Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 28, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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' F AflTC ,. THREE
' The third saying on tlio cross.
"Woman, bchom thy son. Iichuld
thy mother" was the thomo of tho
pre-Easter week mcssago at tho
First Baptist church last nlKht by
Dr. S. J. Reid. Tho speaker paid a
beautiful tribute to Mary, ,tho mother
of Jesus, and brought out forcefully
tho sanctity of tho home as shown by
whut Christ suid and did while on tho
cross. Suffering tho pones of death
In the midst of Ills Great Brief,
Christ did not forgot His mother. Ho
mado provision for her. Tho mother
stood by .the cross, but she could do
nothing. She know her son was In
nocent. It is sin that makes grief.
Death does not break the heart liko
sin. If there is sin In your life it will
work till It brings a holl into your
life. This helped Mary, knowing
Christ was Innocent. Christ did not
die a sinner, though He died for sin
ners. For three hours Christ was si
lent on the cross. After these seven
jvords He did not speak again. If
TJhrlst died for our sins wo need not
Christ remembered His mother.
God's curse rests upon those who for
get their parents. There is- no placo
in hell hot enough for them. A man
who Is capable of forsaking his
mother or father 'is capable of com
mitting any crime in tho category.!
What an cxamnle Christ left n-iinn Wn
said "Son, remember thy mother."!
Btand at tho cross tonight and boo tho'
old woman, and how she is beinir
A capacity crowd at tlio Chambor
of Commerce forum luncheon at the
Hotel Mcdford this noon was ad
dressed by Dr S. J. Relrt of Portland.
"You may think It Incongruous
that a preacher address a Chamber
o Commerce, but the greatest bus
iness man of tho world was a
preacher," said Dr. Uoid. "Ills name
was Noah and he floated a company
when the entire world was In liquida
tion." . .
Dr. Retd filled his address with
snappy bits of humor and stated that
prohibition In America is winning
out. "America Is leading the way
and when the other nations follow
this will be a better world," said the
Ho made a strong plea for better
churches and better schools. "Spend
ing monoy on schools and churches,"
said Dr. Rold, "is true economy. For
the more you spend on churches and
schools the less you will have to
spend later on jails, asylums, old
people's homes and poorhouses."
"Medford has a future and I want
to see Its population grow. I want
to see her with adequate school facil
ities and I want to seo all denomina
tions with sufficient churches. To
show what the Baptist denomination
thinks of Medford let me state that
said the speaker. I was not present o,00 has been subscribed by the
but she said I had always been kind I Baptist denomination outside of
to her. I would rather have her say ' Medrord. for the new Eaptlst church
that than to have her leave a million i building to bo built here."
dollars for me,
Jesus said nothing directly about
politics, but ' He did say something
about the home. Tho home Is tho
great problem. Parents cannot shift
the responsibility upon the nubile
school or Sunday school teacher. No
During tho five minute period J.
J. Buchter and Ed White were elect
ed chairmen of tho two separate
nominating committees to select two
men each to assist thorn in preparing
two lists of eighteen nominations
parent can escape their resnonsibll-! each for election to the nine vacant
ity. Many of the women todav are places on the board of directors. The
gad-abouts. They don't interest them
selves In the home. They loavo their
children to run tho streets, whilo
they go to tho movies. No wonder
we have so many problems, when
parents take so little interest in their
children. When John took Mary
Into his own homo ho took Christ,
for when the (Holy Spirit came He
was In tho hearts of all believers. So
If you want Christ in your home, you
motion to select two men to do this
wasvmade by Harry Walther who ex
plained that members might nomln
ate anyone else In addition to those
nominated by the committees when
nominating ballots were received.
J. J. Buchter was named for one
of the places by A. J. Vance, who
stated that the Craters Club Intended
to take a hand in the Chamber of
milDt haim Ulm l . 1. n ,
... in joui nunn. inui. commerce activities from now on
s,ve.Wray f"terS V ery. h0mo' and that "e wished to name Buchter
be?sh,rranndS ZM.T.IS Z c'T "J r:"""6'
others, will be baptized next Sunday 1""?, Crf ers 'oruthe Plac0-
morning. Following the service- tho ' Following Buchter's nomination
choir rehearsed their cantata which White was nominated and after
they are to render next Sunday oven-; numerous requests for further nom
ing, when Dr. field gives His closing) Illations from Chairman fi. P. Law
message. Tonight Dr. Hold speaks rence, nominations were closed and
'i-V urtn w,y'.nf on cross, the two candidates wero unanimously
My God, .My God, why hast thou for-1 elected.
ouneii me.- n wu oe a mcssago
for all and should be heard by a full
C. Y. Tengwald spoke briefly on
j the possibility of making Medford a
convention city and stated that fa-
S. Barghorn, of Spokane, nephew of cllittea wl" 00 adequate to handle
Clauda Miles departed yesterday for
his homestead In the Butte Falls dis
trict after a several weoks visit in
Lawn mower sharpening guaran
teed. Medford Harwure & Sporting
Goods Co. . 10
K. 1. Ked sotting eggs at DeVoe's.
60 pieces of rough dry for $1.50
American Laundry. Phone 873.
Just a line lu remind you that I will
gladly duplicate any bonnfide order
booked by a transient agent for the
Bame or less money and give you bet
ter service. N. S. Bennett, prop. Eden
Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf
Mr. and Mrs. T. K Pottenger left
this morning by auto for Oakland
Calif., where they will' spend two
weeks with Mrs. Pottenger's brother,
J. V, Cox and family.
Don't forget St. Mark's Guild Easter
sale of home cooked food and Easter
eggs at the Holland Cafe Saturday,
March 31st at 1:30 p. m. 7
Blight resistant, pear trees for fall
delivery. Old'Home on Pyrus Ussuri-
ensls. Home grown Old Home and
Chieh on Japan, Eden Valley Nursery
Phone 0S0-J-2. tf
Twelve Inch slab wood J1.50 per
tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more.
Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley
Fuol Co.. Phone 7G. tf
Splendid furnished apartment in
Mall Tribune building for rent at
once. tf
There was born yesterday to Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Arnold at their homo
on Griffin creek an eight pound daugh
ter, name Norma Jean. Both mother
and baby are doing nicely.
Dance at Riverside Community Club
on the Rogue Saturday night, March
31st. Everybody welcome.
Anyone wanting work done, or their
lawns cared for at the Central Point
cemetery, see J. B. Watltins, sexton,
or phone 33x1, Central Point. 7
Oriental Ballroom closed Wed. Big
dance Sat! 5"
Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co.
Since last November more than 4000
head of cattle, valued at $240,000, have
been shipped from Klamath Falls to
California markets.
Harness and leather goods repaired.
Medford Hardware & Sporting Goods
Co. 10
Owl Confectionery, 15 N. Central,
F. M. Wilson. Everything new. tf
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711
E. Main. r
Among the business visitors in the
city from Ashland yesterday was
Charles Robinson.
Have your rugs washed on your own
floors most convenient, sanitary
method, kills germs, no dust raised.
Get your order in early. E. L. Davis.
Phone 644. 211 Stark St. . 30
jf.Yjpu cay get it at DeVoe's. tf
Dance! Sat! Oriental Baliroom! B
"Highwaymen wore busy last night
along the Pacific highway south of
Grants Pass, according to word re
ceived by Chief McLane, of the local
police force," says the Grants Pass
Courier. "Mose Vinyard called from
Gold Hill at about 8 o'clock and in-
Rov. E. P. Lawronco of tho local
Presbyterian church preached at
Ashlund lust night lu pre-Kustor ser
vices, i
Don't forgot the Lady Klks danco
Tuesday, April 3rd. A real time. 7
ilumstltchlng at Deuel's. 318
Be sure to bo at Weaver's Grocery.
Central Point, Sat., March 31st. 7
Grape vines: Tokay, .Muscat, Mal
aga, Rose Peru. Zinfindoll, Thompsons
Seedless. Trellis grapes, Concord,
Brighton. Wordon, Agawam, Niagara
and Campbell's Karly. Eden Valley
Nursery. Phono OSOJ-2. tf
A caso in Justice court this morn
ing charging Mary Drudshaw of the
Eaglo Potnt-Brownsboro district,
with allowing a dead animal belong
ing to her to remain in n place an
noying others, ended in acquittal. ! pervlston of Host Mohr the bankers
The charge was filed by W. II. Nut- adopted a constitution and by-laws,
ting, a neighbor. j recommended by tho committee up-
Wanted to buy used pianos. Will pointed at' tho last mooting to draw
About forty representatives and
employees of tho banks of Jackson
his story of happenings in a small
town hotel.
In tho cast also are Georgo llarnum,
Josephine Crowell, Helen Lynch, Ray
mond Griffith, as a chewing gum
salesman; Richard Wayne. To'm Wil
son and George Dromgold, that give
tho plcturo Its many laughs and side
splitting humor.
