PXGE FOUR MEDFORD STXIE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOOX, FRTDXY, STARCH 30. 3923 Medford Mail tkibuneI AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUULISHKD KVERV AKTEKNOON EXCEPT BUNDAT, BY TUB MKUKurtU HINTING CO. "Tht WeOford Sunday Morning gun ii furnish! ubscrtU?r desiring a sven day dally newspaper. Office Mall Tribune Building, 25-27-2? North Kir street. Phone 75. A consolidation of the Democratic Times, the Medford Mall, the Medford Tribune, the Southern Oregon lan. The Aahl&tiU Tribune. ROBERT W. UUHU Editor. B. HUMPTER SMITH, Manager. BY MAIL In Advance: Dally, with Humlay Sun, year.l7.50 Dally, with Sunday Hun. month .75 pally, without Sunday Sun, year- 6.50 latly, without Sunday Sun, month .65 Weekly Mull Tribune, one yqr , 2.00 Sunday Sun, one year.- 2.00 BY CARR1XCR In Medford, Ashland. Jacksonville, Central Point Phoenix, i Talent and on Highways: Jelly, with Sunday Sun, month .75 )allv, without Sunday Sun, month .65 )a11y, without Sunduy Sun, year.. 7.50 ' Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year 8.50 All terms by carrier, cash in advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. Uirictm paper or juckboii uoutuy, The. only paper between Eugene, Ore., and Sacramento, Calif., a distance of over 500 miles, having leased wire Asso ciated Press Service. Sworn dally average circulation for ii months ending April 1. mz, 3528, more than double the circulation of any other paper published or circulated In Jackson County. Entered as second cmsfc matter at Medford, Oregon, under act of March 8, 187. MEMBERS OF TIfR ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dtftputchen credited In It or not otherwise credl ted In this paper, and al0 to the local news published herein. All rlKlite of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. ' Another charming member (if the Ladles of the Six Shooters hua re moved from all earthly activity a lov ing citizen and kind sweetie. Sho saved New York gome money by tak ing the Extermination degree Immedi ately after eradicating Hie objection able person of the opposite gender. The list of Democratic candidates for president in 1924 is growing, and ia almost as Imposing as the roll of aspirants for United States senator from this state. ' -The esteemed weatherman has de cded to commit BUiclde by Inaugurat ing A rain Sunduy. . GO RIGHT AHEAD, ETHEL1 V .' (Panama City 8tar) Notice My husband, 8uml. ). Brouson, having left my home and ', protection without any Just cause 'Since the 13th of May, 1D20, and I hl whereabouts are unknown to ,me, I therefore notify the public that it's my Intention to get nmr flfld. Slg. Mrs. Kthol Hrouson. . ' 100 MEN WANTED TO EAT CHICKEN. ROYAL LUNCH COUN TER. (Ad Redding, Cal., News). Ek ceedlngly tough, and It may take more. THEM WERE THE DAY8 OF THE YELLOW-LEGGED CHICKEN ' (Literary Digest) Time was when a long face nnd 1 ' a grave mien were considered proper for the preacher, and ho was supposed to smile only under the softening Influence of a chris tening or a wedding. Hut that ' day, we are told, Is gone. Came a group of young men who looked upon the world and found it fair, who saw that God had filled crea tion with tilings of. beatuy, and who could discover no reuBon why they could not bo' llko other henlthy-minded men and still be preachers. The leading hollrnlBor of the nation Is not half the Idiot the genural public suspected. "The American people," aid Mr. Ktoster, from the witness atand, "are not immune from radical Ideas. They sometimes accopt them hysterically." And ain't It tho truth. A sugar-coated nutty notion, with a little salntllnoBB mixed ;n, Is apt to infatuate them any time. THE SELF HATER ' (Chlco Enterprise) I am sending you a clipping which appeared In the society col , umns today. You know everything about my wedding is duly chron icled by some reporter. Lovingly nnd gratefully yours, LESLIE HAMILTON.. WAITING ' (John Burroughs) , Serene, I fold my hands and wnr Nor cure for wind, nor tide, nor son; I race no more 'gainst Time or Fnto, 'For lo! my own shall come to mo. ' ' - 1 I stay my haste, I make ilolnys, For what avails this caper pace? I stand amid th' eternal ways, (And whoXlls mine shall know my face Asleep, awake, by night or day, Tho friends I seek are seeking mo; No wind can drive my bark astray, ' Nor change the tido of dostluy. 3 What matter IP I stand alono? 