1MEDF0RD MAHJ TRIBUNE, MEDFORIV OEfiOX, "WEDXEKTVAY, :PKTn If, JM23 PATJE THRTTBl TOLD TO Herbert Cuthbert, executive secre tary of the Pacific Northwest Tour ist Association addressed the Cham ber of Commerce forum meeting at the luncheon at the Hotel Medford this noon on "Selling Oregon." , "To quote Mr. Dodson, manager of the Portland Chamber of Commerce,'" said Mr; Cuthbert, "To soil Oregon you must first sell it to Oregonians." That Is the first thing in selling Ore gon.': Selling .Oregon Is my- subject ud as my text I will take 'If you be lleTe it; it's so.' " 5- The speaker did not disparage Cali fornia and stated that he had never yet seen a successful business built up by knocking the other fellow. He 00 GOOD CIGARETTES J1VU GENUIN "Bull"' DURHAM TOBACCO declared however, " mat whatever California has; natural resources, mines, agricultural products, climate, tourist attractions, that Oregon has more of the same things of a superior quality. "Sell Oregon first to yourself and then to the United States," said Mr. Cuthbert. "The tourist Industry is the 'greatest asset you have at the present, time.. The government has spent nearly a million dollars on Us development In southern Oregon by building a road to a waste place in nature, a volcano filled with water." "If you don't believe that the tour ist industry could be made the big gest in southern Oregon, just take a survey of the situation. You have a population of about 7500. Last year four times that many people Btopped in your auto camps and only one- fourth-as many stopped as passed through your city on trains and in motor cars. "The tourist is the captain of in dustry and finance. Development of tourist trade is the best way on earth to advertise your advantages in any line. Los Angeles advertised only as a land of sunshine and flowers but now $800,000,000 worth of manufac tured products are turned out there in a year. "Sixty per cent of the permanent residents of Los Angeles came there In the first place as tourists. This shows conclusively that tourist at traction and the development of tour ist industry is the best way to adver tise. Mr. Cuthbert advised getting 'out a small and attractive illustrated book let touching each industry and at traction of the Rogue River valley briefly to be followed up by supple mentary booklets treating each sub ject more exhaustively. The supple mentary booklets to be sent on re quest to interested persons having read the first booklet. He states that this can be done with funds available to the Med ford Chamber of Commerce and dur ing his address he complimented Sec- 1 .' real ilavor, is (he first essential ol good coiiee. .Whether you prefer it mild or strong, you must have flavor GOF F EE has that lull rich ilavor v and tor llavor in tea- TREE TEA M-J-BRANDENSTEIN &CQ .oodomiv ONEWEEK by Canadian Pacific IT SPANS THE WORLU ' Canadian Pacific Emumti Ciinit cf tit St Lawrence Route to Europe croae. in only tour dayt on the open tn. To Cherbourg, South ampton and Hamburg direct Oet the particular, from W. It. rhmran den. Art. Pt. IM. Onadi.n P.dfl Hl.r. retary Frohbach highly, stating that h0 is the most efficient Chamber of Commerce secretary in thevnorthwost and that he handled inquiries Bent to htm by the Pacific Northwest Tourist Assoclatiou In a more systematic and punctual manner than any other or ganization head. The speech of Mr. Cuthbert was highly appreciated and he was com plimented by a number who had re ceived the "believe it" virus to BUch nn extent that it is already "so" with them. The Rt. Hon. Sir E. E. Waful. Jr., head of the publicity department of the California Oregon Power com pany presided over the meotlng with an easo peculiar to long practice at forensics. , CRATER LAKE SUPT. In addition to Crater Lake National Park having a new superintendent