Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 10, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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TcmPoiwiA Oregon
Price Advances
on May 1
2,900 shares now remaining,
offered to customers and friends at
$95 per share
a ;;!.
10th and Grape
At a bank teller's window is usually a matter
5 - i of seconds. .
if f.y '!-.- ,( , .(.... . ;
Brief as it is, it is ample to afford an oppor
tunity for the co-operation and helpfulness
of the First National to be manifested.
Zfc First National Bank
A guarantee of positive satisfaction goes' with every clean
ing, dyeing or pressing job we turn out. This satisfaction is
assured because of our iip-to-the minute equipment, and ex-'
jierienccd workmen, meaning the finest results in cleaning the
most dainty laces or lingerie, and our quick, effective service
which saves you time, worry and trouble.
Phone 244 and Our Car Will Call
, WW Wasti 6c per lb. returned the following day.
pry:Waslt 7c per lb. all flat pieces ironed.
Jjough Dry 9c per lb.
The Variety of Our Mill Work
is practically unlimited. 'We make everything that goes into the
building of a fine home, from the. stately stifir ease to small corner
pieces, mouldings, etc., with a thousand things in between. It
takes a visit to tqll you what our. mill work comprises.
Portland, Ore.
You Are Assured a Personal
Hospitality and Individual
Attention ,
through the combined efforts of a staff, who
after years of training, understand the needs
of the traveling public.
- AT '
Arthur H. Meyers m ANAGER
A meeting of the city planning com
mission was held last night in the city
council chambers and the proposed
ordinance creating the commission
and endowing its dutlos, etc., was ex
plained by City Atotrney John Carkln.
About a dozen citizens of Medtord.
in addition to the. officials, attended
the 'meeting and listened to the expla
nation of the ordinance and the other
discussions by the commission.
' H. U. Lumsden gave a short talk to
the members of the commission advis
ing conservatism in the establishment
of zones with especial reforence to
apartments. Kxcept for a few blocks
In the northwest part of town an
apartment of any' description will not
be allowed to bo erected outside of the
business district.
Mr. Lumsden stated that he thought
this a mistake and a hlndranco to the
future development of the city, lie
advocates the establishment of a class
distinction between buildings; allow
ing buildings that measure up to cer
tain specifications only to be built in
the residence district.
A double house is defined in the
ordinance as an apartment and it is
provided that no house having accom
modation for more than one family or
having more than one kitchen, shall be
built In the residence district.
Mr. Lumsden brought out the point
that a double house might be classed
as an apartment. He had not read the
ordinance and was led to believe by
Mrs. Andrews, one of the members of
the' commission,, that a: double house
was not so classed when "she , said,
"They don't call them apartments any
more, Mr. .Lumsden; they aro called
'duplexes'.", . , .
Mr. Lumaden pointod out that the
beautiful . and incomparable apart
ments of Los Angeles and other large
cities which are a credit to the resi
dence districts, in support of his con
tentions. In addition to other restrictions the
ordinance provides that not more than
50 per cent of a lot shall be occupied
by buildings in the residence district
and that apartments and buildings in
the same class shall not cover more
than 66 per. cent of a lot.
The ordinance is not yet in its final
form and will likely undergo a few
minor changes before it is presented
before the city council for final pas
sage. The members of the-commission,
O. C. Boggs, chairman; Mrs. Jap
Andrews, MrB. Bert Anderson, Mrs. A.
J. Hanby, B. W. Paul, E. E. Wilson, Ed
Janney, E. C, Gaddis, Charles Davis
and John H. Carkln recommended
unanimously at last night's public
meeting that the ordinance be present-
I ed to the council for passage.
According to City Attorney Cnrkln
the ordinance Is based on a similar
! ordinance of Alameda, Calif., and
conies highly recommended as having
been very satisfactory In that suburb
of Oakland. It is pointed out, how
ever, by those who advocate changes
in the ordinance that Mod ford Is not a
suburb and that the aim is not to
make Medford an Alameda but an
A provision for a "setback" line is
also made in the ordinance and any
building must' conform to the line with
the reBt of the buildings in the block
unless by a petition tho permission of
the majority of buildings owners in
the block is secured to alter the posi
tion of the proposed structure. (
In order to provide "to traffic lanes
through the city from north to south
it was proposed at last night's meet
ing that tho commission look into the
possibility of opening North Beatty
street to the Pacific Highway and
South Central to the Paciric Highway
on the opposite side of town.
A committee consisting of Carkln,
Janney and Davis was appointed to
look into the Beatty street project and
report at the next mooting. Wilson,
Gaddis and Paul were apimlnted to
fulfill a similar duty in connection
with the proposed extension of South
Central. '
Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs.
Hanby and Messrs. Paul and Janney
were appointed on a committee to ar
range a survoy of property owned by
the city suitable- for the establishment
of public playgrounds for children.
Following tho appointment of the
committees the meeting was adjourn
ed. '
Community advertising Is a -subject
now being given consideration by
every progreHHlve western city. The
railroads within tho next three years
will spend upwards of a million dol
lars to bring tho pcoplo of tho east
to the Pacific const. C'allfornlnns,
Inc.. the All Year club of southern
California and the Kan Diego club
are spending hundreds of thousands
of dnllnrs nnnunlly to attract people
to California and the Portland Cham
ber. 'of Commerce Is now raising two
hundred thousand dollars to be spent
In the next two years In advertising
Oregon. Never has there been such
a stupendous publicity campaign
undertaken to bring settlers to the
Pacific const and the effort to secure
funds to properly advertise Medford
and Jackson county has been timely.
