MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREfiOX, SATURDAY, APRTL 7, 1923 PAGE THRSTR ..TbS dlrctors of the Jackson County Fair association and the members nf the yoiinty court' met Friday and ar rangements were made whereby the fair 'association will proceed; to erect an addition 124 feet long to the pres ent 'grandstand, which doubles the capacity of the present Btand. This is absolutely necessary to provide pro per facilities to comfortably take care of the people. This will be completed for use at the June 15 and 16 meet. : A horse track, either a half-mile or a mile; will also be built just as soon as work can commence so It will be settled and in fine shape for the fair Sept 18 to IS Inclusive. -The fair association now belongs to the . Northwest Fair Circuit and will get' some of the best harness horses and i.gallopers that make the coast fa'trst.,' -' ,.. '" , If. is the aim of the fair directors, assisted by the county court, to make this -year's fair far superior in attrac tions and accommodations to last year's fair and one of the very best in the entire Pacific northwest IJetter arrangements will be made for displays of swine, sheep, 'poultry, pet stock, etc i bv . A mix 1 D. E. Millard. r The chamber of commerce at their recent meeting adopted a resolution thanking D. E. Millard for his services as song leader during the past three years.' Mr. Millard has also written most of the songs used by the chamber. I ; Mr. and Mrs. Millard will leave the insi oi nexi ween ror uicnuora. County Court Will Add Two More Units To ' County - Roads The county court at their session Friday decided to build l'A miles more of the Butte Falls road, between the John Allen place and Frank Nell's. They will advertise for bids to be opened April 18 for this work. -. They also decided to build a five mile unit on the Sam's valley road, between the post office and Table Rock store. These bonds were voted in 1920 but have not all been issued as yeV I Bids will also be asked for this road, : '-'; : !V' ' ; ' '":' . ITALY :nOME, AprIl- 7. (By. the Asso ciated Press) Seven hundred per sons have received invitations to the wedding of Princess Yolnnda to ST. M.UIR'N KIMKCOPAIi. Corner North OakdiUo and 6th St. 8 a. m., Holy Communion, 10 a.' m.. Sunday school. 11 a. in., morning service. Wm. B. Hamilton, vicar. c.vTiioiiic church. South Oukdale Avenue, First litasa Sundny at 8 a, m, Socqnd -muss ,(for children only) at 8 a. m Third mass lit 10:30 a. m. All the children nro requested to attend the second mass at II o'clock. All the masses will bo celebrated In the parish hall. ' llenudlction after last mass. Iiey. John Powers, Pastor. main st. m. i:. irincii, sovtii. Sunduv school. 9:45 a. in. Dr. Frank Roberts, supt. Morning worship, 11 a. ra. Subject of the sermon, "Workmen Approved of God." Enworth League, 6.30 p. m. A de votional service for the young people Evening service 7:30. A cordial invitation Is extended to the public to attend ull of theso services. FEDERAL PROBE OF DOUBLE ESCAPE ATHENS, Oa.t 'April 7. Federal Investigation of the circumstances surroumllnir tho escape of , Gerald Chapman, convicted mail bandit, from the hospital here, has begun. Agents of the United States de partment of justice, under tho per sonal direction of William J. Burns, department head, arrived here today and immediately went Into confer ence with hospital authorities and federal prison guards now on duty here. The convict escaped from the red eral prison at Atlanta more than a week ago. He was captured with three bullet wounds near here a few days later. From tho hospital where ho was taken for treatment, he gained his freedom for tho second time by means of two sheets knotted together. Early yesterday, while the country was being combed for some trace of Chapman, he was discovered by a nurse in i basenierit room at the hospital, but made his escape.