7.)'; 'i'i jrwwft fiftTt TTmstrtrti. ffiT)Ftfnt orf.gon. TTEDSTDAt. March "21. M1 IS Mann's The Best Goods for the Price Matter What the Price Mann's TRIP TO COAST ; FORT PIERCE. Ha., Mar. 21. Odd hours during bis northward crulae nru boing utilized by President Harding In rerolrinx In his mind the schemes and Ideas for addresses to be delivered In case he makes the contemplated swing through the west this summer. Such days as today, when the presi dential party spent sevoral hours at a ptrotch steaming northward from tbls city on the houseboat Pioneer, afford the chief executive better opportunity for such work as the planning of speeches than would be furnished 'niter the return to Washington next jfnonth. In addition to accumulated work he will have on getting back, to the capital such matters demanding his attention as the socond conference Jjf: governors on liquor law enforce ment and the formulation of a mer chant marlno policy, not to montlon Several questions in the Held of inter national affairs. -, 'The prosldont has concluded, nc tyrdlug to members of the vacation $arty, to stress in several addresses the necessity for impartial enforce ment of .the nation's laws, both as to differentiation between the various statutes and as between different csss of citizens. . ' i ' Join tho C. of C. : Eighteen states now have laws for $(ddlng fraternities and secret socie ties in high schools. DUUU.V. Mar. 21. tiy lliu Awiu-clati-d PrfBH.) A letter purported to have been written by Llam Lynch, re publican army lender, to Joseph Mc Ourrlty of Philadelphia, urging the vltnl Importance of a consignment of arms arriving as soon as possible, wus made public today by tho free slulo government. "One piuce of snuill artillery in a few weeks would bo worth twenty pieces arriving in a couplo of months." Lynch was said to have written. "Time Is on the side of the enemy. Wo want to make the moNt of tho corning few months. If It is at all posHlblo to have such hero at once, nothing should prevent it. Wo' could turn the scale hero immediately and also win the war quickly if this urrlved." Help Tut It Over OMAHA, Neb.. Mar. 21. Edgar I.' Fuller, former California Ku Klux Klnn kleagle, has been elected "grand llctor," chief officer of a new organi zation known as the "FasclstI of America." which Fuller yesterday said' was being organized to supplant the ; Ulan. Fullor said the office was temporary to be hold nntll the next regular meet ing, which is to bo held soon. Appll- with tho county clorlc. Make '2S Hunt Ever IS E SUSPECT. F i THE WEARY WAY PaUj Brooming Vrm Wearisome to - Many in Mcdford. .. "With a back that aches all day. ytvitn rest disturbed at night, -'Annoying ' urtnury disorders, .f'Tl a weary way. Indeed. t'poan'a Kidney rills aro especially tor . kidney trouble. i J Are endorsed by Mcdford citizens. Ask your neighbor! e. Mm. Henry. Hanimett, 208 Tripp Bt.j Wedford,' says:; "Sonio lime ago I used Ionn's Kidney Tills for an at l.ink of kidney trouhlo and I know there is nothing belter for this com plaint. My kidneys were disordered nod I suffered from severe backaches end at times I felt dull and run down and my kidneys acted Irregularly, poan's Kidney Pills soon relieved tho backache and put my kidneys In good rder.". 'i Price 60c at ' nil .'dealers. . Don't Hlmply "k for n kidney remedy got J toon's Kidney Pills the same thnt Mrs. Hnmmett had. Fostur-Mllburn i to:, Mr., Buffalo. N. V. ' Adv. ll-L i.'. , , II ! DENVER, Mar. 21. Blanketed by ono of tho heaviest snowfalls of the season, Colorado today was digging Itself out of tho second snow storm t7 strike this district within four days. The storm, which was accompanied by moderate tomporntures was general from Canada southward through the Missouri valley and westward to New Mexico, according to the weather bureau. i A seven inch snowfall today coated Donvor and all northern Colorado and i southwestern Wyoming, the weather ' bureau announced and resulted In blockading of roads, slight train de lays and hamporod communication lines In Colorado. McKe It Unanimous VANCOUVER, Wash., Mar. 21. Goorgo Edward Whitfield, charged wftli the killing or eleven year old Anna Nosko near Dnttlo Ground,. March 8, was back in tho Clark county jail today, having been brought hero from Plorco county Jail at Tacoma. whoro ho had been taken secretly by Sheriff William A. Thompson last week for safo keoplng, to avoid mob violence which the Bhorlff said he feared. Arraignment of Whitfield was delayed because attorneys Were" not prepared to proceed. IS ROCHESTER, Minn., March 21.- Describing the pondltlon ot United States Senator Samuel D Nicholson, as "Very grave,'" Dr. Hubert Work, secretary 'of tho interior, and tho senator's closo friend, told the Asso-' c'.ated Press today that an operation Is duemod inexpedient at this time. Tho Colorado Bonator, Dr. Work said, Is sufforing from a tumor of the stomach. Consultation between Dr. Work, Dr. William J. Mayo and other surgeons of the Mayo clinic staff were held this morning and will bo rosum- od late today. It wns stated. RED PEPPER FOR COLDS IN CHEST Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop tho pain. Dreak up the congestion. Feel a bad cold loosen up in Just a short time. "Red Pepper Rub" Is tho cold rem edy that brings quickest relief. It cannot hurt you and It certainly seems to end tho tightness and drive the congestion and soreness right out. Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into colds, congestion, aching muscles and sore stirf. Joints relief conies at once. Tho moment you apply Ited Pepper Kill you feel tho tingling beat. In three mimitcH the congestd spot Is warmed through and through. When you are suffering from a cold, rhcu muttatn, Iwtck.aehc, stiff neck or sore muscles, 'Just get n J.ir of Howies lied Pepper' Hub, made from red peppers, at any drug store. You will have the fiilekHt relief known.' Adv. ? RIALTO Willard Mack's Great : Stage Play Starting Today WITH BETLY COMPSON BERT LYTELL AND MAY McAVOY mm imv p qu SUCH A CAST! Three fea tured Btars and Garoth Hughes, Kathleen Clifford, John MUtern, Walter . Long. 66 KICK IN 99 Sundsy t AilU Htrwitu ' 'i' In You '11 revel in tho dash and thrill of it, the lavish gowns and jazzy setting. You'll love the rich society girl who helps a crook fight for his soul. You'll say it's drama rich and racy, seven crowded breathless reels. 1 U'ili Hill MM j I iff n 1 1 1 , ij? v i iu in xtZgA f flBk' ml I II i If H I Ik I ' M M WV ffl II II 1 I I 9 Jti ,1 i Hundreds of New Spring Garments Consisting of the Latest Modes in Suits, Coats, Capes, Dresses, Skirts and Waists On Sale Thursday at Moderate Prices Suits 100 charming new Suits in sport and dressy styles, made of the ' very best materials. Priced from ! $35;0Q to $95.00 each Speciall-IQ new all wool Suits, made of -poiret twill and tweeds,, all new styles, on sale1 Thursday, each $25.00 Coats 50 new all wool Coats, made cf velour and fancy plaids, on sale Thursday, each $18,00 Miss Manhattan Coats for young women. Priced from $25.00 to $75.00 each Wooltex Coats and Suits, $25.00 to $65.00 each 'Conde' Sport Coats, priced from $35.0 0to $75.00 ea. "Capes'- are very much in demand, we have a wonderful selection in both cloth and silk, priced from $1 5.00 to $75.00 ea. Dresses Now is the time to buy your new Easter Dress, priced -from $18.00 to $75.00 ea. NEW SPRING MILLINERY The very latest ideas in spring Hats are here. Dressy Hats, ea. $8.50 to $25.00 Sport Hats, ea. $5.00 to $12.50 "Madge Evans" Hats for Children $3.50 to $7.50 IrjT : S Thursday Is Opportunity Day OPPORTUNITY DAY IN SILK DEPT. Silk Ratine, 30 inches. All good colors. Cheap at $1.00. Thursday, yard 75 lUack Canton Crepe, satin faced. Regular price $1.00. Thursday, yard . ....$3.69 Pongee Silk, imported quality, $1.50 grade, 33 inches wide. Spe cial, yard .$1.29 Jap Crepe, 32 inches wide, in all the new shades, 30c. value. Thursday, yard 25 Dress Gingham 27 inches wide, in a fine line of patterns, 20c value. Special, yard 17? Wm. Audersou's Gingham 32 indies wide, new patterns. On sale Thursday, yard 45 OPPORTUNITY DAY IN DOMESTICS All Linen Crash 18 inches wide, unbleached. Regular price 30c. Thursday, yard 23 Pillow Tubing 4o inch, Wearwell Brand. 50c grade. Thursdav, vard 39 Nainsooks 3(5 inch, soft l'iuish for underwear, 2oc value. On sale Thursday, yard 19? Poplin for Shirts 36 inches vide iu white, tan and grey, fine grade, $1.23 value.. Thursday, yard....9S- Ratine for Dresses 36 inch, in plain and fancy patterns, $1.25 value. Special, yard $1.00 Tissue Gingham 32 inches wide, in fancy silk stripes. On sale Thursday, yard G9 Coats Civchet Cotton, in white and colors. Special, 15 2 for 25 Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY MEDFOnn. OUKGON Send Us Your Mail Orders NEW SPRING BLOUSES made of the very latest Silks in plain and fancy styles, priced from $6.98 to $25.00 each Hand made Wash Waists, priced $2.98 to $8.50 each New Pongee Waists, $5.00 values, cn sale Thursday, each $3.98 OPPORTUNITY DAY IN UNDERWEAR DEPT. Women's Corsets Xew model, $2.00 value. Special, pair....$1.00 Women's Bandeaux 50c value. Special 3 for $1.00 Women's Silk Bloomers $4.00 values. Thursday, pair $3.48 Women's Corsets Good model, $3.00 values. Special, pair $1.98 Women's Union Suits, Kayscr make. Jiuilt up tops, large size." On sale Thursday, suit $2.50 Boys' Victor Hose, in black and" cordovan. All sizes. On sale Thurs day, pair : ; 59 Children's Fancv Socks. All col ors. Thursday, pair 39 Women's Silk Hose, full fashioned, all colors, $2.50 value. Special, pair , $2.00 Kayscr 's Strap Wrist Chamoisette Gloves, $1.25 value. Thursday, pair 98 Postage Prepaid on All Orders JOIN THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 3C 5 -iaweikK.-.v..: