MEDFORD MAIL' TRIBUNE, ' ArEDFORD ORTCflOfUTtmPY, "'APRIL' 7, '1023 flBPFOltD Ma1LT1IBUN'E ! l.VlU.'HKNIJt'N"!' NKW.-fHAfKK 1 , r. ;rt m 'Tkknuiin' r Kl'VljAV. HY T1IK r i ;-. .ii:i)Kni plaNTlNU :o. I Th'fc' M.dfoi'l 'Suiwlay Morning b'un ! rtfritiMuuj ,tiubscril. ry dctrlug a suven '. icx-f;i'' Quill Points Offiixt Mull Tribune Huililtnif. 2&-27-l!t A.WKMiMltdutlon of ttt Jieinocratic Tlmt-N Ihe Atedfortl Mull, the .Me.lfurd Tiibuii. the tiuuiliHru Orwgoiiiaii, The AiiulHnd Tribune. V-. ROBERT W. RUHL, Editor. f & HUMPTEU 8MITH, Manager. 'iV- MAIL In Advance: r-Bliy, with Hunday Hun, year $7.60 .baity, with Bumlay Sun, month 76 , Pally, without Hunday Bun, yean. 0.60 "'IJklly, without Sunday Bun, month .06 Wt.-kly Mall Tribune, one year - 2.00 Hunday Sun, one year 2.00 11 V ' CAUItlKK In Medford, r Aehlnnd, JtickH'Auvlll.-, .i'e.iti-Hl I'olnt, IHiotmix, Tdlont ami on UIkIiwhjh: thill y,. With Hunduy Hun, month.... JJ nlv, without rfuutt.'iy Huu. inoiitb, -ti fiK'llv. Wl'tl oui Suuil.iy riinl,' yt-nr.: 7.11 VlfU'. (vlih iuiuiy fun, uiic ymir 8.60 p.n U'iruH uy cmrnor, cuhii in utminco, Ci'Od times are those not used us a topic of conversation. The richest man in the world is the one who is satisfied with what ho has. Another way to prevent suicide is to have the books audited more frequently. . A rich man's funeral isn't complete until each of the survivorsj lias hired a lawyer. i, ; ?. Vfffrliil iwp' r of Iru- City of Mfilfurd. ' Tt,t. Ar.iv n;ifu.t' i..-ru''M r.uu. fii Ore aiiiK-H.H'KtiJKiito, ( 'a I If., a iltHnc of tr .f''n iTiilt-H. intvlnB jfiiBftl wire Ammo elute'd. VrtK t-rwrvtcf. Swnrii dully Hvvrni: circulation for ei iiiiiMiH I'tnllnK 'April 1. i:as, lifs, nlrlr. fhfiu ili.nhle lhr ;l r:n hi t Ion of liny oTtiW p;ipt-r imbllttiieil or ciiciilntetl In tiim-riid hh Ht'cond ' cifiHM ni(ittr at M.-lford, OrJKOn, ' under aol of March 8, ICJJMliWUB' OK ' TM 11 AHHOCIATK1J PUKHS. The- Affmiri-d Prvtti If! exptufdvoly entitled to tho HHft for renuhllcailmi of afVnnwH dlHMitolu.-H i-rtdlW-d to it or not oTherwlso. rrtdliod In ihlH vnvr, mid v All rlKhtM f r-uihU'HLion of hdocIii! Ye Smudge Pot J''. v ' By Arthur Perry. 4 "'Nahvllle, Tonn.,' April 7. One million American boys who fought for (heir country are walking the streets ragged, dirty, forgotten and forsaken, Oo(onel -Alvln M. Owsley, national commandor of the American Legion, declared in an address here last night," (APV DiBpatch). More work for the Near EaBt and Russian Relief commissions. 'The prohibition enforcement department- of the government Is going to launch: a "campaign of education," with A large force of orators. With a flyer" of rum' rushing over the Cana dian border, a few masterly addresses ought to stop it. 'A palr of overallB containing an sjuto. mechanic caught tire this morn ing from spontaneous combustion. 'i:QETTIN( fiirrEK FA8T (Klain'alhlliilHHirald), A. f : ; The ;DorrlB hospital has two Imoro trained nurses, Miss Merle , Anderson nd Miss Orauo liruco. v. (Jgrald . Wolfu Is sii.lciit tlio li"s",' , pltal. : ' IJclifif in conimuniBm is the convictipji thpt you couldn't be any Svorse off in any enso. ' '' , ."V'i'-'-v . , , rr? ' The Kitunlion in Amprica is improving. gradually. Fewer people ii!iw.tiy "You tell "era." ', V " H Tlie old-faKliioned youth afflicted with wanderlust went to sea, nut the modern can find relief by looking for parking space. ' Old Tut-Hiikli-Amen wasn't the first hyphenated chap to stir up u commotion in America. ,' It's fair enough. Oil is used to develop power. Why shouldn't power be used to develop oil 7 (iVrniaiiy milil stabilize hrr currency by leaving it blank on one hide In wrw as note paper. . . ' ( ,Kxci'1 I'nr hard necessity, mini would get too lazy to exercise Miytliins except his prerogatives. 11 J ih the sentence, "Whiskey was used to get the nomination," the word' whiskey is nominative case. f INews oummary! of Last Night ESSEX Belgian troops seized two billion marks In paper money to be used as a part .payment of the ex penses of the occupation of the ituhr. BERLIN Argentine offered Ger many gratis shipment of livestock for slaughter. The offer was made to reduce congestion and eventually ob tain higher prices, it was declared. DUBLIN Monsigno'r Lulso emi esary of the pope.- paid if the Irish JOHNSON BATTLED HA! . . - -I... )- ll-l. .