ifi hi 1 ' :.T , Easter CTEDFOKD WAIE TRIBUNE, MEDFORTV 'OREGON. WEDXESr.Y. "NTATrTT 2S,' T92.T Time Merchandise FRESH NEW STOCKS DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTURERS FOR THE i EASTER SEASON THIS WEEK AT THE 85 Stores 'iiiiinn '2 85 Stores Ashland Phone 3 THE DAYLIGHT STORES Medford Phone 245 Ladies All This Easter Merchandise Goes at the Usual Low Golden Rule Prices, Made Possible Through the Combined Buying of 85 Stores Easter Ready-to -Wear Numbers LADIES' SUITS One lot of Ladies' Suite for ... . $9.99 One line of Ladies' Suits for . . . . $15.00 One line of Ladies' suite, from $17.50 to $25.00. : The famous Printz line of Ladies' Suits. Priced from $35.00 to $56.00. Three-piece Suit in Printz make, $56.00 and $70.00. ; . j LADIES' DRESSES All wool embroidered or braid trimmed Dresses .... .$14.50 Silk Dresses $6.50, $10.50, $13.50, $ 1 6.50, $19.00 and up to $32.00. Ladies' all wool Dresses, tailored by Printz Co., priced at $28 and $35. 4- Style that becomes ' Every; woman tries to finiit. How few succeed I . ' ; tor thirty years ; Printz designers have met this demand with smarts originations in coats, suits and dresses which' embody the newest mode approved by Paris. And always fabric and i tailoring Wd 'unvarying "quality and ' beauty to every garment. ' V.V Today Printz models offer a new and more personal version of the mode. Through the art of lines, style is "personalized" to become the various types of normal figures. LADIES' COATS Famous Printzess Apparel for Easter Ladies' Sport Jackets $4.25, to $5.65 and $8.75. Ladies' Capes $7.50 to $20.65. Ladies' Sport Coats $8.75, $1 2.00, $ 1 5.00 and up to $32.50. Ladies' fancy Coats $30.00, $32.50 and $45.00. LADIES' SKIRTS Ladies' Skirts in both plaited and plain models. Priced from $4.50 to $13.50. LADIES' DRESSES Ladies' Ratine Dresses, assorted colors and styles. Priced from $4.50 to $13.50. Ladies' Gingham Dresses, priced from $3.00 to $8.65. " Ladies' House Aprons. Priced from 75c to $3.00. Easter Hosiery , . ' Phoenix Hose, in all the new shades. Style 740.;. Rib top,' Black, Brown, White.!.. $1.50 Style40& 7Nmcy stripe, Black, Brown, White, Grey, Beige, Polo $1-50 Styte 367: Out size; Black, Brown, White ..........;..:......'...$1.50 Style; 3681 Full Fashion, Black, Brown, White ............:. $1.90 Style 365. Regular, Black, Brown, White, .Beige, Polo and Grey..!.:.. $1-15 Buster Brown Silk Hose, all colors ..':!.......:.............:.,......$1.00 to $2.55 V ; w . Men's and Young Men's Easter Suits Ladies' Blouses Ladies' Tricolette Blouses at $335 Ladies' Pongee Blouses at $3.35 Ladies 'Crepe de Chcne Blouses at .. ... ...... ...$5.65 Ladies 'Crepe dc Chcne Blouses $7.00 and up to $14.50 Easter Gloves Suede finish, 2-clasp Gloves 50 Suede finish strap wrist Gloves 3 Suede finish, 16-button Gloves : 13 Suede finish Gauntlet Gloves .:..: $1-98 Kid Gloves, 12-button; all colors $4.30 Kid Gloves, 2-button, all colors..... : $2-85 to $3.30 Silk Gloves, 2-button, all colors . : : 50 to $1.30 Silk Gloves, 16-button, all colors '. $1.50 Young men's high grade, - all wool greyjtweed, sport model, fancy tail ored 1 ..$25.25 I . ... Young men's good quality wool, grey tweed; sport model, two pairs pants, , ' 7 $19.00 Young, mien's brown all wool whip cord,' sport model, finely tailored, , . $32.20 Youijg men's snappy model, form fit ted, three button coat, made of the fa mous Washougal Woolen Mills, 100 per cent virgin wool cloth, in neat brown check patterns. Sport model, plaited back ......l.........$27.00 Young men's fancy suits, sport mod el, plaited backs, in grey and brown check, with two pairs of pants, $24.75 Mens conservative model, all wool grey serge, ..r........ ......:.....$20.00 A fancy brown worsted, conservative -model ...... ; $21.00 . A firiely tailored, wool worsted, fancy 1 .brown color, conservative model, two pairs of pants $32.50 A good line of stouts in dark colors and light grey, well tailored, $25.00 to $30.00 Men's good all wool blue serge, con servative models, at $23.50 to $33.00 125 suits, conservative models, good quality suits, all colors and sizes, - $12.50 to $30.00 Wc are headquarters for the best line of ready made suits., in the world. The celebrated Hickey-Frecman line. A good run of sizes, .colors and styles. Easter Shoes Ladies' Easter Footwear, large assortment to choose from. Utz & Dunn Oxfords, dark brown color, combination width, at....$7.50 Utz & Dunn Oxfords, black color, arch support, combination width, at $8.95 Brown Suede Pump, military heel at $6.80 One-strap Sport Pumps, suede lc: "bi er trimmed, military heel, at....$6-35 Other Pumps, too numerous to !:st, pi-iced from : . ..$3.19 to $8.30 The Barry Shoe for men who care to dress well. Barry Shoos in the new stvlcs, priced at $7-00, $7.50 to $9.95 Harry Oxfords, priced at $7.00 to $7.75 Other Men's Dress Shoes, uew styles, solid leather, Goodyear welt soles, priced at !$4.95 to $5.95 New style Oxfords for men, G id year welt soles, priced at $4. 89 to $5.50 Men's solid leather mule skin wrk shoes, at $1-98 Men's solid leather elk skin v. rk shoe's, at $2.19 See our line Sandles and Play Oxfords for Children. Infant's Slippers, soft soles 70 and 80 Infant's hard sole Slippers, sizes 3 to 5, at $1.10 to $1.55 Children's Slippers, sizes 5' to 8, at $1-30 to "$1.80 Children's Slippers sizes, 81. tr tl, at : $1.85 to" $2 70 Children's Slippers, sizes IIMj " ' 2 at $2.25 to $C 30 Boys' Elk Skin Shoes, Rizes 21, 6, at $2.29 to $2 75 Munsing Underwear for Men and Boys Everything to Wear. for Everybody Printzess Suits, Coats and Dresses for Ladi'3