Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 24, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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TOM 638,110
Six hundred ana thirty-eight citi
sena of the Rogue River valley are
now members of the Medford chamber
of commerce and before the campaign
Is officially over it is estimated that
more than Beven hundred citizens of
southern Oregon will get in on Use
, band wagon, . '
i. Practically every district of Jack-
rson county is represented in the mem
bership of the Medford chamber of
commerce and more rural residents
have become identified with the or
ganization than ever before. The ter
ritory covered by the memberships
begins from the Bolleview district
south of Ashland to the city of Bogue
River and from the Applegate vaiiey
to Prospect, so that the chamber be
comes a county-wide organization and
, not merely a Medford institution.
Those citizens who became mem
bers ol the chamber during the past
' , two years under agreement to pay $25
annually for dues will have their dues
' automatically reduced to $12.50 and
those who have already paid dues in
advance will be credited oa the $12,50
: annual basis. . . . .
. There are a good many citizens of
Jackson county who can be depended
upon to become members of the cham-
bar but who happened to be out of the
city during the membership campaign.
As soon as they return they will be
j . presented with an application blank
It so that the prospect of an increase of
members Is exceedingly bj-ight.
When the Medford chamber of com
merce has more than seven hundred
members enrolled tt will have the lar
gest membership of any chamber in
the state outside of Portland, The
two communities whieh have a larger
membership than Medford are Eugene
and Salem. To make this record it
wiil require the cooperative effort of
the present members to sign up those
who they know are financially inter
ested in the valley and who would be
directly benefited by an investment. In
the big movement planned to colonize
the unoccupied lands of the county.
LODI, Cal March 24. Roy Har
per ot liQoltout,;Modoe eounty,; killed
his wife and himself today in their
room at a hotel. Harper used a large
pocket knife, ; nearly severing the
woman's head from her. body and
cutting his own throat. Three child
ren of the couple, aged 8, 10 and 11,
were in an adjoining room and their
screams summoned hotel people.
- Investigation has disclosed, no mo
, tive for Harper's action.
PARIS, Mar. 24.- (By the Assoc!
ated Press.) France exports to nh!p
out of the Ruhr from 3500 to 300
tons of coke daily for France, Bel
gium ami Italy, the cabinet was in
formed today, by Minister of Public
Works Letrocquer, who has returned
from a trio throuuh the occupied re
gion. He said it was hoped to in
crease these shipments each week by
at least a thousand tons dally, ana
thus ranidiv reach the German repar
ation oroeram. abandoned when the
Ruhr was occupied.
' Find Plntimmi.
COEUR D ALENE, March 24.
Discovery of platinum and Iridium in
the Coeur d'Alene mining district In
commercial quantities was announc
ed here today by officers of mining
comnanles of the district, wno said
plans had been formulated for the
erection of a concentrator here soon
to handle the ore. It was said it as
says as high its $5. to the ton.
The opening week of the special
Pre-Easter services at the First Bap
tist church under Dr. S. J. Reid of
Portland were very encouraging. The
attendance has increased with the in
terest from night to night. Dr. .Reid
has a great hold on his hearers, and
they invariably return after having
once heard him. Sunday wiil be a
great day with three sermons and ad
dresses. At 9:45 a. m. Dr. Held will address
the Sunday school, when it is desired
that ail oid and as many new pupils
attend as possible. At 11 a. m. Dr.
Reid will sneak on "The First and the
Last" In the evening a series of spe
cial sermons in preparation for Easter
will begin. Dr. Reid will give a series
of seven sermons on "The Seven Say
ings on the Cross," whieh should be
beard by capacity houses each even-
, , Dr. S, J, Reid, .
tag. The series will culminate with a
splendid cantata Easter night. The
subjects of the special sermons wilt be
as follows: Sunday evening, the first
saying from the cross: "Father For
give, them for they know Jiot what
they day." Monday evening, "Today
thou shatt be with me in Paradise,
Tuesday-evenmff,-"Woman behold thy
son, behold thy mother." Wednesday
evening, "My God, my God, why hast
thou forsaken me?" Thursday even
ing, "I thirst," Friday evening, .the
sixth and seventh sayings, "It is fin
ished. Father, into thy hands 1 com
mend my spirit." Sunday morning,
April 1st, "The Empty Tom"; 7:30 p.
m, "The Life Beyond" and cantata
From Sepulcher to Throne") by
Throne" by Shepperd, with orchestra.
Large audiences are expected for
Sunday, so early attendance is urged.
The public are cordially invited to
hear these special themes discussed
in preparation for Easter observance,
As a speaker all agree that Dr. Reid
is a prince among preachers.
MUSKOGEE; Okla., March 24
Anson Slfarp, 60, an Inmate of the
county poor farm, was burned to
death and six persons were seriously
Injured in a fire -today whieh de
stroyed the building housing the dor
mitory and dwelling of the keeper of
the farm.
The inmates awoke to find flames
near their beds. They, became fren
zied, two women leaping from the
second story windows and sustaining
severe injuries. The custodian, his
wife and employes, after heroic ef
forts led, the crippled and blind In.
mates to safety, '
The explosion of a hot water tank
which hurled flaming embers high
into the air, added to the fright of
the inmates.
Cuban Sagar Burnt,
CAMAGUEy, Cuba, March 24. ;
Reports from eight Jniiis in this prov
ince indicate that more than two mil
lion arraboa (2S pound units) of
sugar cane have been burned during
the Inst week. The belief is held that
in some cases the fires were started
intentionally, . but the majority are
supposed to have been due to care
lessness. - Prevent Flo and Grippe
For a few cents you can ward off
Pin and Grippe by promptly cheeking
your coughs and colds with Foley's
Honey and Tar, Also gives quick re
lief from coughs resulting front Flu,
Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma and
Bronchitis, Forty-eight years of satis
faction to users has made Foley's
Honey and Tar the world's largest
selling cough medicine. Contains no
opiates ingredients are printed on
the wrapper. Refuse substitutes. In
sist upon Foley's, Sold everywhere,
, ,, ,, . ,, ,,.
any charge at all, . . 'r,vA
iiisij ii hi wii in jtmm
i I;-.
FBimiih mm r miiMiiwi
St, Mark's Episcopal
Cor, North Oakdale and Fifth Sts.
8 a, m. Holy communion,
10 a, in. Sunday school.
Has, Morning service, with
benediction and distribution of palms.
wb, B, Hamilton, vicar, .
" Cathoiio Church .
South; Oakdale Ave.
First mass Sunday at 8 a. m. '
Second mass at , J0i38, a, m.
Blessing ftsi distribution of 1 the
paims before second mass, : ! ,
Benediction "after second mass,
' Rev. John Powers, pastor.
m. Salvation Amy
Sunday morning ;. Holiness service
31 a. m;s 'Subject, s "SassetificaiioB,"
Can it be attained?
Sunday school service 2 p. m. Come
children; surprises In store for the
faithful. Special Easter Sunday,
Y, P. L, service 8:15 p, ta,
Sunday evening service S p. m.
Evang.-Luth, Zion's Church
Fourth St, and Oakdale Ave,
Rev, Dr. W. R. Morenss-Oeser, pastor.
Kes, 618 West Fourth St,
" VI,. Lent: Palmarum,
Palm Sunday,
Sunday school 10 a, ra
Divine service 11 a, m.
Good Friday Diving service 11 a, m.
Holy communion. .
You and yours are cordially invited.
Church of the Naiarene
Cor, Central and Jackson.
Sunday school 8:45 a. m, .
Preaching 11 a, m, and T:30 p, m.
Prayer meting Wed, 7:38 p. m.
Dole, the "Lumberjack" will preach
to the morning, -
Evangelistic service to the evening.
Sermon by the pastor.
C, M, King, pastor, res, 10 E. Ciark
street. r -
First Christian Church
Bible school 9:45 a. m, Frank Pat
terson, supt
Preaching service ii a. m. Sermon
r D. E. Millard.
6: SO p. m. Christian Endearor ser
vice. Young people especially invited.
?:S0 S m. Farewell musical concert
glvea by tha chureh orchestra, mixed
and male quartets.
These two Sunday services are Mr,
Millard's last with the Medford church
as the new minister, Rev. J, D, Howe
ill be oa ths Held Easter Sanday,
You ar cordially welcomed to both
Palm and Easter Sunday services.
The Methodist Episcopal Church (
, Gold Hill, Oregon
A Union of all Denominations,,
Dr. M, M, Reid, pastor, . i '
Bible school Sanday morning at 10.
A. E. Kellogg; asfpt M.- E. "Wright,
assistant supt. Morning sermon at
11 by Rev, Theodore L, Thuemier.
Evening sermott by Dr. Reid, pastor,
at 7:30. ,
Workers' league Monday evening
at 7:30 n the church.
