V P A (I F SIX MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREdOX. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21, 192: OIL WSMSX F PORTLAND. Mnrch 21. (SiHWial). Three carlondu of imiclilnory nro leav ing tho yards of tho Clylo I;ulim!nt company at tho foot or Sixtoonth street tn'lny connlirned to the Unit man Syndicate of the Pacific Coast ai Ashland, Oregon, tho Installation of which, in the mountains of southern Oregon, glvoa promise of marking an epoch in tho industrial development of that section of the stato, as well aa in nil probability creatlm? a new era In the oil lndimtry In the world, as the machinery consists of tho equipment for the extraction of oil from shale on a commercial basis, which has nevor before been successfully accomplish ed. It has long been concedod ,by the government bureau of mines and all oil exports, that tho oil of tho future had to como from shale and a numbor of experiments have been made to extract tho precious fluid from the rock, but without success. All processes that have been invented and tried out and there have beon many have proved failures from a com mercial standpoint, because of the cost of extraction, the cost in pretty nearly every Instance, precluding the possibility of producing tho oil ut a profit. It Is claimed for the Hartman Process, tho Installation of which will begin immediately upon tho arrival of tho machinery in Ashland, that tho oil can be extracted from tho shale at a maximum cost of forty cents a barrel. The product is a parrafine base oil, and it is claimed for it that it is of a superior grade to the eastorn oil tho only other parral'ino base oil known today, the total output of which la less than two per cent of all tho oil pro duced in this country. It Is a somewhat singular fact that in all tho reports Issued by tho fcdoral bureau of mineB and the state bureau of mines, no mention has ever been made of the fact that there nro vast quantities of oll-bearlng shale in the state of Oregon, or that tho holdings of the Hartman Syndicate In the Dead Indian country in Jackson county, only six miles on an air line from Ashland, covering nearly flvo thou sand acres, was, in all probability, oni 6f the largest and richest holy of oil bearing sha'o in tho world. The company, which Is hearted by H W. Ifartniau. of Ashland, fnrmorly S.S. S. Will Prove to You m Your Own Cain tho "How" and "Why" of it, Remarkable jBlood-Claaniing ' Power. TUero la a rnn;n fr cvArytlilnir tht happen.- Common-iM'ixi Mlt mlHcrjr. Conimon-witsi.' aleu 5t'jjr hviiai M. S. S. U tbfl cuiuiuunfci-ue lYiunly tr buU, I chief of construction und maintenance of nay at tho great nitrate plnnt ut 'MiiHclo Shouls, Ala., begun the work of development at the head of Ante lope vulley, between tho old DcaU In dlnn trail and Grizzly peak, along in tho early part of lost April. Mr. Hart man, who Is a brother of the Inventor I of the process, claims he discovered this veritable mountain of shale and ; ho Immediately set engineers and ; minors to work, to test out tho moun I win In various place. It was thought I that perhaps tho oil-bearing . shale, plainly dlsi.enlblu on tho surface, might bo nioroly a crust or layer cov ering tho mountain. Shafts wnro sunk and tunnels driven In fifty-three dif ferent locations, with tho result that ovory tost made gave evidence that the further the mountain was pene trated, and tho deeper tho shafts wore sunk, tho richer the shale became In oil content. In the vicinity of the surface, tho shalo when run through tho retort averaged, it is claimed, eighty-four gallons, or two barrels to the ton. Tho richest shale heretofore dlHCovored, that In Utah, showed sixty eight gallons to the ton, tho genorul average in other territories where Hhalo has beon