Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 11, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAGE tvro
focal and
The pre-iictiia of a Usit t ievy !
freet fir fcaLsit is razier dac-ocix-i j
for ta orciiriiui la tie:
nredietita is for Ensealed weather to- f
. . . J ,
sixers, ad rfj, rcofet tp.t 1
loa-Sit. to tis awrsavs Ai of aa
iaca of n.a had lita dTriis tie -
j!rerks tryjra. . , .
For Sale Tto pxrf ss-ed ' jilanci. i
cee !cr JIM. fc Laasieii at Weei
h On or piece t4-R. , II
We are girar nsztr rrM ajw ca
v, ut-..r tv.,. r-, c- if
, . , 5
taat U ne to HaatoaTt P. ,
,, , ,, T
" , 7 ;
to their sew beme recectlr parchaaed
from E. A. Wall oa EirenUie
. v ,
If too want to a jw, ; JDKtort.
Tscnr. 30 Ubertr Bids.
Ft Sale Wicker tai aalky. ocA
aa new. 24 X. Peaea. 14
rure will be a resv!ar Malceai
eeetlac of the W. C T. U. at the
bapujt eaorch oa Tbandar at 2:M.
Arrantemwa wlU be made for o'ir
eoafereace, which U to be held here.
April 1). Let. Tery member be present.
gocceas In brisgioc forth oil from the
well at Oakland, Ore, earned conjider
able excitement aronnd the rocad
koaae but Blebt. and the railroad men
are qaite excited over the report
' . , .
the propertT. luteal railroad men are
m 7..T.k:
the main a railroad proposition. Asb-
laad Tidings.
All kinds of rough and dressed lam-i
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 1(4. Til'
E. Main. '
When better antomobOea are built.
Boick will build them. tf
Backaeh is owoally kidney-ache
ana siakc yon. aiut, nerroun . ana
Ured. Use Doss's Kidney Pills for
mended by your friends snd neigh-.
bora. Ask your neighbor! !
H. A. Smith. 101 B. Jackson
Medford, sayw: "I know the;
value of Dean's Kidney Pills and am
glad to recommend them. My kid
neys were week and disordered snd
I, had severe backaches. The pains
through my kidneys made It hard tor
me to do any stooping or lifting, but
Doan's Kidney Pills from the Med
ford Pharmacy soon removed the
parkache and other ligns of kidney
1 Price e at all dealers. Don't
wnply axk'for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney 11 1 to the same that
Mrs. Smith had. Foster-Milburn
Co.. Mfrs.. Buffalo, X. Y. Adv.
Take your choice
Corticelli Crep de Chene,
Underwear Silk, Wash Satin,
Messalin or Thistledown.
You can always get the ex
act shade you want and they
feel no delightful when
made up.
For the quality and service
'he price are reasonable.
See them at
mail ordrra rkoltved
Monday Night
April 16
Traor- 0nrrt Managrmeat
Arthur JadVao
Addreos letters, make checks, pottollice money orders payaMa to
Page Theater. Include self-addressed stamped envelope to help In
sure safe return.
PRICES: Lower Floor, 1st 14 rows $2. 20. Last 4 rows fl 63.
Balcony, 'lBt 4 row ll.SS; next 4 rows 11.10; balance Sic. Box
Office Sale Friday noon.
a sjecfai Hi- ;n b lead tj.-xi-
iaV eir. at the &ivai5c A.; ha.'.
i-l Cxj Tsi:dT r.-tta . ja.
. c Erer;iij u -.-l very ri-ca-.
Tti "Arey o ti i!p-ar
C1 bJ t iee d-j-wa tie ooku.
Cat oax SooTis-it IfefJcrd Lir. Co
' ' ' tf
Tie Ifiil Trflsi lu ; la a a
" f'-r ii- t: rolls of
J:r aid iu ivxx ft of carriage
n for joiis; hjst tie thirx
aa t ba.-a. ut, oT-areaoas?
!t fom att4 acytams of this kud ae
a at go-:- a kanraia. t?
Jsat 2ut jo cave beta Ioo!5
fcV kaadsocse tl.Tc hte that wear
. "eii. Haad:eriit Seop. IS
Ti city aito camp aceoiaincdatiocs
' - r' Ttl tourists althou
: ' hiT atowed hre the past few
dija. Kaar aato tounn; parties har
paaafed tt.ocza the c:t7 for a veek or
Nrth tSe .;Titeir
! owned ac4 osiyJacted NatatoriiE
! cazTJp qiite raay y. Inrzag U
week ea4 at tie AshLiad asto camp
ii aatos were re?!3rel then, twelTe
of wiikb arrfred SatnrdiT- Tore
were 17 ears at tiat eajca ca Sisdar
n!?iL Gr2nu Taoto cap
h -n.. h.,
i Vfedford was to hare been ready tot
ose by April 1st.
Don't ferret, it's Friday, t p. m,
Aprfl 12th at the if. E. church. South.
Too can enjoy a real "Visit with the
Absentees-" Price la and 25 cents. 1
For Sale Two good nsed pianos,
one for $10. See Laonspach at Weeks
Orr or phone 4-R. 17
Hemstitching at Ioer.; " 3S
M. r. sseeta. K. Y. D. carrier on
, route Xo. 1 of the postofflce la again
on doty after hiring been laid np for
, a week with illness. -
Ribbon leads itself to aach da:nty
, nr . . . . -
Hanrilcraft ghov. IS
20 per ceat oft on capes. coaLa and
sctta at the ColonlaL IS'
Coktlal Garage for tire serrlee. 31
Medford autoteta Tisitin? Portland
had better keep a sharp lookout ani
make diligent inquiry before parking.
for the new auto traffic ordinance of
that city went Into effect on Taesday.
Miss Phyllis Roberts Is expected to
arrire borne tomorrow from a risit
1 with sorority friends at the O. A. C.
gjnce la3t Tharsday.
Ladies, in yoor f ir work now.
and take advantage of the low rates.
Bartlett s For Shop,
Grafted Franinette walnut
Valley Nnrsery. 6S0-J-2 tf
Twelve-inch ila-j wuod 11.50 per tier
delivered by taking 4 tier or more.
Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley
Pw! Co. Phone IS tf
Officers of the army and navy in
Portland paid homa?e to Colonel Clar
ence K. Denller, who is well known in
iedford snd Ashland. Monday even
ing, at a lar(re reception and ball given
by the officers of the Oregrn National
Guard at the Armory in Portland
Colonel DenUer was officially retired
yeterday from active duly with the
United States army after 42 years of
service. Colonel McCleave will suc
ceed Colonel Dentler as senior Instruc
tor of the Oregon Gnard. He achieved
an enviable record daring the World
war as chief of operations with
First army.
All dances given at Tolo by Richard
son ft Buckles are strictly invitation
al. Richardson ft Ruckles. 1
For Sale Two good used pianos
one for tlM. See I-annspach at Weeks
ft Orr or phone 6i-R. 1
I-atlles. bring In your fur work now
and take advantage of the low rates.
Baxtlolt'i Fur Shop. tf
Among those In attendance at the
meeting of the Southern Oregon Pres
bytery at Grants Pass, which began
yesterday and ends tonight, are Rev.
E. P. Lawrence of this city and Rev.
C. F. Becker of Jacksonville.
We will loan you money to build or
buy Holmes the Insurance Man.
nauio sets cunt. Installed or re
paired. L. D. Mlnkler. Phone S43-J.
Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf
Jndge John E. Hall, who was a past
grand master of the Odd Fellowi of
Oregon and for 40 years was treasurer
of his home lodge of that order, died
at his home at Marahfield last Mon
day afternoon after a long illness.
For sand, gravel, sediment and team
work aee Samuel Batemaa, 302 Maple
street Phone 912-J.
Rhubarb and asparagus root. Eden
Valley Nursery, Phone 6S0-J I tf
Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nnrsery.
: Phone Md-J 2. tf
A. O. Ha&jca left yesterday for his
old kese at Berlin. Near York.
iiarri-s-ide cljay aad Cltl lace is
zte svcot d-xrahie tr- nirg for silk
LnrerSe. ISr
All xls-ls of roeh and dressed tea
ser. Waliaie Wood, item ICS. Til
East Main.
vet cent off oa capes, coats and
iiita at the Coioalal , li
Girls cf the high school piyiica-'
tra:mg classes are playing indoor
cattail under the direction of M.-s.
Ouie Ogle who states that she has
three baseball players superior to any
rxile exponent of the caticnal g&i&e
in the city.
Genuine Bitch Magneto parts and
repairs.. Electric Shop, Eighth and
Ea.ttett - tf
, R- L Bed setting eggs at EeVoeV
--Ja vxr radio set workixg right' 1
do yrariateed rejalrtng. Xo charge
fcr tnitection. L. D. Mmiier. phooe
jMu Margaret Raey. formerly of
Medforl. Hrtng at Wichita. Kansaa.
writes that ske was cade homesick
recently when ate went to the leading
noTicg pietsre theater and saw pic
tures of Crater Lake thrown on tie
Xoel L. Enklne gfvea ptaco leesocs
at papCs- homes. Phone "2-W. IT
Lence. Gold Hill PaviUoa Thursday.