1 I wait with Joy tho coming yonrn; My heart shall reap where It hath sown. And gamer up Its fruit ot toars. r. The waters know their own nnd dm w The brook that springs In yomler heights; So flows the good with equal '.aw Unto th soul of pure delights. I The stars come nightly to tho sky, The tidal wave cnniaw to the s.m; Nor time, nor spaoe, no r doep, nor high Can keep my own tway from mo. OUTLAWING WAR. SENATOR BORAH'S latest move for world peace lias scarcely re ceived the attention it deserves. , The senator from Idaho proposes to outlaw war. lie favors an in ternational court, which would settle disputes between nations, as civil and criminal courts within nations, now settle disputes between individuals. Such a procedure would deprive war of its present moral and legal sanction. As international law is now formulated, one nation may declare war on another, whenever it wishes, and on whatever (.'rounds it may deem sufficient. War once declared, force automatF ciilly becomes supreme and military necessity allows the destructive passions full sway. An international court would not, as tin world is at present con siituted, eliminate all war, any more than criminal courts now elimi nate all crime. Hut it would make the war .maker an outlaw just as the criminal court now makes the law-breaker an outlaw. Senator Borah's proposition is absolutely sound, essentially logi cal and should receive the support of all people in this country who lire sincere in their desire to see the world change its course and organize for peace. In its freedom from political entanglements it lias a decided advantage over the League of Nations, as at present constituted, and in its uncompromising attack upon the legal founda tions of iutcrnalional conflicts, it marks the first practical effort toward the reconstruction of a new and better world. Quill Points Burly to bed and early to rise is a motto now used only by flies. The odd part is that Adam named spring a season instead of a yawn. ' The nearest some wives ever comuto loafing is while filling a bobbin. The annoying thing about the man who knows it all is his persis tence in telling it. Esperanto can't hope to become as universally respected as the language money talks. Home is o place where the appearance of the table cloth tells where the children sit. The glass of fashion now is the onc'that separates the driver from the occupants of tho tonncau. Compression causes heat in some instances, but the hot heads usu ally are tho empty ones. Isn't is about time for the last surviving member of Jeff Davis' body guard to die again? Our old-fashioned opinion is that the proper carriage for a woman to affect is a baby carriage. Even in these dry times it is easy to get soaked after the oil stock salesman learns your address. Any man and wife can get along together unless both happen to feel like pouting at the same time. RipplingRhurass ft JK4. FACING THE MUSIC. THE LONG NIGHT through James Kickshaw wept, and kept, the boarding house awake; men tossed in toed who should liavo slept, because, his teeth were filled with ache. I faced him at tho midnight hour, and said, "You've wailed enough, I guess; a dentist dwells in yonder tower and ho will end your fierce dis tress. II haply you shouldjack tho price, your fellow boarders will chip in; but go at once, take my advice, and slop this most outrageous din." But still he journeyed fro and to, and wept anil wailed and wrung his hands, until the boarders hove in view, in earnest and determined bauds. We rushed him swiftly down the hall and fired him through the long front door, and took his chromo from the wall, and bade him to return no more. You have unpleasant work ahead, some task that makes your spirit quail f Approach it with u dauntless tread, nnd don't send up a yip or wail. Then all the boys will know you're game, a gent to honor and admire, ami poets will embalm your name, when they tuno up tho festive lyre. But if you gnash you teeth and bawl when face to faeo with painful chore, some gents will rush you down the hall, and kick you softly through the door. SAY "BAYER" when you buy Aspirin . l"nk you see the name "Bayer" on p-k or on tablet you are net pet Cine the f-cnitin Baytr product pro snribnl by physicians over twenty-two year- luid prowl nafo by million for onliln, hradscho, (otithache, mracho, neu ralgia, lumbago, rhmramtUm, neuritis, T (waiter Ilagcn, Brill!) open cham-j I Ustants In the north and south open pion. ristanced the field of sixty con- ; title play with a card of 138 for the; first 38 holes. FOHT DODOEi la.. March 30.. Joe "Young" O'Hara, local boxer, has been signed for a bout with Dave Shade. California welterweight, in Philadelphia next month. The date has not been decided. T t'YIVnTAlL' T-.. X ( 1. .ft lfii-ul..ti .clMnnH ..D, .......'a Van. hilbu l..Vu u.III ........ ..nln th). v..nr Henjuniin lilock of New York, owner of the famous horse, annr.-ineed to day. He Intends to enter him at Em pire City in June and later at Sara toga, he said. CANNES Mrs. Molla H. Mallory ended her four-weeks tennis cam paign disastrously when she was de feated by tho comparatively unknown Mile. Vlasea, 8-0. 9-7. NEW YORK Jaek McAulllffe, II, Detroit heavyweight, was chosen to opposo Luis Firpo on the Wlllard Johnson card at the Yankee sludtum .May 12. 