Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 27, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Jocal and
Prof. C. G. Woodbury, formerly
director of the Indiana Experiment
Station and now director of the re
search department of the ' National
Canners association, arrived here this
morning to spend tho day at the
Southern Oregon Experiment Station
at Talent. While in the valley he will
make a study of the local canneries
and the, canning situation in general.
He is a former college mate of Prof.
P. C. Relmer at the Michigan Agricul
tural college and in charge of the re
search work department of the nation
al canners organization with head
quarters at Washington, D. C.
lieautiful creations :n eastern mil
linery. Jledford C'entor, 2nd floor. 4
We can still furnish spray hose for
20 cents per foot. Crate'r Lake Hard
ware Co. tf
Gladiola bulbs. Eden Valley Nursery
Phone 680-J-2. tf
Despite the fact that rain Is much
needed the general hopo is that the
present spell of fine weather will con
tinue until after Easter. -
Nursery stock, absolutely acclimat
ed, guaranteed. Guaranteed Fran-
quette selected walnut trees, finest
home grown grape vines(Tokays, Mal
agas, Emperor, Muscat, Concord,
Black Prince, etc.), fruit trees of every
variety, largest Gladiola field In Ore
gon (bulbs at (1.00 doz., blooming age)
thornless blackberries, raspberries.
Logans, 7 varieties straberrlos, rhu-
iarb, asparagus, fruit trees every de
scription, blight resistant pears, Dose,
Ilartlett, Cornice, JJ'AnJou. We pay
charges to you. The Jordon Nursery,
Grants Pass, Ore, at N. Tenth street.
Nowcomb Is now delivering 16-lnch
green slabwood at $1.75 per tier In
four-tier lots or more. Place your
order soon tor early delivery and iiavo
cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks.
Phone 031. 290tf
Those wanting tennis racquets re
rstrung delay Bending them away as 1
will have material hero in a few days,
saving you the postage, and will be
here to back up the work. J. D.
Jteeson, 235 South Central. 5
A small but highly appreciative audi
ence at the Page last night much en
joyed "The Bat," the famous mystery
play, with its thrills, spookiness and
laughter, which keeps the audience in
bewilderment and guessing as to the
outcome, until from tho time the cur
tain rises until just before it falls,
Practically the same excellent com
pany as presented this play last sea
son before a large audience at the
Page, did the entertaining last night.
Colonial Gnrage for tire service. 319
Look! Look! Spot dances! Jackson
ville! Frl. March 30! Poerloss "4"! 8
Pytliian Slstors bazaar and danco.
Time:. JFriday, March 30th. Place:
X. P. hall, afternoon und , evening.
Everybody Invited. C
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Amer
ican Loglon will hold initiation cere
monies at tholr session tonight. Fol
lowing the regular mooting, members
of the auxiliary will meet with the
legion mombors for a program and re
freshments. We have good values In used cars.
Patton & Robinson, Ino. tt
Like chickon? If so, try one of our
Rogue River Special milk-fed fowls.
Cupp & Shirley Produce Co. Phone
95. 128 Grape. tf
Visit our millinery dept. beforo
selecting your Easter hat. 2nd floor
Modford Center. , 4
ABhland will have a clean-up day to
morrow In accordance with the procla
mation of Mayor Loomls, which urges
that all citizens clean up their yards
and alloys, from where tho accumula
tions will be hauled away free of
charge by the city. Mayor Gaddls
expects to Issue (i proclamation soon
for a clonn-up dny In Mod lord. For
several yoars past local citizens par
ticipating In clean-tip days have had to
have the rubbish hauled awny them
selves, ns tho local city government
hold that it could not afford the ox
pense. Drunswick phonograph, compare
tho tone, play any record made. (10
will put one In your home, balance
easy payments. See II. G. Lnunspach.
Blng cherry trees. Eden Valley
Nursery. Phone 080-J-2. tfV
The mystory will be solved at Wea
vers Grocory, Central Point, March
31st. He there with your keys. 7
But don't wait until your build
ing Is In danner tho time to
protect yourself Is Ix-foro not
afterwards. Take out our pol
icy - ot tire I nui unco and bo
Insurance Agency
Tel. 12a
L, , . -
Medford National Bank nidg.
' ' Modford, Oregon
Join the Clinmber of Commerce
L. J. Allen, Btate leader of the Boys
and Girls' Farm Clubs, arrived In Med
ford this morning from the northern
part of the state end addressed mem
bers of the high school agricultural
class at the high school building this
First class furnlBhed rooms, 315 N.
Holly. Phone 3C8-J.
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711
E. Main. j
Notice to members Co. A, 186th Inf.
O. N. G.: Quarterly muster Wednes
day night ' Every man must report at
7:30 p. m. Capt. H. A. Canaday. 5
Mrs. Dolph Phipps (Mary E. Cellars,
ex-')0), has been visiting with her two
small daughters In Portland. The
Phippscs live in Medford. Old Ore
gon Magazine. ;
Flowering Blirubs and evergreens.
Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2.
Auto Insurance. Brown & White.
Brown style shoes are coming up. tf
Iilrara F. Meador who has been con
fined to his home tor the past week
with sickness is able to be out again.
Choice everbloomlng roses. Eden
Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf
There's a busy Business College
In your home town. GWN.
Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co.
Judge C. B. Watson and Al Pankey
were among the Gold Hill visitors in
the city Monday.
Ixits of prizes Central Point, Frl,
March 20. 4
Rhubarb and asparagns roots. Eden
Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. ' tf
Grafting wax. Edon Valley Nursery.
Phone 680-J-2. tf
Mrs. O. S. Hlldreth of Portland left
this morning for Medford to make an
extended visit with relatives. Mrs.
Hlldreth has been visiting in RoBehurg
with Mrs. E. J. Robinson. Roseburg
Have your farm laterals and survey
ing done by experienced engineers.
Le Tournoux Bros., 512 S. Holly St
Phone 941-J. 5
See Brown for shoes. tf
Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co.
Word has been received by the
county court that Peter McKenzie
committed from this county January
4, 1884, to the state hospital at Salem
died there last week. He was an
inmate of the institution for nearly 40
years. '
Try our wet wash, 5c per lb. Amer
ican Laundry. Phone 873. 325'
After the fire It Is too late to Insure.
See Redden & Canaday now.
Dance, Central Point, Fri. Mar. 30. 4
George Older of Montague, Calif.,
spent Sunday In tho city attending to
business matters. , . " ..-
Take your kodak films to Palmer's
studio. First class work and prompt
service. ' ' ' " tf
Twelve-Inch slab wood (i.50 per tier
delivered by taking 4 tier or more.
Hand picked wood, moBtly fir, Valloy
FnhlCo -Pbnn TO. '-. tf
Oriental Ballroom! Sat! Dance! 5
Mrs. Joslo Smithtalu and children
who- had been Btaylng hero for some
time .left last night for Tippecanoe
City, Ohio.
Brown sells shoes. 103 N. Central.
Genuine Blscli Magneto parts and
repairs. Eloctric Shop, Eighth and
Bartlett. tt
Easter millinery opening Wednes
day to Saturday, March 28 to 31st inc.
Tho Vanity Shop. Main at Bartlett. 5
Fair weather Is the prediction for
Wodnosday. The temperature yestor
day was the warmest of the year so
far with the maximum of 79.5 reached
In Uie afternoon. Winter undorwear
has felt very uncomfortable during
the day time the past two days. How
ever, tho early mornings have boon
quite chilly, and this morning's mini
muni temperature was 31.5 dogroes.
60 pieces of rough dry for (1.60
American Laundry. Phone 873.
Twelve men slab wood (1.50 per
tior dolivored by tnklng 4 tier or more.
Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley
Fuol Co., Phono 76. tt
Aro you lucky? Como to Control
Point Frl. Mar. 30. 4
Prof. Irving E. Vinlng of Ashland
dollvcrod n public address at Bend
Ore., Inst night.
Let's go to Brown's for shoos at 103
North Central. tf
, Splendid furnished apartment in
Mall Tribune building for rent at
once. tf
Oriental Ballroom closed Wed. Big
danco Sat! 5'
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Braymer and
two daughters moved tho first of tho
wook from their residence on South
Holly street to a now- location on
North Central. Mr. Braymer haB re
cently accopted a position with the
Siskiyou Lumber company.
