Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 27, 1923, Page 4, Image 4

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IIedfobd Mail tribune
Tb Medford Sunday Morning Sub la
furaiabed aabscrltera dealrixtc a sew
cay dally newapaptr.
Offic Mall Tribuna Building, 2t-i7-
rtorta rir street, faona 7.
A coRsolidatloo of the Democratic
Time, the Iftdford Mail. the Medford
Trlbuna, th Southern Oresonlaa. Tba
Aaolaod Tribana.
ROBERT W. Rt'HU Editor.
8. 8UMFTER SUITH, Manager.
BT MAIL Id Advance:
Dally, with Sunday Sun, year $7.10
Dally, with Sunday San, month .75
Daily, without Hunday Sun, yar.
Daily, withoat Hunday Sun. moo ill .
Weekly Mail Tribune, on ytaar , . 109
Sunday Sun, on year 1. 00
BT CARRJEK In Med ford, Ashland,
Jacksonville. Central Polol. Fbcau.
Taltnt and on i!bwaya;
It)y. with Sunday Sun, months. .TJ
JaH, without Hunday Sun, month -5
Daily, without Sunday Sun, year. T.50
Daily, with Sunday Sun. one year .&
Ail term by earner, caab In advance.
Official paper of the City of Medford.
uxr:cuu paper oi jacaaon iouniy.
Sworn dally arerare circulation for
U months en fling April 1. 13Z, JiZB.
tnore than double the circulation of any
othr paper published or circulated in
Jackson County.
Entered as aeccmd ciaa matter at
Viford, Oregon, under act of March a,
The Associated Press Is exclusirely
entitled to the use for republication of
an news aispatcnes creaiiea to it or not
otherwise credited In this paper, and
also to the local news published herein.
All rights of republication of special
dispatches herein are also reserred.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry.
Males In the freshman class at the
University of Oregon are wearing
combs, and human endurance has
about reached the limit.
In the eren of rain next Sunday, the
Ladies of The Invisible Bonnets will
uplift the weatherman.
Outside of the lower-class trick of
getting caught, J. Kearsley Mitchell,
social aristocrat and millionaire in
volved in the mystery death of a beau
tiful New York model, must feel good
about the making public qf one of his
letters containing the classic expres
sion: "I would love to kiss your little
pink toes.
(Pendleton East Oregonlan) .
over a thousand to some, but
worth less than $680 to me. See
it. See me. Dr. Watts.
OK PROSPERITY" (Hdline Literary
Digest). This includes the terror of
knowing where next week's gasoline
Is coming from.
The bellttlement and bedevllment of
this fair state continues, and no one
ever dreamed Oregon would go crazy
enough to get on the front page of
metropolitan dailies, and among the
main articles in the magazines.
The Klamath Indians are still pull'
ing their whiskers out by hand. They
should become civilized and let a bar
ber do It.
Several new hydrants have been
Installed along Front street for the
benefit of auto traffic. (Eugene Reg
ister). They mean auto mechanics.
WEEK. (SK. Journal of Commerce)
Thoy won't miss it,
(Brand, III., Times)
FOR SALE A fresh cow; gives
five gallons of milk a day and a
heifer. See John ScliooL
(Sub. EO.)
Several candidates for the US. son-
nte are In the preliminary tantrums,
but as yet nono have received the
endorsement of the Kasookus of the
A delegation of section hands sur
veyed the Main Stem crossing Mon.
and decided that tearing up the same
at this time, in accordance with cus
tom, would not Inconvenience the gen
cral public sufficient to warrant carry
lug out the project
After Investigation, what was first
thought to be the hs. rooters in full
swing, turned out to be the Dock Con'
roy boy cheering an Easter rabbit.
"The Fedorated Council Bulletin'
maintains "the last elections showed
a Tlctory for righteousness." This Is
good news, but the wicked are still
In the majority, If they vote as thoy
act. -
' T said. Look a hole through me,
Mister, how's all your folks, and he
said, this water tastes better to me
. than Iortland water. I've got to drive
clean to Yreka In that Packard over
there. And Just to encourage him 1
said. Go on the train, the brakeman
will talk to you, and he said. Ho! ho!
you're girl with the snappy come
back; you don't see many these days.
