PAGT3 FIVT8 E CASUALTY LIS! QE SELL SHIPS, BUT NOT GIVE AWAY LENIENCY URGED, TO ANNOY FRENCH - LI MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, ftEEDFORTi. - CVRECiONT, TTTTTTCSDAY, ATCCTT 20, J 92 IN KENTUCKY HILLS GELSBNKIRCHEN. Mar. 29. (Dy Associated Press). . Fifteen thousand miners are on strike , in the Gelsen kircboa district fit all mines occupied by troops, "according to estimates made In German quarters. The men quit work as a protest against the oc cupation. Five thousand men are out at the Sesterholt properties, 4000 at Rheln "adon, 4000 at the Concordia mlneB and 2000 at the Blumenthal plants. They have served notice that they will not return to work until the last sol dier leaves. From Rheinbaden comes the report that the sirens blew so long in protest that the soldlorB threatened to shoot unless the noise was stopped. The. Germans assert semiofficially that the occupying forces are having difficulty in operating the loading ap paratus at these mines and that so far they have succeeded in loading only three or four small trains daily. Before the occupation, It Is asserted, a train load ot reparations fuel rolled out every ten minutes.. The,' Germans charge that in order to give;, a false impression of heavy coal shipments, the French have begun a dally shuttle between Ludwigshafen and Laterburg.l WEACETALK RESUMED APR. 20 GENEVA. Mar. ?9. (By Associated Press)." - The peace negotiations be tween the allies and Turkey, will be resumed at Lausanne some time be tween 'April 15 and 20. This announce ment was made today by the secre tariat 'which the powers left at Lau sanne at the conclusion of the recent conference. The - announcement said that the opening session probably would be hold oh the last named date. Inasmuch as the secretariat recent ly wasnotlfled to be prepared to leave tor Constantinople, the sudden change in -scene 1b considered proof of the conciliatory attitude of the Turks. It is understood here that the nego tiations would be resumed at the point where , they were dropped, when the Turk$;and allies .failed .to. reach , an. agreement. ' - The forthcoming conversations are not expected to be of long duration. F Y DUBLIN, Mar. 29. The first serious outbreak of shooting in some time oc curred in various parts of the city early today but no casualties were re ported. :; " National troop guards stationed at Collins barracks, City Hall, King's inn and Wellington barracks, were attack ed by rifle and machine gun fire. : The troops replied and rushed patrols to scour the affected areas. . After a heavy fire lasting half an hour, quiet twas restored. One bomb was thrown but no damage was done. New French Service Bill . PARIS, Mar. .29. (By Associated PreBs). The army; service bill aa amended by the senate was adopted by the chamber' of deputies today by a vote of 414 to. 164. . The period ot ser vice thus becomes eighteen months. Lift Off with Fingers x ,. . uui Drnn a little LTOPSnc Hull, m r .... m, 'i . .-i.infp pnm. instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lilt it rignt on . '"': Your druggist tells a tiny bottle of .." nr a few eenU. sufficient to . , k.,j nm soft corn, or corn betwewi the toss, and the stiluses, without soreness or irriwiw. CORNS HA ULAN, Ky., March 29. County officers and iiosnemen bad returned today from the mouth of ; Heoch crock, in the hills of Leslie county, with an account of the desperate last stand of the "Strontra," a battle in which three men and a woman were killed yesterday. ;.. ., Kelly Walker, deputy sheriff ot Te Juy, Ky., Isnuc and George Strong and .Mrs. Isaac Strong wero killed. Carrying a warrant for the arrest of Isaac on charges of liquor law violations, 22 possomen arrived at the Strong home and surrounded tlc house. Deputy Walker advanced toward the house with the warrant. A hidden marksman fired and Walker staggered with a wound In the breast. As he ran for cover a second bullet pierced his head. Com panions of the slain officer concen trated a withering fire from high powered rifles on the house from be hind trees and ledges. The fire of the defenders increased. When the officers entered the house the two men and Mrs. Strong wore dead. The woman, according to the officers was found with a repeating rifle clutched In her hands. ;' Two stills were found in a strongly barricaded position back of the house. They were destroyed, . to gether with 700 gallons of boor.. The fourth saying on the cross, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me" was the theme of Dr. S. J. Reid's sermon last evening at the First Bap tist church. For the moment, said the speaker, not only the crowd but the father seems to have left Christ alone, in a sense to have forsaken him, as he was bearing the sin of the world. That was due to the fact that Christ was bearing the penalty of sin. Vet there is a mystery in the text, not easily understood.'1 For three long hours Christ was silent on the cross, prophetic of God's present silence. God's voice is not heard today. This is the day of grace, You will not hear God's voice again till Christ shall again come to earth. There was enough done on the cross to satisfy the world. Christ was lone ly in a way we can never be. Great characters are always lonely; It is not man's righeousness that saves, but It is Christ that saves.. Man has nothing to do, but to take Christ-to be saved. A little faith In a great Gavlour saves. In response to an appeal a husband and wife came forward for member ship. A delegation from Grants Pass was present in the meeting. Tonight the fifth saying on the cross will be discussed, "I thirst." These services are intended as a preparation for Easter. They are similar to meetings held in the large cities during this week, and are open to the people of the city to enjoy. Friday evening will be the last meeting of the week. Sun day will be a big day with an Easter sermon In the morning and a number of Baptisms, and in the evening the choir renders the cantata, "Form the Sepulcher to the Throne," and Dr. Reld delivers his last message. MONTH FOR DECISION nnmn nAPIDS. Mich.. March 29 Federal Judge John E. Sater 'of Columbus, Ohio, today had under consideration tho voluminous testi mony and exhibits in tli'e suit of John W. Hansel! against tho:, Israelite house of David. A decision on whether the cult shall pay the $80, 000, the value placed by Hansel! on property- deeded the order when he became a member and his labor dur ing moinborshlp Is not expected for some tlmo. possibly (TTnontli. The decision Is to be based on the showing that fraud was or was not practiced In the guise of religion. Attorneys Immediately began prep arations for the suit of Ruth Brain ford Rood and her sister. Gladys Bamford Itubel of Detroit, to come un In circuit court, In which each soeks damages ot 1100,000 from 1'ur nell. The cult leader Is charged with mistreating tho young women at tho Benton Harbor colony. . Million Dollar Fire NEW ORLEANS, Mar. 28. The re fining plant ot the Sinclair Oil com pany at Merreaux, about eight miles south of here, was reported as having been badly damaged by fire today. Four oil tanks were said to have been destroyed. The loss before noon was placed at approximately (1,000,000 and the flames still were raging. Rrevent Flu and Grippe For a few cents you can ward oft Flu and Grippe by promptly checking your coughs and colds with Foley Honey and Tar. Also gives quick re lief from coughs resulting from nu, Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma and Bronchitis. Forty-eight years or saiuv faction to users has made . Foley'; Honey and Tar the world's largest selling cough medicine. Contains no opiates Ingredients are printed on the wrapper. Refuse substitutes, in sist upon Foley's. Sold everywhere. Adr. DENVER, Colo., March 29. Fol lowing conviction yesterday afternoon of twenty alleged members of a nation-wide confidence ring who have been on trial in district court here for ten weeks, Interest today center ed In the county grand Jury before which body the Jurors had been sum moned to appear this morning. Subpoenas were served on the urymen immediately after they had given their verdict and had been dls- harged shortly before six o'clock last night. , . . The grand Jury probe is believed to be in connection with alloged at tempts to influence members of the ury during the trial. Tho twenty men found guilty after the Jurors' 160 ballots and a record breaking session of four nights and five days in the Jury room, received the verdict calmly and without dis play of emotion. The wives of three of the convicted men however, burst into hysterical weeping. 8evcral hours before the verdict was returned the grand jury return ed an indictment against three of the defendants, Lou Blongor, A. W. Duff nd Jack French, nnd Deputy Sheriff Thomas Clarke, charging them with violation of . the prohibition law as the result of a drinking party alleged to have taken placo in the grand Jury room at the courthouse -Saturday afternoon after tho Jury had retired. Leniency was recommended to the court by the district court jury for all the defendants, but especially for tnreo or them in a communication handed to the judge after the verdict had been returned. George Sharp, a Juror, startled the court attorneys and spectators when the Jury was .being polled Individ ually, by announcing that his verdict was "on condition." Horace Hawkins, chief counsel for the defense, leaped to his feet and filed exceptions to the finding of the jury and request ed permission to question the juror. The prosecution objected and was sustained. After he had been ques tioned several times by the court. Sharp gave his verdict as guilty with qualification and the court accepted me verdict. Sharp declared that he had been ill since Snturday. J lie twenty men face penitentiary terms ranging from one to ten years. They wero convicted on three counts, conspiracy to commit fraud through mo oporation or a confidence game: general conspiracy of committing or attempting to commit crime through me operation of a confidence game and larceny in connection with a con- iidence game. - At tho request of tho defense, the court granted twenty days In which to mo a motion for a new trial. KLAMATH STAGE Due to the loner warm TCAnrhor and lack of rain, the Howard and Grimes auto stage line between Med ford and Flamath Falls began its regular season today with stages leaving at either end of the line and running over the Topsy grade road, as the Green Spring mountain road Is impassable vet bpcnnnn nf miirh snow and will be for two weeks yet, ir tne present weather continues. Charles Howard arrived hnmn vpq. terday afternoon from having driven a trla.1 run betwen here and Klam ath Falls, hnvtnr? mnrin tha rmmH trip in seven hours. Ho found the ivttu uiy uui very rougn in places - The BtaCn will dp.nart riallv nt 8 m. unless another bad spell of weath er snouid prevent. Card of Thanks The