- . ; , " VKTTE E1UHT " SEPFORP MAH TRIBUNE. !SfEDFORP, ' Qftfifiioy. TURSTUT, Y6. T923 IDE HUNT DENVER. Colo.. April 10. A na-tSon-wide eart-h for Father Walter L- race. until recently pastor of the Shrine of St. Anne at Arrada. a Den ver suburb, ended abruptly lute ye terday afternoon when the priem, for whom operatives of the secret ser vice, department of justice, and special asenls of the bureau of Inter nal revenue have been searching since March 20, walked Into the of' fire of United States District Attor ney Hillyer and said: "I am Father Grace. I believe you trish to see fie." The cleric had been sought on a technical charge of torttexy of liquor permits. He was arraitrned before a United States commissioner and entered a plea of not guilty, waived examination and was held In $2500 bond for the May term of the federal errand Jury- -A. bonding company fornished ball. ; Father Grace told newspapermen that when he left Denver in March he went to Wa h i n g t o n . H:i 1 1 i m o re, - Advice for Mothers UK:. Mrs. Myrtle Myers Head What This Mother Says. i Salem, Ore " was adised to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tlon during my first expectant period It was such a comfort and means of strength that I took ft the second and the third time. All through the diiy of expectacy I was able to do my work right up to the lost without any feeling of discomfort. It is only right for me to tell of the benefit 1 derived from the use of the 'Favor ite Prescription' and I think it la the best remedy for expectant mothers . that nas been put within our reach For' the sake of suffering mother 1 am wllllnir to have my testimonial publlahed." Mrs. Myrtle Myers, 156 Oak St. iiVour health Is your most valuable asset. So why not get this prescrip tlon today from your druKinst. or write Dr. Pierce, president of the In valids' Hotel In Buffalo. N. Y for free medical advice or send 10c for a trial nktr. of tablets. Adv. Tonight Last Times "GIMME" Kuport HiirIiom' picture f a young man 1 Minium . who had lo ak fur every cent. BEGINS TOMORROW Marshall Neilan's supremo nelilevenient "The Strangers Banquet" from I he novel Hy 1KX.N llVIt.NK Cant Includes CLAIHK WINDSOR iioH.vitT naswouTii lUH'KMFKK FKI.lAWKS KOItl) KTKKI.IXG IA(iUU IJODOWSKY KI,KAOlt IIOAKIMIAX CLAIDK GIM.I.MiWATKU . anil others Nine Acts 23 Stars No Raise in Prices 7 R1ALT0 Philadelphia and Harriftburg. Pa., to attend to personal affairs. Jti Har ntfburg he declared, he read In a newspaper of the charges against him and telegraphed federal officials here his whereabouts. The forirery charge against the priest alleges that he forged the name of Sister Germaine. mother su perior of Mullen home for the aged to an application for a quantity of whiskey. It is alleged by federal of ficials that this liauor found its way to the homes of several prominent persons In Denver society. An automobile collision on the Pa cific Highway this forenoon between an Essex coach driven by Charles Strang and a Bulck six sport driven by C. V. Kgenoff of Marshfleld re sulted In considerable damage to both cars. Mr. Strang was driving north on the high wa y nea r Seven Oa ks and was traveling belli nil a truck at moderate spued, lie turned out to pass the truck. Noticing the other car he decided he could effect the passage In time and then changed his mind. The Liufck was coming south on the highway. Mr. Strang applied his brakes suddenly in order to al low his car to drop in line behind the truck again. The rear wheels slid on the damp pavement and the Essex collided with the side of the Duick Both cars were able to proceed to Medford under their own power. Mr. Kgenoff did not have his . car re paired here but continued to San Francisco, a satisfactory arrange ment having been made with Mr Strang. The running board and fenders of the Buirk and the left rear door were badly damaged. The front end of the Essex was badly battered and the frame sprung. Mrs. C. H. Harris. J. L. Koontz and O. W. Kines accompanied Mr. Kgen off in the P.ulck. None of the occu pants of either car were injured. VER! FINE JERSEY BULL ARRIVES A very flno pure bred Jersey bull with an urlstocrullc pedigree arrived by express on truln No. 13 this morn ing connlRncd to the Meadow ltrook ranch. Thu unimul wan purchnxt'd from J. M. Dixon nnd Son. Bhedd, Oregon, foremost breeders of record mukiiiK Jersey cattle in the north west. The dam of this bull Is Wilda or Ashburn, who Is a daughter of Uol den tllow's Chief of Ashburn. whose sire wns Golden Glow's Chief, and whose dam, Josy's Glow, was also n dnughtur of Golden Glow's Chief. So that Golden Glow's Chief of Ashburn has a double Infusion of the blood of thnt most remarkable transmitter of great producing ability. Tho sons of Vive La France, the world's record cow, are out of the greatest daughter of Golden Glow's Chief and by a son of another great daughter, Old Man's Darling, 2nd. Wllda of Ashliurn re ceived a full page write 'up In the Of ficial Jersey Uulletin In December, without cost to the owner. This bull will be used to head the nerd of pure-bred Jerseys now on tho Meadow Brook rnnch. El! In Jackson county the following water permits wero issued for the perloj ending March 31: 1'ermlt to Kay Warner, Trail, Ore gon, covering the appropriation of water from an unnamed spring for '.rrlcatlon of 1 acre, at a cost of MOO. 1'ermlt to A. K. Rarhart, Rogue River, Oregon, covering the appro priation of water from Knrhart gulch and springs for Irrigation of 10 acres at a cost of $100. Permit to M. P. llanley, Medford, covering tho appropriation of water from Dear Creek for Irrigation of 62 acres, at a cost of J3000. Permit to X'nlted States Depart ment of Agriculture, Medford, cover ing tho appropriation of water from Pour Hit creek for Irrigation of 50 acres. Permit to L. M. Phillips. Trail. Oregon, covering the appropriation of water from a spring for domestic purposes. Dairy ninetlngs will be held this week at two of the leading dalrr farms of the county. C. C Dixon of Shedd, Oregon who Is noted for his consistent herd of heavy producing Jerseys will he here Friday and Saturday to attend tho dairy meetings to be held at Ralph mi lines. Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock and at Mr. Merrlmnn's place. Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. N. U Jamison of the Extension De partment of O. A. C. Dairy division will also be present and it will pay each dairyman of the valley to attend these meetings. The subject of better breeding, feeding and future prospects of tho dairy business will be dis cussed. Prosperity Note NEW YORK. April 10. Vnflllcd orders of the fnlted States Steel cor poratlon on March 31, made public to day totalled 7.403,332 tons, an Increase or 119.343 t ns over those at tho end of the preceding month. TRAP PERMIT PORTLAND. Ore.. April 10. The 3809 applicants for fish trap permits v.hlch failed to win in the drawing held yesterday in the office of Major Richard Park, corps of engineers, 1'nited States army, second district. today bad the laugh on the nine who counted themselves lucky when their numbers. were drawn. Neither Oregon or Washington Fish commissions will Issue licenses to the lucky applicants or any other persons for permission to operate f)h traps between Fort Columbia and Sand Island. . It has been an nounced. 'Such permits would Interfere with prior fishins rights." Is the expla nation of Master Fish Warden Carl Shoemaker. "'The gill netters who have been operating in drifts on these sites cannot be Interferred with." COLLEGE 1 WIXriHESTER. Ky., April 10. This Kentucky college town was astir today with renewed debate on the question of evolution. Professor ltulph G. Demaree. In structor of physics nnd mathematics at Kentucky Wesleyan college here, has been cited to appear this week before the board of governors of the Institution as a resuit of bis state ment in a chapel address concerning the theory of organic evolution. Professor Demaree. who was sus pended, following his address, until action Is taken by the board, declared he would not retract a word of his address. He already had resigned to go to California in June to make his home. BANK TRIALS KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., April 10. The Jury which has heard the evi dence In the ea30 of J. W. Siemens' nnd J. W. Siemens, Jr., accused of misapplication of funds of tho de funct Klrst Stato and Savings bank,' rel'.rcd to deliberate this morning af ter Instructions had been given byj the court. Tho Jury was still out at r.con. IN STEEL MILLS YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio. April 10j Independent steel companies of the Voungstown district today folowed th0 lead of the United States Steel corporation in raising wages approx imately eleven per cent. Announce ments of the Increase were made by I he Voungstown Sheet and Tube com pany. Republican Iron and Steel Trumbull Steel company and Sharon Si eel company. The four concerns employ about 40.000 workers. T-C-l Arrives O. K. BELLEVILLE, 111., April 10. The T-C-l, largest non-rigid dirigible In the American army air service, which has completed Its 500 mile trial trip from Akron. Ohio, to Scott field, near hore, may soon make a trans-contln ental trip, officers of tho field an i:ounced today. WOMAN SO ILL COULD NOTSTAND Says Lydia ELPinkham's Veg. etable Compound Made Her Well and Strong Glens Falls, N. Y. " For over two months I was so sick I was not able to stand on my feet, and my husband did my housework. The doctor said an oper ation might be nec essary. I road testi monial letters about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and began to i-iho i u ix.' i ore i had finished taking the first bottle 1 saw what ffood it vu An. in it me. I am now well and strong-, do ing all my work for family of four, allmy washing and my sewing, which I think is remarkable, as I had not dared to run my sewing machine, but had done all my sewing by hand. 1 truly feel that were it not for your medicine I would not be hers today as my case seemed very serious." Mrs. OboRGK W. BUBCtlXL, Glens Falls. N. Y. Free upon Request Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text BooV upon "Ailments Peculiar to Wo men " will be eent you free, upon re quest Write to the Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. This book contains valuable information that every woman should hsvo. m in V - ;""ll WASHINGTON. April 10. Granting of admission to the United States of lime. Ekaterina Kalinin, wife of the president of the Russian soviet gov ernment "would lower our dignity as a nation in the eyes of the whole world" the national Catholic welfare council declared In a letter to Secretary Davis published today. The council urged the labor secretary to deny admission to Mme Kalinin who has announced her intention of coming to America to lecture. The refusal of the soviet govern ment "to entertain the plea made by our government In the case of Monsig nor Butchkavitch," the council de clared, shows the contempt" in which that government holds the "unexcelled charity" already extended by the United States to the needy in Russia. SOVIET SEIZES MOSCOW. April 10. (Jewish Tel egraphic Agency) The communists have confiscated the synagogues in Oharkov, Homel lbrulsk and Minsk and transformed them into working men's clubs. A committee has been formed with the duty ofj eventually making every Jewish house of worship a club house. Ksnits, organ of the Jewish commu nists. Is urging the Immediate con fiscation of the large Moscow syna gogue, which is characterized as "the last stronghold of the Jewish bourge oisie." and turning it into a gather ing place for working men. FLORIDA SWAMP MIAMI. Flal. April 10, The motor party of 19 men and & women which attempted to cross the everglades over the new Tamiaml trail last Wed nesday probably is on the way back to Tampa, according to W. S. Maxwell, president of the Miami motor club. Late yesterday Mr. Maxwell, who took a searching party forty miles into the everglades, returned, here and reiwrted that no trace of the party could be found. It was said today that the motorists were well provisioned, equipped and provided with expert Jndian guides, practically precluding any possibility of any serious mishap. 20 YEARS IN JAIL T A COM A, April 10. Pnt O'Don nfll. who confoKsetl ho shot and kilted Martin Olson of Kibe on an automobile "joyridc" Inst Thursday, was sentenced to from 5 to 20 years In the state penitentiary by Judge E. M. Card late yesterday. O'Donnell, who declared he had little remem brance of the fihootlnff because he hud been drinking, was allowed to pN'nd guilty to manslaughter. Foot Comfort ANNOUNCEMENT A Demonstrator from Chicago Direct from The Scboll Mf. Co. and trained in scientific methods oi iiviog loot comfort will come to our store April 14th Now is your chance to banish your foot aches and pains. We nave at our store a man spe cially trained in Dr. Sertoli's Method of Foot Comfort. He knows feet and will show you how foot comfort has been brought to thousands of suf ferers by the use of the well known DrScholls Rot Comfort Appliances Dr. Sohor. Foot-Esnr I I. bodj and ntrm Golden Rule Mercantile Co. E WENATCHEE. Wash, April 10. With the sound of smashing wood and glass, an automobile which came careening down Orondo avenue from Wenatchee avenue, tore Into the front entrance of the Chelan hotel Says Dangerous Varicose Veins j Can Be Reduced at Home Rub Gently and Fpward Toward