NrEDFORIT MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFORB, OREGON. WEDXESDIW, ARCTI 28, 132 PXGE FOUT? i Medford Mail Tkiblngi AN IV'.VI'KSMiKKT N EWSPAI'KR PUHLISHI.I EVBI1V ArTEKNoON liXt'KtT Sl'Nt'AY. UV Tilt iHOKOI:Ii I'lllNTIKG Co. AUSTRIA IS MAKING GOOD. The M-ilfnrl Hun. my fc'Lin ! f i.r-.J n il stiI.' ti CVfl.rli.' u awe:, d.iy J.;i y in w !i-apt.r. . I Office Mall Tribune Hullainc. li-tt-t rurUl Mr alrrel. Phone 75. A consolidation of the !emocrattc Times, ine Mvlfor Mall, the MeJford Tribune, the Southern GregonUn, The AahUnd Tribune, KOBKRT W. HI'IIL, Editor. 8. KL'MITEH SMITH. Manager. UV U1M In IriranM' Dally, wllh Sunday Hun. yer.7.S0 lauy, wiin unnny oun, luumn .. Dally, wlthouL .Sunday Sun. year- f.50 Daily, without" Sunday Sun. month .5 Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 1.00 Eunday Sun. one year J. 00 BV CARHIEH In Medford. Aahland, . Jackaonvllle. Central Point, Phoenix, Talent and on Highway: Dally, with Sunday Sun. month .75 Daily, without Sunday Sun. month .5 Dally, without Sunday Sun. year- 7. SO Dally, with Sunday Sun. one yar g.50 All terma by carrier, cash In advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jaclmon County. The only paper between Engine, Ore., and Sacramento. Calif., a dlatance of over 500 mile-, having leaaed wire Asso ciated Frews Service. ' 8worn dally averace circulation for all months ending April 1. 1K22, 35:8. more than double the circulation of any other paper published or circulated in Jackson County. ' Entered as secotirt cibhi, matter at . 1eifnrd, Oregon, under act of March 8. I7. MEMBERS OF THE ASfOCIATEU Pit ESS. Thl AifoctMed IT.- If eiclufllvelv enlltl'-d ' tho use for rfpnMlcnt.iun of Oil news dlspilleben -r.!H.-.l to it or not otherwise ct allied in ll.l p;i.-r. and e!to to ll' l('''t pp' r-ttililK"1 herein. All rH:llH of t. pulillcutloii of sl-clal dlHiiatehes herein are algo reserved. USTRIA is tlie one bright spot in Central Europe today. Dealt .A. a crushing blow by the Treaty of Versailles, Austria has shown herself a good sport. Instead of whimpering and complaining, Aus tria set to work and tried to do what she could against appalling odds. She has done wonders. Moreover, her attitude instead of en eouraging further penalties, as the old-fashioned blood-and-iron dip lomats claimed has decreased those penalties, until today Austria has a good prospect of petting back on her feet once more. Hut perhaps the brightest spot in the Austrian situation is the role played by the much-abused League of Nations, lord Ualfour has de scribed the leagues' work as "the greatest constructive effort so far undertaken to extricate Europe from the economic embarrassments which are affecting every nation in the world." "For the first time in history," declares Lord Cecil, "a conquer etl nation is being rescued from ruin by her conquerors." As a result the Austrian crown has been stable for over tlircc months, the cost of living in Austria has been reduced, the savings deposits have doubled, two large internal loans have been raised and a scries of far-reaching financial reforms carried out. The general situation merely demonstrates once more that good sportsmanship pays, as well with nations as with individuals. When a nation or an individual is beaten, good sportsmanship demands that the loser take his medicine. Taking it works a double blessing, it encourages internal harmony and it also encourages external conciliation. Observing Austria's commendable spirit, tho Allies reduced their terms and the League of Nations stepped in to bring order-out of chaos. It is too early to celebrate Austria's complete redemption. iJut it is not too early to observe that the Golden Rule is still alive, and Christian principles, if courageously applied, may still form the best basis for constructive statesmanship. MEDFORD POST TO Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. Quill Points It was announced last night at the American Legion meeting that Med ford post will soon begin publication of a four page monthly paper devoted I to the interests or the legion and ex , service men and women generally in this vicinity. It hum long been an am I bitlon of the post members to Issue a bulletin but the matter of financing the enterprise has heretofore proved an obstacle. It is believed that with circulation of the paper not only locally but among state headquarters of the legion throughout the country, Medford will receive a measure of national public ity. It is the Intention of the local post to run pictures of Crater Lake and other scenic beauties of this vicin ity. This publicity is especially desir able in view of the large number of legionnaires who will come to the Pa cific coast this summer to attend the national convention to be held in San FranclBco. Following the regular business ses sions of the legion and ladies' auxil lary last night the two organizations held a joint meeting for discussion of the district conference held here last Saturday and other matters of mutual Interest, ' . s Five candidates were initiated by the auxiliary and a number of applica tions for membership in the legion were read. - Refreshments were served at the ! close oC the Joint meeting. OUCH! BACKACHE! RUB LUMBAGO OR PAIN FROM BACK Ah! Pain is gone!! St. Jacobs Oil acts almost like magic. Quickly? Yes. Almost instant re lief from soreness, stiffness, lame ness and pain follows a gentle (rub bing with St. JucobB Oil. i ' Itub this soothing, penetrating oil right on your painful back, and re lief comes. St. Jacobs Oil is a harm less backache, "lumbago, and sciatica cure which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. Straighten up! Quit complaining! stop those torturous stitches. In a moment you will forget that you ever had a weak back, because it won't hurt or be stiff or lame. Don't suf fer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest St. Jacobs Oil from your drug gist now and get this lasting relief. Adv. Picture Framing at Swem's Studio MACHINE WORK .. Repairing " Babbitting and Welding . Crater Lake Automotive Co. Two Saving Ideas? RETOUCHING THE OLD STRAW H AjT, MAKINGIT LOOK LIKE NEW. ; . ; We Have the dye in all color. j HAVING THE USED RAZOR BLADES RESHARPENED. ; y . .y, We do it and guarantee them to be better than new. Heath's Drug Store ?hone 884 109 East Main Street . ... - c . ..'w- We are as near to you as your phone ;sy$ The Variety of Our Mill Wdrlc is practically unlimited. We makeVerxthing;iat;')8.'into;thi building of a fine home, from the stately stair case to small corner pieces; 'mouldSiips.' etc., with a thousand, things' :ift-betweerE- It takes a visit to tell you what our millwork comprises.? : TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS C ltth and Grape'" " ;: .; -v J -; - Phone. 238 The "undeveloped peoples" are those who are still happy. ' Beauty seems to be running notions glossed over with religion, a close race for the big and easy money. Tourists, voting In Jackson county, and planning on a couple of transcon tinental tours this summer, are re quested to turn off their lawn sprink lers before departing, or the water de partment will do it for them. The municipality regrets exceedingly its Inability to do otherwise. Last season 1142 residents did this, and were mad when they wandered home In the late fall and found their lawn dried up. One thing we might give up right cheerfully dduring Lent is March. - ' ' Every alien should he required to live here ten years before boast ing of his ancestors that came over in the Mayflower. 8HE WORE NO SKIRT (3F. Bulletin) Her costume consisted of a black coat, a white, hand-embroidered waist, a blue sweator with black leather belt, a large gray fur neckpiece, a new blue velve teen hat, black. Oxfords and gray suede gloves. Tho Democratic party announce a surprise 111 the coming cnmpnlgn. They plan to cook the political future of President Harding, by having Wood row WllBon endorse him. ' OUR CREDITORS SAY: STRIP TO THE DONE (Ad Huntington, Va., Times), Nice weather for It. W.'M. Monoymaker, of Wilbur, was a Roseburg visitor today for several hours, shopping and visiting. (Rose burg News-Review), A cousin to all. CAU8E AND EFFECT . (San Juan, Cal., News) Mrs. Frank Hull is tho mother of a fine baby girl which made its appearance last Sunday night at the Salinas hospital where Mrs. Hull is Btaylng. She Is getting along as well as could bo expected under tho clrcumstnncos. Editor Prank Hull Is Improving and Is able to be around. He ninclo hlB first trip up town afoot Inst