Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 10, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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wbiford Mail Tbibunz
rrHLimea evkkt aft Khjciox I
' MEfOKI t-fcXTiJq CO. i
Tit Mentor 7 Koraisc x at'
rAljM4 fa-n4.era e&rta4 ft as-!
6- 7 Biat?er.
-fffi Mall Trttcs- Baits. --!
Herts t'U atrcrt. Fim t I
A iwitidiitot at rs bmntset
Tm u Jterftiord 1U. Ite V-'-.l
rnlA, ( ivw.Mri Orrsytiaa, Tfc .
Aus4 Tr.WM.
C. tllimt 8MITH. ltoa.
tmiir. ; iaiir ftra. yearSl-M:
bsuir. aim 3etr c-a whti . i
fa!Jr. v-'fiMl i7 vr- 1
tl'.f, lKLsst K-S.VCay a. SMCtA -41:
Wtri.f MU Tnw. & yax W
47 !.:. or J . Z.s-l!
07 CAKitrEB 1 Vetfve-t ittV.;
lcb-A9'w. O-.tral PS!..
Taleat oet iVsrawsrs. J
L:,. wi-a Mvi bjb. iwh .tsi
t-aiir. .tsv.t -i.t7 . a:a
I.!7. Tt.-jfjt r l-'iC j J U '
I ''..7, n ayuvitty r.'. oa year -i-l
A . rrv.s by -i-".r eir-s ra 4
f-f(Vll ti -A ry.'T ? Meford
(-'f : w,rt ul lf t 7 1
T '7 Sw F r '
-1 ec. 1 f -i of
a ' - . ' . ' : r . ! w-r AJ- (
car- fT lTi V I
br aifv Teze eerealarMb for
BKIkj Arti I. lUt. flit."
rTT1 x new! of seaster at
Mford. (nm, ad ssf stare t.
Tfca Aaaorlaurf r-re ta crdvafrtlr
aatJIA4 e tr. m for rpsbtjC4a frf
an am dlga!fc4 rre1.'vl u
athrvla errant ta I'sia PPT. aa4
aiao t7 t! Wval si!i pnbi:a&i junta.
A I) rfclita nvfjntxauM f .
OATME.VL wu soU for rr Were Qikr Oat. Yet the tmar
ufATarer t.t wtEeil mrrir c!e interest on thtrir iaTtrt
whiie tL siii2ti'irrr of tr 0M mad f'.Ttnnes.
Wtt I fceea dce wi'.h oitrnt-al ti ako fc-K-a dte witis
eooi.slp-vi t;ite proi-ets n?ir, effre, ttispnden, .;-ek. ail:
the aeeret of tTjeeew in t!I eie bein? a l3ip!e toe, merv-ir eom
linin? aeleeted iizL:r, with a diitiwrtive faekai'e and prtUten! d
vtrtiatn?. P-ar hare tern oid in tti country and Eurof for erctaHei
Vet ihey are c-!d icTelT a pear. ju: ato3eaI.wM vAti merely as
TbrTt i ot.1t lit., reaioo why whav-aj done ith wit!i oatmeal
can't be done with peart Oatmeal U B'.t a perishable prrxiaet
I'er are. -; t , j j ' j : .
lJut even wi:h sLa oJtae'e t the'estaLIUhmerit of a profitable
;-eeU!lT from a standard staple, there is no apparent reavn why
;ar gT'trers of the Rrue Hirer Vallar could not treciendivusly in--reae
the profit by doin? in a scall way what the Qoaker Oats
e'mpaiiy did in a lar?e way.
In the pear Soathera Oregon has a superior and distinetive pro
daet. By azreeite npon one trade r.aine, one standard paek. one at"
traetive paekajre and addln? to this adrertLiing, a tremendous in
crease in year to year profits would seem to be inevitable.
7 - A J
Ye Smudge Pot
Bf Arthur Perry.
Seienc kas maaae to get tbe
temperatnra Id a steel tack doB tn
429 des7ee below tern, bat Is suable
to explain boa- a lady gets a No.
boot in a So. J shoe.
A gooM flew over the ettr last creo
lax, not kaowlsg that greater cues
thaw he bad settied therein.
Tba worry cow wooid hare lired 'til
U he'd ooIt sared her breath.
Bat sh feared the bar wouldn't last
all day.
Bo she choked herself to death.
