. . .vl-V.,-- L j MEDFORP MATT TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREfiOX, MONDAY, 'APRIL " 9, 192H PAC.E REVTOT rBRINGING UP FATHER " b7c.McMmw- I fiys fijW ffef . 5 ' ' ' ; ' .'"; 1 ' .A"'- .. , y! , . I ' - H"l n'"IP' 1923 by int-l Feature Senvict. Inc. j . j r"fifQ? filT V55"l HELP WANTEr FEMALE FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR KENT -MISCELLANEOUS I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE AUTOMOBn.KS J y."'RK0T?" , " I' I I Adf llijUjrr I WAnVeD A middle-aged lady for FOR RENT Nicely furnished Bleci FOR RENT One-hnlf store room on' GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TOR SALES Ford car, 1921 model. Chiropractic Physician - r: i I rJXrtlJrt I cook and housekeaner on dairv ins room. Phone 905-M. 21 Main St. Iuaulro 115 W. Main, If I at No, 15 N. G I line St., Phone 405-.I. si'li'stnrtor. Bhock absorbed, good .w-J 1 . f'i'i 1 HLIitjfljJ I ranch. Cook for 6 to 10 men, $40 ,, , ' ' . -,' j tf condition. Phono 220-H. 21 f: A I ! fcT t mt JJ n 1 ' ... n, ol di.;. FOR RENT S eeu ne rooma with FOR RENT Offices. 125 E. Ma n st I I . . f:l -. , . . . .u. ii hath. 90S W. Tnnth. IS BitrnKUA Rtaanl. Gold Hill. 1 ' . Livestock Portland, April 9. cattle Blpw and weak; receipts 3032. Choice jBteers $7.25g,8.00; medium to good $8.757.25; fair to medium $6.00 ,;c.75; common to fair $5.0006.00; -'choice heifers $0.507.00; choice Vlcows and heifers $6.006.50; mo ?dlum to good $5.256.00;, fair to 'medium $4.7u5.25; common cows !'..'.8.754.75; canners $1.763.75; bulla $3.0005.25; choice feeders $5.006.50; fair to good $4.50 4 I ! .- ivivcwiocK '' ' " ' FOR BALK REAL ESTATE - 5.00; choice dairy calves $9.00 10.50; prime light $9.009.35; me Wbdlum. $8.009.50; heavy $4.00 "c.OO. j, 'J Hogs steady to lower; receipts . f 4S75 (1415 direct, 1764 through.) iPrlme light $9.0009.35; Binooth 'i heavy 230 to 300 lbs. $8.509.00; J smooth heavy 300 lbs. and up $7.50 8 50; rough heavy $o.507.50; fat Clplgs $8.759.00; feeders $8.75 i 9.00; stags, subject to dockage, $4.50' f 6.00. f. Sheep steady; receipts 1056. Top spring lambs $15; east of mountain 'lams J13.50S 14.00; choice valley !$13.5014.00; . medium $12.50 13.50; common $10.50 12.50; culls $8.5010.50; light yearlings $10 00 11.00; heavy $9.5010.00; light 8 wethers, $9.009.50; heavy $7.00 ! 9.00; ewes $5. 007. 60,. i AH sheared stuff $2 per hundred i under these prices-, ; i r Portland Butter . PORTLAND, Ore., April 9. Butter I unsteady. Extra cubes 41V&42V6c; undergrades 38 40b; prints 47c; car tons 48c; dairy buying price nominal; butterfal f.o.b. Portland 46c : Winter Wheat' i ,' WASHINGTON, April 9. Winter v' wheat production this year was fore- . east today by the clepartment ot agriculture at 527:317,000 bushels ,; 'and rye at 75,784,000 bushels, com " .; pared with BSC, 204, 000 bushels of winter wheat aiid 95,497,000 of rye , 'last year. :H ' ' - ' San Francisco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, April 9 (U. S. . Bureau of Agricultural Economics). Eggs, extras 30c; extra pullets 26c; , j undersized pullets 21c. ji SAN FRANCISCO, April 9. But . turf at pound 49c f. o. b. San Francisco. 'i SAN FRANCISCO, April 9. (State i Division of Markets.) Fryers 43 ! 45c; broilers 4045c; young roost ers 3240c; old 1418c; ducks 18 20c; hens 1930c; live turkeys 20 24c; dressed 2528c; hares, live, . pound 1820c; Bquabs $2.75 3.00. li ' Chicago Wheat F CHICAGO, April 9. Wheat No. 2 . hard $1.25; No. 2 northern $1.24Vfc; corn No. 2 mixed 7914 c; No. 2 yellow 79,14 80c. Oats, No. 2 white 46 47V4o; No. 3 white $1546V4c." Rye, ', No. 2, 84 85c. Barley 63 69c. Tim . othy seed $5 6.50. Clover seed $12.50 & 18.50. Pork nominal. Lard $11.45. Ribs $9.62 10.60. Wage Law Null. V WASHINGTON, April 9. The min imum wage law,- by which congress ought to