4 J 1 BRINGING I ( bAD TO PUT OIS VOUR I I f HOW'S 1 f CRACIOUb-THAT'S A II I I HERES YvJ i htxa 1 I U- - - n J '. 1 i GOUT aOtr-OO ARE WONDERFUL DRIVE.- J a TrfuJ Tt I f JUWVOi-D A S . : "fel - Arf, ' !.V'ii--r.i' .... . "' " ' f 3.3 i "1923 ev Int'l Feature Scrvicc. Inc II IFlPr UUn Tllirn HELP WANTED MALE WANTEU MISCELLAirEOUB FOR .RENT MIStTELLANEOUS FOIl SALE AUTOMOBILES FOl BAUMISCELLAXEOUS 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY juuul vniu i rviLU : RADICALS FEARLESS , WORCESTER, Mass., Mar. 31. i Judge Webster Thayer, who presided j at the trial of Nicola Sacco and Barto jl lomeo Vanzetti, radicals, convicted of the murder of a paymaster, has ord ' ered a police guard removed from his ( home here. i "I have nothing to be afraid of and 1 it is a waste of time to have men ij guarding the house," he said to police- men he found at his residence on re turning from court last night. J ' Notice of Sale of Government . Timber J General Land Office, Washington, D. C, 1923. I Notice is hereby given that subject - ' to the conditions and limitations of K the Act of June 9, 1916, (39 Stat. 218), 7 and the instructions of the Secretary t of the Interior of September 15, 1917 ) (46 L. D., 447), the timber on the 't following lands will be sold April 30, . j 1933, 10 o. c. a. m., at public auction at mo uiumu OLUies Liuuu uiuce HI Lakeview, Oregon, to the highest bid i der at not less than tho appraised a value as shown by this notice, sale to 'J bo subject to the approval of the Sec . letary of the Interior. The purchase ' 't price, with an additional sum of one fifth of one per cent cent thereof, i an being commissions allowed, must be , v deposited at time of sale, money to be ftf returned if sale is not approved, ;, otherwise patent will issue for the . - timber which must be removed within .'J, ten yoars. Bids will be received from ; citizens of the United States, associa j tions of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the Unit- ed States or any State, Territory or ijisiricc inereor only, upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the tim- j, wci vju auy legal Biiuuivmiuu will ire t offered separately before being includ ' ed in any offer of a larger unit. T. 40 S., R. 7 E., Sec. 31, NEi4 SW14, .' yellow pine, 645 M., red fir 75 M.; frl. ,j NW SW yellow pine 490 M., red fir J 80 M.; frl. SW SW4 yellow pine 610 M red fir 65 M.; SE& SW14 yellow . pine 645 M.: red fir 165 M.: NW14 t SE yellow pine 620 M red fir 60 M.; SWYt SE'A yollow pine 630 M., 9 red fir 110 M none nf thn tlmhar on these tracts are to be sold for les3 than $4.00 per M., for the yellow pine i and $l.UU per M. for the red fir. i T. 40 S., R. 6 E., Sec. 1, Lot 3, yellow i pine 640 M , red fir 40 M.; Lot 4 ' yellow pine 500 M.. red fir 40 M., sugar pine 20 M.; NEH 8W& yellow pine. 1 800 M, red fir 150 M., white fir 150 I M., NW4 SW yoilow pine 480 M.. red fir, 60 M., sugar pine 10 M., white AUr 70 M., SKVi 9WV, yellow pine 640 TM., white fir 100 M.; 8WVI SWV4 yellow pine 400 M., red fir 150 M., white fir 20 M.; none of the timber on these tracts to be sold for less than $1.00 per M., for the yellow pine and sugar pine End $1.00 per M., for the rod and white fir. WILLIAM SPRY, Commissioner, General Land Office. 299tf LOST LOST Small Fox Terrier, brown ' head, white stripe down center. 5 Notify Dr. Kresse. Reward. P PERL FUNERAL BOXI mmmm , At Your Service Iny or Night Information Cordially Givea i : Cor. 6th and Oak dale twihnlAnrw Hfrvlr Ptinn 47 PAINT ExclusiveDealers of S. W. P. Products Qlc0S Hdw. UP FATHER - - ' K WANTED Young man preferably able to take dictation, good at fig ures, willing worker for branch of fice large concern, $100 and promo tion. G. W. Newberry M13C. 8 WANTED Man understanding truck gardening for position on ranch in Siskiyou county. Wages $40 month and board. Call 216 W. Main St. or phone 168. tt WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED To spade small gardens by the hour. Phone 174, Jackson ville. 