Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 28, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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    mbdfoku ram tribune, vmsFtm okehost, Wednesday; mattch sr, 1923
,,:, ,,,,, nrvWm iiMHijiiKfiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiBlliiiiillllillililllilllllMMM
OG. CIlllOMXtiKIt, well
known Kuiinid City lunl
ncu inuii, wlio dooliiroa Tanluc
ovcrcaino lndlKostlon, nervousness
and lusumnia. (Juliw 15 ixinnilR.
: Among the many HUlistiintlnl busi
ness men of Kunsns City who hnvo
spoken out in behalf of Tanlaa is O.
a. ChronlnKer, 2642 Wabash Ave.,
well-known photographer, whoso stu
dio at 317 E. 12th St.. is one of the
moat popular in this section.
"My wife and I havo both derived
splendid results . from Tanlac," he
said recently "and our homo wouldn't
be compteto without a bottle on
"My trouble was n badly run
down condition, disordered digestion,
nervousness, sleeplessness and split
tine headaches. Then the Christmas
rush in the studio came nlonR and the!
extra work' pulled mo down till my
wholo system was out of focus.
"I begun to develop new encrsry
whon I Btarted on the Tanlac treat
ment, and was soon feellnir like a
new man with: a fifteen-pound gain.'
I cat like a farm hand now, never
have Indigestion, and hours of over
time In the dark room never tiro me
nny more. Tanlnc is the camera
man's ftiond. and I'll speak up for it
at all times."
Tanlac Is for sale by nil good drug
gists. . Accept no substitute. Over 35
million bottles sold. Adv.
"The Isle of
Edison Marshall
His Best Book
All other popular books
in copyright and re
Medford BooK Store
34 No. Central
To a Woman
No article of apparel is
so important as . .'
Silk Hosiery
Buy only the hose which
have style, attractive
jiess and WEAUING
qualities. ALL these
you will find in the
Silk Hosiery
and at reasonable prices.
A well attended meeting of the
South Zone wag held last Saturday in
the public library at Ashland, there
being only one absent among the rural
teaehera. Mtb. Ueasle Murphy pre
sided. The West Zone will hold its third
meeting for this school year next Sat
urday, March 31st, at the Sams Valley
school. An Interesting program has
been arranged. Every one Is urged to
he present as plans are being made
to round up the closing events of the
school term.
A children's pet exhibition Is being
held in San Francisco, March 27th and
28th, under the auspices of the San
Francisco Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals. This will prove
a very interesting exhibit and repre
sents a practical phase of education.
It Is something Unit It might be well
for local authorities to consider for
our own county children.
Ml. Pitt District' No. 23 Is planning
to build a new sclioolhouse this sum
mer, their present one having served
good many years. The playshed
built last year, has been much en
joyed this year.
Watklns District No. 68 on the Ap-
plegate river Is another district that Is
planning a new school house, their
present one being an old log structure.
In both these bcIiooIb bonds will not
be offered, as budget reports show
that sufficient funds will be raised
by tax levy to meet building expenses.
Schools that wish to transport to a
nearby school rather than maintain a
small school of their own may do so
without losing the elementary funds
allotted on a teacher basis, due to new
legislation. '
llutte Fulls Ib having a radio plant
installed In the schoolhouse. Their
school Is one of the best equipped In
the county with a gymnasium, play
ground, library, and a four-year high
school course.
The county stcreopticon Is at Hutte
Falls this week which was usod to
show slides Illustrating the story of
"The Other Wise Man" at, a service
held last Sunday and is used to show
"Oregon Birds" before the biology
No Arbor Day bulletins will be re
ceived from the state superintendent's
office this year, but the day will be
observed on April 13 th.
The week of April 2 to 7 lias been
set aside nationally to be observed as
Clurdon Week. The schools have been
linked to cooperate In this observance.
The state club leader, Mr. Seymour,
is seeking the cooperation of o'.l club
members In this program of garden
ing. New clubs have boen recently organ
ized at Jacksonville and at Ashland.
Other places are becoming actively in
terested In the boys' and girls' pro
jocts and we look for some splendid
rosults in this work in the county this
The Eagle Point Parent-Teachers'
association, a new organization, will
hold its regulnr monthly meeting on
Friday afternoon, March 30th, at 3
o'clock nt the school house. Some of
the Medford Parent-Teacher associa
tion workers are planning to attend.
JYw Qnlrk Krmra rtiom 11
','. "The Truck Man" '
BO K. Holly " 09
CANON CITY, Colo.. Mar. 28. Har
old F. I Ion wood, pnrolod by Governor
Oliver H. Shoup last May, was return
ed to the Btnte penitentiary here to
day to serye out his sentence for kill
ing Tony Von Phul and Qeorge Cope
land In the bar room of the Brown
Palace hotel in Denver a .number of
years ago. He had violated his parole,
officials announced. At the time of
the shooting nil of the principals were
prominent in Denver society.
Tiioa. J. Tynan, warden, announced
that Honwood "threatened to kill a
young girl, a banker and a woman
with whom ho had words, becauso the
girl would not marry1 him. This was a
violation of his parole and we had to
bring htm back."
(Continued from page one)
the facta developed by the commis
sion showed the need.
Meantime various other agencies of
the federal government, Including the
department of Justice wore watching
the trend of the sugar market for any
evidence that speculators are ovor-
stopping legal restrictions to the detri
ment of tho consuming public It was
Indicated today that thus fur tho de
partment had taken no positive step
In the matter, although It Is taken for
granted that District Attorney Hny-
ward at Now York would take what
over action ho found was feasible
under the law.
The ordor of the president broadens
an Investigation already undertaken
by the tariff commission and Chair
man Marvin said today, will require a
far reaching examination Into the
causo and offuct of the recent sugar
price ranges. The commission when
It mot today Immediately ordvrod that
tho original Investigation be extended
to encompass all the Information
sought by tho president
ALT1ANY Tho stalo senate passed
a bill Intended to repeal the state pro
hibition enforcement laws,
Easter Sale of Ready-to-Wear
Hundreds of New Garments
on Sale Tomorrow
25 Women's Spring Coats, in Dressy
and Sport styles,' made of all wool ma
terials. Some lined throughout. Up to
$25.00 values. Thursday, each $18-00
Women's $37.50 Coats $25.00
About 50 in this lot, consisting of the
latest modes in Coats and Capes. Come
in dark and light colors. Up to $37.50
values. On sale Thursday, each $25.00
The new ideas in Blouses and Waists
are here in great profusion. Many
styles to choose from. Priced from
$5.98 to $25.00
Women's "Altime" Silk Crepe Dresses,
new styles, $20.00 values. This sale,
each $11.50
$35.00 Dresses $25.00
50 new up to date dresses, all sizes and
colors, made of Taffeta, Flat Crepe and
Paisley effects. All sizes. Up to $35.00
values. Thursday, each $25.00
Women's all wool Slip-over Sweaters,
$4.00 values. Special, each. $2.98
Women's Fiber Silk Sweaters in Slip
over, Tuxedo and Jacquette styles. All
colors. Priced from each
to $18.00
Women's Lisle Thread Ilose in black,
white and colors, 75c values. Thursday,
pair 50
Women's "Argus" Silk Hose in black,
cordovan and white, $2.00 values,
Thursday, pair $1.75
Full Fashioned Silk Hose in black and
colors, $2.25 values, pair $2.00
"La France" Silk Hose, the best look
ing and wearing hose made. Special,
Thursday, pair
Children's Silk Hose hi black, cordovan
and wliite, $1.39 value, pair $1.19
Children's Fancy Sox. all colors. On
sale 'Thursday, pair L59
fine grade
Sik Hose
in all
colors. A
grade. On
sale Thurs
day, paif
Buy Now While Stocks Are Complete.
50 pieces new Dress Ginghams in the
very newest plaids and stripes, fast
colors. Regular price 22c. On sale
Thursday, yard 17
1 case 32 inch fine imported Ginghams
in the new patterns for Spring, 45c
values. Thursday, yard 39
32 inch fine Dress Linen, fast colors,
$1.25 value. Thursday, yard $1.10
32 inch fine Tissue Gingham, excellent
quality and patterns, fast colors. On
sale Thursday, yard 69
3b" inch Silk and Cotton Underwear
crepe in flesh, white and orchid, $1.20
value. Thursday, yard 9Sf
3(5 inch Ratine in plain and fancy pat
terns, $1.20 value. On sale Thursday,
yard $1.00
32 inch Pongee Silk, imported quality,
very special, Thursday, yard $1.19
1 case new Percales in new Spring pat
terns, 3G inches. Special, yard 19
Women's Flower Trimmed Hats, all new styles. On
sale Thursday,' each .'. .'. $5.00
Women's Easter Bonnets, very beautiful styled, $10.50
Values. Thursday, each '. ..$8.00
Exclusive new Hats in Dressy and Sport styles, all
colors, for Spring wear, from, each $10.00 to $25.00
Children's Sailors and Bonnets in silk and straw, each
$1.50 to $6.75
Easter, When the
j7jjW Well Gloved Hand
f Is Important
Women's 12-Button Kid Gloves in Mode,' Brown, Grey,
Black and White, $5.50 values. Thursday, pah- $4.98
Stanford Kid Gloves, gauntlet style, in Tan, Brown,
Grey, Black and White. Regular $5.50 values. On
sale Thursday, pair $4.98
Armada French Kid Gloves, 2-button style, in Tan,
Brown, Black and White. A very fine $2.50 grade. On
sale Thursday, pair $2.25
Fancy Chamoisette Gloves in Mode and Beaver, "Kay
ser " brand, $3.00 values. Thursday, pair $2.50
Kayser's Strap Wrist Chamoisette Gloves in Grey,
Brown, Tan, Black and White, $1.75 values. On sale
Thursday, pair , $1.50
Kayser's 16-button Chamoisette Gloves in Beaver,
Grev and White, $1.75 values. On sale Thursdav, pair
Women's Lace Bertha Collars. Lace Collars and Ves
tees to match, Bramley Collar and Cuff Sets. Kegular
$1.50 values. On sale Thursday, set '. $1.25
The Store for Everybody
Medford, Oregon
m 4 r Ji i r-
iMlt MUUdK
Women's Silk Lisle Vests, bodice and
built up tops. Special, each.. 98p
Women's Union Suits, all styles, $1.25
value's. Special, suit -98
Women's Richelieu Bloomers, pink and
white, $1.25 value. Special, pair $1-00
Italian Silk Bloomers, fine quality,
$4.00 values. Special, pair $3.48
Women's shadow proof white satinc
petticoats, up to , $2.25 values. Thurs
day, each $1.75
Dove Underwear for women, in Gowns,
Bloomers and Camisoles. Special, each
$2.00 Bead Necklaces 69c
Thursday we place on sale 100 Bead
Necklaces in all colors and styles, up to
$2.00 values. Thursday, each 69
New "Earrings, pair ...69 to $3.00
Miller Bros. Corsets in pink and white,
long and short models, $2.00 values. On
sale Thursday, pair $1.00
Women's all Linen Handkerchiefs,
hand embroidered, in white and colors,
up to 75c values. On sale Thursday,
each 35 3 for $1.00
Women's Hand Bags, new styles. On
sale Thursday, each $1.25
Women's Fancy Handkerchiefs. Regu
lar price 25c. On sale Thursday,
each 18 3 for 50
Blue Rose Talcum Powder, 39c value.
On sale Thursday, can..... .'....25
Colgate's and Melba Vanishing and
Cold Cream, 75c values. On sale Thurs
day, jar 50
Melba Face Powder, in flesh only, $1.25
value .'.$1.00
Ever Ready Dress Shields, 55c value.
Special, pair 35
Mail Orders Promptly Filled, Postage Prepaid
-Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns