Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 06, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAOE vfWO
1 : -
f ocal and
. There seems to be no letup In sight
of the rainy weather and rain Is the
prediction for Saturday. The rainfall
during the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m.
today was .10 of au Inch.
Genuine Blsch Magneto parts and
repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and
Bartlett. tf
R, L Red setting eggs at DeVoe's.
"It pays five ways". Foilr of tho
benefits are payable to You while liv
ing. All your protection In one com
pany for oue premium. Pacific Mutual
. Lire First National Bank Building,
Medford, Oregon. ' t - 13'
Aubrey Smith, superintendent of
schools, who has been spending, this
week ; In attendance at , the annual
meeting of the Inland Empire Teach
ers association at Spokane, Wash., Is
expected to arrive home on Sunday.
Ulg da-.ce at Central Point, Friday,
April 6. 14
Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co.
Walk-Over shoes and oxfords, one
' ' There ' will "be no commandery rec
ommended for Medford In the near
future, according to the opinion of
those attending the meeting of Malta
Commandery No. 4, Knights Templar,
at Masonic ball last night The vote
was nearly two to one against the pro
position. Medford was represented by
a large delegation which In itself was
divided against a commandery for that
city. The supper and smoker were
attended by about SO members of the
order. Plans for a ceremonial to be
held here late in May or just prior to
the Washington ceremonial early In
June will be discussed at a special
meeting of Htllah,. Temple, Mystic
Shrine, tomorrow evening. Ashland
Tidings. . - J ; ! "v . '..'.
We are giving summer rates now on
fur repulringj Uartlett's Fur. Shop. If
New phonograph . for sale at half
price. Terms. Phone 729-W. 17
Roses and flowering shrubs. Eden
Valley Nursery,, 6SOJ-2. . ..,, Jf
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wooden and
daughter of San Francisco are visiting
relatives at Phoenix. Mr. Wooden is
the Pacific coast manager for the Ell
Lilly company, pharmaceutical manu
facturers of Indianapolis, Ind.
. Qingham Week, April 9th 16th, will
be a gTeat event at M aim's Depart
ed the newest things in men's shoe , """" " "
, ., , ,.,.. a ., I brate. - - ... . 14
Styles: a neuuy Hiitttwu uiuul wo.
masterpiece in foot fitting called the
Claridge. The Hub Shoe Store. 13
Among the out of town Elks who
were here attending the big Elks
lodge doings last night was W. E.
Newcombe of Grants PasB, who Is a
past deputy exalted ruler for this dis
trict and also a past exalted ruler of
the Ashland'.lodge.of Elks.
The really dependable silk stock
ings are the Corticelll. Handicraft
Shop. 13
' Children cared for by hour, day or
week. 612 Dakota. ; 16
' Ladles, bring In your fur work now
and take advantage of the low rates.
Uartlett's Fur Shop. tf
an u (lltlnc lor
. i MTMaurabie ocrMBldM.
THE witchery in Tan
' Jar lies in the good
ness and variety of those. .
great super-chocolates
which bring you sweets
from many climes. , They
are masterpieces of Ve
gan's making.
SIJ10 the pllll
, - , wherever they aell
, ' '' good eandr.
B - II
Big dance at Central Point, Friday,
April 6. ., '. v -. . .. .. . .14
Earliest of all. Early Sunrise and
Mortgage Lifter seed potatoes 2VJc
per pound. Watklns' Feed Store.
Phone 269. ' 16
Tax payers who neglected to pay
their taxes due for the first half of the
year, are now subject to a penalty, as
flnalitlme for .payment expired at the
sheriff's office in Jacksonville yester
day. '
EV S. Bramwell, of the California
Oregon Auto Distributing Corporation
leaves tonight for Portland on busi
ness. '
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711
E. Main. . . . . r
We have good values In used cars.
