PAGE' TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, MEDFORD, OREP.ON, SATURDAY, MARCTT HI, 1023 D ocal and Personal It has been decided that if It is too stormy tomorrow afternoon to hold the scheduled Easter band concert by the D. O. K. K. band in the library park, the concert will be given in the Christian church to which the public Is invited. Call Maddox & Bonner, Phone: Greenhouse 374; downtown store phone S43. tor Eaater flowers: Easter lilies, hydrangeas, white hyacinths, palms, ferns, calla lilies, and other potted plants. Cut calla lilies, roses, carna tions, snapdragons, sweet peas, daffo dils, violets and tulips. S Twelve-Inch slab wood $i.50 per tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more. Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley Fuel Co. Phone "6. tf Brown sells shoes. 103 N. Central. tf Big dance Sat! Oriental Ballroom! Admission 10c. ' S All of the churches of the city ex pect an unsually large attendance to morrow, Easter Sunday, no matter what the weather, to participate in the services. In most of the churches there will be special Easter music and programs. The prediction is for rain on Sunday with cooler weather to night. Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. 10 Oriental Ballroom! Dance! Sat! 8 Genuine Bisch lagneto parts and repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and Bartlett. tf I.awn mower sharpening guaran teed. Medford Harware & Sporting Goods Co. .. 10 With little Inconvenience on . the part of the public the water supply of the city was shut oft last night be tween the hours of 9 p. m. and 5 a. m., so as to enable the water department to establish partial connections with the old reservoir and the new one, which is now being built and may be put to use in another month. Connec tions will be established between the two reservoirs and the city pipe line system so that either reservoir can. bo used singly, when desired, or both. .Everybody's going. Where? Why to "Torn Thumb's Wedding" at the Ma sonic hall. When? Monday, April 2nd. Admission only 2D and 35 cents. S Big dance Sat! Oriental Ballroom Admission 10c. S R. I. Bed, setting eggs at PoVoe's. 50 pieces of rough dry for $1.60 American Laundry. Phone 873. Oriental Ballroom! Sat. dance! 8 Misses Marion and Dorothea Hill arrived .home this morning from the U. of O. at Eugene to spend the spring vacation at his home. For Sajo 10,000 acres of land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stack . Mrs. Herbert of South Oakdale ave., I So far the predicted rain storm here Among Oregon corporations filing returned Wednesday from u four I for the past two days has proved a ' articles with, the state Incorporation months visit in the east with relatives . fizzle, and only four hundredths of an ( commissioner this week was the Ash In New York and Philadelphia. Miss Inch of rain fell last night which, ; land Preserving company of Ashland, Helen who Is at college in New York , while welcome, seems only tantalizing $0,000; with 8. G. Swedenburg, T. H. will return in June. i when so much more wetness is needed Simpson, E. E. Phipps and W. H. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Boyle, grandpar- n '"is section. However, conditions JIcNair as incorporators. ents of the bride to be In Tom Thumb's are 81111 threatening and a downpour Wedding, will arrive Sunday to be may. come within a day or so. The present at the wedding. They will de- general hojie now Is that the predicted light the guests at the wedding by:" wil1 con,e before Easter day and slncliiK that ever uouular gone. "Silver , aer that day. cooler weather is also Bing cherry trees. Eden Kursery. Phone G&0-J-2. Valley tf Templar Easter Observance .Malta Commandery No. 4, YZ7a k- t- wU1 observe Easter ! fsj on Sunday, April 1, at Ma-1 sonic' Temple, Ashland. Din. ner at 1 p. m., sharp, follow-1 ed by services at 2:30, conducted by! Rev. P. K. Hammond, vicar of Trinity Episcopal church. All Sir Knights, in-! Threads Among the Gold." . 8 Have your rugs washed on your own floors most convenient, sanitary method, kills germs, no dust raised. Get your order in early. E. L. Davis. Phone 614. 211 Stark St. , 30 1 welve Inch slab wood J 1.50 per tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more. Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley Fuel Co., Phone 76. tf You can get It at DeVoe's. tf "Salmon fishing in the Rogue Is beginning to show signs of Improve ment according to word from the fishermen. Several nice Chinooks were taken yesterday at the Savage Rapids dam and several were also taken at the Ament dam. The big fel lows have not yet begun to strike in any great numbers, due it is thought to the low stage of the river, which has not been high enough to bring in a big run. Fishermen believe that a good storm which would raise the river, would improve the fishing with in a short time. Grants Pass Courier. Thornless blackberry plants. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Closing out all our farm machinery, several good buys. Patton & Robin son. Inc. tf When better automobiles are built. Buick will build them. tf Oriental Ballroom! Sat dance! Launspacb's orchestra! 8 Alaska Inv. & Dev. Co.'s stockhold ers please write to 620 Consolidated Building, 6th and Hill, Los Angeles. Calif. 11 Miss Reaim Law, who has been teaching music at Butte Falls, is here spending a vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Law. You ask ber, she will say let's go, Riverside Community Club dance Sat urday night 8 There's a busy Business College In your home town, GWN. Newcomb is now delivering 16-inch green slabwood at $1.75 per tier in four-tier lots or more. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone 631. tf Oriental Ballroom! Sat dance! 8 Attorney General Van Winkle has completed the ballot title for the gaso line tax bill which Is being referred to the voters by the Oregon Automo tive Trade association. The purpose of the bill, as interpreted by the attor ney genoral, is "to increase the tax on gasoline and other motor . vehicle fuel 1 cent per gallon, making a total tax of 3 cents per gallon and exempt ing sales of such motor vehicle fuel sold in original packages In Interstate ranches, orchards and timberland some Irrigated; also mining property, commerce. All property must and will bo sold at Moonlight waltzes, Jazzy fox trots, Price. Soma as low as $1.00 per I a congenial crowd go to mako up a acre 6 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles. I real wook,i pnrty. You will find it predicted for tonight. See the "fairies" and hear the "Kin der Orchestra" from the 1st primary dept. of Jackson school at the Masonic hall. Monday eve. Hear these two numbers in connection with the "Tom Thumb Wedding," all for 25 and 35 uents. 8 Dance, big dance, Jackson's Sat 8 We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. D.-yice! Sat and Monday! Oriental The Epworth .League of the First ! eludine Ti9itorI, anrt Knkmniei-a. are! Methodist church will have a sunrise ; lnvUedj accompanied by their ladies.' prayer meeting at .6 o'clock tomorrow Tenjplar ,miform implied. minus' mornmS- swords. The officers of the De Molay j Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. ! chaptei.f of Medford, have ben invited , 10 ! In P H .inHvsnv. ! Ballroom! 8 Officers of the local chapter of De Molay will attend Easter observance of Malta Commandery at the Shrine Temple In Ashland tomorrow afternoon. Fruit, 'nut and shade trees. Eden I?13,'6 me'roP. President of that Valley Nursery. Phone 6S0-J-2. tf Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Averill of Los Angeles, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. L. lieddingfield and other Medford friends for the past few days, departed this morning for a visit with friends and acquaintances In eastern Oregon. Pleasant front apartment, three rooms and bath. In Mail Tribune build ing for rent at once. Steam heat, hot and cold water, electricity and gas. Call at office. George A. Mansfield has returned to Portland after a visit In Medford and at his ranch at Prospect to attend to State Farm Bureau business in the Attorney, Jackson Co. Bunk lildg. Gold Ray Realty Co., owners, 15 No. Grape, next Farmers and Fruitgrow ers Bank. Phono 4G5-J. 8 Just a line to remind you that I will gladly duplicate any bomiflde ordor booked by a transient agent for. the same or leas money and give you bet ter service. N. S. Bennett, prop. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 6S0 J-2. tf Blight resistant pear trees for fall delivery. Old Home on Pyrus Usaurl- ensls. Home grown Old Home and Cbleh on Japan. Eden Valley Nursery, Phono 680-J-2. tf Splendid furnisher, apartment In Mall Tribune building for rent at once. tf George Putnam, the editor and pub lisher of the Snlem Capital Journal and former well known Medford news paper man, arrived In the city this morning to spend a day or so visiting friends. Help the Eastern Star ladles go over tho top at "Tom Thumb's Wed ding." Besides the program refresh ments will be served, all fur 25c and 3Dc. . S Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co. tf Dance at Riverside Community Club on the Rogue Saturday night March 3lBt.' Everybody welcome. 8' Dance! Oriental Ballroom! Sat! 8 D. J. Howo, wife and throe children arrived this morning from Dayton, Wash. Mr. Howe is the now pastor of the Christian church and will conduct the Easter services tomorrow. Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. 