V o MXDFORD MAIL TRIBUXE. MTDFOriD. OREGON. TUESDAY. "APRIL 10. 1925 ' 1 1 4, t and rsonal pcr.?e at tit ' " fci ti drQ m:- T4 ft ti gx very rtrocr. Tit r frees tie wU bra two ft aiowe tie tftaii. For &-T Fjo4 m1 piase- for I -4. Se Laar;a.-.a at V. i 4 Or fli-a. II' W a. g;TTtr riE.r nts-r stw ea far fia;T"r.-t lirCjfA Fsr Sc-ia. If If yta a.tl t 2 ywrr oriirt fars. or rMtst. Uii a wrta Earl S Txs.y. : Liberty EMS- Ji Toxcvrow Bfjrsjir it i a. lii eoaiiaraig waul 4 a. ns. wl c hei tie first of a kti cf tiree ai::ixry cueecscs tuelcned f'.r tie wtwia cf Medford by Miss Grayee TH, eoeuy eoedacted a st.."'.ar tvttej; If ti wvsma wf Taii Bodr, tiis afternoon. 3 bh with tie wocea of tie V.e-st Eiie eicliso'l5a district tocjorrow, aad w-xa li- m of Aii-iaxyi on Friday. Fcr Sii WVker baby s!iy. g-vod as arw. Vii N. Peach, li AH tri of retd aad dressed lnv ber. WLiut Wood. ttostt 15. Til E. Maia. Wlea better anorolE an bilt Bk win Irafld tieo. tf The lv!sca u4 profewioaaj woav en of tie T. W. C A. wlH ax tie T aeadqaarter oa Nona Harriett street at 7:1 Thursday eveoiag. Earliest of all. EearrT Boars aad Mortgage. Lifter sk3 potatoe 2 c per powafd. WatiiM" Feed Store. Flioe It. IS Car oak Ooorioc at Kedtord Lor. Co. t Tb Van Trfbas baa pat la a ner carriajca for hand ilex bis roiia of patr and baa aboot Vi (et at earrUe track finipwi vita eangera aad car rait for poands: jut the lh:ELg f'r a tar ban. ran? or warehocat M yn aarthtcr; of !hU kind it at tra'-e A barxam. tf Court Hay lft thsa raorafse bj trara with a cuitcas f.lied with eauaz ap--a for Klamatb Falia. itctinz to mm Drt Friday. WbB akd to explain the taking along wttb him of ao maajr applea, he remarked, Tboae Klamatb covnty rettasraou ain't, a going to get rich often me." For Sa.'e Two good ned pianoa. one for f 1. See LannapacJi at Weeka A Orr or phone M-R. IT HematitchJng at Denel'a. tt Slop, lock, listen. Hare yon eTer la yoor life had the chance to bay good tboea for Zoe per pair? Come to the Thrift Shop,' Sparta bnlldlng. on next Wednesday. April 11 asd yon will hare that opportunity. Many paJra a good as new. a large rarlety of slse Sale starts promptly at a. m. 15 Thellaraea class of the First Bap tist chorch will met at the chare t night at 7: VS. All members "at re quested to be present 24 per ceLt off on capes, coats and suits at the Colonial. v IS Col'iolal Garage for tire eerrlee. Jl "It pays fire ways." Four of the benefits are parable to yon while liv ing. All yoor protection hi one com pany for one premium. Pacific Mutual Life. First National Bank Building. Medford. Oregon. ! An announcement of the otnlng cf 436 acres of homestead and desert lard in Converse county. Wyoming, to ex-aerrlce men of the World war wa made by the department of the Inter ior at Washington yesterday. The lani ; i.yn to entry for a period of J) days, beginning May J. La-lies, br.ng In yoor for work now, and take advantage of the low rates Bartletl's Fur Bhop. tl Grafted Franiuette walnut Ed on Valley Nursery. JSO-J-I tf Twelve-Inch slati wjod li 50 per tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more Hand picked wood, mostly Or. Valley Fuel Co. Phone T. tf Attention Is called to the warning Issued by Prof. F. C. Relmer of the Southern Oregon Experiment Station to pollinate cherries now, which Is l-oM shel elsewhere In this paper. For Bale Two good used pianos, one for Si 60. See Laonspach at Weeks A Orr or phone 646-R. IT Ladies, bring In your far work now and take advantage of the low rates liartlett's Fur 8 bo p. tf We will loan yon money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. Tie Mttarr sawati!! ia &at Vaiy as again m trstrmn a&4 nv ia t ea;fcc-.Ty. Vr. kftttr aaj jirciijj a ec.;ii aiir ww aii 'A r4.taJJ2 ftariit ij sm at ts w-.ti wilei ta eesven t-s tzgtr i-.zt i-'jj Tsjuexr. Gc-ii HJS News. Efcii sJ lE-X fcjuIW cr re- I It. V.Jiiitr. PV UVJ fjSOAWCe Si a' "Pi A LITTLE CHAT on the.drelrabtllty, yes. the ne cessity, of your having a policy of Burglary Insurance Come In and consult ua It will cost you nothing and not obligate you. rid you may profit by tna opportunity. McCURDY Insurance Agency Tel. 12.1 Medford National Bank Bid. Medford, Oregon L ajvi erea-r. at EieToe's. tf For aiai. gnvtl. aediaeat aad teas work see &a.ael pAje an. tii Vt;l strt Ftas tZ-J. Mr. asj Jfra. Mirk Montgasaery ac tr.fr. ;a-d .y tie itur iur. Mrs. Cba.a. Cnmem o Coraeii&a, Ore. ir rfrfl i.'-e ti'.s ff9rcitg f- the lat tr ilttJb. wavare lit snrxber tf Mr J.'jaurxery aad Mrs. Crtic dl irt Friay. Mr. Craiot w ia fc tiej ratrst here or mu tisae. Eiatara aad aaarara roots. Eden VaUty Xtsrsery, Pboea 4J-I. tf Graftic? wix. Eda VlJey Naraery. Pi-eae w' t tl All Ixrit at rovga aad iljesseil hna Wt. Waaee Wood, tacza l(A. Til lift Mai. Ee:: Lett of PrCaad, reprtaectisg ti Vnltn Savings k Lcaa aasociayic is 1st Mt-lird on boaiaeas and will re "iS'n aereral daa. 24 per cest off oe caea, coats and rstu at use Colossal IV Oemine Bca Magaeto ports a&d rejiairs. Ejectrie Rjop, Eighth, aad Barttt- tf S. L Efd setting eggs at DeVoe'a. 1 Tie nort of tie P-.ne Belt Banking cocfxaay. printed today aaows aboot double the deposits of a jear ago. fceog x. i-Iju. The caj.tal a'joca cas teen tacreaaed from SI 6,066 u t:'.JA wita a aarpla of fyjOt. Geo Barker, the cashier, who was la Med ford today, predicts a briglt fmare for Batte Faiia with taa exteeaioa of tae railroad and the big logging lnteresta. la yocr radio set working right do guaranteed repalrixg. No charge for inspection. L. D. M inkier. Ptese MJ-J. 21 Grafted Fras:aette walnut. Eden Valley Ncrsery. iyi-J-2 tf FranTJette walnata. Ettersborg 121 strawberries. Oregc-n Cbamjion goose berrr, Loudon Market enrraat. Chi- nte privet bede plants. Tboraltaa tlacreirry. etc at Tte Jordan Sir serr. Gras s Pa. Ore. It" Barbara La Marr, who appears L the Korie. -Qaiicy Ada&s Sawyer. which opens at tbe Pagextbeatre to morrow, la a niece of C. B. Watson of Gold Hill and formerly lived here with her father, W. W. Watson. The movie world predicts a wonderful success for Miss La Marr. She was referred to In Los Angelea aa-befcg too hand some to live In a large city and left there for a time, return lug to take a place in the movies. Earliest of an. Earl Sunrise, and Mortgage Lifter seed potatoes Hie per pound. Watiinx' Feed Stcre, Phtaie 25S. W 29 per cent off oa capes, coaU an4 wit at the Colonial. ! I want to bear from the owner of a rood ostfcard r aalef In this valley. Earl Tarcy, i'Ji Liberty Blig. 21 Trie B-fisesa and Professional Girls will hold a social meeting at the T. W.! C. A. Thursday evening. A very Inter esting program has been