5- PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOftD,. ORECiOX, FRIDAY, MARCTI 30. 1923 I WAHINGTON, March A bil lion dollar a year i the board bill erf uninvited farm and fruit pests which hnv com- to the United ijiatea (rom foreitn lands, aceordiiiB to Chairman c. L. ilarlatt of the Fi-de-ral Hortlrultural board. Two hours of even" days' work on the farm or in tha garden and orchard goes to ieed these guests, Ir. MaruiU Bays. There are at leant 100 major plant pests and many hundreds of minor peKta which have been Imported but there are thousands of other pesta, in sect and plant that have not Kained entry Into the ' United Stales and vhich the Federal Horticultural board la endeavoring to keep out. . Fifteen quarantines are being en forced now, and In connection with these, efforts are under way to era dicate the pink bollworm, the citrus canker, and the Paralatoria dale scale. The other Tecntly established pests, including the- Kuropean corn borer, the Japanese beetle, the pine blister, etc., are recognized now, as permanent ractors in the agriculture of the country.1 arid for these retar dation of spread is the only hope left. This eradication and rontrol work is being conducted by the Federal Hor ticultural beard and- Involves- an an nual expenditure of. upwards, of S,- 00.000. .. - : j . ' , EAGLE? POINT EAGLETS . By A. C. Hewlett;. Pete Young, one of our prosperous farmers who lives on hU owu farm Fbort distance below here, as 't Ami nes caller the latter part f lae jiast week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dennis won are on the Grant Mathews farm came in to bring in Mr. and Mrs. Birch ofGien dale who bad been out visiting them. Mr. Birch is one of tbe conductors on the S. P. railroad. Mrs. W. C. Daley and her daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Von der Hellen were pleasant callers at the Sunnyside Thursday. Mrs. Daley Is somewhat aged and in poor health owing to a serious accident she met with several years ago when she was thrown from a borse and badly hurt, and her many friends wore pleased to see her able to ride out and visit some of her old friends. And I notice that Mrs. Von der Hellen has purchased a fine new car, a Dtirant. R. A. Petty, one of our prosperous farmers, was a business caller Thurs day. Mrs, L. E. Hininan and her rliuiBlitor, Mrs. E. R. Van Leouwen of Aledtord,. came out Friday to take dinner and te bid us fnrewgll. Mrs. Van Ieouwcn said that she had Jier things nil packed and expected to yitart the first of this week to Join her hiiBband in Ilevcrton, New Jersey, who Is In charge. of 'the Japanese Beetle Laboratory In Interest of U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture. Mrs. Van Leeu- ' wen will be greatly missed by her host ! of friends, not only In Medford where she was in business at the time of her marriage, but by a large circle of friends outside of Medford. - ' , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fuson. life insurance agents, were out Friday and ' took dinner at the Sunnyside. i Marsh Garrett, one of our big stock men was a business caller the same day. Carl Stanley went to Prospect to ar range the Wm. Von der Hellen camp eo that he can start up operations on his contract on the Crater Lake high way again. .-, Alvin Conover. wife and two boys were trading with our popular mer chant. Fred McPberson Saturday, and Mrs. Conover promised me that she would subscribe for the Mail Tribune In the near future. Rube Johnson, W. H. label of Reese creek, T. E. Clark and F. R. Frey of Lake Creek were also trading with him tbe same day. Wort Pool, another one of our far mers, and V. H. Crandall. a promi nent orchardist were here, lie brought in a nice lot of dressed turkeys, leav ing a couple at the Sunnyside. George Given, another one of our fanners, was in town on business. I asked him bow his cows and chickens were doing and he replied that they only had about three hundred hens and a few cows but they managed to keep them out of tbe poorhouse. A few hundred such men as the