10 For Sale General morchandlso stuck, small town, Invoice about flvo thousand. Doing fine business. Ad dress Heath and Herman, Grants Pass. Oregon. .11 Harness and leather goods repaired. Medford Hardware A. Sporting Goods Co. . 10 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 10S. 711 K. Main. . Those planning to attend the Easter services at the Presbyterian church tomorrow are requested to be in their seats promptly at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ns they will not be seated by tho ushers during the rendering of any special number. Ijito comers will also miss some of the finest numbers, which will be given at the vory begin ning of the morning and evening pro grama. The evening service will bo held at 8 p. m. instead of 7:30 from this time on through the summer. Programs of both services aro publish ed else hero In this Ibsiio. For Sulo New Columbia Phono graph records nl half price. Victor, Brunswick, Columbia, Piilhe & Suarn phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop. 15 N. Grape street next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Hank. Phone 465-J. ' Auto Insurance. Urown & White. Choice everbloomtng roses. Eden Valley Nursery. . Phone 680-J-2, tf 'l nil at tho Riverside Community Club dance on the Rogue Saturday night March 31st. Lot's all go. 8 Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co. tf It you wish your furs repaired be fore storing for the summer, now is tho time to bring them in. F. W. Bartlett, Furrier. 8 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main Mrs. Robert Wilson and young son aro on a visit of several days with Mrs. Wilson's sister, Mrs. Irving Kes terson, at Grants Pass. Dance, Jackson Hot Springs, Sat S Got one of the handsome fur capes or chokers to wear on Easter, Bartlett Furrier. 8 Flowering shrubs and evergreens. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 6S0-J-2 tf Two big dances! Oriental Ballroom! Saturday and Monday! 8' Misses Katharine and Eva Nealon will arrivo in Medford this evening from the V. of O. to spend the Easter vacation at their home In Tablo Rock Tho public market of this morning while a comparatively good ono for this tlmo of year, was rather dull. It will bo several wocks yet before the market resumes Its UBual spring activ ity. If you miss seeing Billy Barnum as groom and Tcbs Merrll as brldt in the Tom Thumb Wedding, you will regret It Bo at tho Masonic ball Monday ove at 8 p. m. and have no regrets. 8' The Women's Bible class of the Presbyterian church aro expecting a largo attendance for the Easter les son. Come and bring your friends. 7 Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf For Sale Pianos and phonographs. H. Q. Ijiunspach. Easy terms. 7 Easter Sunday will be observed to day by the Knights Templar, Malta Con-mandary No. 4. with a special din ner to ho served at the Masonic hall In Ashland at 1 o'clock. Following the dinner, special services will he held, beginning at 2:30 o'clock. Members of the commandery and their wives will attend both of these affairs. Rhubarb and asparBgns roots. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-t. tf Hemstitching at Deuel's. SIS Saturday dunce! Monday dance! Oriental Ballroom! 8 Grafting wax. Edon Valley Nursery. Phono 6S0 J 2. tf A. E. Reames arrived homo Friday from a stay In the northern part of the stale. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711 East Main. Baled hay for ile. 1. II. Carkln. S4S Newcomb is now dorp'orylng 16-lncb green slnbwood at $1.76 per tier In four tier lots or more. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone 631. JSfitf Spray hose 20 cents per foot Cra ter Lake Hardware Co. U Dance, big dance, Jackson's Sat 8 For band, gravel, sediment and team work see Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple street Phone 9 12-J. Members of the Christian Endeavor societies of the Grants Pass churches to the number of thirty-nine were in attendance here at the Christian church last Thursday night at the Crater Lake Union district of the society. Gladiola bulbs. Eden Valley Nursery Phone 680-J-2. tf Dance! Sat! Oriental Ballroom! 8 Fresh "Hot-Shot" Batteries for your spray rigs. Electric Shop, S. Bartlett street 319 Do not buy an electric washer until we have demonstrated the new May tag to you. Crater Lake Hardware Co. tf Selling baby chicks or ducks pro miscuously -for the kiddies to play with during Easter is prohibited by state law, according to a warning sent out from Portland by Mrs. F. W. Swan- ton of thespregon Humane society yes terday. While the little fluffy things are very attractive and appeal to the children as playthings, Mrs. Swanton called attention to tho cruelty of the practice, .however unintentional it might be. The children will take the chick or duck home and then throw it around as they would a doll. Autos washed and polished at Med ford Auto Co. Buick Service, corner Main and Holly. Satisfaction guaran teed. 325 Brown, 103 N. Central, has little ones and big ones. 7tt We can still furnish spray hose tor 20 cents per foot Crater Lake Hard ware Co. tf Dance, Jackson Hot Springs, Sat 8 Phillip Young and Justin Smith ar rived last night from Eugene where they have been attending the Univer-i elty of Oregon and will spend the spring vacation with relatives here. Rev. Monroe Hull of Pittsburg is hero to officlnto at the Tom Thumb Wedding Monday eve, April 2nd. 8 Try our wet wash, 6c per lb. Amer ican Laundry. Pbone 873. 