Pat ton & Robinson, Inc. 1 ' tf
A delegation of Ashland Elks was
over last night to enjoy the local
lodge's initiation and smoker,
We urge you to come to our store
and let us demonstrate to you the
Arch Preserver shoe: the shoe that
has changed the Ideas of the nation
regarding shoes; the shoe that is ex
actly what you've been wishing for,
but didn't think possible.- The Hub
Shoe Store. : .- 13
Have your rugs washed bn your Own
floors most convenient, sanitary
method, kills germs, no dust raised.
Get your order In early. E. L. Davis
Phone 644. 211 Stark St : 30
. Oladiola and Canna bulbs. . Eden
Valley Nursery, 680-J-2-- , '-. : tf
A dance at Rucli tbls evening will
ue attended by several Medford cou
pies. " . .
As an openlng Bpeclal for Gingham
tUanb- Afnnn'ct ' "Pta nn rt m rH r Rtorft Will
offer-ior, Monday .only 1000 yards, ot
good gingham cheap at 20o a yard for
16o a yard, limit 10 yards to a cus
tomer. 14
Does your tiny girl need a Mary
Moore dress? Handicraft Shop. 13'
Colonial Garage for tire service. '
All- dust, stains, spots
removed Wo double
life of your clothing
with our dry cleaning.
Satis Fieo
We are not
"" Friendlv
, Enemy of Corns
They Die While They Sleep ,
The only good corn it a rlesdrom. A few
droiM ol "CeU-It" will quickly tart any com
or cullou on the way to "the happy hunt ins
fnwnd." "Gets-lt" bringB Instant renet from
all pain and hurting. One bottle contain!
enouih "Cicts-U" to remove a down comj,
hard or aoit.old or new. Cortt you oothint if
It falle tout it docant fall. Let your drunjtut
tell you why million, demand it. E. Lawrence
fi Co. Mlu Clucago. SoW ia th city by
.'if o . ; . to '
A Spectacle You Cannot Forget
- North Woods novel
Flaring under the title
V', -i '. rVith i:, ' ' M '
A Virile notion drama containing the
most reullstic forewt fire eevnui ever
fllniod! j . , " ,
- ,
(livixlc comedy (ron
in King Arthur's Court.
CVmtlnnoun Show
Tomorrow and
Sunday 12:0 to
11:00 I'. M.
In a wrestling match Tuesday night
between Ralph Hand and George
Barnes, a broken ankle was received
by Barnes. This was the third match
between the two men, the first having
been a draw and the second and third
having been , won by . Hand when
Barnes was Injured.
"Baby Blue Kyes", we want to see
yon at the Fair Grounds Pavilion Sat
urday night Alford's Imperial orches
tra. 14
Big dance at Central Point, Friday.
April 6. - - - 14
Oriental Ballroom. Dance! Sat!
Launspach's orchestra! 14
The Grants j'ass De Molay chapter
is giving a dance at Waldorf hall In
Grants Pass tonight and all Medford
De Motoya or visiting De , Molays are
Invited to attend;,
Twelve 'inch slab wood' S1.60 per
tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more.
Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley
Fuel Cov Phone 76. tf
y can get! It at DeVoe'a. - . tf
We are demonstrating why the Arch
Preserver shoeeiuifOrmB'to every re
quirement of Nature: how it is flex
ible where the foot bends in walking,
and gives a firm support to the arch
where needed. We are making it
easy for women to understand why
they can stand or walk as much as
they wish without their foot arches
sagging or becoming strained. The
Hub Shoe Store. 13
Track and baseball practice at the
local high school is expected to start
next Monday night. Ashland high
school baseball practice has been in
progress every night for over a week
and it is reported that the Red and
White has a fair looking turnout being
rounded into shape.
Bing! Ding! Blng! Bing! Ding! No.
I am not swearing. Just trying to tell
you that you will get a Cory Thornless
blackberry plant with each Blng
cherry while they last. Eden Valley
Nursery, 680-J-2. tf
Noel L. Ersklne gives piano lessons
at pupils' homes. Phone 729-W. 17
We are giving summer rates now on
tur repairing. Bartlett's Pur Shop. If
Fred Champlimof Foots creek was
among the Elks from the county who
attended the Elks doings last night
Everybody will be at Central Point
Friday nite. 14
See the new Egyptian yarn at the
Handicraft Shop. 13
Everybody in town will be at Mann's
next week, April 9th to 16th In honor
of Gingham Week. 14
Leaders In boys' and girls' club
work from many parts of Oregon
greeted Miss Gertrude Warren, spec
ialist in extension methods, boys' and
girls' club work, states relation ser
vice pf the department of agriculture,
Washington, D. C, in the Central
library at Portland today.
Dance! Oriental Ballroom! Launs
pach's orchestra.- Sat! Admission 10c.
; . . 14
Crescent orchestra dance, Eagle
Point, Sat. April 7th. . : 13
'If you want to 'sell "your orchard,
farm, or residence, list it with. Earl S.
Tumy, 209-Llberty Bldg. 21
State Game Commissioner F. Roy
Davis and a party of local sportsmen
visited the Savage Rapids dam yester
day for the purpose of inspecting the
ifsh ladder at that place.
Walk-Over shoes for men, the new
sloped toe; Oxfords in the latest shade
of brown Russian calfskin. The Hub
Shoe Store. 13
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711
E. Main.
When better automobiles are built.
Buick will build them. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Fouts, former
residents c Medford, are In the city
from Portland enroute to Denver,
Colo., where they will locate. Mr.
Fouts who was formerly connected
with Mason, Ehrman & Company here
has been the representative of that
company in the TUlambok district for
some time past
Earliest of all, Eearly Sunrise and
Mortgage Lifter seed potatoes 2 Vic
per pounfd. WatklnB' Feed Store.
Phone 269. 16'
Even' body will be at Central Po1p(
Friday nite. .14
Celebrate Gingham Week at Mann s
beginning Monday, April 9th. , Con
tlnues one week. 14
. G. Q. D'Alblm of this city . spent
yesterday in Grants Pass on business
connected with the Valley Pride
Creamery of that city, in which he 1b
There's a busy Business College
In your home town. OWN.
Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co.
Dance In ' town Sat Oriental Ball
room. Admission 10c. ' 14
The Dixie Study club will meet with
Mrs. H. C. Smith at the Hotel Holland
at 2:30 Saturday afternoon.
Hemstitching at Deuel's. 38
An easy garment to finish is the
Pacltlo Package garment Handicraft
Shop. 13
Tho latest In dance hits will be
heart! at Central Point Friday Bite. 14
The Hub Shoe Store, the home of
Nettlcton and Walk-Over shoes for
men. . 13
"You've Got to See Your Mama
Every Night" as played by Alford's
Imperial orchestra. Fair Grounds Pa
vilion. Sst. nlsrht Let's go. .14
Our Milk Diet patients gain be
tween lour and five pounds each
week. ' 14
FOR RENT Five room modern house
on pavement lots of shade. Call
417 Jay 8t 14
FOR RENT Two hoiine keppinK rooms
$11 per month. 822 8. Central. 14
Equipment for the Hartman Syndi
cate was started toward the oil shale
holdings under its own power this
morning. The tractor headed the pro
cession with the steam shovel In tow.
Other equipment was hauled by the
large Mack truck. While the pavement
suffered a little from the- cleats on the
wheels of the machinery, H. W. Hart-
man stated that he would leave the
surfaced road as quickly as possible.
The outfit will be taken as far as pos
sible and work on the road will be
begun as soon as the weather permits.
Ashland TldingSi
Dance! Dance! Jackson Hot Spring.
... . :. 13
Colonial Garage for tire service. 319
Oriental Ballroom! Sat! Dance
Management American Legion. 14
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hill and daugh
ters Dorothea and Marion left yester
day morning for Portland where they
will visit for several days with Roy
Hill. Upon their return they will stop
at Eugene where the Misses Hill will
remain for the spring term at the Uni
versity of Oregon.
If you are building a new barn,
warehouse or garage and want first
class equipment better look at the
track, carriage and hangers for same
that we have for sale at this office.
They will carry 1500 pounds. 13
The Mail Tribune has put in a new
carriage for handling big rolls of
paper and haa about 50 feet of carriage
track equipped with hangers and car
riage for 1500 pounds; Just the thing
for a hay barn, garage or warehouse.
If you need anything of this kind see
It at once. A bargain. tr
Have you beard "Red Moon as
played by Alford's Imperial orchestra,
Fair Ground a Pavilion, Saturday night
April 7th. 14
Walter Antle was down from Lake
Creek attending the Elks installation
and smoker last night -
Ladles, bring in your fur work now,
and take advantage of the low rates.
Bartlett's Fur Shop ... tf
Twelve-Inch slab wood $1.60 per tier
delivered by taking 4 tier or more.
Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley
Fuel Co. Phone 76. " tf
Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tt
J. "W. Lawton and daughter Helen
departed the first of the week for Los
Angeles where Robert Lawton is with
the Southern California Edison com
pany. Mr. Lawton haa accepted a
position with the same concern.
Ladies, bring In your fur work now
and take advantage of the low rates.
Bartlett's Fur Shop. tf
For sand, gravel, sediment and team
work see Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple
street Phone 912-J.
Crescent orchestra dance. Eagle
Point, Sat. April 7th. 13
Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden
Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tf
Tumy writes all forms of insurance.
: . - . 1 ' 14
W. G. Wright, a former resident of
Grants Pass, but now located in Med
ford, was a business visitor in the
city today. Mr. Weight conducted an
assay office in this city 20 years ago,
leaving here for Arizona about . .16
years ago. Grants Pass Courier. ..
Saturday dance; Oriental Ballroom.
Launspach's orchestra. Admission 10c.
' 1 14
Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nursery.
Phone 680-J-2. tf
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711
East Main.
For fashionable and 'correct millin
ery try Regan's JMllllnery, 2nd floor
Medford Center. ' 13
We will loan you money to build or
buy Holmes the Insurance Man.
Marsh Garrett of the Lake Creek
district was a Medford business visi
tor yesterday. He reports that he and
several other cattle ranchers in the
vicinity will drive their steers to the
James Pelton ranch In Klamath coun
ty next month instead of pasturing
them on the national forest . range.
About 800 head of steers will be taken
over the first of next month.
Earliest of all, Earl Sunrise, and
Mortgage Lifter seed potatoes 2c
per pound. Watklns' Feed -Store,
Phone 269. 16
I want to hear from the owner of a
good orchard for sale in tills valley.
Earl Tumy, 209 Liberty Bldg. , 21
We are giving summer rates now on
fur repairing. Uartlett's Fur Shop. If
A high school dance Is being held by
the Chesterfield j orchestra at the
American Legion ball tonight
Have you seen the new line of Roxy
Ann house dresses at the Roxy Ann
Shop, Medford Center.. 13
Auto Insurance. Brown & White.
Spray hose 20 cents per foot Cra
ter Lake Hardware Co. tf
" -1 r- 1 ' r - " i.
! Ff (iWftlY GRM ETlItf
JUVV11 VITA JL Vvvi- - i
... ...
FOR RENT One-half store room on
Main St Inquire 116 W. Main, tt
FOR SALE Pure pork snusage, ham
roasts, lard, at Public Market a few
more Saturdays, C. C. Chapman. 13
FOR RENT Furnished three room
ed, fl8. Inquire Sugar Bowl. tt'
Positively Cured by My ,
Nonsurgical Method .
TIE treated for vour Pile by a
highly specialized physician
before resorting to the disappoint'
ing and sometimes dangerous
"home" or "quack." cures. "
My experience in curing Piles and other
rectal ducatcs covers many yen, ami
my patients come from all para of the
Wot. Read their letter! and the facts
about my non-turgical treatment in the
FREE book I will send you upon
Remember, a positive
guarantee Is the test of
my ability to completely
and permanently cure
your Piles.
Handicraft Shop.