regulate the minimum wages to be paid women and minor , girls In the District of Columbia, was flared unconstitutional today by the supreme court. . , . ; Grnln Exports Increase. j WASHINGTON, April 9. Grnln exports from the United Stntes last week amounted to 4,144,000 bushels, BS compared with 3,490,000 for the week before. WANTED SITUATIONS . Wanted work by . Phone 332. school girl. 16 WANTED Washing and Ironing. Sat ' isfactlon guaranteed, Mrs. Offord. Phone 951 -L. 16 PERL FUNERAL DOH1 ppppii MSvliliiiHHi At Tonr 8TT(ce Imy or Night ' ' Information Cordially Givea Cor. flth and OakdaJe ahiUuoe Berrlog Pfeoa 7 WANTED Two girlB for cooking and housework In private family of two adults. On highway two miles north of Central Point. Apply Room 312, Medford Hotel, Medford, Ore. tf . HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Man to do chores and gardening. Phone 639-R, 17 WAVTED Young man for steady po sition in greenhouse work. Apply Sunday morning. Rogue Valley Floral Co. 14 WANTED Steady man Butto Creek Orchard, Eagle Point 15 WAXTElJ MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Two tons grain hay. Phone 611-J-6. : 15 WANTED Pasture for three saddle horses for few weeks. Preferably in neighborhood of King's Highway. Phone a71. tf WANTED A gentleman to room and board In a private family. Phone 935-R. tf WANTED See Brown for first class Bhoe repairing. 103 N, Central. 13tf WANTED A furnished, house of about six rooms, by a family of adults. Must be modern and In good district Guarantee excellent care of furnishings. C'A 998. tf WANTED Having Just completed a buying arrangement with one of the largest wool and Mohair buyers In the state we expect to pay more "than anyone In Medford for these .: commodities. Johnson Produce Co. Phone 97. '. . tt WANTED 250 lawn mowers to Bhar i pen. Liberty Repair 'Shop. tf WANTED Rone novTUg and repair InK. Phone 4r.8-M or 488-X. Special A Real Car for $117. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Used Cars Ford Roadster $110.00 Delivery Box 1921 Starter Ford $250.00 Good Buy Medford Auto Co. Bttick Dealer! Cor. Main and Holly FOR RENT Sleeping rooms; 245 N. Grape St. FOR RENT Well lighted front Bleep ing room, with bath privileges; also garage for rent. 326 S. Riverside. Phone 70U. tf FOR RENT HOPSKKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Three furnished house keeping rooms. Apply 323 N. Front St 16 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 43 6 8. Fir. 18 FOR RENT Four furnished rooms on ground floor. 219 S. Central. 18 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Six room unfurnished apartment, stationery tubs, light and water furnished. Phone 750-W. 16 FOR RENT Furnished three room apartment light and water furnish ed, $18. Inquire Sugar Bowl. , tf FOR RENT Nice furnished apart ments, steam heat hot and cold water and bath. Phone 457-J, River side Apartments. 17 FOR REN1 BOUSES FOR RENT Two rooms furnished house, close in. Apply 323 N. Front St. . 16 FOR RENT Modern house. Phone R-13-R. 19 FOR RENT Two furnished houses, modern. Phone 593-L. 15 FOR RENT Six room bungalow, -newly tinted.' Phone 288-J. - 15 FOR RENT Unfurnished house five rooms, bath and screen porch, newly painted and papered. C. A. DeVoe. tf FOR RENT Modern t room house arranged to sublet. Call M. M. Dept. Store. .... tf FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty So., No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J. tf FOR RENT Houses Brown & White. A Pear Orchard in the Eogue Eiver Valley Is the best bet in the horticultural world. This time wo offer for less than the value of the improvements 15 acres, with nine acres set to right varieties of pears. Some family fruit; fine eight-room house with heating system, large chicken park and houses; garage, barn, water