PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAID TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, QUEfiOff. SATURDAY, MARCII 31, 1923 Medford Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PU$LIKHEl EVEHY AFTIOKNOON jxAvtarr euwiMr, y THIS MEDFORD PRINTING CO, Tn Med ford Bundav Ifnrnlnv Run ) furnished subscribers desiring a sevsa day dally newspaper. Office Mall Tribune Building. 26-37-29 North Kir street. Phone 76. A consolidation of the Democratio Times, the Med ford Mall, the Medford Tribune, the tixmtbern Oregon lan The Ashland Tribune. ROBERT W. RUHL, Editor. 8. SUMPTER SMITH, Manager. BT MAIL In Advance: Dally, with Sunday 8 tin, year... $7. 60 Dally, with Sunday Run, month.... ,76 Dally, without Sunday Bun, year.. 0.60 Dally, without aunuiiy Hun, month .Ob Weekly Mall Tribune, one yeur.ww 2.00 Bunday Hun, one year 2.00 BY CARRIER In Medford, Ashland, jacKsonvnie. central roint, i'noenix, Talent and on Highways: Dally, with Sunday Hun, months .76 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .66 Dally, without Sunduy Sun, year.. 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year 8.60 au terms oy carrier, casn in advance, Editorial Correspondence Official paper of the City of Med ford. urriciai paper or jacKaon county. Sworn dally average circulation for six months ending Apr II 1. 1U2Z. 3628, more than double the circulation of any other paper published or circulated In jacKHon county. Entered as second ciass matter at MedforcL Oregon, under act of March 8, I HI 9. MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this 'paper, and also to the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. The governor of tills fair state lins bad his life membership In the Jack son County Qamo Protective associa tion revoked, and If the distinguished citizen gives them any of his back talk, he will be ousted from the state house nyitli a mean looking whereas. WHICH ONE WAS IT? (Oregon City Enterprise) Mr, Deputy, I have forbidden alt levity and frivolity In the field work, and you know it as well as any other deputy. Yet one of the fair ladies of our society has Just written to me that you kissed her. It Is getting to be quite a habit for beautiful women to shoot boles through their meal tlckots. Mrs. Mary Casey of Hunter, Bpent Tuesday In town, and surprised her old friqnd, Miss Qottverg by running in on her. (Athena News). Miss Qottverg Is no race track. , Tomorrow is All Fooled Day. . , "The Society For Jhe Prevention of Flirting" of Now York, lias been ro organized, and you bettor let loose of your sweetie's hand. Man will flirt as long as there Is anything to flirt with, and you can't blame him much, If the fltrtee Is not too difficult to guze upon. If this aggregation ot reform meddlers desire to accomplish something, tliey can try their luck at making the Pa cific Ooean behave; It's Just ns pos Bible as the Job they have tackled. SAN FRANCISCO, March 29. California hasn't seen the like of It in forty years! Not a drop of rain since January and none in Bight. The road from Yroka to Redding Is us dusty now as it usually Is In Aug uBt. And the "oad through the Sac ramento canyon Is as fine now as It usually Is In mid-summer which Is saying a good deal for a mountain road. Clear sunshine every day in March and only one or two cloudy duys in February. The garage peo- pio like It; so do the hotels, for there has been a record breaking crop of tourists for this time of the year Hut the farmers and stockmen don't like It a little bit. They are all euro Ing out the weather m'.z and praying for rain. It's the driest spring since 1883. In Redding everything looks the last of March like midsummer. The women are sitting on the front lawns in summer dresses doing fancy work or whatever It Is women do on their front lawns with thread and needles. The roues are In full bloom so are the lilacs, while the Sacra mento valley is a gorgeous modly of colors, California poppies, blue bells and daisies, a marvellously beauti ful curpet with tho purple mountains In the background. They havo a golf club now In Redding, have Just Btarted playing with over 100 members and the stores are full of golf paraphernalia. In fact Medford appears to be the only place on the Pacific coast over BOOO population that hasn't a golf club. Redding only claims 4000. Yos, thoy do things in California. Corning, California, with a popu lation of 2000 now Is the popular place for tourists to stay over night on tho trek between Medford and San Francisco. Coining has a splen did hotol, and It is even necessary now to wire ahead If you want ac commodations. The hot weather has advanced the season a couple of months. Sleeping porches on the roof are now in commission and thoy havo Just started to fill tho swim ming pool off the hotol court yard. drug store and they all talk as If they were secretaries of the Chamber of Commerce. Tbey don't boost their own line, they don't knock th competitors, they boost Corning. Its the best Jittlo