this year in the person of Charles O. Thomson, that official will have a new secretary In place of H. H. Long who so ably served Alex Sparrow in that capacity for years past. Tho new man is Arthur T. Moen of Se attle, who arrived here with his wife some timo ago and assumed the du ties of the office. Mr. Long, who made a host of friends among the thousands of vis itors to the lako, recently resigned and was transferred from tho na tional park service to tho forest ser vice as a ranger at his own request. because of the health of Ilia wife re quiring thnt she live at a lower ele vation.. Ho Is attached to the Sis kiyou national forest and has been stationed as ranger at Agnes on the Rogue River about 26 miles this side of Gold Beach.' Liko Superintendent Thomson the new secretary has never seen Crater lake and both nre anxiously awaiting their first viBlt there. Mann's men's department is cele brating their third birthday this weok with a biff "Third Anniversary Sale." This Is one of the biggest evonts held in this department in the year and the sales books show an increase over the anniversary sale of last year. In order to stimulate buslnoss, the men'8 department has offered many attractive bargains on shirts, suits, hosiery, hats, working clothes, under wear, neckwear and many other nunv bers. The men's department at Mann's has rapidly grown Into one of tho largest departments in Mann's big storo. Their third annivorsay Bale Is one of the most notable events they have had for some time. MANN'S MEN'S DEPT. John Ulrlch, father of Mrs. George Lindley who has been visiting the Lindley family for a period of several months, left yesterday afternoon for his home in Alden, 111. Despite his more than eighty years he Is making the trip, practically across tho conti nent un-accompanled for the tenth time. Have your ruga washod on your own floors most convenient, sanitary method, kills germs, no dust ratBed. Get your order In early. E. L. Davis, Phone 644. 211 Stark St 30 Auto Insurance, Brown & White, tf The men's Glee club of the Univer sity of Orogon which' closed Its con cert season for the Bprlng vacation with a concert in Portland on Monday night made a big hit, drawing much praise in every city visited. Aubrey Furry of this county who was featured as the southern Oregon basso with a rich voice, won especial praise at the concerts. Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. i tf You can get It at DeVoe's. tf Mr. McKittrick, engineer-appraiser of the federal land bank at Spokane, who is here In this section on official buBlneBs, is spondlng today in com pany with George Hilton, Jr., tho fed eral land bank land appraiser, in the Grants Pass district. . Early Sunrise seed potatoes. Thoy are the earliest and best Louie sells them for 2c. 16 Brown says he has a new line of men's, ladles and girls' oxfords. 13tf Mrs. Guy Cormany, of Haver, Mon tana, writing to her mothor, Mrs. L, C. Cormany, of this city, Btatos that pic tures of Crater Lake, and the Pacific highway were rihown on tho scroon at a local theatre there. Colonial Garage for tire service. Twelve Inch slab wood $1.60 per tier delivered by taking 4 tlor or more. Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley Fuel Co., Phone 76. tf Howard Fearey, representative of the Pacific States Electric company, originators of the "Chock" seal, which means standard electrical merchan dise, responsible dealers and qualified electrical contractors, Is In tho city on business with Paul's Electrical Store and the People's Electric store, both of which are "Check" seal Btoros. There's a busy Business College In your home town. OWN. Grand oponlng dance. Gold Hill Pa vilion, Thursday, 12th. Management Mrs. Blanch Crosson. " 18 Notice Members De Molsy Meeting for purposo of con ferring tho initiatory degree Thursday nlgbt 7:30. 