8 WANTED Lady wishes housework or kitchen work in cat'e. Phone 403-R-2. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Lady to do light house work, nice home and $40 month. Call between 12 and 5 p. m., 343 N. Ivy St. 8 WANTED Woman for general house work. Phone 26-X-13. Mrs. Geo. A. Mansfield, Prospect, Ore. 11 WANTED A reliable woman to do washing for family of three at resi dence. Phone 390-L. tf WANTED Middle-aged or older wom an for housekeeper; family of two. Phone 637-R. 817 W. Tenth. WANTED Experiences, girl. Apply in person. Crowson's. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished room in pri vate family, close in. Box 26, Mail Tribune. " 8 FOR RENT Two- single ' Bleeping rooms for men. 214 N. Holly. 8 FOR RENT Well lighted front sleep ing room, with bath privileges; also garage for rent. 325 S. Riverside. Phone 70U. tt FOR RENT Rooms, $2 per week; men only. 445 S. Front. 314 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 221 N. Holly. 8 The New OVERLAND Cars Are Here $663.oo BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Adding five quarts of clean oil o ono quart of dirty oil gives six quarts of DIRTY oil. ! Transmission and Crank Cases Drained Free J routing Willi High Power Alonillo Gun. - Jones & Kirkpatrick A REAL SERVICE STATION ifEDFOTCD MATT, TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREOOX, SATURDAY, MARCH 31. 1023 WANTED To buy 10 tons alfalfa hay Phone -691-R-l. 12 WANTED 500 ft. 10 or 12 Inch good second-hand hydraulic pipe. Must be a bargain. H. A. Forgus, R. 2, Ross Lane. 9 WANTED Brown has a firet class shoe repair shop. 7 WANTED 60-200 egg incubator, hot water preferred. Phone 67-J-l. 8 WANTED To buy several carloads of grain hay. M. D. Olds. 8 WANTED Having Just completed a buying arrangement with one of the largest wool and Mohair buyers in the state we expect to pay more than anyone in Medford for these commodities. Johnson Produce Co. Phone 97. . tt WANTED 250 lawn mowers to shar pen. Liberty Repair Shop. tf WANTED Rote nonug and repair ing. Phone 4"8-M or 488-X. - - - FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT At once, very pleasant furnished front apartment in Mail Tribune building, throe rooms and bath hot and cold water steam heat, electricity and gas, large front win dow. Call at office. tf FOR RENT Modern furnished apart ment. 315 N. Bartlett. Phone 658-R tf FOR RENT Nice furnished apart ments, steam heat, hot and cold water and bath. Phone 457-J, River side Apartments. 9 FOR RENT Furnished . apartment. '. 211 N. Peach St. Garage In connec tion, $25. tf FOR KENT Nreely situated furnish ed apartment in Mail Tribune build ing, recently repainted and tinted, hot and cold water, steam heat, electricity, gas for fuel. Call at of fice or phone 75. tf FOR RENT nuUSES FOR RENT Four room furnished or unfurnished modern house. Phone 693 -L. 8 FOR RENT Five room house, nice, on paved street, electric range and heat. Inquire 117 N. Peach. 808-J 8 FOR RENT Furnished house. N. Front St. Phone 837-H. 415 9 FOR RENT Two room furnished house; no children. Call 831-R. 10 FOR RENT Modern house. Phone R-13-R. 13 FOR RENT Modern house. 906 E. Main. Phone 799. 12 FOR RENT Five room modern house on pavement, lots of shade. Call 417 Jay St. 1.8 FOR RENT Two room houso, close in. Call 672-R-2. 8 FOR RENT Unfurnished house five rooms, bath and screen porch, newly painted and papered. C. A. DoVoe. tf FOR RENT MoUern f room house arranged to sublet. Call M. M. Dept. Store. tf FOR RENT 7 room bouse, furnished, or' would sell on payments like rent Gold Ray Realty So., No. 16 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J. tf FOR RENT Housos Brown & White. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 16 N. Giape St, Phone 465-J. tf TO SETTLE ESTATE MUST SELL BUNGALOW AT ONCE $1600 4-room modern bungalow. Just off North Riverside on Edwards street. This Is a nice homo for some one All assessments paid. Nice lot. Plastered, modern four-room houso. Can give terms on part. A nice homo for some one, cheap. Sec J. C. BARNES " ' Phone 7HI-L Now Location, 411 Center Building FIXE TRACT IRRIGATED JIOTTOM LAND 13 Acres $I3M. A 13 acre tract, half In alfalfa of old pland, balance newly seeded, lays level and is No. 1 REAL BEAR CREEK BOTTOM LAND all irri gated under cheap water right, no waste land, close to town and srhools. small house, flno new large chicken house, good well. Wo offor this for few days at exceptionally low iprlce of $1500. Terms on part. Place is all clear of debt and -worth $3000. Good Investment. 8EE 1'8 TODAY. FOUR-SITE REALTY AOENCT " Rooms 4(K-4 10 Modford Center Bidg. Business Opportunities Real Estate FOR RENT Two -acres of land suit able for berries or gardonlng. Phone 441-X. ... ,8 FOR RKNT 80 acres of land under water, 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tt FOUND FOUND Brown's Shoe Hospital will li ool your Blioes. 103 N. Central. 76 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 1V4 ton truck, ful ly licensed, also new six-cylinder automobile to trade for small house or timber; will assume. Box K, Mall Tribune. 11 FOR EXCHANGE Brown trades what you have for what you want 7 FOR TRADE Stock for Ford truck. Phone or write B. F. Fuller, Eagle Point. 10 MONEY TO LOAN FARM LOANS Medford National Farm Loan Association. F. P. Far. rell, secretary, Jackson County Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent Interest O. C. Boggs, Attorney for mute Land Board. Jackson County. FOR SAL ROMZS FOR SALE Six room bungalow with sleeping porch, close In, on paving, assessments paid. A bargain. Terms If desired. Telephone 871-M. 13 FOR SALE Price 'i $1600, splendid i home place, 4 rooms on east side, large- lot 60x200, best garden soil in Jackson county, 17' fine fruit trees, garage. Phone 199-L. 9 FOR SALE Cheap, five-room house, furniHhed or unfurnished. 417 Ben son St Phone 672-H. 9 FOR SALE 7 room clOBO-in house on paving, $2100. Clear. A bargain. Inquire Jackson Co. Bldg. & Loan Ass'n, 30 N, Central. 10 FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, . furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. S. But terflold, Medford National Bank. Phone 389. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5 room house, four lots, 2000 strawberry plants, barn, chick en house, $1500. Terms. Two nice large lots on pavement, good location. Tonus. Nicely arranged 4 room modern house, $500 will handle. $175.00 will buy .modern bunga low, hardwood floors, flrepifc.ee, east front. Terms. $300.00 will handle E rom house, good location, large grounds. Good home in ABhland to trado for Modford property or v acreage near Modford. Will take Medford home as part payment on 17 acres Bosc pears. 5 acres near Medford, good pals tored house, $500 will handle. C. S. BUTTERF1ELD. 8 FOR SALE OR RENT Four acres land . with three room house, city water; also irrigation. Phone 697-R-l. 9 FOR SALE Will locate party on good homestead one mile from school and new highway, good open range. 616 N. Central, Medford. 12 FOR SALE OR TRADE Some of the best buys in Jackson county. See me at once. 616 Beatty St. 10 FOR SALE, RENT OR TRADE Alf alfa, grain, stock ranchesorchards, also city property. Gold Ray Roalty Co., No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J. tf Exchange FOR SALE Ford coupo, 1922 modol. Telephono 371-M for particulars. 13 FOR SALE A 1920 model Chovrolot touring cur, in good condition. A bargain if tukon at once. I'lione 697-R-l. 9 FOR SALE A No. 1 Ford bug, first class condition. . Must be sold at once, going cheap. Box 45, Mall Trliiuno. 8 FOR SALE lilVESTOCK FOR SALE Sow and 10 pigs. Phono 17-F-13. 8 FOR SALE BrgainB: Fresh high grade milk goats, hornless, gentle. Winners County Fair. $15.00 up. Elizabeth Miller. Ashland. 