Are yoa going? I am. Gold Hill
Pavilion. Thursday night. 11
The Ashland Daily Tidings which is
appearing in abbreviated form without
advertise rr en ta publishes the follow
ing apology to Its readers: "Becaus
it will take ns a few days to secure
linotype operators and printers, and
not having anyone about the office
who can set type, the Daily Tidings
has been reduced to two pages and
will carry very little local news for a
few days. We will be unable to take
any local ads until we get some men
to set them.' We hope to have oar
new organization formed by the last
of the week and with the Installation
of our new linotype, doubling our type
setting capacity, will oe able to give
Ashlaad a betetr daily than ever, be
ginning early next week. We
ask patrons to bear with ns a
few days in this crisis. However, in
the meantime no issue will be missed
If we can prevent It."
Grafted Franquette walnut. Eden
Valley Nnrsery. SS9-J-2 tf
20 per cent off on capes, coats and
suits at the Colonial IS
1 want to hear from the owner of a
good orchard for sale in this valley.
Earl Tumy. 209 Liberty Bldg. 21
Brown says be has long and short
ones. Utf
P. Roy Davis returned last night
from Portland where he had been
since Saturday evening. He attend
ed a meeting of the state game coo
dssion in that city Monday.
I-adies. bring In yonr fur work now
and take advantage of the low rates.
Bartlett s Fur Shop.
We are giving summer rates now on
fur repairing. Bartlett s Fur Shop. If
New phonograph for sale at halt
price. Terms. Phone 72V. 17
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Barker of
Butte Falls are In the city for a few
days on business.
Se Rmwn fop frf elajuc aiuu re.
- irin ixtr
Roses and Towering shrubs. Eden '
Valley Xursery. 6SOJ-2. tf
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711
E. Main.
CoL and Mrs. Frank Leland of
Grants Pass were Medford visitors
yesterday. They departed this morn
ing for their home In the neighboring
I now hare material for restringlng
tennis racquets. Leave them at Med
ford Harness Co., Medford Hardware
and Sporting Goods store. Young's
Hardware or 341 South Central. J. D.
Beeson. 20
We have good values In used ears.
Pattnn ft Robinson. Inc. tf
We are giving summer rates now on
fur repairing. Bartlett s Fur Shop. If
Cement and plaster. Medford Lor. Co.
Messrs. Goddard and Evans of the
home office of the Standard Oil com
pany or California will visit Medford
Friday and a meeting of all Standard
Oil employes in Grants Pass, Medford
and Albany will be held Friday even
ing at the Hotel Medford.
Brown savs he fixes them while yoa
wait 12tf
Spray hose 24 cents per foot. Cra
ter Lake Hardware Co. tf
Baled hay for sue. J. H. Carkin. 34!
Grafted Franquette walnut. Eden
Valley Nursery. S0-J-2 tf
Tonight the last prayer meeting in
the present building of the First Bap-
tlst church wit be held. A large at
I tendance Is urged on this account
I bund ay marks the close of services in
j the building. Sunday evening a s;c
I lal farewell service Is planned with
! Mrs. S. L. Bennett, a constituent mem
ber, as historian.. Mrs. Bennett who
was present at the forma tloa of the
ehnrch Is preparing a historical sketch
of the chirch, which win be reed at
that service. Other Interesting fea
tures are In pre;a ration. Rev. F. R
Leach has received a wire announcing
the coming of Dr. W. E. Witter of
, India In Medford. FVr many years Dr.
j Witter has resided in India and Is a
powerful platform speaker and Is
heard with great dflixht wherever he
. speaks. He will give a public address
1 at 11 a. m. Sunday.
Grape vines: Tokay, Muscat Mal
' aga. Rose Peru. Klnflndell. Thompson
! Seedless. Trellis grapes: Concord.
Brighton, Warden. Agawam. Niagara
and Campbell's Early. Edea Valley
( Nursery. Phone e0-J-l tf
! - Auto Insurance. Brown ft White.
I We ran still furnish spray hose for
to cents per foot Crater Lake Hard
1 ware Co. tf
ilandlrraft "bop.
Pico ting
c per yard.
A meeting of tie local chapter of
the Order of De Moiay will be held
tomorrow evening at whick several
eaadiiatea will he g-ivea tie iniaiory
Daaee, Gcid Hill PavEioa Thursday.
A meeting cf tie srtool board was
held laat eiealax at ahica teachers
fjT next year were elected. Tie me-
iLg lasted sjjtil aa annually late
fcrowa says he has lets c". gj&ves.
13 X. CeatraL 13tf
The earliest harvest ca record la
Crock COTBrtv took slafe but week cs
J the farm of J. ChaQ oa tbe Ochoco
project, tor miles north of Prieviil
when 2 bvuheis of grain wer?
threshed and ,foar acres of potatoes
dsx. The grain was is good condition
despite vnater shcttss, and ike pota
toes were not frozen because they
were paxua eeepiy. 4 j
") oui ooy aa etecxrsc wzsaer unii
we have desBoestrated the sew May
tag to yoa. Crater Lake Hardware
Co. tf
Considerahle improvements are be
teg made at the Nat Auto Camp in
preparation for the tourist season
which is expected to begin soon with
a rush.
