PAGE- TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, BEDFORD, OREO ON, TUESDAY, APRTL 3. 1923 Focal and Personal So far as could be loarned up to eurly tills afternoon but little ilumnBe ; was done to tbe uIobboiiis and budB of i the early fruit trees by the hurd hail ! utorm of yesterday afternoon. County ; Agent Cate and Floyd Youns, the ! frost expert, were making a tour of : t lip valley today investigating Into this feature. Nineteen hundredths of an Inch of rain during the 24 hours ending this morning ut 8 o'clock, to be added to the .18 of an Inch that had ; fallen Saturday and Sunday. Probable rain Is the prediction for Wednesday. : Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. '. 10 ! Twelve-Inch slab wood ti.EO per tier j delivered by taking i tier or more, j Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. M Mur. 20 was Lucky Day at Deuel's. 10 ( Elaborate preparations have been . completed for the big gathering of the members of the Kilts lodge next Thursday night, on the occasion oMhe installation of new officers, which ; event will bo Immediately followed by ' a smoker. Brown sells shoes. 103 N. Central. tf Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf Crescent orchestra dance, Eagie' Point, Sat. April 7th. ' 13 O. C. Boggs has again returned to his regular business duties following a week's Illness with a severe cold, ukin to the flu, which has left him In a. much weakened condition. Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tf - Tumy writes all forms of insurance. .. .... i4 Crafting wax. Eden Valley Nursery. Phnne B80-J-2. . . ' tr ' It has Just become known that some time ago another Medford physician and surgeon was elected Into member ship In the American College of Sur geons, that high honor having been conferred on Dr. R. J. Conroy, who will go to Chicago next summer to be initiated into this world famed body of leading surgeons of the United States. The other Medford member Is Dr. E. B. Picket, who has been a member for some time past. What makes the honor all the more appreci ated by these two men Is that election and membership came to each un asked for. Mur. 20 was Lucky Day at Deuel's. 10 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 Rast Main. Kiilnd hny for snle. J. H. Carkln. 348 Dr. and Mrs. Frank Roberts of this j city wero week end vlsItorB In Grants l'ass. ) Sprny lmao 21 cents pej foot. Crit ter Lake Hardware Co tf We will loan you money to build o buv HolmPH the Tnsurnnrp Man. Phone Tumy 402 for auto Insurance. 14 The city council will hold Its first meeting of the month tonight, at which many rautlno and other matters will be discussed. Crescent orchestra dance, Point, Sat. April 7th. Fruit, nut and shade trees. Valloy Nursery. Phone C80-J-2. Euglo 13 Eden tf For sand, gravel, sediment and toam work soe Samuol Bateman, 302 Maplo Btrcet. Phone 812-J. Positive assurance that the head of fices of the Hartman Syndicate of the Pacific Coast would be established in Ashland was given this morning by H. W. Hartman, president, with the an nouncement that preliminary work was begun today on remodeling the concrete building on Pioneer street, north of the alley back of the Ashland hotel, for an up to date office building. Offlcos, Mr. Hartman stated, would consist of five rooms. Cladlola bulbs. Eden Valley Nursery Phone 680-J-2. tf Fresh "Hot-Shot" Batteries for your spray rigs. Eleotrto Shop, S. Bartlett street. ' 819 Guests of relatives In the Applegate are Mr. and Mrs. Phil Motschan and duughtor, Phyllis Jean, and Misa Erna Cavanaugh, of Portland who nrrlvod on Sunday by auto. Do not buy an eloctrto washer until wo have demonstrated the new May tag to you. Crater Lake Hardware Co. tf Auto Insurance, Brown ft Will to. If JfJSOflwcc A JLITTLE CHAT on the desirability, yes, tho ne cessity, of your having a policy of Burglary Insurance.' Come In. and consult us It will cost you nothing and not obligate you. And you may profit by . the opportunity. . - McCURDY Insurance Agency. ' , , T1. 