arranged. Miss Fern Daily will speak on Hono lulu. Brown says he has long and abort ones. 13tf Grafted Franqoette walnut Eden Valley Nursery. SW-2 tf Cedent and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co tf Hubbard Brothers are unloading a carload of harvesting machinery In eliding bay racks, binders, and mow era; also a carload of John Deere Moline wagons: Grape vines! Tokays. Malagas, Mtu "ats. Kmperors. very best, only few thousand left at The Jordan Nnrsery "rants Pass. Ore. 1 1-adies. bring In your far work now and take advantage of the low rates Patlekt's Fur Shop. tf We are giving summer rates cow oe far repairing. Bartlett's Fur Shop If Vr. and Mrs. G. W. Dqw leave soon for an auto trip to Charles City and other points in Iowa. Lonie sells Early Sunrise seed t tatnes at 2c lb. 1 New phonograph for sale at ha'f price. Terms. Pbone T25-W. IT See Brown for first class shoe re pairing. lltf The Cltliens Military Training camp for Oregon and Washlrgton, conduct ed by the war department under the national defense act will be held again this year at Camp Lewis. Wash., and at Fort Worden. Wash, from July K to Augast 24. Provision has been made for receiving 10 young men at Camp Lewis for instruction In Infan try, field artillery, cavalry, engineers aad signal corps branches: and will be sent to Fort Worden for coast artillery Instruction. There will be no course in aviation this yer. The war department provides transporta tion to camp and return, beard, lodg ing and expert medical attec(kn. uni forms, equipment, arms, laundry for clothing Issued at camp. Regular communication of Rearr.es chapter will be held Wednesday. April 11th at 7.30 p. m. Masonic hail. Mrs Jerry Jeroma will have c harps of social hour. 1? Roses and flowering shnbs. Eden Valley Nursery. S J I. tf All kinds of rouh and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone K'S. Til E. Main. ' Two hundredths more of an Inch of rain fell during the II hours ending a. I . in. today. Slight showers fell at time today and the prediction ta for probable showers tomorrow. I now have material for restrinting tennis racquets. Leave them at Med ford Harness Co, Medford Hardware and Storting Goods store. Young's Hardware or 301 South Central. J. If Ileeaon. 2" Louie sells Early Snnrise seed po tatoes at 2c lb. 1 We have good value tn osed car. Pat ton ft Robinson, lac U I TV staiet sjr-.eg rseeciag of tie j SocJsm Ortjr.; PresSTtery, wtici ! aseiii aTl tie PrsSfXnaa ciarcie 1 ieimtx ijumzrt aa.1 Kjil FaTj ' t-.titifi at CraL Pass ttas after- ztif.a. Tier t t4i:s u::it ati tocirrow fcrtaosa. afterxj'jcn ai.1 i Earteet of X Early Sssrtte aii j Monffii Lifwr seed potatoes I We , pr i'yx-i. Watkits Fftal Strre f zsxjt ;.. if" We atre glviig S":T,Ter rat ravw cn frr re;afcg, Bart-t"s Fr Sbca. If Eroa aa;s Le Titet wi yos wait Ut . ! V. Ker, travelisj- r,?ri'-iUTt of lx Ctant Power Co, and J. A. Dsna. of Hoseoorss. district tative c-f ti eo-Bany. are fa Medford fcr a few days oa Ua:. Tkis is cxe of the largest r-ar-xfact-jers of eiS-'-n.-Te ta tbe Kttry and their W3ts are tar saie by tte hardware dealers la Medford aad CrQrjetmt io'sera Orejr.ri. S--nj boae eetu per foot. Cra ter Lie Hardware Co. tf Ealed Lay for saie J. H. Carkin. Hi Early Smrae seed potatoea. They are tbe earliest and best. Louie sells ties for 2c 1 C. C. Dfion of SbedL Ore-, tie weB known Jersey breeder wtl be here Friday aad Saturday to attend dair r&eetiga ta the valley, detailed notice of which appears eisewhere ta this Auto fcsarance. Brown ft White. We can stEl fcrsish spray noae for 29 cesta per foot. Crater Lake Hard ware Co. if fcrowa says he has tots of giovea. m S. CettraL . 13tf Hogh B. Raskin. snperrisoT of tie Crater National forest. left last ni?ht for Roseborg; ca forest aerviee bs aes. expecting to retnrn tonight- Do not bay an electric waaier natll we have demonstrated tie new May tag to yon. Crater Lake Hardware Co. tf Ac to Insnraaee, Brown ft Wt.'te. tf This is going to be a good potatoe year. Get some of those Early Sunrise from Lonie for 2c lb. ISc Mrs. Blanche Crosson was In the etty toiay on business. For soe tise past Mrs. Cresson ias been as instructor fn dancing at Medford and Central Point asl for tie sarzre-r seascra aie will be in charge of tie dance which will be given at tie Gold Hill pavilion. Grant Pass Conrier. See Brown for your shoes. 13tf After tie fire It is too late to fesirre See Redden ft Canaday now. Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co. tf Jack Kerr, head of the server crew at work on the reconstruction of tie Fall Creek line of the California Oregon Power company was a Med ford visitor last Sunday. Take yoor kodak films to Palmer's stadio. First class work aad prompt service. tf Early S cerise seed potatoes. They are tie earliest aad best Louie sells them for 2c. 15 Colonial Garage for tire service. Numerous benefit, until now un available to disabled ex-service men, and" granted through the passage of a new veteran relief meassure, will be put Into effect in this district Immedi ately, L. C. Jesseph. Pacific northwest manager of the United States Veter ans' bureau, has announced. Many war veterans will be affected, he stat ed. This Is going to be a good potatoe year. Get some of those Early Sunrise from Louie for 2c lb. It Grape vines: Tokay. Muscat. Mal aga, Rose Pent ZinflndelL Thompson heedless. Trellis grape: Concord. Brighton. Worden. Agawarn. Niagara and Campbell s Early. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone CM-J-2. tf Gladlola and Ciena bulb. Edea Valley Nnrsery. t4- t. tf The pap:l of tie public saoois of Medford as elsewhere rn tie state are rejoicing over tie fact that Governor Pierce has proclaimed tie afternoon of April IT. tie day on which tie Pa cific Coast league basebail season opens la Portland, as a legal half holiday not that they care abewt tie Portlxrl ga:e. bat they always lite a half hoi! day. For, it fa pointed oot by J. A. Churchill, state snperinteaieat of public laitraetion. that all legal hot Idays so declared by tbe governor are also school holidays, according to statate, and schools throechrat tie state must observe the holiday regard less of any Interest In basebalL Dance. Gold Hill Pavilion Thursday. 1 Nice line of traveling bags. Brown's. 103 N. Central. 13tf Very few cilixess atended the public meeting of lie crty 'planning commis sion held at tie city coancil chamber last night There's a busy Easiness College in yoor home town. GWN. Grand opening dance. Gold Hill Pa vilion, Thursday. lJta, Management Mrs Blanch Crossoo. 1 Icterclass baseball at the h.gi ' school Is expected to start in the near I future. In addition to rotevclais game there will be a name between dads and j boys and a bl--h school vs. alumna I game before kng. Have y ur rcrs washed on your own , ftcvw most ennveaient sanitary ' method, kills germs, no dust raised. ! Get year order in eartr. E. L. Davis. Pbenetll. Ill Stark St JO , Too can get It at DeVoe's. tf , Brown says he has a new line of men's. lad:e and tlrla' oxfords. 13tf A large ee.-egatr of E.:er o' j X it f Lw-ia Draws left la. niest ti Graats ps c.mi. Neigiiors of ; for Poetlaad after a week w.ti i-er Woodcraft, aueaied tie iita aiXiver-f ;rnts ia tiu cty. tary of ti e.-eit ta ti eiiy Dasc. H i Piv8 a Ti-'av rw i v . . v , . axal KMua is now oot of ti hospital zA ias bea kri .r tie fan tiree cays tariz car 3t towa. His head ieavfjy lav: red bet a is r ;crud i J. J. Sklaser of tie Ca-fers-a- j Oregoa Power trys. iy w was serf I ty tl hr hocie ' list eveaiig in skut ct Mrs. Fa j Morris c-f Martittt. Calif. Asar lie laua were Mr. and Mr FraxJk Dea PAGE aad Mrs. H. B. i. Mr. Icbt Rail PWw- WAJH15CTO.V Ar-. I P-PS-tvej ajc- for r c-: i ti Ti :n of tfi- r-:-r.t r-i."i- r rtfx;r;-e railways to 1I rrt.rcr-ia?ak cui--jc bc4 it rda-:d ra: were dtrjtd xo-a? by the ir.t--r-4--k.:t oaiir-rx eccaaiii- -E-a. Ca-d of Thanka We tiie tiis mesas to t'r rk car tuny trv-r ii ior tir kind deeds asi words derig ibe flisess azl deata of V3t iiAT rzotitr asd sister, also f.r tie beaatifa! fjoral trn.ste- MR. AND MRS JAS BPJSCOS. MR. AND MRS J. U RAGS DALE 1 AND FAMILY. 1 MRS. S. E. A LLP RIGHT. ' P q ZLtL-. !:.- i ' T. Crew sea of MedfcnL Twerve tsta tab wood I-Sd per tier delivered by tskiag 4 tier or sxore. Haxd picked wood, zrctly Cr. Vaiey Feel Co, Pbsae Ti. if Cxrraut coart was ia seiia at Gnats Piss yesterisv. Tie otly eaie brocgit p was a civil xzut A aan:ber of Meif rd yorrag pw;ie motored to Asilac.4 Siday aal en joyed rwioiisisg ax tie Hot Springs pooL Eirg! Bitg! Bisg! Bingl Eig! No. I am w. swearfcg. Jast trying to tell yoo tiat yon wEl get a Cory Tioralesa blackberry p-Unt wita eatb Brag cherry wbne tiey list. Edea Valley NBTsery. t'J-J. tf Dascirr at tbe Shasta Wed. nite. Music by Ike's Jazx KoAs. IT There win be aa American Legfcn meeting tonigit at wikh tie execs-; live cofsaittee will make a report on recent acrivitie. Noel L. Erskiae give piano lessons ; at pupils' aorae. Phoce TrS-W. IT Tte avaia event of tie boxing card at tie armory at Easene last Saturday sight resulted in Wiliice Ritchie of, Grants Paes winnis over "Brick' Coyie of Portlani In a tecinieal knock oot ia tie foorth roend. wiea Coyie s secocd threw np tie toweL Dance. Gold Hill Pavilion Thursday. IS The first meeting of the state game coo mi salon s-nce tie appointment of P. Roy Davis of Medford by Governor Pierce was held yesterday at Portland. The fall commission was present Only roatine matters were considered. Are you going? I am. Gold HQ Pari! ion. Thursday night. Is Mr. Karl Kactxea and Mr. and Mrs B. L. Sanderson and o of Central Point were the raest of Mr. and Mrs. Shipley Ross of Grants Pass oa Son day. , Ronald Goald of Portland, forme: Medford resident, passed throagh j Medford yesterday enroote sooth by j aato. He is now travelling for aa automobile accessory honse and will cover territory between San Francisco and Salt Lake