Iofondniits.
To the above nnmed O. M. Wells,
Richard Williams, Florence West: the
unknown holrs of the above named de
fendants if deceased; also all other
persons or parties unknown claiming
any right, title, estate, Hen or Interest
In tho real estate described in tho
complaint heroin, and each of them:
In the Name of the Stato of Oregon:
Ynti. nnd each of you, are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed acainst you in the above
entitled Court and cause, on or before
the last day proscribed in the order for
publication of summons herein, to-wit:
on or before the expiration of six
weeks from the date of the first publi
cation of said summons.
And you. and each of you, are hereby
notified that if you (nil to so appear
1 Change id Schedule of Stages
Effective April 15th, 1923
North Bound
LEAVE MEDFOED 7:45 a. m. daily for ROSEBURG, PORT
LAND and way points. Arrives Portland 11:00 p. m. same day.
LEAVE MEDFORD 2:00 p. m., stops over night at Roseburg, ar
' rives Portland following day 5 :15 p. ni.
Leaves Medford for Grants Pass only at 6:00 p. m.
,. South Bound
LEAVES PORTLAND for Medford 7:00 a; in. daily. Arrives
Medford 9 :15 same daj-, also
LEAVES PORTLAND at 11 :00 a. m. and stops over night at Rose
burg, arriving Medford following day at 1:30 p. ni.
" Fare Medford to Portland $7.85"
Daily Except Sunday
LEAVES MEDFORD for Ashland: 7:00, 8:00, 9:15; 10:30 a. m.
12 :00 noon, 1 :30, 2 :45, 4 :00, 5 :15, 6 :30, 9 :20 p. m. ; also 7 :45 p. m.
Saturday only.
LEAVE ASHLAND for Medford 7:00, 8:00, 9:15, 10:30, 11:45 a.
m. ; 1 :00, 2 :30, 4 :00, 5 :15, 6 :30, 10 :00 p. m. ; also 8 :30 p. m. Sat
urday only.
Sunday Schedule
LEAVE MEDFORD for Ashland 8:45, 10:00, 11:30 a. m.; 1:00,
2:30, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00, 9.20 p. in. '
. LEAVE ASIILAND for Medford 7:00, 9:30, 11:00 a. m., 12:30,
.2:00,3:30,5:00,6:30,10:00 p.m.
Daily Except Sunday '
LEAVE CENTRAL POINT for Medford 7:40, 10:30 a. m.; 1:00,
3 :30 p. m. ; also 7 :00 p. m. Wednesday, Saturday, and 9 :50 Sat
urday only.
LEAVE MEDFORD for Central Point 10:00 a. m., 12:00 noon,
3:00, 5:00 p. m.; also 9:30 p. m. Wednesday, Saturday, and
11:00 p. in. Saturday only.
Sunday Schedule
LEAVE CENTRAL POINT for Medford 9:30 a. in., 12:00 noon;
3:30,7:00 p.m.
LEAVE MEDFORD for Central Point " 10:00 a. m, 12:30, 4:30
9:30 p.m.
Daily Except Sunday
LEAVE JACKSONVILLE for Medford 7:00, 8:00, 10:00 a. m.;
12:00 noon, 2:00, 4:00, 5:00 p. m.-, also 7:00 p. m. Wednesday,
LEAVE MEDFORD for Jacksonville 7:40, 8:40, 10:30 a. m.; 1:00,
3:00, 4:30, 6:00 p. m.; also 10:00 p. m. Wednesday, Saturday.
Sunday Schedule
LEAVE JACKSONVILLE for Medford 9:00, 11:30 a. m.; 2:00,
4:30, 7:00 p. m.
LEAVE MEDFORD for Jacksonville 9:30 a. m.; 12:00 noon, 2:45,
5:45, 10:00 p. m.
Phone 309.