PXGE EIGHT KEDFORD SCOT TRIBUNE. BEDFORD. OREGON, TUESDAY, IWRCH 27." 3323 FAVOR 2 TICKETS I C. At the regular forum of the Medford chamber of commerce tomorrow some action will be taken toward getting two tickets in the field for the election of directors. The object Is to get new blood Into the active management of the Institution ana at the same time to get every line of business repre sented on the board. There Is a feel ing among those directors who have served for a long time that some of the younger men of the community should be called uoon to assume the responsibility of leadership and an active pre-election campaign would undoubtedly bring about such a change. Dr. S. J. Reid or Portland will be the forum speaker and his subject will be "Correct Emphasis." Those who have heard Doctor Reid have given assur ance that the members of the cham ber are to be treated to a mighty good talk and a hearty laugh. The forum will be held at the Hotel Medford at noon and all of those citi zens who joined the chamber during the campaign are especially urged to be present c. E 10 TANGLE WITH Woman to Manage City. WARRKXTON, Ore., March 27. Mrs. R. E. Barrett, Seaside, Ore., bus iness woman, last night filed . her formal acceptance with the city com missloners of the office of Warreaton city manager. Mrs. Barrett will be gin her duties as city manager hero April IS. MRS. G. W. HALL SICK FOB YEARS Wants Women to Know How She Was Made Well by Lydia E. Pink Lam's Vegetable Compound Lima, Ohio. "Indeed, your medicine is all you say it is I I had very severe itrouDica Bucn us wo men often have, and could do no heavy work. I was sick for several years, and from reading your ads. I finally decided to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. 1 am now doing my own washing, which I haven ' t done for sev eral years, and can walk long distances without tnose drag Ring pains and weak feelings. The Veg etable Compound is fine, and I never forget to say a good word for it to other women when they say they need some thing. "Mrs. G. W. HALL, 639 Hazel Avenue, Lima, Ohio. There are many women who find their household duties almost unbearable ow ing to some weakness or derangement. The trouble may be slight, yot cause such annoying symptoms as dragging pains, weakness and a run-down feeling. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is s splendid medicine for such conditions. It has in many cases relieved those symptoms by removing the cause of them. Mrs. Hall's experience is but one of many. i.1. IS Hang on to your scats, i It'll linvo Jim off your Renin riding nil (lie way. v PAGK TOMORROW The directors of the Medford Chamber of Commerce met yesterday at luncheon at the Hotel Medford and transacted a mass of detailed busi ness Incident to the membership ex pansion campaign which resulted in placing new problems before the or ganization because of the large in crease of members. An election of directors was or dered and this will take place as soon as. the clerical work connected with the preparation of same can be com pleted. An amendment to the by-lawB was ordered submitted to the members at the annual meeting whereby the an nual dues will be reduced from $25 to S12.50. The resignation of BenJ. C. Shel don as a director was accepted and as the time for the election 1b so close at hand the board did not appoint anyone to fill his place. The payment of an attorney fee for the preparation of the protest against the reopening of the Medford Rate Case as requested by the Cali fornia Public Service Commission was allowed. The reopening of this case was denied and the reduced rates will go Into effect on the 24th' of April. Pre-campalgn complaints by op- chardlsts that no effort wob being made by the chamber to attract peo ple here for the purpose of develop ing the orchard possibilities and that nothing was being done toward help ing the orchardlsts to solve their marketing problem were given con sideration and it -was decided that os soon as convenient for the orchard lsts the board will meet with them and discuss their difficulties in an endeavor to find a solution for same. While the directors were in ses sion the anpllcatlon for membership of Jesse Wlnburn of Ashland was handed to them which brought up the total numbor of members to 643. nn U. S. Saving System For Small Investors A very attractive booklet issued by the U. 8. Savings System tells what the government is doing to encourage the people to practice economy and thrift. About twelve years ago the Postal Savings System was establish ed. During the war the national sav ings movement grow in Importance when war savings stamps and certifi cates were sold to persons of small means who wanted a Bafe investment, and who pntrloticnlly wished to meot the requests of the government for money to carry on the war. But those savings securities were not adapted to aftr-war conditions. The government savings system was reorganized and treasury savingB certificates wore Issued to take tho placo of war sav ings securities. It is conducting a campaign of education to teach the people to Bave; and, it is offering for sale a Bound, safe and convenient form of Investment In denominations within the reach of all, and which are fully explained In the booklet. See ad in this paper with couirnn to sccuro the booklot. Acrobatic Star, Page Many movie stars have "leaped" Into fame but Douglas MacLean, who appears with Madge Bellamy In Thom as H. Ince's comedy drama special, "The Hottentot," at the Page theater, beginning tomorrow matinee, claimB he Is the first to "somersault" into headlines. Mac Lean pulls a stunt, said to be one of the moat novel ever screened. Riding on the running board of an Eou$as Mac Lean. iThe "Hottentot"' auto which hits a deep rut, he is somersaulted into the air and de scends on the back of a riderless horse whic his galloping madly alongside the car. The first horse used during the filming of this stunt became so excit ed as it raced the car that it crashed Into the auto and broke a leg. The stunt went off successfully with the second horse. INGROWN TOE NAIL How to Toughen Skin so Nail Turns Out Itself A few drops of "Outgro" upon the skin surrounding the ingrowing nail re duces inflammation and pain and so tnughonn tho tender, sensitivo skin un derneath tho too nail, that it can not penetrate the llesli, and the nail turns naturally outward almost over night. "Outgro" is a hnrmlras, antiseptic manufactured for chiropodists. How ever, anyone fun buy from the drug store a tuiy bottle containing direction. Beginning Tomorrow I i VUfL, 0i the w pjp- A FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION Qoing Tonight ANITA STEWART in "Rose o' the Sea" RIALTO "Back Home and Broke" Thomas Meighan in "Back Home and Broke," a comedy drama full of laughs and human interest of the small-town type which appeals to everyone, Is the attraction now caus ing rousing gales of mirth to issue from the Page. Written especially for the star by George Ado, one of America s fore most humorists, the story plays upon the heart strings with an effect such as only a student of human nature like Mr. Ade could obtain. Lile Lee has the role of a small-town sweetheart. Other players are Maude Turner Gordon, Cyril Ring and Laur- unco Wheat. "Minnie" at Rialto The Rialto theatre will have as Its bigg attraction tomorrow Marshall Nellan's latest production, "Minnie." Nellan seems to have the genius of Dickens for placing before tho public real human incidents and make his characters perform entertainingly and through fine contrasts In thought and actions bring out delightful comedy and drama. Leatrlce Joy and Matt Moore are featured in "Minnie." In the cast will be seen also George Barnum, Jose phine Crowoll, Helen Lynch, Ray mond Griffith, Richard Wayne, Tom Wilson and George Dromgold. OBITUARY, WALTON' Kate Walton passed away at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. L. L. Stovor, SOS Dakota street, at 6:15 this morning. Death came as a rosult of heart troublo. Mrs. Walton was born in Roch port, Missouri. Feb. 14, 1S5S. In 187S she was married at Waverly, Mo., to Anthony R. Walton, now deceased. Sho had been a resident of Jack son county for the past 7 years, and resided at tho Borkoley orchards un til three weeks prior to hor passing. She leaves two sons and two daughters, Mrs. L. L. Stovor Mod ford; Mrs. T. L. Kelly, Kansas City, Mo.; L. J. Walton, Medford, and A. T. Walton, Trinidad. Funornl servlcos will bo hold at Congors chapel at 1:30 Thursday. Remains will be forwarded Thursday evening to Oakland, Cnl., where In- tormcnt will tako place. Rev. E. P. Lawrence will have charge of the service. SALES Frances Schnldllng Snlcs daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Schnldllng passed away in Portland March 20. She was born in Jack sonville but had been a resident of Portland for the last 18 years, at which place she was married to Charles Sales. Sho loaves four broth ers and one sister: William, Arthur and Ray Schnldllng of Portland, Mrs. O. Reagan and Edfward Schnldllng of San Francisco. Remains will arrive in Medford at 10:50 p. m. tomor row, and funeral arrangements In charge of 11. W. Conger, funeral di rector, will be announced later. Big Sale at Thrift Shop Don't forget to nttond the big spring opening of Thrift Shop on Wed. Mar. 28, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Hats, sum mer goods, shoes and ninny other articles nt very reasonuble prices. Hot tamalcs will be served. Come and see what work the Thrift Shop Is doing In your community whether you buy or not. 4 An ounce of gold means SO hours work In wages In the Vnlted States; 60 hours in Great Britain. 