town in Creation, It grows the best olives in the world, the heBt flavored oranges, do you know the north California flavor, and the scenery (which by the way is no scenery at all) Is something Inspiring. Have you seen Mt. Lassen in the sunset and have you been up In the tower and looked over the sa lubrious landscape? "I don't know where they get that sort of spirit, but they do get It, and Us tho spirit of California. They nil work together, and they work everyone elBe. If a rancher doesn't make a success thoy don't say 'that's hard luck. Poor Jones is broke.' They all chip in and find out what's wrong and proceed to correct the er ror. The bankers work with the ranchers, loan them money for six or soven per cent, and If the right type of Queen olives aren't In the ground, they proceed to see that the proper trees are put In or tho old trees are properly grafted. It isn't .Tone's problem. It Is Coming's problem and California's problem. Oregon has more natural wealth than northern California ever dreamed of out Oregon wastes her time knocking nnd growling and blaming the other fellow. Corning Is after more irriga tion now and when I say Corning, I say every man and woman in It. They are all out for water. They have artesian wells now and pump their water. It costs from $4 to $10 per acre, every year. But they want water storage and they are going to get it. 1 don t know why there should be one spirit north of tho Sisklyous and another entirely different spirit south, but there is. I know for I have lived on both sides." Yes, that's old stuff, and still one wonders if it is all bunk. I did meet one rancher about 70 miles north of Sun Francisco who had a savage dog. a lot of chickens and some mules. He didn't object to giving a thirsty COMMUNICATIONS luwaru evening me auiomoones nassnrhv a Hrinlr !,..( h flock Irt from both directions andii,ow ,hlngg progI.e98lng he line up along side of the hotel like an I didn't chirp like a California night automobile show. Tourists are Hke.inealn flleB, they pay no attontlon to the! calendar. If a certain temperature Is reached they respond automatical ly and startt to buzz regardless of consequonces. What Is the matter with Oregon? And what Isn't the mattor with Cali fornia? An ox-Orcgonlan now living in California undertook to answer the question today. Ho wasn't par ticularly original. He Bald Callfor nianB worked together and Oregon Inns didn't. That's old BtuTf aqd somehow sounds too simple. But his explanation may be Interesting. . This is whnt he said in part: "Look at this little town of Corn ing. They are all pulling together. You gd Into a grocery store or a "Rotten," said ho, with a decided Corman accent. "I used to bo a cob bler In San Francisco and I thought I would be happier if I grew some thing and lived in the country. Well I ain't. Grain Is too high and eggs too low and there alnt no rain -any- more and I wish I was back In my shop In San Francisco. So doos Ma-ma. And my oldest boy ho died last wlnter'wlth the flu. No I don't like this country business. You can't make a living at It." But he Is still loyal to California. Ho doesn't want to move to Salt Lake City or Chicago. He wants to go back to San Francisco. Probably that's the California spirit too, rwlth reverso English so to speak. Tho "Wur fry- That which is of great Importance to the business men and women especially, and to every one In gene ral In the city of Medford. In the est! mutlon of myself and others is the careful reading of the Salvutlon Army "War Cry." . This is neceHsary to give them a proper understanding or Its purpose and work. Many buy tho "War Cry" Just to help tho Army and never look inside the covers. This desire to help is groatly appreciated, but the "War Cry" Is not sold for the purpose of financial sain. Their cost is seven and ono-bulf cents per copy. The margin is small. They are sold for tho purposes of educating tho friends and convincing the enemies (though few) of the Sal vation Army thut its nurpoBes and aims are true and broad. You may wonder nnd nslt vourself this quostion. "Why am I asked to buy the 'Wnr Cry'?" Here Is the answer: Hecnuso wo believe you are Interested in tho Army. It is full of real human interest. Spiritual action and reaction are reflected in Its pages in a way they aro found nowhere else nnd to tho psychologist it presents an absorbing study. In but rew papers Ho men and women lay bare their hearts, revealing the bo crets of that greatest, yet simplest of all mysterlcB, Cod's dealings with man. It contnlns bo much that is of in terest, stories that take dne to other peoples and lands. It is a guide to good and true citizenship as well as true religion. Its spirit will bless and cheer you, if downhearted and most business men have a heart, though hard to reach at times. Their facial expres slon is not always an indicator to the true feeling of their hearts. Its pictures, stories and articles will helpfully Interest you If you feel it right to give a few moments