uncovered, Colorado, California, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, being around forty gallons to tho ton. As has been mentioned, the avorage of tho Jackson county slinlo, tnken from close to tho surface, was 84 gallons to the ton, but the shalo shot out from tho tunnels and from most of tho open cuts, tested out as high as ICO gallons to tho ton, so the promoters stato. Operation by June 1 Tho retort proper, which is manu factured In Buffalo, New York, is ex pected to bo on tho ground within thirty days and to be In actual opera tion producing oil and gas by June 1st. Tho machinery being shipped from Portland today, and which coat cIoho to $50,000, consists of a steam Bhovel, rock crushers, tractors, en glnos, trucks nnd other camp para phernalia, which it will bo necessary to Install, before tho ground is made ready for the first rotort It is the purpoBo of tho company to install twenty retorts, with a capacity of 600 barrels oach, nnd to have the ontlro battery In operation within 18 months. This would moan a production of 10, 000 barrels a day of oil and 25 million cubic feet of gas evory 24 hours. In tlio matter of industrial develop ment, tho manufacture of this gas, perhaps. Is of more vital importance to tho Btato genorally, than is the i oil production, In view of tho fact that the company claims that It can furnish ; tho burning capacity of a ton of coal for one dollar. If this claim can be made co'id. It would moan the opening i up of tho mining Industry of southern ! Oregon, whore It Is claimed there is I more gold, assaying from fifteen to ' twenty dollars a ton. than over was taken out of California. Tho grade Is ; low f r pr f.mb'o shipment to a' smelter, hut with fuel at a dollar a ton, It would menu the Installation of a Eineltrr. Several millions of dollars worth of high grado ore has been taken out of mines In tho vicinity of Jaekaonvlllo nnd elsewhere In south- orn Oregon, but those have beon long , abandonod owing to tho impossibility of shipping low grade ore to a smelter, niado posslblo by low-priced f iel, would Inaugurate, a bnom In mining such us tho greatest viBlonary has never droamod of for this state. There aro a scoro of othor rosourees through out tho Btato which by means of this chean fuel would bo brought Into quick development. .loin tho C. of C. Plmpl.i MT b Small BoiUt sun It Is built on reason. Scientific in Ihorllles milmlt Its power I S. 8. S. hulliti hlooii-puwer, It build rrft-Mood-rclts. Tost Is what makes llcutliiff-ttlood. Klgbt-Ine-blood destroys Impurities. It fight bolls. It nlirnri wlml it flghu pint plcsl It flghta sklti oruptlousl It Imilils nerve-power, thinking power, tho tight lilted power thut whirls n man up into success. It glvca women thu nesltn, th angvllc complexion nnd tho rtmrm that niofoe tho world I These arc the roaaoua that hare tllude R. N. N. tnriny tt.o great blood-cleanser, boily-bllllilcr, aucreaa build r, and It'a why reatltla haro umtle tenra of joy flow from IM souls of thotianndal Mr. V. P. fcVhuff, (37 lbtl. St., Washing ton, D. C, wrltea: " tried tor ycart to ptt retie from a boo 0000 of boil. Kvirylhino failrd unfit toot, 8. S. S. I am now- uf'. UMy cwrej, and it wit 3. 8. S. !m I'M ll." Trr It T'lurarir 1, S. S. la Bold at nil 4mg stores In tw.. .,lea. The Inrer alai bottle la the more economical. C C C r??" y?i W hit yourself again Picture Framing at Swem's Studio "Peg O' My Heart," Page Today at tho Pago thoatur will bo the first presentation In this city of I.nuretto Taylor in a screen version of her most famous rolo. tho tltlo part of "Peg o' My Hoart." The brilliant star of tho stage was aeon by many for tho first tlnio as "Peg," and to those especially tho occasion was a metnor ublo ono. Fisk Tires 60 rr of all enrs havo Fisk tlreu as factory equipment, outside of Fords. Don't buy until you have ukod lis about them. The Aero Supply Co. Just, around the corner 31 N, Bartlutt Doc Wright Screen and Stage, Rialto "Kick Iu" opens nt tho Rialto thea tro today with Hotty Compson, Bert hytoll and May McAvny as tho stars. In every way, tho film "Kick In" is blggor nnd better than Its stage brother. There nro flashes of Jnz. moments of extreme pathos, ninny clmcklos of laughter, wonderful gowns, ond n story comparublo only to "Tho ullrnclo Man." Uesldus tho throe stars, Caroth Hughes, Kathleen Clifford, John Mlltern and Walter Long tiro In the cast. Help Tut It Over Xlrrnlul llwoiitrs Violent. tlOSTO.W .Mnrch 2 1. Nicjhlln Sacco, convicted murderer, lieramo violent today nt tho Hoston psychopa thic hespllnl, whero he Is under ob servation as to his sanity. Ilefore lie could be subdued he had sustained several abrasions of tho forehead anil sculp. Hospital authorities said ho beenine ciulet Inter. She Refused Him ; "1 w.is ensured to the prettleKt 1 It 1 tie doll In Indiana, but my stomach I ami liver trouble Itml mnilo me so , Rrniiehy tlliit he liroKo It off. 1 llit'il all kmil.i i.f ineill. lne nnd iloetors ami got no relief. The gns blew me up i like n pnreuplne nnd 1 had nu-ful eollo I Hlt.-ii'kM. riii!illy I lienrtl of Mnyr'n Wendi'i rul Itenieily ii nd H tins evr , tnlnly flxt d me up flue. I nm mm ns Komi t;s fur." It is a Dimple, li.irm j lewi pvfT.niiidijn Unit ri'inuveM the ,ea llarrlml nu.m from the Inte-ttliuil ; trie t and iillui-s the li:riaiiiir.;itlon I which eellf.-s pi iietlenlly nil ntnnillrh, liver and tut.-mlruil nltnientu, liu-liid-Ing appendleltla. One ilnxe will con vliien or money refundeil. Tor snlo at all Druutjlatii. Adv. SPECIAL NOTICE The San Francisco Savings & Loan Society (THE SAN FRANCISCO BANK) Incorporated February, i863 Assets over 84,000,000.00 Beginning APRIL ist, 1923 INTEREST will be CREDITED on DEPOSITS QUARTERLY JANUARY . APRIL JULY OCTOBER and will earn interest Quarterly instead of Semi-annually as heretofore INTEREST WILL BE CREDITED APRIL Ist, 1923 AT THE RATE OF 4 PER ANNUM Another Surplus Sale We just got back from headquarters with the good news that we had beon aUoted another $160,000 worth surplus Army Goods at greatly reduced prices, and for each one of our stores to get busy and let our patrons know so they could take ad vantage of these wonderful reduction. And here they are: Army Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, ench 75$ Spruee Division Shirts, wool..... $2.59 $3.50 Wool Mixed Union Suits.. .....Sj51.89 Wright s Union Suits, 2-3 wool $2.29 Reclaimed 0. D. Shirts $1.39 New Wrap Legins 85? Campaign Hats - : 85 Mess Kits - - - :- --28 Jersey Gloves -.- - 16 .Reclaimed Army Overcoats '. - - $2.25 Aluminum Percolators ami Roasters 89? All Shoes at reduced prices. Sale will close Saturday, March 24. United Army Stores 32 CENTRAL AVENUE, SO. WATCH YOUR BATTERY I'RKRT-O-LITR BATTKHV STATION Cor Oulrk Kurncr Phnn ln USED CARS That have not been misused Prlcud rlRhl Crater Lake Automotive Co Clean the crank case after every 1,000 miles and when changing from one brand of motor oil to another. Flush crank case with . fresh motor oil never with kerosene or so called "flushing" oils. Lubricate with this ca rect grade of Cycol motor oil as shown on the new ' Cycol Recommendation Chart to the right Follow these important rules use Cycol Motor Oil for better engine performance and lowered maintenance costs. Cycol is the motor oil from which destructive "sulpho" com pounds have been removed. The new Hexeon Process, used only by us, does it. Thus, Cycol does not break down nor thin out rapidly under engine heat Cycol maintains an unbroken lubri cating film Cycol prevents many motor troubles. Follow