the' Heart an Blood In Veius Hows I That Way. , . If you or any relative or friend is worried because of varices veins, or , hunches, the best advice that :uiyone ' in this world can give is to get a pre- scrip tlon that many physicians are now prescribing. j Ask your druggist for an original two-ounce bottlp of Moone's Emer-' Mann's Gingham Week Wednesday Special 25 dozen Gingham and Percale House Dresses, $1.25 grade, each...... 1000 yards of 32-in. William Andersons Ivanhoe Gingham, our regular 45c grade. Wednesday enly, Er yard , Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOE EVERYBODY " M EDFORII. ORKOO it I Tenor MONDAY, April 16' at PAGE THEATRE t7MYERSAL hs Wn the approbation of Theo. Karle's exceptional voice it is char-actt-iied by such rare power and delicacy of tone that he has been termed by noted critics ons oi the greatest American tenors of the day. In common with the present tendency among artists, he records exclusively (or Brunswick. Ask the nearest Brunswick dealer to play these Karle records for you: SAOCt Statist V.trr Oijnt anlmmm tTtfronrb nil Billing Std0 In LAtln Roulnl Rrqulrm M la C Minor Insembc tSadlr ironinc In Lt!n Vrdl 1S03S Flljah (If With All Your Hrt. .Mnd!ohn fclliab (Then KhAll th RlcntMua &Mn Forth) ilcnrtrl-ohQ ISOii KrtowT RrMMtrd Fmri Robinson uft in Uio Mltlx Might. ...... JOOT-Stvt3oo Any Phonograph Can Play Bruntwitk Records THE BRUNSWICK-BALKK-COLLENDER CO. Jtaaabttitrtrt-ewaBtukni IUS CHICAGO NEW YORK CINCINNATI BRUNSWICK. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS m. WeeKs (Si Orr Complete House Furnishers Brunswick Dealers this morning, wrecking the doors and ide panels of the entrance. William Kraser. Spokane, is in Jail. Two bot tles of alleged liquor were found In hi. atittr-ase. officers reported. As ! soon as the car a "bug" came to la stop Fraser is said to have leaped m.A in . a ,.rult hall nearby with the suitcase taken from the car. LONDON The most active cam paign in the Ruhr is against railroad ; men. according to the Times. In ad- dltlon to 8 families expelled Satur day. 600 are threatened this week by the men's refusal to work under Franco-Beleian direction. aid Oil (full strength) and apply night and morning to the swollen, enlarged veins. Soon you will no tice that they are growing smaller and the treatment should be con tinued until the veins are of normal size. So penetrating and powerful Is Kmerald .OH that it dissolves goitre and wens and causes them to disap iea r. t ca n be sec u red at Hea t h Drug Store, West Side Pharmacy. Adv. Mann's J 88 ELECTRICAL HOUSECLEANINC Among labor-saving Inventions for the hefmo none Is more wonderful than the Hamilton-Beach Electric Carpet-Washer. By the UBe of this machine the sending of' your rugs away to be cleaned and the bare floorr and. general discomfort of housecleaniiig time are entirely eliminated. The rug or carpet Is left on the floor.' the -machine placed on It and the current turned on. The machine Is equipped with two rubber' sponge brushes of the same texture as a bath brush, which os cillate 500 times a minute, scrubbing the compound (which contains do In jurious chemicals, alkalies or animal fats) deep Into the fibers of the rug, loosening the dirt and thoroughly cleansing them. The brushes are followed by a vacuum, which draws the dirt jnd moisture Into a con tainer on the machine. This length ens the life of the rug. as the dirt and grit if allowed to remain would cut the warp. The beautiful colors are restored and the rug left clean and sanitary, free from moths and germs. This system Is recommended by leading dealers in Orientals, and by all those In Medford who have tried It. : This machine is operated through out the Rogue River Valley by E. L. Davis. 211 Stark St., Medford. Phone 644. Adv. MEALS Our meals are the talk of the town. Merchants' Lunch 50c Short Orders 35c We Suggest That You -Give Them a Trial - "GOOD Ml'SIC" , TheShasta WATCH YOUR BATTERY PKK8T-0-IJTK BATTERY STATION For Quick ftmn Fhosm 11 "None Better" Bread Is baked for folks who like a little finer texture, a more enjoyable flavor and big, generous measure for their money. "There's Nothing Better" Pullman Bakery OUR STOCKS . Offer you the best choice the kind ol spark plug you want, the tubes, tools, mirror, bumper, horn, parts, etc. Kijulp your car as It should be have the facilities that make for motoring comfort and safety buy right by buy ing here. The Auto Supply Co. 31 X, Ilartleu. loc Wright inrB3rprmra !jyoo0- -3 I l