to profitable reading. Its standpoint win broaden your outlook on life and help you appreciate the world wide work of the Hulvatlon Army. Its flag riles In 70 countries and colonies and tho gospel is preached by the Salva tlon Army in nearly 60 languuges. It Is tho largest missionary organization in the world. And Mr. Duslnoss Man, if you are away from (Jod, it will show you the wuy to Him, not by theory only, but by the example of others as well who have found him. Will you co-operato with the Sal vation Army In Medford In every way io neip us give better Bervice and to relieve suffering and bless humanity in every way 7 READ THE WAR CRY, CAPTAIN C. FORD. BERT ANDERSON GIVES INSIDE HISTORY OF GAME AFFAIRS ' tho city ot Portland Is again indulg ing in the exclusive metropolitan trick of fighting with a schoolma'nin who gave a nine-year-old imp a meritorious paddling. The flendess will bo tried for her hoinousncBs. Woodrow Wilson nnd his son-in-law, William O. McAdoo, noither of whom reside In Colorado, have about reached an agreemont upon who shall be Unit ed States senator from that state. Among the lower classes this would be called "sticking your nose in other people's business." WONDER8 NEVER CEASE (Richmond, Cal., News) The Misses Minnie and Agnes Rreen who died recently In a Sac ramento hospital ore In Richmond. PIONEER COUPLE WEDDED 4444 44414444444 YEARS (Yreka News. It seems longor. Many citizens are In holes than those on Main St. othor (Chlco Enterprise) A man Is lucky who has for friends Aisort of irreverent crowd Who mako gay sport ot his alms and ends Of which ho Is over-proud; Though on occasions ho niny object To some of tliolr ribald mirth, Their Irrepressible-disrespect Is: keeping his teat on earth! There's many a chap who ought to . t tread The pathways that load to fame. Who's handicapped by n swollen bond Because of some small acclaim; And much too often his chance is r i wrecked i Because, when ho seeks renown Ha lacks good comrades whose dlsre it; spoct Might whittle his ego down! ''if. A certain amount of fulsome praise And flattery lias Its charm, But to hear naught else as you go your way Is certain to lend to harm; So; though the laurels you may collect Rest pleasantly on your crown, Don't shun your comrades whose dls i respect Is keeping your ego down! ,vl CRUEL AND UNUSUAL (Dade City Timet) . '.Mr. Down Qolgor nnd two more nten from Zephyr Hills, put Mr.. Lewis Stanloy down a pump in th last tow weeks. Quill Points And those who live by tho sword shall perish while trying to col lect the indemnity. A hick town is a place where there isn't much of anything to do between lodge nights. Digging for mummies must he a delightful profession. You don't have to begin nt tho bottom. Getting up in tho world is just a delightful business of getting np a little Inter in the morning. It niny have boon a divinity that shaped our ends in the old days, but now it's vanity and shoe styles. Country folk visit you if you have a case of sickness; but city folk wait until you have a case of hootch. Wo aro a generous and unselfish people, but wo always enjoy watching the other fellow's property burn. That auto tourist who used his jack to fell a policeman found later that the judge wouldn't full for jack. RippIingRhun&s CRIME TO BURN. TllK CUIMK wave still keeps up its lick; the grim statistics mako me sick, The daily papers, all the time, produce red narratives of crime, and all the morgues nnd all the jails aro full of slain or ulnying males. And ns I go my humble way, the crime wave hits mo every day, I'm often charged two bucks or more for meals that make my innards sore. Some restaurant hangs out a sign, and Imply I go there to dine. The meat is tough and badly cooked, the fish was tlcad when it was hooked, the coffee's cold, of muddy hue, the piecrust tastes of liquid glue, and every thing is stnl and sour, there's nothing that I can devour. I dig two dollars from my rags, and sigh, "This crime wnve never sags; it's up and coming all the time; some things wink out, but never crime." I travel much, through dales and dells, and sometimes Rtop at strange hotels, and often wonder whero the host dug up tho bed down which I coast. Just when I start to dream nnd Riiore I slide along and hit the floor; n circus actor might rcelino on such a bed, nor break his spine. When in tho offieo I arrive nnd nsk my bill, the host says, "Five 1" Five smackers for a night of pain I The crime wnve is on deck again 1 I,roel,ved y appointment as a member of the State Game Com i V?. J ,February. 