20th CENTURY GROCERY MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND FAMILIES PATRONIZE OUR STORES IN THE NORTHWEST. IF YOU CARE TO SAVE MONEY AND BUY FOODSTUFFS CLIP THIS AD FOR REFERENCE No matter how much or how little you are going to spend, it stands for so much hard earne J cash. . ' NO MAN OR WOMAN IS RICH ENOUGH TO THROW MONEY AWAY ' We have a store located at Medford' and at Ashland, patronize these at your greatest con venience, and be assured of the same careful attention, prices and courtesy at either. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 12-13-14 Extraordinary Prices Will Be Made so that We May Become Still Better Known to You ROYAL BAKING POWDER Large cans 40?; 2, lb cans $1.19; 5 lb cans $2.29 GOLDEN WEST PEPPER 2 ounce cans 5 . GROUND PEPPER Pure, bulk, pound 25 Pound SHORTENING 15: CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP 10 Bars ...40S Limit 10 Bars ROYAL WHITE SOAP 10 bars 35. Limit 10 Bars POTATOES High grade, mealy stock, 100 pounds 98 COCOA In bulk, pound...'....: ......10 PURE SWEETENED CHOCO LATE Pound 15 LUNCH WAX PAPERS I 3 Rolls 10v FLOUR Anchor Brand, Hard "Wheat and Blue Stem. Every sack guaranteed satis , . factory. 49 pounds . $1.75 WHOLE .WHEAT 10 pound sack 43 COARSE GRAHAM 10 pound sack 39 SEEDLESS RAISINS In bulk, 2 pounds 25 20TH CENTURY COFFEE-It's the best. Pound 35?. 3 lbs... ..,$1.00 BACON BACKS Streaked fat and lean. By the piece, the pound 25 " PURE CANE SUGAR 100 pounds .-. $9.69. Limit 1 sack ; . 10 pounds : - 98? SHRIMP New Pack, Can ....l;.......14$ -CHEESE , Full Cream, pound ......:.25(0 BLUE ROSE HEAD RICE 4 Pounds : 29 Royal Chef MINCED CLAMS Tall Cans .: 23? DEL MONTE CATSUP Pint Bottles , :....25r 1 1,11 Creme Oil or Palm Olive SOAP Two Bars .. ... ..:...;...:i5rf PREFERRED STOCK SARDINES in large Oval Cans...: .....2 for 25? . .TOMATOES Del Monte PEABERRY COFFEE ROLLED OATS Solid Pack, large can..:.'..:.....15? Extra strong; pound.. 30? In bulk, 4 pound..-.....'....:....25 CLOTHES PINS CROWN FLOUR BULK CRACKERS Old fashioncd'kind, 3 doz....10? 49 pound sack ..$2.09 Fresh and crisp, pound..........l5 THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF OTHER GOOD REASONS WHY IT PAYS TO TRADE AT 20th CENTURY STORES MEDFORD, 31 N. Central So Conveniently Located at ASHLAND 374 E. Main VEGETABLE FIELD FLOWER Our Personal Tests ' ' Assure you Dependable Seeds. BUY OUR BULK SEEDS They Cost Loss. Monarch Seed Co. Phone 260 - 317 E. Main WITH MED70BD TRADE IS MEDFOED MADE. Carbon-. (The enemy of power, efficiency and plea , sure. Do you know what makes it? Most motor oils are made of light oils . and "cylinder stock." "Cylinder stock" contains many impurities because it is the residue left in an oil still after the refining . proccs8.Itisa8tickysubstancewhicb.when subjected to the intense heat of the cylin der forms a hard, flinty deposit carbon SUMDCD 'THE.DISTILLEOj.OIL1 Is not a compound but a pure, wholly ols-; tilled oiL As it contains no "cylinder stock" the reason for carbon formation is re , moved. Notice how free from carbon youf motor is when you use Sunoco. . Atk your Sunoco dealer for booklet, "Whai Happening Inside Your Motor?" MARSHALL-WELLS COMPANY DULUTH MINNEAPOLIS PORTLAND SPOKANS , . That dealers tell SUNOCOhf tt lubnemtion with than (lr.nl. Paw Auto Co., Ilrmli Pan, Or.. Hnlik Serrlco Rtillon, Xnlford, C o. Valley Hardware Co.. MranU I'aaa. Ore. Aahlann Atitnmollvt Hhop, Afihlanrl, lire. K.gle Point (laraire. K.Rle Point, Ore. M. K. Johrmmi. (Inl.l Hill, (Ire. J. M. Nmixk, ilollaml. Ore. Fred J. Kic k, .lai kaoiivllle, Ore. T. B. tlllniore, Murphy, Ore. tt. I.. Hammer, Setma, Ore. W. C. I'lsley, W llllama, Ore. 1. H. Meridian. Klamath Kallu. Oi-. Roberta llnrvey. Klamath ralla. Mountain Nervlie Htatlon, Wel, C.i I. .... s V fir V 13- J.