Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 12, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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Kidney and Bladder
Troubles Conquered
or Money Back
For 40 yearn, mid Dr. Carey, I
have proscribing my Prescription No.
777 (known for yeurs as Marshroot)
for kidney and bladder Blckness and
now that I havo retired from active
practice I have made arrangements
with h-adinK druggists to dispense!
erate price, on the money back if
dissatisfied plan.
Beware of kidney disease thous
ands die of it every yenr who ought
to be enjoying the blessings of life
and health. Watch the symptoms.
If you hnve specks floating before the
eyes, puffy eyes, clammy feet or moist
palmB, backache - or sldeache, you
ought to get a bottle of Dr. Carey's
famous Prescription No. 777 right
It has wonderfully benefited tens
of thousands- of cases of kidney and
bladdor troubles and is the medicine
you can always depend upon. Re
sults are guaranteed.
NOTE Wr. Daniel O. Carey was a
practicing physician for many years
and his groat Prescription No. 777
aided thousands of sufferers from
kidney and bladder troubles. Here
after you can alwas get this effec
tive prescription In both liquid and
tablet form at Heath's Drug Store
and West Side Pharmacy and all re
liable pharmacists the country over.
LONDON. April 12. (By the As
sociated Press) Neither the govern
ment nor the opposition is likely to
this wonderful prescription at a mod-1 derive much satisfaction from the
commentaries on yesterday'- Hcene in
the house of commons printed In the
newspapers today.
The Times, which gives general
support to the government, rebukes
it lor not showing a more accommo
dating attitude towards the opposi
tion, but equally condemns the lat-
ter's "violent temper."
The liberal newspapers charge the
government with . shiftiness and in
capacity. The Chronicle says that an
early general election may be looked
for. The Westminster Gazette as
serts that the government lost, if not
tue confidence, nt least the unques
tioning loyalty of Its followers.
None of the newspapers, not even
the Daily Herald, labor's organ, has
anything to say in defense of the ac
tion of the labor. te extremists which,
according to universal testimony,
was much to the distuste of J. Ham
say MucDonald, and the moderate
leaders. ,
Mr. MacDonald is said to have been
gravely annoyed at the injection of
the "Hed Flag" Into the proceedings.
Rome observers say that when the
song started, he turned around
sharply and frowned, waving a hand
deprecatingly to his followers seated
behind him. .
"The Track Man"
BO N. Holly Phone 60
HuoooMor to Weeks-Conger Co.
Me I ford. Ore.
For Quick Bervrce Phone) 110
Our complcto gprviro
mentis ginMft) Hint fit duo
to exnet correction thru
preoiHlon of examination. .
LONDON. April 12. (By tho As
sociated Press) It was roportou to
day that upon tho reassembling of
parliament thin afternoon Prime
Minister Bonar Law's harassed gov
ernment would seek refuge In the ap
pointment of a committee to examine
the question of the salaries paid to
war veterans of the service.
This step would be taken as a con
cession to tho bitter opposition in the
house of commons, it was the insis
tence of the lnborltes, supported by
mnny members of other parties, for
a definite statement from the govern
ment as to what It Intended to do for
the veterans, that formed the cloud
from which developed the present
Out of the . overcast , sky that
brought .the government a defeat
Tuesday on a division there grow yes
terday a hurricane, forcing a Bus
pension of tho Bitting after wild
scones of disorders unprecedented
for at least a generation in the staid
old house of commons, -
England gasped' today when It read
tho press reports of tho physical
encounters and tho singing of "Tho
Red Fins" wlthlu tho sacred walls.
Notable Cast at Page
"Qtilncy AdaniB Sawyer begins the
second day of Its engagement at the
Page theater today. .
It Is one of the best and most whole
some productions witnessed in some
time. Aside from a charming story
and an interest holu.'ng development,
the picture contains it cast that is
especially noteworthy. Blanche Sweet,
Barbara La Marr, Lon Chaney, John
Bowers and Elmo Lincoln all do Bplen
did work.