And I said, t sure am an Intellectual
giant, peddling hash for $9, and all
of It I can glom In a week. And he
Bald, the struggle Is always upwards.
And I guess bo's right. Well, to make
a long story short, 1 went out to a
country dance with him, and outside
of a hired man giving a sewing ma
chine agent a good licking, it was
fairly quiet They said . they were
battling over a ruffle attachment, but
n bobbed' hnlred chicken wanted the
sewing machine agent to win loo
bad to fool me. . ( ,
SARAH BERNHARDT was a sort of Parisian edition of Theodore
Roosevelt in the feminine gender. She was a super woman. She
could do a number of things exceptionally well and she could do one
thing supremely welL But above everything ihe could do, was the
outstanding phenomenon of what she was, that overwhelming com
bination of excessive physical vitality, oh ana and force of will, which
goes under the general head of personality.
Probably the greatest tribute to her acting ability was the fact
that thousands of American T. B. M.'s paid as high as $10 per ticket
to see her perform, although at no part of the performance had they
the slightest idea of what she was talking about. But attendance
was not a pose. Bernhardt 's art was above language. She was a
master of everything theatrical, including pantomine. Every ges
ture, every pose, every sound and movement was in a sense articu
late. A knowledge of French was a convenience. It was not essen
tial. '
Judged by conventional moral standards Bernhardt was not all
the should have been. There was a time in fact when Boston raised
her eyebrows and gave Sarah the cold shoulder. But six or seven
years ago no theatre in Boston could hold the crowds that thronged
t J see her. Boston did not lower her moral standards, she merely did
the sensible thing, and raised Bernhardt above them.
The truth is, Bernhardt was a law unto herself. She yielded the
sovereignty of her soul to only one master and to that master she
was never faithless. Her capacity for love was prodigious, and yet
impersonal, she loved hordes of men and women and children, she
loved her country, she loved the world, she loved life, but she only
really gave herself to one love, her Art.
Bernhardt, like Roosevelt, dramatized everything including
Death. Roosevelt, it will be recalled, wished to die on the field of
battle with his face to the enemy. Sarah Bernhart wished to die on
the stage, with her face to the footlights. The wish, of neither was
gratified. One wonders why. Perhaps because Fate sooner or later
always takes a hand, and carefully demonstrates that even super
men and super-women are eventually frustrated and at the end, are
merely human and mortal.
Quill Points
Gas at a dollar a gallon will loosen up a lot of squeaky hip joints.
The weaker the cause, the more dead statesmen are quoted in
support of it.
An enemy is just a decent chap who sees the thing from another
point of view.
Another sign of spring is that the janitor is beginning to let the
furnace roar.
If you have an accident policy and get hurt, that isn't an accident.
It's a miracle.
Still, the chap who scolds his daughters for using rouge will wrap
a twenty about a roll of one-dollar bills.
A meeting of the boys of the a?ri
cultural class of the local high school
was held this morning and an address
by L. J. Allen, state leader of boys'
and girls" club work, was given.
C. D. Thompson, instructor of the
class, states that it has been planned
that two car loads of hogs will be
sent by the boys of the high schools
of Jackson and Josephine counties to
the Pacific International Livestock
Exposition at Portland next falL
One carload of Hampshire, and
one of Berkshire, will comprise the
shipment. The hogs are to be ac
companied by their owners who will
pay expenses of the trip, in part at
least, from the profit made on the
Pigs are to be furnished the boys,
three pls to each club member, by
the Riverbanks farm near Grants
Pass and the Heart o' the Valley
ranch near Murphy. Heart o' the
Valley ranch will furnish the Hamp
shires and Rlverbank farm the Berk-shires.
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money
Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c
and mail it to Foley & Co, 2S35 Shef
field Ave., Chicago, 111, writing your
name and address clearly. You will
receive in return a trial package con
taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound for coughs, colds and croup:
Foley Kidney Pills for pains in sides
and back; rheumatism, backache, kid
ney and bladder aldments; and Foley
Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic for
constipation, biliousness, headache,
and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere.
Say "Bayer" and Insist!
If You Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Best
Have you ever stopped to reason J
why it is that so many products that:
are extensively advertised all at once!
drop out of sight and are soon for-'
gotten? The reason is plain the
article did not fulfil the promises of
the manufacturer. This applies more
particularly to a medicine. A medi-i
cinai preparation that has real cura
tive value almost sells Itself, as like
an endless chain system the remedy .
is recommended by those who have :
been benefited, to those who are inj
need of it. j
A prominent drupgist says "Take;
for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, a preparation I have sold for!
many years and never hesitate to rec
ommend, for in almost every case it
shows excellent results, as many of
my customers testify. No other kid
ney remedy has so large a sale."
According to sworn statements
and verified testimony of thousands'
who have used the preparation, the
success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root
is due to the fact, so many people
claim, that it fulfils almost every
wish in overcoming kidney, liver and
bladder ailments, corrects urinary
troubles and neutralizes the uric acid
which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Ad
dress Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binshamton,
N. Y, and enclose ten cents, also
mention this paper. Large and me
dium size bottles for sale at all drug
stores. Adv.
It may take nine tailors to make a man, but it doesn't take nine
retailers to break him.
It may be that men's minds arc not so clean as women's because
they don't change them so frequently.
You can say one thing for our foreign policy,
nor custom stale its infinite variety.
Age cannot wither
That European critic who says America has no leisure class,
i.hould watch our office-holders.
You can't tell by looking at a woman's spring suit how much her
husband still owes for her winter sealskin:
Some people impress yon as being very important, and some never
beein to acquire the knack of being insulting.
And very likely some archaeologist in 4023 will dig up a Wash
ington bootlegger's list and think it a copy of Who s ho.
Correct this sentence: "No, I've had that cough ever since I had
the flu, and I'm sure cigarettes haven't anything to do with it.'
Unless vou see the name "Bavor" on
package M on tablets vou are not cot-
ting the genuine Bayer product pre
scribed by phvaicians over twenty-two
years om proved sale by millions for
Colds . t - Headache
Toothache . Lumbago
Earache , Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only. Each unbroken package contains
proper directions. Handy boxes of
twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug
gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the Irwle mark of BayT
Manufacture of Monoacoticacidester of
WE FIT the RIGHT gear to re
place the stripped or broken
original starter gears on your
Our work Is absolutely ac
curate, our gears tough, strong
and well made, and our stock
covers practically all sizes for
popular cars.
Save money and time
come to us.
30-40 No. Front. Phono 1x0
PORTLAND. Ore., March
Cnttlo slow, weak: receipts IS.
nominally steady: no receipts.
nominally steady; receipts 181. (Con
PORTLAND, Ore.. March 17.
Hutter steady; extra cubes 41M-'c;
under grades SsfMOc; prints 47c:
cartons 48c. Dairy buying price
nominal: butterfat 46c.
Portland Wheat.
PORTLAND. Ore., March 17.-
Wheat, hard white, bluestem, baart.
$1. 85; soft whito f 1.25; western
white fl.S4; hard winter, northern
spring, western red 11. 1.
Today's car receipts n heat 13;
flour 1; corn 2: hny 4.
San Francisco Markets
SAN FRANCISCO. March 27. (U.
Rureau of Agricultural Kconomlcs.)
Kggs, extras 28 He extra pullets
25 He; undersized pullets 2 He.
Butterfat lb. 52c f. o. b. San Fran
San Francisco, March 27. (Stale
Division of Markets.) Hens 180
EVERHARD F.ffie I.. Everhsrd
passed sway at Sacred Heart Hospital
early this morning, nt the age of (1
years, months, 22 days.
She was born t Hrynnt. South Da
kota June 5. 1S71 and leaves besides
bar husband, A. T. Everhard, four.
dauchters Mrs. Harry Annin. Mrs.