Givens, StowellB, French, Hellews, Iirlttson Bros.,' and a kit more 1 could mention in these parts will soon build up a community: The contractors on the canal and tbe laterals hare about all resumed work and the result is that business Is not so lively as it might be as most of the men are at work, but when the water comes business will bom and Eagle Point district will be plainly seen on the map. - Mrs. E. G. Riddell of Santa Barbara, Calif., and Mrs. O. A. Qltzen of Med ford, two daughters of our soft drink man and grocery and hardware mer chant, Frank . Lewis, were out here visiting their parents Saturday. Mrs. Riddell only made a very short visit, two or. three days, returning to ber home Saturday night. . Thomas McCabe and son came out on the stage Saturday and went on up to the McCabe ranch the same after noon. Mrs. Robert Jilarnlsh and Mrs. Joe Moomaw mottled to Medford last Tuesday. J. H. Carlton, one of the contractors on the laterals from the Eagle Point Butte Falls canal was a business caller Sunday and so was Lois Martin, he was giving Mr. Carlton some point ers on the use of the dltferent kinds of powder in blasting work In his work on the laterals, as be Is considered an expert In that line of business. Mr. and .Mrs. R. I. Stewart and son Gilbert of Medford were among t,he .diners at thq Eunnysldo Sunday Th By, are anions (lie contractors On tbe con creto bridge work; II. E. Campbell and wire and Rev. G. N. Edwards, the travollng Sunday school missionary for the Congregational church in Ore gon, and preached hero Sunday fore noon, returning to Medford Sunday afternoon; Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Trow brldgo and Mr. and Mrs. John Perl, our popular coroner, and. J. A. Perry and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Montgom ery, the & P. railroad agent of Med ford. Lucius Kincald and wife, the contractor who is carrying the mall from here to Persist and A. J. Florey and wife were here tor dinner. We also had a very Interesting meeting with one of the clubs of tbe Presbyterian church of Medford. It appears that there are two-of them organized to go out Into the outlying districts where they have little or no religions services and one of them go out one place and the other,, numb er, wherever there seems to be ati opening. There wag a large congrega tion out and we were favored ith some fine Instrumental and ' eoal music and three very interesting talks, one by Ed Gore who presided and read a scripture lesson and commented on it. and one by Frank Smith who. told what a desperate fight he bad before he succeeded in coming off victorious over the. terrible curse, the liquor habit ; how his Christian wife stayed wltb him and prayed with and for him and after he had by the grace of God finally succeeded, how she encour aged him and bore him up at a throne of peace until bow be is able to fight the battle alone with God's assistance, as he has lost nls wife and now he Is warning the young against the fearful consequences of the habit. The other ttyo members were Dr. Elliott and D. U Btelner, each of them taking an active part but as I did not know cither of them do not know what part each one took. . They will receive a cordial welcome whenever they wit) favor us with another visit. " ' ' USE SULPHUR TO HEAL YOUR SKIN Broken Out Skin and Itching Eczema Helped Over Night - For unsielitlv skin emotions, rash or blotches ou face, neck, arms or body, you do not have to wait for relief from torture or embarrassment, declares a noted skin specialist Apply a little Mentho-Sulphur and improvement shows next day. Because of its germ destroying prop erties, nothing has ever been found to take the place of this sulphur prepara tion. The moment you apply it heal ing begins. Only those who have had unsightly skin troubles can know the delight this Mentho-Sulphur brings. Even fiery, itching eczema is dried right up. Get a small jar of Rowlcs Mentho Sulphur from any good druggist and ue it like cold cream. 0. V. MYERS "The Truck Man" MACK TRUCKS - REO SPEED WAGONS HO N. Holly Phone 800 MACHINE WORK Repairing ' Babbitting and Welding Crater Lake Automotive Co. f.t,iui- V..'--''' f S mardy turned out English Ovals on the box and twenty of them in it! Thoroughbreds they are of pedi greed tobaccos, matured, cured and blended in the good old English way. mid cigarettes full bodied cigarettes well made cigarettes handsome cigarettes. ", ' Philip Morris makes them. In-coM-pa-ra-bly tincl' ; , ( ri) PHILIP MORRIS V CO. ira mu CIGARETTES f 20 hr2& BlcmMmiheGbodOld English Waif Testimony Is Given - - Through Sense of Duty San Francisco Lady ' De clares" Tanlac So Com pletely Overcame : Dia 'treasing Effects of Flue, ' ghe Wants Other Suffer . ers to Know Facts y Here is another instance CuT'tbe remarkable powers of Tanlac - in overcoming, a weak, run-down con dition and other troubles following, the ravaging effects of influenza. , , Mrs. Anna Vasserleben, 850 Pine Sr., Ban Francisco, highly esteemed manager of the Lady Washington apartments, savs:'v . "Jt is my wish to avoid publicity, but I have been so greatly benefited by Tanlac that. I feel lik I should be willing to make a statement my pelf nd ny to help others r relief. "Last year an attack of InTluenm left me so badly run down that seeled. Impossible for -me to ever re gain my strength. I had a very poor appetite, my nerves were unstrung, and 1 was evtremeiy low spirited. Why, it Just seemed that I had no life or vitality at .all, . and I "simply felt miserable. . .. . "One of my friends told me she had taken Tanlac with splendid re sults, and thought it would be the very thing for my troubles too. Well, I took her advice,-and commenced taking the treatment, and It proved Just i-plemlld.' My appetite Improved rapidly, and when I begun getting the benefit of .mj food, that weak, run down feeling disappeared and I began to feel strong and healthy. X have recovered my health completely now, and think Tanlac is the grand est medicine made." TanUie is, for sale by-,aH good drug gists take no substitute. Over 35 million bottles Void. Adv. H. W. C0N0EX UNDERTAKER Sncceaaor to Weeks-Conger Oo, Hertford. Opa, ; ; ''r Selling vJ !t ''". i , FairbankMorse Pumps, and Engines '-and" Hayes Sprayers, , rt Williams Implement Service 28 So. Rartlett - Phone 265 IF YOU WANT GOOD WHOLESOME , BREAD ; Ask your grocer , or phone your order to . - CENTRAL POINT MILL for ' " MT. PITT BLEND 1 of flour Morton's Mill Central Point ' ,1 1 A , THE NEW - OVERLAND : IS HERE tyWO 1. ,U. U. iUCUlUlU (j, Busy Corner Motor lo.! OBSTINATE COUGHS When resistance is lowered and you come down vrith a cold that runs into an obstinate cough, your trouble is. more tnan surtace deep. I You need an easily absorbed tonk-nutrient, mixed with your blood to nourish and enable you to get a fresh hold on strength,1 For nearly fifty years Scott s has been helping break up colds by building up strength. C Try It! ' The exclusive snide of eod-llver oil used In Scott's Emulsion Is the famous b. a. iTOccss. ' made in Norway ana rebnea in our own American , Ibotstoriff, it Is gnarute of parity and paiatatulity -tuisurpaatcd. - Scott ft Bowae. Tllnnrrlif Id. M. J. H- TfUFORNR OREGw7 POWER COMPANY THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY 7 PREFERRED CAPITAL STOCK ; PRICE $95 PER SHARE YIELDING.7.37 .YOUR PARTNERS IN PROGRESS THE COMPANY The history 'of The California Oregon Power Company shows a substantial growth in facilities and earnings result ing from the large sums of money invested in its properties and from the development of the territory in which it operates. x i . ' - Steady Growth in Customers Served ' The territory now served by The California Oregon Power Company includes parts of Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Douglas Counties in Oregon, and Siskiyou County and parts of Shasta and Trinity Counties in California. This is an area equal to the combined areas of the states of Massa chusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut- During the period between 1912 and 1922, the number of consumers has grown from 6,551 to 13,123, an increase of lOO'.r. - . , T Increase in Facilities The Company owns and operates seven hydro-electric - plants in Southern Oregon and Northern California. It has never resorted to generation of electricity by steam power. In building these hydro-electric plants, a natural resource is being developed which will be productive forever. In 1912, the generating capacity was 11,800 H. P. and at the end of 1922, it amounted to 52,580 H. P. ' The Company's high tension lines at the end of 1922 were over six hundred miles in length. The aggregate length of the distribution lines was over eight hundred and ten miles. The investment needed for the construction of these fa cilities has increased from HI 89,325.76 in 1912 to J 10,293,- , 569.69 in 1922 This price 'will be advanced May 1st " " THE STOCK Par value JlOtf per share. Dividends" have been paid on The California Oregon Power Company Preferred Capital Stock since issuance (April 15, 1921) at the rate of $7 per share per annum. . Checks ire nailed every three months at rate' of $1.75 per share. Proceeds o all securities sold are devoted exclusively to additions to anqpetterments of Company's properties, j It is not assessable by the Company for any purpose wliatsoever. It is non-callable, and if purchased at the present pries yields a permanent return of 7.37 on the investment ' It is exempt from Federal Normal Individual Income -Tax., v,-;: :)- ; i . ; It takes precedence as to assets and dividends over com mon stock amounting to S4,441,100 par value. The equity back of the preferred stock now outstanding amounts to a total ofJSSSeiS which equal's $288.30 per share or over three times the present cost of $95 per share. Purchase may be made In any! amount frohrdne shate"5p. ward. ,The stock may be purchased for cash-or-on our special savings plan, namely, $5X0 ner share as first payment, indj $5.00 per share per month.- K u .v.-.. Interest is paid by the Company on all partial payments . under the savings plan at the rate of 67i per annum. Inter est checks are mailed to subscribers under the savings plan every three months. The stock is listed on the San Francisco Stock and Bond i Exchange.' " vi . THE RECORD OF TEN YEARS' GROWTH YEAR 1912 : 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1911 1919 1920 1921 1922 Value Physical Properties .$4,189,325.76 . 4,787,624.35 . 5,054.312.08 . 5.265,8-9.86 . 5.9S5.095.29 . 6,498,375.71 . 7,311,310.73 . 7.416,522.45 . 7.692,884.51 . 8.407,581.82 .10,293,569.69 Operating; Net Earning? without Orosf Maintenance Deducting Interest Revenues ipeiue. or Depreciation $307,040.29 $137,663.49 $169,376.80 347,261.70 143.746.67 203,515.03 385,331.23 - . 163,209.21 222,122.02 398.349.83 4 - ,, 171,45846, 226.891.57 426,106.64,. (, . 213,679.91', 212,426.73 , 487,916.44 226.509.67 261,406.77 502,269.05 245.150.37 .. 257,118.68 726,079.30 295,743.74 430,335.56 - : 948,277.07 398,041.48 550,235.59 1.001,272.07 449,082.18 552,189.89 1,066,189.52 ( 447.787.6p. . 618,401.92 . . - -. Kilowatt Hours Generated 21,492,374 26,485,359 33,245,366 38,133,884 41,936,855 47,755,628 46,216,299 108,238,745 142,404,975 129,368,808 130,124,154 I Our partial payment plan of f$ per share pet month enables you to take im mediate advantage of the exceedingly attractive price at "which this high-grade security in now being offered 95 per share to yield 7.37 per annum. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Offices: Medford, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls, Oregon Yrcka, Dunsmuir, California ;(.-.'! .., it T :- ri-Vifl:.! Tit mij fUu rr tri,r tr felt.'i hfirrnathn tl dr. ifitr-tfi.ti, trfnt t mrmitr ". trgdtizJIict, tr nt:l it tht ctfit. Tiii itttriiy tt tkii frut ii if tar tht frict Itct! tf nrsfjtttiU hyjrt-tUflrit itttrititi, U't art htUitg it tt thuprut tenftrtrilj it trjr te girt ttr rat ttittmtri tni frittdi ifptrittitj tt it rut. Tht frUt tr;,7 it titttad Mty . The Califbrnii Oregon Power Company Medford, Oregon Please have a member of your organization can on me about your I 7 1'reterred btott. p- VW , ' ' - I JJd'rati A V. " L J