tower and tank, inexhaustable well with gas engine for pumping, water available for irrigating entire orchard, and the price is so low we are ashamed to mention it. Close to Medford. See us at once. ROGUE RIVER LAND OO. Phone 820 FREE LOT 75x100 FREE Will sell strictly modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fire place, for $1,000.00 less than house could bo built for today and give you the lot free for good measure. The shade, fruit and shrubbery on this lot are worth $1,500.00. Seo this property at 527 South Holly C. S. BUTTERFIELD ARRESTED FOR SPEEDING Trying to show the best buy in Jackson County 20 acres alfalfa, grain and garden land i lYice $11300 17 acres In fine alfalfa,' will cut 85 tons this year. 5 acres grain and garden land, one acre grapes. G acres woods. Beautiful building spot. Good road. One mile from highway, land level, undor Talent project, ditches in. I have been in the real estate business in Jackson county for 11 years, averaged 1500 miles a month over valley, This Is tbo beBt alfalfa ranch I have ever offered for price asked. J. C. BARNES REAL ESTATE Phono 784 -L Now location 111 Center Uldg. FOB EXCHANGE . 35 acres of Bear Creek Bottom Land at CITY LIMITS, Just north of Medford, "The Atwood tract," only few feet off of Paved Highway, on graveled road. All in alfalfa and grain. Fine Bhade pasture. WE WILL EXCHANGE this fine pleco of land that produces 70 bushels grain and 5 tons alfalfa to acre, for TOWN PROPERTY. Don't neod nny money. SEE US TODAY. ' FOnt-SITE REALTY AGENCY Rooms 400-410 Medford Ontcr ISldg. Iluslnrm Opportunities Real Entat men. FOR RENT Furnished cabin for tf men. 445 8. Front. 22 FOR RENT Furnished men. 445 8. Front. FOR RENT 80 acres or land nndet water, 2 miles of Medford, good bniiBe. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf MISCELLANEOUS BROWN SAYS he has a new line of men's ladles' and girls' oxfords. 13tf FOUND FOUND Brown sayB he has lots of gloves. 103 N. Central. 13tf FOUND 1923 license plates Nos. C1466, 94844 and 96010. Call at this office. 15 LOST LOST Child's cap. Please return to Mall Tribune office. 16 REWARD Lost a large catalogue. Telephone Hotel Medford. W. A. Kinney. 17 LOST Black and white fox terrier male dog, black and brown feet, large black spot on back. Answers to name of Bingo. Not full grown. Reward if returned,. Call 188-R. 16 MONK? TO LOAN FARM LOANS Medford , National Farm Loan Association, F. P. Fan rell, secretary, Jackson County Bank . Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, $5000 or, less, 6 per cent interest. O. C. BdggB, Attorney for .state. Land Hoard.. Jackson County. FOR SALE POULTRT AND EGGS FOR SALE Chicks and hatching eggs. . Square Deal Hatchery. Phone 051-L. ' 17 FOR SALE Two beautiful trios light Hrnhina' chickens. Call Mrs. C. Carey, 341-J-l. ..'.. 19 FOR SALE R. I. Red eggs 75 cents setting. Phone 539-J-2. 19 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phone 201-J. 327 Nash Ilotcl Corner Exchanges FOH SALE Apartment house bring ing in $70 month, llox u O, Tribune. 10 FOR SALE At sacrifice, lots 13. 11, block 2, Ross Court and lot 9, block 2, Ross Court. T. O. Wicks, 163 W. Ash St., Stockton, Calif. 10 FOR SALE Five ncre tract, Hartlott pears, apples and small fruit, near Medford. - House, barn, large chick en house, all good buildings, at n bargain. Phone 672-R-4, owner. 10 FOR SALE, RENT Olt TRADE Alf alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co., No. 15 N. Grape St, Phone 66-J. tf , FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Mule team, harness, etc. 607 Pine St 17 FOR SALE Or will trade on city lot, extra good Jersey cow, will be fresh soon. 525 Edward St 17 FOR SALE Two pure bred Duroc sows with pigs; also Holsteln cow giving 5 gallons. John Mnce, 14 nillo west Central Point. . 