Prayer and class meeting Thursday
evening at ?;30 in the chureh, , .
All are cordially invited to attend
all these meetings.
Presbyterian Chureh '
Corner Main and Holly, Rev, B, P,
Lawrence, minister, 25 S, Orange,
9:45 a, m, Bible school. Graded
lessons, faithful teachers. Cart J,
Brommer, supt,
11 a. m. Morning worship. Sermon,
"Calvary The Love Passion of God. '
Duet, entitled "So Thou Liftest Thy
Divine Petition" from Stsiner's .Cruci
fixion sang by Dr, W, W, Howard and
Forrest Edmeades. Gospel quartet,
"When I Behold the King,"
7:30 p, lit. A testimony, "Truly This
Was the Son of God," given by the
Roman Centurlas.
8:S0 p, m. Intermediate Endeavor
subject, "Educational Missions,"
7:30 p. nt, Wednesday evening sub
ject, "The Gifts of ths Spirit," .
SSaln St M, E, Charch, South
Coy R. Sims, pastor,
Sunday school 9;45 a. m. 0r, Frank
Roberts, supt, ,-, .. .; -
Morning worship 11 a, m. Subject
of the sermon, "Christ's Triumphant
Entry Into JerussHra," Vocal soio,
"The Palms," by Faure, sung by Mrs,
A, E. Watson, Vioiitt duet, "Hearts
and Flowers," by Tobani, Miss Helen
Johns and Mrs, C, R, Sims, .
Epworth League 6:30 p, m, A study
and devotional service Tor tha young
Evening service 7:30 p, m. Subject
of the sermon, "The Price of Our Re
demption," "Traveling Homeward,"
will be sung by the choir, A vocal
soio, "Calvary," by Rodney, sung by
Mrs, C,:R, Sims, ...
TliaJublio is fedrdialty invited lo
atteridt'Un of these ervlces,'
""Writ Baptfsf Chureh "
fJTjise Friendly Church ,
'.''North Central and! Fifth :8t, '.
' "'"'Fnidertck W'tesch, pastoft'1
8:45'a.'!iri.!,Bible school1 Avard Whit
man.upt, Dr.,S. J, iteld will address
UiS'sehooiioS'Pet, 4ttendanee is
urgad,;HiIr( mBjks ,being there,
It a. rsi, "ylis First and the Last,
sermon 'by 'ut, S, J. Reid, Portland,
Violin solo, . "Nocturne B Minor,
(Chopin), Prof, Carlton Janes, S
prano solo, "Jesus Only," Mrs, Scott,
8:30 p, m. Senior and Intermediate
B, Y, P. U,
7:30 p. m. Dr. Held begins his Pas
sion Week sermons on "The Seven
Sayings on the Cross, First saying.
"Father forgive them for they know
not what they do. Series continued
each evening excepting Saturday, A
feast, of good things awaits Medford
in these Prs-Easter-messages for the
i community, culminating la a
I cantata with Orchestra & -Eiht.
All members are urged to attend the
closing week of the revival BieeOoss,
Music Sunday evening; Soto, "I Am
Praying tor You," Mrs. Scott.
Instrumental trio, "Marches', by
Komzak, - :
'To the Sea," by MaeBowelS, Messrs
Janes, Root, Scott,
The puolle are cordially Invited to
all these special services. Many oat
of the church are enjoy lag the meet
ings, First Church sf .Christ, Scientist
Authorised branch o The Mother
Church, The First Church of Christ,
Scientist, In Boston, Mass, ,
Services are heM every Sunday at
11 o'clock, church, edifice, S13 North
Oakdale, . Subject for Sunday, Mar,
25; Matter,
Sunday School at 6:45, Applicants
under the age of. twenty may be ad
mitted. , :,
Wednesday evening meetings, which
Include testimonies of Christian Sci
ence healings, at ?;4S,
The Heading room, which Is in the
Medford Bidg is open daily from 1 to
5 except Sundays and holidays. All
authorised Christian Science liters,
tare may be read, borrowed or pur
chased, . " '
The puttlls Is cordially invited to
attend the- services and visit the
Heading room, ,'.
First Methodist Episcopal Church
Fourth and Bartiett,
J, Randolph Saanett, pastor. Office
816 First National Bank Bldg, Phone
888, Res, 21 N. Orange St,
Bible school 9:45, An efficient
growing school,, Prof, H, H, Franklin,
Morning worship 11 a. m. Sermon,
"The Objective of Christian Rtlth"
Epworth Leagues, 6:30 and 8:30,
Miss Eunice Brandon, leader senior
league, s
Evening Bervlee,:I;30, Sermon, 'A
Modern Apostle of Christianity."