123 Mcdfonl Nntlnnnl I Wink Mnlfonl, Oregon Itl.lg Though the two carloads of machin ery belonging to the syndicate wero shipped to Medl'ord the last of the week, these will be returned to Ash land late this afternoon and unloaded here. No attempt was made to unload these In Medford, and the cars were "spotted" In a position where all who drove along the main street could see. Ashland Tidings. Crescent orchestra dunce. Eagle Point, Sat. April 7th. 13 Autos washed and polished at Med ford Auto Co. Bulck Service, corner Main and Holly. Satisfaction guaran teed. 325 Astoria merchants did not expect a fire. Does your Insurance cover the J full value of your stock? Telephone Tumy No. 402 for Insurance. Office Liberty Bldg. 14 Mrs. Henry Calhoun leaves tomor row for Oakland, Calir., to Join her husband In the city who went there several weeks ago. They plan to re side In Oakland, at least until next fall. ' Mar. 20 was Lucky Day at Deuel's. 10 Brown, 103 N. Central, has little ones and big ones. 7tf We can still furnish Bpray hose for 20 cents per foot Crater Lake Hard ware Co. tf The housing situation at Cold Hill, according to news dispatches, is more acute than it any time since the war. A number of the employes of the ce- 1fi mI. ..' to and from work. Try our wet wash, 6c per t. Amer ican Laundry. Phone 873. 325 See Brown for Bhoes. tf After the fire It Ib too late to Insure. See Redden & Canaday now. Cy Stevens of Medford was married Friday to Miss Elmo. Johnson of this city at Yreka, Cal. Miss Johnson had resided for some time with her par ents, who are residents of the lower river In the vicinity of Ferrydale. Mr. Stevens Is a driver of one of tbe lnterurban cars which travel between Medford and Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens expect to make their home In Medford. Grants Pass Courier. Our household furniture must be sold this week. D. E. Millard, 521 West Eleventh. Phone 133. 10 Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. 10 Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co. ' tf I Orover Corum returned last nlelit from Butte Falls where he has been for the past week looking over his homestead and doing some Improve ment work there. Wednesday, March 7th was lucky day. Crater Lake Hardware Co. 11 Take yonr kodak films to Palmer's Btudio. First class work and prompt service. tf Let's go to Brown's for shoes. 103 N. Central. 7tf Ed Morris, Western Cartridge com pany representative from Portland arrived in Medford this morning for a several days business visit. Hrown trades what you have for , what you want. 7tf I Our household furniture must be sold this week. D. E. Millard, 521 West Eloventh. Phone 133. 10 j Grape vines: Tokay, Muscat, Mul I oga, Rose Peru, Zlnfindell, Thompsons Seedless. Trellis grapes: Concord, Brighton, U'ordon, Agawam, Niagara and Campboll's Enrly. Eden Valley Nursery. 1 Phono 680-J-2. tf Of lntorest to Boparato Company A members and tho national guard else where throughout the state is the news that recognition of the 42 years of service of Colonel Claren E. Dentler regular army, will be given by the Oregon National Guard, for which or ganization he has been senior Instruc tor for many years In the form of a rovlew in his honor at the Armory in Portland. In further commemoration of Colonel Dentler's service, a recep tion will be given him and Mrs. Dent ler in the ballroom of the armory next Monday night, to be followed by a formal military ball which will be at tended by officers from every section of the state as well as regular army j officers of nearby posts. Colonol Dentlor and the Into Colonel H. H. Sargent of Medford and Jacksonville were follow classmates at- the West Point military academy and fast friends ever afterwards. Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. 10 Wednesday, March 7lh was lucky day. Crator Lake Hardware Co. 11 Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. 10 Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bromley of Grants Pass spent Sunday In Medford and were visitors hero yesterday also. Genuine Bisch Magneto parts and repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and llartlott. tf Lawn mower sharpening guaran teed. Modford Harware & Sporting OoodB Co. 10 R. 1. Red setting eggs at DeVoe'B. Ralph W. Terrell returned this mor ning from Portland whore he had been on ft brief business visit. 