Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 09, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAGE iWO
i i
focal and
:" Personal
The city water board held a meeting
Saturday night In the city recorder's
cfflco where (he water system situa
tion was further studied and action
was taken on several Important mat
ters. After this, week the board will
meet regularly every other Tuesday,
on the Tuesdays the city council does
not meet The council meets the first
and third Tuesduy of every month .
20 per cent off on capes, coats and
suits at the Colonial. ) ' ( , ' 18
Colonial Oarage for tire service. 319
Ladles, bring In your fur work now,
and take advantage of the low rates.
Bartlett's Fur Shop. tf
An unusual sight was witnessed
' Sunday forenoon from the Hear creek
bridge over Main street, when two
youths were seen paddling in a canoe
along In the creek, which Is quite high
lor this season. , I
Grafted Franquette walnut Eden
Valley Nursery, 680-J-2 tf
Twelve-Inch slab wood Si. 50 per tier ,
delivered by taking 4 tier or more.
Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valloy
Fuel Co. Phone 76. tf
Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf
Now that the smudging season Is
here the housewives will do consider
able worrying for fear that they will
not awaken in time to close bedroom
windows so as to keep the smudge
from entering the bouse.
Ladies, bring in your fur work now
and take advantage of the low rates,
liartlett's Fur Shop. tf
For sand, gravel, sediment and team
work see Samuel Batoman, 302 Maple
street Phone 912-J. . ,. ; . '
Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden
Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf
Falling to break the glass In the
window at the post office, Cleorge A.
BrlBcoG, superintendent of schools, re
ceived a little assistance from Erall
Iirltt, mayor of Jacksonville and son
of a pioneer family, and successfully
wrecked the gloss about 8 o'clock last
night Superintendent Briscoe had
hacked bis machine over the curb into.'
the window and then parked his ma
chine. Brltt came along about this
time, failed to notice Briscoe's car and
backed his Cole "8" Into the parked
machine with so much violence that
the former was again shoved over the
curbing. , A shower of glass resulted. I
Neither of the two machines was bad- j
ly damaged by the accident, the only i
real sufferer being the window in the
postof fice. i Briscoe was not in his
car at the time Brltt backed Into the :
machine. Ashland Tidings,
Oraftlng wax. Kdcu Valley Nuthitv. !
Phone 6S0-J2. tf
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phono 10b. 711 j
Kasl Main.
We will loan you money to build or '
buy Holmes the Insurance Man. .
Miss Luella Draws, employe of the
Rlggs Optical company In Portland
leaves this evening for that city after
a several days visit with her parents
in Medford.
20 per cent off on capes, coats and
suits at the Colonial. . 18
Genuine Blsch Magneto parts and ,
repairs: Electrto Shop, Eighth and :
Bartlett. tf '
R. I. Red setting eggs at DeVoe's. j
The time for the public mooting of i
tonight at the city council chambor on
the proposed city planning comnils
slon cone ordinance Is 7:30 o'clock. I
Grafted Franquette walnut Eden
Valley Nursery, 680-J-2 tf I
Franquette walnuts, Ettersburg 121 !
strawberries, Oregon Champion goose-,
berry, London Market currant, Chi-.
nose privet hedge plants, Thornlcss j
blackebrry, etc, at The Jordan Nur-1
sory, Grants Pass, Ore. 16 j
Earliest of all. Earl Sunrise, and
Mortgage Lifter seed potatoes 214cj
per pound. Watklns' Feed Store,
Phone 269. 16
WindBhleld stickers Issued by the
i department of the interior at Wash
; ington to tourists entering ony af the
1 19 national parks this season are de
. Bigned to bear the pictures of animals
native to each particular park. For
instance the Crater Lake will bear tbe
picture of the bear. The designs for
some of the other national purks fol
low: The bighorn sheep for Rocky
Mountain (Colorado) ; tbe buffalo for
Yellowstone (Wyoming); the Rocky
mountain goat for Glacier (Montana) ;
the antelope for Wind Cave (South
Dakota); the Columbian black-tailed
deer for Mount Rainier (Washington;
the mountain Hon for Yosemlte, (Cali
fornia); the American elk or wapiti
for Sequorla (California) ; the beaver
for Grand Canyon (Arizona).
. 20 per cent off on capes, coats and
BUlts at the Colonial. 18
I want to hear from the owner of a
good orchard for sale in this valley.
Earl Tumy, 209 Liberty Bldg. 21
. Brown says be has long and short
ones. 13tf
Walter Bowne arrived last night
from Portland with a new Packard
Single Six touring car. The Busy Cor
ner Motor company has recently taken
over the Parkard line.
Grafted Franquette walnut Eden
Valley Nursery, 680-J-2 tf
Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co.