Gladioia and Casaa bulbs. Eden
Valley Nursery. C56-J-2. tf
Xew concrete la being laid at the
entrance to the. Jones and Kirk pa trick
service station on North Riverside
See Brown for yoor shoes. 13tf
E. M. Palmer arrived yesterday
afternoon from Seattle to be at the
bedside of Mrs. Palmer who arrived
several weeks ago and recently under
went a very serious major operation
at the Medford hospitaL
After the fire It is too late to insure.
See Redden ft Canaday now.
Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co.
Now, at the Page you may see the first big smashing photoplay production ever
filmed by a leading New York producing organization in the state of Oregon.
And maybe you think the beautiful river, mountain and forest scenery - of your
own state doesn't look good on the screen after seeing so much of the bare brown
hills of you know where!
Metro sent a wonderful company up here from Los Angeles and for six weeks it
worked, in one of the finest pictures of the season, on the Columbia River, and
other Oregon points.
The scenes of the runaway ferry at the
irig players nearly lost their lives in the
The players include
MAIINKES ,dults 33c, Kiifcllre 10c
MGHTS Adults 3c, Kiddies 2-V
jWas made la Me&ord Saturday after
j nota when the Misses Mane and
jXelda Hatcher, daughters oi Mr. ani
I Mrs. J. W. Hatcher. ?crsr chief of
j police, became the brides of Clay Si5
aii Loren Aea. i 1 t-xqej jent oi
the we4iass ccstes as a surprise to
J many cf their fr-je&is. far the a-ptixis
were kept o.3iel ty the participants.
'Rev. Sharp of Medford officiated at
! the we-iiiEg-. which was attended by
Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher and Mrs. J. H
, Sarg. AshUid Tidings.
Dancing at the. Shasta Wed. ahe.
1 Sizjie by ike's Jan Hotsnda. - IT
j R. I. Stuart has 27 .oca eatiOTedt
pour-ng cement in the forms oa. the
sew armory and w:o posh the work
as rapidly as possible.
Dtnee. Gotd Htil f-sJon ThSTFdart
gi care, good ioo-L- : , i ii wis
WAXTED Laundry at home. Will
call for and deliver. Phone I44-J. 22
FOR SALE Modern five room bunga
low. Priced to sell this week.
Terms. 71a King St tf
FOR SALE Progressive everbearing
strawberry plant. Berries in fc
days. W. P. Jeonings. VrZ3 E. Main.
Phooe JlJ-Ji. 24
FOR SALE A calf to give away at
Marshails. 115-J. 17
FOR TRADE 254 acre farm to Jack
son county for an orchard. Value
1'J.C0. E. S. Tumy 2v, Liberty
Kdg. 21
FOR SALE Thursday It) a. m.: Two
bedroom sets, sanitary cot, combina-
tkm gas and wood range. Hartford ;
Saxony rag fx. 3 in. x Iv ft. 6 in- '
and other household goods. Sz i
S. Hoily St 17 '
barbara lamarr
kate lester
victor potel
june elvidge
edward connelly
claire Mcdowell
so come today and see this picture of thrills,.,
romance and comedy - - f
I At the regsjar meeting of the Amer
ican Legioa last evening the executive
rasr-nirwie. r f a report on recent
actiritiea ani a coonittee was ap
1 pointed to cooperate with the G. A. R.
in t AwTiitK of Memorial Day
eciiJis: cf Warren Butler, chair- j
man. Cote Hoimes. L. C. Gartoclc i nl ,
Bias! Bins: EicgT Bing! Eing! Xo,
iutx swearing. Jail trying to tell
you that yea will get a Cory Thornless
tiackberry p'aat with each Bing
cherry while tier last. Eden Valley
Nursery. ti-J-2. . tf
Xice lie of traTeSsg hags. Erown'?,
1S X. Central. 13tf
; The Prescription Department
'Of sur Tirng store is the heart cf it- It is the department lhat
makes or mars the reputation of the firm. The prescription
department of this tlrae store is second to none in its time
proven reputation for all that is purest and best in drags. Our
prescription department has fur its primary object the great
service which it can render the public, safeguarding the hand
line, compounding, and dispensing of medical substances.
Heath's Drug Store Phone 884 :
109 East Main Street. - "; , -V
" ; 'We are as near to vou as your phone;;
falls are the real thing some of the lead-
" "rVtty" at the Mighty AVurllupr
Adapted from L. J. Carter's
: melodramatic success
Sure Relief
6 BPLllatie
'l -u.c neucT
ZSt 75i Paciuges. E-vhere - .
;- . 1. -j.
I TaTaTsTa'