Hemstitching .
nnrrrma eoveretl
Pico tint
per yard.
iThe Home of Bread Like Mother Made
If not what you get, tut whiUit costs to get it to you that makes
your living costs nigh. Our prices aretfweri Because we cut out
the Vget itrto('jut expense clerks, .credits and deljyeries,
No waiting foV clerks arid no clefks to hurry yoA You can shop
to your hearts' 'content f .hurry as much & you like.r h ,v,
Swift's Premium Hams,! average 12 lbs.; per lb. . . . 28ic
Swifts' Premium Picnic Shoulders, per lb .16Jc
Roast Beef , 6 lb. can .H ''' 89c
Corned Beef Hash, 2 lb. can v. . 30c
Catsup, full pint bottles ...... ........... A 19c
Grated Pineapple, gallon cans .-. 64c
Societte Chocolates, t lbV box 1 ..... . . 39c
Krauses Marshmallows, 1 vlb, tin 4Kr.'rW'iri-'jvvvv-.vv-i.-.'-v-'!s39a.J;i
Red Beans, 10 lbs--.:r:Hr7:-; ,v,63?"
Del Monte Pork and Beans, 6 cans. . 29c
, Orange! Marmalade, 15 oz. jars ..... ....... . . . . . . .. j . ., 19c
Guitard's Chocolate,:! lb. can : i. . . :. . 'i 27c
Sliced Peaches, No. 1 cans, 3 for 43c
Crimson Rambler Cane and Maple Syrup, 2! lb. can' t -,( . 33c
Crimson Rambler Silver Bubble' Syrup," 10 lb. can . . . . 93c
Crimson Rambler Melomar Syrup, 5 lb. can . . . i v. 32c
Shillings Baking Powder, 1 lb. cans . . . 45c
.. . . LEMONS - :"
Large 300 count fancy lemons for Saturday only, dozen . . 29c
I COOKIES -.':.. :
Any kind or assorted, of regular size and quality, 2 doz. . .23c
Giites & Lydiard
Buy Here and Bank the Difference
r. U
By some error the taame or Fred L.
Heath was not on the Crater ticket
published Wednesday in the Mail Tri
bune. Mr. Heath was nominated on
the Crater ticket as a candidate for
one of the vacant places which will
soon occur on the board of directors of
the Medford chamber of commerce.
Latest in -Bport models at Regan's
Millinery Dept., Medford Center Store.
Baled hay for saie. J. n. Cartfih. 348
Phone Tumy 402 for auto insurance.
We can still furnish spray hose for
20 cents per foot. Crater Lake Hard
ware Co. tf
i Dance! Dance! Jackson Hot Spring.
Mr. ftnd Mrs. R. M. Chifn wprfl "In
from the Applegate .Thursday with a
load of brocoll, winter cauliflower. He
planted about a half aore last August
and received a big return for the same.
He brought this office a head of
brocoll that weighed five pounds.
American Legion dances Saturdays!
Oriental Ballroom. 14
Don't forget the big dance at Cen
tral Point tonight. 13
"Call Me Back Pall O-Mine" and
meet me at the Fair Grounds Pavilion,
Saturday night, April 7th. 14
George Mclntyre of the " Western
Bond and Mortgage- company of Port
land has been visiting in Medford and
Ashland on business for several days.
Crescent orchestra dance, Eagle
Point, Sat. April 7th. ,1 - x, U$
New art- goods daily- at Deuel's Art
Dept. - ' 13
SAY "BAYER"' whn you': buy Aspirin
. Unless you era the name "Bayer" on
package or on tablets you are not get
ting the genuine Bayer product pre
scribed by physicians over twenty-two
years ftnd proved safe by millions for
colds, headache, toothache, earache, neu
ralgia, lumbago, rheumatism, neuritis,
and for pain in general. Accept only;
""Bayer" package which contains proper
directions. Handy boxes of twelve tab-'
lets cost few cents. Druggists also sell,
bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Moaorwintiicaeideater of Salicjlicaciri
Fair Ground Pavilion
Srday Night, April ?:"
Alford's Imperial Orchestra
! TICKETS $1.10
JustWhat You've Been Waiting For .