PAWS SIX MEDFORB MAIL TRIBUNE, HfEDFORD, OREfiOX, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 192., OF HILL LINES WILL AID WEST , ST. PAt'L. Minn., March 22. Adequate truiiMiiorlatlun to nx't-t the pronerit nnd fnturo m-eds of the I'a cific and tlio u crews of the general railroad consolidation plan was por trayed its attired through results of u- merger of tho Northern I'aclfic, Groat Northern, Chicago, HurHnKton and Qulncy railroads In further tes timony given hy wltncHHts here to day in the inter-Htaio commerce commission heariuj; on tho Hchenio for merging the railroads of the country into a few largo ByHtcms. Government ownership would bo averted by such consolidation, car HhortageH with attendant losses would ho prevented and car service generally would bo ho Improved as to benefit greatly tho entire northwest, C W. Gordon of fit. l'aul and Charles C. Bovey, Minneapolis, testified at today's hearing, j Mr. Gordon represented thirty St. I Paul wholesalers and manufacturers nnd Mr. Hovey represented Minne apolis milling and grain interests which handle tho bulk of that busi ness in the twin clteis. Freight shippers and industrial nnd commercial interests generally In St. I Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth and audi other Northwest market centers would bo fully protected and better ASHLAND AND WHY HAULING FREIGHT The Ludles' Aid of tho Presbytorlnn church, lias elected Mrs. tillu Garrett, president; Mrs. Sarah Walker, vice presidont; Mrs. Clara Wick, treasurer, and Mrs. Suo Day, Bocrotnry. Mom- licrnhlp about 25, regular meetings bo lug held every week, Friday bolng the specific date. Whenever the council of administration derides to hold an all-day working session, this Implies a substantial dinner to which a few of tho elect have been known to receive n special invitation on tho banquet plan. The Sheridan Thornton family, re' siding at tlia Intersection of Laurel and Mechanic streets, have been re ceiving a visit from Mrs. Ooorgo Dar ker of Hutto Kails. In "A Word of Warning," locally published, expressions used by Mrs. W. M. Harbor, of tills city, plainly lndlcuto that sho is not in syniputhy with tho four-sqiinro gospel as ex pounded at "tarry" meetings now pre vailing. Tho writer talks in tongues, but tho language Is plain Kngllsh, without reservations, as follows: To tho Editor: Bewuro of the 'Four Square Gospel' propaganda, the most alluring and subtle devlco of modern times. A veritablo "angel of light,' so beautiful and bewildering that it carries even the stalwart Chris tian oft' his feet. I do not speak from hearsay or even as a "looker-on." 1 have been a victim (not to tho extent of talking in tongues, thank God). For many years I have been con- both ! sclous of the guidance of the Holy Borved under such a merger. witnesses declared. Necessary ex- Spirit, nnd I am so thankful that lie panuion of facilities to keep pace revealed to me tho "cloven feet" of with the growth of the territory, would be posslblo and free inter tills movement berore the seal was put upon me. This movement is the change of cars over the tbrco roads -win the wHp"t leading to disustor, spiritually, mentally physically. Do would give relief from the car short- nn thn.. A.,.t,,...l.....l inclusion of the ' Chicago Croat not allow yourselves nor your children "Western railroad in tho merger was suggested in a statement presented by Mr. Gordon, whllo Mr. I!ovey- sug- to come under its hypnotic power A sextet of jolly collegians, all local students at O. A. C, drove down from Rested inclusion of the Minneapolis . Corvallis to pass the spring vacation and St. Louis line. I amid homo surroundings. Two cars tommlssionors Hull and Oimpbe wero lmireaSed ito service, tho per- ond Examiners Healey and lloy will open the second hearing In Helena, Mont., Friday. sonnol of the party including Ilert Wlnne, Dave Whittle, Hoss Small, Oliver Anderson, Klmor liiegel, and J. J. Swlgart, these young men pursu ing vocational training along various channels at the big educational Insti tution. While cranking tho fnmlly car on Sunday, preliminary to attonding di vine service, Earl