undersigned wish to extend their thanks and appreciation for tho kindness and sympathy of friends in the recent, illness and death of our wife and mother. " MR. A. T. EVERHARD ANJD FAMILY 1 4iut Kilts Held. DENVER, Colo., March 29. The funeral of United States Senator Samuel D. Nicholson, Junior senntor from Colorado, was to bo held at two o'clock this afternoon from Central Presbyterian church. COMB HAIR AND IT STAYS COMBED, GLOSSY Greaselest Combing Cream Costs Only Few Cents a Jar at any Drug Store Even obstinate, unruly or shampooed hair stays combed alt day in any style you like. "Hair-Groom is a dignified combing cream which gives that natural gloss and well-groomed effect to your hair that final touch to good dress both in business and on social occasions. Millions use greaseless, stainless "Hair-Groom" because it does not show on the hair. It is absorbed by the scalp, therefore the hair remains so soft and pliable and so natural that no one can possibly tell you used it. Not sticky or smelly. HAIR jll GROOM P Cj? KeepsHair X j Combed pJ RT ATiniTSTINB. Fla.. Mar. 29. The position of the government today relative to the sale of the government ship tonnage was that this tonnage should not be sold at less than worm mnrknt prices unless would-be our- chasers guarantee to continue the routes on whicn tne snips now are us ing operated. Tho nnllcv was outlined last nicht in a statement by.AD. Lasker, chair man of the shipping board, who is here as a member of President Hard ing's vacation party. Chairman Lasker's utterance was in the nature ot comment on the recom mendations made on Mondny by the American Steamship Operators associ ation wherein it was urged that the shipping board retire from businoss, scrap inferior vessels and sell Its re maining tonnage to American citizens "without any restrictions." The association's recommendations were made in response to tho shipping board's request for suggestions to aid in formulating a policy with regard to the merchant marine problem. Mr. Lasker said he knew that mem bers of tUe - shipping board never wniiid nirrnfi to the recommendations holding such views as would make agreement lmposslblo. PUEBLO, Colo., March 29. Five persons were injured, none danger ously in a head-on collision of two passenger trains of tho Denver and Rio Grande Western early this morn ing at Sample Siding, near the en trance of the Royal Gorge, seven miles west of Canon City. Thmn nnirlnnR WfiVP 1 dCHl lied and (mn hnnmiN rnm III, d a smoklntr car left the tracks.- One bnggago car rolled over into the Arkansas river and the express messenger went witn It. He managed to crawl out and escaped with q few bruises. For Kidney and Liter Troubles, Constipation. In testinal indigestion and Kindred Aliments Liver trouble leada to eeriout 111. And a euro elgn of liver trouble It bllloumeee. If you have attack of headache. If you have a eoated tongue, If you have a fickle appe tite, you probably ar blllour . which may lead to derangement of the liver and to aerioua and quite often, fatal result. Read ttala etrooaendoreement of Dr. A. W. Chase' K-L Pills. Mr. J. H. tone, Rout Ne, I, Baxter, Qa, For a number of yean 1 hava been troubled with my kidneys, UTer and also mv heart. I Anil Dr. A. W.ChBM'd K-L Plllnn won derful remedy. They certainly are the finest I ever used. I would not be without them in tny homo and take treat pleasure In recom mending them to my mends." Tou ean buy Dr. Cheat K-L Pills at all drug stores. To be sure of getting the genuine, see thet portrait and signature of A. W. Chase,M.Dare on each box your protection against imitation Dr. A. W.CHASE MEDICINE CO. 197 Washington Bt Buffalo, N.T. Picture Framing '.at' '' Swem's Studio P 7 o Shop watch This SpaceU XJ fl TmS Veia-Kkovth MrmcmBSornii V& I Famous Kecxiit book Authob wl 1 K-L Pills 1 sra rrcooF .PAINTS VARX1SHK8 I can sure save you money on Baseball and 'Tennis Goods, as I have already proven K.o those that have bought here since this season op ined. The same applies to my line of Hardware, Paints and Household Goods. GIANT WnVDKR CAPS AND Fl'SK Medford Hardware & Sporting Phono 2IM1 Seeds for Practical Purposes as Well as Decorative For those people interested in vegetable and flower gardening, our seeds bring results that are, in every sense, successful. Our stock includes vegetables, farm and flower seeds of all sorts and like our plants an. 1 bulbs each type produces beau tiful specimens. For economy's sake, and best re sults buy your seeds in bulk MONARCH SEED CO 317 E. Main I Lead Others Follow See my window for the first specials I have offer ed the publio "WHERE a 11ME is a BABY" DOLLAR" M. M. HERMAN, Prop. , Trr flip. Pivot meal of the day The day revolves around breakfast. It is the only break in the i8 hour interval between supper and lunch. So choose what you cat sensibly -have Olympic Wheat .Hearts for yourself and your children. Just the right food for this hurried meal, because it does not hurry your stomach. Instead, it is easily digested and quickly generated into energy. ; Have Olympic Wheat Hearts for tomor row's breakfast. Cook according to directions and you will have a dish which actually makes your breakfast better. PORTLAND FLOUR MILLS CO., Portland, Oregon Mills st Portland, Oregon dnd Tuoma, Washington . Manufacturer! of Olympic Pinotk Flour and Olympic Flour tea EARTS Phone 2CD GOODYEAR ' BOOTS AND BOOKS DO NOT KOKGET "JlY.lJEPAUl DEPT. Goods Co. 327 Euat M In i 1.4 11 .V I 1MB