Cement and plaster. Modford Lbr. Co.
Hemstitching at Deuol's. 31S
Regular communication of Reamcs
Chapter Wodnosday eve, March 28th.
Initiation and Past Matrons will put
on tho Floral degree. Refreshments
will be served. 4
Professor M. E. Wright, prlnclpnl
or tho Gold Hill schools, suffered a
broken noso whon he was struck by a
foul ball at the opening of the baseball
season at Gold Hill between the Sams
Valley and Gold Hill high schools.
Wright was standing near the first
baso lino when hit. His nose was
broken In four places.
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711
E. Main. '
You can get It at DeVoo's. tf
Dnnco! Sat! Oriental llnllroom! 6
Miss Theresa McDonnell iof Yreka.
Calif., spent Monday In tho elty at
tending to business matters and visit
ing friends. '
Easter millinery opening. Wednes
day to Saturday, March 28 to 31st Inc.
Tho Vnnlty Shop, Main at Bartlett. 6
Thornless blackberry plnnts. Kden
Vnlloy Nursery. Phono SSOJ-2. tf
Closing out alt our farm machinery,
severnl good buys. Patton & Robin
sun, Inc. tf
Ted Fish, a former employe of the
Standard Oil company Iiub resigned
and Is now engaged in selling autos
and tractors for the C. E. Gates Auto
Brown sells good shoes at a living
price. 103 North Central. tf
When better automobiles are built.
Bulck will build them. tf
Orders taken for Easter cakes, Mrs.
York. 6
J. J. Skinner, who was painfully
burned Monday morning by the flash
of a short-circuit of a 4000 volt power
line in tho California-Oregon Power
company sub-station on South River
side, is reported as resting easily at
the Sacred Heart hospital where he
was taken following the accident. The
attending physician states that the
burns on It 1b face are not serious.
Skinner's left hand, according to the is the only part of hiB body
that was severely burned.
Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf
Household furniture for sale. 2C
Cottage SL, Phone 377-J. 305tf
No dance Wed. In Oriental Ballroom
Big dance Sat!
Jesse Winburn has returned to his
home at Ashland from a stay of sev
eral days in Portland.
Orders taken fur Easter cakes, Mrs
Just a line t'o remind you that I will
gladly duplicate any bonafide order
booked by a transient agent for the
same or less money and give you bet
tor service. N. S. Bennett, prop. Eden
Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2.
Blight resistant pear trees for fall
delivery. Old Home on Pyrus Ussurl
ensis. Home grown Old Home and
Chieh on Japan. Eden Valley Nursery,
Phone 6S0-J-2. tf
Dermott McMorran, holder of the
Eugene motorcycle club track record
went to Medford today to make ar
rangements for local entries In the
races to be held there June 15 and 16.
Several Eugene riders will likely par
ticipate. Eugene Guard.
Owl Confectionery, 15 N. Central
F. M. Wilson. Everything new. tf
Anyone wanting work done, or their
lawns cared for at the Central Point
cemetery, see J. B. Watkins, sexton,
or phone 33x1, Central Point.
Be sure to be at Weaver's Grocery,
Central Point, Sat, March 31st. 7
Larry Mann has purchased the Car-
lylfi Natwick bungalow on Minnesota
avenue, and will take possession about
May lo.
Phone Gordon Stout, 365-R for car
repairs. 311
Grope vines: Tokay, Muscat, Mal
aga, Rose Peru, Zinfindell, Thompsons
Seedless. Trellis grapes, Confcrd
Brighton, Worden, Agawam, Niagara
and Campbell's Early. Edon Valley
Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711
East Main.
Pat Bluke, representative of the
Willys-Overland company arrived yes
terday from Portland for a briof busi
ness vnilt with the local dealers. He
made the trip In a new Willys coupe
sedan. .
