' PXOE FOUR MEDFORP MAIC TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON", FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1923 SIedford Mail Tkibune AN NIKPKNiKNT NKWHl'AI'Kll PUM.Ib'UKl KVKilV AITKIINOON JSXCKIT H L'NI )A y, HIT THIS MlCIJI-'OKt: PRINTING CO. Quill Points The lied ford Sunday Morning Sun Is furnished subscriber desiring a seven day dally newspaper. Offloa Mall Tribune Building, 26-27-20 XNoria Mr street. jnon f. A consolidation of the Democratic Times. th Mmlforri Mall, the Met ford Tribune, the Ho u thorn Oregonlun, The .Ashland Tribune. ROHKUT W. niTHL, Kditor. S. HUMI'TKlt SMITH, Munager. BY MAIL In Advance: , Dally, wllh filnlny Sun, year $7.50 Dally, with Hundny Sun. month 75 lintly, without Sunday Sup, year., 6.50 Dully, without Sunduy Run, month .C5 Weekly Mall Tribune, one year. w 2.00 Sunday Hun. one vear . 2.00 HY CAltHIEH In Mertford, " Ashland, Jacksonville. Central Point, Phoenix, Talent and on HlKhwnya: Pally, wllh Sunday Sun, month 75 Dully, without Sunday Sun, month .65 Dally, without Siimhiy Hun, year- 7.R0 Dally, with Sunduy Sun, one year 8.50 All fcrniH by rnrrler. ensh In advance. Entered us second emus matter at Mod ford, On.-gon, under act of March 8, 1879. MKMBEitS OF THB ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the uho for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper, and alao to the local newn published herein. All rights of republication of spealal aispntcncs nerein are niso reserved. A jail is just a kind of joprhouse. Good slogan for the French militarists: - Children first. All plants arc ufwful for some purpose, except munitions plants. The best side to take in those big-town gang wars is the country side. : French should learn that national strength, like poets, is born and not made. . ' Hollywood hasn't anything on the rest of the country when it comes to baseball dope. ; The statesman keeps one eye on posterity; the politician keeps ooth on the grandstand. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. Something ought to be done right away In regard to the eastern niana- iilnes thut have started picturing Ore gon, as the lending horrible example of modern civilization. It must make the plump ladies mad, to eat spinach all winter, only to dis cover when they pllo on the scales in the spring, that they have gained 17 pounds, SOMETHING LIKE THAT (National Banker) Mrs. Thomas A. Edison, wife of the great Inventor, addressing a meeting of the Daughters of the Itcrolntlon, said: "The general rule of Sunday at the present day is dancing, card playing, etc. Our young men are becoming regular GaWUx tfififid yxzfflff ' "Cq." The United States is "unable to recognize Russia nt thin time," accord ing to Secretary Hughes, and thore is not much hope that anybody could. Russia has a "stable government." The object of the "Facial! of Amor ica" is to Impress upon Itultans immi grating to this country, that they are supiwsod to go to work, Insleud of bootlegging. Barbers are again resorting to the tortures of the Middle Ages. AVictlm is first rendered helpless by ramming a frozen band down a cozy neck. The motor vehicle that hits beon moored in the Nasb sector for 16 days following a narrow escape from being smashed to smithereens by a moun tain mogul, at the Main Stem crossing, has shifted billets. The only reason why the hoofsllng era of the Koguo River valley bave never beaten the world's dancing record of 25 hours, Is the failure of the shindigs to kep opon that long. KEEP COOL, HICKCOX1 (Rockford, III., Star) Mrs. W. C. Hlckcox, 918 West State street, has gone to Milwau kee to Join Mr. Wilcox. They will make Uieir home in Milwaukee. FOR SALE Ford touring, starter; team, .4 years 14400 lb. colts. Cnll 333 S. Rlversldo. (Mall Tribune want ad): Just to be Biire. Mrs. Molly Howard Is reported as being able to stir a little. (Creston Nows). Oh! how lovely! Thore was a meeting. Wednesday noon. of doctors The Broadway butterfly, who will flit no more by reason of a murder mystery, made fools of millionaires and v lso men, but she seems to have beon strongest for the no-account cubs who blacked her eye. Fine weather prevails for the perpe tration of spring poetry. Farmers, In a parlor way, are don lng the conventional puttoe, prepara tory to the annual grim struggle. The wny the cyclones aro stnrtlng out in Kansas this spring, there will bo nothing left for the grasshoppers and cinch bugs. ' 276 newspapers gave up the Jour nallstio ghost lust year. 276 of the lot wro not good ennunh to be cussed. At Death's Door "Ten years of stomach trouble re duced mo to a living skelrton. 1 had attacks of pain thut doubled imi up like a Jnck-knlf. and 1 was n yel low as a roWI piece. No trrdiclno or doctor helped loo and wns really nt death's door. A lodge brother ad vised me to try Mavr's Wonderful Jtemedy, and 1 found It to be the only medicine to touch ray case." It In a almplo. hnrmlowa preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the tuteMloul trnct and allays the Inflammation nli.h causes prac tically all stomach, liver and Intes tinal nllmenlA. Including nppcndtcttls. line dnso will convince or money re funded, l or solo at nil druggist. Adv. RippIingRhuisQs BEHIND TIME. TIRED father, from the shop or mart, toils' homo,' nfong the street; he's hungry for the bilked beef heart, (md other things to cut, for vinegar that's slightly tart, and pies that are a treat. "I hopp," ho sighs, as lie proceeds, "the grub will be on time; for hush my hollow system pleads, and eats will be sublime; a meal belated often loads a hungry jnan to crime." lie reaches home and there's no grub to pad his empty frame; his wife ex claims, "I'm sorry, hub, I know it is a shame; the members of our Dotty club for entertainment came. I couldn't help it, I declare, by any mortal means, s6 please don't cave around and swear, and kick tip frightful scenes; if you will sit in yonder chair, I'll open a can of beans." "On punk excuses I've been fed," the weary husband erics, "till I confess I'm seeing red, dark passions in me rise; you hand me eloquence for bread and throbbing words for pies. And now to wreck our hearth and home I feel a keen desire, to tear the flagstaff from the dome, and set the joint afire, for married life's no more ft pome, I'm burning up with ire." A while he thunders in his .coup as one who'd wake the dead, but soon his martial spirits droop, he hangs his weary head, anj sips a can of chicken soup, and shoos himself to bed. PLAN PHOTOGRAPH SPIRlIf LADY I.OS ANGELES, March 23. An attempt to photograph tho Bpirit of Mrs. Mary McVicker, associate pastor of the Central Spiritualist church has been planned by her co-religionists here at 5 o'clock this afternoon. For weeks before hor death Mon day, Mrs. McVicker, anticipating it, mado all arrangements for her fu neral. She asked that her body lie In state in the chapel of the First Spiritualist temple tho day of hor funeral until 0 o'clock which she con sidered the ideal hour of the day, "with vibrations best Btiitcd for her to return to the earth in spirit. She asked that a photographer stand besldo her casket at that time. make a picture and later develop the film or plate carefully bo that it she succeeded in her attempt to return In spirit form, tho finished photo graph wotild show It. With Medford trade Is Medforrt made E NEWTORK, March 23. There was much cpcculation in Wall street todny as to the profits of Clarence Saunders . president of tho Plggly WlgRly Stores, Inc., and his associates In tho corner ot the class A stocK, which has boon permanently stricken fi-nM, the nt of tho New York stock exchange after sensational fluctua tions last Tuesday. "Kxperienced traders estimated his nnnnr liroflts from 12. 500.000 to 17.- 500.000. Saunders' main problem, ac cording to these men, will be to find a mnrkot for the 200,000 shares he bought In tho. open market. v.. w. Bradford. New York repre sentative of Saunders, said a large number of shorts had come to mm heforA three o'clock vesterdav to make a settlement of the stipulated price of J1B0 a shnre. Tnero is sun a largo short Interest outstanding, ho added, and ho Insisted that the prleo ot 250. sot by . Mr. Saunders In his ultimatum from Memphis, as the price after 3 p. m.. yesterday. EASILY TRACED Thousands who are none too strong trace the present weakened state to influenza or some Uke-debilitCiting illness. Such could not do better thaa try the strength-restoring and body-building virtue of This efficient tonic is nourishment in 'a form that helps .1 i i 1.1 . . If mii nvt nnr in buna up a neauny resistance. . - - aJ? your accustomed strength rich, nourishing SCOTrS EMULSION will helpyoa.C Try It! The twlu.tw srmle of cod4tw oil nurd in Scon , "' " ".4 li itu.th, " mmle in Norway nm nriiucd in out own Amrncnn ijwiir It i. . 