(BP. Bulletin)
(Emporia, Kan. Gazette)
"Come over to dinner, we are
going to hare onions!" Nick Wie
Und called to Dick Staau rester
dar morning across Fifth arenae.
ftlck Btaau paid a 1.V
yesterday ta police conrt for
A couple of Eapee engineers sbari
Tsrled each other this morning.
TO TIIE BOOTLEG merchant's dump some repair to get a
drink, but to patronize the pump is a better plan, I think;
for the water from the well doesn't make you whoop and yell,
doesn't land you in a cell, in a' jail that's on the blink. Oh. the
handle of a pump is a tiresome thing to ply, but the fellow is a
chump who will fill himself with rye; for the rye they now dis
pense is a liquid barbed wire fence, and it robs one of his sense,
and induces him to die. In the boneyard there are graves, and
the graves are full of skates who no longer would be slaves to a
law that jars and grates; so they filled themselves with gin, that
was made of melted tin, and the sexton dumped them in. and for
further victims waits. There is danger in the drink that is bouzht
in slum or wynd; it will -often kill a gink, it will often knock him
blind ; but the water from the well makes no sexton ring his bell
for a dead man with a smell of the alcoholic kind. And the water
cold and wet, doesn't swell a mortal's head, doesn't make him
sigh and fret o'er a beak that's painted red; and the man who
laps it. up from a dipper or a cup feels as sasy as a pup when he
rises from his bed.
Your system demands ALL BRAN
if constipaiion is lo be relieved!
(Portland Telegram)
PORTLAND. (To tbe Editor of
The Telegram.) It seems quite the
thing for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
to make a great ado about the fuss
In the Oregon family both from a
newspaper standpoint and carrying
out the settled policy of the Hearst
paper to fight anything against their
religion or tbe Irish nation. Ileing a
8eatlle newspaper. It no doubt glres
them much Joy to slam Oregon in
rarr way In the series of articles on
the Ka Klux Klan as they find It In
Oregon. It sems to be popular also in
the east to lam but Oregon for fcer
many frailties, alnce the lata Gover
nor Olcott set the example soon after
but defeat The papers of tbe east
must have something to talk about
But for tbe life of me I cannot see
why the Telegram should reprint the
Seattle newspaper story. It Is neither
news nor good reading. Why should
any Oregon newspaper print anything
that has a tendency to stir up trouble
in our own state? If we grant that
the Ku Kluxers are a bad lot and that
Oregon Is alt torn asunder by II, bow
can we help the matter by agitating
and stirring up more hatred and
strife? There seems to be a deter
mined effort by the Telegram to make
the matter worse. And it Is the only
large slate paper that does it, at least
that I have seen.
Why not let the matter rest awhile
and see if the "menace" of the K. K.
K.'s is really a menace? Jly opinion
Is that It will not last long unless pa
pers keep making It a major Issue, as
the Telegram seems to be doing. Iel's
all be quiet awhile. ANT1 STRIFE.
Dated April 4, 1923.
Tour system needs tbe "nmhzzt
that Keilogg's Braa, eokt4 and
fcrumbVd, supplies. ' Tor, H win not
only permanently reliers constipation
if it is ratra regularly, but its fail
content of the vital eletcenU of wheat
will build Ualth and strength in a
wonderful way.
Ton need bran in its fuO and bene
ficial strength sod that 'a what you get
in Kollocg 'a Bran ALL BRAN I Yoc
eat Kellogg 's for relief and yon wiii
get relief in a way that nature planned.
Foods with a bran nurture eaanet help
tbe man, woman or child who faces
grave illness through constipation.
You must have ALL BEAN " rough
age" that will sweep and clean and
purify and bring health back I
Children should be given EeDotrg'i
Bran each day; grown ieopia ahouid
eat Kellogg 's each day at least two
tables poonf ul, in ctronis caws with ,
earh meaL It mechanical action wL'f '
afford permanent relief.
And, you will find Kellogg 's Bran a
dflight to eat becatiae it is so delieaoos. -As
a cereal, sprinkled on other not or
cold e?reals, or used in countless bak
cry Latches or in cooking, its nut-liko
flavor will ttriil your apprtite and
each rpoonful means so much in perma
nently relieving constipation and in
warding off ttia gravest national ail-,
ment Kellogg recipes are printed oa
each package.