Mention has been made previously
regarding the cleverness of the titles
in thU photoplay. They score succes
sive laughs, aside from the many
highly humorous situations In the pic
"Quincy Adams Sawyer" brings
back to the screen Blanche Sweet
which production also necessitated
her getting Borne good duckings in the
Columbia river, and along which many
of the Interestingly picturesque scenes
wore made. In fact, It is rather a
national picture in the producing, as
it sweeps across the continent from
Boston, where some scenes are laid,
to the Columbia.
Hobart Bosworth, Rlalto
Marshall Neilan's "The Strangers'
Banquet," a tremendously powerful
drama with a strikingly unusual
theme, heads the present bill at the
Rlalto theatre. The cast 1s one of its
superlative features, headed by Ho
bart Bosworth, Claire Windsor and
Rockliffe Fellowes.
The rest of the cast is Nigel Barrle,
Eleanor Boardman, Thomas Holding,
Stuart Holmes, Claude Gllllngwater
and Eugenie BeBserer.
The use of an entire shipyard was
obtained for filming the exteriors and
the production Is on a lavish scale
throughout. Beauty, imagination and
reality are mingled Into a rousing and
compelling whole which no one' can
ever forget.
BERLIN, April 12. It Is reported
from Buer that that town has been and tho number
fined 60,000,000 marks and that all larger, and If conditions continue fa-
CHICAGO, April 12.- Unfavorable
weather conditions during March re
tarded the growth of spring lambs in
Tennessee and Kentucky to some ex
tent, and tho market movement In
volume will probably bo ten days or
two weeks later than was Indicated
in tho report of March 1, according
to a statement today by tho bureau
of agricultural economics by the
United atates department of agricuK
turo. i
In Idaho tho favorable weather
conditions prevailing during Febru
ary continued through Aftirch, with
abundant sunshine and mild temper
aturo and a good supply of feed. Tho
number of early lambs dropped has
been somewhat larger than last year
saved materially
Have us look over tho pistons
of your car's engine if thoy
uro worn, need new wrist plus
or rings, wn are proparod to
render pertoct, prompt sorvlco.
Overslzo pistons to ordor,
rings for all - sizes, wrist pins,
etc. Wo ALSO romove scores
from cylinders.
80-40 No. Front. Phono 1 10
' J Offer you tho host choice
j the kind ol spark plug you
: want, tho tubes, tools, mirror,
' bumper, horn, parts, etc.
Equip your car on It should
lie havo tho factlttlos thnt
i make for motoring comfort
; and safety buy right by buy
ing here.
; The Auto Supply Co.
81 S. llnrlli-tt. . Ik Wrlnht
street traffic nt night Is forbidden on
account !of tho blowing up of the
militarized rnllway between Buer and
ESSEN, April 12. (Ily the Asso
ciated Press) Fifty-one ' Germans
"muidorcd" and 238,000 tons of conl
nnd coku exported this is hto way
the' Oormans summarize tho out
standing results of tho occupation of
tho Ruhr which began threo months
ago. They doclare that tho reparti
tions deliveries of coal and coke
under pro-occupation condition would
havo been 4,200,000 tons of coal and
Homl-offlclnl quarters hero has Is
sued a list giving tho names, ad
dresses nnd occupations nnd dates of
tho dentils of Germans who have
been killed.
Twonty-tivo of these killed nro
Riven as laborers, thirteen ns offic
lalH and the remainder morchnnts.
manufacturers nd pensioners nnd
two women.
vorablo, It Is estimated that tho num
her of early Inmbs for market will
to around 20 per cent largor than
last year.
Conditions In Texns hnve been ex
cellent. Sheep will be fat by May,
but the market supply will bo below
BEATTLH, April 12. K. Iwrtshlta,
who had a reputation as a gunman.
was hit threo times and killed hero
early today by M. Mauraknml, res
taurant keeper, according to tho po
lice. A confession attributed to Mur
akami said thut lwashltu had ap
proached him on the street nnd de
manded money on pain of death.