'rlet of fcunty ooU ua.uricd. Vntt ft Kuwtie. nioontfirkl. I. J Remember This In Inlying candy for a gift you naturally want to be sure that tho contents of the sealed package will be dainty, fresh and altogether pleasing. "Whitman's candies are distributed with the ut most care to prveent disappointments. Every Whitman package contains this guarantee: "If for any reason this package does not give en tire satisfaction, we respectfully urge vou to return it to the deafer from whom purchased.' Wo believe in this line of candy, sell it exclusively and cany out the provisions of the above guarantee. Heath's Drug Store Phone 884 109 East Main Street Wc are as near to you as your phono Lauretta Taylor, Page '.Lauretta Taylor In "Peg o My Heart" holding forth tills week a( the Page theater. Those who enjoyed the stage production will unquestionably enjoy the film version even better. There is a professional expression about some plays being "actor proof." This production, however, either stage or Bcreen, is not so protected. It needs Laurette Taylor. And that profession al expression can be twisted to anoth er angle -"audience proof." "Peg o' My Heart" Is Just that. One can't resist it. , Close analysis reveals nothing un usual nor startling. Yet there Is a singular charm, an unwavering inter est that holds one grlpplngly. But in this connection Miss Taylor- happly possesses the talent and personality plus! The cast includes Mahlon Hamilton, Russell Simpson, Ethel Grey Terry, Nigel Barry, Lionel Belraore,, Vera Lewis, Sldna Beth Ivins, D. R. O. Hats well, Alleen O'ilalley and Fred Huntley. Rlalto Plays "Kick In" 1 Presenting a remarkable stellar cast "Kick In" is the feature at the Rialto theater. While it U admitted that In some pictures too many outstanding players might give a "crowded" effect, noth ing like this is possible in "Kick In," because of the fact that while the pro ductlon contains 11 persons of stellar and near-stellar rank, 'the scenes aro so divided that the players appear In groups. " . The featured players are Betty Compson, Bert Lytell and May Mc Avoy, while others in the cast include Gareth Hughes, Kathleen Clifford, May Kelso, John Mlltern, Walter Long Robert Agnew, Jed I'routy and Curl ton King. "Kick In" is said to present set as well as Individual variety, the scenes flashing rapidly from the slums, to upper Fifth avenue, from an exquisite boudoir to a sordid tenement, from the cabarets to the bread line. And In between all the drama of hunters abd hunted, the eternal strife between the police and those that society considers tho "lawless." free mm. OF LIQUOR CHARGE Big Success in East "The Bat," by Mary Roberts Rine bart and Avery Hopwaod, the most successful dramatic play, will be pre-1 sented at the Page theatre Monday i night. For over two years,. "The Bat" play ed to capacity audiences in New York. For more than a year, another com pany presented "The Bat" in Chicago where it broke every existing record for the length of a run. The play stands absolutely in a class by Itself in point of popularity. Not a little of the success of "The Bat" Is due directly to the sportsman ship of the theatrical critics and the atregoers who have seen it- The authors and managers unite, where ever "The Bat" is presented, in re questing that no one disclose the secret of the play and so far as is known, no one has ever broken faith in that regard. The result is that there. Is still the same deligbtful sur prise in store for theatregoers today as there was the first night "The Bat" was ever presented on any stage. CONSTANTINOPLE The Turks issued a decree providing that per mits to leave will be issued to all Greeks after May 1. Keliogg's Bran is ALL BRAN that's why it relieves constipation! Half-way measures mean nothing to the man, woman or child whose very existence is threatened by the habitual clogging of tho elimination channels. Foods with only part bran can never clean and sweep the Intestines In the nature-way as does Keliogg's Bran, cooked and krumbled. And, Kellogg 's Bran is as delicious in flavor as it is positive in its action. If it is eaten regularly two table spoonfuls daily; in chronic cases, with each meal it will permanently relieve . tho most aggravated case. Tour health will bo greatly im proved within a brief period if you will eat this delicious Kellogg cereal. Know what Keliogg's Bran, cooked and krumbled. will do for you and for yoar loved ones. There is no time to be lost in getting the relief that Kellogg 's Bran assures. . Keliogg's Bran is delightful as a cereal, sprinkled over any hot or cold cereal, or served in countless appetiz ing ways in baking and cooking. It makes tho best sort of pancakes, muf fins, raisin bread, macaroons, etc, you over ate. And, each mouthful con tributes to health! Kellogg recipes aro printed on each package. Kellogg Is Bran works for you all the time! Your physician will recommend Keliogg's Bran for constipation. A pimply complexion or an offensive breath can both be overcome by tho icgular use of Keliogg's Bran, which is sold by grocers everywhere. William McCampbell of Ashland, on trial in tue circuit court charged with violation of the prohibi tion law, was acquitted by a jury Thursday afternoon after about an hour's deliberation. The case was ap pealed from the justice court. The testimony nlloged that one Geprge Tucker, an employe of thol en forcement department had purchased a quantity of liquor from McCampbell. a live dollar bill being tendered in payment. The authorities took the number of the bill, for future refer ence, but when McCampbell was searched a few minutes after the al leged purchase, the bill could not be found. The defense was. represented by Attorney George Roberts, and the state by District Attorney Eawles Moore. RED PEPPERS STOP PAIN OF When you aro suffering with rheu matism so you can hardly get around Just try lied Pepper Rub and you will liavo the quickest relief known. Nulhiim' has such concentrated, r penetrating beat as red peppers. In- stant relief. Just as soon' us you ap- ply Red Pepper Rub you feel . the i tingling heat. In three minutes, It , warms the soro .spot through " and : through. Frees the blood circulation, , breaks up tho ' congestion and :ha . old rheumatism torturov Is gone. '.' i ltowles' Red Pepper Rub, maja from red peppers, costs little at any"j drug store. C'.et a jar at once. lso ' jit for- lumbago, neuritis, uackneho, I stiff neck, sore muscles, colds fn chest. Almost instant relief nwalis you. 15e sure to get tho genuine, with the name Rowlcs on each pack age. Adv. SULPHUR IS BEST TO. CLEAR UP UGLY, BROKEN OUT SKIN " Any breaking out or skin irritation on face, neck or body is overcome quickest by applying Mcntho-Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist. Because of its germ destroying properties, noth ing has ever been found to take the place of this sulphur preparation that instantly brings ease from the itching, burning and irritation. Mentho-Sulphur heals eczema right up, leaving the skin clear and smooth.. It seldom fails to relieve the torment or disfigurement. A little jar ot Rowles Mentho-Sulphur may be.oo rained at any druu store. It is uscil like cold cream. O.V.MYERS "The Track Slan" MACK TRUCKS REO SPEED WAGONS SO N. Holly Phono R(W H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER Sttoceflsor to Weeks-Conger Co, MMford. Om, MACHINE WORK Repairing Babbitting and Welding Crater Lake Automotive Co IF YOU WANT GOOD . WHOLESOME BREAD Ask your grocer or phone your order t' to CENTRAL POINT MILL ' ; for' '; MT. PITT BLEND ' of flour Morton's Mill Central Point GEM CHUNG China Herb Store T'nia is to certify that aim Ctiunff of Medford, Ore., has cured uie of goitre and stomach trouble, S, M. Leonard, 609 J St., Grants Pas. This Is to certify that GIm Chung: of Medford, Ore., has cured me ot rupture of four yearn' standing. F. G. Isham. 41S S St., Giants Pass, Ore. Medford, Oregon, Jan. 13, 1917.- This 1b to ertify that I, the under signed, had very sefrero stomach trouble and had been bothered for several years and last August was not expected to live, and hearing of Gim Chung (whose Herb store Is at 214 South Front street, Medford), I decided to get herbs for my stomach trouble, and I started to feeling better as soon as I used them and today am a well man and can heartily recom mend anyone afflicted as I was to toe Gim Chung and try his Herbs. (Signed) W. R, JOHNSON. Witnesses: Wm. Lewis, Eagle Point. W. L. Chltdreth, Eagle Point . M. A, Anderson, Medford, S. B. Holmes, Eagle Point. : u. m. ivioore, aagie roint. J. V. Mclntyre, Eagle Point. ' Geo. Von der Hallen. Eagle Point MANN'S The Best Goods for the Price No Matter What the Price MANN'S Just Arrived Men's Tweed Suits $25.00 $30.00 Two pair of Pants with some of the $30.00 Suits Boys' Long Pants Suits, in tweeds and dark colors, some with 2 pair of Pants $25 $28 $30 SPECIAL Collar attached Shirts, plain white Oxford, plain gray, button down collars. Regular $2.00 values $1.69 ft' I Ml rV d my Styleplus Suits Vogue Suits For men and young ' men Tweeds, Cashmeres, Serges, Whipcords and Worsteds, all wool and guaranteed $25 $30 $35 Society Brand Suits $40 $45 $50 Johnny Tupants Suits for Boys Our Spring Suits have arrived. Come in and look them over. Boys' Tweed Suits $12,50 two pair of pants ... Serges, Tweeds Cashmeres, Boys' Waists, light QC two pair of Pants, $K Kfl miu uariv ......... Boys' Union Suits, athletic style . -79c Men's Sizes Khaki Shi't $1.25 SPECIAL Spring Hats. Good qual ity felt. All sizes and shades. Large shapes and small nifty shapes $3.50 for Khaki Pants. $! QC Reg. $2 value ... Ae Mann's Department Store THE ST0EE FOR EVERYBODY MEPFOnn. OREGON "' " " ' Men's Caps, Boys' Caps ...... $1.00 Knit Ties, new pat terns ..... .,. . . 75c