-, LUEr SOUGHT SAN FRANCISCO, April 7 Naval 'authorities today joined in tho Count Carlo Cnlvl dl Bergolo next SCBrch for a man garbed in a satlor's Mondoy morning. The Invitations, f , ,,,,.,, a,,ph fivnrp CHURCH OF Till! NAZAREXE. Corner Central and Jackson. Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m Prayer meeting,. Wednesday. 7:30 Rev. O. S. Hunt, of Seattle, Wash., district superintendent of the North Pacific district, will preach In the evening. Brother Hunt is a great preacher and you should take this opportunity to hear him. A cordial invitation to all. C. SI. King, pastor. EVANG.-IATU MOVS CHURCH Fourth Streot and Onkdalo Ave. Rev. W. R. Morenz-Ooser Pastor. . Res. 518 W. 4th ' Quasimodo Geniti. Divine service, 11 a. in. Tho president of tho Pacific Synod of the Ev.-L.uth. church, tho Very Reverend W. E. Brinkman of Port land, will preach tho sermon and di rect the congregational meeting. With this service the seven-year pas torate of tho pastor of the congre gation, the Kev. Dr. w. it. jviorenz Ocser, will, come to end. Members and friends aro cordially invited. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Gold Hill, Oregon. A Union of All Denominations Dr. M. M. Reld, Pastor. Biblo school Sunday morning at 10:00. A. E. Kellogg, superintendent and M, E. Wright, assistant suporln temlont. . Morning sermon at 11:00 by Rev. t..L Thuemlcr. Subject "The New Birth Morning worship, 11 a. in. Sermon by Dr. S. A. Dnnford. Anthem, "Lord, Thy Mercy Strenm- elh Rubinstein Soprano Solo, "I Heard tho Voice of Jesus Say" ltallibun Epworth leagues: Junior 6 p. m.; senior 7 p. ni. Evening service, 8 p. m. Sermon: 'The Sou! a Supremo Question," pas tor. Anthom, "Now the Day Is Over" Knight Contralto nnd tenor duct, "Ho Loved His Own." ; -Gabriel Mrs. Sasnett, Mr. MacDonough Miss Maito Vromnn pianist. Mr. Bernard Roberts, organist. Mrs. May Jordun-MacDonough, di rector. Sunday school board meeting Tues day evening. . Supper will be served t 6:30. Every member s presence desired. Mid-week devotlonnl meeting on Wednesday evening, 7:45. The Mary and Martha circle of tho ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. R, C. Mlnnenr Thtirsdny afternoon. Tho W. H. M. S. will meet with Mrs. M. C. Mordoff. 219 W. Main Friday afternoon. FIRST BAPTIST CIIVRCH. v "The Friendly Church" N. Central and 5th Sts. Frederick R. Leach pastor. 9:45 a. in., Biblo school; Avard Whitman, supt, 11 a. m., "A Religion That Is Di vine." Lord's supper and reception of new members. Soprano solo, "Blessed nro tho Poor In Spirit," Ward Stephens, by Mrs. Scott. Vio lin solo, Prof. Janes. 6:30 p. m., senior nnd intermo dinte B. Y. P. U. 7:30 p. m., Easter Cantata "From Sepulcher to Throne." will be l peated with full orchestra. Music starts shnrp, 7:30 p. in. Pleaso be in your sent. Hear a great cantata woll rendored. Address, "Tho Assurnnco of Immorality," Tuesday 2:30 p. m., Woman's mix lllary moots with MrB. J. L. Read, 722 N. Riverside. Mrs.' McQulston and Mrs. Hazelrlgg will assist. Wednesday. 7:30 p. m., last prayer meeting In the old church. Come and enjoy the- same. Farewell ser vice In the old fhurch Sunday even lng, tho 15th, Thursdayl 7:30 p. m Choir reheursal. "Don't stay away because the church Is not perfect how lonesomo you would be in a perfect church." .27 At a mooting . of delegates , from nearly all the Odd Fellows lodges In the Roguo River valey, held In Con tral point last Monday evening, it was decided, upon invitation of the Medford delegation, to hold the forthcoming Odd Fellows 'convention of southern Oregon in this city. The rnnventlon will he hplrl Hni-lnar Evonlng sermon at 7:30, by Rev. T-jtho, afternoon and ovenlng of April L. Thuemlcr, subject "Whaf Excuse i 27, Tno aflernoop ration will bo do- have been limited only to the civil and military households of the king and queen, the queen mother and the rpyal princes, in addition to tho first four categories In the precedence list of state officials. The latter include injuries upon Rabbi Alfred G. Lafeo on Wednesday that ho died yester day. , ' . 