City. The largest class in tie histfry o! the O. A C. numbering Hi. wai be graduated tils Jane, tbe tentative list prepared by E. B. Lemon, registrar. In dicates. Last years gradsaueg cten numbered ZVi. Tiese fibres Include only four-year stadents, ti-ose takirs' short courses not being counted. The candid iiw for bachelor degrees in tie various schois are as follows: A STi culture, 11?; commerce. SJ: enzi- neering. inclading civile electrical and mechanical engineering and Industrial arts, 131; home economics, SI: mines. 14; chemical engineering, 13: phar macy. 12; ' vocational education. 2T; music, 2; and military science and tactics 2. Another drop In tie local price of gasoline was recorded this mornias when all local service stations dro: rd the price one cent per gallon. Gasoline Is now selling locally to the private car owner at 2i cents per gallon. The ? Pastry Shop Is Coming ihrVafcA This Spacei li for announcement MAIL OnDFIlS RECEIVED NOW Monday Night April 16 THE0 KARLE Tenx Concert Management Anhnr Judion HOW to RFXTTRE TICKETS BY MAIL NOW Vddress letter, make checks, postofke money orders payable to Page Theater. Include self-addrescfed staxped envelope to help in rare safe retorn. PP.KTS IXCLIKIXG WAR TAX lt 14 rows JZ.2'. Last rows ii w- PRICES: Lower Flocr Eilny. 1st 4 rows II. ea; next 4 rows 11.10; Lalance .e. O'f-ce SaU Friday noon.- Box fr"-Wu rli l-sii wiriirtissir AT ALL GEOCEES TOO LATE TO CUSS1FT TOlTNI Aito tire, tlerrydaie Store. 15.) N. Hlvirsidft. li CtiNVAI.KSCENT HOME. ASHLAND. Haven t yoa p tten over th "flu" It us build von up. 14 Handicraft Shot. ntattttchrf DatiMi 1 ! Our compleic jwrrire mean g!.-? chat (It doe to n.tvct corrrctioa thru precision of examination. 25 GLADIOLUS BULBS for SI. 50 postpaid Two Cfoaxming Named Sorts, PriueipLue is a brilliant scarlet with white throat ; Rouge' Torch Is a ereara with crimson throat. Ii-th are very early Cowerinsr. There will he a "hiiker's dozen" of eaeh.' Plant NOW. You can have all one sort if preferred. j My tenth annual eatalot' will interest any garden lover and is .wet uron request. W. L. Crisse "Gladiolus Farm" ' E. F. D. 1, Boring, Oregon. lX Would Yoa Sacrifice Comfort to Style? It's altogether unnecessary if yoa wear a Modart Front Laced Corset. For Modart skillfully moulds tie figure to the graceful lice of the carTent vogae yet per mit perfect ease and freedom. Proper placing of the boning provide a restful unobtrusive sapport to the diaphram t the same lime ideailtir.g the natural curres of the figure In perfect proportion. Come ia today for a Modart fiit'Eg. Oar eorcctiem will gladly help yon tl-ct the correct moill for roar particular type ol f:rur. Fsjwjvt' ' i a f "it i ai "1 -ar-ia"; TONIGHT LAST TIMES Mark Twain's Suprems Comedy Gem. "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE" Here's Another Real Entertainment for You The Best-Loved Characters of American M Theatrical History, in Charles Feltcn Pidgin's j Celebrated Bock U Quiney 'Adams Sawyer With the Greatest Cast Ever Seen in One Big Picture John Eowers Lon Chaney Elmo Lincoln Joseph Dowling Edward Connelly Gale Henry Blanche Sweet Barbara La Marr Louise Fazenda Claire McDowell June Elvidge Hank Mann One of Our BIGGER and BETTER Shows PAGE IF Beginning Tomorrow Matinee 23 Ptcotlsf t pr r4. uJl'""JS