PAGESIX MTTDFOTtD MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFOTID, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL' 4, 192.1 ' MANN'S THE BEST GOODS FOR THE PRICE, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE MANN'S ft it IS SOLD FOR $22,000 Dexter Patterson has purchased the C. A. Williams ranch on Kings High way, formerly the .Ware residence, for $22,000. The place consists of 26 acres of pears and apples and a beautiful residence. Mr. Patterson purchased it with the intention of making his home there. He is now located near Talent, Albert Anderson of Wenatchee, who purchased the Crown Point or chard of 65 acres of pears and ap pies for a consideration of $10,000, le expected to arrive from Wenatchee In. a few days. The Crown Point or chard Is situated near Mlravista. Last year Anderson purchased 13 acres In the Griffin Creek district, paying $3200 for It and four months later he sold the crop of Bosc and Cornice for more than $3,800, according to report. ' ThlB decided him that the Rogue River valley is a better fruit growing district than the Wenatchee a ud he has decided to settle here. The sale of the Crown Point and the old Ware place were both made by S. C. Barnes, local real estate agont. County Court Employs Public Health Nurse Mrs. Lewis Ulrlch and Mrs. C. B. Blee were before the county court representing the Public Health asso ciation and asking that they employ Miss Ely White, of Oreensburg, South Carolina, as county public health nurse, to take the place of Miss Full dine who resigned and left some time ago. Miss,. White has been engaged In this work and war work for years, has splondld recommendations and being recommended by the Health association here the court decided to employ her. She has been wired and if she accepts will bo here as soon as possible. t POTLAND, Oro., . April 4. -Smelt were running today In ..'-the Bandy river, a tributary of tha Columbia, near- hore. Whon the news spread throughout the city, busty prepara tions wero made for the annual rush to .tho; banks of tho Sundy. Tlio sheriff's, office plannod to send traf fic officers to handlo tho throngs of automobiles carrying people who yearly scoop up the smolt while the run is on. RUNNER8-U GROW (Continued from Pag One) ' Osage (Iowa) 27; DuPont high (Louisville) 23. Trwlflv'lt O 1- 1.1 1 1 1 n il nnmna luii,lnnlnif at 9 o'clock this morning and ending I at ten o'clock tonight, includo: Northampton (Mass.) vs. Spring- ville (Utah). Bellevue (Ohio) vs. Laramie (Wyo.) Toledo (Ohio) vs. El Paso. Kansas City (Kas.) vs. Fargo (N.D.) Weston (Idaho) vs. Ashevlllo (N. C.) New "-Trior (Chicago) vs. Mosa (Arts.) Lorain (Ohio) vs. Windsor (Colo). Hydo Park (Chicago) vs. Osage (la.) NEW AIM OF CRATER3 (Continued from page on.) were A. W. Aya of the Columbia Tiro Corporation, M. I). Colo, local repre sentative of Eostor-Klolsor and Boyd Hamilton. . Informal discussion of tho water situation, moving the court house nnd the school situation consumed the business porlod. Louis Ulrlch, L. B. Hasklns, A. H. Cunningham, Charles Davis, Will Warnor, Jerry Jemmo nnd Glenn Taylor took an actlvo part in those discussions. These matters, however', will bo roforrcd to lator by the Crators. .Arrangements nro under way now for tho big "Ladles' Night" entertain ment of the Crators which will bo a feature pf tho next mooting. All lady Craters will bo -gnosis at a dln- ;4ji nnu c iiui iiiiiiiuuiiL hi iiihl iiiiiii . ftnft tllAfA ia nVAru Inrllnntlnn Hint tk itimcrAm Will tin A HntwW' FIRST STEP FOR SUBWAY x' l (Continued from page one) company. , That the section houso north of the express offico on Kront street bo removod to tha north or south yards and that tho ground hotwnon tho ox press offico and Third street, part or which la now owned by the city and part of which Is owned by the South ern Pacific and two lots of which ar ownod by private Individuals, bo made Into depot grounds and parking similar to those south of the passim ptr depot, thereby Increasing tho con venience of tho public. That) the Southern Pacific make such other noccssary Improvements and bettarments In addition (o these abort set forth as will eliminate all possible 'switching between Jackson and Eighth streets and eliminate the fire hawrd of wooden warehouse In the fire limits as soon as possible bo tween ald streets, raperies 3 Curtain STARTING THE SPRING DRIVE WITH 2,000 YARDS OF CURTAIN SCRIM AT Just in time for spring house cleaning, comes this unusual offer of 2000 yards of fine curtain scrim at the ri diculously low price . of 39c a yard, while it lasts. At this price it will not remain very long. 39 Yd. It is a good quality scrim with smooth, round and hard twist ed threads which in sures the maximum of service. Make ideal curtains for summer use and at a lower cost than any mate rial you can buy. Marquisette 36 inches wide, comes in white, cream and ecru, 39c value.' For this big sale, . 29 C yard .... Filet Nets, 45 inches wide. Very special, $1.19 See This Big Value 36-inch Marquisette and Cur tain Scrim in ecru and white. While it lasts, 1 Q yard ... ........ lVC Dotted Swiss, 36 inches wide in all patterns for Curtains. Cheap at, Kr yard .OOC Figured Grenadine in white and colored figures for. Curtains, 34 inches For this big sale, yard ....... . Sun Fast Drapery, 36-inch, in excellent colors. $ 1 19 Special, yard ..... . Annual Sale of Feather Pillows 21x27 National Feather Pil lows, $3.00 values. Special, each ...:.............$2.50 14x18 Floss Pillow Cushions. Special, each '. 590 18 inch Round Floss Pillow Cushions. Special, each 850 White Rose Pillows, 22x28 size, filled with pure white goose feathers. Special, each $5.00 Cotton Challie For Comforters and Drap ery. Best grade, new pat terns, 20c values. This sale, yard .: 170 Cotton Batts 72x!K) size, enough for com forter, $1.50 value. This sale, each $1.29 10 off on all Bed Comfort ers. Crash Toweling 18 inches wide, 25c grade. Special, yard 160 Turkish Towels Large size heavy grade, dou ble thread, 5flc grade. Spe cial, each 480 Bed Spreads 72x84 Triumph Brand, $2.00 values. Special, each $1.75 Wearwcll Sheets, 81x90 size, $1.73 value. cach...;....$1.25 I Unbleached Sheeting, 81 inches wide, fine soft finish. (50e value. This sale, yard, 550 36-inch Silkolines For Draperies and Comforters. Best quality, fine soft finish. 30 new patterns to choose, from. For this big sale, j'ard 290 32 inch A C A Ticking, 39c value. For this sale, yard .:....:.:.:..i;;,:;.....:.:350 . 36 inch Natural Linen Crash. For Drapery and cov erings. This sale, only, yard .:.,....L..........i.69 36-inch Figured Marquisette in beautiful new.' patterns, an exceptionally good ; value, at yard ; ..390 36 inch heavy Repp for draperies, in Rose, Tan and i Mulberry colors, $1.25 value. For this sale, yard 980 36 inch Art Ticking in fancy - figures. Special, yard New Spring Cretonnes Cretonnes-that add tone to the home, give inspiration to at tractive home makers and at the same time, by reason of their low prices, afford quite a saving. y Sole Agents in Medford for "Colonial" Cretonnes. 36 inch Colonial Cretonne. Comes in excellent new pat terns. Special for this sale, yard 39 Figured Chintz, 36 inches wide, in light and dark colors. Spe cial, j-ard 480 Colored Burlap, 36 inches wide, in a good line of colors. 30c values. This sale, yard....250 36 inch Cretonne, "Colonial"1, patterns, 30c values. Special, yard ......250 36 inch Cretonne, hand blocked patterns, in beautiful color combinations. For this sale, yard ;.v .790 36 inch Terry Cloth, double faced. Very best patterns.' Special, yard $1.19 White Waists Just in, 50 beautiful Wash Waists, all new styles. Special, each... ...$2.50 t , - ' Hand-Made Underwear Women's fine Philippine Night Gowns. Hand Made. Very Special, cach....$3.9ij Italian Silk Vests Women's fine quality Silk Vests, in pink only. $2.50 value. . Special, each ....$1.69 La France Hose Tomorrow wc will . -soil 'this famous full fashioned Silk, llosq iu white, black and colors at, pair "...4.:..'.1L........: ."...'.$2.50 $2.00 Corsets $1.00 Miller Bros new model Corsets, $2.00 values, pair $1.00 .590 . New Spring Curtains By the Yard With its fine stocks of beauti ful curtains, and the many at tractive prices at which they are to be had, this section has heen chosen as its worth' rep resentative. Panel Filet Nets. 81 inch. Special, yard $3.48 Mercerized Marquisette, 40 inches wide, fine quality. Spe cial, yard , 980 , Curtain Marquisette 40 inches wide. Very fine grade. Spe cial, yard .'. ......590 36 inch Silk Gauze, jn Tan Rose, Ecru and Blue. Special, yard ..........$1.19 Sun Fast Drapery, 50 inches wide in Blue, Rose and Green. $2.50 values. Special, yard, $2.35 Lamp Shade Silk in beautiful colors, 36 inches, 75c value. Special, yard :..........650 Fringe, in Silk and Cotton, in white and colors, 50 to 500 yard. 50 inch Tapestry, an excellent quality, $7.00 value. Special, yard $5.98 18 inch Linen for Table Run ners and Scarfs, 39e value, yard 330 GINGHAM WEEK APRIL 9, 16 Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY .'.".',' Medford, Oregon GINGHAM WEEK APRIL 9, 16 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED r- . POSTAGE PREPAID - White Goods Sale Table Damask 64 inch Mercerized Table Damask, new patterns, $1.25 value. On sale Thursday, yard .......890 Jap; Lunch Cloths, 60x60 inches, good patterns. $1.75 value. Special, each $1.50 Seamed Sheets ' ' 72x90 size, Homestead qual ity $1.25 value. Special, each :,.:.;.:.; $1.00 20' off. on all Table Run ners and Couch covers. Daisy Muslin '36 inches wide, fine soft fin ish, 23c value. Special, yard ..............:..;..:..;:....,..190 Long Cloth, 40 inches wide, soft, finish, 59c value. Special," yard ' . 450 White Organdie White , Organdie, 36 . Inches wide, good 59c grade. " Very special, yard.............l.....480 Huck Towels '. Large size, . fine : grade, 25c value. Very Special, each White Oilcloth Y' White 'Oil - Cloth Minces wide, best quality vajue. Special, yard,.....:.I;..350 ,j. - Linen Clqths --"'. 70x70 size," all pure Linen, $6.50 values. This sale, each $5.98 Mercerized Poplin 36 inches wide, fine quality, 55c value. On sale Thurs day, yard 450 White Dress Linen 36 inches wide, fine grade, cheap at $1.25. On sale Thursday, yard ....$1:10 AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS