PAGE TWO f ocal and La i -Personal The record breaking warm wave und dry spell for March for many year Is about to be broken, as despite tlitjfcunny weather and cloudless sky. of TKuch of today the official predlc-j tion Is for cloudy weather tonight, and rain and colder weather for tomorrow. ; The highest temperature of yesterday was 82 degrees, and the minimum of this morning was again Just at the freezing point; The unusual warm weather has been prevailing over wes tern Oregon and in California, and the northern part of that state In addition to having record heat breaking March weather for 70 years hag had a long drought. Twelve-inch slab wood 11.50 per tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more. Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley Fuel Co. -Phone 76.- tf !' Call Maddox & Bonney, phone, greenhouse 374, down town store phone 843 for Easter flowers. Easter lilies, hydrangas, white hyacinths, palms, ferns, calla lilies and other putted plants; cut calla lilies, roses, carnations, snapdragons, sweet peas, daffodils, violets and tulips. 6 Lots of prizes, Central Point, Friday March 30. -7 The condition -of Miss Kathyryn Dunham, the Washington school teach er, who was brought home last Satur day from a week's illness at the Sacred Heart hospital, and taken back to that Institution last Monday, Is re Krted today as improving. Let's go to Brown'B for Bhoes at 103 North Central. tf Drown sells shoes. 103 N. Central. V . . tf Big dance 8atl Oriental Ballroom! Admission 10c. ' 8 Mrs. 11. J. Palmer arrived home this morning from San .Frunclsco, where she had been taking treatment since last Christmas. Oriental Ballroom!, Dance! Sat! 8 ea the lovely " Easter dresses for small children. - Handicraft Shop. 7 CoiiuiDM Kisch Magneto parts and 'repairs. Electric Shop. Eighth and lartlwt ' tf The Rev. Odllo Oatman.O. S. B., of St.- Benedict's Abbey, Mount Angel, will arrive In Medford Friday night. He will asBist In the services at the Catholic church on Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. The Rev. Francis Black will preach Good Friday night at the Catholic church. Smart new Ideas for Easter trade. Regan Millinery Dept., 2nd floor Med ford 'Center. Store. . 7' Easter i millinery opening Wednes day to Saturday, March 28 to 31st inc. The 'Vanity Shop, Main at Bartlett 6 Lawn mower -sharpening guarah voad. Medford ' Harware & Sporting Godda Co. 10 i .The Easter vacation of the public schools which Vegan at the close of, school yesterday uftornou will con tinue until Monday. Our Gage1 and Monogram hats ex press eharaotor and win admiration. We invite you to Bee -them. Regan Millinery Dept., 2nd rioor ' Medford Center Store. 7 , JR. I. Red Betting eggs at DeVoe'a. 60 pieces of rough dry for $1.60 American Laundry.' Phone 873. . J. W. Stewart and Jerry J. Charters, president nnd vice president respec tively of the Stewart Fruit company arrived in the city thiB morning from Lob Angoles to confer with Ralph llnrdwell, the local representative of the company, and look over the local fruit situation. They will leave on the return trip to Lob Angeles tomor row. ' Dance Central Point. Frl. Mar. 30. 7 ' Just a line to remind you that I will gladly duplicate . any bonaflde ordor booked by a transient agent for the same or less money and give you bet ter service. N. 8. Bennett, prop. Eden Valley Nursery. Phono 6S0-J-2. tf . Don't forgot St. Mark's Guild Easter .sale of home cooked food and taster ,fggs at the' Holland Cafe Saturday, .March Slst nt 1:30 p. m. 7 J. A. CalleB Is a business visitor in .Grant Pass, for several days. . f Blight resistant pear trees for fall delivery. Old Home onPyrus Ussurl ensls. Home grown Old Home and 'Chioh on Japan. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 080-J-2. tf t Easter milllnory opening, Wednes day to Saturday, March 28 to 31st Inc. The Vanity Shop,' Main at Bnrtlott. 6 ! ! - '-' 11 ; HELP IS COMING I But don't wait until your bulld 1 lug Is in danger the time to protoct yourself Is hoforr not afterwards. Take out our pol ,. Icy of fire Insurance and bo -. safo. McCURDY insurance Agency Tel. 128 Modford National Hank Blilff. Medford, Oregon , Join the Chamber of Commerre The 1923 Irrigation season of the Grants Pass district will start next Monday, Wilford Allen, manager, has announced. This Is one month earlier than scheduled, but Is made necessary by the extreme dryness of this Bprlng, the rainfall of the first three months of the year being almost eight Inches short of the average. All the creeks In the "Josephine -eounty "district are down to midsummer level and old timers are predicting the driest sea son in the history of the Rogue River valley, according to news dispatches from Grants Pass. Splendid . furnished 'apartment In Mall Tribune building for rent 'at once. tf Dance at Riverside Community Club on the Rogue Saturday night, March 31st. Everybody welcome. 8 Dance! Oriental Ballroom! Sat! 8 ' Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carpenter who have been spending the winter at Pasadena, Calif., are expected home this week. , They left southern Califor nia' Monday by automobile. ! For r Sale General merchandise stock,, small town, Invoice about five thousand. Doing fine business. -. Ad dress Heath and Herman, Grants Pass, Oregon. 11 k Anyone wanting work done, or their lawns cared for at the Central' Point cemetery,' see J. B. Watkins, sexton, or phone 33x1, Central Point. 7 '. Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co. tf What is believed to be the first scheduled picnic of this year Is that of the Sunday school at Green Springs which will be held on Easter Sunday at the school house. - Harness and leather goods repaired. Mod lord Hardware & Sporting Goods Co. 10 : Owl Confectionery, . 15 N. Central, F. M. Wilson.' Everything new. - tf ' We want you to know that the Arch Preserver shoes is not lust a clever idea of an Inventor, but that it Is DUilt exactly as Nature planned a walking base to be. Until you get acquainted with the Arch Preserver shoe you simply will not be able to realize that It can make such a' difference on your feet The Hub Shoe Store. . 7 Portland 1b not the only city in the state in which dogs are being poisoned in wholesale lots. Mrs. F. W. Swan ton, secretary of the Oregon Humane society, who has Just returned from a trip Into southern Oregon, brought back the Information1 that a wave of dog poisoning is rampant throughout the state. "At a meeting of the cham ber of commerce In Ashland," said Mrs. Swanton, "I naked how many had had their dogs poiBoned. Imagine my surprise when I saw twenty-six hands go. up." In Medford, Roseburg, Grants Pass, Eugene and i other . cities the ame condition was found, Mrs. Swan- ton said. Portland Telegram. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 13. Main. ' Have your rugs washed on your own floors most convenient, sanitary method, kills germs, no dust raised. Get your order In early, E. L. Davis, Phone 644. 211 Stark St ' 30 ' Mrs. Vivian Norman Barto has been substituting for Miss Myers of the Lincoln school, who has been III. Twelve Inch slab wood $1.60 per tier delivered by taking 4 tior or more. Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley Fuel Co., Phone 76. ' tf ' You can get It at DeVoe'a. tf Are you lucky? Come to Central Point. Frl. Mar. 30. 7 Edwin Mcdonnld, local boy, recently had published an account of a trip to Crater Lake, in "Tho Golden West," a magazine of the Lone Scouts which Is published at San Mateo, Calif. Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. Another surprise; don't miss It. 7 Thornless blackberry plants. Eden Valloy Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Closing out all our farm machlnory, Boveral good buys. Patton & Robin son. Inc. tf A few odd dresses and rompers for sale, 66c; and Bun bonnets to embrol dor, 26c Handicraft Shop. 7 Brown' Bells good shoes at a living price. 103 North Central. tf When better automobiles are built. Butck will build them. tf Orlontal Ballroom! Sat dance! Launspach's orchestra! 8 Ray Mornn left Tuesday night on a short business visit in the state metro polis. When you see the demonstration at our store, nnd have a pair fitted to your foot, you will realize that your foot annoyances are a thing of the past Of course, thore Is no obligation on your part to buy, but we know you'll want to buy when you boo for yourself tho actual advantages of the Arch Prosorver Shoe. Tho Hub Shoe Store. 7 Two hlg dances! Orlontal Ballroom! Saturday nnd Monday! 8 II. G. Launspach sells tho famous Stolnway Baby Grand pianos. 7 Orders taken fur Euster cakes, Mrs. York. 6 ", Milk and cream nt DeVoe's. tf Mr. and Mrs. R. W. lluhl and chll dron left yesterday morning by auto for a trip to Carmol by the Sea, Calif Mr. Ruhl expects to return In about a week and the others will stay for an Indefinite period. 'The daintiest of ready-made dresses tor children up to five years.' Handi craft Shop. 7' Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. Latinspach'a orchestra. Be there. 7 Rhubarb and asparagns roots. Eden Valley Nursery, Thone 680-J-2. tf Buy tho latest French chlfron hose and bo dressed attractively and styl ishly. 7 Phil Gordon of San Francisco, well known former passenger agent of the Sunset routo of the Southern Pacific arrived In the city this morning for a visit until Saturday. Don't forget tho Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd. A real time. 7 Hemstitching at Deuol'l. SIS . Saturday dance! Monday dance! Orlontal Ballroom! 8 Grafting wax. Kden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. U MEDFORD MAlE TRIBUNE, The Medford-Klamath Falls auto stage began Its regular dally runs to day, with Btages leaving at each end of the line, and will continue to oper ate unloss the weather . and roads should become bad again. Brighton, Worden, Agawam, Niagara and Campbell's Early. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Wanted to buy used pianos. Will pay cash. ' H. O. Launspach. " Phone 646-R. 7 This Is a season of color, novelty ribbons, embroidery silks, flowers and trimmings; everything to make your costume colorful found at The Handi craft Shop. 7 To be well dressed wear French chiffon hosiery. Hundicraft Shop. 7 Tomorrow is Good Friday,' the day on which Jesus was crucified. ' Many persons throughout the world will cease all toll; observing the day more sacredly than their Sabbath. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 East Main. ' Easter , Greeting cards. Medford Book Store. 5 Dress and work Bhoes for five dol lars at The Hub Shoe Store Saturday. Good sizes and widths. -7 All persons attending the Important meeting of the i High School Parent Teacher association tonight in the do mestic science class room of the high school building are requested to use the south side entrance door, us tho other floors in the building are being oiled. Baled hay for sale. J..H. Carkln. 348 Newcomb is now deiiverylng 16-lnch green slabwond at $1.75 per tier In four tier lots or more. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone 631. 296tf So smartly different yet so thor oughly. In good taste by premier millinery designers. See our Easter display ar-Douol'B. 6 i Five Dollar Shoe day nt The Hub ! Shoe Store Saturday. ' Women's ox fords and pumps. Regular sizes and widths. ' One day only, Suturday. 7 ! A. .Heinle, the Josephine county; rancher who was caught under an overturned tractor laBt Saturday, died Tuesday in' Grants Pass. Heinle was taking his tractor Into a field to plow , when. In climbing over some rocks, it 1 1 1 . .... .1 Mm kanlrnnnl nlnnliiv him '""I, " ' ........ u , 1" .'...-. ...... nnHornth lho .(OArlnir nnat rtrlvine through the fleshy part of his leg. He was pinned down for several hours be fore he was found by neighbors. Dis tillate from the motor had dripped upon him, causing the skin to peel from his body. For Sale Pianos and phonograph s. H. G. Launspach. Easy terms. 7 Don't forget the baited food sale at J. E. Weaver's store, Saturday, March 31, forenoon, by LadleB' Aid of Central Point. Remember the date. 0 Spray hose 20 cents per foot Cra ter Lake Hardware Co. " tf The newest In hosiery. The French chiffon. Handicraft Shop. 7 Mrs. A. Helms and son Addison wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.'H. Phlpps Wednesday, ' Addison recently sold a radio receiving set which he assembled and has, installed a now one at his home near Ashland, with which he receives concerts from all coast points and frequently from the Rocky Mountain region. ' Dance, big dance, Jaokson's Sat 8 Something doing every minute at Woaver'B Grocery, Central Point 7 We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. Examinations at the University of Oregon will be completed by Friday aftornoon and then the spring vaca tion will be on, and local U. of O. stu dents are expected to arrive In the city Friday night or Saturday. Reg ular class work will be resumed on Tuesday, -April 9. Dance! Snt and Monday! Oriental Ballroom! 8 ' Be sure to be at Weaver's Grocery, Central Point Sat, March 31st. - 7 Grape vines: Tokay, Muscat, Mal aga, Rose Peru, Zlntlndell, Thompsons Seedless. Trellis - grapes. Concord, Fruit, nut and shade trees. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. " tf MIsS'Hertha Baumgartnor, Instruc tor in English In the Modford high school departed last evening for Port land where she will spend the week end with frlonds nnd relatives. Dance, big dance, Jackson's Sat. 8 For sand, gravel, sediment and team work see Samuel Bnteman, 303 Maple street. Phone 912-J. Gladiola bulbs. Eden Valloy Nursery Phone 680-J-2. ' tf Special Cordial Invitation to Those Mho'veGottacBe Showed" " ; SPECIAL; FEATURES ''' ". ;' Daily demonstration of the wonderful BIG CAR performance of the J EWETT - Courteous explanation of WHY Jewett has longer lifei WHY Jewett's riding qualities match those of cars selling for three times as muchj WHY there is less depreciation in a used Jewett; WHY it cannot be passed on a hill j WHY such a beautiful and powerful six can be sold at such a reasonable figure; WHY Jewett production though doubl ing and redoubling cannot keep pace with demand for Jewett cars; WHY it is easier for 'Jewett owners to get Jewett parts; WHY not come and let us show you. A demonstration costs 'you nothing. We invite comparison! Grater Lake Automotive Go. 123 South Front St. Paige & Jewett Dealers Phone 202 MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, The University Club tennis court, under the management of John Beeson will be open tomorrow between 9 and 12 to boys of Medford and vicinity. Mr.' Beeson will be at the court to meet the boys and boys of all ages are Invited to come and got acquaint ed and play on the court. Ladles are welcome at the court this evening. " Scatter sunshine with Easter cards. Swem'a Studio. . 7 Fresh "Hot-Shot" Batteries for your spray rigs. - Electrlo Shop, S. Bartlett street. 319 Do not buy an electric washer until we have demonstrated the new May tag to you. Crater Lake Hardware Co. itf Autos washed and polished at Med ford Auto Co. Duick Service, corner Main and Holly.' Satisfaction guaran teed. 325 i At Sacramento, the warmest March day In the 70 years of weather bureau records was recorded, Wednesday the temperature at' the warmest time be ing 84. Red Bluff reported 88; Fresno was fairly cool with 82 degrees. Los Angeles was just as warm as San FranclBOO, 84 being recorded there. The long dry spell for the Sacramento valley is said to be killing the crops, duo to continued drought. Wheat, barley and fruit are nndangered if rain does not come. - Easter dinner one dollar, Hotel Medford. - 7 Remember feed and sale at Talent Thursday. ' 6 Hand-made novelty dress ornamentB in a variety of original styles. Hand), craft Shop. 7 ' We can still furnish spray hose for 20 cents per foot. Crater Lake Hard ware Co. t tf Beauty's surest aid Is a becoming Easter hat. We have smart designs and all styles. Miss Taylor at Deuel's. 6 The local lodge of the I. O. O. F. entertained a number of guests Tues day night at a banquet followed by a program. The entertainment lasted until nine o'clock and was In charge of ; a committee under Elmer Wilson.,; Numbers by the quartet composed of Messrs. Meeker, McDonough, Canailay and Vroman, and a Swedish monologue! by B. M. Bryant were the outstanding, numbers on the program and were; much appreciated by lodge members a a utaII i a tr loata i . . , .. , , .. 1 ""'mm a u.v,.u uu iiikku- . Saturday only, all sizes and widths at J five dollars. The Hub Shoe Store. 7 Blng cherry trees. Eden Valley Kursery. Phone 680-J-2. ' tf Newcomb Is now delivering 16-Inch green slabwood at $1.75 per tier in four-tier lots or more. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone 631. ' 296tf Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 The best of guaranteed silk hosiery, the Cortecelll hose. Handicraft Shop. 7 Earl Hemphill left this morning for Edgewood, Calif., for a-several days visit with friendB. He will make a trip down the Klamath' river while, there on a fishing expedition. ' A large selection of Easter cards,) 5c to 60c. Swem's Studio. 7; Look! Look! Spot danceB! Jackson-) ville! Frl. March 30! Peerless "4"! 8! Pythian Sisters bazaar and dance. Time: Friday, March 30th. Place: K. ' P. hall, - afternoon and evening. 1 Everybody invited. 6 Beautiful Easter hats now on dis play at Deuel's. 6 We have good values in used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf RHEUMATISM CANNOT EXIST 1 'be human body If you will use rrunic s prescriptions.. In -Tact, it is l" rheumatism. Trunk's ' Prescription! DOES NOT depress the heart, It i DOES NOT ruin-the' stomach. Eatj all tho meat and good food you wish.) It does not contain any harmful drugl or narcotic but positively- ovoreomes rheumatism and gout. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? '. There is nothing bettor. It is also an excellent Liver Medicine and tho greatest Uric Acid Solvent known. Trunk's Prescrip tion sells for $1.76 or 3 for only $5.00 at Ilusktns. Adv. Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching ' Plcotlng So per yard. Mnrrnna myr4. Missourians R. V. Close, local representative of the International Correspondence Schools has placed a display of the school literature and pamphlets in a downtown window which Ib attracting considerable attention. Men's shoes at five dollars at The Hub Shoe Store Saturday only. Good sizes and widths per windows. 7 Nursery stock, absolutely acclimat ed, guaranteed. Guaranteed Fran quette selected walnut trees, finest home grown grape vineBlTokays, Mal agas, Emperor, - Muscat, Concord, Black Prince, etc.), fruit trees of every variety, largest Gladiola field in Ore gon (bulbs at $1.00 doz., blooming ago) thornless blackberries, raspberries, Logans, 7. varieties straberries, rhu barb, asparagus, fruit-trees every de-1 scriptlon, blight resistant pears, Bosc, Bartlett, Cornice, D'AnJoih "We pay. charges to you. The Jordon Nursery, Grants Pass, Ore, at N. Tenth street. ... 317 Like chicken? 1 If so, try one of our Rogue River Special milk-fed fowls. Cupp & Shirley Produce Co. ' Phone 95. 128 Grape. tf Don't forget St Mark's Guild Easter sale ' of home-cooked food and Easter eggs at the Holland Cafe, Saturday, March 31st at 1:30 p. m. 7 The mystery will be solved at Wea ver's Oroceryi Central Point, March 31st. Be there with your keys. 7 C. R, Richmond has accepted a posi tion with the local branch of the Stan dard Oil company as a tank' truck driver to supplant G. M. Loomls, who recently resigned after several years in that capacity with the local branch. It you wish your furs repaired be fore storing for the summer, now Is the time to bring them' in. F. W. Bartlett, Furrier. 8 All kinds of rough and dressed lum bor. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main. ' Millinery satisfaction is assured if you select one of our Easter models. Miss Taylor at Deuel's. 0 Dance, Jackson Hot Springs, Sat 8 and LAST BIO FIGHT of the LEATHER PUSHERS "Joan 'of Newark" NOW PLAYING ; . ' '.THE HIT'' Qfc 192.1 Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cleveland and three daughters of Martinez, Calif arrived In Medford yesterday by auto. They will visit for a day or two with Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Crowson and will then continue to Seattle- where they will locate. Mrs. Cleveland is a sister of Mr. Crowson. The family formerly resided in Ashland. Get one or the handsome fur capes or chokers- to wear on Easter, Burtlett, Furrier. ' Flowering shrubs and evergreens. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Auto Insurance. Brown & White. Brown style shoes are coming up. tf A stockholders meeting of tho Dia mond Lake Improvement company will be held in the public norary, Wednesday evening, April 4th, at Choice everbloomlng roses, tueu Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf" Alaska lnv.. & Dev. Co. s stociinoiu ers please write to 520 Consolidated Building, 6th and Hill, Los Angeles, Calif. 11 KING'S 'HaltitNow-notlaXeil A sneezel A sniffle! A dry, irri tated feeling in the throatl Trouble's coming! Nip it now. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, the dependable family, remedy, proved effective for over 50 years. Contention The West Side Tennis club's court on West Main street Is In Bhape for play, the work on It having been com pleted thlB nfternoon by John Beeson who will have the Copco court, In shape by the end of the week. Tennis promise to. have a bigger season In Medford this summer, than ever be fore due to the energy of Mr. Beeson who is one of the foremost Bport enthusiasts of the valley. For one dollar you can eat your Easter dinner at The Hotel Medford. 7 You ask her, she will say let's go. Riverside Community Club dance Sat urday night. 8 There's a busy Business College in your home town. GWN. ,' Moonlight .waltzes, jazzy fox-trots, a congenial crowd go to make up a real week-end party. You will find it all at the Riverside Community Club dance on the Rogue Saturday night, March 31st. Let's all go. 8 Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co. tf New Dim What relief the troublesome flow of mucous ceases. The throat feels easier the cough is allayed. You, leel brighter andt iresher. Get Dr.'KtaK'J Now Discovery from . any dnivitiit and break up that cold now. "-Sunday CHARLES CHAPLIN in "THE PILGRIM" 1