PAGE SIX MTCDFORD TVCATE TRIBUOT!. MEDFORD, OREflOM, FTJTDAY, MATtClI - 30, 1923 All Roads Lead To Central Point Here are some of the many bargains that we have on our list of Specials for Saturday only while the present stock lasts 3 lb. can Golden West Coffee $1.00 3 lb. can Country Club Coffee $1.00 1 lb. best, Bulk Coffee 30 Limit 1 lb. to each customer. Nothing better at any price. l'lb. of our 30c grade Coffee 25 Limit 1 lb. to each customer. pkg Golden West Teat..... 20 1 lb. can Golden West Baking Powder 25 5 lb. tin Crimson Rambler Cane and Maple Syrup 75? 10 lb. tin Crimson Rambler Cane and Maple Syrup $1.45 Campbell's Tomato Roup, can ...........10 ' Snowy Butte Flour, 49 lb. sack..:; $1.50 Peacock Hard Wheat Flour $1.85 Mt. Shasta Flour, extra special ..$1.75 Assorted Pickles, regular 15c 2 for 15 Dill Pickles, in bulk, quart 10. Sour Pickles, in bulk, quart... 25 Swift's White Soap, 7 bars 25 1 bar Toilet Soap, regular 10c 4 bars 25 1 gal. Knight's Catsup, in glass $1,252 tins.$1.00 Weaver's Store working . with you for you. WHERE SERVICE BLENDS INTO HELPFUL CO-OPERATION NEEDFUL ACCOMMODATION -Its that home ; folia bank The Medford National of course. 'COMMUNITY CO-OPERATION" "COMMUNITY HELPFULNESS' 2 The Salvation Army Sunday school, r.sslatod hy outside local talent will give the folowlng splendid Easter program at their hall on Saturday evening at 7:30 p. m., March 31st. A full house Is expected. Special Raster music. Song Congregation. Prayer Captain C. Ford. Scripture Kead hy Aiiss Minnie Whipple. Hecltatlota "Her Garden," Shir ley Offord. Itecltation "Christ and the Lit tle Ones," Dlannah. Recitation "Two Easters," Mrs. Wridge. Cornet duet. Ilocitutlon "fiaddy'g Gardner," Dorothy Hammond. Exercise "The Floral Cross," four girls. Recitation "Easter," by Lenora White. ; ;im( Solo "The Children's Hosanna," Ruth Whipple. Recitation "Tommy's Prayer," Elmer Wridge. Recitation "The Gospel Army," Jessie Offord. Duet "Calvary," hy, Mrs. Trou tler and Mrs. Captain Ford. Recitation "Two Bears," Hazel Wridge. Recitation "The Glorious East er," Henry Sanders. Guitar Duet Mrs. Captain Ford and Alvy Peyton. Recitation "The Skeptic's Daugh ter,'" Iris Wridge. Recitation "The Lord Is Risen," Leona Martin. Duet "Resurrection Morning,'' Mr, and Mrs. Peyton. Recitation "At Eastertimo," Er vln Burgess. , Taxieatix "Rock of Ages." ' ' ' "Good Night Friends," Motion song, twelve girls In white. Silver offering taken at the door. HIGHWAY BERTH PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 30. H. Ii. Van Duzer has accepted appointment as a member of the state highway commission and will succeed John B. Yeon.1 The announcement of Mr. Van Duzer's acceptance was made by Gov ernor Pierce in Portland. , Is Holding His Own "Ten yean) ago I received such wonderful help from your medicine for my Btomach trouble that I have recommended It to hundreds of other sufferers. Recently a friend of mine whoHo brother In a distant city was strickon with acute indigestion and was not expected to live, got his brother to take a bottle on my ad vice, I have just received word that his brother was holding his own, and I am confident that Mayr's Wonder ful llonietly will entirely restore him." it Is a simple, harmless prep aration that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver nnd in testinal nllments, including appendi citis. One dose will convince or monoy refunded. For sale at all druggists!' 1 Adv. INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH Instantly! "Pape'sDiapepsin" Corrects Stomach so , Meals Digest Tlio moment you eat a tablet of "Fane's Diaiwpsin" your indigeBtion is gone. No mora distress from a sour, acid, upset stomneh. No flatulence, heartburn, palpitation, or misery-making HOKes. Correct vour digestion lor a few !... ....i.i i, I druggist to overcome stomach trouble Methodist Episcopal Church Gold Hill, Oregon. A Union of All Denominations. Dr. M. M. Reld, pastor. Bible school Sunday morning at 10. A. E. Kellogg, supt and M. E. Wright, assistant superintendent. Special Easter program. Morning sermon at 11 by Rev. Theodore Thuemler. Spec ial Easter sermon followed by Sacra mental services. Evening sermon at 7:30 by Dr. M. M. Reld, pastor. Bap tismal service and admission of new members following evening sermon. Workers' League monthly meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30.- All are cordially Invited to attend these services. l . in Msasas "Minnie" Earns Critic's Praise Too much cannot bo said in favor of "Minnie,'; which Is showing at the Uialto theatre this weok. . It Is real screen entertainment, with an excellent, human story and thrills aplenty, but its big quality is in its humorous situations. The audi ences at the Rlnlto roared with laugh ter time and again. Marshall Neilan has taken life in a small town country hotel and put the Incidents on the screen In life-like fashion nowhere does he exaggerate. Hence the spon taneous humor the most enjoyable kind. ' .' Leatrice Joy and Matt , Moore are featured. Motion picture-goers will miss something It they don't see "Minnie." "The Hottentot" Attracts "The Hottentot" Is racing along merrily to continued big results at tlio Page theater, where It plays until to morrow night. There are thrills and laughs galore, primarily at the ex pense of a man who was so utterly afraid of horses that he would not even go near a merry-go-round. ' "All my life I've been afraid of horses," says the man who rides "The Hottentot" to viotory In a dangerous race. He fears horses more than any thing else and still he wins In one of the most exciting steeplechases ever filmed. He wins both the race and the girl In the case. ,And he does It on sheer nerve. "The Hottentot" furnishes laughter and excitement front, beginning to end. It starts from a race between a run away horse and an auto and ends with a unique steeplechase. Douglas MncLean plays the part of Sam Harrington, the role which was created for the stage by William Col lier. Raymond Hatton, as the butler, is at his best, and Madge ; Bellamy endears herself as the winsome Peggy Fairfax, whose love for horses makes a man out of sam. "The 'Gospel of Easter', for today nnd forever," will he the theme on Sunday morning, April 1, at the Phoe nix church. Fearls's cantata, "The Gospel of Easter," will be given at 11 o'clock by the double quartet consist ing of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Frame, Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Hara, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Sheets, Mrs. J. M. Rader and Mr. Harold Corliss, accompanied by Mrs. Lester Fay. There will be a brief Easter message by the pastor, and a free will offering for carrying the "glad tidings of the risen Savior Into all the world." TJie Sunday school at 10 a. m. will open with a half hour's program of Easter songs and exercises, followed by study of the Bible lesson, "The Walk to Emmaus," Luke 24. Beginning with this Sunday, April 1st, the Sunday evening services will begin a half-hour later. Young People's Bong service and Easter meeting at 7 o'clock. Everybody Invited to attend and help make this a fitting close for a day commembrating the resurrec tion of Him "who was delivered up for our trespasses, and was raised for our Justification," and who says, "I am the Living One; and I was dead, and be hold, I am alive for evermore!" According to opinions expressed by many large employers, single women are more reliable as workers than married women. . ' Notice of Sale of Government Timber General Land Ofnoe, Washington, D. C., 1923. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9, 1916, (39 Stut. 218), and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917 (46 L. D 447), the timber on the following lands will be sold April 30, 1923, 10 o. c. a. m., at public auction at the United States Land Office at Lakevlew, Oregon, to the highest bid der at not less than the appraised value as shown by tula notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Sec retary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of one per cent cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale la not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associa tions of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the Unit ed States or any State, Territory or District thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the tim ber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being includ ed in any offer of a larger unit. T. 40 S., K. 7 E., Sec. 3i, NE4 SWA, yellow pine, 645 M., red fir 75 M.i frl. NWYi SWy yellow pine 490 M., red fir 80 M.; frl. SW Vi SWft yellow pine 610 M., red fir 65 M.; SE SW yellow pine 645 M.: red fir 165 M.; NW14 SEVi yellow pine 520 M., red fir 60 M.j SW?4 SE& yellow pine 630 M red fir 110 M.J none of the timber on these tracts are to be sold for less than $4.00 per M., for the yellow pine and $1.00 per M. for the red fir. T. 40 S., R, 6 E., Sec. 1, Lot 3, yellow pine 640 M., red fir 40 M.j Lot 1 yellow pine 500 M., red fir 40 M., s in pine 20 M.: NE SW& yellow pine 800 M., red fir 160 M., white fir 150 M NW SWY yellow pine 480 M., red fir, 60 M., sugar pine 10 M., white fir 70 M., SE4 SW(4 yellow pine 540 Mi.