1- .. . Surgeons operated In an effort to save the rabbi's life, but he never re- wearers of the collar of the Annun- j gained consciousness fully, ziaia wun tneir wives ana tne pres- Soon after tll0 operatlon he was mi-ma 01 mo senate ana enamour, nnnaninB n , D0nrtn.i0 words: members of tho cabinet, judges of the supreme court, generals and ad mirals. scmi-conoclous for a few when ho muttered the "Fight;" end "Hit," which were ili- Presents are arriving from many : tei prelod to refer to his assailant. parts of Italy, as well as from Tho sailor and the rabbi occupied abroad. ) the same hotel room Tuesday night. The cabinet has presented an flab- u,e sailor left early Wednesday chased g1(1 dl"ncr aervice' liand morning and later tho rabbi was . '. ' " ' 1 found wandering about tho room in a dazed condition. Several motives have been advanced for the assault, ' .' German Mayor' Sentenced. ' BERLIN. Anrll 7. A French ! court martial, sitting at Recklinhau-1 "iong them robbery. sen, has increased to three years tho prison sentence Imposed on Vice Lord i Mayor Schnefor of EsBen. His flnel r Find Loc's Cook, -i ' . NEW ORLEANS. La.,, April 7. has been increased, by six million Tho city of New Orleans has found marks. I quarters hero during tho confederate . 'Herr Schaefor was arrested in Feb-! rc-unlon. next week for William Mc ruary on a charge of not supplying Leo, 86,' body servant nnd cook for French troops with automobiles and General Robert E. Lee during tho coal. Iwnr between the states. Standard I ncub ators E'T r in ..m,.r -1 1 I 1 Standard Incubators anil Ilrnndcrs nro nia'.lc In nil sixes, Electric or Hot Water heat a patented feature found only in the Standard. Mado in tho West for 'Western conditions. Practically every large poultry plant In Southern Oregon equip ped with-Standard Machines, There's n lioason. I,ot us show you how to make 1007a profit per year on the cost of an Incubator. What other business can show such returns? . Standard Manufacturing Co. No, I Mitchell Way Tel. WI8-n-3 Mwlford, Ore. Have You for Not Bolng a Christian," Protracted meeting every . evening during the coming week, except Sat urday evening. . Conducted . by Rev. T. L. Thuemlcr nnd local pastor.! Cordial invitation extended tq all to attend these services. FIRST CIU'RCII OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. ' . Authorized branch of the Mother church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Services aro held every Sundny nt 11 o'clock, church edifice, 212 North Oakdalo. Subject for Sunday, April 8: "Unreality." Sunday school nt 9:45. Applicants under the age of 20 may bo admitted. Wednesday evening meottngs which Include testimonies of Christian Scienco healings, at 7:45. The reading room, which is in the Medford Bldg., Is open dally from 1 to 5 except Sundays and holidays. All authorized Christian Science lit erature may bo read, borrowed or nurchased. Tho public Is cordially Invited to attend the services and visit tno roau lng room. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Corner Main and Holly. Rev. E. P. Lnwrcnco. 