1921- I served on this commission until June, 1922, at which time I resigned. Prior to this time, and for many years, there had been a constantly growing difference and an increasingly bitter con flict between tho game interests and the great commercial fishing Interests, the fight culminating in the 1921 session of the legislature, creating a new i. . T i"""s mo juua nan uuu game commissions, dividing their physical assets, and for the first time giving the game Interests full and coinplote Independence and freedom from domination by tho commercial crowd. The intent of the net creating this independent board was to make it non-political, so that it might function normally and honestly and efficiently in the great work of protecting and preserving the wild life of party wlthout ,ear of interference from job-hunting politicians of any In tho sixteen months that I served on this board, politics did not entor into its discussions or its deliberations. This board composed of members of both political parties, worked together in harmony of purpose, like the board ot directors of any other big business institution, without thought ot partisan or political advantage. One of the ablest and most Influential members of this board was a mighty fine democrat from eastern Oregon, Blaine Hallock, of Baker. This new commission from the very first meeting started In to eliminate politics from the game organization and tn nnrvo nntino iha professional politicians that there were no places open In the game service for their henchmen and heelers, political game wardens kept on the pay roll for political, services rendered, and holding their position next to the pie-counter through political null and pressure. Of this nlajia nt on, nlnvana the new commission quickly purged the payrolls, and I had the exquisite pleasure of deeply offending one or two republican politicians by moving in open meting that their pets be separated permanently, from organization j nourishment. And when a man applied to the commission or the state game warden for a position , in the game service, his political affiliations I were not Inquired into, but his ability, who recommended him, and his special qualifications were made the subject for strict investigation. Under this sound system large sums of monev have neon Aniini-tnrl from the sportsmen ot the state and honestly and intelligently disbursed for the benefit of the whole people. An organization ot splendid morale has been built up, a large amount of valuable property, equipment, etc., has been ncqulred, with title vested in the state and operated in the interest and for the pleasure and profit of the people of the whole state. There have been no charges of waste or misappropriation of funds made against this independent -commission. It has been kept free from the curse of political dickering and jobbery, nnd the past two years hove been years of peace and constructive achievement. In other words and to sum up, this new game commission has always thought and acted in terms of service to the public and not in terms of party or political advantage. Now, what I have just written has been a pleasure to write; It deals with something constructive, something worth while. It deals with honest and honorable men, conducting a big enterprise in an honest and honor able way. What follows will deal with jugglery, dishonor and dorblo deallng. . I don't suppose any party ever had a weaker candidate for governor than tho republican party had In the campaign of 1922. 'Ben Olcott had never displayed any loyalty to the republican party. Many ot his prin cipal political advisors were partisan democrats. i Just prior to and during tho 1922 campaign an unusual situation had developed In Oregon. Either through inclination, bad advice, or poor judgment, the Governor was persuaded to pursue a course that threw the thought of the state into a great ferment, and which almost obliterated party lines. This upheaval landed Walter M. Pierce, an eastern Oregon democrat in the Governor's chair. J Now candidate Pierce, understanding fully the resentment felt by tho sportsmen of Jackson County over tho appointment by Olcott of Louis uean, a Willamette vaney man on tne game commission, when that part oi mo siaie aireaoy naa two aoie representatives, and In an effort to capitalize that resentment for his own political advantage, voluntarily made a definite pledge to the Jackson County Game Protective Association, that ii tnutiuu guveniur ne wouiu appoint any man iney mignt select as member of the State Game Commission. . Now remember that the Jackson County Game Protective Associa tion is a non-pouticai Douy. it is composed of men of all political faiths, It wunts to keep out of politics, and it wants to keep the state game organ ization out of the clutches of any political machine.