"BRINGING MAGGIE- WHERE'O PUT ME SHANGHAI, April 11. (By Associ ated Press). Ia a manifesto Issued today the first squadron of the Chi nese navy, stationed here and consist ing of one cruiser and tour gunboats, declared its independence of the King government and called upon the entire navy to join the revolt. This means that the first squadron has aligned itself with the anti-Peking forces head ed by Sun Yat Sen, the Canton leader, and including, in a loosely drawn alli ance, Ching Tso-Lin, dictator of Man churia; Lu Yung-Hsiang, tuchun of Chekiany province, and Tuan Chi-Jul, former head of the Anfu party. The action was declared to be the result of the Peking government's re cent appointment of Sun Chuan-Fang as military governor of Pukien pro vince, the post has been filled under the dictation of Wu Pel Fu, the old time enemy of Chang Tso-Lin. The gossip of officialdom here, however, says the revolt was inspired by the payment from Mukden, the Manchur ian capital, of eight months' wages which had been owing to the sailors. PEKING, April 11. (By Associated Press). Chung King, Szechwan pro vince, the marketing point for rich salt deposits in the upper Yangtze valley, is reported to have been cap tured, by troops under General Yang Sen, who in his southern campaign Is backed by Wu Pel Fu, the military power of North China. The southern forces are retreating to Luchow, about 80 miles southwest. With a view of preventing their junc tion with other southern troops unddr Governor Tang Chi-Yao of Yunnan province, Wu Pel Fu is urging his ally. Yuan Chu Min, former tuchun of Kwei Chow province, to flank the retreating enemy by attacking from Kwelchow. CHINESENAVY ON STRIKE AND WM THEIR BACK PAY WOMAN SLAIN BY IRATE NEIGHBOR MERCED, Cal., April 11. Mrs. Josephine Courtncr Meyer, wealthy land owner and real estato operator, was fatally wounded with a shotgun as Bho ran from her burning homo near Livingston, this county, early today and her neighbor, Ben Morgan, Is a suicide, according to officers. Morgan's twenty-acro tract had ) been purchased from Mrs. Meyer " under time payments, It stated, and had, been ro-sold by Mrs. Meyer. Notice of Annual Meeting Notice is horeby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of Meridian Orchard Company, an Ore gon corporation, has been called and will be held at the office of said coih pany, at No. 7 West Eleventh Street, (gin the City of Medford, in Jackson county, Oregon, on Monday, the four teenth day of May, A. D. 1923, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. of said day, . that being the lawful time fixed therefor by the by-laws of said cor poration. Said meeting will be held for the purpose of electing directors, consid ering annual reports of officers and directors and the condition of tins orchard property, revising by-laws, providing moans for financing the orchard operations, and transacting sucji othor business as may come bo fore this meeting. w Dated April 10, 192,1. r MERIDIAN ORCHARD COMPANY 17 i ' By Alan Bracklnroed, Secretary. SYNOPSIS OK Tim ANNUA! STATEMENT imperial iu" v. of New York, In the stale ol New Wk, on the thlrtr-flrst day of llerenilier. 11122. nude to the Insurance commissioner of the slate of Oregon pursuant to law: PKUL FUSEILAL BOMB At Your KcTTlre l'7 or Nigh Information Cordially Given n tlh an1 Oakdole wr VmbmUsce BotIw . fltsnii UP FATHER YOUR. VOICE. - I BELIEVE! "YOU CAPITA! Amount of capital tttm-k paid up. . .950,000. 00 INCOME Net premiums received during; the year 1,050,785.!6 Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year " 91,909.81 Income from othtfr sources re ceived during the year 64,585.20 Total Income 1,207,!60.27 DISBURSEMENTS Net lonaes paid during the year in cluding adjustment expenses.. $ 533,705.01 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 50,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid . during the year 359,684.54 Tuxes, licenses and fees paid during the yeur 55,597.08 Amount of all other expenditures. 