-ill DETROIT, 'April T'.PIdyd tJohn- wlshed intervention by the, Vatican, ' Hoh, Iowa' beavywelkht, fniight'i Joe he would support such a movement. ' Lohman of Toledo ' at" Orimfl apids ,L ' I Thursday night V,Ith ai Injured riBht vea0?Xol --:::. q, rounds a minute, six mile range and j when,,he stopped over wh.lp ,en yuto large enough to penetrate,.. airplane, to the east to sign up for-o.tyV"! armor, v - ' r- J match. ,3ohnson dlHSgreed ! iho , Mrana ..napius nvaijuij. ifvus . , 'CJHICAOO A rising tidd lot form oplntoa, that . hl ..bout, wlf h, Lphma'n.j ; iiiucuuon is sweeping America ana I should be, called a draw. , ionman s the present generation of farm boys, i holding, Johnson declared,' made the speakers at ; the ..International grain nnd hay show .meeting here today said will comprise a new generation of "quality and i quantity" farmers. There are now half a million mem bers of boys and girls farm clubs most of who, speakers declared, know more about scientific agriculture than the average farmer of a com paratively short time ago) WAHmNOTON Solicitor General Heck nuked the supreme court to ad vance to April 1& the date for argu "i"nt of the case of Mrs. Harriet A. rrotninKnam -of Boston fight a one-man affair, The Injury to the lowan's arm was not serious but proved a handicap, he stated. It was received in training the day before the bout. v Johnson has signed to meet Larry Williams hero April 30. This tmu't, like that with Fred Fulton, scheduled for Boston,' April 16, is designed to aMord Him expciMoncov- with lurgor men than himself, ; In . preparing for the Johnson-Williird go on May 12. out act iidi? oh, ;.: i.,r;i V ' it,' .li'M At a bank teller's window iB Usually a matter- " , , of. seconds.; vi Brief as it is, it is ample to afford an oppor tunity for the co-operation and helpfulness of the First National .to be manifested. r' NEW YORK, April 7. Billy Gib son, mnniiirer nf Itennv Leonard attneklnir, liKhtweiitlit chamnlon of the world., il the constitutionality of the1 Shepp'ard- denks that he has agreed to a titu-i , Tov ner muterrlity act;'- -..,: .lap. ..match , with Sailer Freednmn otj'jlL . - U.'hicagQ on July 2 . nt . the Polo;'! DETROIT Retail deliveries of Orpupils as Frecdmnp announced in Gie FIRST NATIONAL PANR Mbford Oregon People would have better health if they would remember that the stomach is a work room and not a play house. i Side whiskers ma ytry to come back, but they can't accomplish much in an era of open plumbing. . .'' One advantage the phonograph has is that when you want a dance piece it doesn't spring a bedtime story on you. Another explanation of tlie modern child's manners is that too many wood sheds have been converted into garages. )bili(s; and: j t'ru'KsJ 0r ifch d tliq recetd'brtmkise-.fotat'df niMutf ii wns iannounced py ui Ford 'Mninr' 'mJiiV V... hi. automobirds; reached; the Ford Motor conVpiny today. This exceeds .by . W.t)O0 the, highest pre vious hioritbMvliiih waif June, 1922. NEW YORK- Legends of tho Sioux and Cliippewa tribes woven through a synthesis of true American Indian song motifs,, iiito the opera Winona, tho first ever to be written with Indigenous American music as its basis, was given Its first hearing oeiore signor Gattl-Cosazza, general Denial of 'the'' report alsoT Chicago. wto8:made.' by Tom O'Rourke, match- maker of tho club' operating tlie Polo Grounds for boxing matches., t) I Tji, : :. . . i-r- ., , I NEW YORK, April 7. Manager , J.: J AIcGraw, of thp.. Giants and his assistant, llughle. , Jennings,. .celebrat.-.. ed, their birthdays Mempnis, Ten-n.,"en route' hatiic with the 'club. McGrart- is 50 'years' old and Jennings will be 51 tomorrow. That realtor who says the prosperity of any section depends on tho publicity it gets isn't thinking about the Ruhr. ';, 'Da'rn.;it; just when we 'nec.d to understand one another better the schools are1 beginning ' a (iampaign to eradicate bad English. : ' .,.ojyeot tljis sentenqe;, ("Fellov "citizens, I find that I.a'p hot ilindiiedto fill this high 6fie'e acceptably, and I am resigning.?' ' PORTLAND, Ore., April 7. Sailor Kramer lost a ten-round do- manager of the . Metropolitan Opera cision to Joe Gorman in the main company. The opera has been spon- i event of tho Portland boxing commls sored by President Harding. Thei sion's show last night. , opera, with music by Alberto Blmboni i Frankie Orandetta of Portland of New York and book by Perry Wil- J beat -Jtl Calvert of Tacoma In four Hams, a Minneapolis newspaper man, rounds. ' Ludwig Jones of 1 Tacoma was said to be the, result of 11 years oi researcn worK: i ! i Y "' . ' 1 NASHVILLE, Tenn. Dr. J. M. Duncan, of.Torono was today elected president Jet the International Sunday School! ao'uncil of religious education a$ itsfmeetlng here. 1 .'