Start the entire family eating
Kellogg ' Bran to-day. 8re the color
come back to faded cheeks; see tho
reap that will go into lagging steps.
Kellogg 's Bran is wonderful. All
grocers sell it!
(Oorrls Times)
It was warm last Tuesday, and
Mrs. Jack Klngley was working
In the mllkhouse, near the fly
wheel of the separator engine,
wben something happened. A
number of men working on the
Irrigation ditch nearby, were tak
ing advantage of the nice warm
weather, and were handy. .Mrs.
Klngley escaped without a scratch,
owing to the light texturo of her
Stops Cough and Wheezy Breathing
"Had a cough and wheezing In my
throat": wrltos Caroline Dlllnrd,
Petersburg, Va. "Foley's Honey s'nd
Tar gave mo quick relief and stopped
my cough." Coughs resulting from
Flu, Orlppo. Whooping Cough, Asthtns
and Bronchitis, quickly relieved with
Foley's Honey and Tar. Three goner
atlons of satisfied users have made
Foley'! Honey and Tar the largest
selling cough medicine In the world.
Refuse substitutes. Insist upon
Charter No. 77. Reserve District No. 12
Pine Belt Banking Co.
At Butte Falls, In tbe State of Oregon at close of busiuees April 3rd, 1923
I. Loans and discounts. Including rediscounts shown in Items 29
' i and 30, ir any f 69.757.S9
3, U. 8. government securities owned, including those shown in
Items AO and 3a, If any 7.95O.0O
Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign gov
ernment state, municipal, corporation, etc., including
those shown in Items 3D and 35, if any 19. 345.13
Blocks, securities, claims, Hens, judgments, etc 3.
Hanking house furniture and fixtures Charged off
Real estate owned other than banking house Charged off
(ab) Cash on hand In vault and due from banks, bankers and
trust companies designated and approved reserve agents
of this bank ., 20.973.15
Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10
and 11 : j I
Capital stock paid in..
Surplus fund
(a) I'ndlvlded profits
1.822 23
661. SS
(l) Less current expenses. Interest and taxes paid
Demsnd Deposits other than hanks, subiect to reserve
Individual deposits subject to check. Including deposits due tbe
State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds
Demand certificates of deosit outstanding , ,
Total of demand deposits, other than bank
deimalts, suhject to reserve, items 23, 24...f 6S.6S1.67
Tims snd Savings Deposits, subject to reserve and payable on
demand or subject to notice:
Time certificates of deposit outstanding
. t 25.000.00
State of Oregon. County of Jackson, 'as:
I. (iertrudo Fredenburg. asst cashlcc, of the above named" bank, do
solemnly swear that the abore statement is true to the twit of my knowledge
and belief. C.KRTIU DK FHKHKNIH RtJ. Asst. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this lth dav nf April. 1923.
ORIS CRAWFORD, Notary Public.
My commission expires September 19, 19.'3.
Correct Attext: (ieo. W. Ilarker, Haiel Hsrker, Directors
Thry Increase your mileage per gallon and wo all like to see what we
pay for.
Wo make our nnn niljuntmrnt nn Mir guaranteed Ajax and (Vt
Tin. I ."very day In every nil)- you get morn miles pT dollar at (he
Pacific Highway at Jackson hirer.
Senke (licn-fully Given ly F.t-Scrvlre Men
SANTIAGO. Chil. April 1. By
the Aoeitd Press Axbotik
oetrt that the i&eeticg ci the arma
ments coraiRitteie of the Pan-Anvert-eaa
coGferece which had . beets
scheduled for tfcU afternoon, bad
bo popnd until t&cr.orrow, gave
rte to that Use plan for P-lAr.lrr--r.;
of a special committee to
cocjwJer the qesiion and
report a: the nferec.e had
been al-Ando-ned-
A 'toTf'.sra delegation- asked irJT a
deiay in order to "ics'.ire agreement
of aorr.fc;jsitios that have be-en
Jormalated," it was aaid-
So far as eonld t-e teamed, none of
th "A- a. C nations waj respon-
The Chilean delegation, it is an
nounced, will lc-iiy to consider
what is drr-.Ld as a sjdden change
in the situation which will require a
redrafting of the armament report.