40,536.88 Total expenditures $1,045,524.11 ASSETS rhinfdetphia 'Fire Underwriters Ass'n deposit 800.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) 4,211,124.25 Reinsurance due on losses paid.. 1,027.29 Cash in banks and on hand v 77,031.83 Premiums in course of collection written since Sept. 30, 1922.. 255,339, 03 Interest and rents due and ac- . crued , 80,979.76 Total admitted assets 2, 575,801. 60 IJAIIILITIES Gross claims for losses unpaid... i 105,583.00 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks .., 896,013.39 Due for commission and brok erage 2,501 00 All other liabilities 40.000.00 Total liabilities, exclusrre ol capital stock of $500.000.00. tl.044. 120.33 BUSINESS IN OREOON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during the year fti.S94.f0 Losses paid during the year 15,744.69 Losses incurred during -the year 41,236.31 Name of company, Impeiial Assurance Co. Name of president, Pcreival Bercsford. Name of secretary, Howard Terhune. Brown 4s White, resident agents, Mcdford., Ore. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A middle-aged lady for cook and housekeeper on dairy ranch. Cook for 6 to 10 men, $40 per month. Chas. Pala, Smith River, Del Monte Co., Calif. 17 WANTED Two girls for cooking and housework in private family of two adults. On highway two miles north of Central Point Apply Room 312, Medford Hotel, Medford, Ore. tf HELP WANTED Male and Female WANTED Gentleman or lady to sell phonographs. Good opportunity to make money. See Mr. Sinclair, Medford Bldg. 21 Special A Real Car for $117.2 BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Used Cars Ford Roadster $110.00 Delivery Box 1921 Starter Ford $250.00 Good Buy Medford Auto Co. Boick Dealer Cor. Main and Holly MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY,.- APRIL 11, 1023 DON'T XOU EVER. HOLLER. LIKE THAT ACWN-IF VOU I VAMT TO AbK. ME "SOME- THINCi ALVVAf DO VOU HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Man with car for part time work. Ford touring or delivery will do. Address 9G, Mall Tribune. 17 WANTED Man to work on lawn. Phone 171. 19 WANTED Boy over 16. Phone Pull man Bakery. 16tf WANTED Man to do chores and gardening. Phone 639-R. 17 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Work other than house work. Write Box 103, Mail Tribune. 17 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED 500 or 1000 gallon galvan ized iron water tank. Phone 28-J-Z; W. F. Biddle. 18 WANTED See Brown for first class shoe repairing. 103 N. Central. 13tf WANTED A furnished house of about six rooms, by a family of adults. Must be modern and in good district Guarantee excellent care of furnishings. Call 998. tf WANTED Having just completed a ouylng arrangement with one of the largest wool and Mohair buyers in the state we expect to pay more than anyone in Medford for these commodities. Johnson Produce Co. Phone 97. tf WANTED 250 lawn mowers to shar pen. Liberty Repair Shop. tt WANTED Bonne moving and repair ing. Phone 4?.8-M or 488-X. FOB RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Nicely furnished Bleep ing room. Phone 905-M. 21 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms; men. 245 N. Grape St. tf FOR RENT Well lighted front sleep ing room, with bath privileges; also garage for rent. 325 S. Riverside. Phone 70W. tf FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Nice furnished apart ments, steam heat hot and cold water and bath. Phone 457-J, River side Apartments. ' 17 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Five room house on S. Central, $12 per month. Phone 105 or 617-L. 17 FOR RENT Modern house. Phone R-13-R. 19 FOR RENT Unfurnished house five rooms, bath and screen porch, newly painted and papered. C. A. DoVoe. tf FOR RENT Modern f room house arranged to sublet Call M. M. Dept. Store. ... tf FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty So., No. 15 N. Grape St, Phone 465-J. tf FOR RENT Houses .wn & White. FREE LOT 75x100 FREE ' Will sell strictly modern bungalow, hardwood floors, . fire place, for $1,000.00 less than house could bo built for today and give you the lot free for good measure. Tho shade, fruit and shrubbery on this lot are worth $1,500.00. See this property at 527 South Holly 0. S. BUTTERFIELD ARRESTED FOR SPEEDING Trying to show the best buy In Jackson Count 20 acres alfalfa, grain and garden land . IVIco Ml!lOO 17 acres In fine alfalfa, will cut 85 tons this year. 5 acres grain and garden land, one acre grapes. 