, tf
Grape vines! Tokays. Malagas, Mus
cats, Emperors, very best, only few
thousand left at Tbe Jordan Nursery,
Grants Pass, Ore. 16
C. L. McKImmey of Talent who was
arrested and fined 175 last week on a
charge of having beaver bides in his
possession, was again arrested and
fined $200 this week on the same
charge, according to a report filed at
the headquarters, of the state game
commission. James Beagle of Ash
land also was fined $200 on the same
charge. Each was given a 30-day
suspended jail sentence.
. Children cared for by hour, day or
week. 612 Dakota. 15
Ladles, bring In your fur work now
and take advantage of the low rates.
Bartlett's Fur Shop. tf
We are giving summer rates now on
fur repairing. Bartlett's Fur Shop. If
A new outdoor noster board was
erected last week on the vacant lot J
north cf the Mason Motor company
headqi' ters by Foster and Klelser. !
The sai irm is erecting a new sign-:
board tie Olympic Flouring Mills
bulUlir ,
Loul-i aella Early Sunrise seed po-!
tatoes at 2c lb. 16
New phonograph for sale at half
price. Terms. Phone 729-W. 17
See Brown for first class shoe re
pairing. I3tf
"Proc" Klurn, former Medford high
school athletic coach who has been at
the University of Hawaii for the past
two years and who bad eminent suc
cess with the football team there last
year has challenged the Oregon Ag
gies to . meet his team at Honolulu
next Christmas. If the Aggies make
the trip it will be the first long trip
they have made since 1915 when they ;
met the Michigan Aggies at Lansing j
and defeated the raid-westerners by a i
decisive score. ,
Regular communication of Reames '
chapter will be held Wednesday, April
11th at 7 30 p. m. Masonic hall. Mrs.
Jerry Jerome will have charge of
social hour. 16
Roses and flowering shrubs. Eden
Valloy Nursery, 680 J-2. tf
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. - 711
E. Main.
BldB for the surfacing of 14 miles of
the Medt'ord-Crater Lake highway
from Union creek to the park boun
dary will be opened early in May, ac
cording to an announcement made by
C. H. I'urcell, district engineer of the
United States bureau of roads, in
Portlnnd. j
Louie sells Early Sunrise seed po-l
tatoes at 2c lb. 16
We have good values In used cars. j
Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf I
Employers Attention
Thin offico spccinlizcx in furnishing compensation to injured
workmen in ncaordnnee 'Vith tho benefits provided in the Stnto
"Worfctnoim' Compensation Act, us well as additional protection to
the employer, nt much lower rntes in ninny occupations than' of
fered by tho Aeeident Commission. Wo hnve secured this protec
tion for our clients for tho pnst six years in old line disunity
companies, with the minimum of bother nnd detail in connect ion
with clnims, payroll audits .annual audits instead of monthly), etc.
All employers now contributing to tho Stnto Fund, desiring to
withdraw from same, will linvo to mail formal notice of their in
tention before April UOth, to beeomo effective June 30lh. Unlike
ordinary insurance which may bo terminated nt any time, with
drawal from tho State Fund is only possible once each year.
. Wo will gladly call and compare rntes
McCurdy Insurance Agency
Telephone One Two Three
Among the week end Medford visi
tors In Portlund were C. M. Kidd and
J. T. Perry.
Earliest of all, Early . Sunrise and
Mortgage Lifter seed potatoes 214c
per pound. Watklns' Food Store.
Phone 269. ' 16
We are giving summer rates now on
fui repairing. Bartlett's Fur Shop. If
I now have material for restrlnglng
ennls racquets. Leave them at Med
ford Harness Co., Medford Hardware
and Sporting Goods store, Young's
Hardware or 301 South Central. J. D.
Bjouon. 20
A news dispatch from Stockton,
Calif., sayB: "Earl Jackson, 25, his
wile, 19, and Martha Sheeley, 18, of
Clranta Pass, Ore., were arrested here
Friday on churges of grand larceny
and issuing bad checks. Jackson is
accuHed of stealing a valuable automo
bile and starting south with his wife
and the Sheeley girl. Tbe car was
wrecked at Corning where Jackson is
charged with passing a fictitious
check. He hired a taxi driver to bring
the party here. He will be returned
today to Redding to face the Corning
charge. The women are held pending
further advices from Oregon.
. Brown says he fixes them while you
wait. 13tf
Spray hose 20 cents per foot . Cra
ter Lake Hardware Co. tf
Baled hay for saie. J. H. Carkln. 848
A number of valley trap shooters at
tended a shoot at the Ed Lamport
place yeaterday and some good scores
were made. Among tbe high-gun men
were Sid Smith, O. O. Helman, Ed Pay-
ton and McPherson each with 25
Btralght and Edison Marshall with 23.