Littlechlld fractured his right wrist. Nols Erlckson, former S. P. employo hero in the shop department, is now at Long Beach, Oil., his family ro MINNEAPOLIS, March 22. Tho fcdoral reserve bank of mlnncapolis. today threw Its weight into the f'Kl'1 1 muining hore. northwost farmers announcing com-1 The A, Johnson property on Walnut plctlon of plans for a Berles of street has boon traded to W. F. Ka-".Hinkor-farmer meetings in Mlnno-' tlolph, of Eugene, for a furni In Lane notn, North Dakota nnd Montana, nt which specific recommendation for action will bo sought. A grolp of twenty men represent ing tho federal reservo bank, rail roads, financial institutions, agricul tural publications, milling Interests county. Tho budget of tho Presbyterian church for tho current year has been tentatively fixed at $4100, $100 of which Is for missions, leaving $:I100 for general purposes, Including the stops nt Grand Kurks. Fargo anil Bis marck. N. D., and HIUIiikh, Mont. 8enator Under Knife ROCHESTlilt, Minn., Mar. 22. An i oporntlon having boon declared by surgoona liore to bo iniulvlsublo now, United States Sonator Samuol D. Nicholson of Colorado, seriously ill with tumor of tho atoniach, was to l lonvo today for hlB homo In Denver. and newspapers will leave Mlnneupo-I pastor's salary which Is SUOOO In nildl ils today on a tour which will include! t Ion to the manse rent free. Tho an nual congrcgatlonul meeting will bo hold on March 28, ut which time, uftor tho traditional banquet, the annual re- lorts of tho church nnd its manifold uctlvitioa will bo In order. Tho status of the church, financially as well as spiritually, is most gratifying, being completely out of debt with tho excep tion of a nominal obligation duo to u church building society organized within Its own denominational limita tions. With this oxcoptlon, all paving nnd building obligations huvo been fully met. Orovillo, Oil., Is tho new homo of tho A. C. Brlggs family, whero Mr. BrlgRs, I'orttier inanngor of tho Ash land Fruit & Produce Association, is now in business. On Saturday of this week, nn niljust- or will bo In Ashland commissioned to oxanilno tax exemption certificates hold by Civil war veterans, and It be hooves such to Interview this adjuster ns a preliminary In avoiding any ussessment tanglos. The Modern Woodmen meet on Thursday evening, March 22, In Moose hull, with some Important business matters on tho dockot to attend to. Developments Indicate that the Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. F. C. Fraley of Berkeley, Oil., who died rocontly, was accidentally drowned. Tho child, who was 18 months of age, wandered nwny from homo nnd fell over a steep bank Into n brook. Further debutes under high school umpires, are now in order, n tentative plan being to taeklo a Klamath Falls contingent over tho contention that "Tho 1'nltod States should adopt n policy of ship subsidy." In accordance with advices from the statu university tho Initial Inter-dlstrlct debate will be held April 13. L Hi IMHIOHT Try This! A Gleamy Mass of Luxuriant Hair IP t ft tM toi At oncol Yen can transform even plain, dull lint Imir. You run Imve it abundant, soft, gliwsy mid full nf life. Just get a 3 cent bottle of "IIjihIit ine" at nny drugstore. TIh-ii innite. a soft cloth witli tao "Omuli-riiie" nnf, draw this through vmtr Imir, taking one iniall strand nt n time. liwtimMv, n, immediately, you have dmiltlttl tin' beauty of your hair. Jt. wiil be a ma, so soft, lustrous nnd so easy to do up. All Hunt, and cxceHHivo oil is removed. Ixt "Danderlne" put now life, viirm nnd bright iicks In ynur tuiir. This atiniulatiug tnnie will frinlien ymu Brnlp, cheik ilandniir nnd fHllinp Imii and help your Imir to jirow lung, tliiek, atrong and beautiful. Sniids On lliiml. WASHINGTON, March 22 Slocks of white potatoes In the hands of growers and dealers March 1 were re muted bv the dcimi'tK'nl of ngrleiil line today nt I T l.MiS.OOO IiukIh Is. Of Ibis liilnl 23.iHlS.0tf0 husbels Were I'hiKseil ns unfit for food or seed, R0. 2S.0rt0 ns needid for food and seed on farms where grown nnd 2T.27S. 000 for consumption In local mar kets, leaving fi7. 025.000 available for movement nut of production areas. BY AIRPLANE IS HELD PRACTICAL WASH I NCTOX, M a reh 2 2. Ex perhnentH Jn freight huullntr ly planeH which have been conducted by tho nrmy air Hervlee, were Haiti in an official statement iHSued today to "furnish umple evidence an to what tho army air service iH doing with reference to freighting Its own up plicH in military planes which are not built fur freight carrying." An illuHtration of hauling freight over long distances at a cost leas than would have bee n Incurred had the movement been by rail, waa con talncd In the statement. "Home months ago when tho air service troops at Kilington Field, Houston, Texas, were transferred to Self ridge Field, in Michigan, a dis tanco of 1600 miles." it said, "practi cally all of tho personnel traveled to their new station by airpmnc. The entire cost of tho journey by nlr was estimated at $(j,4'18, less tanh it would have cost tho government had the movement boon by rail." It also was Mhown that the Middle- town, Pa., air intermediate depot had moved 12.Q0O pounds of freight by air from that point to various other air stations. "While the United States hns not yet developed transportation for freight by commercial nlrplano agen- P's t otho noint reached in lMiglaml, Franco and Tho Nethcrhlands, the statement said, "it would seem that, wit hcommerclal planes of suitable types, the transportation of freigth via tho aerial routo presents un limited commercial possibilities." Marriage JJcciiscm. John J. iilasa und Florence E. Tor- Willi kit. Jrving L. IVund and Pearl Morion riiiiuitH l'rm iliipnn. ri)IITI,AM. Ore.. March 22. A tlalnload of hltsh, Kiade shelled peil IllllH. thirty refrlKeiator cai'H t)elllK In I he Bli lnu, ciin'.vlnu 10,000 siu'ltii. e,iiiilllnit r.10 InnH. left here nlKbt. 'I'lii1 Hhlpineiu readied I'ort bind uliaril tile Jnitanese uleamer F'uku Mnru. of the YiilnilHblln line. Tlie nutn will be delivered at Mlnne niolin. ChlriiKo nnd St. I.ouln. They ni-u liitemled for line In tho manufac ture of confectionery nnd food pro diu tn. In tlermnny nt the present time It reuulren forty bourn of IntMtr to earn a Sfi-pound 1'iig ot flour. Tho teachers of the Applosate zone met last Saturday at Ruch, llr.s. Kdna Allen presiding. A number ot Ituch patrons wero In attendance to partici pate in the discussions and at noon served a bountiful lunch. Next Saturday, March 24th, the teachors of tho South zono meet in the Ashland public library. All teach ers of this zone nre urged to he pres ent us matters of imiiortunce pertain ing to spring activities are beliia planned. Members ot the Athletic committee have mot and made out tho schedule of events for the ninth unnunl field day and track meet to be hold at Tal ent on Friday, May 4th. The events llstod with requirements have been mailed to all teachers In the county. Directors have been requested to grant this ono school day In tho year, to schools in ordor that pupils' may attond tho meot. The Oregon Council of English has announced an essay contest for high school students, the subject a local history one, is "A Pioneer Story," and students nre expected to secure infor mation from pioneers, old newspapers and unpublished records. Manuscripts must bo submitted not Inter than April 15th to tho secretary, L. K. Shu mnkor, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. For further particulars, in quire at tho county superintendent's office or of tho secrotary. On Friday afternoon, March 23rd, Mrs. Susanno Carter will glvo "The Story of the Other Wlso Man," Illus trated to tho pupils of tho Jackson school in Modford. This story Is ap propriate to tho Easter season. Distribution of government seeds received this spring from Senator He Nary Is being completed over the county. This Is tho last tlmo that the government will mitko a freo distribu tion ot seeds. 9 Bifrte Thought ySr "Rxtey TIIK ONE CHEAT FltlEXll. A' mini t hill lintli friend must show him self friendly : mill there Is a friend that stickcih closer than a hrotber.- I'rov. IS:'JI. Kidney and Bladder Troubles Have to Go t'lo.'Wil up Kidney HcpoUs lire DIs tolvcil ami the Toxins (Poisons) Completely 1i1vcii Out. Drug gists Tolil to (iiinniliti-o it In Kvory Ilistiimv. . "Your very life." says Tr. Carey, "depends upon the perfect funcllon Iiik ami heiilih of your kidneys so whatever ynu do don't neglect them." Dr. Careys famous Prescription No. 777 (known for years as Marsh root) Is not recommended for every thing, but we cannot too strongly urge lis use if you suffer from un nnvlng bladder troubles, frequent passing of water night nnd day. with smarting or irritation, brick dust sediment or highly colored urine, bloating Irritability with loss of flesh or any other tendency to l.rlght s Disease. Diabetes or (travel, for kid ney disease 111 Its worst form may be stealing upon you. Don't wait until tomorrow to begin the use of this wonderful prescrip tion now obtainable in both liquid mil tubb t form If you have nny of the above symptoms. Kidney nnd Madder troubles don't wear nwny. They will grow upon you slowly. stealthily and with unfailing cer tainly. If you even suspect that you arc subject to Kidney Disense, don't lose ft single day for every good drug gist has been authorized io return the purchase tneney on the first big bottle to nil who statu they have re ceived no benefit. Adv. Circuit Court Leonard Curpenter vs Joseph Mar tin. Claim and delivery. Ktato vs Martin McDonald. Com mitment. . Ktuto vs Jouett P. Dray et nl. Mo tion and order, petition and order. D. Alexander vs A. Kllestud. De murrer answer. J. F. Pratt vs Mrs. C. A. Calhoun Answer. YVm. Relnhart vs J. W. Mitchell. Affidavit. Uc-tty Piatt vs Oeorso Piatt. Dl vorce. Nowal Ashbough vs Edith J. Ash bough. Proof of publication. T. 13. Edlngton vs Samuel McClln lock. Proof of publication. City of Modford vs E. J. Bashford ot al. Alias summons. Hetty Piatt vs tieorgo Piatt. Sum mons. H. L. Smith et al (guard.) vs H. C. Cbrlstoffersen et al. Demurrer. . J. W. Dressier, John M. Itoot. As sume tho business name of J. W, Dressier Co. W. W. Cameron vs Frank Schnei der et al. Default, decree. Clearsprlng Orchard Company vs Eagle Point Irrlg. Dist. Default, du cree. W. D. Thompson vs Grant Land & Livestock Co. Lien. Probato Court Jennie M. "Watson (ded) Estate. Admitted to probate. James Jordan Estate. Inventory and nppraisement. Ernest Horn Estate. Order, final ac count. Eliza J. Mclntiro Estate. Final re port, order. James C. Gibson Estate. Proof of publication. Noah L. Townsend Estate. Bond, order. Hughes East Estate. Admitted to probate. W. W. Robison. J. E. Wild assume the business name of Robison & Wild. Cut Tlris Out It is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with lie and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Shef field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will recoivo In return a tria'. package con taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for coughs, colds and croup; Foloy Kidney Pills for pains In sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder nldments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, biliousness, headache, and slugglBh bowels. Sold everywhere it Adv. Jnpnn's ponnuf production for 1922 is estimated at 13.228,000 pounds. Notice of Appointment of Executors In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Jackson County. In tho Matter of the Estate of I. A. Morrimnn, Deceased. Notice Is hereby glvon that the undersigned have been appointed by the County Court ot Jackson County, Oregon; ns executors of the estate of I. A. Morrlman, deceased, and have qualified. , All persons having claims against the said estato are hereby notified to present the Biimo to tub undersigned, at the office of F. P. Farrell, at Med ford, Oregon; with tho proper vouch ers and duly verified within six months from date of this notice, dated and first published this 22nd day ot February, 1923. W. II. MEitrUMAN, L. A. MEHR1MAN. C. II. MKRKIMAN M. U. MKRR1MAN, Executors of tho Estato of I. A. Morrlman, deceased. Notice of Sale of Government Timber General Land Office, Washington, D. C. 1923. Notice Js hereby glvon that subject to tho conditions nnd limitations of tho Act ot Juno 9. PJKi, (39 Stat. 21S), and tho Instructions ot the Secrotary of the Intorior of September 15, 1917 (4fi L. D., 447), the timber on the following lands will bo sold April 30, 1923, 10 o. c. a. ni., nt public auction at the United States Land Office nt Lnkovlew, Orogon, to the highest bid der at not less than the appraised valuo as shown by this notice, sale to bo subject to the approval ot the Sec retary of tho Interior. Tho purchase price, with an additional sum ot one fiftli of ono per cent cent thereof, being, commissions nllnwed, must bo deposited nt time of salo, money to be re-turned it sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for tho tlmbor which must bo removed within ten years. Illds will ho recolvcd from citizens of the United States, associa tions of such citumis nnd corporations organized under the lnws of the Unit ed States or any State, Territory or District thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified piirclmsor, the tim ber on nny legnl subdivision will be offered separately before being Includ ed In any offer of a larger unit T. 40 S., It 7 K.. Sec. 31. 8WH, yellow pine, G45 M., red fir 75 M.; frl. XW SW 1-4 Yellow pine 490 M., red fir SO M.; frl. SW ',4 SW t, yellow pine 610 M , red t'lr 0.3 M.; SEVi SYVV, yellow pine 515 M.; red fir lf.o M.i NW4 SEti yellow pine 520 M.. red fir GO M.; SWi; SKki yellow pine 630 M red fir 110 M.; none ot tho timber on these tracts are to be sold for less than $4.00 por M for tho yellow pino and 11.00 per M. for the red fir. r. 40 S., It 6 E., Sec. 1. Lot 3, yellow plno 640 M , red fir 40 M.i Lot 4 yellow plno 500 M., red fir 40 M sugar pine 20 M.: NE4 SWVi yellow plno S00 M red fir 150 M., white fir 150 M .NU V, SWVi yellow pine 4S0 M.. red fir. f.O XI.. sugar pine 10 XI., white fir 70 XI., SKii SWVi yellow plno 640 XI., white rir 100 M.; Stt'U swu yellow pine 400 l red fir 150 XI.. whlto fir 20 XI.; none of (he timber on these tracts to bo sold for less than $1.00 per XI., for tho yellow pino and. sugar plno nnd $1.00 per M , for tho red and whlto fir. WILLIAM srrtY. Commissioner, Ueneral Ijiml Office. 899U' 1 NOTICE To Exterminate Ground Squirrels Every person, firm, co-partnership, company or corporation residing on, owning, leasing, occupying, possess inging or having charge of or domain over any land, building, wharf or dock Infected with digger ground squirrels In Jackson county, Oregon, Is "hereby notffled to begin at onco to effectively exterminate and destroy all Biich DIGGER GROUND SQUIR RELS. Tho following polBon for mixing and instructions for uso thereof Is the method most expedient and c-f-fectlvo to be used for the extermin ation and destruction of such ground squirrels and is hereby recommended, to-wit, alkaloid strychnine used on either barley or wheat, barley pre ferred, mixed according to the fol lowing formula and manner, to-wit: Barley, clean grain 16 quarts Strychnine (powdered alkaloid). 1. ounce Bicarbonate of soda (Baking soda) 1 ounco Thin starch paste pint Heavy corn syrup pint Glycerine 1 tablespoonful Saccharine 1-10 ounce This material should bo mixed as follows: Mix thoroughly 1 ounco of powdered strychnine (alkuloid) anfl 1 ounco ot common baking soda. Sift this into pint of thin hot paste and stir to a smooth creamy mass, The starch paste is made by dissolving 1 heaping tablespoonful ot dry gloss starch in a little cold water, which is ten added to pint of boiling water. Boil and stir con stantly until a . clear thin paste is formed. Add pint heavy corn syr up and 1 tablespoonful of glycerino and stir thoroughly. And 1-11 ounce of saccharine and stir thor oughly. Pour this mixture over 10 quarts of clean barley and mix well so that each grain is coated. Ono quart of tho poisoned grain mixed as aforesaid is sufficient for forty or fifty baits and this quantity scattered along squirrel trails or on clean hard on the surface about the holen will not endanger itock. Strychnine in any form other than the powdered strychnine (alka loid) is not effective in tho above formula. From the date hereof until May 1st Is the most effective time to poison and destroy tho digger squir rels, as they are just