513- S. Newtown voted to business and- fraternal mat ters, among thorn tho re-establishment of tho lodge conventions, which were discontinued a1 few years ago, Tho evening' will be given over to a program of varied sorts. It is expected a large crowd of members of the order will be present on-that occasion, as the convention is open to all who desire to nttend. Tho Medford lodge will provide for the wants of the visitors during their stay here. At that time, under tho auspices of the Medford lodge, tho handsomo bed spread, tho necdlo work of years of Mrs. R. c. Barber, will be disposed of for tho benefit of Mr. nnd Mrs. Barber, tho family being placed In unfortunate circumstances owing to an accident which befell Mr. Barber sevcrnl weeks ago in which he sus tained a broken leg and has not been able to work since. ' At a recent meeting of the local lodge, tho sum of two dollars per month wns subscribed voluntnrlly as a contribution to the Medford! Cham ber of Commerce fund. Relieves Backache 'Have had kidney trouble and back ache for many yours and I tried sev eral doctors but got, only temporary 9:45 a. m.. Bible school, ah "" """ -"T ""' records beaten last Sunday. Wo op- Hends, Oh, Ye -the predate tho largo and faithful atten dance. Carl J. nrommer, supu 11 a. m., morning worship. Sac rament of tho Lord's Supper. Ser mon, "The Ascension and Exaltation of Jesus." , Special music by tho mnlo quartet, as follows: "Tho Earth Is tho Lord's" by Hamilton. "Lift Up Your Ontcs," by Holden. 8 p. m., subject "Nlcodomui Seeker After God." 8 p. m., Wcdncsdny ovenlng. Prayer meeting. Leader Waltor Gore. Pastor at Presbytery. Thursday evening Men's club supper, 6:30 p. m. Father nnd son night. FIRST CHRISTIAN CIU'RCU. Corner Ninth end Ookdale. D. J. Howe, minister. Rosldepci, 25 South Orango. Phono 1007. 0:45 a. m., Bible school. Bo on time with a prepared lesson. 11:00 a. m., morning worship. Communion and preaching. 8ormon. "With What Interest Have Yo Sent for Me." A largo representation of tho membership of tho church is do sired. ' 6:30, Christian Endeavor meting. 7:30, proachlntf. Sermon: "What Is'the Gospel?" - There will bo special music, both morning and ovenlng by tho choir assisted by tho orchestra. Midweek prayer nnd Biblo study service Thursday, 7:80 p. m. The study of John's gospel will begin next Thursday evening. Everyone Is cordially Invited to at tend theso ' services. A welcome awaits you. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CIIVRCH Fourth and Hartlett. J. Rnndolph Sasnett, Pastor. Office 216 First National Hank Bldg. Phone 908. Bible school 9:45. Prof. N. II. Foley Kidney Pills, and before I used two boxes I was entirely well," writes A. C. Perkins. Summer Shade,' Ky. Kidney and bladder trouble requires prompt treatment. Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief. Refuse substitutes. Insist upon Foley's. Sold everywhere. Adv. H. W. CONGIR UNDERTAKER Bnormmor to Wectu-Oonger Oo. MiMlfnrtl, Or; WATCH YOUR BATTERY , PRK8T-O-MTE BATTKRY STATION FW On Irk Rwvlwt ftinwi IIS Picture Framing Swem's Studio , Selling" Fairbanks-Morse Pumps and Engines and Hayes Sprayers ,' . Williams . V Implement Service tcLjroiwm Oregon Ici "f tTV 1 tl POWER COMPANY Vsf LX.JL V- L- Jf UXX Vt W$J: 737 YOUR PARTNERS IN PROGRESS (If you buy now, while 3500 shares of this high-grade security may still be bought at 05) v ; The California Oregon Power Company 7 Preferred Capital Stock Price 95 per share i v-;- For a few weeks you can participate In this Company's preferred capital stock at $95 per share as against $100 for comparable securities else where. For a few weeks only. May 1st the price will be advanced. Before the advance is made, we are giving our own customers and friends nrst opportunity to Invest their savings at the attractive price of $95 per ahare. There remain but 3500 shares that can be sold at this low price, so decisions must be made immediately. If any shares of this iaaue remain unaold on May 1st, the balance will be sold at the advanced price. Since their Issuance, April, 192 1, dividends have been paid regu larly every three months at the rate of $1.75 per share. No safer investment for sav- ' inga, with commensurate profit, could