All the members of the church are
requested to meet at the church Mon
day evening and attend, the Baptist
revival In a body,
Tuesday evening the Toung Married
Tm mtj plait pur trdtr ir gel full isflrmMim
st mj if sstr sjfn$t tr fnm snj mmitr tf tm
tt&shutMm, tr mill 1 tht umftw. '
Thh it tariff M ihli frltl h fa&st tht frlet Uvtl
tf tmpttmUt hjiri-tkSttt itsttrttttu Wi rt
mtiisg It at this fritt timfsrtrllj Is fitr Itfhrt
ur tan tusumtrt JfritJi ppftrtmitj tf it
9ttt, Tht frlet mitt tt kiftmuti Ma) I.
Peoples otEMslsatSess win nsert at the
parsonage for, a easiness meeting.
Mid-week devotional meeting Wed
nesday evening 1 ;30,
Ladies Aid Jtonieeomtog Tuesday
afternoon, in the Leagsss roots.
Thursday evening choir rehearsal.
Morning Anthem, Jerusalem, (Par
ker), Soloists, Mrs, Sasnett, Mr, Mae
DonoBgh, Tenor solo, Calvary, (Kosfaey). Mr,
Evening Anthem, Softly the Silent
Night, (Winn),
Male auartefe Twenty-third Psatai,
(Johnson), Messrs.: Masker, MacDon-
ough, Canada?, romsa.r!i,, 4
Miss MaUe;,rotsaS,,n!Ust,,,,iier-
tusra Itoberts - organist,., Mrs,,, May
Jordaa-MasDooaBgh, director, ,
HEW YORK, March 24, Despon
dent because ef her failure to ohtain
a BroftwrfQaal essgagettisnt, Bilen
Sonnenthal, said to be a Viennese
musician, leaped to death today fssm
a ninth floor window in the Hotel
Artor, wher she had been esaptoyed
several months aa aa elevator opera
tor, (
Miss Soaswstthai, said to he s
daughter of an tmiiresarie of Vienna,
came to the tinted States a year ago
wtth her sister. Recently the stater
married and roaVea to Seattle,
Geersss Oeuld III,
KICB, Mar, 24 (By the Associ
ated Press.) The condition of George
J, "Ooald of New York who la Hi at
a villa near here, wgs announced to
day as tstsehorsjfed. His physicians
did not indicate their pintsa as to
the gravity of Ms Illness, .
No one is permitted to rifla a bi
cycle asywhere near the city of Con-
This price
The history of The California Oregon Power Company
shows a substantial growth in facilities and earnings result
ing from the large sums of money invested in its properties
and from the develspment of the territory in which It
operates, ; - - ;
Steady Growth in Customers Served
The territory now servsd by The California Oregon Power
Company includes parts of Jackson, Josephine, Klamath
and Desglas Counties fa Oregon; and Btsksyoa Cosnty and
parts of Shasta and Trinity Counties in California, This ia
an area equal to the combined areas of the states of Masse
chuaetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, ,
Earing the period between 192 and 1922, the number sf
consumers has grown from 6,SS1 to 13,123, an increase sf
Increase in Facilities
The Company owns and operates seven hydro-eSectrtc
plants ta Southern Oregon and Northers California. It has
never resorted to generation of electricity by steam power.
In building these hydroelectrie plants, a natural resource is
being developed which will be productive forever,
la 1912, the generating capacity was 11,800 H. P. and it
the end 1822, it amounted to $2,$m H, P,
The Company's high tension lines at the end of 1922 were
over six hundred miles ta length,
The aggregate length of fee distribution lines was ever
eight hundred and ten miles, , ,- j . ,s,
The Investment needed for the construction of these fa
cilities has increased from 14,183,225.76 fa 1912 to $10,293,
J6S.6S ta 1921 ,
vfet F&vsl Cratt Hsuncsce ldi ts?
mt ,,:,:.,.: Hta tsmjmr, " ttstjsetj sui
1913 4,787,624.35 M7,l0 143,746,6? mjilSSa
1S14. 5,054,312.08 3S$,33S,23 163,2i,21 222,122.02
19!S , . i.265,839.85 , tfl,4SS.2S . 22S.gSl.S7
1918..,.... i,985,0SS9 426.t0t'44 . . 213,678,91 gl2.42S.f3,,m. 6,49S,3?i.? 1MWA 226,509.6? 251,405,??