Snappy Comedy Drama, Page
Tho latest big legitimate stngo suc-
pay cash. H. U. Liiuuspach. Phone
64G-R. 7
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phono 108. 711
East Main.
Easter Greeting cards. Medford
Book Store. 5
Balod hay for sale. J. H. Carkln. 348
Newcomb Is now deiiverylng 16-inch
green slabwood at $1.75 per tier, in
four tier lots or more. Place your
order soon for early dolivery and have
cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks.
Phone 631. 296tf
For Sale Pianos and phonographs.
II. G. Lauuspach. Easy terms.
Mrs. Charles W. Shields, Is here forjan'r convention as soon as the newjtormed the ffiCerB that an attempt
a visit and may decide to -remain and
assist In Shields' store.
mm "Bull"
alLl4, W
Ask your grocer
or phone your order
of flour
Morton' Mill '
. Central Point
China Herb Store
This is to certify that dim Chung of
Medford, Ore., has cured uie of goitre
and stomach trouble. 8. M. Leonard,
609 J St, Grants Pm
Thin Is to certify that Olm Chung of
Medford, Ore., hue cured me ot rupture
of four years' standing. F. G. lanam,
411 8 St., Oranta Pans, Ore.
Medford. Oregon, Jan. 18, 1917.
Thla la to eertlfy that I, the under
Blgned, had very aevere atonnch trouble
and had been bothered for aeveral year
and last Autrunt was not expected to
live, and hearing of Olm Chung (whose
Herb atore la at 214 South Front street,
Medford), I decided to get herba for my
atomach trouble, and I aterted to feeling
better aa aoon aa I used them and today
am a well man end can heartily recom
mend anyone afflicted aa 1 waa to ae
Olm Chung and try h!a Herb
(Signed) W. R. JOHNSON.
Wra. Lewis, Eagle Point.
W. L. Chlldrelh, Eale Point
M. A. Anderaon, Medford.
H. B. Holmea, Ragle Point.
C. B. Moore, Eagle Point.
J. V. Mclntyra, Eagle Point.
Geo. Von der Hellen. Eagle Point
7 boa. S, Nichols, a-is rout.
armory Is complete.
Paul B McKee made a motion that
the forum go on record as recom
mending that a permanent conven
tion committee ho appointed by the
board of directors. The motion car
ried unanimously.
On motion of If. O. Frohbach, a
vote of thanks was given D. E. Mil
lard, for the past three years Bong
leader of the Chamber of Commerce
forum. Mr. Millard leaves In the
near future for California.
SAL.KS Francos Salos. wife of
Charles Saloa, who died at Portland,
Sunday, Mareh 25, will arrive in
Medford "Wednesday evening and fu
neral services will bo held at the Perl
Funeral Home Thursday at 10 a. m.
Interment In Jacksonville cemetery.
Mrs. Sales wan a cousin of Mrs. Pete
Ingram of 42G W. Fourth St.
Hiiro Still Uitrartliccl.
TACOMA, March 28. Tho larsest
slill yet found In this county whh lo
cated last night by Sheriff Tom Des
mond and bis deputies. An all night
vIrII failed to, itpprehend any of the
owners and today tho still is being
dismantled. It had a capacity of
about 200 gallons of whiskey per day
and 700 pnllona of moonshlno roady
for the market wero captured.
Euy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind
-and follow the siroplo direction in
every packago. Don't wonder whether
you can dye or tint jurccujfuMy, he"auo
perfect homo dyeing ). jriaranlced with
Diamond Dyca even If you have never
dyed before. ,iut ten your urujrjzui
whether the material yon wieh to dye ia
wool or allk. or whether it i linen,
cotton, or mixed pooR Diamond Dyea
never streak, spot, ibuc, or run.
had been made to hold him up. Two
men jumped In front of the car near
the Elsmann home, above Rogue River
and tried to stop him. One got on
each side of the road and flourished
guns at him. Mose was not taking
any chances so stepped on the gas
and left the would-be highwaymen bo
hind. He said they were both lareg,
or looked large, appeared young and
had guns."
Lady Elks dance Tuesday, April 3rd.
Another surprise; don't miss It. 7
Easter millinery opening, Wednes
day to Saturday, March 28 to 31st inc.
The Vanity Shop, Main at Bartlett. 5'
Thornless blackberry plants. Eden
Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf
Closing out all our farm machinery,
soveral good buys. Patton & Robin
son. Inc. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strang drove
to Roseburg Sunday and returned ac
companied by Mrs. Fred Strang who
will visit with them for the remainder
of the week.
