METiFORD - MA Hj TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, .'OREflOX, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1023 ..... PAGE FTTH f UNDBUSM ESS COUNTY ROAD HELP legation of IB Ashland buni on visited tho county court to d askod that tho court assist jlblo,with tha bulldlncr nf rom: tho Dead Indian rnml I . five miles to the deposits of belonging to tho Hartinan svn. le, and where they expect to; hi their rilunt tn Avt.n. ... l from ahalo. Fred Hoi mea. r od ri f - inland f!hnmhoi , . VUHLIIICIIU WHS lokesman for the deWnttnti others exnlninei-i tk& t I ' (IVIIUvlllil inHRlblltPH nf 1tlA nQ by the syndlcnto. xney also said the five miles of road would cost about $5000 and they naked tho county to pay one-half of the game. Tho court took tho prop osition under advisement. Tho delegation Btnted Ashland 1b solidly behind tho proposition and aro asking tho county to assist, the request not coming from tho syndl cnto. This road would leave the Dead Indian road nbout eight miles from tho George Dunn place on the Pa cific highway. The syndicato nlso agree to use tho crushed rock from their works as macadcm on the Dead lndinn road;tho county to grndo the same. Work was started last year on tho Dead Indian road by tho county 1 and will, be resumed again when the weather permits. . . 10 IN HOTEL ROOM BAN FRANCISCO, April 4. Rabbi niirca J. Lufteo, 22, of the Bush street temple said to bo tho youngest rnbbi In California, was found uncon scious from a bnttered skull and Par tlal strangulation in a downtown hotel room today after he had registered at the hotel with a man in a sailor's uniform. Ho is expected to . die. Habbl Lufco and the stranger entered the hotel In tho early evening hours, tho stranger signing tho name of H. B. Hickman to tho register. Later Kahhl Lafoo telephoned to tho clerk) asking to bo called at six a: ,m., .to day. At four o'clock tho stranger was seen to leave tho hotel, lingering In the lobby long, enouch to' roll a cigarette. . Later tho clerk wont to tho men's room and found tho rabbi senseless and bearing every evidence of a se vere beating and choking. Marks on his neck indicated that a rope or a twisted sheet might have been used on him. Rabbi Lafoo was 'rushed to an emergency hospital where his senses returned long enough for him to Identify himself. UN ABDUCTED The many patrons of the Fair Ground Pavilion will welcome the an nouncement that this popular amuse ment place will open for the summer season Saturday night, April 7th. with Alford and his Imperial orchestra pro- pounuing an or the latest dance hits. The management feels very fortunate in securing this orchestra to furnish high class music for the dance loving public of the valley and will endeavor at all times to keep'up the high stan dard of entertainment as has been their policy in the past. Dances will be held every. Saturday night during tne season with many special parties. In the early part of May thePavillon management and Uie'jackson. County Fair association will hold a "Blossom Carnival' 'for two days, this to be an annual event. The funds raised this year will be used to help build an addition to the grand stand which Is Uadly needed.. - ' As this pavilion Is part of the blind ing program as outlined by the Fair association It should receive the sup port of the entire. valley In Its under takings, this building is the property of the Fair association and as such comes under their regulation and It Is the Wish of the management to at all times cater to the wishes of , the people of Jackson county. The man agement Is open at all times for sug gestions which will In any way bring the amusement as furnished up to what the people want as this amuse ment place Is their and their wishes Bhould be and will be considered. ' The management Is doing all that it can to provide good, clean, wholesome amusement and with this condition existing feels that the coming season Will be a repetition of the