Tuesday, vlBltlng tho News office It ts confidently hoped that ho mny recover, but a protracted rest Is one of his great noods at present Some arrnngoiuent ought to be mado with the nowspapers and period icals now engaged in holding up Ore gon as a shining horrible oxumplo, to put In a few nice words about tho scenery, and tho ganionoss of the trout. . An old-timer is one who can remember when grandeur consisted in a heavy watch chain draped across one's front elevation. You Catch Cold Easily? ' When you allow your strength to rundown and your body becomes weakened and susceptible, that is just the time that you invite the cold and cough that follows germ-infection. Keep your body strong and well nourished take mm as a means of guarding against the breaking down of the resistive powers of the body. The rich, energizing quau- Uh ties oi Scott's Emulsion are ouicklv digested, and it is surprising how a few bottles build up and strengthen the whole body. Be sure that you buy Scott's Emulsion I Scott & Bownc Bloomncld. N. J. rt-n Tho now spring bonnet Mrs. Jones has been considering purchasing since January 3rd, cnino into the possession of Sally Uroeii yesterday. "I don't give a darn," said Mrs. Jones, "and .besides, it did not harmonlza with my washing machine" This Is a world of sorrow, also a world of gin, Ot crime and disappointment. When you and I begin ' To list all Its disasters, best do as I Intod, Just stick right horo and suffer until the blttor end. (Kansas City Star.) A pair of overalls was seen In tho triz. diL this am, for tho first tlmo toc tbe fall of '98. Just What You Have Been Looking For A luggage carrier that is strong, substantial and adjustable. That folds down on running board when not in use, and does not interfere with the use of your car doors on either side of car, can be used on Sedan or Touring Car. A .Steel Auto lied, 4S inches wide, that rolls up in a com pact bundle $13.50 Auto and Wall Tents, at this season's prices. New Cotton Double Hlnnkets $2.10 Uegulation Army Lockers, new $10.90 Puck Sucks and Leather Hiker's Hags $2.50 and $2.75 Large mid small Tarpaulins for bed rolls Regulation Army Purraek Hags, new 75c Work Shoes $2.35 to $4.85 All Army Shoes at greatly reduced prices. New Trench Shoes $2.79 TRADE AT THE ARMY STORE AND SAVE MONEY United Army Stores 32 CENTRAL AVENUE, SO. XZtt.U M. KETCHUM. ago 38. fa Klntn Falls last' September. Whn la ? fKlamuth Kails Her ai(f , X nan ketchnm. Pythian Sisters Bazaar and Dance Twrrrthy Rnhrtan, ex-19. Is now In Baa rranrtsr.n. fln.llnst the life around I Uim f.itr an at ih beaches vory Intnr- Ib. h rxports thnt evergreen Friday Afternoon and Evening March 30 ts U' n!tiU Ittt th Christmas tablo . rr fvrr aVUra and np. (Old On fju Mm way thr should bo. " A mv.if 'A ktsicnks are chang ing bani. Ktry sinttln nnn Is 'too . larra in mA im aa auto truck and pw4 l Um xrl direction of tho Atlantic ocmuj. ' Knights of Pythias Hall I i Everybody Cordially Invited -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim .1 Doughnuts Two caps Olympic Flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, teaspoon salt, 1 4 teaspoon nutmeg, I tal'epnon butter, M cup sugar, 1 egg, cup milk. Killer, add sugar and well-beaten egg. Sift all dry in-r; !; and add alternately with the milk. Turn on to a lii.u, m board, roll out to half an inch thirk p,m vi'U n doughnut cutter. Allow to siand a fe.v i.iimi-).- : v . U j the dough, then fry in hot fat until .i frh', -n !. aa-m, turn to cook on the other side, drain ui : :"T i cold, dredge with powdered ttuar mixed :'i --: cinnamon. She makes better with Olympic fflour There is a. big reason why Grandmother's doughnuts quickly disappear. They are made, of Olympic Flour so good that you wish the holes were smaller. You, too, will always be successful if you use Olympic Flour. It's de pendable because it's uniform. Olympic Flour is made of the finest wheats; tested to meet the highest standards. Sold by grocers everywhere. Ask for Olympic Flour by name. , ' t , t i ... PORTLAND FLOUR MILLS CO., Portland, Oregon Mills at Portland, Orrgon and Tacoma, Washington , Blanofacturers of Olympic Pancake Flour and Olympic Wheat Hearts , , v. ..... . . . - -.;-s.w-. aaaaiaaaaaiai.,.M...,,,..ZZZ iini'.i .,. ,,'., , ' ' - -I Ifil if-' i t