A few odd dresses and rompers for
sale, 65c; and sun bonnets to embroi
der, 25c. Handicraft Shop. 7
Drown sells good shoes at a living
price. 103 North Central. tf
When better automobiles are built.
Bulck will build them. tf
Volunteer firemen met at tho fire
hall last night at 7:30 and a test was
given some of the apparatus Including
tho life-net into which "Chick" Hawk,
Sam Jennings and Taylor Durch
jumped from tho second story of the
City Hall. Tho net, held by the rest
ot the firemen worked to perfection,
none of the Jumpers being the worse
for their experience.
H. O. Daunspach sells the famous
Stelnway Haby Grand pianos. 7
Orders taken for Easter cakes, Mrs.
York. ' 6
Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf
Rev. Dr. Wm. H. Huff, the evange
list who recently conducted a cam
paign in this city at the First Motho
dist church, Is now conducting revlvul
services at the Newman M. E. church
at Grants Pass. Last Monday ho was
the chief speakor at the forum of the
Orants Pass chamber of commerce.
The daintiest of ready-msale droBsos
for children up to five years. Handi
craft Shop. 7
No dance Wed. In Oriental Ballroom
Big dance Sat! B
Orders Uken for Easter cakes, Mrs.
York. 6
William Sproule. president of the
Southern Pacific Railroad company,
passod through tho city this morning
cn routo from a Beverai days- visit
In Portland to his hcaduarlnrs ln
San Francisco, and during the Btnp
of train 13 here, Mrkk Montgomery,
the local Rgent, visited Mr. Sproulo
on hoard his private car.
f .nunanaeli'B nrrhentrn Hn thorn 71
Tho Christian Endeavor societies
of Crater I-nlce Union, comprising tho
counties of Jackson. Josephine and
Klamath, will hold a rally In the
First Christian church, Thursday
evening, fc-uppcr will be served at
6:30, und a short business mooting
conducted at that time. . The meeting
at 7:30 will be held in th audito
rium of the church, and a largo at
tendance of Endenvorers from all the
societies of tho -union, is expected.
Tho main speaker for tho' evening
will be C. C. Hamilton, field manager
of the Nntional Christian Endeavor
societies of Boston.
Mr. Hamilton travels more miles
every year for Christian Endeavor,
than any other man In tho world.
He has met tho Endeavorers in every
city of any oonBldornblo slzo In tho
United States, and in hundreds of tho
smaller centers. During the world
war ho represented . the United So
ciety of Christian Endeavor overseas,
serving as a T. M. C. A. secretary.
Mr. Hamilton was in Medford throe
years ago;' and Is well remembered
by many of-.tho . young peoplo of our
city. It Is fuhl-thHt a greater, ium
ber of Christian Endeavorers aro' per
sonally acqunlntcd with Air. Hamil
ton, than with any other of our na
tional Christian Endeavor leaders.
His mcssago as to the present plans
and ' purposes of the Christian En
deavor movement, will prove of chal
lenging interest to old nnd young.
A cordial Invitation is extended to tho
peoplo of Medford to attend tho rally
service at 7:30.
up and submit such articles.
Tho evening was taken up with
many discussions and suggestions as
to moans of promoting the general
welfare and usefulness of hanks with
some time devoted to outlining the
educational and agricultural program
which is being taken up by all the
batiks of Oregon.
After tho business meollng an In
formal discussion and sociability gave
everyone present a feeling that many
benefits wero to bo dorlved from tho
personal acquaintance and gonoral
discussions mado possible by tho or
Tho next meeting of the associa
tion is to bo hold at. Grants Pass on
tho ovoning of Tuesday, April 24 th.
ami .losopiiino counties mot at dinner cess to be adopted by tlio Hlms Is "The
last night In the Craters' bamiuot Hotteutot," Willlo Collier's successful
room of the Hotel Medford to com-1 comedy. It is the feature attraction
plcto the organising of tho Bunkers' at the Pago theatre this week opening
Association of Jackson and Josephine , today.
counties. Aftor witnessing the stago play Mr.
After partaking of a bountiful ro-jlnce Immediately began negotiations
rast prcpurod under tho pnrsonul sii- to buy tho film rights. $21,000. Ho
recognized the tremendous possibil
ities ot natural development in the
In tho selection ot a cast no better
successor could have boon found f ir
William Collier, who created tho rolo
of Sam Harrington In tho orlglnul play
than Douglas MacLoan. Macl.ean's
comedy Is finished; his love-muking
romantic, and when ho finally rises to
the occasion, overcomes his tear, anil
rides in tho stoepleihuso ho carries
the sympathies of everyone with him.