very suc cessful ono closed last fall. LO ANGELES, April 4. Mrs. Lou ise Collins, 60, was taken, bound, from her home at Santa Fe Springs nar here early today by five masked men, beaten and ordered to leave town, according to the story she told deputy sheriffs. Tho. woman was found in a roadway by motorists, her head cut and bleeding. Mrs. Collins said the men came into her room where she was sleeping with her husband and carried her in an automobile to an orange grove where the attack was made. She was told by one of the -men that she had been "unfair in business dealings with another, .woman in : connection with a restaurant she conducts' she declared.' ' ' ' Stop that Eczema You can be) free of its itching and danger of spreading t Amazing results have been produced by S. S. S. in cases of eczema, pimples, blackheads and other skin eruptions. 8. S. S. will lead you Into a world "S.S.S. stoppled my eczema I.9.S. will nv to too i w , CA" I abte tUm ClMsrint Fowl I toa probabTy nave never known oe tore, a world of Joy, where pure blood hows through clear, ruby-tinged faces, where clear eyes shine, where strong light and love la welcome, where em barrassment la do more! If you have been troubled with, eczema, and you have used skin application without number, make a tost yourself, on your self, with a bottle of S. S. S., one of the most powerful blood cleansers known, a a S. makes the blood rich and pure, and when your blood Is freed of Im purities, your stubborn eczema, rash, tstter, skin eruptions, pimples, black heads, acne and blotches are bound to disappear. There are no unproven theories Sbout S. 8. S.; the scientific results of each of Its purely vegetable medicinal Ingredients are definitely known and admitted by authorities. 8 8. S. helps build blood-cells that's why It Is such a powcr.'ul body builder. M will fin out your cheeks, help you regain lost weight, S. S. S. Is sold st U good drug stores. The large size fl more economical. C C C vsaket y,? f"! 771 an Km , hke yourteif again I TO CHANGE PLEA YORK, April' 4. Edward J. Collins, counsel for. Evan Burrows Fontaine, dancer, and her mother, Mrs. Florence E. Ames, charged with perjury as an outgrowth of the dan cer's suit against Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney for breach Of promise, today announced that when she withdrew the plea of not guilty In Rockland county yesterday it was a preparatory step to asking for dismissal of the charge. He declined to state on what grounds he would ask for dismissal. Mr. Collins stated he intended to make his motion for dismissal before Judge Wiggins In New York City next Friday. ' E C. DF C. DIRECTORS .The following 36 candtadatea for the nine vacant places to be loft soon on the board 'of "directors of the local chamber of commerce were nominat ed before the chamber of commerce forum at the weekly luncheon at the Hotel Medford this. noon. Committee: J. J. Buchtcr, Wm. War ner, Leon Haskins, Floyd Hart nomi nate and recommend the following members as candidates (or the board of directors of the Medford chamber of commerce! Crater Ticket Ed M. . White, Chester Barr, A, J. Vance. C. A. Knight, Emil Mohr, J. W. Wakefield, Frank , De Souza, Olen Arnsplger, Leon B. Haskins, Hugh B. Rankin, Hamilton Fatten, Wm. Young, M. I. Miiiear, S. F., Richardson, Alex Sparrow, H. S. Deuel, Claude C. Cate. Committee, Ed M. White, chairman, Mrs. Klocker, Joseph Grey, A. C. Hub bard nominate and recommend the following members as candiates for the board of directors of the Medford Chamber of Commerce: W. H. Lydiard, J. H. Cochran, Geo. T. Collins, J. N. Browploe, Floyd Hart, P. M. Kershaw, Volney Dixon, Mrs. Marie Ulrich, Paul McDonald, E. E. Wilson, N. E. Bohnll, M. Montgomery, John R. Tomlin, J. p. Bell, E.' P. Law rence, C. V..WhilIock, R. W. Clancy, Walter Bowen. In addition to these nominations, nominations may be made by members of the chamber, for any other candi date they wish to have on the