Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 04, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    !icri I if
Ur st J. .hi i
J! tin
f ocal arid
J Personal
What Is said to be a record break
ing fish catch for so early In the sea
son was made yesterday In the Rosue
river below the Savage Rapids dam,
when "Chick" Ifawk, assisted by Chas.
Fanner landed a 35 pound fresh water
Chinook salmon on a No. 6 all brtiBS
Colorado spinner. They were fishing
In a boat and it took two hours to land
the' monster, during which time they
several times nearly capsized the
boat. The big fish Is on exhibition In
the how window of the Young Hard
wire company. The boys connected
with another large fish earlier In the
day, but Called to land him.
The really- dependable silk stock
ings are the- Cortlcelll. Handicraft
Shop, - - 13
Children cared for by hour, day or
week. 612 Dakota, v ... 16
. Flowering shrubs and evergreens.
Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2.
' , tf
,9. F. Relchert na's taken opt a build
ing permit to erect two frame bunga
lows at an approximate cost of 25U0
each on the north side of West Main
street, between Oakdale and' North
orange streets. -
.New phonograph for sale at . half
price. Terms. Phone 729-W. 17
For Sale General merchandise
stock, small town, Invoice about five
thousand. ' Doing fine business. Ad
dress Heath and Herman, Qrants Pass,
Oregon. " ' ' " . 11
Harness and leather goods repaired.
Medford Hardware & Sporting Goods
Co. - -! "'" 10'
' A small audience greeted the Uni
versity of Oregon Qirls Glee club at
the high school auditorium lust night
and heard a program of excellent ar
rangement executed with rare ability.
The girls sing In Ashland tonight be
fore starting on their trip to Eugene.
- Earliest of all. Early Sunrise and
Mortgage Lifter seed potatoes 214c
per pound. Watkins' Feed Store.
Phone 269. - 16
- All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. '711
B. Main. - " :
We have 'good values' fn used cars.
Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf
. At the regular mooting of tho Parent-Teacher
circle at the Civic Club
house In Ashland Thursday at 2:30
o'clock, Mrs. Glenn Frabrlck of Med
ford, county chairman of the state
association, will glvo an address.-
.'.Choice everbloomiug roses. Eden
Vftlley Nursery. Phone C80-J-2. tf
'. Have your rugs washed on your own
floors most . convenient, . sanitary
method, kills germs, no dust raised.
Got your order In early. E. L. Davis,
Phono 644. 211 Stark St SO
Does your tiny girl need a Mary
Moore dress? Handicraft Shop. 13
"This month, famed for its gentle
April showors, so far has heon more
like March In a tempestuous mood,
and today was a very dlsagroeahlo
wet and chilly one with a southeast
wind blowing a 32 nitto an hour gale
much of the time which drove tho rain
n'round lively. Onfy .01 of an inch of
rain fell during tho 21 hours undlng at
8 a. m. today. Kuln is tho prediction
for Thursday.
. "Unby Blue Eyes", we want to soe
you at the Fair Grounds Pavilion Sat
urday night Alford's Imperial orches
tra. .. ' H
Twelve inch slab wood 11.60 per
tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more.
Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley
Fuel Co., Phone 78-
You can get it at DeVoe's. tf
The old express gag which was
worked here about eight VearB ago, Is
ngaln 'proving lucrative to a man who
is being sought by the local and conn
ty offlcora. ' Sovoral Grants Pass peo-
plo have proven suscoptlblo to tho
lure of mystorlous packages which
are said to have been mlssont to other
towns and on which charges are due
to have them forwarded hero. In many
caneB the pooplo hnvo unhesitatingly
given the money to have tho packages
sent hero only to find that thoy have
boon tho victims or tho old gag.
Grants Pass Courier..
Nool L. Ersklne gives. piano lessons
nt puplla' homes. Phono 729-W; 17
. TliornleBs blackberry plants.' Eden
Valloy Nursery. -' Phono 680-J-J. : tf
Closing out all our farm machinery,
several good buya. Tntton & Robin'
son. Ino. " i .If
.. Colonial Garago for tire service.
Whim Mixed ' With Sulphur, It
: Brings Hack Its Hunutiful
!, Lustre nt Onc'o
tlriiy hnlr. howovor handsome. dc
notes advnnclng ngo. Wo nil know
tho iuliintuR of a youlhful appear
nor. Your hnlr Is your charm. It
niski'S or mnrs tho fnro. When It
fades, lurna Kiny and looks streaked.
Just a few Applications of 8nn Ten
and Hulplmr enhances its nppvurnnce
n hundred-Mlil.
, Don't stnv may! Louk. young!
Elthir nrrimro the reclpo nt homo or
get from nny drtiff store ft buttle of
Wyoth's Hiiro and Hulphur Com
pound," which Is merely the old-time
rcolpo Improved by tho addition of
othor ingredients. Thousands of
folks recommend this rondy-to-use
preparation, because It darkens the
rMr beautlfnlly, besides, no one enn
possibly tell, as It darkens so unto
rally, and evenly. , You moisten i
aponRe' or 'soft lirunh with It, draw
ing this through the iiulr, taking one
small strand at a time, lty morning
tho arny hair disappears: after nn
other application or two. its nnturu
rnlor is restored and It : becomes
thick (lossy and ' lustrous and you
appear yearn younger, Aav
The regular yearly business and
social meeting of the Pfioenix church i
will be held on Friday evening, April
6th, at Clyde hall, beginning with a .
supper to be served without charge at '
7 o'clock. Every member and atten-and
dant of the church with their families I
Is invited and urged to come. After
supper there will be the hearing of re
ports, election of officers, and other
business. A full attendance la do-
Soo the new Egyptian yarn at the
Handicraft Shop. 13
Crescent orchestra dance, Eagle
Point, Sat. April 7th. 13
When better automobiles are built.
Bulck will build them. tf
Mrs. Pete Ingram received a long.
distance telephone message from
Olympla, Wn., stating that her broth
er, Willie Do Roboam was killed Tues
day, April 3rd by a falling tree. Mr.
De Roboam was well known here.
Earliest of all," Eearly Sunrise and
Mortgage Lifter seed potatoes 214 c
per 'pounfd. Watkins' Feed Store.
Phone 269. ' ' . '. 10
There's a busy ' Business College
In your home town. GWN.
Alaska Inv. & Dev. Co.'b stockhold
ers please write to 620 Consolidated
Clulldlng, 6th and Hill, Los Angeles,
Calif. - ....... h
D. R. Wood loft thlB morning oh a
business' visit of a day or two at
Dance, Sat Jackson's Hot Spring.
' ' ' 10
Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co.
All kinds of rough and dresBed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711
E. Main. '" , . ; '
Herbert White was ono of tho local
businesB visitors In Grants Pass yes
terday., An easy garment to finish is the
Pacific Package garment. Handicraft
Shop. - : , 13
Brown says he fixes them while
you wait: ' 1 7tf
Ding cherry trees. 7 Eden Valley
yursery. Phone 680-J-2. ' tf
J. H. Cochran, manager of the Pa
cific Mutual Life Insurance company,
with offices in the First National
Bank building in this city, today re
ceived a pflrttflrAtA of mnmhnrnhln in
an; organization known as the Big
Tree Club of the Pacific Mutual, for
business paid for during the year
1922. To gain membership to this
club, an agent must produce at least
$200,000 Worth of pald-for business
during the year. As Mr. Cochran did
not tako over the management of the
Pacific Mutual until June first last
year, the membership In tho Dig Tree
club IB doubly prized the full- quota
of btiBlnoss being produced between
June first and December thirty-first.
Earliest or all, Karl fcjunrlso, and
Mortgage Lifter seed potatoes 2c
por pound. Watkins Feed . Storo,
Phone 09. 10?
Brown says he has lots of them.
103 N. Central. . 7tf
Moved to 624 N. Riverside Ave.
Phone 474, City Cleaning and Dyeing
Co. ' ' " - 1
This evening nt Ashland will bo
hold a stated conclave of Malta coin
mandory, Knights Templar, where the
ouestlon of Installing a now comnian
dory in Medford will bo discussed,
among other matters. Suppor will be
served at 6:30 p. m. '
Dance! Dance! Jackson Hot Spring.
' , 13
.Moved to 624 N. Riverside Ave.
Phone 474, City Cleaning and Dyeing
Co. ., --; 12
Brown has a first class shoe repair
Bhop. - 7tf
Water was "turned Into tho south
sldo canal of the Grants PnBS Irrlga
Hon district Monday morning, Altho
there has boon gome rain It has not
boen sufficient to give tho ground a
surplus and the water is bolng provld
ed to keep the ground moist. The
gatos at tho dam were raised Sunday
and the wator allowed to back up and
go over tho top bf tho dam. One of
the gates will be kopt down, duo to
tho amount of wator in tho river.
Auto Insurance. Brown ft White.
Brown's shoo hospital will hoel your
shoos, 103 N. Contra!. 7tf
Colonial Oarnge for tire service. 319
William Dohrmnn Jr. of Forest
Grove has been notified that his Jer
sey cow. La Creole St. Saviour's boll,
Is tho world's champion In her class,
having won tho gold modal and modal
of morlt In a 30-day tost
, Tho Mall Tribune has put in a new
carriage for handling big ; , rolls of
paper and has about 60 feot of carriage
track equlppod with hangors and car
riage for 1600 pounds; Just the thing
for a hay hnrn. garago or warehouse.
If you nood anything of this kind see
It nt once. A bargain. tf
Have you heard lied Moon af
plnyod by Alford's Imperial orchestra
Fair Grounds Pavilion, Saturday night
April "th. 14
Twolve-lnch slab rood li.SO per Her
delivered by taking 4 tier or more
Hand picked wood, mOBtly fir. Valley
Fuel Co. Phone 78. tf
Tho Modern Woodmon of America
held a class adoption nt Jacksonville
last night and will hold another one
In this city tonight
Brown sells shoos. 103 K. Central.
Milk and oream at DeVoe's. tf
Look hero! Baby chick scratch.
whllo It lasts $3.00 por hundred. Now
grnnlto grit going at 11.25 per hundred
Spnrry's egg mash nt 12.76 por hun
dred. Cupp ft Shirley Prod. Co. 12
Frank Branch Riley left Portland on
Monday on his seventh trans contincn
tal lecture tour, in the middlewcst and
esst, carrying with him his complete
electrical and projection equipment
and the same staff used In former pub.
Ilclty campaigns. He will repent the
story of the Pacific Northwest The
tour opens In Salt Lake City April 4.
"lpu'vo Got to See Your Mama
Every Night" as played by Alford's
Imperial orchestra. Fair Grounds Pa
vllhin. Sat night. It's go. 14
Crescent orchestra dance, Eagle
Point, Sat. April 7th. 13
Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden
Valley Nursery, Thone 6S0-J-3. tf
The work of cutting out a new en-
trance on Sixth street for the fire de-
nartnieht headquarters Is progressing.
The alterations in these headquarters
will be tho first move In the altering
Improving of the city hall at an
estimated expense of $3000.
Tumy writes all forms of Insurance.
, 14
Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nursery.
Phone 680-J-2. , . .. . j: U
All kinds of rough apd dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108,. 711
East Main. , . .'
Rev. Amos, of Portland, " arrived
Monday In Ashland, to begin, work as
Sunday school missionary for the
Presbytery of southern Oregon. Mr.
Amos's family will remain In Portland
until school closes. . . ' ' '
Look here! Baby chick scratch,
while It lasts, $3.00' per hundred. New
granite grit going at f 1.25 per hundred
Sperry g egg mash at $2.75 per hun
dred. Cupp & Shirley Prod. Co; 12
Baled hay for sale. J. H. parkin. 348
Spray hoso 20 cents per foot Cra
ter Lake Hardware Co. tf
Taxes for the first half of 1923 not
paid by tomorrow will become delin
quent nnd bear a penalty of 1 per cent
a month or 12 per cent a year. .
We will loan you money to build or
buy Holmes the Insurance Man.
Phone Tumy 402 for auto insurance.
'. '., ' I
Crescent orchestra dance, ' Eagle
Point, Sat. April 7th. '. "13
The Girls' Glee club of the Univer
sity of Oregon which sang here last
night, glveB a concert In Ashland to
night, and will sing In Grants' Pass on
Thursday night ' '
Dance! Dance! Jackson Hot Spring.
. . - . , 13
Fruit, nut and shade trees. Eden
Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf
For sand, gravel, sediment and team
work see Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple
street. Phone 912-J.
Rev. E. P. Lawrence, paBtor of the
PreBhyterlan church, with his family
has moved to their new home at 513
South Newtown street, ' but he has
moved his study to 41 South Holly
street the old Presbyterian manse.
Rev. Mr. Howe, the new pastor of the
Christian church, and family have
moved to 25 South Orange, the former
home of the Lawrence family.
"Call Me Back Pall-O-Mine" and
meet me at the Fair Grounds Pavilion,
Saturday night April 7th. ' 14
Gladlola bulbs. EcJea Valley Nursery
Phone 680-J-2. tf
Do not buy an electric washer until
we have demonstrated the new May
tag to you. Crater Lake Hardware
Co. tf
A dance will be given next Friday
Molay chapter at Grants Pass and alii. ' ... f ,'.'
M,irr,rrt tL Mmv. rt ti,ir ml. In Medford today transacting business.
are invited to attend.
Auto insurance, Brown ft White, tf
Crescent orchestra dance, Eagle
Point, Sat April 7th. 13
Autos washed and polished at Med
ford Auto Co. Bulck Service, corner
Main and Holly. Satisfaction guaran
teed. 325
J. M. Stockfish from San Francisco,
assistant sales manager of the Associ
ated Oil company arrived in Medford
this morning for a brief business visit
with the officials of tho local branch
of the company.
Astoria merchants did not expect a
fire. Does your Insurance cover tho
full value of your stock? Telephone
Tumy No. 402 for insurance. Office
Liberty Bldg. ' 1 14
Brown, 103 N. Central, has little
ones nnd big ones.. 7tf
We, can still furnish spray hose' for
20 cents per foot. Crater Lake Hard
ware Co. ' " ' tf
'That man Durant" is the man who
mado a success of the General Motors
and Fishor Body corporations. In two
years ho has made the Durant corpora
tion a phenomenal success. , Now Is
offering for snlo stock In the Hayes-
Hunt Body corporation undor a guar
anteed income on tho Bnme contract
undor which ho made Fishor Body so
successful. Any ono wishing to pur-
chaso stock call Dr. E. H. French,
Phone 01 S. ... . .
See Brown for shoes. tf
After the fire It Is too late to Insure.
Soo Roddon & Canndny now.
Blacksmith coal nt Modford Lbr. Co.
A near ncctdont occurred last night
on the Pacific highway north of the
city, when a touring car stopped on
tho highway to fix a tire. The car did
not havo four whools off the pave
ment, as law requires, and all the
lights were turned off, with the excep
tion of the spotlight which was
turned on tho wheel being worked on.
A Ford coupe approaching from the
rear did not see the car until almost
on it making It necessary to throw
on the brakes so hard that the coupe
turned completely around and was
thrown Into tho bank by tho roadside.
Tho passengers In the coupe, while
not Injured, wore severely shaken up,
It Is reported. Grants Pass Courier.