Madge Bellamy, fired by the work
of Frances Carson, who played oppo
site Collier as "Peggy Faii-rax," pre
sents one of tho best characterizations
of hor caroor in "The Hottentot" She
plays the part with an abandon and
vivacity that would inspire anyone to
deedB more daring than riding tho flry
brute which Sam conquers.
As Swift, tho ecccntriu butler, Ray
mond Hatton puts ovor some of the
cleverest comedy of his versatile
careor. Reginald Denny Is included
In the bill, too, In his latest "Leather
Pusher charactorlzatlon, with a thril
ling bout that often makes one forget
that howovor It ends it will be for tha
No more 0
Nellan Film at Rlatt-i
Anothor picture of exceptional en
tertainment value is the feature at the
Rialto theatre which opens a four
l. days engagement today. It Is Mar
shall Netlan's latest production, Min
nie. In this picture Neilan has fea
tured the beautiful Leatrice Joy and
popular Matt Moore and has backed
them with a cast that fits nicely Into
Omcrhtj has ejene .
from ymtrfiice,mother(
S. S. S. It tho Great Builder of RU
Blood-Cell and Rheust3m
Mutt Gol Jutt Try Jtl
"RhniruntUm? Me? No, Indeed, H'a
all gone, every bit of It! It's iunnhln
a ihI Jty for uit) now for tbe Tint tlio la
ymint. I teel a wonderful glory again In
Hie tree niutluu I used to bare wben any
days were younger. I look at my bnuds
tail think rf tbo twins nnd swellings tby
used to bare. 1 beiujrQjr over to lb
tloor. I baven't been ttule to do thitt Id
infinjr years. I cau thank S. 8. B. for It
all! To me It was a rUinj sua ot Joy and
liberty. liruthers and sisters In misery,
do not rloHe your eyes And think that
health, free motion nnd strength nregons
from you forever! It Is not so. It is bera
and now for oil of you. 8. S. 9. Is wait
ing to heln you." There Is a reason why
H. a S. will belli you. When you Increase
Ibe numtur of your red-blood cells, the
entire syntem undergoes a tremendous
rlinnce. Kvery thing depends - on blood -trength.
lMod which U minus sufficient
red-tells leads to a loug lUt of troubles.
Kheumntltmi Is one of thetn. ' 8. S. 8. Is
tbe .great btoodelennser, blood-builder,
ystcui siVeiiia'tUener, nerve Invlgorator. It
stops skiu eruptions, too, pimples, black
bendH. acne. boll, eczema. It builds up
i:m down, tired men and women, beauti
fies i-ampiextons, makes the flesh firmer.
Start a. S. S. today. It U sold at all drug
toa in two sl::ea. Tbe larger site sottla
I the more economical -
makes you feel
like yourtclf again
of head or throat Is usually
benefited by the vapors of
V aro Rub
Oott 17 Million Jan Uted Yearly
For thoaff who aro In need of a
remedy for kidney troubles and back
ache. It is a good plan to try Doan's
Kidney Tills. They are Btrongly
rocommended by Medford peoplo.
J. H. Atwcll, painter, 129 V. 11th
St., Medford says. "Doan's Kidney
Pills are all that is claimed for thorn.
I have takon Doan's on different oc
casions when suffering from bnck
ache and kidney wcuknosscs and
thoy have always given mo splendid
relief. . I use a fow now and then to
keep my kidneys in good ,'ordur.M
The above statement was given
March 18, 1910 and on March 22,
1U20. Mr. Atwnll added: "I gladly
confirm all I said In my former state
ment, as lonn's havo always helped
mo when I have needed a kidney
Prico flOc at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kldnoy romody get
Doan's Kidney rills tho samo that
Mr. Atwoll had. Fostor-Mllburn Co.,
Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv.
Bnocesaor to Weeks-Conger Oo,
Minlforrt. Or.
This is the season of the year when you can economize by -using
Hat Dyes.
Main nnd Grape
Phone 874 .
m i'i m m sua
m'-W aU MM
. BBS ltiv im ka mm ma v-.m
H H S3 tl
,n"dJ"' PjBc S.,nd.,d-Th
UKlRiue In Trnvd Comfort. "Arin,l.
W. H. Deacon. Don. Agt..Psgr.' Depti,
55 Third Street, Portland, Ore. .
j With
The girl who starred in
A Cinderella tale of a homely girl who
created scandal about herself because no
body loved her then became beautiful
and loved.' , .