325 ' See Brown for shoes. tf Where they have peppy music and good eats.. Riverside Community Club Saturday night. 8 After the fire It is too late to insure. See Redden & Canoday now. The Westminster Guild of the Pres byterian church will hold a Bunrise prayer meeting in the chapel of the church at 6:30 a. m. Easter Sunday morning. Every one, young or old is Invited to this prayer service. It will be a fitting preparation for the day which is set apart as an anniversary of tho resurrection of Jesus from the grave, the event which stands at the foundation of all our faith, as a Chris tian. Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. 10 Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co. tf Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. tf Let's go to Brown's for shoes. 103 X. Central. 7t! Joe McMahon was "out of the run nlng" several days this week, caused by a troublesomo wisdom tooth, which bo had taken out. Jacksonville Post. Nursery stock, absolutely acclimat ed, guaranteed. Guaranteed Fran quette selected walnut trees, finest home grown grape vlnesfTokays. Mal agas, Knieror, Muscat Concord, Black Prince, etc.), fruit trees of ever)' variety, largest Gladiola field In Ore gon (bulbs at $1.00 dot., blooming ago) thornless blackberries, raspberries. Logans, 7 varieties straberries, rhu barb, asparagus, fruit trees every de scription, blight resistant pears, Bosc. Bartlett, Cornice, D'Anjou. We pay charges to you. The Jordon Nursery, Grants Pass, Ore, at N. Tenth street. 317 Grape vinos: Tokay. Muscat Mal aga, Rose Peru, Zlnflndell, Thompsons Seedless. Trellis grapes: Concord, Brighton, Worden, Agawam, Niagara and Campbell's Early. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 6S0-J-2. tf Miss Hollo Holmes, chief clerk of tho accounting department of the homo office of tho California-Oregon Power couiany, left yesterday after noon for San Francisco. Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. ' 10 Big dance Sat I Oriental Ballroom Admission 10c. g Wilbur C.odlove arrived yesterday morning from Eugene to spend the annual Vniversity of Oregon spring vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Godlove of this city. Newcomb la now delivering 16-ocft green slsbwood l $1.75 per tier In four-tier lota or more. Place your order soon fi early delivery and bsvo cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone 631, 296tf body. Mr. Billy Lewis is here from Chi cago to act as best man at Tom Thumb's Wedding, which takes place at the Masonic hall, Monday evening, April 3nd. Admission 25 and 25 cents. 8 Reserved seats for the high school operetta, "Tho Gypsy Rover," will go on sale Monday morning at the Page theatre. The performance will be given Wednesday night at the Page and is expected to excel previous per formances. Some of the individual members of the cast have consider- I able ability and the ensemble effect. with the beautiful costumes and the well organized chorus. Is bound to make a hit Moved to 624 X. . Riverside Ave. Phone 474, City Cleaning and Dyeing Co. 12 Two carloads of the Hartman Syndi cate machinery to be hauled to the camp on the Antelope arrived in Med ford this morning and the machinery is being unloaded here instead of at Ashland, from which place it has been brought Included in the equipment is a large steam shovel. Brown says he has lots of them. 103 X. Central. ; 7tf Brown trades what you have for what you want 7tf Harold Woods, Medford student at O. A. C, and a junior this year in elec trical enginering, is one of the mem bers of the first team of three O. A. C. rifle teamB that will enter In the na tional intercollegiate rifle matches the first week in ApriL Teams from more than fifty of thelargest educational institutions in the United States will compete. ( , Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. 10 Colonial Garage for tire service. The last carload of Delicious apples was loaded out of Wenatchee, Wash., last Tuesday night. Tho apples have been in cold storage since last fall, and when they came out they were in perfect condition.' The Peshastin dis trict loaded 70.000 boxes of Delicious tills season, this being one of the largest blocks handled by any single organization in the district Total shipments out of this district are now 1 about 13,350 cars and a little more than 200 cars remain in the district Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 Brown's shoe hospital will heel your shoes, 103 N. Central. 7tf Captain A. E. Burghduff, state game warden, returned last, night from trip through southern Oregon to arouse Interest among sportsmen in the protection and propagation of fish and game. Burghduff Inspected the egg taking stations in Jackson and Klamath counties and found tho con ditions excellent. Portland Telegram. Brown says ho fixes them while you wait "tf Look! Look! Spot dances! Jackson ville! Frl. March 30! Poerless "4"! 8 Dress rehearsals of the operetta "The Gypsy Rover," which is to be given at the Page theatre next Wed nesday night by the high school glee clubs under the direction of Miss Fran ces M. Sherwood, have been held at the Pago theatre for the last three mornings. The production promises to be one of the best high school per formances held here in some time. We have good values In used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf Brown has a first clas3 shoe repair shop. 'itf Moved to 624 N. Riverside Ave. Phone 474, City Cleaning and Dyeing Co. 12" L. Harry Wilcox, owner of the Ar rowhead Orchard tract in tho Modoc district, writes he Is located In Pasa dena. Calif., for the summer. In a let ter to Mr. lverette, of the Four-Sites Realty Agency ho states he finds a very friendly feeling in southern Cali fornia towards the Rogue River valley and southern Oregon and feels there is going to be considerable influx into this territory from that part of Cali fornia. Men's shoes at five dollars at The Hub Shoe "Store Saturday only. Good sizes and widths per windows- 7 The best of guaranteed silk hosiery, the Cortecelll hose. Handicraft Shop. Eminent Commander. WV H. DAY, Recorder. 8 R. A. M. Crater Lake Chapter No. 32 Special Convocation Tues day, April 3rd, 8 p. m. M. E. M. Degree. Visitors welcome. A. F. XOTH, Secy. 10 Prevent Flu and Grippe For a few cents you can ward off Flu and Grippe by promptly checking your coughs and colds with Foley's Honey and Tar. Also gives quick re lief from coughs resulting from Flu, Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma and Bronchitis. Forty-eight years of satis faction to users has made Foley's Honey and Tar the world's largest selling cough medicine. Contains no opiates ingredients , are printed on the wrapper. Refuse substitutes. In sist npon Foley's. Sold everywhere. Adv. Tomorrow SUNDAY The Hotel Medfora will serve the following Easter Dinner for $1.00 Ripe Olives or Consomme Royal New Asparagus Salted Almonds Sweet Pickles Fruit Cocktail SOUP Chicken Gumbo Creole CHOICE OF Chicken Fricassee, Dumpling Style Small Tenderloin Steak, Mushroom Sauce Roast Capon, Currant Jelly VEGETABLES Rissoles or Mashed Potatoes . SALAD . Stuffed Egg DESSERTS Grape-Xuts Custard Pie Caramel Eclair Chocolate Ice Cream and Cake Pistachio Coffee, Tea or Milk A wish of 'ha'ipiness for your KuMcr is hereby extended' to you all from your obedient servant, HOTEL MEDFORD. LOOK THESE OVER THEY'RE OFF! Watc?o;Em TONIGHT! IT HAS THE WHOLE TOW'-V THE JOIP Qunke In India. RANGOON, India. March 31. (By the Associated Press.) Houses In upper Burma were shaken by an earthquake last night. The extent of tho damage has not been reported. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Girls Glee Club Humorous Skits ......... Harmonious Stunts Classic Songs Auspices Medford High School HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM APRIL 3RD, 8:15 P.M. Students 50c Adults 75c, HAXG OX TO .VOIR SEATS HERE'S THE HOTTENTOT BEGINS TOMORROW "AT 12:30 BAND CONCERT by D. O. K. K. Band PARIS Oesare Leone, a taller, lettered the record for "long dis tance dancing" when he danced 2 4 hours 0 minutes. Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Bottoms covar4. Pico ting $ pr 74. A feature length production Just Jnmnirtl with the fninu Chaplin liumor. "Tho Kid's" only rival. also KLSIE KF.Itta sOX In "THE OVTCAST" NOTE:. 1-ilcri. ft.r ."The .Pil grim" Adults iiic, Kiililic-s lOc any time. , t SUNDAY AFTERNOON AT 2:30 in the City Park Used Car Bargains 1920 NASH SIX 1920 FORD ROADSTER . DODGE RUNABOUT : , BABY OVERLAND , CHEVROLET TOURING ; : ' Mason Motor Co. 2 1 30 N. HOLLY PHONE 366 The Variety of Our Mill Work is practically unlimited. We make everything that goes into the" bHiUlinii of it fine home, from the stately stnir ciuse to small corner twees. mtUljag; cf, with n tlwusanj tilings in between. It takes a visit to tell you what our millwork comprises. TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS " 10th and Grape Phone 238