'INEIH'ItST, N. ('.. Mareh 30. If Ruptured Try This Free Apply It to Any Iiiipttirt Old or ilfML'tit, jjurgu or Small mid you Arti on Uio Rond That Huh Convinced Thousands. Sent Free to Prove This Anyone ruptured, man, woman or child Khould write at once to W. H, Itlco 2VJ4 Ii Main St., AttamH, N. Y., fur a free trial of his wonderful stim ulating application. "Hunt put it on the rupture and the muscles begin to tighten; they begin to bind together so that the opening closea naturally and tho need of a HUpport or U'uhh or appliance is then done away with. Don't neglft to send for this free trial. Kven if your rupture doesn't bother you what is the use of wear ing supports all your life? Why suf fer this nuisance? Why run the risk of gangrene and such dangers from a small' and innocent little rupture, the kind that has thrown thousands on the operating table? A host of men and women are daily running such risk just because their ruptures do not hurt nor . prevent them from getting around. Write at once for this free trial, as it is certainly a wonderful thing and has aided in the cure of ruptures that were as big as a man's two fists,. Try and write at once, using the ooupon below. Froo for Itupturo W. S. Itlce, Inc., 2394 13. Main St.. Adams. N. Y. You may send me entirely freo a sample Treatment of your stim ulating application for Rupture. Name ..... . . I il Address ....... ..... . State Tub Weli-Known m cpicines op the FAMOOU KBCUPT BOOK AUTHOR Tonic Pills The Old Reliable Family Remedy for Building Up the System, Nervous Dis orders, Insomnia, etc Negleot of iletpleitoMt, deprct ton and nervous dltordert of any kind, U extremely dangeroua. All too many men and women, corn pelled to go out Into the world and battle foe, a living, neglect their health toiuch an extent that ft nervoua breakdown la the in evil. bit result. It la best to be warned In time, ao that these nervous ailments mar be checked. Read what Prank Sprencel ol 45J W. Jefferson St., ValpaHaso, In diana, say at r -Dr. A. W. Chase's Tonfe Pllts re helping me in eery war pos sible as I wn) In very bnd shape when 1 began the ue of them. I am feeling better erery day. The treatmt-tit is working wonders in , my ns my case ia about thirty-eight years standing." JTou can buy Dr. Chase's Tonlo Pills st all drug stores. To be sure of getting the genuine, see that portrait and signature of A W -Chaae. M.D.. are on etch box your protection against Imitations. Or. A W. CHASE JEDtCINB CO. 257 V.Nishlngtoo SL, Buffalo. N.Y. find for pain In prrtergj. Accept only "Hatt nftckflgfl which conUun nroixT direction. Handy boxe of twelve tah- I lets cosit few pent. Drupgiiitii also anil N.ttlon of 2-4 nnd 100. Aspirin is the uriutc nmrK m nnyer MfiniiiRcture ol (r C? TP' o AlunoficiAicGidogtvr of SalicylicAcid. 1 10 O, X IX ot. Flat Rate Service The Poalor who soils tho Automohilo is the man who is much interested in the good Service of that make of car. Our shop is working on flat rate and parts used are genuine Dodge Brothers parts. Our motto: Good service at reasonable cost. Geo. LTreichlcr Motor Co. NEW YORK. March 30. Zach Wheat, captain and veteran out-, fielder of the Brooklyn Nationals, has rejected his 1923 contract, ac- j cording to advices today from the j team's training camp at Clearwater,! Fla. Wheat was reported to be hold ing out for '$10,000. Lumber Hearing Continues. BEATTLK. .March 30. Hearing by examiner W. W. Hheppard for the federal trade commission on its' charges that the Douglus Fir Explol- tution and Export company unlaw-j fully fixed domestic prlce of lum- j ber, continued here today. It was ex-! pected that presentation of evidence! by the defense, including the 10G con- j cerns composing the company, would soon be finished and hearing of de-; fenso evidence begin In Portland. NEW YORK Two women phy sicians developed serum that cured boy of influenza. : meningitis, a dis ease with a mortality rate higher! than 96 per rent. DONT ' FORGET TO 4. PHONE? YOUR ORDER FOR EASTER A ' ,' ' ' Tothe vv Laurel Street Market 216 S. Laurel St. Phone 475 Swift's Premium Hams 'Strictly Fresh Eggs Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and Lamb Fresh Vegetables S. & W Canned Goods 7."".'''. "'a'"'''. Groceries of all kinds We are here to supply your needs. Phone us your order. Free Delivery. ' - ' An Easter Sale of Meii's Suits 4. e Slyl.pl ul Cloth 100 All Wool Suits ' for Men and You ng Men $25 & $30 Brand New Stock and Styles Some were $35 values Some have " two pair of ' pant-Some Tweeds Some Serges Some Gaberdines Some light Some dark All sizes, from 32 to 44.' ' , SEE THEM IN" OUR WINDOW Spring Hats on Sale for Easter Schoble and R & W Felts $4.00 $5.00 ;$6.oo Special $3.50 and $4.00 duality r ii t 1 . i reit nais Easter Special $3;1S D .-i Boy's Suits One lot of boys' all-wool Suits, with 2 pair trousers ' $9-85 Johnny Tupants Suits In new Spring Tweeds, 2 pair of Pants with every .... Suit .v K,-.r. ,:?y $12-50and$15-505s' Just Arrived ' Arrow Shirts for Spring Mann's Department Store The Store for Everybody . Medford,' Oregon Easter Ties The . Newest Are Here Phone 304, Specials for Your Easter Dinner j Spring Lamb, per lb. 40c I j c: i: . u 11 . on ': VI Irl-r oiiiv.ia.iic a xianiv, per ID. . . OUC y Choice Veal Roast, per lb. .". . ,25c Pn.l Ono 1U net- . rrrViJi -V . n. """Oil IU. ,. . . ,ZUC . W v K Capon Chickens, per lb. . 40c A nice lot' of Young Rabbits, per lb. ... 30c City Meat Market Free Delivery Quality and Service . - Phone 324 1 f.. 'v'i '-' -'XV