- So when Pierce was elected, knowing the nosltive. definite nrn-elnn. lion promise he had made, the association proceeded to select a man to go on tho game commission when Beun's' term would expire, on tho 25th of reuruary. The officers nnd active members of the association held several pow-wows. Members of both political parties were freely consulted, and that no loop holes might be. left open for double-crossing, we advised with and consulted seasoned and reliable democrats, like Claude Cate, VV. H. Canon, Mose Uarkdull, Christ Gottlieb, and others, and we finally selected A. L. hui, a man oi sucn nigu cnnracier and standing, such wide experience. and with such a reputation for honest and honorable dealing, that we felt that the wliolo of southern Oregon would feel proud of the appointment nun tnnt it wouiu add strengtn and distinction to the governor s adminis tration. , After Hill had been agreed on the association Invited Governor Plorce to be its guest of honor at their second annual banquet, to be hebl on tho 3rd of February. In the history of Medford no public man has ever received such a reception. Fully eighty per cent ot that great gathering were republicans, rrienoiy commence was supreme, not a doubt was ex pressed. That very day tho governor had assured a half dozen responsible members of tho association that their representative would be appointed on the name commission. If we could only hae Drobed tho rtnntha nf hu man depravity, and known that this "white face" Judas from eastern Ore gon was, In a few short weeks, going to break a solemn pre-election promise, nnd instead ot appointing the choice of the association, appoint the chalr ninn of the democratic county committee, a man who never asked for the endorsement of the association, nor could have received it had he asked It! It a suspicion even hud existed of what was going to happen, the Rex cafe would have accommodated all who would have attended this reception. Now tho sportsmen ot Jackson county, and of the whole state, for that matter, might just as well look the horse squarely In the mouth. Doc Morrow of Portland and othor hnrdboiled democratic bosses are starting out to build a machine. The sportsmen ot this state are raising a yearly fund of around $250,000 to $300,000 to finance the activities of the game organization. This gang is itching to get its dirty fingers into this fund and to control tho payroll ot tho organization. It we allow this to happen you will see the experts nnd specialists now In the game department, and the hatchery and egg taking departments fired and "deserving democrats" put tn their places. How would you like to see a chuckle-headed politician, trying to run Captain llurglutuff's big job, or a machine democrat running Jim Berrian's hatchery at Butto Falls Now I don't have much of a grouch. I don't a great deal mind get ting licked in a fair fight. W got just what was coming to us for trying to play clean ball with this treacherous dishonorable crowd. We went in with the fnlth ot Sunday school children, and wo came out disillusioned. Governor Pierce don't owe me anything. 1 did not vote for him. and If ho did owo me anything, I know now ho wouldn't pay it, it Doc Morrow could havo a talk with him Just before It came due. The Jackson County Game Protective association knows exactly what the plans of this bunch of hungry political highbinders are. Nothing hut a thoroughly aroused public sentiment can prevent them from carrying out their treacherous designs on tho gains organization. Adv. BERT ANDERSON. COME AND JOIN US We are able and anxious to handle your banking business promptly, carefully and economically, and on this basis invite you to call on us when we may be of service. SI' the First National Bank' Medford Oregon FUNERAL -SERVICE . Including every attention that can come from the hands of a Funeral Director. Removing remains to parlors, use of chapel, Funeral service and all other service (except em balming) rendered without charge. Our show rooms are stocked with the best money can purchase, and at prices positively guaranteed satisfactory to all. CONGER FUNERAL PARLORS Successor to Weeks-Conger Co. Picture' Framing at Swem's Studio Selling Fairbanks-Morse Pumps and Engines and Hayes Sprayers Williams Implement Service 28 So. RartloM Phone 208 Flat Rate Service The Dealer who sells the Automobile is the man who is much interested in the good Service of that make of car. Our shop is working on flat rate and parts used are genuine Dodge Urotiicrs parts. Our motto: Good service at reasonable cost. Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co. 16 S. Fir St. Phone 304 IF YOU WANT GOOD ' WHOLESOME BREAD Ask your grocer or phone your order to CENTRAL POINT MILL for MT. PITT BLEND of flour Morton's Mill Central Point UCtti 'i Wwth Bath aoom Your needs can bo sat isfactorily supplied from our stock For convenience's sake and the sake of owning bath room fixtures that nre modern and ap proved you Bhould In spect our offerings. Modteni Plumbing & Heating Co. Sparta Bldg. Phone 620 WATCH YOUR BATTERY PRR8 T-O- LI TE BATTER STATION Tttr Ontck RmrtcA Phono II (01 AJeaufiiecl HololManx Powell Si at OVdtrell, SAN FRANCISCO dnd Shopping Pis trie A A newly bciulificd H.lW Manx waits tht visitor to Sa Fntn citcol New famuhiofs of unuiual ctitrm t,nd comfort, lobby dti(ntd to provide tho tmoaphero of hnuhous home end a new Dimni Room. eontHlered one of the mot mlcrottinf in America nil contribute to yonr wetfarcl It is the only hotel witt runninf Ice Water in every room D1 il i.5Qwpup'jjjyjp HARVEY M. TOY Managing; owner 'I ' ...