50 pieces of rough dry for $1.50 American Laundry. Phone 873. Just a lino to remind you that I will gladly duplicate any bouafide order booked by a transient agent for the same or loss money and Rlve'you bet ter sorvlce. N. 8. Bennett, prop. Eden Valloy Nursery. Phone 6S0-J-2. tf Blight resistant pear trees for fall dollvory. Old Home on Pyrus UsBiirl ousts. Home grown Old Home and Ohloh on Japan. Edon Valloy Nursory, Phone 680-J-3. tf Judge C. M. Thnmns Is holding forth In Josophlno county this week Hidden Inl to the grand Jury of that county having convened yesterday at Grants Pass. Thoro aro no especially Inter esting cases to be brought up at this session It Is said, and it Is thought that the grand Jury's work will bo con fined chiefly to routine maters. Crater Lake Kennels Registered Colllos, Russian Wolfhounds. Dogs and pets boarded. Phone lOHt. 10 Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co. Mrs. Irma M. Huson will entertain the Royal Neighbors of America Wed nesday afternoon, April 4th at her home in the Sunset Park addition. All Royal Neighbors are invited. Children cared for by hour, day or week. 512 Dakota. 15 Flowering shrubs and evergreens. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. 10 It is reported that several persons have been operating In the city lately securing photographs and stating ut tbe time of asking for the pictures that they were to be used for educa tional purposes. Afterward, it Is Bald, thoy return with an enlargement of the original photo and refuse to re turn the original unless the owner will buy the enlargement. For Sale General merchandise stock, small town, invoice about five thousand. Doing tine business. Ad dress Heath and Herman, Grants Pass, Oregon. 11 Harness and leather goods repaired Medford Hardware & Sporting Goods Co. 10' All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. . Roy Oppie of Roseburg arrived from that city yesterday and will spend sev eral days here and in Ashland on business. We have good values In used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf' Choice everblodmmg roses. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Have your rugs washed on your own floors most convenient, sanitary method, kills germs, no dust raUed, Get your order in early. E. L. Davis, Phone 644. 211 Stark St 30 "It cost I. H. Crawford, half-breed Indian from the Klamath reservation, just $26 an hour to speed on the Pa clfic highway between Central Point and Medl'ord enrly Saturday morning' i sayB the Ashland Tidings. 'He was arrested by S. B. Sandlfer, who was forced to make more than 60 miles an hour In order to effect the capture. Crawford was traveling at the rate of 68 miles an hour. When he appeared before W. H. Gowdy, Justice of the peace, late Saturday afternoon, he was fined $150. In addition to the charge of speeding on the highway, Sandlfer also filed charges against the Indian for traveling in excess of 20 miles an hour within the city limits of Medford. This cost Crawford an addi tional $25." Twelve Inch slab wood $1.50 per tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more. Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley Fuel Co., Phone 76. tf You can get it at DeVoe's. tf Thornless blackberry plants. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Closing out all our farm machinery, several good buys. Patton & Robin son. Inc. tf Albeit Cummlngs of Glendale is In this city on business for a few days, The University of Oregon Girls' Glee club which will present a pro gram In the high school auditorium tonight arrived this afternoon from Roseburg where they appeared before a crowded house last night. Crescent orchestra dance, Eagle Point, Sat. April 7th. 13 When better automobiles are built. Bulck will build them. tf There's a busy Business College In your home town. GWN. Paul Scherer of the Table Rock dis trict siient the forenoon in Medford attonding to business matters. AlaBka Inv. & Dev. Co.'s stockhold ers plense write to 520 Consolidated Building, 6th and Hill, Los Angeles, Calif. 11 Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co. tf All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main. About fifty high school Btudents, under the direction of Tom Swem gave the bnsketball floor at the Nat a busy appearance this morning. They wore proparlng scenery for the high school operetta, "The Gypsy Rover" which will be presented at the Page theatre tomorrow night Brown says he fixes them while you wait. Blng cherry trees. Eden Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. 7tf Valley tf Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. 10 The recent cloudy weather, accom panied by the frequent cool winds and showers, has put a damper on the tennis enthusiasm, which has been rainpnnt recently, nt least for the time being. It is expected that the racquet wleldors will soon be going through their antics again however as the spring showers are not expected to Inst for many dnys. Brown says he has lota of them. 103 N. Control. ' 7tf Moved to 624 N. Riverside Ave. Phone 474, City Cleaning and Dyeing Co. 12 Frnnk Carson of Butte Falls was in Medford yesterday atendlng to busi ness matters. Colonial Garage for tire service. J?? .LAIE J C!S,FY FOR SALE About 50 foet of carrier track with carriage, suitable for hay barn, warehouse, garage, etc; will carry 1500 pounds; has all equip ment for Installing. Come In and soe It nt Mall Tribune office. tf WANTED Steady man Butte Creek Orchard, Eagle Point. 15 FOR SALE-Young fiillblood Duroe sow: will farrow July 1st . C. C. Chapman, Borrydalo, 1 mllo north Medford, 10 FOR SALE R. 1. Red eggs 75 cents setting. Phono 639-J-3. 16 FOR SALE OR RKNT-Sovim room house. Tenth nnd Laurel. Call 305 S. Oskclale. Phono 470-J. tf Handicraft ho-D Hwnstltchln Mnrtnna aovftrvdu Plcotlng 8o pr JMd. Medford fishermen are much inter ested In the report that John Mc Intyre, foreman-carpenter of the Port land water bureau, had good fortune Sunday in catching a 56-pound Chi nook salmon In the Willamette river near OBwego. It is said to have been the largest Balmon caught on the Wil lamette river this season. It took Mclntyre a little more than an hour to land the fish and the gaff hook was straightened out when the fish was first caught. Moved to 624 N. Riverside Ave. Phone 474, City Cleaning and Dyeing Co. i2 Brown bos a first class shoe repair I in the Medford public schools, shop. , 7tf i Dazzling costumes and elaborata Auto Insurance. Brown & White. ! scenery in addition to an excellent Brown's shoe hospital will heel your ! c"st of leading characters and well shoes. 103 N. Central. 7tf drilled choruses will combine to moke Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 The Mall Tribune has put in a new carriage for handling big rolls of paper and has about 60 feet of carriage track equipped with hangers and car riage for 1500 pounds; Just the thing for a hay barn, garage or warehouse. If you need anything of this kind see It at once. A bargain. tf UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB TONIGHT The University of Oregon Girls' Glee club will-appear at the high school auditorium tonight, having ar rived this afternoon from Roseburg where they presented their program last night. The program begins promptly at 8:15. In addition to popular and classi cal music, comedy skits and novelty stunts will be presented. A large audience of Medford supporters of the University is expected and it is anticipated that the high school aud itorium will he taxed to accommo date the listeners. Exceptional musical ability, excel lent training and a novel and unus ual arrangement of program are the features of the performance accord ing to report. WEDDING BELLS Nora Ella Anderson of Merlin was united in marriage at one o'clock to day at the home of Rev. F. R. Leach to Charles A. Thompson of Jackson ville. The bridegroom is employed by the lnterurban Autocar company of this city and has a number of friends here and In Jacksonville: who wish the couple happiness. . j . Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will make their home in Medford. Word of the marriage of Miss Lo- rettn Logan to John P. Goodwyn, for merly of this city has been received here; The ceremony took place San Francisco on Wednesday, March 28. Miss Logan has spent some time in Medford and has many friends here. She had been employed as cashier at tho Seward hotel In., Portland for the past year. Mr. nnd Mrs. Goodwyn will mnke their homo in San Francisco where Mr. Goodwyn Is In the garage busi ness. Heroism nt Sen. NEW YORK. April 3. Cantnln Cluett and the crew of six of the Brit ish schooner Rita M. Cluett were res cued early today from the distressed vessel which was on fire about 360 miles south of Cape Ruce tho steamer President Fillmore, reported in a wireless to the United States snipping Doard. The schooner was bound from Spain to St. Johns, N. F. with a cargo of salt. Knights Templar Conclave Malta Commandery No. 4 meets in Masonic hall, Ash land, on Wednesday even ing, April 4. The nronosl- 'rfwy lion or instituting a new . . - commandery at Medford will come up ror decision as to granting permission under regulations. All members are not only invited, but urged to be pres ent sojourners and visitors being courteously welcomed also. Supper will be served at 6:30 o'clock. F. H. JOHNSON. Em. Com. 10 W. H. DAY. Recorder. R. A. M. Crater Lake Chapter No. 32 Special Convocation Tues day, April 3rd, 8 p. m. M. E. M. Degree. Visitors welcome. , A. F. NOTH, Secy. 10 11 Tko I Shop which every housewife has been waiting; for. i Watch This Spaa L2k 'i'AT mm "The Gypsy Rover," an operetta In three acts with a cast of more than sixty high school students will be pre sented tomorrow evening at the Page 1 theatre under the direction of Miss I Frances Sherwood, dlreqtor of music "The Gypsy Rover," one of the best musclal performances ever presented by amateurs in Medford. The scenery is being made by high school students themselves under the direction of Tom Swem and there is not the usual lack of co-operation In the matter. At least thirty Btudents of the high school have spent several hours today in completing the Bcenery. T Jack Hemstreet, former local po liceman who has kept the Crater Lake lodge from blowing off the rim all winter long, arrived In Medford last night for a few days' visit and reports the snow at the rim Is 10 feet 6 inches in depth. ; , ! Jack hiked out on sklls via Fort Klamath and Klamath Falls and the hall storm yesterday afternoon was merely due to the frozen particles of snow which he shook from various parts of his anatomy after having reached the road, where he could walk without the aid of skiis. Jack reports that the foot depth of snow at the lake is four feet short of the normal depth at this time of year, but that records show that as much as four feet of snow has fallen there in the month of April in previous years. He expects to return to the lake in a week. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 6c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Shef field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package con taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder aldments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome ' and thoroughly cleansing t cathartic ' for constipation, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. Customs Increased WASHINGTON, Aqiril 3 Customs receipts for March totalling $62,172,000 broke all records. The nearest previ ous approach to that figure was in September of last year when $53,135, 000 was paid In import duties. TONIGHT LAST TIMES! "THE KID'S" Only Rival and It Is a Knockout CHARLEf CHAPUH COMING THURSDAY HAROLD TITUS' Famous North Woods Novel TIMBER ).;,:, V . Playing under, the title of "HEARTS AFLAME" with FRANK KEENAN ANNA Q. NILSSON TOMORROW NIGHT Medfort! High School pn roiiU the musical ronimly "THE UYISY HOVK1U" 0. V. MYERS "The Truck Mn" MACK TRUCKS REO SPEED WAGONS 30 X, llollj " ' l'Uone COO The Mode and the Modart Now, especially, do the mode and the Modart go well together. For with the straight and simple sil houette of Spring comes an even greater need for skilful corseting. And Modard only Modart can without sacrifice of comfort, trans form those curves of nature to supplie lines of fashion. A trial fitting and ever after you will choose the Modart. ' , . i . . -. M. M. Department Store 9Ae FLORSHEIM SHOE OfONEY'S WORTH X or just a pair of shoes for your money. A slight difference in price makes a big difference in value. It is better to buy Florsheim Shoes and get satafac , tion than to save a dollar .and wish you had. ;r: ;- no cA low price for this fine quality $11 and $12 C. M. Kidd & Co. FOR THE MAN RE E. TV No, John, It's Not a Movie. See You Tomorrow. MR. CAR OWNER . Dr;ve in and select your Spring tire needs now, ns we can save you the biff advance in prices. Our guaranteed high quality Ajnx and Coast brands will meet with your approval. "Wc give free tire and crnnk case service. . ARMORY SERVICE STATION Pacific Highway at Jackson St. ARMSTRONG PHONE 873 fOR LAUNDRY WORK Wet Wash 5c per lb. returned the following day. Dry Wash 7c per lb. all flat pieces ironed. Rough Dry 9c per lb. THE AMERICAN LAUNDRY 1 WHO CARES B. G. & WOLFF