the Cycol Recommendation Chart revised to include late models Different brands of motor oils have different "bodies." The safest, surest way to get the best performance from your motor is to use Cycol according to the Cycol Recommendation Chart, which is scientifically accurate. Cycol withstands engine heat and retains its "body." An oil that thins out rapidly may change from a "heavy" oil to a "light" oil after an hour's service this means faulty lubrication for your motor. Look on the Cycol Recommendation Chart for the correct grade of oil for your particular engine if not listed here, ask your dealer for the complete chart, or write us. ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY . Executive Offices 79 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco MOTOR OH," v:,v free from destructive "sidpfoo" compounds MOTOR OIL Recommendation Chart for pauengcr eor This alhevialed chart indicate: the correct grade of Cycol for use in engines of several makes of cars. Cycol Lubrication Charts specify the correct grades of Cycol for use in all types of internal combustion engines cars tractors aircraft marine engines motor-cycles, etc. Important Notice Cycol winter recommendations refer to climates wher temperatures average freezing during winter. L Light M-Medium H-Hcar SH-Sp.cl.l HT EH-Elr Hetrjr MSC-Minerl Steun Cjlind., Models 1923 1922 1921 1920 MAKE OF CAR B''TM''?J!!'.Vlg.M?SBa Allen M L American Six M L Anderson H M Apperson Eight H M Apperson Six M M Auburn M L Briscoe : M M Buick , . M L Cadillac M L Case M L Chalmers M L Chandler M L Chevrolet "FB" M L Chevrolet 490 M L Cleveland M L Cole H M Columbia M L Cunningham M M Daniels H M 1 Davis M L Dixie Flyer.... M M Dodge....... H M Dort H M Dorris H M Doble Steamer . . .- MSC MC Duesenberg ! H H Durant Four I H M DurantSix j H M Earl H M Elcar ! M M Elgin. . . I M M Essex i M L Ford M L Franklin i fi H Gardner ' M M H.C.8 i'H M Haynes Six I M M Haynes Twelve. ....... . Holms I Hudson ! M L Hupmobile H M Jackson Jewett M M Jordan M M King H M Kissel Six H M Kissel Twelve Lafayette j M M Leach H M Lexington j H M Liberty M M Linco(n ! M M Locomobile j H M Marmon ; H M Maxwell IM M McFarlan j H M Mercer ' H M Mitchell M M Moon i M M Nash Four 1 M M Nash Six . . I M M National Six H M National Twelve ' Oakland M M Oldsmobile Four ! M M Oldsmobilc Six . Oldsmobile Eight H M Overland M M Packard Six H M Packard Twelve H M Paige ill M Peerless ; , SH H Pierce-Arrow j M M Premier , H M Reo I H M Rickenbackrr M M Roanier M M Rolls-Royce H M Saxon i So ipp3-Booth Standard Stunley Sitamer KSC Steams-Knight SH Stephens I H Stcphrns-Durvea ! Studcbaker I H Ml Suti H M j Sheridan 4 . Templar , Vrlie M M Weitcott H M ' Wills-St. Claire H Mi Willys Knight S.H H Wuiton H M M L M L H M H M M M M L M M M L H M M L M M H M M L M M H M H M H M NSC HSC H H H M H M H M M M M M U L I M L ! H H ! M M H M M M M L H M M M M M H M H M M M H M H M M M M M H M H M M M H M H M M M M M M M M M H M M M M M H M M M H M H M H M SH H M M H M It M M M M M H M s i m E M L M L H M M M M L M M M I. H M M L M M H M M L H M H M H M KSC MSC MSC KSC H M M M arc msc; &n h 1 H M j H M j H M ' M M ' H M I H M FH H j H M I H M ! H M M M M L I M L I H H I M M i H M M M II M H M M L H M H M M M H M H M H M M M M M H M M M M M H M H M M M H M H M M M M M M M M M H M SH H M M M M H M M M H M H M H M EH H M M H M H M M M H M M M H M MSC MSC ! MSC EH H Sli H M ' H H M H H M I H K M .H i'.l M I M H M ' 1! M M ! M H ' M i H ' H M j SH II SH H M I H M M M H M H M H H M H H M H H H M M M M M H H M H H M M M M H SH M M M L I. M M L M L L L 1 L L L L L M L L M M M MSC M L L H M M M M M L M M M . M M M M M Mv M M M M M M M M M M M M H M M M M M H H SH M H H M H M H M M H M M M M M M M MC H M M M M M M M H H M