it 1 BRINGING TRUNK WHICH "TOO ' . 'arrlagy; Licenses George A.' TraslC and. J.' v Elenor Chamberlain. i. ' 't i Probate Court Est. Julia C. Fielder. Receipt, Peti tion, order, inventories and appraise ment ',, Est. John IL Knotts. "Order. Est. James C. Gibson. Order. : ' , Est. Ottilia E. Ashpole: Motion, order. . Est. William B." Biddlo. Pe'titlon, order. , .'.-!. . Est. Andrew S. Boyer. Order. Est. Eliz. M. Kechum. Petitions, orders. . . . "... . ., Est. Oscar Thompson. Motion, order. Est. Peter Mankins. Motion, order. I. E. Schuler and G. M; Loomis as sume the business name of Colonial Garage.' E. S. Morrison apples for the farm name of Daffodil Farms'. Circuit Court' , Bullock Merc. Agency vsl J.' T. Gag non. For money. Bullock Merc. Agency vs. Valy A Myers. For monej. Embrla S. Young vs. James b" How ard et al. Findings and conclusions, default decree. Eva Collins vs. Clark Collins. Find ings and conclusions, decree. H. L. Smith et al vs. So. Oregon Farm Lands Dev. Co. Default, decree, cost bll'i.'- ' ' '.'' K Eliz. Bush vs. Elbert H. Bush. Findings and conclusions, default -de-cr. " ' ' , ' M. S. Johnson vs; Gold Coin Finance Corp. et al, Default, findings and con. elusions, decree. Elinor M. DeGroot vs. Walter A. DeGroot. Default, findings and con clusions', decree. Bute vs. Chester C. Kubli. Stipula tion, order. - . Viola May Stone vs. M. W. Standard et ux. 'Proof of mailing, affidavit, mo tion, default. Judgment. Enola Ray vs. C. R. Ray. Order. First National Bank of So. Oregon vs. C. E. Wickstronvet ux. Cost bill. Cora K. Welch vs. E. A. Welch. Cost bill. Lucy M. Huitt vs. Francis M. Huitt. Motion and affidavit Bullock Merc. Agency vs. W. I. Hum phrey. Cost bill. Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank vs. S. H. Short. Cost bill. Thomas J. Fuson vs. Karl Knapp. Reply. Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank vs. S. H. Short Judgment. D. . Alexander vs. A. Elstad et al. Order. W. A. Collins vs. E. A. Collins. Affi davit. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A buyer - for Captain Ford's new Savage wheel, recently purchased from Crater Lake Hdwe. for $40. Will sell at 28. Phone 356. I 12 1 WANTED To rent small furnished apartment or house, close in. Pos session by April 15. M. D. Field, care Copco. 11 WANTED Furnished house by young married couple, no children, by Anrll 10th. Best of references and excellent care will be taken of pro- perty. 'Apply Box c, Mail Tribune, WANTED To buy 10 tons alfalfa hay rnone osu-jvi. ..... y . n. WANTED Brown has a' first"' class shoe repair Bhop. T WANTED Having Just completed n buying arrangement with" one of the InreoBt wool and Mohair buyers in the. .state wo expect, to- pa mpre than anyone in Medford for these commodities; Johnson Produce Oo Phone 97. ' - ' tf WANTED 260 lawn mowers to shar pen. Liberty Repair Shop. U WANTED -Hooe 1norjug ana repair mg. mono pr po-ju . - PXRIi FUNERAL HOK9 1 VVfltA- At Tour Service ly or Night Information Oordlnlly Given Cor. 8th and Oakdale brJaacf Vjrrlo - Pfcon it UP FATHER NOV-LADIE.'b AND CENTLE.MEN I tL WILL PLACE. THE. UlTTLE LADY INTHE I- HAVE bHON l? EMPTY- HELP WANTED MAM) WANTED Steady man Butte Creek Orchard, Eagle Point. 16 FOR RENT APARTMENTS" FOK RENT Nice furnished apart ments, steam heat, hot and com water and bath. Phone 457-J, River side' Apartments.' 17 FOR REST HOUSES FOR RENT House, close !n. Inquire H. A. Hanscom, 526 Pulm St. 13 FOR RENT Modern bungalow at' 26 Cottage St. Also furniture for sale. Mrs.,Young. . ll FOR RENT Five; room house, nice; on 'paved street, electric range and heat. Inquire 117 N. Peach. 838-J. FOR RENT Partly furnished - l'ive rriftm' cottage. Call- Valley'4- Fuel. Phone 7fl. ' V tf FOR RENT Modern house. Phone R-13-R. '.-.., : ' 13 FOR RENT Modern house. Main. Phone 799.' 906 E. . 12 FOR RENT Unfurnished house five ' rooms, bath and screen porch, newly painted and papered.' C. A. DeVoe. tf FOR HENT Modern T room house v arranged to sublets Call M. M. Dept. Store. tf FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent Gold Ray Realty So., No. 16 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J. tf FOR RENT Houses Brown & White. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping room, 440 8; : Riverside. Phone 401-R; Mrs. Fort C Hubbard. , '.. - ( 17 FOR RENT Clean large sleeping rooms, 301 S. Central. Garage lor one car. ; '.. : . 13 FOR RENT Well lighted front sleep ing room, with bath privileges; also garage for rent. 325 S.-Riverside. Phone 701-J. ' - tf Special A Real Car for BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Adding five quarts of clean oil to due quart of dirty oil gives ' L six quarts of DIRTY oil. ; :;f Transmission and Crank Cases Drained Free r Grraudng with High rower : . Alemlto Gun, Jones & Kirkpatrick A RE.L SERVICE STATION ;" tm jjrv i S w Alh. I $117. MEDFORD MAIL TRTBTJNE, ;. MRDFOKD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, . 1.02.'i i ii i iBii , w,uu cooht 1 1 1 1 II if Twmr -r " n raH' HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Competent woman for general housework. " Mrs. W. M. . Shepard, 1010 S. Oakdale. Phone 1020. ' .'-- 12 WANTED-r-Woman for general house ,: work. Phone 26-X-1S. Mrs. Geo. A. . Mansfield, Prospect; Ore. 11 WANTED A reliable - woman- to do ' washing for family of three at resi dence. Phone 390-L. tf FOR RENT MIStTELLAJfEOUS FOR RENT Furnished cabin for i men. 445 SJ Front. 22 FOR RKNT-80 acres or land under ' water, 2 miles of i Medford, good v Douse. 'Address Bert Anderson, (' room 302f Liberty building, FOR REKT noCSKKEEPINQ ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 315 Is. Holly. Phone S68-J tfJ LOST. LOST Thursday, on Eagle Point Medford road, brown velvet bag con taining lunch cloth. Finder please '.. leave at this office and receive re ward. . . v - 13 LOST Friday, March 30, about noon, on highway between Medford and Talent, one soldiers' overcoat. Com , municate and get reward. J. J. ; Walker, Box 12, Talent, Oregon. 11 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Lake o' the Woods,' one of the best concessions, well ini; proved for sale at a bargaln. 'boati ; motor and furnishings, complete all j but the blankets. Owner leaving America and gives us this to give to " one of our customers for. a mere trifle. Rogue River Land company; ; Nash Hotel corner, Phone 329. 11 GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 466-J. tf MONEY TO LOAN FARM LOANS Medford National Farm Loan Association. F. P. Far rell, secretary, Jackson County Bank Bidg. V 1 MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, 15000 or less, 6 per cent Interest O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board. JackBon County. FREE LOT 75x100 FREE .; Will . scfy strictly modern' bnhgiiloAvy linrclwopdj floors', firo place, for $1,000.00 less than lioilso conld, be built f,or today and give you 'the let free for good measure. ' The: shade, fruit aud shrubbery" on this lot arc worth $1,500.00. , . , , ' See this property at 627'Sbuth Holly ; ' ' O: S BUTTERFIELD " "," " ARRESTED FOR iPEEDtXQ , ' Trying to show the'y in Jackson County1 '. ; .;' 20 acres alfalfa, grain and garden land .J'rlco :i30O " 1 17 acres In fine alfalfa, will cut 'So 'tons this year. 5 acres grain and garden land, one acre grapes. 6 acres woods. Beautiful building spot. Gobd'TOad." One mlle'from highway; land' level, under'Talont project, ditches in. I have been In the real estate business In Jackson county tor 14 years, averaged 1500 miles a month over valley.' Tills is the be'st alfalfa .... i. r i .. n,r.i r n ..1, ,-!. ' J. c. BAIt.VRS Phono 78 J-L a pear Orchard in the Rogue River Valley h. ,.'.,--," . :? . .'i .;. v-. ,: ';, '..