Easter Greeting cards. Medford
Book Store. 5
Haled hay for sale. J. H. Carkln. 348
Nowcomb is now donverylng 16-inch
green slabwood at (1.75 per tior In
four tier lots or more, riace your
order soon for early delivery and have
cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks
Phone 631. 296tf
Maurice Johnson, nephow of O. V.
Myers is visiting at the home of the
latter for a day or two while enroute
from Los Angeles to Eugene by auto.
Ho will resume his work at tho Uni
versity ot Oregon at the beginning of
the spring quarter.
Something doing every minute at
Woaver's Grocery, Central Point 7
We will loan you money to build or
buy Holmes the Insurance Man.
Spray hoso 20 cents per foot. Cra-
tor Lake Hardware Co. tf
A comprehensive report on tho
Klamath river in Oregon and Califor
nia has recently been completer! by
onglneors of the U. S. Goological Sur
vey. Tho rciort describes 24 unde
veloped power sites, most of which
ore downstream from the California
Oregon lino. It is said that the power
sites would dovolop 300,000 horsopow-
or at low water and from 600.000 to
700,000 horsepower at times of me
dlum flow.
Fruit, nut and shade trees. Eden
Valloy Nursery. Phono 6S0-J-2. tf
Everott Esds, formerly of Medford
was a visitor hero over tho week end.
He departed this morning by auto for
his home In Cottage Grovo.
Fresh "Hot-Shot" Batteries for your
spray rigs. Electric Shop, S. Bartlett
street. 319
E. B. Barron suffered a broken
collar bone and a dislocated shoulder
shortly after noon today when he fell
from a horse whllo out at his ranch.
Ho was in the pasture on horseback
preparing to get some cattle ready to
drive to the range.
For sand, gravel, sediment and team
work see Satnual Batenian, 302 Maple
street. Phone 912-J.
Strawberry and raspberry . plants.
Phone 419-H. 310
. from the 1
I RlsX Croix Paprs Altachxl I
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy NIcholB, Jr.,
of Eagle Point were among the but of
town .shoppers In the city Monday
One of the best known stenogra-.
phers In Medford has purchased a
Royal typewriter from the Medford
Book 8tore, trading in her old machine
of well known make. 6
W.- Y. Crowson and family spent
Sunday on a picnic, celebrating the
44th birthday of Mr. Crowson.
Volland's Easter greeting cards.
Medford Book Store. 5
G. J. Kahler of Redding, Calif.. Is
spending a few days in the city and
Jacksonville attending to business.
Do not buy an electric washer until
we have demonstrated the new May
tag to you. Crater Lake Hardware
Co. tf
E. V.- Carter of Ashland, pioneer
banker was a visitor in the city last
week. Mr. Carter has been suffering
, all winter from a fractured leg, and is
j still unable to move about without the
aid of crutches.
ford Auto Co. Bulck. Service, corner
Main and Holly. Satisfaction guaran
teed. , 325
R A. M. Crater Lake Chapter No. 32
Special Convocation Tues
day, Mar. 27th, 7:30 p. m.
P. M. and M. M. degree.
Refreshments served.
Visitors welcome.
4 A. F. NOTH, Secy.
Says His Prescription
Has Powerful Influence
Over Rheumatism
Mr. James H. Allen Of Rochester,
N. Y.f suffered for years whit rheu
matism. Many times this terrible dis
ease left him helples and unable to
He finally decided, after yearg of
ceaseless study, that no one can be
free from rheumatism until the
accumulated impurities, commonly
called uric acid deposits, were dis
solved in the joints and muscles and
expelled from the body.
With this Idea in mind he consult
ed physicians made experiments and
finally compounded a prescription
that quickly and completely banished
every sign and symptom of rheuma
tism from his system.
He freely gave his discovery, which
he called Allenrhu, to others who
took it with what might be called
marvelous success. After years of
urging he decided to let sufferers
everywhere know about his discovery
through the newspapers. He has
therefore instructed druggists every
where to dispense Allenrhu with tho
understanding that if the first pint
bottle does not show the wav to" com
plete recovery he will gladly return i
your money without comment.
All drngKiBta ran supply you. Adv.