Early Sunrise seed potatoes. They
are the earliest and best, Louie sells
them for 2c. . 16
Auto Insurance. Brown & 'White.
We can still Turnlsb spray hose for
20 cents per foot Crater Lake Hard
ware Co. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miksche apd
son Norbert enjoyed a motor trip to
Trail and return yesterday in their J
new coupe. . '.. j
Brown says he has lots of gloves.
103 N. Central. 13tf '
Do not buy an electric washer until
we have demonstrated the new May
tag to you. Crater Lake Hardware
Co. tf
Auto Insurance, Brown & White, tf
Two airplanes, purchased from the
government and flying from San Fran
cisco to Eugene landed at Barber Field
yesterday shortly after noon to re-fuel.
They left a short time later to con
tinue their trip north. One woman
and two men were in the planes which
have been purchased for commercial
use by a Eugene resident
This is going to be a good potatoe
year. Get some of those Early Sunrise
rrom Louie for 2c lb. 16e
Autos washed and polished at Med
ford Auto Co. Butck Service, corner
Main and Holly. Satisfaction guaran
teed. 325
See Brnwn for your shoes. 13tt
According to a Roseburg news dis
patch what Is claimed to be one of the
uciiest gum smugs la mui .viujuil; ,
In years was made last Friday by Wll-1
Ham Horn, prospector, . hunter and j
trapper, who uncovered a seven-foot
gold and silver bearing quartz ledge!
on Middle creek, near Sliver Peak.
The ledge is Just below the one-timo
famous Cain mine, formerly one of the
richest mines In tbe country. Samples
are said to assay $200 per ton.
After the fire it Is too late to Insure.
See Redden & Canaday now.
Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co.
Take your kodak films to Palmer's
studio. First class work and prompt
servloe. tf
Wilbur Godlove loaves this evening
for Eugene where he will resume his
studies at the University of Oregon
nfter having spent the annual spring
vacation in Medford.
Early Sunrise seed potatoes. They
are the earliest and best Louie sells
them for 2c. 16
. Colonial Garage for tire service.
and explain our
MIsb Patricia Miksche underwent
an operation for tbe removal of her
tonsils at the Sacred Heart hospital
this morning. .
This Is going to be a good potatoe
year. Get some of those Early Sunrise
from Louie for 2c lb. 16
. Grape vines: Tokay, Muscat, Mal
aga, Rose Peru, Zlnflndell, Thompsons
Seedless. Trellis grapes: Concord
Brighton, Worden, Agawara, . Niagara
and Campbell's Early. Eden Valley
Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf
Gladlola and Canna bulbs. Eden
Valley Nursery, 680-J-2. tf
Nice line of traveling bags. Brown-?,
103 N. Central. 13tf
There's a busy Business College
in your borne town. GWN.
The Easter cantata, "From Sepul-
cher to Throne" was repeated at the
First Baptist church last evening to a
full house, which spoke well for the
muslo as It was heard Easter night by
a still larger audience. The next con
cert by the choir will be given the last
Sunday evening of the month. For
next Sunday evening Rev. F. R. Leach
announced a special farewell service,
marking the close of services in the
old church building. Mrs. S. L. Ben
nett who is a constituent member of
the church, will be the historian for
the occasion, reciting the early and
later events of history in the life of
the church. Several will speak and
much interest will be found In this
passing of the old edifice. Work starts
next week on dismantling the build
Twelve Inch slab wood S1.60 per
tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more.
Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley
Fuel Co., Phone 76. tf
You can get It at DeVoe's. tf
Have your rugs washed on your own
floors most convenient sanitary
method, kills germs, no dust raised.
Get your order in early. E. L. Davis,
Phone 644. 211 Stark St 30
O. V. Myers returned last night from
Portland with the newest model lied
Speed Wagon which was to have been
delivered thlB afternoon to the Hart
man Syndicate headquarters at Ash
land. . .
Brown says he has a new line of
men's, ladles and girls' oxfords.- 13tf
Blng! Bing! Bing! Bing! Blng! No.
I am not swearing. Just trying to tell
you that you will get a Cory Thornless
blackberry plant with each Bing
cherry while they lost Eden Valley
Nursery, 680-J-2. tf
Noel L. Ersklne gives piano lessons
at pupils' homes. Phone 729-W. 17
The entire equipment of the Hart
man Syndicate, which is on its way
to the Grizzly Peak country by way of
the Dead Indian road, was badly stuck
in the mud for some time yesterday,
according to H. W, Hartman. Planks
were resorted to and the machinery
was standing on solid material late in
the afternoon. The road has been
somewhat softened as a result of the
recent rains. Ashland Tidings.
We are giving summer rates now on
tur repairing. Bartlett's Fur Shop. If
If you want to sell your orchard,
farm, or reoldenca, list it with Earl S.