17 FOR SALE Pigs. Phone R-13-R. 19 FOR SALE Eight feeder pigs. L. J, Freeman. Central Point. Phone 138, 16 FOR SALE One registered Poland China boarr baled alfalfa hay, $17.60 per ton. - W. .1. Freeman, Central Point. Phone 249. i 16 FOR SALE Guernsey bull, year old; real beauty.' Phone 691-R-l. tf FOR SALE Nine Poland China pigs two months old. M. S. Woods, Eagle Point. . -l FOR SALE Registered Duroc boar Sea Cbas. Ray or call 134-Y. 16 FOR SALE Now booking orders for Angora bucks sired by registered huelf. OrAirnn Liul. winner at state fair. Webster ranch, 686 J-3. 17 FOR SALE 70 head of 1 and 2 year old steers. Phone b0J-Y. FOR SALE Fresh cows, big milkers, high testers, omciauy testen. Walsh's place, one mile NE of Med ford on Crater Lake road. 28 FOR SALE Work horseB, small and large, single and double. Phone 691-R-l. 325 FOR SALE Grade, pure tired and registered Duroo Jersey sows, to farrow in March and April; also one prize winning registered Duroo boar Call Beit Anderson, Aleatoru, or Miiavista Orchard. - tl FOR SAL-HOMlB8 FOR SALE Owing to business change we are offering for sale our home on Capitol Hill. Over six acres with all kinds of fruit and under irrigation. Six room modern house with large sun room, Bleeping porch, cemented basement, furnace, wator and olectriclty. Would make an Ideal poultry place. Wonderful vlow overlooking city andvalley and only two miles from Chamber or com merce building. Reasonably priced ii nd Hiiltabln terms mav be nrrnnged Royal 1). Markland, Phone 868-L. 16 FOR SALE OR RENT Seven room house, Tenth and Laurel. Call 305 8. Oakdalo. Phono 470-J. ' tt FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnlBhed or unfurnished; also ' acreage. Insurance. C. S. But' terfleld, Medford National Bank Phone 389. Just Received ; ' Another shipment of thoso . . famous , w t , $12.50 Cords Last shipment at this price. Crank Oases and Transmis sions Drained Free. Alemite High Power Greasing. Jones & Kirkpatrick A REAL SERVICE . STATION FOR SALE Ford bug, newly painted und ovorhaulod, very good condition, good top: a real bargulu If taken t oiue. Call Riveride Aptu., apt 5. 17 FOR SALE M 1SCKLLA NEOUS FOR SALE Progressive Everbearing strawberry plants. Mrs. Dressier. Phone 951-L. 17 FOR SALE Dry fir wood, $3.50 tier. 235 N. Ivy. 20 FOR SALE Note for $570. Will take $ii;i0. Well socured. bears interest nt 8 per cent. P. O. Box 1037. 40 FOR SALE Drown says he fixes them while you wait. 13tf FOR SALE One Victor phonograph, cabinet Btyle, and records. Phone 160. tf FOR SALE See Brown for your Bhoes. 33tf FOR SALE Nice line of traveling bags. Brown's, 103 N. Central. 13tf FOR. SALE About 60 feet of carrier track with carriage, auitable'for hay barn, warehouse, garage, etc; will carry 1500 pounds; has all equip ment for Installing. Come in and see it at Mail Tribune office. tf FOR SALE Monarch range cheap. 219 S. Central. Phone 955-R. 18 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, first cutting. Adolf Schulz, Medford, Ore. . 16 FOR SALE Brown Bays he has long and Bhort ones. 103 N. Central. 13tf FOR SALE Reliable Blue Flame brooders, 350, 600,, 1000 chick sizes at reduced prices. . Monarch Sed Co. tf FOR SALE Oyster shells, trip! ' screened eastern shell, $1.40 per 100. Special all this week. Monarch Seed Co. ....... tf FOR SALE Chick food, $3.26 100 lbs. Guaranteed to be good, Monnrch Seed Co. . . tf FOR SALE Quick Lunch seed pota toes. Monarch Seed Co. FOK SALE Five 6-foot showcases, one cash register, shelving and drawers. Heath's Drug Store, tf FOR SALE Jersey cow, 6 H. P. Fair banks-Morse engine, 250 feet Z-lnch pipe. Phone 611-J-4, Foothills Orch ard. ', 15 buhinesb directory Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts ot Title. Rooms 8 and 5 No. 82 North Central Ave., up stairs. Aarhnon County ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Ti tle System In Jackson Comity. Atwtrnctn of Title and Title Insurance. WATSON., KELLOGOr Rellabl' j Jackson county abstractors of V I ' ties. Gold Hill. Oregon. Attorney '. 0. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Speclallzef In Real Estnte and Probate Law 30 North Central Avo. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. - ... . . . nuildinp; Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK t BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building products Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. TRACTORS Completely overhauled ,t r and guaranteed , . $250 , . . to $325 : Terms if desired JIC. E. Gates Auto Co. USED DR. HARVE P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 965. tt DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectio Physlclnn. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Thnrapy,. Bpon dylothorapy, Food Sciences, Chiro practlce. Office: Stewart Bldg., 236 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Rob. 170-J-2. ' DR. E. V. HOFFMAN Chiroprac tic Physician. Office bonra 6 to 12, 2 to 5. Suite 203-04-06-06, Lib erty Dldg. Office Phone 580, Res. 1027. Chiropody CHIROPODY At office of Dr. Hal- stead, Electro and Mechano Therapy and the Burdick Deep Therapy Light treatment, for acute and chronic diseases. Phlpps block, 225 E. Main, Phone 663-J. Pcntlsu DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 128 E. Main St.. over M. M. Dept. .Jtore, Medford. Oregon. Phone 669; Res. 1023-H. Office hours 9 a, m. 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Excrt Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son. C. P. A. Attention given to anything In accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phon 157-R Money to Loan1 J. R. ANDREWS Buys and .eld mortgages and loans money ofj good security, 81 N. Phone 53-M. urape-BW Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO.-. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, tenors! manager. P. M. Kershaw, salef manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Med ford. , . tf Osteopatha ,. . . ,7 DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINf cRl,ow Osteopathic Physician 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phon R04-J-3. Residence it Bonttj Laurel St Physician and Surgeons. ' DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon.-' Offices -Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 19. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher Ot . Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 818 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. Public Speaking MAY LOUISE WILSON Instructor the art ot public speaking, elocution, dramatic art. gesture and poise. Faulty enunciation corrected. Studio 214 North Holly. -- 31 Printers and Publisher MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing office in Southern Oregon. Book .binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, B7 N. Fir St. Rno; Weaving MEDFORD, FLUFF RUG WORKS make, fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phon. - 610-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer - EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. -Office 41 North Front St. Phon. 315. Prices right. Service guar ' anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE! CO. Anything . moved, day or night Service guaranteed. 29 S. . Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dence 1060 or 206. tf Upholstering J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Fall line of materials. . Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call 'and show sample.. - Phon. 101 fadmnnvMl O jVSTEMNERVICElfi r 1 13 u r ajce I rwe stiMAf j M. P, MCBMTTfl ' ' Sad floor Medio BM. NT