ticket It is understood that the above lists are merely suggestions, though very good ones, and it Is not compulsory to vote for any of the men named thereon If It is the wish of the voter to nominate someone else, The Craters club is practically 100 per cent Chamber of Commerce In membership but only about 20 percent of the "Crater. Ticket" nominees are members of the Craters club, accord ing to J. J. Buchter, chairman of the nominating committee. FEDERAL PROBE OF I DENVER, April, 4. Tho Times this attoruoon prints a. Btory mat Denver is to bo the scene of two of tho biggest federal investigations ever conducted In' the west soon in which William J. Burns, director of the bureau of investigation of the United States department ot Justice and Federal Prohibition CommU' sioner Haynes will figure. According to tho Times Burns will Investigate federal angles that have developed in the case and consider charges made ngalnst an investigator In the local department of Justice office linking the man with tho Don- ver bunko mon. -Haynes Is coming, says tho Times to take personal chargo of tho acti vities of the intelligence flying squad ron of his department now working here, to probe the recent caso of Father Walter .A.. Grace nnd to con duct a personal. Investigation of the office of E. H. McClennhnn, federal' prohibition enforcement officer for Colorado. 8EATTLK, April 4. Fire, believed to have originated through sponta neous combustion In tho vossel's oil soaked hold, today destroyed the bili'KQ Fresno, moored on Lnko Wash ington, ' Loss was estimated at ?10,, 000. The Fresno was once famous ns u fast clipper ship operating from At lantic coast portH. - she was built by W. Kogeis In Bath. Maine, 4!) years ago. Recently tho vessel had beeu used ns n whaling station tender by tho North . Pacific Sea Products com pany. ... Secretary Denby Arrives SANTO DOMINCfO, April 4. Secre tary of the Navy Denby and tho con gressional party accompanying him arrived here todny on tho tJ. S. S. Henderson from Port au Prince. At 83 cents A Miller's Pure GumRubberApron not rubberoid, but pure gum rubber, ; ifor 83 cents - Heath's Drug Store Phone 884 s ' . 109 East Main Street 14 " We are as near to you as your phone Real Estate Transfers Jos. B.. Ware et uv to H. A. Stearns, pt. lot 2, blk. 8, Ash land .!. $ 10 R. A. Holmes et ux 'to W. TH. Spellman, lot 1, bllt. 2, Bryant Add. to Medford , 50 L. E. Cochran et al vs. Donnegan Orchard Co., SW of NW of SB sec. 13, tp. 35, S. R. 2 W 100 i Mattle E. Brannon et nl to J. E. FIfleld et al, SW of SW sec 23, tp. 39, S. R. 1 E 10 W. E. Buchanan et ux to J. J, Simmerville et ux, lot 1, blk. 23, Butte Falls ..... 10 f Livestock ' PORTLAND, Ore., April 4. Cattle nominally steady; no receipts. Hogs steady to 15c lower; receipts 82. Prime light $3.25 9.35. Sheep nominally steady; no receipts. Butter PORTLAND, Ore., April 4. Butter firm. Extra cubes 42 43c; under grades.3840c; prints 47c; cartons 48c. Dairy buying price ' nominal; Butterfat f.o.b. Portland 46c Portland Wheat PORTLAND. Ore., April 4. Wheat: Hard white, bluestem, baart 1134; sole white $124; western tvhlte $123; hard winter, northern spring, western red $1.17. Today's car receipts Wheat 28; flour 8; corn 2; oats 1; hay 6. San Francisco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, April 4 (State Division of Markets). Broilers 45 48c; fryers 435c: young roosters 3840c; Jackrabbits nominal. SAN FRANCISCO. April 4. (U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics). Eggs, extras 29V4C extra pullets 26c; undersized 21 He SAN FRANCISCO, April 4 Butter fat unchanged. Chicago Markets CHICAGO, April 4. Wheat No. 1 hard. $1-22H; No- 2 hard $1.22 ti 1.22 Corn, No. 3 mixed Hit'oc. Oats. -o 2 white 45HP46C; No. 2 white 44 (S45V4C. Rye. No. 2, 83c. Barley 61& 71C. Timothy seed $5 ff 6.60. Clo ver seed 113.50 18.50. Pork nominal. Lard $11.32. Ribs $9.62(8 10.62. News Summary of Last Night CONSTANTINOPLE Prohibition has gone