isis,., iMiM&n mi.tmm 245,150.3? . 257,11 ass
1919 7,4t6,S22.4J ' 726,078.30 295,743.7 430,33$. $S "
1920. ... 7,692,884,51 948,277,07 398,041.48 550535.59
1921. ., .,;. WJtJn 1,001,272,07 443,063,18 552.1S9.89
1922.. . . 1093569.69 , 1,05,19,52 44?,?S7,oS 618,401.93
Our partial paymeftt pha of fS per ihare prr month euabtn you to take inj.
nedkte advsnMge ct the txtisdmgiy mttxtam price aJ which thi high-grade
; Kcvrity la now being offered 95 per share to yvetd TSJ pet aafiam,
I ' ,f , Offeeit Bedford, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls, Orcgm
I "V ' Yteka, Dummuirf California
CEIf ENNtIB, Wya., Mar, 84, Rev,
George Chaisaers Riehmsad who far-
ateriy ksld pastorates to Philadelphia,
Syraenss aad other eastern states and
whs now resides to Ijos Angeles,
broaght salt ia the Halted States dls-
et esrert here today against siae
ieasilng cltteess of Kvanstoa, Wjo
from which town, he alleges, he was
ejected ia April, 1983. Ms asks a total
ot flSS,000 damages, Richmond soa
sustad a camjjaigs to "drive the devil
ont of BvasstoB,' which he Is alleged
to have charartertaed as "tha ntoat
wicked city ta America. CItlsess nt
the town, accordiag to ths salt, com
pelled bisn to leave Bvassstos,
-Mayor Bomick is one of ths defen
dants ia the action: ethers laetode
C, H. Seller, saperiBtsndeat oif thai
Wyoatiag state hospital tor the lasase,
and 1. F, Booth, editor ( tha Wyons
ing Press.
1 ifflK' CI
WASHINGTON, Mar. 24, Ths Brit
ish go?erasieat has eategartasily de
nied that ia a asasideraMe aasnbsr of
capital ships In its navy bstees ha?e
been fitted, eto?atioa of gans increas
ed and turret toading arraagemeBts
inodifisd, as was represented by Secre
tary Hashes ia his New Haven sd-
.s dress last December.
mill be advanced
i per share.
Par value M
Dividends have been paid on The California Otsgtm
Power Company Preferred Capital Stock since isauanse
(April IS, J92 at the rate si $1 per share per annum.
Checks are mailed every three months at rste of $t,1S per
Proceeds of all securities sold are demoted exctsistvely fa
additions to and betterments of Company's properties, :
It b not assessable by the Censpasy far any purpose
It fa sos-callaUe, and if purchased at the present price
yields a permanent retssra sffj? so the investment
It ta exempt frost Federal Homtal Individual Income
It tabs precedence as to assets sttsd dtvUertda over com
mon stock amounting to $4,44 1,1 W par va'me. The equity
bask of the preferred stock now outstanding smosmts to a
total sf $8,38S,361,53 whieh eqsals $268.30 per share or over
three times the present cost of $9i per share.
Purchase may be made ra asy assouat from one ihsre up
ward, ;
: The stock may be purchased far cult or en ear special
savings plan, namely, $SM per share Si first payment, and;
IS.00 per share per month,
Interest Is paid by the Cosspany ea all partial payments
wider the savings plan at the rate of 8" per crmsrs. Inter
est checks are mailed to subscribers tinder the savings plan
every three months, , - .. .
Tha stock j listed em the San Francisco Stock and Bond
Exchange, ,
Use Cslifisrak Osegm Power Company
Medlars, Orrgsat :
Pitsse ktve s merabef of yotsr otgissKsa eta
f ft VttktttA Stock,
AUfHt. '
sis&ma essllty smMer'
ssaa uutqr, WK3
Satisfaction Ass&t&4 is
suaiisy and jre.
Matt ns year wasst,
For QuirM l-.r?H-e FTiOBrg tl(
Picture Framing
Swem Studi&
We aro ready to ealff ysar
raaehtos. This spring why not
make & tm of what year i&r
needs aad get the assaasarlea
In time tor a fall season's sss
aad eatoyaieni.
Gar stock offers the best ssss
Bsstiess. ,
The Auto Supply Co,
May 1st '
26,43 JS5
oa me tbwit yoa?