PAGE SIX MBDJfOKD MAIL TrUBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1923 Drugs Excite ; the Kidneys, '! Drink Water Tko 8alU at First Sign of Bladder Irritation or , ' i Backache The American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble because we often eat too much rich food. Our. blood is tilled with acids w' ' .S the kidneys strive to filter out; they weaken from overwork, become sluggish, the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. AVhen your kidneys feel like lumns of lead; your back hurts or the urine 1s cloudy, full of sediment, or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache, or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or if you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, begin drink ing lots of good soft water and get from Vour pharmacist about four ounces, of Jad Salts. Take a tablcspoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a 'lew days and your kidneys may then act fine. - This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for years to help flush and stimulate clogged Kidneys, to neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer arc a soucce of 'irritation, thus often relieving blad der disorders. i Jad Salts is inexpensive; can not in jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithta-watcr drink and belongs in every home, because nobody can make a mis take by having a good kidney flushing any time. By all means have your phy sician examine your kidneys at least twice a year. i; WE FIT tho IUGIIT gear to re place the Btrlppod or broken , original starter gears on jour jcar. Our work Is absolutely ac curate, our gears tough, strong and well mndo, and our stork covers practically all a 1 7.03 for popular cars. Save . money' and time come to us. OFFUTT MACHINE SHOP 80-40 No. Front. Phono iiu GTi'xtures for Bath aoo Tour noods can be sat isfactorily supplied from our stock For convenience's sake and tho sako of owning bath room fixtures that nro modorn and . ap proved you Bhould In spoct our offerings. Modtorn numbing & Heating Oo. Sparta Bids. Phono 020 Oregon Roses and other Beautiful Flowers Illustrated Catalogue Freo upon Application Clarke Bros. 287 Morrison St. 1 Portland, Oregon. J WATCH YOUR BATTERY ' PRKHT-O-MTK BATTKllY j STATION For Quick fervnw PHom lit .ti O.V.MYERS "Tho Truck Mwi" U MACK TRUCKS 4REO SPEED WAGONS to If. Holly rhone C 00 ALT) If N. METHODISTS WEN BASKETBALL LEAGUE PENNANT The North Methodists look tho laist game of tho Y. M. C. A. league season from the lluptlsts Monday night at the I . M. C. A. hall on North Riverside. By doing so they come Into possession of tho championship pennnnt of tho1 lougue and ure proclaimed champions' ovor tho four other teums In the lineup. . The contest was hard fought and murks tho close of a most successful season. Twenty games have boon played, the old llusket Cirocery loft having been fitted up tor tho purpose. The entrance fee of $7 from each team and the gate money has served to carry all the expense ot the season with a small surplus for tho oponlng of the baseball season. Rent, wiring, light globes, baskets and bucltboards and incidental expenses have brought the expense for the season to about 100. Comment has been frequently heard concerning the general benefits of the Y. M. C. A. league. Sixty to seventy flvo young men have boon given whole some exorcise and recreation under tho best of supervision and control over a period of ten weeks. Affilia tion with somo church has been strict ly adhered to as an abiding principle of the league. For the most part the athletes participating would not oth erwise have had opportunity for play ing at all, or at most In a desultory mnnner, as the "outlaw" or "free lance" team Is always a delusion and a disappointment. In a word, the league has been a demonstration of the possibilities of community or church athletics with the Y. M. C. A. as a neutral and parent organization to direct and control them. A meeting will be hold Friday night at 7:30 at the library lecture room to which all team members and adher ents, munngors, pastors and Sunday school workers are invited. Ruslness in connection with the closing of the league and tho plans for tho opening