Tumy, 209 Liberty Bldg. . 21
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711
E. Main.
When better automobiles are built,
Buick will build them. tf
Earliest of all, Eearly Sunrise and
Mortgage Lifter seed potatoes 2 Vic
per pounfd. Watklns' Feed Store.
Phone 269. 16
Twenty lots have been sold In Edge
wood park, four lots are left in the
original park and seven lots in Hill
side addition. E. G. Trowbrodge and
Weeks and Orr have built cottages. A
half dozen others will be built soon.
Mr. Millard, the owner, Is leaving
Thursday morning and those interest
ed in a lot in this beautiful summer
home site park should act at once. .
Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co.
The Mall Tribune has put in a new
carriage for handling big rolls of
paper and has about 50 feet of carriage
track equipped with hangers and car
riage for 1500 pounds; just the thing
for a bay barn, garage or warehouse.
If you need anything of this kind see
it at once. A bargain. tf
Hemstitching at Deuel's. 38
Stop, look, liBten. Have you over in
your life had the chance to buy good
shoes for 25c por pair? Come to the
Thrift Shop, Sparta building, on next
Wednesday, April 11 and you will
have that opportunity. Many pairs as
good as new, a large variety of sizes.
Sale starts promptly at 9 a. m. 16
Notice of Public Hearing
To the Citizens of Medford, Oregon:
You ore hereby notified that there
will be held In the Council Chamber
In the City Hall nt Medford, Oregon,
at tho hour of 7:30 p. nt., April 9, 1923,
a public hearing on the proposed
Zoning Ordinance for the City of
Medford, submitted by the City Plan
ning Commission.
Secretary of the City Planning
16 Commission
Haven't you gotten over the "flu"!
Let us build you up. 16
FOB. SALE Alfalfa hay, very best
quality. Phone D91-R-1. ' tf
FOR SALE Oat hay and whoot. T.
E. Pottenger. 20
WANTED Lady wants work in pri
vate home. Phone 174 Jacksonville.
FOR SALri 10il Ford bug. 16 valves,
starter, all extra equipment, under
slung and 5 disc wheels, nt a bar
gain. Dan's Lunch Room. tf
FOR SALE Oaklnnd Six. newly over
hauled, good rubber, at a bargain.
Dau's Lunch Room. tf
FOR SALE 1 00 acres near mouth
Elk Creek and 40 acres near Butte
Falls. All for 15.50 an acre. Sec
Clarcnco Pierce or phono 617-L. 17
FOR RENT Five room house on S.
Central. $12 per month. Phone 10
or 617-L, 17
At a forum of the Medford Cham
ber of Commerce held Un days ago
the members appointed two commit-
tes who MUggustud the names of 36 '
members for directors. The action '
of the forum docs not exclude other
members from uggeting names for
directors and in order that these may'
be included in the list when the prl-,
mary ballots . are sent out, thene sug-!
gestions must be in ' before Wednes
day evening of this week. i -. I
.Home delay is being experienced!
this year , in sending out the bullota
because some necessary blunks have
failed to arrive.- The extraordinary I
InoreuBed membership 'was not an- j
titipated. The total . number of i
members now enrolled is 65 J.' . I
Handicraft Shop.
8ntton eovrd
So per yard.
SucceMor to Weeks-Congfir Co.
WHlfnrd. Or
Medford Tent and
Awning Works
Opposite S. P. Depot
Matinees: Adults 35c
Kiddies 10c
Nights: Adults. ;...50c
Kiddies !..25c
Kits nny Mnson Srrew 1 Top
Keeps tlio water clean. Also
for fwd . -i -. j .
Germozone saves chicks
For Hutlcrmilk nnd Sour Milk.
Do not clog mul will not poison
elilrks. ICnsy to dean.
Monarch Seed & Feed Co.
Phones 200-529
81,000 gallons sprayed with a "Friend' Sprayer in one day.
Next to thorough work is 'apcud; "Friend" Sprayers have
the conveniences that make for speed.
221 North Fir St Fhono 777
The Variety of Our Mill Work
is practically unlimited. We make everything that goes into the
building of a fine home, from the stately stair case to small corner
pieces, mouldings, etc.. with a thousand things in between. It
takes a visit to tell you what our mill work comprises.
10th and Grape Phone 238
til Ml ! 1 IMIHi
Modern Poultry Equipment Spells a
saving in time, money, feed and
worry. Why not improve by buying
better equipment.
For Mnsli, Gi lt, dial coal or Chick
Food. Chicks ran't wasto food.
Made of best galvanized iron. Foxy
to keep clenn. .
We carry the largest stock of poultry supplies and
equipment south of Portland and north of Sacra
mento. Buying in carlots we are able to save you
money. Investigate our prices and compare qualities.
i GREATEST-',' ii
317 E. Main