Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 22, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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Acting on a suggestion made by
Mayor Gaildls llio city council I..13
tnken action which will groutly in
crease tho efficiency of tho polio;
torce, by tnmiiis over to Chief of
Pollco Adams the extra Ford car
1 owned by tho city,, for the use of iiltii
liolt and the nlKlu policemen, mid
Ijmco since last Tuesday night the
local cops have been learning to
drive tho car, which will lie on duty
practically 21 hours a day.
Tho report that Chief Adams
knocked over two lamp posts In a
trial spin yesterday is erroneous,
probably growing out of the fact that
he ran over two dogs and a street
corner marker. Neither is it trud
i-.r that Patrolmen Cave and Prescott
late last night ran right hy a restaur
ant twice on their way to lunch, be
ing unable to stop tho car after It
once got going. They easily brought
tho car to a halt by running into the
side wall of the restaurant and then
getting out and throwing it over on
its back.
It is Impossible for a small force
of policemen without an auto to cover
ro much territory as Medford has, in
answoring night calls and the like,
which full to their duty, especially
during the day when Chief Adams is
on duty practically alone. The chief
has to cover a largo amount of tho
city in keeping track of how ordin
ances are being observed, and in ad
dition has manv other duties to per
form which take him to many parts
of town. Former Police Chief Timo
thy by an arrangement with the city
council used his own car, tho city
raying for its upkeep and the gaso
lene used.
Fire Chief Elliott, who also has
duties to perform all over the city,
independent of attending fires, will
also nsohts own private car in so do
ing, through a similar agreement as
to upkeep and gas with tho city.
J. J. Murphy has sold the Oaks
restaurant to Rankin Estes, and Mr.
and Mr3. Murphy left today in their
car for Fullert'in, Calif. They have
been here over two years, like tho
city nnd valley very much, but being
unable to mako another leaso on the
building or secure another business
location, they were obliged to leave
Medford. " j
Mr. ICstes will continue the busi
ness In tho present location util April
first when tho leaso expires, when
he will move the stock and fixtures
to the new building he is now con-!
structing on the highway just south.
of the city.
1 t
lONS 1 AI I in untuck
is EI Sidclo, and W
vored among cigars all up
and dowa the Coast.
El Siitlo Cl I" 1 W
ConioilJ:elt Cr Corporation
New Votk
Distributed br
I'orllaiul, Ore.
j fctii K a
WASHINGTON. March 1 1 wir
ings on tho complaint of tfecreiary
Wallace against Hie acquisition of
plants ami business uf Morris and
company by Armour and company.
"ripinaJly set for April 2. at Wash
ington, have been postponed ti betfin
April 2'S at Kaunas city, Mo., it was
announced today by t'hoHter Morrill,
officer in t liai se of the packers and
stockyards administration.
Hearings also will he held at Oma
ha. Kast St. I.ouis, Chicago and
oilier places, followed by final hear
ings at Washington. Officers of Ar
mour and company who asked that
the hearings to In-Kin April U be post
poned, were Kiven an opportunity
yesterday to explain their reasons and
as a result tho preliminary hearings
were eliminated.
Tho -packers wore Riven until
April 23 to file their answers to Sec
retary Wallace's complaint which
charged tho morsel would constitute
a monopoly in restraint of intorstate
and foreltrn commerce and pivo op
portunity for the manipulation nnd
selling of livestock and livestock pro
ducts. Tho packers at the hearings will
endeavor to convince tho government
that the merger of the two compa
nies would not he a violation of the
packers a nd stprkyimlH act.
Officials of Armour and company
contend the purchase would violate
no law and that the combination
would enable Armour and company
to compete more vigorously because
of economies which would be ef
fected. ir
League standings to date:
Played Won
North Methodists 7 5
Christians 8 5
South Methodists 7 4
Iiaiitists 7 4
Presbyterians 7 0
Monday night's contests shifted the
percentage column to some extent
giving tho North M. E.'s a lead tom
lorarily at least. This is the first
timo that the South Methodists have
been headed in the pennant race. The
Christians, with all games played, are
resting Is the second position. Anyj
chances they may have for the flag)
lies In the possibility of tho Baptists
taking their next game from the North
M. E.'s Monday night coming. It is a j
lair hul'us mat. liio 011111 m. mim
win from tho Pres'oys next Monday
nnd should tho Ilaptists also be sue
cessful vs. the North M. K's the pecu
liar occurrence will be presented of ers of the World, convicted of criminal
four teams tied for first place. ' syndicalism and sentenced to terms In
To detorniino the winner of the sea- San Quentin penitentiary, tjrfay were
son an elimination tournament ot at in the Los Angeles county jail, having
least throe extra games will then be been. granted a ten day stay of execu
required. However, should the North . tlon by Judge John Shenk ot the
M. E.'s win from the Baptists next superior court based on the defen-
Monday they can claim the flag and I
the season will be declared ended.
At a business meeting of the league
Tuesday night, the matter of a ban
quet to properly finish the Y. M. C. A.
basketball series was discussed. A
meeting will bo called in the near fu
ture to arrange details.
Christians 2G vs. S. Methodists 23.
N. Methodists 42 vs. Presbyterians 4
lteferce, Diuno.
Kancy Kccpran. widow of the late
Owen Kecgafl, who died In 1012.
named away at her homo In Jackson
ville, early (1iIh morning nt tho age of
83 years. .4i months, 7 days.
She was born in Bangor, Maine,
November ' IS. lS:in, nnd has been n
resident of Jacksonville for more
than 40 years.
She leaves one sun nnd three
daughters, Chris. Kecgan. Mrs. D. 13.
Thompson. Mis. J. V. Duggan and
Mrs. CI. 11. Woodson nil of Ja'cksnn
county. Also one brother, "VV. iu
Nannerv of Tacoma. Wash.
Kuncral services will lie hold nt the
Catholic, church In Jacksonville at
10:00 n. m., Saturday.
Interment In Ja-ksonvillo cemc
AI H. S.
The following program will be given
at tho high school Friday evening,
March 2:id at 7:30 sharp:
Orchestra selection High School
Rainy Uny drill Third grade Lin
coin school.
Kinder orchestra First grade Jack
son school.
Play The Shoemaker and the Klves
Second and third grades Roosevelt
Calisthenics and Folk Dance Fifth
grade Jackson fcchool.
Mother (Ixis's Troubles Second
grade Washington school.
Reading Catherine Kdmeniles.
Mrs. Pollywlgs nnd her Wonderful
Works Sixth grndo Washington
Group of songs Upper grades
Washington school.
A KOiil team from the Presbyte
rian .Men's club of .Medford will
hold a coKpel service at the church
in KmkIo Point on Sunday night,
March 25, at T:3 i.' in. Tb team
will consist of K. 12. (lore, leader, Dr.
H. It. Klliott. Mr. D. .1. Nieiner and
Mr. Prank Smith. Mr. Smith is a
converted drunkard and Bamhh'i'.
from Sao Francseo whore, be earned
bis living by plaviiiK and hIiikIhk in
the resort. He lias a little Hllliorn
mean which be plays and sings. He
will also tell some of his experiences,
and the story of his reclamation by
tile Savior.
Everyone; in Eagle Point and vi
cinity Is Invited to this service.
A itospe! team from the men's club
will also hold a service at tho Upper
Applegato or Union school house on
Sunday afternoon at 3 p. in. This
team will consist of Mr. Ernest
Jnnun, K. 11. Hunt. Charles Kay and
Rev. K. P. Lawrence. Everyone in
the valley is invited.
PAU1S, Mar. 22. (Hy Associated
Press). A definite move by labor and
socialist parliament groups to request
the Uritish. French, llclglnn and Hal
ian governments to place the Ruhr
situation in the hands of tho League
of Nations was foreshadowed today
following a conference of delegates
representing these political factions In
tho several legislative bodies.
Siwkesmen of the British laborites
and the French, Italian and Belgian
socialists deciding that a settlement
of the controversy could only bs ef
fected "through American interven
tion or a decision of the League of
Nations," came to tho conclusion that
tho question of league assistance
should be brought up in tho British
house of commons and in the chain
hers of the other governments.
Accordingly, ,T. Ramsay MacBonnld
of Great Britain, M. Vandervelde of
Belgium; Signor Modlgliani of Italy
and Paul Hohcour of France were dele
gated to carry out the: wishes of the
conference. ' " .
LOS ANUELKS. Mar. 22. Hight al-
losed members of the Industrial Work-
dant's oral notice of appeal.
Five of the men were sontonced on
two counts from two to fourteen yeais
each, the sentences to run consecu
tively, whilo the other three were sen
tenced from ono to fourteen years
each, the sentences to run consecu
tively, while the other three wore
sentenced from one to fourtoen years
"Little Rip" Handles
Car Washing Dept.