12 FOR SALE Good milk cow. T. B. tested, Vi mile Bouth overhead crossing, Tolo. 11 FOR SALE Good brooC sow; also feeders. J. Nary, Phone 132-L. 8 FOR SALE First class fresh milk cows. Phone 18, Annie Walker, Central Point. 10 FOR SALE Cow, three years old, gives 5 gallons of milk a day, kind and gentle; saddle pony, gentle for children; one Ford touring car In good condition, cheap, one mile and a halt from Medford on the Hlllcrest road. 9 FOR SALE Fresh cows, big milkers, high testers, officially tested. Walsh's place, one mile NE of Med ford on Crater Lake road. 28 FOR SALE Pigs. Phone R-13-R. 12 FOR SALE Work horses, small and large, single and double. Phone 691-R-l. 325 FOR SALE Grade,- pure bred and registered Duroc Jersey sows, to furrow In March and April; also one prize winning registered Duroo boar Call Bert Anderson, Medford, or Miravista Orchard. tf FOR SALE POULTRY ANT) EGGS FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze turkey eggs and R. I. Reds for hatching. 639-J-2. 12 FOR SALE Baby chicks and hatch ing eggs from heavy laying strain. Red Wing Poultry Yard. Phone 865-Y. 12 FOR SALE R. I. Red hatching egKS. Phone 673.' 317 FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze turkey eegs for hatching. Phone 12-F-3 after 6 p. m. 23 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phono 201-J. 327 FOR SALE R. I. Red hatching eggs 7c and up each. Phono 969-11. 318 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Dining table and chairs, bedstead and springs and stand. 129 S. Ivy St. , 9 FOR SALE Electric Hotpolnt stovo, good as now, $60. Phone 999. 8 FOR SALE Let's go to Uruwn's for shoes. 103 N. Central. 7 FOR SALE Good piano cheap, Em pire separator. One mile east Phoenix, Bert Nichols. 9 FOR SALE Baby sulky. 601 Boatty. 8 FOR SALE Hanks and Progressive Everbearing strawberry plants. D. Terwllllger, 344-H. 12 FOR SALE Second-hand lawn mow er. 604 Edward St. ' 8 BROWN says he fixes them while you wait. 103 N. Central. 7 EI I - - -1-1 1 Used Cars Ford Roadster $110.00 ... Delivery Box 1921 Starter Ford $250.00 Good Buy Medford -Auto Co. 0Buick Dealers Cor. Main and Holly By Georg'e McManus FOR SALE Washington hybred wheat. Klrtluad Farm, Phone 19x4 Contral Point. 13 FOR SALE Cheap, worlt stock har ness, fresh heifer, small hotiao, etc. 607 Pine St. 8 FOR SALE Saw tables with saws - and mandrels, shafting, and pulleys, ten 11. P. electric motor, twenty-four fcot six Inch pipe. Rogue Rivor Valloy Canning Co. 13 FOR SALE Dry fir wood choap. 235 N. Ivy. 13 FOR SALE Rostaurant fixtures. 323 E. Main or Oaks. 10 FOR SALE Household furniture he- sides electric washer, auto knitter, electric grill, some good bedding, dishes, cooking utensils. Also a pair ladles' genuine Chippewa high boots, brand new. Call at 19 S. Orange. Tel. 371-M. 10 FOR SALE Light wagon, team and harness. 129 S. Ivy St 9 FOR SALE Mrs. Chas. Knight Is here selling her furniture. You can see it from 1 p. m. to 4 daily except Sunday. Davis Transtor. .,8 FORSa1lE Brown, 103 N. Contral, has little ones and big ones. 7 FORSALE Clioap7tent12xl6. Call at 106 Elm St. 7 p. m. 8 FOR SALE Quick Lunch seed pota toes. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE Motorcycle Twin Indian 1922, modol H Chief, A-l condition, new tires, $176. W. II. R., Siskiyou. Ore. 11 FOR SALE Iowa separator, practi cally new. Phone Contral Point 133. 9 FOR SALE Sprlngtooth harrow $20 small tractor, $100. W. J. Hurtzoll. 468-J-l. , 6 FOR SALE Five 6-foot showcases, one cash register, sholving and drawers. Heath's Drug Store. ' tf FOR SALE Jersey cow, 6 H. P. Fair-bunks-Morse engine, 250 foot 2-Inch pipe. Phone 611-J-4, Foothills Orch ard. 16 FOR SALE Early Sunrise seed pota toes. Phone 189-W. C. M, Parker. 8 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS.. & GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5 No. 82 North Central Ave., up stairs. Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Ti tle System in Jackson Ooqnty. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. WATSON & KELLOCid Reliable Jackson county abstractors of t' ties, Gold Hill, Oregon, Chiropraotic Physician DR. IIARVK1 P. COLEMAN Chlro . practlc and Electro-Therapy. 427 28 Modford Bldg. Phone 966. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Thorapy, Spon dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Ctalro practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., 236 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlroprao tie Physician. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 6. Suite 20.1-04-06-06, Lib erty Bldg. Office Phone 680, Res 1027. USED TRACTORS - t iii'' ..!!. . .-,: ' V ' . The best values in used tractors in Medford C. . Gates Auto Co. PAGE FfVE ' Attorneys O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Specialises In Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A. E. reames Lawyer, effioa ,in Liberty Building. Chiropody CHIROPODY At office of Dr. Hal stead, Electro and Mechano Therapy and the Burdick Deep . Therapy Light treatment for - acute and ' chronic diseases. Phipps block, 225 E. Main, Phone 663-J. Building Materials MEDKORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS Specialize in all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E. Main St.. over M. M. Dept Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 8(9; Rob. 1023-H. Office hours 9 a. m. 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Expert Accountant wilson Auditing co. e. m. win son, C. P. A. Attention given to anything in accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone. 157-R Money to Loae 3. R. ANDREWS Buys and sell mortgages and loans money at) good security, 81 N. Grape Su. Phone 68-M. 24 Monuments VHE OREGON GRANITE ' CO. . Monuments. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, sale ' manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Med ford. ; tf Osteopaths SR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MALM CARLOW Osteopathic Physician 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phont 904-J-3. Residence 26 Bouts Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention give to eye, ear, nose and throat. '80 Liberty Building. Phone 496. Physicians and Surgeon. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 166. Residence 118 Oenesee St. Phone 165-J-J. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central. ' Special attention to spine. Phone 29, I'liino Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ot Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 . Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. JAMES R. FISH Teacher ot Piano. 31 N. Grape, College Bldg. Publics 8peaklng MAY LOUISE WILSON Instructor tho art of public speaking, elocution, dramatic art, gesture and . poise. Faulty enunciation corrected. Studio 214 North Holly. 31 Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO., has tie best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book blading, , looao leaf ledgers, billing systems, eto. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir 8t Rug Weaving , MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and . worn carpets and rugs. - Phon 810-M. T06 Pine 8t. Transfer EAD8 TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phone 815. Prices right. Service guar ' anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE) CO. Anything moved, day or night Service guaranteed. 29 8. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dence 1060 or 206. ' tf Upholstering J. WEia Upholstery, Manufacturer 6t overstuffed furniture.' Full line of materials. 1 Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of nphol- ' tiering. We deliver and ariU-aall and show samples. Phone 101.' Audltlrvjl O Accauivnivf m. p. scHMrra