Wednesday, March 7th was lucky
day. Crator Lake Hardware Co. 11
Take your kodak films to Palmer's
studio. - First class work and propipt
aervlre. tf
Mrs. J. F. Reddy returned yesterday
from a month's visit In l,os Angeles
with Dr. Reddy.
Let's go to Brown's for shoes. 10S
N Cehlrnl. - - - 7tf
Brown trades what jt)U have for
what you want ' 7tf
A decided pick-up In tho local real
estnto business has been evident In
the past week or so according to local
real estate agents who stnte that busi
ness Is better at present than It has
been for months.
Grape vines: Tokay, Muscat Mal
aga, Roso Peru. Zlnflndell. Thompsons
Seedless. Trellis grapes: Concord,
Urlghton, Wordon, Agawam, Niagara
and Campbell's Early. Eden Valley
Nursery. Phono 680-J-2. tt
Mr. end Mrs. Robert Brownlee left
Sunday for their former home In Luce
dale, Miss. i
Wednesday, March 7th was lucky
day.- Crator Lake Hardware Co. 11
George' Gates' spent yesterday ' In
Grants Pass on business connected
with the Ford agency. '.- -
Genuine Blsch Magneto parts and
repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and
Bartlett. If
Gus Newbury 'departed ' yesterday
afternoon for San Francisco where he
will spend three Or four .days or a
week on business.
' R. J? Red setting egsa at .DeVoe'fc.
Just 'a line to remind you that T will
gladly) duplicate any bonafide .order
booked by a transierit agent for, the
same pr less mbnejr and give you bet
ter sorv.lce. f tif S. Bennett prop. Eden
Valley. Nursery. ... Phone, 680-J-2. ;j. tf
Mr. and' Mrs: R.' Leonard" have re
cently purchased the Edwards builga
low on Edwards Street from 3. C.
Barnes and wlll'mako their "hotne
there in the near future. ' " ' : '
Blight resistant pear trees tor fall
delivery. ' Old Home on Pyrus L'ssuri
ensis. Home grown Old Home and
Chleh on Japan. Eden Valley Nursery,
Phone 680-J-2.' - ' tf
M. V. Swartz has purchased'8 acres
or 'apples and' pears on the midway
drive between Medford and Central
Point, Just off .the Pacific, highway.
Mr. Swartz 1b a .retired merchant.of
Minneapolis, Minn.', and has come
here to make his home. His family is
now enrotite to Medford by auto. The
sale was made'by J. C. Barnes. ' -
Cetnent and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co.
::.' '- : tt
"X marrhige .license was; Issued In
Grants Pass on Monday afternoon to
Charles Alexander .Thompson;' of Jack
sonville, and Nora Ella Anderson of
High school students were busy this
morning arranging the scenery for the
high school operetta to be presented
at the page tonight.
Elimination of some of the "blind"
curves along the Pacific highway be
tween here and Medford, is steadily
increasing, that just beyond Jackson's
Hot Springs in particular has been
trimmed, permitting motorists to see
much farther around the curve. In
addition the grade on each side of the
pavement 1b being Improved . while
crushed rock Is being placed next to
the pavement so that vehicles leaving
the hard surface will not get stuck in
the mud. Ashland Tidings.
The county court met today in regu
lar session for April. A number, of
delegations "called" to make known
their wants. Bills were also allowed.
In addition to. the rush of paying
taxes tho past month Sheriff Ten-Ill's
office bos served papers in 181 civil
cases that were filed.
T. B. Hayhurst, manager ' or the
Grants Pass division of the Pacific
., , Notice. , .
To growers and packers of apples
nnd pears: '
In pursuance ' of the law enacted
by the last legislature, requiring the
State Board of Horticulture to set the
standard for state grades and packs
of apples and pears, there will be
hold In tho office, of the State Board
of Horticulture in the Court House,
Portland, a meeting to discuss the
proposed grades . and packs. This
meeting will bo held at 10 a. ni.