FOR SALK Good bargain, Overland
4, 1921 model, In good condition, i
Call 37 during day. 545-W after 7
evenmgs. 6
Billings Has
Started Something
Wo will give our cash customers
10 per cent discount on everything
we do or sell, such as blackamltlilug,
spring work, machine work, wheel
and wood work.
W'o carry a largo stock of guaran
teed Vulcan springs for nearly all
makes of automobiles. AVa buy
smithing con in (carload lots and
largo quantities of iron and steel of
all kinds. We also have an electric
welding machine. ordered, which will
bo horo In about two weeks, and will
save you money on welding. Wo have
a first class blacksmith and machine
shop and omploy the boat mechanics,
and we are going to divide the pro
fits with our cash customers.
Wo will go a little further and give
all our customers who are indebted
to us the same discount. It paid by
April l.
WORKS. 8 i
Handicraft Shop.
8o per yard.
Bottom ,flovrsd.
Successor to Weeks-Conger Co,
Medford. Or.' "
you ARK'
Sj . .
All dust, stains, spots
H removed - Wo double
I life of your ololhing
1 with our dry cleaning.
Oregon Women Vote "Yes"
on Important Subject
Portland, Oreg.- "Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription has given me
great help and I am glad to give it
my recommendation. I suffered a
physiea.1 and nervous breakdown. I
became very weak and my whole sys
tem seemed to be In bad condition,
but after taking about two bottles of
the 'Favorite Prescription' my health
returned, my nerves were strong, and
I never felt better." Mrs. K. D.
Homewood, 170 Ivy St.
If you're nervous or troubled like
Mrs. Homewood, go to your druggist
at once and obtain this Prescription
oi.ur. .fierce s in tablets or utiuici.
Write Dr. Pierce's in Buffalo. X. Y
for free medical advice. Adv.
Don't Delay!
Today's your last chance to
sco tho picture- everyone luis
hailed us. Thomas Meighan's
'Back Home
and Broke"
"If you want to discover who
your rent friends nrc, tell the
world youro broke!- Melgh
nn diil und inado a mint of
laughs! . .
You'll Laugh
You'll Scream
You'll Yell
Whon you see
1M)UIS Marl.KAV and
A Knclnjc Comedy Riot!
Mutlncc Adults t... 35c
Kiddies 10c
Evenlns Adults BOc
Kiddies 25c
jVitlj Medtora trade Is Medford mad.
Mrs.E, D
American House
wives are using
Calumet Baking
Powder today
with the same
success that their
mothers experi
encedoverathird of a century ago.
This perpetual
growth of favor
Has made ' ;
The Economy HUV5 POWDER
sales over 150 greater than that
of any other brand.
There isn't a bakingpowder of great
er merit there isnt a leavener ob
tainable that will produce more satis
factory or positive results. That's
why the largest baking powder factories in
the world are always busy turning outenough
Calumet to supply the great demand.' 4
A pound can of Calumet containa full 16
ounces.Some baking powders come in 12 ounce
instead of 16 ounce cans. Be sure you get a
pound when you want it.
Here's a Shoe particularly suitable for young men
and older men as well, vho like striking elegance in
their footwear. It's a genuine Edmonds "FOOT
FITTER," hard to duplicate for twice the price in
Style, Comfort and Quality.
Our genuine Edmond's "FOOT-FITTERS" are the
only Shoes in the world which have both full-length
vamps and solid sole leather boxes. They are Com
bination in both last and pattern and fit the feet all
over like the paper on a wall. Solid leather all
Price $8.00
C.M. Kidd & Co.
Now is the time to preserve your eggs for
winter use with
Quality ana
Slain nnd Grape
The Variety of Our Mill Work
is practically unlimited. We make everything that goes into the
building of a fine home, from the stately stair case to small corner
pieces, mouldings. -etc. with a thousand things in between. It
takes a visit to tell you what our milhvork comprises.
10th and Grape
Tlin four-lrSRiNl ' thmiilcr-lxrit
dimes lo l'.UiK TOMOKHOW.
Service First
Phone 874
Phone 238
Babbitting and Welding
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
Pumps and Engines
Hayes Sprayers
Implement Service
28 So. Burlier! Fbona 865