6 acres woods. Beautiful building spot. Good road. One mile from highway, land level, undor Talent project, ditches in. " - I have been In the real ostate business In Jackson county for 14 years, averaged 1500 miles a month over valley.- This Is tho bost alfalfa ranch I have evor offered for price asked. - J. C. BARXES REAL ESTATE Phono 784 -L , New location 411 Center Rlrlg. FOR EXCHANGE 35 acros of Boar Crook Bottom Land at CITY LIMITS, just' north of Modford, "Tho Atwood tract," only few font off of Paved Highway, on graveled road. All In alfalfa and grain. Fine shado pasture. WE WILL EXCHANGE this fine plcco of land that produces 70 bushels grain and 6 tons alfalfa to acre, for TOWN PROPERTY, Don't neod any money. . SEE US TODAT. J FOUR-SITE REAMT AGENCY Rooms 400-410 Medford Center Bldg. Business Opportunities . Real Estate I'M 'bORR-f- DOCHEbb-MY HUsEKND JUVT HOLLERED LIKE THAT- TO BE. WITTY HE THINKb IT WAb f COME IN A HEAR? ( love:: I r. r 1923 FOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT One-half store room on .Main St Inquire 115 W. Main, tf FOR RENT Furnlsaed cabin for - men.. 445 S. Front 22 FOR RENT 80 acres or land under, water, 2 miles of Medford, good bouse. Address ' Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms; Bath and hot water. 233 E. Main. 22 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. close in, corner a. uaruett and zzi E. Ninth. 18 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 435 S. Fir. . 18 FOR RENT Four furnished rooms on ground floor. 219 S. Central. 18 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 15 N. Grape St, Phone 465-J. tf LOST REWARD Lost a large catalogue. Telephone Hotel Medford. W. A. Kinney. 17 FOUND FOUND Auto tire, Borrydale Store, 1500 N. Riverside. 18 FOUND Brown says he has lots of gloves. 103 N. Central. 13tf MISCELLANEOUS BROWN SAYS he has a new line of men's ladles' and girls' oxfords. 13tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 120 acres near mouth Elk Creek and 40 acres near Butte Falls. All for $5.50 an acre. See Clarence Pierce or phone 617-L. 17 FOR SALE Two acres, five room box house, lots of shade, acre straw berrios, other berries, garden, one acre of alfalfa, pumping plant. Will take light car in good condition. This is a bargain at $1050. Inquire two blocks west of depot, Central Point s 18 FOR SALE, RENT OR TRADE Alf alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co., No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J. tf FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Hatching eggs, O. A. C. Barred Rocks, $1.00 for 15. C. 13. Gates. ' 20 FOR SALE Chicks and hatching eggs. Square Deal Hatchery. Phone 951-1. 17 FOR SALE Two beautiful trios light Brahma chickens. Call Mrs. - C. Caroy, 341-J1. 19 FOR SALE R. I. Red eggs 76 cents setting. Phone 539-J-2. 19 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phone 201 -J. 327 Exchanges T ah; HE t WHW' VOU ;CALL A COMEOA.N': CiOOD JOKE- by inti Feature Service, MONEY TO LOAN 'ARM LOANS Medford National Farm Loan Association. F. P. Far rell, secretary, Jackson County Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, inuuu or less, o per cent Interest O. 0. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board. Jackson County. FOR SAL; AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OR TRADE 1& ton truck for city property. Clark Motor Co. FOR SALE Oakland Six, newly over hauled, good rubber, a a bargain. Dan's Lunch Room. .' tf FOR SALE 1921 Ford bug, 16 valves, starter, all extra equipment, under slung and 5 disc wheels, at a bar gain. Dan's Lunch Room. tf FOR SALE Ford car, 1921 model, self-starter, shock absorbers, good condition. Phone 220-R. 21 FOR SALE Ford bug, newly painted and overhauled, very good condition, good top: a real bargain if taken at once. Call Riverside Apts.. apt 5, 17 FOR SALE MVESTOCK FOR SALE Good team of work horses, two first class milk cows. Priced to sell. E. E. Reames, Cen tral Point 20 FOR SALE Mule team, harness, etc. 607 Pine St. 17 FOR SALE Or will trade on city lot, extra good Jersey cow, will be fresh soon. 625 Edward St. 17 FOR SALE Two pure bred Duroc sows with pigs; also Holstein cow giving 6 gallons. John Mace, mile west Central Point 17 FOR SALE Pigs. Phone R-13-R. 19 FOR SALE Guernsey bull, year old; real beauty. Phone 591-R-l. tf FOR SALE Nine Poland China pigs two months old. M. S. Woods, Eagle Point. 19 FOR SALE Now Hooking orders for Ansora bucks sired by registered buck, Oregon Lad, winner at state fair. Webster ranch, 685-J-3. 17 FOR SALE 70 head of 1 and 2 year old steers. Phone 663-Y. FOR SALE Fresh cows, big milkers, high testers, officially tested. Walsh's place, one mile NE of Med ford on Crater Lake road. 28 FOR SALE Work horses, small and large, single and double. Phone 681-R-l. . 325 FOR SALE Grade, pure bred and registered Duroo Jersey sows, to farrow in March and April; also one prize winning registered Duroc boar Call Bolt Anderson, Medford, or Miravlsta Orchard. tf FOR SALKc ItOMZS FOR SALE Small bungalow, modern, half block off pavement, $500 down, rest like rent Phono 869-R-2. 19 FOR SALE By ownor, modern homo on wost side, six rooms, two sleep ing porches, bath and? shower bath. Garage, large lot, fine soil. Phone 244 or 674-J evenings. 22 FOR SALE OR TRADE Good cheap homos, small down payment, good terms. See me at 518 lloatty St, 41 FOR SALE OR RENT Seven room house, 1 entn ana -Laurel, (jail aun S. Oakdale. Phone 470-J. tf FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance, C. S. But torfiold, Medford National Bank, Phone 389- Just Received Another shipment of those famous $12.50 Cords Inst shipment At this price. Crank Cases and Transmis sions Drained Free. Alemite High Power ' Greasing. ' Jones & Kirkpatrick A REAL BERYICH STATION By Georg'e MAC,IE ONE OF THE UtPENDER lbUTTON'o OFF ME PANTt -WILL vr-ii iiF- sri it- oiM-J I V K) (f At. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Light wagon, team. 120 S. Ivy. 20 FOR SALE Feed coops, for chickens. Phono 36S-X or 1018-M. tf FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, very best quality. Phone 691-R-I. tf FOR SALE Hanks and Progressive Everbearing Btrawberry plants. D. Terwilligor, 344-H. 21 FOR SALE Oat bay and wheat. T. E. Pottengor. 20 FOR SALE Progrcsslvo Everboarlng strawberry plants. Mrs. Dressier. Phone 951-L. , 17 FOR GALE Dry fir wood, $3.50 tier. 235 N. Ivy. . 20 FOR SALE Note for $575. Will take $550. Well secured, bears interest at 8 per cent. P. O. Box 1037. 40 FOR SALE Brown says he fixes them while you wait ld'tt FOR SALE One Victor phonograph, cabinet style, and records. Phone 150. tf FOR SALE See Brown for your shoes. 13tf FOR SALE Nice line of traveling bags. Brown's, 103 N. Central. 13tf FOR SALE About 60 feet of carrier track with carriage, suitable for hay barn, warehouse, garage, etc; will carry 1600 pounds; has all equip ment for Installing, come in and see it at Mall Tribune office. tf FOR SALE Monarch range cheap, 219 S. Central. Phone 956-R. 18 FOR SALE Brown says he has long and short ones. 103 N! Central. 13tf FOR SALE Reliable Blue Flame brooders, 350, 600, 1000 chick sixes at reduced prices. Monarch Sed Co. tf FOR SALE Oyster shells, triple screened eastern shell, $1.40 per 100. Spoclnl all this week. Monarch Seed Co. ' tf FOR SALE Chick food, $3.25 100 lbs. uuaranteea 10 ue gouu. lviuuurcu Seed Co. tf FOR SALE Quick Lunch seed pota toes. Monarch Seed Co. FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Clear 60 acres, cottage or good acreage, 3 heavy young liorBes, harness and wagon, 28 head of cattle. This ad will ap pear onco. Act quickly. Address owner, R. 1, Box 68, Ashland. 