into effect in Constantinople and any person found drinking alco holic beverages will rr"- ' ,,.' i.i. imst nndo while for- elgners nnd traders selling ll'iunr are liable to a fine of niiy DAYTIME FROCK This nvirt, slim little frock of deep brown veloun cloth Is light ened by icrossed vest, sleeve ruffle and a pleated drape at the side front of the skirt, all of which are blege georgette. Girdle is of metal cloth with buttons and button holes to match! SULPHUR CLEARS ROUGH. RED SKIN Facet Neck and Arms Easily Made Smooth, Says Speoialist Anv hreakinff out of the skin, even fiery, itching edema, can be quickly overcome by applying a little Mcntho Sulphtir, declares a noted skin special ist Because of its germ destroying properties, this sulphur preparation be gins at once to soothe irritated skin and heal eruptions such as rash, pimples and ring worm. It seldom fails to remove the torment and disfigurement and you do not have to wait "for relief from embarrassment. Improvement quickly shows. Sufferers from skin trouble should oblain a small jar of Rowles Mcntho-Sulphur from any good druggist aud use it like cold cream, E SEATTLE, April 4. Leaders among miners In the Roslyn-Cle Elum dis tricts were to meet Martin J. Flyzik, president of district ten, United Mine Workers of America this afternoon to discuss plans for a later meeting with operators for the negotiation of the new agreement. The joint meeting ot miners and operators, tentatively scheduled for- today, was postponed for a short time, it was announced. NOBLE BATTLE CAIRO, April 4. The Earl of Car narvron's phyHicinns virtually aban doned last night any hope of his re covery and the family gathered around the bedside anticipating the worst, but ho rallied, never losing consciousness. ' Today : his tempera ture was 101 and he maintained the slight improvement noted last night. He was still weak, but less depressed. His physicians regard the fight for life he Is making as remarkable. NEW YORK Tom Gibbons, St. Paul light heavyweight will bo per mitted to meet Jack Dempsey for tho heavyweight title If he first dofcats Jack Renault, Canadian, tho New York boxing commission ruled. 8 IB Wor ldur worn There are certain nec essary accessories to your bath which should not be overlooked whon you are furnish ing or refurnishing it. We sell only tho most , approved equipment. Modern Plumbing i , & Heating Co. j Sparta Bldg. Phone 020 ..iJ..i.l..!l.lJll!.l..)l.l...!l.lH!l,II.1..H1..1 Biscuits v. Mix and sift 2 cups Olympic Flour, I teaspoon salt, 4 teaspoons baking pow der; work in 2 tablespoons shortening with finger tips; gradually add cup milk or equal parts of milk and water, mixing it with knife to a soft dough. Toss on floured board, roll lightly to H inch in thickness, cut with biscuit cutter, place in pan, brush top with melted shortenina or milk. Bake in hot oven 12 to 15 minutes. She makes them better with Olympic Flour L Your little girl the housewife kb oc ean learn no more important lesson than that good flour is the basis of better cooking. Your experience proves that Olympic Flour has a uniform perfec-, tion Which makes i t preferred. Insist on Olympic Flour it is made of the finest wheats; tested to meet the highest stand ards. Isold by grocers everywhere. . . .! -' f ' ' ' ! ' PORTLAND FLOUR MILLS CO., Portland, Oregon , ; ( Irtjills at Portland Oregon and'Tacoma, Vashingfen Manufacturers of Olympic Pancako Flour and Olympic WheatBearta" ' Strong Drink Is Now Taboo But STRENGTH in a CAR is increasingly ib demand. The Jewe'tt has it! - ' ; No need for stimulants when you drive this sturdy thoroughbred. It's a Jewett. Red blood' goes coursing through your veins as it conquers at your bidding and leaps to action at your slightest command. It's a Jewett IT'S A HE MAN'S CAR, and pbeys Milady like a faithful dog as well. s - , Drive a Jewett - ! Crater Lake Automotive Co. i 123 South Front Paige and Jewett Dealers 4 ' " ' ' Vhone2i)21 pounds .