A. 1 Daily. Mrs. John Butler and
Mabel Everhnrd.
Funeral services will be held nt
tho chapel of H. W. Conger funeral
director nt 2:00 p. m, Wednesday.
Rev. Leach officiating. Interment
will be In I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Death resulted from burns receiv
ed on Wednesday morning, March
14th. when Mrs. Everhard's clothes
caught fire from a red-hot stove and
she was severely burned. Hopes for
her possible recovery were held until
a few days ago, according to the at
tending physician.
lllllMlllllll"i""imnjmhmi i
At All Grocers
Mellow aa teeallskt
an rlttlaa
eaaorahle erravlaai
LIKE other thing! which
arc not forgotten
Tan Jar chocolates have
the vnasaal in their qual
ity. So do the other mem
bers of the famous Vogan
S1.M t lllll
vtfctrever flier veil
s er.
We are ready to equip your
machine. This spring why not
make a list of what your car
needs and get the accessories
in time for a full season's use
and enjoyment.
Our stock offers the best sug
gestions. The Auto Supply Co.
31 N. Bartlett Doc Wright
Have You Ordered
titt for
Spring Planting?
How about Bartlett,
Anjou, Cornice and
other pears?
We have them in mighty
nice, clean, thrifty trees.
and apples, cherries,
prunes, walnuts, small
fruits, shrubbery, roses.
We Have Them All
prune with a date flavor,
certainly the finest prune
ever produced by nature. If
you don t know all about
this new and marvelous fruit
ask for our special de-
eriptive folder. ITS FREE.
rf you desire a sample of
fruit send 15 'cents.
If you re a good salesman
and have a knowledge of
Horticulture we have a
worth while offer for you.
Oregon Nursery Co.
Orenco, Oregon
Horticultural Specialists
Hole! Manx
Powell St. at O'Fdrrell.
to ThFrtrt ;
and Shopping District.
ly bcftattfied HW Ai
wast tt tM tm Sm Fim-
CMcot Nm fvnsttbiac W wwm
tharm twJ cwntWt. IvM? dcMctwti
pr4 Ik tamptW ml a
Amrna-Jj tewtr.bsjU
M Wot tft every
Sweater Special for Wednesday
200 New Sweaters in Wool,
v Silk and Wool and Fibre ;
All the newest shades and combinations of
Slipovers in round and v-necks; ;;'
Tuxedos and Jaquetts I;
$2.50 to $16.50
See Window Display
11 -
in in
We are able and anxious to handle your
banking business promptly, carefully and
economically, and on this basis invite you to
call on us when we may be of service.
Zho First National Bank
Keldford Oregon
The San Francisco Savings
and Loan Society
(The San Francisco Bank) . '
Incorporated February, 186S -
Assets over 84,000,000.00
Beginning April ist., 1923, interest will b
credited on deposits
and will earn interest Quarterly instead of Semi-annually as heretofore
APRIL 1st, I923
Mahogany Dining Room Set, 8 ft. table, 6
chairs; Mahogany Parlor Set, 2 rockers, 1
straight chair, 1 tete', upholstered in green
plush; 1 Tuna Mahogany Living Room
Table and a Dresser and Chiffonier of the
same material; 1 Birdseye Maple Bedstead
and Dresser; 2 Hartford Saxony Rugs, 8 ft.
3 inches by 10 ft. 6 inches and 9x12 ft.; 2
Velvet Rugs, 7x9 ft., and 9x12 ft.; 1 Oak
Morris chair, leather upholstered; 1 ' Sim
mons brass bedstead and box spring mat
tress; 1 Boston Bed Couch, hand covered; 1
White Mountain Refrigerator; Hand Paint
ed China and odd pieces of Haviland China.
Many other things, too numerous to mention
Sale will be held at Green Mountain Ranch
on the Jacksonville road, Medford on
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, at 10:00 A. M.
A. W. Stone, Cargill Court, Medford.
Phone 1028