emerging from thoir hibernation. They are hungry and food Is scarce. The County Court of Jackson county, Oregon, has secured a large amount of strychnine and the other ingredients necessary for tho mix ture, and a quantity thereof has been mixed and is now on salo to tho farm ers or persons interested at actual cost and may be had by applying to tho undersigned at his office In tho Liberty Building, or at tho following places: Ashland Fruit Association, Ash land. Brown's Store, Talent Phoenix Mercantile Co., Phc- -';. Roguo River Fruit & Prcca Association, Medford. Flck Store, Jacksonville. Pernoll Store, Applegate. Paxson Drug Store, Central Point. Brown Bros., Eagle Point. Brownsboro Store. Bowers Drug Co., Gold Hill. Fred O. Kelly, Rogue River. Table Rock Store, Tahlo Rock. If nny person herein designated shnll within thirty days from tho flrsU'publicatlon of this notice, fall '.o begin in good faith to exterminate". eradicate and destroy, nccordlng to Ihe method aforesaid, or by any oth er effective means said ground squir rels heroin designated, tho County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, will appoint a person or persons to proceed with tho extermination and eradication of such ground squirrels, and tho cost thereof Incurred will be assessed to such land, building. wharf or dock, nnd unless paid will become a lien against tho same, for the extermination of said ground squirrels. . This notice is published pursunitt to the statcute In such case made and provided and for two consecutive weeks of three'lssues, nnd all persons described therein aro required to take notice thereof. Dated and first published this 13th day ct March, 1923. C. C. CATE, Count'' Agent for Jackson County. Ore. Adv. O. V. MYERS "The Truck Man" MACK TRUCKS RE 0 SPEED WAGONS SO N. Ilollr Phono RIIO Fisk Tires 60 of all cars havo Fisk tires as factory equipment, outside of Fords. Don't buy until you .have isked us about them. The Aufo Supply Co. Just around the corner 31 N. Bartlett Doo Wright rrL-riVi TirT"i''''' Q ' 1 1 TRUCK CHASSIS I I New Price "'. 1 DETROIT fiL The Ford One-Ton Truck Chassis has proved its ability to reduce transportation costs in practically every line of business where there is a hauling problem. It is eco nomical, efficient, dependable. At the new low price you will agree it represents a value that ha9 never before been offered in the I commercial car field. Place your order now for reasonably prompt delivery. Terms if desired. C. E. Gates Auto Co. ; . Corner (Itli and Pacific Highway ' Notice to-Motorists The Central Toint Machine Shop and Garage is now open for business. AVe will do your work by 1 lie hour or job. All work is Positively Guaranteed, Any adjustments will bo made free of charge. ' . Geo. E, Amundson Successor lo "Weiss and "Weiss. "Limp In and Leap Out." v V57".i".v.-i i-pj.fc -r'v, v w 'vm ji- w I Wiile for our free calnloif,g k Im tfr fts'.uTiivP t ol tr'p., filnuln' Mid, np.j one btnu' tl M,ii PwrytHrR In t'nnd. arit (mil lie. , tbarie tree. b.-mrn fhrubg, vine and rnnct. Our methods of growing "produce hardy, vcll matured trees with a ( wonderful system of roots. There's a reason We start right by selecting propagating wood from the most productive bearing orchards. Only virgin new soil is used for nursery purposes which insures freedom from root pests and disease. A lin; (j;owin? season and moistnre under con trol rurr, r.crmal development in our r.ursery irtc. I.r.ns dayi of sunshine, fertile foil a-id npi.le nioi.'turo.cumbino to produce a. sturdy vi,; growiu. Tho llirrourh cultivi-.ion pra.-Used In our nursery continuously ihrru.;huut the growing Benson ac co inta for . wo:'y flnc roo which our fcenlw..; j a-ry. q -od mols x:e the .very foun i.iiion i,f a fc'.vd m-.!;.jiy tree. Every trtc we th'.p in inxpecljd thrca tlniea twice by i c and once hy the Deputy Slata Hortl cn'tui... inf t rior. i If yon visit our n-.1rs5ry.vcn (no, would be convr.,: ii tut it p.iys to buv The best treta yon can f:rd .i-v.: . tho V:is!,,r.Gton Nurierv- erov. 3 t:-..i: .ind. , fjitimin Eivyii !ic;c Mow Wjnt:J V tuif A. :.t is i"t BoxD Toppenish, Washington