-."'.. v '.-' Is the best bet In the horticultural world. This time we offer for loss than 'the value of the. Improvements 16 acres, with nine acres sot to right varieties of poars. Some family fruit; fine eight-room house with heating system,' large chicken park and' houses; garage, barn, water tower and lank, inexhaustable well with gas engine for pumping, water available for irrigating entire orchard and the price Is so low we are ashamod to mention It. Close to ROGUE RIVER LAND , CO. Iliono B20 FOR EXCHANGE . ''85 acres of Bear Cfeek''BbtlbrifLahd'a'l CITV LIMITS," jiist north' of Medford, "The Atwood tract," only' few feet off of Paved Highway, ' on graveled road. All In alfalfa and grain. Fine shade pasture. WE WILL EXCHANGE this fine .piece of land that product's 70 bushels grain and 6 tons alfalfa to acre, for TOW? PROPBHTY. Don't ncod any money, i . ' " 8KB US TODAY, FOUR-SITE REALTY AORNOY Rooms 400-41010 dford Center Illdg. Bnslncw Oportunltlet - Real Edtate -pre. : T !M cone - I Wfc, FOUND FOUND Brown's Shoe Hospital will heel your shoes. 103 N. Central. 76 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 1 ton truck, ful ly licensed; also new six-cylinder ' automobile to trade for small house or timber; will assume. Box K, Mall Tribune. : . 11 FOR EXCHANGE Ilrown trades what you have for what you want. 7 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE One Ford runabout in . first class shape, and a good set of farm blacksmith tools nearly new; must sell, leaving state. First house south upper Griffin Creek, school house. P. H. Hohmann. 12 FOR SALE Ford coupe, 1922 model. Telephone 371-M for particulars. 13 FOR SALE: REAL ESTATE FOR SALE At sacrifice, lots 13. 14; . block 2, Ross Court and lot 9, block 2. Ross Court T. C. Wicks, 153 W. Ash St, Stockton, Calif. : 16 FOR SALE Property earning $80 per month, nicely located close In. Price 35000. Terms. C. S. Butterfleld. 12 FOR SALE OR TRADE 15 acres of ' unimproved land about five miles from Grants Pass under the Savage ' Rapids -Dam Irrigation Dlst Easy r terms or will trade for a good car, Phone 632, J. H. Gustlne, 419 Med ford Bldg. i 14 FOR SALE Five acre tract, Bartlett i pears, apples and small' fruit' near Medrorrt. House, bam, large chick en house, all good buildings, at n bargain. .Phone 572-H-4, owner. 16 FOR SALE Will sacrifice my 160 'acre tract one mile east of Beagle post of ice for $2000,- 1000 ca8h. Land fenced and In pasture, two i sprlngB on same. Northeast Hi sec, ' 12,-near to farm of M. E. Gordon. Courtesy to agents. J. K. Wymard, 92 W. Bellevue Drive, Pasadena, California. 11 FOR SALE: Will locate party on good homestead one mile from school and j new highway, good open range. G16 N. Central, Medford. 12 FOR SALE, RENT Olt'TRADE Alf , alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty : Co.', No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J. tf IUOAIj ESTATfi . . . New location til Center Bldg, Medford. See us at once. I Nash Hotel Corner ,Eichangw 0. ::::::::::::: ' 1923 OY INT'L FgATURE SERVICE, tic. ' FOR SAL71 HOMES FOR SALE Modern bungalow, with ' garage, practically new, hot water " heating system, hardwood floors', and located close in on one of th ' principal .streets of Medford. J. IS, Andrews, 31 College Bldg., Phone 58-M. 14 FOR SALE Two story bungalow close In, - modern, seven rooms. Terms if desired. Phone 915, E: H. French. 13 FOR SALE OR RENT Seven room house. Tenth and Laurel. Call 305 S. Oakdale. Phone 470-J. tf FOR SALE Equity in good country home, close In, 6.9 acres, house, barn, chicken houses, city water, electric lights,' family orchard, ber ries, irrigation. $700 cash. Bulunce 1130 on eusy payments. 