Tomorrow the po!itial committee
takes cp the Costa Rk plan for re
vision of the method of choosing the
cOTemia? board of the an-Ameri-can
union- This prowt has unex
pectedly brought to the front what ss
described in some La tin-American
quarters as the ,uesion of North
American control" over this Pan
Amerirein agency and several coun
tries, including Chile. Argentina and
BrazSL are holding deleisation meet
ings lOfUy to dc-termine what atti
tude to fcafce.
Coa Kina is reported to have the
sur port of all the Carrioean countries
and to have pained the eympalhy of
individual groups of some of the
other nations represented here.
The Central Americans explain
that the prorts-on for ehooeing a di
rect private representative as a mem
ber of the governing board instead of
being obliged to name a diplomat ac
credited to Washington would pre
vent what is described as The diplo
matic influTire of the American sec
retary of state."
The Central Americans have re
marked that they believe the t'nited
States delf-sation would not object to
the plan, but the impreiwion is gained
tha th-- are mistaken.
ANGORA, April 1. (By Asuitia:-!
ed Press). Two Tx-kith ubocaiku
ajbiSesTcave ratified th socalled
Chester railway rocceavtuoa. . , i
e?Aiiliocis for taw -Chester o-ccsaioa-
in Tsrxey, which tasle
the deveitopjsent of the tloul Oil re
gion and the exAstrsctioti cl Lt'.4
miies of raiircad in the Ve7aotarxaa
avxintains was first iasutiited by
Presided RooseveU. It take its tvai?.e
from Rear Admiral Colby At. Cadaster,
now retired, who was seat to Tcrkey
in lJvS to obtaia ir United State In
terests certain vaJoahie priority nsn'.s
in the Tarkisk oO producing district.
The former Turkish government
some time ago approved the grant
but action by the otiionalii t govern
ment at Angora bas been awaited.
American capital .would be nM.
under the agreement to extend the
Bagdad railway to the border of -Persia,
while rail amcectiofis would be
afforded to tie chief cities of Turkey.
Tbe Mosul oil field bas been a bene
of contention between Great Britain
and the t'nited States for some time
and at the Lausanne conference the
British delegation was especially In
sistent that its claim to territory be
How to Toughen 'Skin so Nail
Tarns Out Itself
A few droos of "Outgro" upon the
skin surTounoics; the rcgrowrng nail re
duces innaicmasisa sad pain and so
toturhen the tender, sensitive skin un
derneath the toe) saillhat It can not
penetrate the flesh, aad the nail turns
naturally outward almost over nieht.
"Outjjrro" ii a hsrmles?. antiseptic
manufactured far chiropodists. How
ever, anyone can t ry iron the drne;
store a tiny bottle contusing direction.
Babbitting and Welding
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
The heavy winter clothing
should be Dry Cleaned before
putting away call us now.
EEMIMBER: "We are not
satisfied unless you are."
City Cleaning
and Dyeing Co.
624 N. Eiverside Phone 474
i. ISSi'ifMI 'J-'hl .iinssi
Have us look over the pistons
of your car's engine If they
are worn, need new wrist plus
or rings, we are prepared to
render perfect, prompt service.
0erslte pistons to order,
rings for all sites, wrist pins,
etc. We AI.S0 remove scores
from cylinders.
SO-40 No. Front. Phono 1 19
are youn?
The Medford National
for you.
4 Tfn-
Do vou know that we can makej
r ' -l
von a sqit taijored to your measure,!
jv . rx ... lV e; . .
at tbe price you now pay for a,j
ready-made suit?:''- -
Springer & Lee j
Opposite Eialto Theatre
better 'way to
Does vnur
Appetite wake up
when you do?
Few grown ups are fortunate enough -
to retain childhood breakfast appetites.
And few children are satisfied with a
"canary bird breakfast" The 13 hour
interval between supper and breakfast v
affects us differently.
To satisfy everybody and simplify
your breakfast problem, serve the dish
that appeals to all appetites Olympic
Wheat Hearts. Cook according to di
rections and it has a happy, nutty flavor
that makes the whole family like break
fast better. Start with Olympic Wheat '
Hearts tomorrow.' Your grocer cart r
supply you. '
PORTLAND FLOUR MILLS CO., Portland", Oregon '
Mills at Portland, Oregon and T scorn, Washington '
Manufacturers of Olympic Pancak Flour and OiympK Flour ,-
Foley's. 8old everywhere. Adv.