Herbert Cuthbert. for many yenrs
exeeutlve'secretnry of the Pacific
Northwest Tourist association, tins
hnd a wide experience In advertising
this grent northwest and he will
speak of the fundamentals of adver
tising nt the fnrum of tho Medford
Chamber of Commerce tomorrow
noon at the Medford hotel. '
PHILADKLl'HlA. April 10..
Coney C. Slaughter, alleged looter of
tho Mercantile National bank of
rueblo. Colo., und for whom the au
thorities had been searching eight
years, was arrested laHt ntiht at
Phoenlxvllle, Pa., and brought hero
for arraignment today before a fed
erul couimlH.iioiier. .Department of
Justice agents who found Slaughter
working in a sanitarium, said he had
agreed to waive extradition and re
turn to Colorado at once.
Slaughter is alleged to have' em
bezzled more than 1350,000 of the
Mercantile bank's fund whllo ucting
as Its cashier In May. l'Jlu.
Slaughter went to the sanitarium,
the Pennhurst Institution for the
feeble minded about three months
ago. With htm was a young woman
whom he introduced as his wife. The
pair had since' been living at tho In
Slnughtor was understood to have
left a wife and two children in Colo
rado. Sanitarium officials said that
ho had stated ho was C. V. Landrey,
which governnient ngents said, was
tho name of tho woman known us
his wife.
During his eight years flight he
had been in many parts of the
Relieves Backache
"Have had kidney trouble and back
ache for inutiy years and I tried sov
oral doctors but got only temporary
relief. A friends advised me to try
Foley Kidney Pills, and before I used
two boxes I was entirely well," writes
A. C. Perkins. Summer Shade, Ky.
Kidney and bladder trouble requires
prompt treatment. Foloy Kidney Pills
give quick relief. . Refuse substitutes.
Insist upon Foley's. Sold everywhere.
Bishop Tuttle Sinking
ST. LOUIS, April 10. Bishop Dan
iel S. Tuttle, of the Episcopal church
was reported slightly weaker today.
Physicians hold little hope for his
recovery from grippe.
78 of the first 161 motorists
who passed the corner of
Market and Kearny Streets,
San Francisco,' answered
Red Crown" to the ques
tion "What bind of gaso
line do you prefer?"
The result of this check, In
which "Red Crown" led its
nearest competitor by
160, is typical of the en
tire Pacific Coast field,
where the majority of mo
torists get best results by
using Red Crown, the gas
oline of quality, and noth
ing else. '
for the experienced
The California Oregon Power Company
7 Preferred Capital Stock
Yielding 7.37
In a few weeks May 1 the opportunity
to invent in these securities at the exceedingly
attractive rate of $95 per ttiiara will havo
passed. The stocks of comparnhle public utili
ties on this coast tire held at approximately the
par value price of $100 per shtcre. If you want
7.37$ and n&fety act at office, while you
can still invest at the present
figure. Even now our custom
ers and friends are rapidly
taking up the few shares still
The Califnrnia Oregon
Power Company has shown a
substantial growth in emu
ings resulting from the devel
opment of the territuiy In
which it operates.
Between 1912 and 1022, tho
Company's consumers grow
from 6,561 to an increase of 100
and the development of the tftmory is still in
its Infancy. In the same ten yeaia the physical
properties behind the Company's Capital Stoi k
have increased fioin $4. 8J. to $10,291,-
569-69. which includes seven liydtn-elecuic
plants in Suutheru Oregon and Noitlteni Cal
ifornia. The accompanying chart shows the steadily
Increased earnings of this Company.
The California Oregon Power Company
Offices: Medford, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls, Oregon
Yreka, Dunsmuir, California
, Price Advances May 1, 192S
Our partial payment plan of Jf per ihmi per month en-,
ablet you to take immediate advantage of the exceedingly
attractive price at which this high-grade security it now bt
irg offered $Q$ per than to yield 7? ptr annum
well Mow the price level of comparable hydto-cletirtt utun
tiet. The price will be advanced Atay J,
You may place your 0di ot git full info math at 'any of
sur ojfteei, or from any membtt tf ou vgantvattot o. mail
im the coupon, -. j 'I i I i-; -'
That we have taken the distribution
and sale of
in Jackson, Josephine, Douglas,
Coos and Curry Counties
Having magazines conveniently located in the above coun
ties, we are in a position to render unequalled service.
Specify !5Njii on orders
to your local dealer
J. A. Denn Powder Co.
Par value $100 per share.
Dividends paid since issuance, $7 per shara
per annum. Checks mailed every three months,
$1.75 per share.
Pioceeds of all uecurities sold devoted ex
clusively to development of
Company's properties.
Not assessable by the Com
pany for any purpose what-'
Exempt from Federal Nor
mal Individual Income Tax -
Takes precedence as to as
sets and dividends over com
mon stock amounting to
$4,441,100 par value. Equity .
back of tho preferred stock
now outstanding amounts to t
a lotal of $8,385,361 53, which equals $288.30
pei share, or ovei three times the present cost
til pel share.
Purchase may be made in any amount from '
one share upwards; cosh, or savings plan: '
$5 00 per share as first paymont, and $5.00 per
share per month. Interest on all partial pay
meniu at 6 per annum. 1
The stock is listed on the San Francisco
Stock and Bund It x change.
I The California Oregon Power Company
IvIccIiorU, Oregon i
Please have a member of your organization call '
on me about your y Preferred Stock. - I '
',: ...-',.. -: . I.
Niime . ,
u: . ;
wish to
' .V