335 W. Second. :13 FOR SALE Six room bungalow with Bleeping porch, close in, on paving, assessments paid. A bargain. Terms if desired. Telephone 371-M. 13 FOR SALE Houses and bungalows. furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. S. But terfleld. Medford National Bank, - Phone 389. FOR SALE-lilVESTOCK FOR SALE 70 head of 1 and 2 year old steers. Phone bb3-Y. FOR SALE One five year old colt, weight 1700 lbs., well broke. Phone 647-Y. 14 FOR SALE; Two months old pigs. See Chas.' Ray or call 134-Y. 12 FdR SALE Shorthorn bulls, milking strain. Will trade for holrers. D. M. Lowe, Talent R. F. D. Phone Ash land O-F-3. 12 FOR SALE-or trade for brood sows, heifers. Phone 539-R-4. 14 FOR SALE Brgnlns : Fresh high- grade milk goats, hornless, gentle. Winners County Fair. $15.00 up. Elizabeth Miller. Ashland. 12 FOR SALE Good milk cow, T. B. tested, mile south overhead crossing, Tolo. 11 FOR SALE; Fresh cows, big milkers, hleh testers, officially tested. : Walsh 8 place, one mile NE of Med roru on tracer l,bkb ronu. io FOR SALE Pigs. Phone R-13-R. 12 FOR SALF Work horses, small and large, single and- double. Phone 591-R-l, ' . . -325 FOR SALE Grade, pure: bred and : registered Duroc Jersey sows; to farrow In March and April; also one : prise winning registered Dnroo bocr " Call Bevt Anderson, Medford, or Miravista Orchard.- , tr FOR SAIiK POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE R. I. Red eggs 75 cents setting. Phone 639-J-8. 16 FOR SALE-i-Maramotu Bronze turkey - eggs and R. I. Heds for hatching. ' '639-J-2. ' ' ' I'!'.'" ' 12 FOR SALE-Baby. chicks and hatch ing eggs from heavy laying strain. Red Wing:4 Poultry Yard. ' Phone 865-Y-: 12 FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze turkey eggs for hatching. Phone 12-F-3 after 6 p. m. " 23 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred. Rock eggs for hatching; . Phone 201-J. 327 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE lAbouf 60 fe-ftt dt carrier - track with carriage, suitablo'for hay barn, warehouse, garage, etc; will carry 1500' pounds; has all equip ment for Installing. Come in and see It nt Mall Tribune office. -tf Used Gars Ford Roadster $110.00 Delivery Box 1921 Starter Ford $250.00 Good Buy Medford Auto Co. Bulck Dealer dor. Main and Holly By George bAY - VIL.L - tELU ME TRUNK? 1923 BY INT'L FIXTURE SERVICE, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Second hand Bean spray rig. Call Central Point 197 evenings 13 FOR SALE One Victor phonograph'. cabinet' style,- and records.1 Phono 150. tf FOR' SALE) Reliable Blue E'larae brooders, 350, 500, 1000 chick sines at reduced prices.. Monarch Sod Co. - , tf FOR SALE Oyster shells. triple screened eastern shell, ? 1.40 per 10". Special li ; this week. Monarch' Seed Co. tf FOR SALE! Let's go to Brown's for shoes. 103 N. Central..- . . ,-7 FOR SALE Chick food, $3.25 100 lbs. Guaranteed to be good. Monarch Seed Co. " ' tf FOR SALE l'b ton Sanison - truck. Phone 1033. 1 14 FOR SALE Three horsepower 220- volt three phase motor. Jones & Kirkpatrick. ' 11 FOR SALE) Hunks and Progressive Everbearing strawberry plants. D. Terwllllger. 344-H. 12 BROWN says ho fixes them while you wait 103 N. Central. 7 FOR SALE Washington hybred wheat. Klrtlnad Farm, Phone 19x4 Central Point. 13 FOR SALE! Saw tables with saws and mandrels, shafting, and pulleys, ten H. P. electric motor, twenty-four feet six inch pipe. Rogue River Valley Canning Co. 13 EOR SALE Dry fir wood choap. 235 . N. Ivy. 13 FOR SALE Ilrown, 103 N. Central, has little ones and big ones. 7 FOR SALE Quick Lunch Beed pota toes. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE Motorcycle, Twin Indiau 1922. model H Chief, A-l condition; new tires, $175. W. H. R Siskiyou, Ore. 11 FOR SALE Five- 0-foot- showcases, one' cash register, shelving and drawers. " Houth's Drug Store, tt FOR SALE Jersey cow, 6 H. P. E"alr-banks-Morse engine, 250 feet 2-Inch plpo. Phone Gll-J-1, FoothlllB Orch ard. 15 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS, ft ' GREENE . Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 and 5 "No; 32 North Central-Ave.; u ! stairs. 1 ." Inrksnn County AH8TUACT OO. Tho only complete Ti tle: System-In' Jackson Connty. ,' 1 ; ': ; ! Abstracts of Title,' and ' Title Insurance. WATSON , it KELLOOO i Rellabl' JacRson icounty aDstraeiors' or v ties, Gold Hill, Oregon i S Chiropractic Plis!clan DR. HARVET P. COLEMAN Chlro praCtlo and Eleotro-Therapy. 427- 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 965.- tf DR.' A. R. HBDGEB-Neo-EelectlC Physlclah: DRi t LOUISH ' K. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Moctiaho-Tberapy.. .Sjion dvlotheranv. E'ood Sciences, Chlro- practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. Tin HV W HOFFMAN Chtronrao tic pnysician. umce nonra v u li, 2 to o. buite zva-ut-vn-uo, mo erty Bldg... Office Phone E80, Res. 1027. . . TRACTORS Completely overhauled and guaranteed 1 ' S250 . to $325 Terms if desired C. E. Gates Auto Co. (3 USED McManuS VOO THAT INC. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Specializes In Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A. B. REA.MES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. Chiropody CHIROPODY At office of Dr. Hal- stead, Electro and Mechano Therapy and the Burdick Deep Therapy Light treatment for acute and chronic diseases. Phlpps block, 225 E. Main, Phone 563-J. Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK 4 BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building products, dor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E, Main St., over M. M. Dept Store, Medford. Oregon. Phone 669: . Res. 1023-H. Office hours 9 a. m. ' 6 p. m. - Evenings and Sunday bjf appointment. Expert Accountant wilson Auditing co. e. m. wii- son, C P. A. Attention given to anything in accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R - .. ; ., l: .. Money to Loan J. R. ANDREWS Buys " and. sella mortgages and loans money at) good security,' 81- N.- Grape St . Phono 63-M. 1 - t4 Monuments i-Hlfl OREGON " GRANITE CO. Monuments. B. A. HlckB, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, saler manager, 103 E,- Sixth-' St., Med ford. . Osteopaths DU. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAIM CARLOW Osteopathic Physician! 4iu-4is Deny uidg. pnoni B04-J-3. Residence . 26 ' Bouta Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician.. Special attention glvea to eye, ear, nose and throat. 809 Liberty Building. Phone 496. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 814 Medford Bldg. . Entrance 88 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ot Piano and, Harmony. Composing, Arranging. : Studio 818 , Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. JAMES R, FISH Teacher of Piano. 31 N. Grape, College Bldg.i- Public 8peakltig MAY LOUISE WILSON Instructor the art ot public speaking, elocution, dramatic art, gesture and poise. Faulty enunciation corrected. Studio 214 North Holly. .; . 31 Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the. nest equipped, printing ortlce in Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices, 87 N. Fir St. . Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets . and ruga, Phont 510-M. 708 Pine St. . , ' -' Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. ' Office 42 North Front 8t Phone 815. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSETSR AND STORAGE CO; Anything moved, day or night. , Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dence 1060 or 206. tf Upholstering J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full Una of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds ot uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone 108, Tnrlrtinnvltlo. Or. L 1 Auditira O Accourdtna y tenServiceioj t lt3urarxcy IrvveatiMivtsgl M. P. BCHMTTJ Sad Floor Medford Bid