!''. r, All the defendants in the Horrln massacre' last ' summer have been acquitted by a Jury, and It seems to be generally established that the victims jrere ruthlessly butchered In a man ner to shame a Fiji Islander, by their own selves and the1 "hostile press." - i in the growth of the cities, the cen sus bureau forgot to mention the up lifting religious fervor for political purposes only, of the Rose City. Q08HI WHAT A KICK ':, ,' (8F. Bulletin) r A man, after eating a sundae In a Chicago drug store, drew a re volver, held up and bound tho druggist, and then robbed the safe '"of 200. , . i ' ' : :. '.Imagine the joy of the editor, upon returning from the postofflce last Monday, to find that Mrs. Oalllvan bad, laid a dosen eggs on the desk, as an ' Easter gift (Plumas, Calif., News.) . y . . ' THE THESPIAN WHALE . ,. (New Republic) '. Here Js a motion picture (Down to the Sea In Ships) In which the chief roles are taken by humans nnd hales. Naturally, one's first reflec tion Is how much more skilfully the latter play their parts. " What the people do is all one dark confusion -of turgid molodrama moron heroine, hero with the cheBt hettVes, half-caste villain of a patho logical .wlckednoss. Thoro are also such movio storeotypos as cherry trees In bloom; and why tho basket of puppies Is omlttodi 1 can't Imagine The Wild Night Ride through the Rain Is there; so Is Your Lover Is Dead and You Are In Mo Powell ; so is Halt! I Forbid This Marriage . . . Rut the whales I How simple, how able, how thrlllingly absorbing Is tliolr work! -1 wish evory ox-eyed loading ma, could study the tochnlquo of the 80-ton bull rushing through the water like the father or all submarines; and Stanislavsky himself could learn from the scene where he turns and charges the small boat from which he has been harpooned, spilling crew and Impedi menta Into old ocean amid tho gonulno blood and all too genuine sharks. t :MtS AJK after the stuff. :i i',Ut f., u ;-. , ' ': . . I) 1 OFTEN think of Bildad Jones, who lives three doors south west ; in his pursuit of bucks and bones he never takes a rest ; his kopeck-box with treasure groans, so eager is his quest. This liildad Jones is waxing old, a hoary wight is he, and soon we'll plant him in tho mold, beneath a greenwood tree; and all his life he's gathered gold, which. seems a sin to me. This guy has cini Ii.cil, by honk or crook, n vast supply of cash, but never rend a stmlful book- he I links nil novels trash; ho never hired a skill ful cook; but lived on corn beef hash. IIo never knew the keen delight that come8i from money spent; lie neyer chased through town by night on spendthrift errands bent; he never bought all ' junk in sight 'that: was not worth a cent. ' Tho' helping hand to . lueklcss guys he's never known to show; he never carried whole some pies to widows in their woej and when ho hears the orphans' . eies no tears of pity flow. .To make his bulging wad increase we sec liini toil nnd pant; he'd make that bundle, piece 'by piece, the . (largest one extant, as Thavc said to Jane, my niece, and Susan II., my aunt. I seq him on his errands drift, on bent and shaky knees; he's old and frail but ho can lift a package of bawbees; and there is something wrong with thrift when it is a disease. MR. CAR OWNER Drivo in and select your Spring tiro needs now, as we can savo you tho big advance in prices. Our guaranteed high quality Ajax and Coast brands will moet with your approval. Wo givo free tiro and crank case service. ARMORY SERVICE STATION Paoifio Highway at Jackson St.;. ARMSTRONG WOLFF VT " ! ' Cut This Out It It Worth Money . Cut out this slip, enclose with oc and mall It to Foley & Co.. 2836 Shef field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package con- i tainlng Foley's Honoy and Tar Com- j pound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains In sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kid-1 Bey and bladder alJments; and Foley J Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for . constipation, biliousness, headaches, Md sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. , . Adv. j ' f" - . ............ , A Special Price on Gladiolus "Butterfly" . ,Vm .v ., ; , ;,. "'."f. ' ,' A planting of this variety, with Its Vividly blotched flowers of bright salmon, strongly suggests butterflies in flight. As an inducement to making the acquaintance of this lovely flower, I offer one dozen bulbs for $1.00 (regularly priced at $1.50) or fifty of them for $3.1X1, postpaid. My tenth Annual catalog, sent for tho asking, describes . many extra choice "glads," irises and perennials. W. L. CRISSEY "GLADIOLUS FARM" ' ' R. F. D. 1, Boring, Oregon. LAUNCHED TODAY!? lost a four-round decision to Chuck Helman of Portland. All of It BELLINGHA M, ,Wash A,Pril 7 An drew Ballew,,lS yeajr 61dA,umrtI,In-; dlan, foiind guilty in the 'district Court here late yesterday of rimrdering Sirs.1 Kthertnet Browm another; resident of Luniiul preservation; -was sentenced to I!f9 limprlsonmenti at? McNeil Island by judge Jeremiah Neterer 'tills morn ing. Ballew was accused of having shpt Mrs..,nrown n tQctober. JM2, h(Je:. attempting to: wipe out .tlie, (Brown, ,faaiIy; to. obta,ln .jioacy,. J-J,l idefense Avas. insanity. ,', .,, ,. ,, . l; FUNERAL. ... . I : . :. i t . I ' Vy SERVICE Including every attention tha can come from the hands of a Funeral Director. - Removing remains to parlors, , use of chapel, ' Funeral service and all other service (except em balming) rendered without charge.'- . ' Our show rooms are stocked with the best money . can purchase, and at, prices positively guaranteed satisfactory to all.'', j . . '-, tr'-' .' .' . '. . ' l ' ! ' ;i: .ni ' y, nt a. CONGER , FUNERAL PARLORS . I '''-'"!)'),.' Successor to Wccks-Congcr Co.' "' ;' '."'' ' . ''j,' .,( .', WITH MEDFOkD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADS ,. ?.! -m' ni , TTU-Blu week begins today. April 7 to. 14 has been sot aside by the Tru-B'lu Biscuit company and their representatives as a time to encour age business to use Tru-Blu Grahams on their tables. Many local grocers are offering specials on Tru-Blu Gra hams and an active campaign has been launched by H. R. Prentice, local representative to encourage their sales. , Tru-Blu Grahams are made of wholo wheat flour, lnrd for shorten ing, pure ennef sugar for sweetening, together with molasses and honey. They nre most nppetizlng nnd health ful, containing vitamines so neces sary to health. Tho Tru-Blu company strongly emphnslzo the healthful qualities of 'lu lr product In this present Tru nin eck campaign. Salem Convicts Flee. EUGENE. Ore.. April 7. Andrew Carpenter, who with Harvey Bice escaped from tho wood camp of the state prison at Salem Wednesday was recaptured by sheriff Stickles . near nere, yesterday. Bice came to thl county with Carpenter, the latter .mid, -but has not yet been found. Bath had been sentenced from Lnno county. MACHINE WORK Repairing Babbitting and Welding Crater Lake Automotive Co. O.V.MYERS "The Truck Man" MACK TRUCKS REO SPEED WAGONS 0 N. Tfolly Phono taa 61 U9Mml PowellSt.atOFarrell, SAN FRANCISCO ana chopping District, Antwly bciuiifitd . Mmmt wmiti the vwlor to San hn- CtKol New lumuhinn a! ...l ckavm nd comfort lobby desifittd 1 to provide tk tmoaphcr of Hnunout bomt nd new Dining Room. mmbhIhvI f .. . intaroatiftt in Amirici U conrnbuU ! M row wvtfartl h m the only Kolpl i wilb mnaiRi kt Waret in iwy room '-N HARVKY Managing owner Ksoanoup llBif ' -:; . wimmna.. 1 WiW&'Muft W !g, urinamg neariva 7VER city . pavements 1 well -kept highways, caster l ires ron easny ana ; smoothly mile after mile, month after, month. And mark this: there's a fighting spirit built into these better tires that makes for exceptional service. Frozen mud ruts jagged chuck holes worn out macadam with sharp edges to bite and tear if s the unfavorable conditions that reveal the staunchness and stamina of the Lancaster tire body and the remark; able resiliency and toughness of the wear-fighting Lancaster tread. , r We would like to show ': yu these better tirei. Interurban Auto Car Co. ' it' L