Hort Rlppy, known throughout
southern Orogon as "Little Rip," has
charge of the car washing department
of the Medford Auto coinpnny. Many
motorists are patronl.lng this depart
ment because of tho excellence ot his
work. A "satisfaction or no money"
applies on every job, according to Mr.
Imported Agitator Shot.
DUBLIN, March 22. (li.v the As
sociated Press) ban Ureen, one of
tho republican leaders, who formerly
lived In Chicago, according to records
here. Mb 'reported tri have been
wounded In n fight, with freo state
troops. No official confirmation of
the r"port hns linen recelwil.
Deep Seatwl Vrlc Aclil Deposits Arc
Dissolved and the Itlicinmitlc l'ol
Min Starts to Leiivo the (System
Within Twenty-four Hours.
Every Druggist In this county Is
authorized to sny to ovcry rheumatic
sufferer that If a full pint bottlo of
Allcnrhu, the sure conqueror of
rheumatism, doon not show the way
to stop the agony, reduce swollen
Joints und do away with even the
slightest twinge ot rheumatic pain, ho
will glndly return your money wun
out comment.
Allcnrhu hns been tried nnd tested
for years, and really .mnrvelous ro
suits have hcen accomplished In the
most scvpre cases where tho suffer
lng and agony was Intense nnd
pitnous and where hto patelnt was
Mr. James 11. Allen of Rochester,
N. Y.. the discoverer of Allcndru, who
for many years suffered tho tor
mr-nts of ncuto rhcunintlsm, desires
all sufferers to know that ho docs
not want a cent of anyone's money
unless Allcnrhu decisively conquers
thin worst of nil diseases, nnd ho
has Instructed druggists to guarantee
It ns above In eyery Instnnce. All
druggists can supply you. . Adv.
M t in 1 ! H 3 , l Si fi U SB V LIJILV ULU
yv.,., rvV --- VVUS1LU OLmLO IILU
I'LM U 'L 1 h tt 'V
M 1 H i . II : SI. 0
W t MJ.1 XVMift' I
A feature of O. A. ('. week was tho
tea given yesterday afternoon at tho
Hotel Holland by O. A. 0. girls and
former (). A. C. students for the girls
of the senior class of tho lush school
and their mothers.
An excellent program for tho rest
of the week for the boosting of the
stnto collego has been arranged by
local students now heme on tho un
nual spring vacation and a mammoth
assembly at which all O. A. C. stu
dents and alumni are expected to be
present will be held at tho high
sehoool tomorrow afternoon with
Prof. Edwards as tho principal
speakers nnd with Scott and llollln-
ger ot tho Varsity "O" association on
tho program.
A danco which Is expected to be
ono of the best staged In Medford for
some timo will be held at tho Nat to
morrow night with the blgh school
upper classmen as the guests of hon
or nnd the music will bo furnished
by that premier musical organization,
the O. A. C. Seven Strollers.
One of tho members of tho orches
tra is a local boy. Bill Hlllis, a grad
uate of Medford high school and an
accomplished musician and trap
WASHINGTON. Mar. 22. Radio
broadcasting Is proving disastrous
financially for many composers and
singers, J. G. Rosenthal, counsel for
the American Society of Composers,
Authors and Publishers, said today at
the national radio cimfcrenco called
by the department of commerce. Ho
said copyrights of his clients were bo
ing infringed by the radio operators
and that Hteps wore in preparation for
legal action to protect them.
He assured representatives of edu
cational institutions and others that
their musical programs would not be
affected adding that tho largo com
mercial stations would bo asked to
malce payment, however. '. ,
mm r nrnipn urn
tiiV nnnM I InlSlin, Wash. I am abletodomyworkend feci
lr l.UU M I ! inn (! new life and strength from the Vegeta
11 U Ulmll L5UUUS I: ble Compound. I am doing ai I can to
22V Manage
NEW YORK, Mar. 22V-Managor
Mcllraw of tho Now York Giants has
fined Jack Scott, star pitcher and ono
1 of the heroes In the last world series,
j $100: relegated Catcher Earl Smith
to tho Fecond team and reprimanded
IflUinr ulneora frit rirlnlrlnf? corn ltnllnr.
according to a dispatch to the livening
World today from Its correspondent
at the Giants' training camp nt San
Antonio, Texas.
'I will break up these wild orgies
among my players or know the reason
why," McGraw is quotod as saying.
YOU get more
mileage, smoother
going, better distri
bution of load , longer-lasting
tire car
cass, and curb and
rut-resisting side
wall strength in tho
new Goodyear Cord
Tire with the bev
eled All-Weather
Tread. It's the
greatest tire Good
year ever made. We
havo your size now
in stock, and give
you real service.
At Gondvear Servlrm Station
l.ra trm mll anti inoni. finttdvar Ttrtt and
batk thn un uith ttandmrd
Coodjrmar Serviem
Medford 6ervlce Station
j' GgggjEAR j
f"r fr """Wj-oii, , i" "'"Ibis
It 1 authentically reported that
the Harknesa tract of 7fto acres of
yellow pine, Mipar pine and UoiiKlas
fir timber in the llutte Falls diHtrht
and adjoiuinj; the Owen holding,
has been purchased by tho John
Owen company.
The timber is favorably situated
for logins, beimr penetrated by the
lirownlee - olds Lumber company
railroad and the purchase may point
to the installation of an operation or
attain may hndicato only tho blocking
of the two tracts, which total ap
proximately 25,000 acres, for conven
ience should tho owners wish to dis
pose of them.
James 11. Owen, representing tho
John S. Owen company hero, nnd
malilnn an investigation of the hold
lntfs. was interviewed this morntnu.
but 'vouchsafed no definite or con
firming information In regard to the
purchase or to the heart tiff it my
liavo on the future operations of the
Interests he represents, or his own
interests here.
Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound Brought Relief When
Other Medicines Failed
Winston-Salem, N. C. "I was weak
and run-down and had trouble with my
71 side. 1 had been tak
ing medicine for a
seemed to do me any
good. My husband
went to the drug
store nnd he said to
the clerk, 'I want tho
boot medicine you
have for women's
troubles.' He gave
him a bottle of I.ydia
E. I'inkham's Vege
table Compound and
it has helped me. In a short time I waa
able to do my housework, and now I am
not only able to do every bit of that and
washing nnd ironing, but I help my hus
band at the store and feel good all tho
time. "Mrs. L. K. Myeks, 1409E.14th
St., Winston-Salem, N. C.
Feels New Life and Strength
Keene, N. H. "I was weak and run
down and had backache nnd all sorts o
troubles which women have. I found
great relief when taking Lydia K Pink-
I.-.,',, V,-ntMn rmnnnnrt tlTA 1 IiIrTI
! used Lydia E. Pinknam's Sanative
I , r.. 1 T' T11
1 iz carpenter otxcei, n.cene, n. 11
Begin now to knit tho gar
ments you will need for sum
rcer wear.
All the latest kinds and
shades of yarn, such as:
Claire de Lune, Silver Crepe,
Silver Shetland, Lustre Ice
land, Iceland Wool, etc.,
found at
Bring your knitting worries
to us, and we will gladly help
Join the Chamber of Commerce
in fur nliead of the Usual lino
of lirenil, lieeauso ils mado
only of the finest ingredients
liy oxperienci'd bakers Aslc
your grocer for n loaf and
we fur yourself.
"It's Pure and Wholesome"
Pullman Bakery
Join the Chamber of Commerce
i if
iiiwiiii'hw i-, I,.- mm Mm
Good Buys
Ford Sedan, driven only since De
cember, just well limbered up $550.00
Buick Six Touring, just completely
overhauled . . $450.00
And Other Bargains in Used Cars
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
Paige and Jewett Dealers
123 So. Front St. .' Phone 202
.loin the Clwiniber of Crlinnei'cc '
No. 3
i3 made on an English last. Just the shoe for men
who want style, comfort and service. A real fit
ter and a good looker. Solid leather all through.
Men Don't buy shoes until you have examined
the quality of "FOOT FITTERS." They fit
Price $8.00
C. M. Kidd & Cp.
rftfi T Hr tit ivnimmmmtm
. P.-J ft IS m fTV r m l II .i II TV
I WArN-1-E.-ll
Clean, Cotton
i i
1 !.!
'Triend" Sprayers
Moline Farm Machinery
(Delco) Lights and Pumps
Wood Pipe for Irrigation
Simplex Silos
Simplex Cream Separators
Papec Cutters
T. I.
221 North Fir
Join the Chamber of Commerce
Phone 777 .