17 BUSINESS miUSOTORT . Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 8 and 5 No. 32 North Central Ave., u stairs. Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Ti tle System, in Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. WATSON & KELLOGOf Reliable Jackson county abstractors of t ties. Gold Hill, Oregon. Attorney O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Specialises In Real Estate and Probate Law. 80 North Central Ave. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. Building; Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS Specialize in all kinds of cement building products, Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Used Cars From $100 to $300 Used Tractors 1 Overhauled and guaranteed ' $250 Terms if desired Ford and Fordson C. L Gates Auto Co. pace Nnra '"1 McManus 1-j.THIt) ANOTHER . JOKE? , BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVE1 P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 965. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc Phvsician. DR. LOUISE B. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chlro practlce. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiroprac tic Physician. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Suite 203-04-05-06, Llb- erty Bldg. Office Phone 680, Res. 1027. Chiropody CHIROPODY At office of Dr. Hal- stead, Electro and Mechano Therapy and the Burdick Deep Thernpy Light treatment for acute and chronic diseases. Phipps block, 225 E. Main, Phone 563-J. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 EL Main St., over M. M. Dept 2tore, Medford. Oregon. Phone 669; Res. 1023-H. Office hours 9 a. ni. 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. , Expert Accountant wilson Auditing co. e. m. wii- son, C. P. A. Attention given to anything in accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. - Liberty Bldg.,- Medford. Phone ' 157-R Money to Loan J. R. ANDREWS Bu7 and selH mortgages and ' loans money 04 -' good security, 31 N. Grape St Phone 63-M. , '. 246 Monuments HE OREGON GRANITE CO.- Monuments.. E. A. Hicks, genera? manager. F. M. Kershaw, sale! manager,. 103 E. Sixth St, Med -ford. tf Osteopaths DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINfj CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians 416-418 ' Liberty Bldg. Phon 904-J-3. Residence 26 ' Sout Laurel St. Physicians and Surgeons, DR. WM. VT. P. HOLT Physician and - Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and UUI6DUUI " ' 11 UVUXWIU U.UQ. . Entrance 36 N. Central. Special attention to spine, , Phone 29. . Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Composing, : Arranging.- Studio SIS Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. . - Public Speaking MAY LOUISE WILSON Instructor the art of public speaking, elocution, . dramatic art, gesture and poiso. 1 Faulty enunciation corrected. Studio 214 North Holly, , 31 Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped' printing office in Southern) Oregon. Book binding, loose Ier.f ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices, 27 N. Fir St. Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF . RUG WORKS . makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs.. Phone . 610-M, 706 Pine St ,,r Transfer EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. . Office 42 North Front St. Pbone . S16. Prices right. . Service guar anteed. ; . . t DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, day or night Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dence 1060 jot 206. , . . tf Upholstering J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer ' of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone. 101, InplriinnvtllA. 0 LJ i-J .'"J m. r. BCfunn M edforcl BMffV tnd floor 0 Audltlr.4 O AeeouMita 3 fij'lrXle.vesfmtfrfss)