MEDFORD WATT TRIBUNE. JfEDFORB OREOOX, MONDAY, 1 "Nf AlOI T 20. 1923 PAOE THREE F AUTO TRIP MADE The gospel teams from the Presby terian Men's club were greeted by capacity houses yesterday, both at Union school on the Little Applegnte where the service was held In the afternoon and at Eagle Point in the evening. At the Union school, the ser vice was In charge of Ernest Jaquu, team leader, a short and Interesting talk on the Men's club and Its work was given by; Charles Ray, secretary of the organization, and gospel mes sages on the cross and Its pluce in the Christian faith and life, were given by Attorney E. H. Hurd and. Rev. E. P. Lawrence. An urgent invitation was extended to the workers by the com pany for services whenever possible. Arrangements were made for an Easter Bervice next Sunday afternoon. At Eagle Point, the team was in charge of Ed Gore. The attendance exceeded the expectations of the visi tors end showed the local interest in such meetings. Dr. B. R. Elliott, totd of the plans and lines of work of the Men's club, one of which was this gospel visitation work; while Frank Smith gave a most earnest gospel message and appeal, telling some of the story of his own reclamation thru the power of the gospel of the Son of God. Mr. Smith who Is a fine organ ist, led the music with his little but powerful Bllhorn organ and sang a gospel solo. D. J. Steiner told in his simple and frank manner, the story of a new found life in Jesus, while Ed Gore gave the closing message. The audience was so impressed by the type of service and the message that they extended a most cordial invita tion for a return service at any time. The men who had part in the service are so enthusiastic over the privilege and reflex blessings of such "meetings, that every man In the club must get Into the harness and help carry such messages of helpfulness all through thuB surrounding country. They are hoping also that the men of the other churches will undertake the same work until the entire country for miles around shall know that the Christian people of Medford are interested In the religious welfare of this beautiful valley. U .S. ARMY PLANES ON HOMEWARD FLIGHT A TT PRTMnUl TTnltl Mar' 2fl (By Associated Press)v The Amer ican army airplanes flylngtack to the United States from Porto Rico which arrived here from Santo Domingo yes terday began leaving shortly after eight o'clock this morning for their next landing place, Guantanamo, Cuba. The leading plane got off at 8:11 a. m. in a Btrong following wind. A record breaking auto trip with almost a record breaking cargo of 600 Mummoth Bronze pure bred turkey eggs, was made by George T. CollitiB In his Lincoln cur yesterday from the Enimeus-Collins live stock ranch, Moadowbrook, ' near Eagle Point. The Medford .wholesale gro cer, who dotes on speed, had to run so slow with his precious cargo to avoid jarring the eggs that long be fore Medford was reached his hair had turned whito-i-ori the back of his neck from the unuBual experience. Each egg was valued at from be tween $1 and J2, and the GOO were the product of one week's laying at the ranch of 115 hens. The eggs were brought down to the city to be placed in incubators ana hatched out, In the custody of J. W. Mitchell, and when of proper traveling age will be taken back to the ranch and turned loose to augment the feathered flock of fine birds there. Turkey raising on a large scale promises to be a noteworthy feature at the blooded live stock ranch. While Mr. Collins was suffering on the trip to Medford, his partner, Dr. Emmens, who Is an expert in ag riculture, was equally busy spading a tine garden at the ranch and plant ing a new breed of radishes which is expected to make Luther Burbank ashamed of himself, to be known all over the world as the King Tut Tur nips. Doc also plans eventually to establish an extra fine herd of mud hens at the ranch. CHAMPIONSHIP OF Y. M. C. A. LEAGUE TO BE DECIDED TONIGHT When the '.North Methodists ,and Baptists meet tonight in what may be the final game of the V. M. C. A. season, the athletic fate of four teams will hang In the balance. A win for the Wcsleyans will give them the flag. A victory for the Baptists Will give four teams a chance for the pennant in tho three-game elimlna tlon tournament which will there upon become necessary. ' It is sufe to say that the BaptUts will have the united support of three corps of rooters from as many churches, each hoping to see their team have more opportunity or the championship. , The first game of the evening will be between the Presbyterians and the South M. E's. If the doughty warriors of the former persuasion can take this, it will save them from vlctorless season and will Inciden tally eliminate the South bretheren from their chances for the pennant The ticket sale competition among the girls of the various churches will be concluded tonight also and the disposition of a box of candy de cided. The first game will be started at 30 promptly, the second between the North M. E's and Baptists Imme diately following. Tickets for the two games 13c and Oc as usual. WEEK APRIL 2 10 7 Next week, April 2 to 7, will be Gardening Week" in Oregon. . . , The general Federation of Women's Clubs of America Is sponsoring this Gardening Week program. Opportunity wll be given boys and girls to take up the gardening in club work, the organizing being done with in the next few days. Each garden club member Is sup posed to have a plot 30 ft. by 20 ft. or a corresponding sized plot containing 600 square feet. Exhibit at the fair will include the completed final re ports and at least five different kindB of vegetables. ' ' ' Parents are requested to either give or deny the privilege to the boys dnd girls so that they will know whether to take up the project when the time comes. It is hoped that women's club mem bers will cooperate In helping to fur nish local leaders for such garden and poultry clubs as may be' formed In town. After Every Meat . '- i 'A bite toeat-a bit ofnoeet" ' " Alter a substantial meal, the children naturally want to top oil with a bit of sweet. Give them YVRIGLEVS, the great American Sweetmeat. It combines the enjoyment of sweet with many BENEFITS. It cleanses the teeth, removing food particles that lodge In . the crevices. It neutralizes the acids of the mouth, soothes the throat, and lastly VVRIGLEVS helps the stomach by supplying saliva to aid In digestive work. Made clean, kept clean, sealed tight In a wax-wrapped package. The Flavor Lasts CHICAGO, Mar. 26. Willie Hoppe, the recrowned 18.2 balk line billiard champion of the world, starting today will play a 3000 point exhibition series here with Charles C. Peterson, his trainer. He will play 300 points each afternoon and evening. Hoppe said he was ready to defend his title against any logical challenger. INDIANAPOLIS Peter the Great, famous racing sire of the stable of Stoughton A. Fletcher, died. He was 28 years old and sired 549 standard track performers, twice the number sired by any other racing stallion. SAN DIEGO Rebuke, owned by Commander J. K. L. Ross, Canadian sportsman, won the Coffroth handicap at Tlajuana. Ross was enriched by $20,475, the richest nil-aged stake of the American turf. CHICAGO When Ed (Strangler) Lewis, world's champion heavyweight wrestler, demanded a guarantee of $10,000 win, loso or draw, before he would consent to meet Renato Gardinl of Boston, Mrs. Gardinl wired her father, a Boston banker, for the money and obtained it Lewis and Gardlni will meet here April 3. PEORIA, 111., Har. 26 Tommy Gib bons of St. Paul and Andy Schmader of Omaha have completed training here for their ten round bout here to night under the auspices of the Peoria baseball fans association. CLEVELAND, Mar. 26 The Cleve land Indians meet the Philadelphia team today In the first of three games scheduled for this week, Thirteen carloads of Star and SDur- ant cars since February 15th! That is the record of local shipments made by the Mason Motor company and they are still going strong. Four Star cars were sold yesterday and two this morning, according to C. W. Barrett, and a wire was sent the fac tory today to rush four more car loads. The Mason Motor company' organization seems to be an efficient one and their campaign an effective one. Several live wire people are selling Stars and Durants In south ern Oregon.' The list of Mason Mo tori company representatives in cludes: Charlie Brown, C. W. Bar rett, A. R. Mason, Earl Moore, Earn est McKee, the Hotel Garage of Ash land, Olln Knox of Jacksonvlle, E. R GleaBon of Central Point, Fred Heck man and J. W. Gllcrist of Gold Hill and Frank Elliott of Rivera Park Both Stars and Durants are prov ing very popular In this section Prominent) among their, buyers are women and upon glancing over the names of recent local purchasers one may see the following lady motorists who have selected one of these cars Miss Jacobs of Central Point, Mrs A. K. McKee, Miss Hazel Thethero Miss Ka(e Stlne. Mrs. M. T. Edwards Miss William Puhl and Mrs. B. Dar- nellle. The representatives of the Mason Motor company promise an announce ment In the near future which will be of Interest to all motorists. This company is rapidly expanding to ac commodate the local field and the is every Indication that shipments will arrive here from the factory reg ularly without delaying orders. Ulen IIIllls wng a week-end visitor In Medford having come in from Gold Hill, where he Is now employed In the Gold Hill Bank. . - Matis Conquest of Time The progress of mankind, from the earliest recorded ages, has been marked, by a ceaseless struggle against the limitations of time and space, Civilization is mutual interchange of thought and the product of thought. This interchange demands transportation, hence the develop ment of civilization has paralleled the improvements in transportation,' A useful lifetime should not be measured in hours lived, but in deeds done. Doubling man's productive capacity offers the same net result as doubling his period of usefulness or doubling the number of producers. More than any other single factor of civilization, the automobile has multiplied the producing power of man, by decimating time and distance, and by provid ing a broad and flexible means for the transportation of men and their products. The amazing growth of the automobile industry could not have been, had not the automobile more than justified itself as an economizer of manpower, a stimr ulator of production and a creator of wealth. . Jor Economical Traniportation ft Prices P. O. B. Modford SUPERIOR Two Passenger Roadster $ 642 SUPERIOR Five Passenger Touring 663 SUPERIOR Two. Pass. U tlllty Coupe 877 SUPERIOR Four Passenger Sedanette 1055 SUPERIOR Five Passenger Sedan 1065 SUPERIOR Light- Delivery Car 627 Chevrolet Motor Co. Phiii ofGwral Maun Corporal Detroit, Michigan . epitomizes the 'prepress of the industry to date alone the line of maximum econ omy consistent with modern require ments as to ent!incerinn efficiency and satisfactory quality. The wonderful in crease in our sales proves that Chevrolet is lending in the evolution of individual transportation .which measures and records the prpgrcss of civilization. Utility Coupe $877 F. O. B. Modford iThert are' 10.000 Chevrolet Dealers 'and Service Stations. Applications will be considered from high grade dealers In territory not adequately covered. PATTON and ROBINSON, INC. 112 South Riverside Telephone 150 Personally Tested Seeds We Don't Take the Other : Fellow's Word for It We personally test all seed, before offering them to you or planting. You are entitled to honest seeds and we feel it our duty to safeguard your planting activities. To this end we personally perform all testa on garden and field seeds. YOU ARE INSURED AGAINST POOR SEED IF YOU BUY OUR TESTED BULK SEEDS " or , k ' ";:";,,;;7 GARDEN OR FIELD ! 'J Monarch Seed Co. Phone 260 . 317 E. Main . :' i - v ) ' - ' A Steel Trowel Free with each dollar purchase of Garden Seeds. One to each customer. O.V.MYERS . -' Ti,e Truck Man" MACK TRUCKS REO SPEED WAGONS 80 N. HoU Phono too MACHINE WORK i Repairing Babbitting and Welding Crater Lake Automotive Co. Mahogany Dining Room Set, 8 ft. table. 6 chairs; Mahogany Parlor Set, 2 rockers, 1 straight chair, 1 tete', upholstered in green plush; 1 Tuna Mahogany Living Room Table and a Dresser and Chiffonier of the same material; 1 Birdseye Maple Bedstead and Dresser; 2 Hartford Saxony Rugs, 8 ft. 3 inches by 10 ft. 5 inches and 9x12 ft.; 2 Velvet Rugs, 7x9 ft., and 9x12 ft.; 1 Oak Morris chair, leather, upholstered 1 ; Sim mons brass bedstead and box spring mat tress; 1 Boston Bed Couch, hand covered; 1 White Mountain Refrigerator; Hand Paint ed China and odd pieces pf Haviland China. Many other things, to6 numerous to mention Sale will be held t Green Mountain Ranch on the Jacksonville road, Medford- on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, at 10:00 A. M. A. W. Stone, Cargill Court,1 Medford. - "'','',''.' 'Phone 1028 . v . General MilL Wbrki f5 TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS Windows and Doors i Door Frames Window Glass Window Frame? All Kinds of Interior Finish WATCH YOUR ' BATTERY ;; FREST-O-MTE BATTKHY , STATION ret Quick Swtico rbQBe, 11S Picture Framing at : ' . S went' a Stadia