-whlte fir 100 M.i SW4 SWy4 yellow pine 400 M red fir 150 M., white fir 20 M.j none of the timber on these tracts to bo sold for less than $4.00 per M., for the yellow pine and sugar pine and $1.00 per M., for the red and white fir. WILLIAM SPRY, Commissioner, General Land Office. 299tf Notice to Water-Users Water will be shut off from the city tonight, March 30, from 9 p. m. to 5 a. m. Watch your hot water tanks and heating devices SYNOPSIS OF THIS ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE EAOLE STAR St. BRITISH DOMINIOMS INStJRAKCE COMPANY, I.TP. of London. Ensland, on the thlrtv-flrst day cf December, 1922, made to the Insur once CommlHuioner of the Slute of Oregon, rursuunl to law: Amount of deposit capital : INCO.ME Net premiums reeelvpd during the year IntereHt, dividends and rr?nlH received riupJng tire yenr.;..: Income from other sources recei edduring the year , Total incom - DIHBUKBKAIKISTH .,.,., Net losses paid during the year Including adjustment expenses J,18J,J0O.i J .. 610,000.00 J4, 549,390.89 . 193, 365. U 421, 083. EG $5,164,445.27 Dividends uald on cuultal Btock during the yettr. Commissions and salaries paid during the year Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year Amount .of all other expenditures Total expenditures .v : ASSETS Value of real e'state owned (market value) : Value of stocks und bonds owned (market value)...... Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc Cash In banks und on hand .' Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 1921.. Interest and rents due and accrued Reinsurance recoverable on paid losses ., : v , Total admitted assets M .....$5, LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses unpaid Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks,;. 2, Due for commission and brokeruge :. All other liabilities Total liabilities, exclusive of surplus of 81,309,770.02 S3, BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Not premiums received during the yoar Losses paid during tlio year .v...:,....:., ..:....;:. Losses Incurred during the year - :..:x.......... EAOLE STAR AND BRITISH DOMINIONS INS. CO., LTD, Fred S. James & Co.. U. S. Managers. Statutory resident attorney for service: Insurance Commissioner. .. 1,430,541.61 100,543.44 ... 377,648.22 85,091,099.00 1.450,005.00 0 138.734.40 374,950.00 ' 61,597.88 28,113.25 053,460.63 817.898.45 960,078.86 6.000.00 59.713.20 843,690.51 01,937.05 23.807.43 31,665.08 Just What You Have Been Looking For A luggage carrier that is strong, substantial and adjustable. That folds down on running board when not in use, and does not interfere with Jhe .use, of ypur car doors on either side of car, can be used on Sedan or Touring Car. A Steel Auto Bed, 48 inches wide, that rolls up in a cora- ' pact bundle - - ;.$13.50 Auto and Wall Tents, at this season's prices. . . ' New Cotton Double Blankets ..L,.......1.,.............'.$2.19 Regulation Army Lockers, new '. - .,.,..;...;. ....$10.90 Tack Sacks and Leather Hiker's Bags:.......: ..$2.50 and $2.75 Large and small Tarpaulins for bed rolls ' Regulation Army Barrack Bags, new 75c Work Shoes : $2.35 to $4.85 All Army Shoes at greatly reduced prices. - -: ' New Trench Shoes - - $2.79 TRADE AT THE ARMY STORE AND SAVE MONEY United Army Stores 32 CENTRAL AVENUE, SO. WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE. IT SAID THAT MANY A FARMER'S WIFE WHO CARRIES WATER FOR HOME USE, CARRIES THE WEIGHT OF A MODERN PASSENGER TRAIN DURING HER LIFETIME. Paul Water Systems Furnish running water for the average home for less than 3 Cents a Day SEE OUR DISPLAY SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, INCLUDING THE GAS ENGINE AUTOMATIC WATER SYSTEM FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE ELECTRIC POWER. Systems as low as $90.00 Also Irrigation Pumps, Motors, Wood pipe, Some used equipment Prices are advancing Paul's Electric Store Main and Central