Murakami told tho noili-e. they
said, that ho had grappled with Iwa-
snita, wrested his gun from him and
started shooting to mivo his own life.
A policeman w ho heard the shots, ran
up and arrested Murakami ns Inn-
shltu crumpled on tho pnvement.
wnshlia had been Biisnected of
slaying two men In this city within a
year. Tho polloo said that ho made
habit of going around to stores de
manding money and threalenlni to I
mil tnewe -no refused It.
Murakami declined ho had re
ceived several of these visits from
lwashltu and had refused to ran.
Karle an Athlete as Well a Singer
' Theo. Karle, the young tenor who
sings Monday night, April lGtli at the
Page thoater was well known as one
of the fastest fullbacks In college foot
ball, and is an export swimmer, oars
man and tennis-player.
Theo Karle is essentially a "man's
man" and 1b a delightful chap to have
In onos club, at one's table or fire
side, and when he Is "off-Btago" the
last, thing he Is willing to talk about
Is music. Ho drives a car with the
skill of long practice with different
machines, and has handled many a
racing car. With a lively Interest "in
the movement" as the French say, he
is well up on aviation, and had he not
Keen a tenor, he most assuredly would
have been a crack driver or a crack
aviator, for his familiarity with the
gasoline engine Is a thing uncanny.
His "tinkering up" on the road Is the
envy of al his professional friends.
Episcopalian! Meet
OMAHA, Nob., April 12. All sec
tions of the United Stntes wero repre
sented hero by educational leaders of
the Episcopal church at the church's
fourth educational conference which
opened today to continue until next
Monday nftomoon. Hurnl district
probloms and week day religious In
struction were among the problems
Pleasure .Yacht Burnt
LONDON', April 12. Tho luxurious
yacht Wisdom 1I owned by Edward
Salisbury of Los Angeles has been
hmlly damaged by firo at Savonln,
Italy, according to a Central News
dispatch from Oonoo. Flames start
ing In tho petrol tanks destroyed much
of tho machinery, art objects and gifts
which royal personages had made lo
Mr. Salisbury. Tho damage Is esti
mated at $l,ou0,000,
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money
Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c
and mall it to Foley & Co., 2835 Shef
field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your
name nnd address clearly. You will
recolve in roturn a trial package con
taining Foley's Honey nltd Tnr Com
pound for coughs, colds anil croup;
Foloy Kidney Pills for pains In sides
and hack; rheumatism, backache, kid
noy and bladder aldmcnts; and Foloy
Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic for
constipation, biliousness, headaches,
and sluggish bowols. Sold everywhere.
Notice of Sale of Government Timber
General Land Office, Washington,
D. C. March 30, 1923. .
Notice Is hereby given that subject
to the conditions and limitations of
the nets of June 9. 191(1 (39 Stat, SIS).
February 2tS, 1919 (4rt Stat.. 1179), and
June 4. 1920 (41 Stat , 75S). and De
partmental .KgulKtlona of September
IT.. 1917 i 111 L. 1)., 417), and June 22,
1920 (47 U D., 411), the Umber on the
following lands will be sold May 11
1923, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at public
auction at the United States land
office at Roseburg. Oregon, to the
highest bidder at not less than the
appraised value as shown by this
notice, sale to be subject to the appro
val of the Secretary of the interior.
The purchase price, with an additional
sum of one-fifth of one per cent.,
thereof, being commissions allowed,
must be deposited at time ot sale,
money to be returned If sale is not
approved, otherwise patent will issue
for the timber which must be removed
within ten years. Bids will be re
ceived from citizens of the United
States, associations ot such citizens
and corporations organized under the
laws of the United States or any
State, Territory or District thereof
only. Upon application of a qualified
purcnaser, the timber on any legal
subdivision will be 'Offered separately
Deiore being included In any orrcr of
larger unit.