of the baseball season will be dis cussed. A committee will also be ap pointed to arrange for the basket ball banquet which will soon bo hold. In the first game last night the Presbyterians were opposed to the South M. B.'s. Tho Prosbys put up a game fight as usual, but were defeat ed. They have' developed into a fast aggregation and will make a strong bid for first honors another season. Their clover passing has been a de light to the gallery during the more recent gamo. The Prosbytorlnns wore hampered last night by the absence of Conrad. - Tho South M. E.'s were ably assist ed by Whipple, who had been absent from town during most of the season. At forward he accounted for a good proportion ot the bnskot3. Picklo ut irilnrrl wna nnnlhni naw ninn rTlm " " " ...... South Methodists are a team of old and oxnerlonceri men who have itlnverl ' consistently throughout tho season. The loss ot Vlmont some time ago was tho turning point In their unbroken string of victories, however, and the acquisition of Whipple enme too Into to mako them contuudors for the pen nant recently. The lino-up: S. Mothodlsts 15. ProsbytorlonB 3C AT Try This!' AGIeamy Mass of Luxuriant Hair III a few luotnnnln you can transform (Yen pmin, mill, lint nnir. ion run nave t abundant, soft, glosy and full of ife. Just get a 85 cent bottle oi 'DniuU'ritiu" at liny drugalorc. Then noixten a npft cloth" with tho "Dander lie" and ilinw this through jour hair, nkintf one small utrniut at a time, nstantlv, yen, immnlialelr. you have Inubled tlio'lx Auty of your linir. It will A man, o unit, luntrnus and so easy !o do up. All dust and excessive oil U orooved. Let "Panderino" put new life, vliror I ml hrk'htnoKS In your hiiir. Thin itimulnting tonlp will freshen your icslp, ehrek diiinlrulT mid fiillini! hair ind help your hair to grow long, thick, it rung and beautiful, :W" 1 K in 1 4 Whipple .....F. McDonald Gentry F. Chastain Schafer C Hewett Plckel G... Green Jackson G Harriett Caldwell Silliman Roforee: Jewett, Central Point. The second gnme was of course the point of lntorest, as it decided the championship. Tho IiaptlHts gave all that they had. The Neff trio and their comrades can not be said to have quit In any sense. They played fast and furiously, but the North M. E.'s forged slowly ahead and could not be overtaken. Iiateman at center for the Northern ers showed up well. Steel played a good game at stunding guard and Howard Glasscock did consistent pass ing. Every man on both teams did his best to win. Good sjwrtsmanship was shown throughout the game. The Methodist boys are to be con gratulated upon their Buccess. They wero not strong contenders cither In the basket bal) or baseball of last year and have carrlod on this season thru clean and hard play. The pennant will be prescntod formally at the ban quet to be arranged for soon. Tho llnc-up: N. Methodists 24. Baptists ,10. Hurt .F. Waldron GlttBscock, H ..F Nofr, Adial Batomun - C... Noff, Asher Evans G Neff, F. Stool G Smith llaortle, Glasscock, L. Heforeo: Jewett, Contral Point. Mr. Jowett, superintendent of schools nt Central Point was brought over as a neutral referee and handled tho game In his usual acceptable and efficient manner. Team standings at the end of the season are: Played Won Pet. North Methodist 8 G ,750 South Methodist 8 6 .625 Christian 8 G .025 Baptist 1 8 4 .500 Presbyterian 8 0 .000 HOTTENTOT' THRILLS E DIE "The Hottentot," sponsored by Tho mas H. Ince and entered by him In the screen sweepstakes for tho comedy championship of all time, flashed across the screen at the Page theater yesterday for the first time in Med ford, and won by many lengths. ' Those who have heard of the suc cess of "Tho Hottentot" as a stage play expected much of this plcturlza tion with Madge Bellamy and Douglas MacLean In tho loading roles', their fondest hopes were more than realiz ed. "The Hottentot" is a winner It is the Man o'i War . among comedy films. ... "Tho Hottentot" as a picture con tains what Page patrons acclaim as tho most 8cctacular acclaim ever filmed;' a stoeplechase between blood ed horses of rarest pedigrees. This sequence could only bo described on the stage; it Is shown In all its excit ing detnil In the picture. Madge Bellamy reveals new talent along comedy linos and taps a vein of swootness and charm. Douglas Mac Loan will take rank with the most eminent farceurs of all time by his plcturlzatlon of the unfortunate hero ot tho story who fears all horse flesh hut whose love forces him to ride the wildest entry In the stoeplochase and who wins this most exciting race. Raymond Hntton co-operates with tho foatured players to win laugh after laugh and giggle after giggle. Truly Shuttuck, Lila Leslie, Martin Best, Dwlght Crittenden, Stanhope Wheatcroft, Pert Llndlcy and Harry Barker, tho othor members of the sup porting cast, help to maintain tho com ody speed at a high pitch. "Minnie," at Rlalto In Mnrshall Noilan's "Mlnnio," Lon trlco Joy Is Indisputably the homeliest girl In town, but after all "beauty is only skin deep" and the sympathetic touch which an audience can't help but fool If It witnesses her portrayal the lonesome little girl, brings home forcibly that time-worn expression. Full of humorous high spots and un usual situations the swift moving action is an lntorest holder and Mar shall Neilnn's productions can still be rated ns flrst-cluss If this, his latest, can be taken ns an Indication of the quality of his releases. Not only Is lAntrlce Joy as "Mlnnio" rnther extremely homely, but the pic ture has a homely atmosphere. Its settings are simple, yet highly effec tive, and a supporting cast Insures the success. George Bnrnum as Mlnnlo'B rather, tho eccentric old Inventor, strikes a pat hot Ic keynoto during his repeated failures in spito ot his com edy role. This successful bill is tho current attraction at tho lttalto theater. Cut This Out It It Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail It to Foley & Co., 2S35 Shot field Ave., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trla'. package con taining Foley's Honey tnd Tar Com pound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains In sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder nldmnnts; and Foley Cathnrtlc Tahlots, ft wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic fur constipation, biliousness, headache, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere Adr, JUNE 1 5-1 6, PURSES TO TOTAL $5000 Five thousand dollars will be the purses offered In the two day automo bile and motorcycle race meet which will be hold at the Jackson County Fair grounds on June 15th and Hi th. The Jackson County Fair association, who will conduct these races, at their meeting last evening appropriated $.1500 for this purpose to which will be added the entry fees and in so doing will make the total purse for the two days at least $5000. George Gates and Seeley Hall of the race committee mot with the directors and they were given authority to make up the program and accept the entries under the rules and regula tions they have formulated. One thou sand slgnB, similar to those used on automobiles last year to advertise the county fair, wero ordored purchased and a publicity program extending as far north as Portland was outlined, The financing ol another unit of grand stand was placed in charge of the building committee. It Is the In tention of the members of this com mittee to have this additional unit completed before the June races. On account of the fair association getting a special appropriation from the legislature for premiums, the di rectors ordered a revlBion of the prom turn book and an endeavor will be made to publish this book as soon as possible in order that those interested In making entries may have the full Information at hand long before the fair takes place. The fair this year will be held on the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th ot September. HILLSIDE ADDITION E D. E. Millard has added an addition to Edgewood Park, on Rogue river to be known as "Hillside Addition." It lays directly across the river west from the original park and. contains 12 lots fronting on Rogue river 100 feet and running back several 'hundred feet to the old Crater Lake highway, each lot having free access from the road. These new lots face the east and tho on a hillside are very scenic and cov ered with large beautiful oak and pine trees. . Mr. and Mrs. Klociter have pur chased three