April 9th.
This Is a very Important matter to
growers and packers of apples and
pears In Oregon and it Is urged that
all who can should be present at this
meeting. If you cannot go have a
representative there.
J . " A. C. ALLEN, '
'. Hort. Com. prd Dist. 1
Knights Templar Conclave
Malta Commandery No. 4
meets in Mnsonlc hall, Ash
land, on Wednesday even
ing, April 4. The propoBl-
fWAV Hon of Instituting a new
commandory at Medford will come up
for decision as to granting permission
under regulations. , All members are
not only invited, but urged to be pres
ent, sojourners and visitors being
courtoously wolcomed also. Supper
will bo sorved at 6:30 o'clock.
'. . F. 11. JOHNSON, Era. 'Com.
10 ' W. H..DAY, llocorder. ,
Notice of Publlo Hearing
To tho Citizons of Medford, Oregon:
You nre hereby notified that thero
will be held in the Council Chamber
In the Cltv Hall at Medford. Orogon,
at the hour of 7:30 p. m April 9. 1923,
a public hearing on the ' proposed
Zoning Ordinance for the City of
Medford, submitted by the City Plan
ning Commission.
Secretary of the City Planning
15 Commission - .
Notice ... - - . ....
Sho stockholders meeting . of the
Diamond Lake Improvement Go. will
be held at tho Library tbplglit at 7:30.
'.'' : : ' , ii
T60 late to classify
TOR SALK OR. TRADE for stock, 8
Inch centrifugal pump, 300 foet S
and 6-Inch Irrigating pipe, single
row Planet Junior bean and corn
planter. No. 36 Iowa cream separa
tor with hand and power drive at-
tachments. Call or write Adolf
SchuU, Medford, Ore, , 310
WANTED Unliable woman to care
for child age two. Mother employed.
Write Box 12, Mall Tribune. 11
FOR RKXT Offices, 125 E. Main St.
Sprague Rlegcl. Gold Hill. 1
FOR SALK Now booking orders for
Angora bucks sired by registered
buck, Oregon Id. winner at state
fair. Webster ranch. 6S5-J-3. 17
Cottage plan. We hnvo four acres
and four houses boslde cabins. lor
our sanitarium'. 12
Handicraft Shop.
Bnttni eoTarsd,
Pico tine
8o per Tti. i
Tho city council. disposed of a large
grist of bysluess last night Including j
the passing bf fti iiutnbor of segrega- j
(ton '! property '"ordinances, taking
steps to bring 'the management pf the
Jacksonville railroad to time, recelv-:
tng the resignation ofXUy Attomcyi
Ffi V. Mears and approving the ap
pointment of John H. Carkln to that
office, and the approving of the;
usual monthly , bills, besides pass-.
ing the resolution looking to build
ing a subway oh Sixth street, as relat
ed elsewhere In, this paper. )
The mayor and councilmen an
gered by the ldng delay of the mdn-
agement of the Jacksonville railroad ;
In repairing its ' street 'crossings in
the city have been goaded Into action
at last, henco unanimously decided:
lust night to notify that management j
that unless they had this yfork under
way and would give substantial "guar-;
antee that It would be carried on to,
completion, by the next council meet-j
lug, April. 17' Jhe ralbrond's fran-j
chise "would be rescinded and its i
iracki't'orn up.- . ; ' !
. The resignation of Mr. Mears and ,
the appointment of his successor by i
Mayor Gaddls of John Carkln, It had I
been known would take place ever,
since the new administration assum-j
ed office In January, and hence creat-!
ed no surprise. However the coun-I
ell asked Mr.. Mears to remain in of-1
fice for a week or ten days yet to
clean up some pending city cases In
the courts and other matters, as Mr.