100 hours in France and 200 hours in Germany. HEAD OF J'VILLE C. E Jacksonville perfected a chamber of commerce organization last evening at a meeting of some seventy-five citi zens of that community. They adopt ed a constitution and by-laws and elected Judge G. A. Gardner as presi dent; Frank Salsbury, vice president, and V. J. Beach as secretary. An endeavor Is being made to get the use of the old U. S. Hotel building and Install club features with shower baths and other conveniences. Next Monday a program of a clean up of the streets of Jacksonville will be formulated and the chamber has gone on record to cooperate In the state wide plan of agricultural development as being advocated by the Oregon btato chamber of commerce. ' Paul B. McKee and H. O. Frohbach were Invited to address the chamber and both-advocated a united action of the people of Jacksonville with Med ford and all other communities in the county for general development of the latent resources of Jackson county. IS As an appreciation of the splendid work done by the citizens of Medford during the past week In building up the membership of the Medford Chamber of Commerce, the directors of this institution passed a resolu tion thanking each individual con nected with th campaign for making possible this splendid success. The ladles, who so faithfully work ed during the drive were given spei cial mention, as were the D. O. K. K. Land and the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce for the asBistame ren dered. Emil Mohr and tho employees of the Hotel Medford were oxtendoj thanks for their cooperation In mak ing the big civic dinner the success It was as well as the series of luncn eor.s for team workers that were held during the week. The campaign was more of a suc cess than tho one conduced throe years ago by the American City Bu reau which cost this community the sum of 14,222. This sum Is row saved to the citizens of Medfor.l and will undoubtedly be used for the pub lication of a good booklet advertising the valley to prospective aettlois, "Cascarets" 10c Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated Jo clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take, Cascarets. Sick headache, biliousness, gases, lndi, ' gestion, sour, upset stomach, and all' such distress gone by morning. Kicest ' physio on earth for grown-ups and chitp dren. 10c a box. Toato liko carnl' ." m LOS ANGEHS it V .... htf 2500 On a busy Los Angeles street corner a checker stood and asked ISO passing mo torists "Which gasoline do you use?" 63 answered"Red Crown," as against 18 for tho next highest brand a lead of 250. Becauia "Red Crown" is an all rcfintry gasoline every drop of which vaporizes rapidly and uni formly in tha carburetor, and is giving quick starting.smooth acceleration and maximum mile age, "Red Crown" is ffta popular motor fuel everywhere. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Its RED CROWN for the experienced majority m 1 Tlin Torle lens in most comfortable and gives mlriri rnngc of vision, l-ot us show you. V MANN'S The Best Goods for the Price, No Matter What the Price MANN'S : : . , : If ,ft Wednesday Specials Easter Sale of Hosiery 500 pair Women's Burlington Silk Hose, colors black, white, beaver, tan and cordavan, splendid O Q C $1.25 grade, Wed. only, pair OO All sizes See display in window SHEETS 1 case 81x90 Wearwell Sheets, fine quality, soft and white, with the taped edge to insure long wear. Worth today $2.00. Wednesday, M AQ each PERCALE 1000 yards 36-inch Percale, 50 new patterns to choose from, fine quality, cheap today at 20c. On sale 17 C Wednesday, yard $20.00 Silk Dresses, $11.50 Mann's Department Store The Store for Everybody Medford, Oregon $30.00 Silk Dresses $25.00 Send Us Your Mail Orders . Postage Prepaid TENNIS EQUIPMENT These warm, spring days are typical Tennis days! It is the finest time of the year to play this popular game. We have a complete line of tennis equipment. TENNIS SHOES A special line of Tennis Shoes. Regular prices $2.50. Special .50 A special line of Tennis Shoes. Regular prices $1.50. Special $1.00 A special line of Tennis Shoes for children in children's sizes, priced from - 50 to 75 TENNIS BALLS, TENNIS RAQUETS, TENNIS MARKERS, TENNIS NETS, TENNIS SWEAT BANDS. MEDFORD HARNESS CO. Pull line of Spaulding and Wright & Ditson Tennis Supplies. ' "Medford's Sporting Goods Headquarters" ' 226 East Main E. H. Lamport, Prop. phone 120-R Have You Seen the New Bean Sprayer With Six-Horse Engine One on Display on Our Sample Floor It Is the Latest Thing in Sprayers pilllllllllllltllllllllllllllllM HUBBARD BROS.