of thone lots far their summer home ana -wild tiower pre serve. Lewis Ulrlcli has . also pur chased a lot In the new addition and expects to build a cottage at onco. In the original Edgewood park plat there are 22 lots, of which all havo been sold but five. Some of the latest lot purchasers are Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lyman, Albert E. Orr, Fred W. Weeks, and B. J. Palmer. A three room cottage is being com pleted this week by E. G. Trowbridge on his lot In the park, and a number of others expect to build shortly. Mr. Millard expects all the lots to be sold by the tenth of April. The entrance to the park Is being completed this week and with the road graveled will make an all year outing park. The idoa for this beautiful summer homo site park was a quiet restful place reached on a splendid highway in 40 to 50 minutes drive for a class of citizens that appreciated outdoor beauty and whose Interest In Its pre servation would Insuro a permanent beauty spot for many years to coma Tho l'odornl prohibition bureau is asking for an appropriation of $100,- 000 to mako a census ot drug addicts in this country. Kidney and Bladder Troubles Conquered or Money Back For 40 years, said Dr. Carey, 1 havo prescribing my Prescription ro. 777 (known for years as Mnrshroot) for kidney nnd bladder sickness and now Hint I havo retired from active prnctleo I havo mndo arrangements with lending druggists to dlspenso this wonderful proscription at a mod erate price, on the money back It dlssntlMfled plan. Hownre of kldnev disease thous ands dlo of it every yenr who 'ought to be enjoying the blessings of life and henlth. Watch tho symptoms. If you havo specks floating before the eyes, putty eyes, clammy foot or moist pnlms, bnckaeho or sldeaehe, you ought to get n bottle of Dr. Carey's famous Prescription No. 7 77 right away. It has wonderfully honeflted tens of thousands of cases of kidney and bladder troubles nnd Is the medicine you can always depend upon. Ro sults nro guaranteed.- NOTE Wr. Pnnlel O. Cnroy was a prnctU'liDt physician for many years and his great Prescription No. 777 aided thousands of sufferers from kidney and bladder troubles. Here after you ran nlwns get this effec tive prescription In both liquid and tablet form nt Heath's Drug Store and West Side Pharmacy and all re liable pharmacists tho country over. Adv. MACHINE WORK i Repairing Babbitting and Welding Crater Lake Automotive Co. NOTICE To Exterminate Ground Squirrels , Every person, rum, co-partnership, company or corporation residing on, owning, lousing, occupying; posscss luging or having charge of or domain over any land, building, wharf or dock infected with digger ground squirrels In Jackson county, Oregon, Is hereby notified to begin at once to effectively exterminate and destroy all such DIGGER GltOUND. SQUIR RELS. . ; Tho following poison for mixing and instructions for ubo thereof Is the method most expedient and ef fective to be used for the extermin ation and destruction ot such ground squirrels nnd Is hereby recommended, to-wlt, alkaloid strychnine used on either barley or wheat, barley pre ferred, mixed according to the fol lowing formula and manner, to-wlt: Barley, clean grain 16 quarts Strychnine (powdered alkaloid).... 1 ounce Bicarbonate of soda (Baking soda) 1 ounce Thin starch paste pint Hoavy corn syrup '4 pint Glycerine 1 tablespoonful Saccharine 1-10 ounce This material should be mixed as follows: Mix thoroughly 1 ounce of powdered strychnine (alkaloid) and 1 ounco of common baking soda. Sift this Into pint of thin hot paste and stir to a smooth creamy mass, The starch paste Is made by dissolving 1 heaping tablespoonful of dry gloss starch in a little cold vator, which Is ten added to pint of boiling water. Boll and stir con stantly until a clear thin paste 1b formed. Add VS pint heavy corn syr up and 1 tablespoonful ot glycerine and stir thoroughly. And 1-10 ounce of saccharine and stir thor oughly. Pour this mixture over 1 6 quarts of clean barley and mix well so that each grain is coated. One quart of the poisoned grain mixed as aforesaid Is sufficient for forty or fifty baits and this quantity scattered along squirrel trails or on clean hard places on the surface about the holes will not endanger Stock. Strychnine in any form other than the powdered strychnine (alka lold) is not effective in the above formula. From the date hereof until May 1st Is the most effective time to poison and destroy the digger squir rels, as they are just emerging from their hibernation. They are hungry and food Is scarce. The County Court of Jackson county, Oregon, has secured a large amount of strychnine and the other ingredients necessary for the mix ture, and a quantity thereof has been mixed and Is now on sale to the farm ers or persons Interested at actual cost and may be had by applying to the undersigned at his office In the Liberty Building, or at the following places : Ashland Fruit Association, Ash land. Brown's Store, Talent. Phoenix Mercantile Co., Phoe- Rogue River Fruit & Producj Association, Medford. Flck Storo, Jacksonville. Pernoll Store, Applegate. Paxson Drug Store, Central Point. Brown Bros., Eaglo Point. Brownsboro Storo. Bowers Drug Co., Gold Hill. Fred O. Kelly, Rogue River. Tnble Rock Store, Tablo Rock. If any person horeln designated shall within thirty days from the first publication of HUb notlco, fall to begin In good faith to exterminate, oradlcato and destroy, according to tho method aforesaid, or by any oth or effective moans said ground squir rels horeln doslgnatod, the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, Will appoint a person or persons to procood with tho extermination and eradication of such ground squirrels, and the cost thoreof Incurred will be assessed to such land, building, wharf or dock, and unless paid will become a lien against the same, for the extermination ot said ground squirrels. This notice Is published pursuant to the stateute In such case made and provided and for two consecutive weeks or throo Issues, nnd all persons doscribed therein are required to tnkn notlco thereof. Dated and first published this 15th day ot March, 1923. C. C. CATE, County Agent .for, Jackson pounty, Ore. Adv. FROM THE RADIATOR. TO THE TAIL LIGHT . We are ready to equip your machine. This spring why not make a list ot what your car needs and get tho accessories In time tor a full season's use and enjoyment. Our stock offers the host sug gestions. The Auto Supply Co. 31 N. Brtrtlett Doc Wright WHERE SERVICE BLENDS INTO HELPFUL CO-OPERATION NEEDFUL ACCOMMODATION -Its that home . folks bank The Medford National 'COMMUNITY CO-OPERATION" ; "COMMUNITY HELPFULNESS " "i!5y''''''''t'ffgl H. W. CONGEE UNDERTAKER BncceMor to Weeks-Conger Oo. Modford. Or. Selling Fairbanks-Morse Pumps and Engines and Hayes Sprayers "Williams Implement Service 28 So. llartlett Phone 2flf The Variety of Our Mill Work is practically unlimited. We make everything that goes into the building of a fine home; from the stately stair case to small corner pieces, mouldings, etc., with a thousand things in between; It takes a visit to tell you what our millwork comprises. ... TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS 10th and Grape ' Phone 238 SPECIAL NOTICE The San Francisco Savings and Loan Society (The San Francisco Bank) Incorporated February, 1868 Assets over 84,000,000.00 , Beginning April ist, 1923, interest will be credited on deposits QUARTERLY JANUARY APRIL JULY OCTOBER and will earn interest Quarterly insteadof Semi-annually as heretofore INTEREST WILL BE CREDITED ' APRIL 1st, 1923 AT THH RATH OF 1 PER ANNUM Service When I rUNESJ J WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE. working with you for you. of course. IF YOU WANT GOOD WHOLESOME BREAD Ask your grocer or phone your order to CENTRAL POINT MILL for MT. PITT BLEND of flour Morton's Mill Central Point You Travel No matter when you go South or , East, you'll find four high-class "Shasta Route" trains at your service daily. Convenient schedules, comfortablo equipment and the assurance of safety, adds much to the enjoy, niont of your journey. Low round trip tickets to San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and San Diego, on sale daily limited June 30th. Inqulro ot local ticket agent for do tnllnd Information and descriptive folders or wrlto ' " " ' "JOHN M. SCOTT J General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon -4 'I-1W-K