be found than In this essential Industry, which serves a ter ritory equal to the combined areas of the states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. The Company owns and operates seven hydro electric plants represendng the development of natural resources which will be productive for ever. During the period between 1912 and 1922, the number of consumers has grown from 6,561 to 13,123, an increase of 1009k; the gross earnings from $307,040.29 to $1,065,189.52, an Increase of 247. ij c " fit, ij 'r. zr. : : " -.v. r. :r: The California Oregon Power Company sarytt a growing, progressive region where the demand: ' for hydro-electric power ia still in its infancy'; That the Company is developing proportionately1 to the demand, is demonstrated by the accompa- ' nying chart, which shows the Increasing value . of the physical properties behind Its Capital . -Stock. .,. ; j . . THE STOCK . ; - , : Par value $100 per share, , ;-J ' . - Dividends paid since Issuance, $7 per share per annum; Check' r mailed every three months, $1.75 ," per share. . Proceeds of all securities sol devoted exclusively to developt ment of Company's properties; v ' Not assessable by the Company for any purpose whatsoever, , ir Exempt from Federal Normal Individual In -come Tax. ; i ' . Takes precedence as to assets and fUvdendl over common stock amounting to $4,441, 100. fmf value. Equity back of the preferred etock how cnrtA V. standing amounts to a tout of (8,385, 301.3 i, wbfcV equals 288.30 per share, or over three time th' present cost of $95 per share. ,'t ' ' ;- - Purchase may be made In any amount from one' ' ' share upwards; cash, or aavlnga pfanf tS pal3 -share as first payment, and $5 per share pertnomhV Interest on all partial payments at tfy per annum;, , The stock Is listed on the San Fraridsqb ;8tock .' and Bond Exchange. , ' . t i " i THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY . OFFICESt , , , '.'. Medford, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls, Oregon Yreka, Dunsmuir, California Price Advances May 1st . 'Our partial payment plan tf $5 ptr tkart per month en' ablet yen to take immediate advantage of the exeeedinply attractive price at which thit high-grade ucurity it now -' '"JT ff'r'-$95 1r iharttoyicldyjTlt) per annumwell ielow the price level tf comparable hydro-elearie ucnriliet, IVe are holding It at thil price temporarily in order to give ' utr tvttomen and friendt opportunity to invett. The price will he advanced May lit. r .... ..... You may place your order r get full information at any if omr officii, tr from any member if inr irganhatinl or mail in the coupon. The California Oregon Power Company i j I I r Medford, Oregon Please have a member of your organisation elT' on me about your y Preferred Stock.' '.''" ' '', I Jilirrti I " TheStandard of Comparison Tf tr ... ' Coldftt wcathPrcennM Impalrthe rOiclfne of the Ilulek oil pump. Tt.t pump ( so dcilgnra that should the pump fear be held I. rt movable tlirough trrodig, the nait rcvolvra within the iraf The hrat thus generated thaws out the froitn part, reatorlnggear acltnn and oil Row to normal. Unusual Spring' Comfort .' .... i.; w- .i iv !ti;; 7 . Buick reputation for aniicipa'ting youif ideas of comfort for all weathers,' perfdltrtf ' ance and utility, with models of advanced design is strikingly upheld in ! Bulckl; open models. .. . . Examination shows how me'mdUghtrM. applica tibri of simple, practical methods of sealing curtain and windshield joints" against wind, cold and rain 'has Veulted', in a welcome degree of winter and earl spring comfort you never thought poi sible for ah open car. : ' - v " ,'.V MEDFORD AUTO CO. Corner Main and flolly, Medford ' '' WHEN BETTEK AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM J, Franklin, Supt. 28 So. Dartlett Phone SOB