Carkln has his hands full with delin
quent property matters and In addi
tion is revising the city ordinances
for ten years aback and drawing up
the new zoning ordinance for the city 1
planning commission. The work In
the .city attorney's office has so
bunched up for some time past that
It has kept two men busy:
As soon as his pnrt of 'the Work is
completed Mr. Mears will rcmovo to
Had Close Shave
"My wlfo and children thought I
wns dying "when, after an attack of
acute pains In my stomach, I became
unconscious. It wns right after our
Sunday dinner. They sny I looked!
like dead nnd guess I had a pretty)
close shave. I had been having
more or less . stomnclv. troqble I aad ,
bloating with' 'gas .'for. '.fKo pu5A' twd J
years and could got no permanent
help. -Talking with a friend about,
my attack.' ho advised "me to try,
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. I have I
not nnd ftny gas or' stomach trouble!
sinco taking It eighteen motnhs ago." j
It is a simple, harmless preparation
that removes the catarrhal mucus ;
fro mtho Intestinal tract and allays
the Inflammation which causes prac
tically nil stomach, liver nnd Intes
tinal ailments. Including nppendicitlH.
One dose will convince or money re
funded Fur. sulo at all druggists.
'. ... '.-. Adv.
Our meals , are the
talk of the town.
Merchants' Lunch
Short Orders
We Suggest That You ,
Give Them - a Trial , -
The Shasta
r: . t. . i- - , :i
- - &. 1 a ' ' -.' ' . ;"".." :B"vr. ".::;
Fair Ground Pavilidri
Saturday Night, Apnl1
. .' N ; :: for the summer season; ' ' 'r-
Alford's Imperial Orchestra
- :
Los Angeles, to which city 'his wife
apd son left several weeks ago. 1 Mr.
(arkln has been the special attorney
for several years past for the city in
looking after Important tax work and
taking over and disposing of prop
erties for delinquent taxes. As soon
as the present rush Is cleared up, in
his capacity as city attorney, he will
took after the duties of both offices.
In dilating on the necessity at tne
council meeting last night of the city
Here's High Praise
from the
' ' , ".famous t ' J ; ' '
i flaying under the-title of . . -
We thought some of our pictures during the past
j.. few weeks were very nearly the best on the j
a. screen-i-but read what the San Francisco Taperft"i : , fc . '
say:. .;-;"','.' i ' r- '
Josephine Bartlett says: "Bully!"" ' ."
j, . in her criticism in the Journal: "A better picture, has hot
, been shown at Loew's' Warf teld. Plot, casting, direction a.nd
, titling are superlatively good."
Listen to Idwal Jones:
: : Who says in the Daily News: "Roars across the screen like
i - a fast freight. . Those. who hanker for'100 per cent entertain''
ment, get a good run for their money."
Swint of.the Call Likes
f'Sets Nerves Atingle."
"None Can Compare,"
'Thrills De Luxe;" Buford Bennett, '
MATIXICK: Adults... :15c
!' ' 'KWtllcs 10c
NIGHTS: Adults I ...50c
,, . ' Kiddies 1 25c
jJL- n JL
Nobody Knows But Jessie
and She Won t Tell
Until Tomorrow Nignt -
Mtct lo Here Tolnori'oSv
7' 4 tickets $1.10 "
What You've Been Waiting For
retaining the services of Mr. Mears
for two webks longer Mr. Carkln paid
a hl$h tribute to the retiring city at
torney by stating that. In his work
bf looking over the ordlnan6es for a
period of ten years post he had found
the ordinances for the past six years
in such fine condition In phraseology
and legality that they needed no
change or revision. Mr. Mears had
held the office of city attorney1 for
the past slt'years and thre tnonths.-
-l.V, ,..
If luiJC
vt' .tic.
. .
critics for , , .
I !.-.
It, Too.
Geo. Warren,
Says Gillaspey,
1' .. l ,- l
TOXItfHT ; ' "
Medfortl' High School ' presents
B. G.
"t tt. ..-cr: "