T. 16 S., R. 2 W.. Sec. 35: NWVl
yellow fir, 600 M.. red fir, 800
M., cedar, 160 M., hemlock. 60 M.,
none of the timber on this tract to be
sold for less than $1.75 per M. for the
yellow and red fir and $1.00 per M,
for the cedar and hemlock. T. 19'8.
R. 1 W., Sec. 33: SE4 BV, fir 1870
M.j SW& 8Wy fir 1000 M. not to
be sold for loss than $1.75 per M. T,
21 S., R. 2 W., Sec. 27; Lot 6, fir 700
M., red cedar, 250 M., hemlock, 150
M., none of the timber on this tract to
be sold- for less than $1.60 per M. for
tne rir and per M. for the cedar
anu Hemlock".
T. 21 S., R. 5 W.. See. 25: NEW
SWtt, fir 375 M NEVl SE'i. fir 350
M., NV SEW, fir 650 M none of
the fir on these tracts to be sold for
leas than $2.00 per M. T. 27 S., R. 12
W., Sec. 17: NB. NEtt, yellow fir,
oiw m., red nr. 325 M.: nww
yellow fir, 1800 M hemlock and white
,'.lr, 125 M. ; SE NEW, yellow fir
1150 M., red fir, 300 M., white fir. 100
m., nemiock, 60 M.; sw NE, yel
low fir, 1900 M, white fir and hem
lock, 250 M.; NEW, NW!4, yellow fir,
1700 M., white fir and hemlock, 100
M.; NWW NWW, yellow fir, 2700 M.;
SEW- NW, yellow fir, 3200 M white
fir, 60 M.; 8WW NWW, yellow fir,
2500 M. ; NEW SE"4, yellow fir, 2075
M red fir, 300 M white fir, 25 M.;
NWW SEW, yellow fir, 1950 M., white
fir ana hemlock. 150 m. : sew SEtt
yellow fir, 1860 M.; SWW SEW, yel
low fir, 2300 M., white nr. 75 M.
NE SWW, yellow fir,: 3000 M.;
NWW 8WW, yellow fir, 3000 M.;
SEW SWW yellow fir, 1950 M., white
fir. 100 M. ; SWW SWfc, yellow fir,
2300 M., white fir and hemlock, 100
M.; none of the Umber on theBe tracts
to be sold for less than $2.50 per M.
for the yellow and red fir and $.60 per
M. for the white fir and hemlock.
T. 29 S., R. 10 W;. Sec. 35: Lot 4,
red fir, 430 M., white cedar, 750 M.,
white fir, 40 M none of the timber
on this tract to bo sold for less than
$1.60 per M. for the red fir, $5.00 per
M. for the white cedar and $.50 per
M. for the white fir. T. 32 S., R. 5 W.,
Sec, 31: Lot l.'red fir, 400 M., Lot 2,
red fir, 600 M SEW NWW, red fir,
325 M.. none of the timber on these
tracts to be sold for less than $1.
per M. T. 29 S R. 11 W., Sec, 1: Lot
2, yellow and red fir, 980 M., cedar,
160 M., SEW NEW, yellow and red
fir, 280 M., cedar 130 M., SWW NEW
yellow and red fir; 460 M, cedar, 160
M.,.Lot 3, yellow and red fir, 180 M.,
cedar, 150 M., NW54 SE, yellow and
red fir, 310. M., cedar, 40 M., SE
Sjsw, yellow. and red fir, 860 M.
cedar, 30 M., SW SEW. yellow and
red fir, sou M NE SWW, yellow fir,
800 M cedar, 300 M., NWW SWW
yellow and red fir, 320 M., cedar, 380
M., SEW. SWW. yellow and red fir,
360 M., cedar, 500 M.. hemlock, 40 M.
SWW SWW. yellow fir, 400 M., cedar,
600 M Sec. 11,, Lot 2, red fir, 2300 M.,
cedar, 300 M., SWW NEW, red fir,
1660 M cedar 600 M white fir, 50
M., Lot 3, red fir, 2200 M-, cedar, 320
M., white fir, 40 M., Lot 4, red fir,
2000 M., cedar, 400 M., SEW NWW,
red fir, 1250 M., cedar, 150 M., SWVi
NWW, red fir, 1700 M., cedar, 600 M.
white fir, 40 M., NEW SWW. red fir,
1560 M cedar, 180 M., white fir, 60
M.. NWW SWW. red fir, 1700 M
cedar, 360 M., white fir, 20 M SEW
SWW. red fir, 1100 M cedar, 160 M
SWW SWW, red fir, 1700 M., cedar,
20 M., none of the timber on these
tracts to be sold for less than $1.50
per M. for the red and yellow fir.
$5.00 per M. for the cedar and $1.00
per M. for the white fir and hemlock.
T. 40 S., R. 4 E.. Sec. 6: NEW SWW
yellow pine, 500 M red fir, 65 M.;
NWW SWW, yellow pine. 485 M.
rod fir. 45 M.; SEW. SWW, yellow
Pine, 510 M red fir. 65 M.; new
SEW, yellow pine, 405 M., red fir, 20
M.; NWW SEW, yellow pine, 260 M.,
red fir, 75 M.; SWW 8EW. yellow
pine, 425 M red fir, 125. M., sugar
pine, 20 M white fir, 15 M.; SEW
SEW yellow pine, 440 M., red fir. 46
M., Biigar pine, 10 M .; sec. 7: NEW
NEW, yellow pine, 370 M., red fir, 25
M., sugar pine, 10 M.; NWW NEW,
yellow pine, 300 M.. red fir, 60 M.,
sugar pine, 30 M.: SWW NEW, yel
low pine, 365 M.; SEW NE4, yellow
pine, 635 M.; NEW NWW. yellow
pine, 2b0 M., red fir 6 M., sugar pine,
25 M.; NEW SEW, yellow pine, 326
m.; sww sew. yellow pine. 335 m.,
red fir, 90 M sugar pine, 15 M.; SEW
SEW. yellow pine, 260 M red fir, 30
M., sugar pine, 10 M.;-none of the
timber on these sections to be sold
for less than $3.00 per M. for the
yellow pine and BUgnr pine, $1.00 per
M. for the red fir and $.50 per M. tor
the white fir.
T. 29 S., R. 10 VI.. Sec. 35: Lot 1,
yellow fir. 1000 M., red fir. 200 M.,
cedar 1.435.750 ft., hemlock, 30 M.,
white fir, 30 M.; Lot 2. yellow fir, 900
M., red fir. 300 M.. cedar. 437 M white
fir, 90 sr.: Lot 6. yellow fir. 300 M..
red fir, 240 M., cedar, 290 M.; none
ot the timber on these lots to be sold
tor less than $1.60 per M. for the-
yoitow rir, 11.00 per M. ror the red fir,
$5.00 per M. for the cedar, $.60 per M.
for tho hemlock and white fir.
T. 30 9., R. 10 W.. Sec, 3: Lot 1. red
fir, 290 M cedar. 110 M.: lot 2, red
fir, 2S6 M cedRr, 185 M. I SEW SWW,
red fir, 650 M cedar, 680 M.: NE 4
SEW, red fir, 235 M., cedar 260 M.;
SWW SEW, red fir, 240 M., cedar
794 M., white fir. 20 M .: SEW SEW.
red ftr 650 M cedar, 635 M white
fir, 70 M.: none of the timber on these
tracts to be sold for less than $1.60
per M. for the red fir, $5.00 per M. for
the cednr and $ 60 per M. for tho white
fir. T. SO S., R. 11 W.. Sec. 13, SWW
SEW. fir. 144 M.. white cedar. 225 M.;
SEW SEW, fir, 178 M., white cedar,
240 M., none of the timber on these
tracts to be sold for less than $1.60
per M. for the ftr and $5.00 per M
for the white cedar.
T. 29 S., R. 10 V.. Sec. 29, SW
NWW. red fir. 355 M.. cedar 180 M.:
white fir, 30 M., NWl SWW. red fir,
216 M cedar, 210 M., white fir, 40 M.,
SWW SEW, red fir, 410 M., cedar,
90 M., SWW SWW, red fir, 515 Al.,
cedar, 480 II., SE SWW, red fir, 390
M., cedar, 220 M white fir, 50 M.,
none ot the timber on these tracts to
be sold for less than $1.50 per M., for
the red fir, $5.00 per M. for the cedar
and 1.50 per M., tor the white nr.
T. 89 S., R. 5 W., Sec. 15, NWW SEW,
yellow pine, 60 M., sugar pine, 30 M
fir 240 M., none of the timber on this
tract to be sold for Ibsb than $3.00
per M. for the pine and $1.25 per M.
for the fir. WILLIAM SPRY,
Commissioner, General Land Office.
Babbitting and Welding
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
, Notice of Sato of Government
" Timber
General Land orriee, Washington,
D. C., 1923.
Notice is hereby given that subject
to the conditions and limitations ot
the Act of June 9, 1916, (39 Stat 218),
and the instructions of the Secretary
of the Interior ot September 16, 1917
(46 L. D 447), the timber on the
following lands will be sold April 30,
1923, 10 0. c. a. m., at public auction at
the United States Land Office at
Lakevlew, Oregon, to the highest bid
der at not less than the appraised
value as shown by this notice, sale to
be Bubject to the approval of the Sec
retary of the Interior. The purchase
price, with an additional sum of one
fifth of one per cent cent thereof.
being commissions allowed, must be
deposited at time of sale, money to be
returned if sale is not approved,
otherwise patent will issue for the
timber which must be removed within
ten years. Bids will be received from
citizens of the United States, associa
tions of Buch citizens and-corporations
organized under the laws of the Unit
ed States or any State, Territory or
District thereof only. Upon applica
tion of a qualified purchaser, the tim
ber on any legal subdivision will be
offered separately before being Includ
ed In any offer of a larger unit
T. 40 8., R. 7 E Seo. Si. NEW SWW.
yellow pine, 646 M., red fir 76 M.; frl.
NWK SW W yellow pine 490 M., red fir
UM. rri.8ww SWW yellow pine 510
M., red fir 65 M.: SEW SWW yellow 645- M.: red fir 185 M.: NWW
SEW yellow pine 620 M., red fir 60 1
M.; BWW SEW yellow pine 630 M.,
red fir 110 M.; none of the timber on
these tracts are to be sold for less
than $4.00 per M for the yellow pine
and $1.00 per M. for the red fir.
T. 40 S.. R. 6 E.. Sec. 1. Lot 3. yellow
pine 640 M.. red fir 40 M.t Lot 4
yellow pine 600 M., red fir 40 M., sugar
pine 20 M.; NEW SWW yellow pine
800 M., red fir 150 M., white fir 150
M., NWW SWW yellow nine 480 M..
red fir, 60 M., sugar pine 10 M., white j
rir yu M., BKft BWH yellow pine 640
M., white fir 100 M.; SWW SWW
yellow pine 400 M., red fir 160 M.,
white fir 20 M.; none of the timber on
these tracts to be sold for less than
$4.00 per M., for the yellow pine and
sugar pine and $1.00 per M., for the
sea ana wmte nr.
- Commissioner, General Land Office.
.1.. ... ., 1 299tf
j 'ti : ' jT
.. ; ... AT ALL GROCERS A' ,--- VttlX C7
'in 1 ' I 1 1 I I I I TFj
Springtime Calls---
Plan Your Vacation Now!
Association at
Bui Francisco
Yoscmite and
Sequoia (Big
Trees) NatT
Santa Orui
Del Monte
Santa Barbara
Lot Angele -beaches
Newport and
Crater Lake -Nat'l
Oregon Cavet
Cascade '
Coot Bay
Country -
With the bursting of spring
time come the first Vagrant
thoughts of vacation from
their cramped-up winter nests.
Why not plan now that you
may reap the reward, of early
and careful planning. , ; ,
A part of our business is to as
sist you by helpful suggestions.''
May we serve you by letter,
personal advice or by sending
descriptive folders?
Low round trip tickets will be
on sale to San Francisco, Los .
Ahgeles and other California '
points as well as to Eastern '
cities and to Oregon resorts. '
For further particulars, ask your local
ticket agent, or write
General Passenger Agent
.-' ' . Portland, Oregon 1 .'
Price Advances
on May 1
2,900 shares how remaining,
offered to customers and friends at
95 per share
The California Oregon Power Company
7 Preferred Capital Stock
Yielding 370 . .
In few waeks May 1 the opportunity
to Invest In these securities at the exceedingly
attractive rate of $95 per share will have
passed. The stocks of comparable public utill.
ties on this roast are held at approximately the
par value price of f 100 per ahare. K you want
7.37 and safely act mt oace, while you
can stui invest at tne present
figure. Even now our custom
era and friends are rapidly
taking up the few shares still
available. .
The California Oregon
Power Company has shown
substantial grnwih in ratn
inga resulting from the devel
opment of the territory In
which it operates.
Between 1012 and 1472. the
Company's ronaumera grew
from 6.561 to an increase of WO-
and the development of the territory Is atill In
its infancy. In the seme ten yeaia the physh at
properties behind the Company's Capital Stork
have increased from fa. 189.1 iJ.76 to $ni,29J,
569.69. which includes seven hydro-electric
plants in Southern Oregon and Nonliv'rii Cat
ifornia. ,
The accompanying chart ahowi the steadily
Increased earnings of this Company.
Par value f 100 per share.
Dividends paid since issuance, $7 per share
per annum. Checks mailed every three months,
$1.75 per shara.
Proceeds of all securities sold devoted ex
clusively to development of
Company's properties.
Not assessable by the Com
pany for any purpose what
soever. Exempt from Paderal Nor
mal Individual Income Tax.
Takes precedence ss to as
sets and dividends over com
mon stock amounting to
$4,441,100 par value. Equity
back of the preferred stock
now outstanding amounts to
a total of $8,385,361 5S, which equals $281.30
et share, ui oval three times the present cost
ot $95 per Share. v
Purchase may be made in any amount from
one share upwards; cash, or ssWnga pen;
J5 00 per share as first payment, and $5.00 per
ahere per month. Interest on all partial pay.
nienta at b per annum. .
The stock is listed oh the San Francisco
Stock and Bond Exchange.
The California Oregon Power Company
Office: Medford, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls, Oregon
tYrrka, Dunsmuir, California
Prict Advances May 1, 1923
far jpmrtisl fifiktt ftm j tS ff Pf mtmt '
abitt yn$ r ukt mmtdftt Jvntit tkt txtttj'tmgly
ttrdctnt pritt str wiic fli Afgl-f r-at.iV urwrity h Ar
t tftrf4$9S Pf rt t yitU fJ7 r
itvt WtP i pritf frt f fimftrtMt kyrptltctru tmti.
a. if w 1 4tti'ti ,la f
. Tea ayy . ! frt ftl tv'wari m
wr tfiitti, tt fm sty mtmlti J f ear., e. bwi
re raV-rereee, "
I The California Oregon Power Company
Med lord, Urcgon
PlesK have member of your organization call
.Udrtn '
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on me about your 7 Preferred Stock.
A'rr .